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Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589

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Construction and Building Materials

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Effective use of micro-silica extracted from rice husk ash for the
production of high-performance and sustainable cement mortar
Kaffayatullah Khan a, Muhammad Fahad Ullah b, Khan Shahzada b, Muhammad Nasir Amin a,⇑,
Tayyaba Bibi b, Nauman Wahab c, Abdullah Aljaafari d
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, King Faisal University (KFU), P. O. Box 380, Al-Hofuf, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Physics, College of Science, King Faisal University (KFU), P. O. Box 380, Al-Hofuf, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia

h i g h l i g h t s

 Micro silica extracted from RHA (EMS) possessed very high fineness and reactivity.
 Addition of EMS increases strength and decreases porosity of the mortar samples.
 Incorporation of EMS to mortar bar samples showed better resistance to ASR.
 EMS improved both micro and pore structure due to its high fineness and reactivity.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Utilization of high-performance and highly reactive sustainable materials in concrete are gaining popu-
Received 16 February 2020 larity nowadays for the development of strong, durable and sustainable infrastructures. Therefore, cur-
Received in revised form 13 May 2020 rent study focuses on viable use of highly reactive silica extracted from rice husk ash (RHA) for the
Accepted 14 May 2020
production of high-performance sustainable cement mortar. Mortar containing various percentages of
Available online 27 May 2020
extracted micro-silica (EMS) as a partial substitute of cement (5%, 15%, and 25%) were cast to test fresh
as well as hardened properties, and compare its results to that of control mortar. Test results showed that
the standard consistency increased with increasing percentage of EMS, whereas, a delay in the setting
Extracted micro silica
Strength and porosity
time was observed. The compressive and flexural strengths of all mortar mixes containing EMS were
Alkali–silica reactivity improved with aging and an effective role played by EMS in mitigating the expansion caused by the
SEM-EDS analysis alkali–silica reaction was observed. However, a slight reduction of strength at later ages was observed
Nitrogen adsorption in mortar having 25% EMS. At relatively low addition of EMS (5% and 15%), micro- and pore structural
FTIR analysis investigations revealed the formation of improved high-density C-S-H phases, which aid the formation
of refined and homogenous microstructures. The agglomeration was observed through micro- and pore
structural investigations in high dosage EMS mortars that occurred due to the oversaturation and poor
dispersion, which consequently affected the hydration products and increased the porosity of the paste
matrix. The current findings suggest that the reactive silica resource extracted from RHA can be used as a
potential revenue stream in concrete industry for the development of high-performance and sustainable
cement mortar.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction As a fundamental building material, concrete plays a significant

role in the construction and infrastructure development of a coun-
Concrete, a heterogeneous mixture of natural and synthetic try, thus contributing toward its economic and social development.
constituents, is one of the most vital, highly adaptable, and exten- Owing to the overwhelming growth of infrastructure development,
sively employed building construction materials around the world. concrete is being increasingly used. Globally, the annual consump-
tion of concrete has surpassed 25 billion tons [1]. This increase in
concrete consumption places enormous pressure on the cement
⇑ Corresponding author.
industry to increase its yield, which is approximately 4.1 billion
E-mail address: mgadir@kfu.edu.sa (M.N. Amin).

0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589

tons per year currently [2]. However, excessive consumption of addition of RHA resulted in an elimination of cracks caused by
concrete has several adverse effects on the environment such as ASR expansion. Le et al. [45] found that the control and mitigation
the excessive utilization of natural resources, including the extrac- of ASR is dependent on the particle size of the RH. Zerbino et al.
tion of coarse and fine aggregates [3,4]. Furthermore, the cement [31] investigated the effect of natural rice husk ash and grinded
industry is one of the primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions, rice husk ash as a partial substitute of cement in mortar and con-
especially CO2. Cement manufacturing is responsible for 5% of the crete. The addition of grinded rice husk ash exhibited better perfor-
global anthropogenic CO2 emissions [5–7]. In the cement industry, mance, resulted in improved mechanical properties, and reduced
the calcination process (CO2 is released from calcium carbonate to alkali silica expansion. Hasparyk et al. [46] replaced cement with
form calcium oxide) is mainly responsible for approximately 50% SF and RHA in different proportions in mortar bars containing reac-
of CO2 emissions, whereas the remaining half is linked with the tive aggregates and observed a significant reduction in the alkali
usage of energy during the production process [8]. silica expansion, despite the presence of reactive aggregates.
There is an urgent need to preserve the natural environment by Recently, high strength and high-performance concrete have
reducing CO2 emissions to solve the problems of climate change been utilized significantly throughout the world. To produce
and global warming. Different methods and materials have been high-performance concrete, SF is used all over globe due to its very
employed to control excessive CO2 emissions in the cement indus- fine size and highly reactive silica particles. This is because it not
try, such as shifting toward renewable energy sources, modifica- only increases strength, but also reduce permeability, and bleeding
tions in the manufacturing processes of clinkers, and partial or [47–48]. In general, the SF is obtained as a by-product during the
full replacement of cement by supplementary cementing materials production of silicon and ferrosilicon alloys at a very high temper-
(SCMs) [9,10]. According to Mehta and Ashish [11], the most ature around 2000 °C in the electric arc furnace [11]. Due to the
prominent and cost-effective strategies are the addition of alterna- increasing demand of silica in concrete and other industries, many
tive materials having cementitious properties during the manufac- studies have been conducted on the extraction of silica from differ-
turing stage or a direct replacement of cement at the construction ent sources such as silica sand, dourite sand and waste colored
site. Furthermore, the increase in CO2 emissions from the cement glass and so on. However, silica extracted from these raw materials
industry could be reversed if cement is replaced by up to 30% with required different complex processes such as crushing, high-
SCMs [12]. For the last few decades, various industrial and agricul- energy milling, purification from impurities and so on, while, in
tural residual wastes have been used as secondary cementitious other cases sintering at high temperatures [49–52]. On the other
(pozzolanic) materials for the partial substitution of cement. These hand, the silica extracted from organic sources such as RHA and
SCMs include fly ash [12–16], cement kiln dust [17,18], granulated sugarcane bagasse ash was found as good quality and energy effi-
blast furnace slag [19–20], silica fume (SF) [11,21], volcanic ash cient. Silica obtained from RHA exhibited high chemical reactivity
[22], sugarcane bagasse ash [23–25], wheat straw ash [26], and rice and amorphousness, and a high purity level [53–55]. Recently, the
husk ash (RHA) [27–31]. The addition of these pozzolanic materials sustainability assessment of different applications of RHA has been
significantly enhanced the mechanical properties of concrete conducted, including the extraction of micro-silica from RHA [56].
[1,2,4,24,27,32,33]. Furthermore, it also improved the resistance The EMS could be an economical and eco-friendly substitute of SF
of concrete to sulfate and chloride attacks [16,34]. [57].
The utilization of these supplementary materials further helps Despite the high purity and chemical reactivity of silica
in providing a sustainable solution to the waste generated from extracted from RHA, studies found a very limited research on its
the industrial and agriculture sectors, especially in developing potential use in mortar and concrete. Cavalcante et al. [58] evalu-
countries where proper disposal of agro-wastes is a significant ated the effect of silica extracted from RHA on strength and
issue. Among agricultural wastes, rice husk (RH) is considered microstructure of cement paste. According to their findings, use
one of the most dominant crop residues. Its worldwide annual pro- of a 16% silica extracted from RHA as a partial substitute of cement
duction is expected to be higher than 150 million tons [35]. How- enhanced the compressive strength significantly at all ages. At age
ever, only 17% of this amount is utilized, whereas the remaining of 28 days, it resulted in greater compressive strength as compared
83% is dumped as waste or burnt in open fields, causing water to control (100% cement) and those containing 40% metakaolin.
and soil pollution [36]. Consequently, research and development The improved compressive strength of paste containing silica
have been conducted in various industrial and agricultural sectors was attributed to high fineness and reactivity of silica extracted
to exploit RH as a source of energy—for instance, RH acts as a fuel from RHA, which ultimately led to increased pozzolanic reaction,
source in rice milling operations, producing steam in the power better filling ability and acceleration of hydration reaction. The
generation units or electricity [28,35]. Burnt RH yields RHA, which high pozzolanic reactivity of silica extracted from RHA and its
contains a high percentage of silica i.e., approximately 90%; how- influence in better mechanical performance was confirmed by
ever, this percentage varies with the burning conditions. They fur- microstructural investigation of paste samples. Lima et al. [54]
ther stated that burning RH at a control temperature yields high studied the performance of silica extracted from RHA through
silica contents, varying between 90% and 95% [37]. Before advance- hydrothermal process in cement paste. The modified Chapelli test
ments in the field of green technology, RHA was often dumped in result showed high consumption of calcium hydroxide by
landfills or rivers, which resulted in the contamination of the nat- extracted silica, which confirmed the amorphous nature of silica
ural environment [38]. Therefore, without proper treatment and extracted from RHA. They further demonstrated that the cement
utilization, RHA cannot be termed eco-friendly [39]. paste with 5% extracted silica as a partial substitute of cement
Subsequently, the development of green materials has enabled showed significantly improved compressive strength as compared
researchers to incorporate RHA as a partial replacement of cement. to control (100% cement) at all ages.
Several studies have highlighted the effectiveness of RHA as a sub- The existing studies are only focused on to evaluate the effect of
stituting cementitious material for the replacement of cement in silica extracted from RHA on the chemical reactivity and
concrete and cement mortar [29–31,35,40–42]. Beside its positive microstructural properties of cementitious matrix. Hence, it is very
impact on improving the mechanical properties of concrete, RHA important and necessary to further evaluate the effect of silica
can used in mitigating expansion due to alkali silica reaction extracted from RHA on the mechanical, durability and micro and
(ASR) [43]. According to Abbas et al. [44], alkali silica expansion pore structural properties of cement mortar. Therefore, this study
of cement paste containing 10 and 40% RHA as a substitute of aims to evaluate the effect of micro silica extracted from RHA as
cement was reduced by 23 and 50%, respectively. Moreover, the a replacement of cement on macro and micro structural properties
K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589 3

to produce high performance and sustainable mortar matrix. The physical and chemical properties of RHA [59]. The initial investiga-
physical and chemical properties of cement, RHA, and EMS were tion showed that the sample collected from Charsadda area, when
evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), burned in a refractory kiln at 700 °C for 24 h, exhibited better
and surface area analysis techniques. Mortar mixes, namely, con- chemical and mineralogical properties. Subsequently, RHA was
trol mortar (CM) having 100% cement and mortars containing var- subjected to different processes for extracting silica, which is the
ious percentages of EMS (5%, 15%, and 25%) as a partial substitute main element responsible for the pozzolanic properties of these
of cement, were prepared, and the consistency and setting behav- materials. The chemical and physical properties of cement, RHA,
ior of the fresh mortar mixes were examined. The compressive and and EMS are shown in Table 2.
flexural strengths, porosity, and alkali–silica reactivity were also
investigated for the hardened mortar samples. Finally, the effect 3.1.1. Extraction of silica from RHA
of EMS on the micro- and pore structures of the paste samples The silica extraction process was performed in 11 steps, as indi-
was investigated by performing scanning electron microscopy/ cated by the flow diagram in Fig. 1. This technique was previously
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), nitrogen adsorp- established by Kalapathy et al. [60,55], and adapted by Cavalcante
tion, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses. et al. [58] and Lima et al. [54].
Pore and microstructure analyses were performed to understand The first phase includes the treatment of RHA with hydrochloric
the formation of hydration products due to the addition of EMS acid to remove different impurities, especially the oxides of cal-
to the cement matrix. cium and potassium [49]. Subsequently, the sample was heated
until boiling, vigorously agitated for one hour using a hotplate with
2. Research significance a magnetic stirrer, and cooled under ambient temperature. Sample
filtration was then performed using a vacuum pump and Whatman
The demand of high strength and high-performance concrete is no. 41 filter paper, followed by a treatment of the ash with 1 M of
increasing due to recent advancement in the development of sodium hydroxide solution to solubilize the silica contents present
infrastructure. Silica based materials (micro and nano silica) from in the sample (treated ash), producing sodium silicate at stage 5
natural and synthetic sources or as industrial by products, play [54]. The chemical reaction is given in Eq. (1).
an important role in the production of these high strength and
SiO2 + 2NaOH ! Na2 SiO3 + H2 O ð1Þ
high-performance concrete. Therefore, the purpose of current
research is to boost the scientific understanding and enhance the The silicate was then boiled for two hours and cooled, similar to
available knowledge on impact of micro silica extracted from steps 2 and 3. The solid residue was then removed by filtering the
RHA on mechanical and microstructural properties of mortar. The sample using a vacuum pump and Whatman no. 41 filter paper.
unique aspect of current research is the identification and under- The sodium silicate solution was then treated with hydrochloric
standing of the dosage of micro silica extracted from RHA on the acid to reduce the pH to neutral, thus producing a gel, followed
strength, porosity, ASR and micro and pore structural properties by the addition of a dilute solution of sulfuric acid under constant
of mortar under conventional laboratory mixing environment. stirring to acidify the solution (pH 1–2). A glass rod was used to
The aim of this work is focused on the possible use of micro silica disintegrate and disrupt the gel structure, followed by thorough
extracted from RHA in the concrete industry to produce stronger, washing using distilled water to remove the remaining impurities.
durable, and sustainable concrete. Subsequently, the solution was vigorously agitated, forming gel
precipitation, and the water was discarded. This washing process
3. Materials and methods was performed five times until the sodium chloride, produced at
stage 9, was completely removed. Finally, the sample was oven-
3.1. Materials dried for 25 h at 100 °C to obtain silica. Cavalcante et al. [58] stated
that complete drying is achieved by maintaining the sample at
In this study, a commercially available OPC Type I fulfilling the 100 °C for 25 h.
requirements of ASTM C150 was used. A naturally available fine
aggregate, having a specific gravity of 2.57 and water absorption 3.1.2. Mix proportions
of 2.98%, was used for the preparation of the mortar mixes. The In addition to control, three binary mixes by substituting
fineness modulus (FM) of the fine aggregate, calculated according cement with various percentages of EMS were prepared. Table 3
to ASTM C33, was 2.56 as shown in Table 1. In the initial phase, shows the quantities of ingredients for mortar mixes used in this
RH was collected from different regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa study. The required quantities for different mixes were calculated
province, and subjected to different heating temperatures and according to ASTM C109 [61]. For all mixes, a standard water to
durations to optimize the process of obtaining an RHA sample with cement ratio of 0.485 was selected, while, the sand to cement ratio
high silica content. Several researchers highlighted the effect of soil was 2.75. In this study, control mortar having 100% OPC is identi-
and climatic conditions, burning temperature, and duration on the fied as CM, and mortar containing 5%, 15% and 25% EMS as a partial

Table 1
Grain size distribution of fine aggregate (EN 196-1 and ISO 679:2009).

Sieve # Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) Weight Retained (%) Cumulative Passing (%) Cumulative Retained (%)
3/8 in. 9.5 0 0 100 0
No. 4 4.75 0 0 100 0
No. 8 2.36 40 8 92 8
No. 16 1.18 65 13 79 21
No. 30 0.600 100 20 59 41.1
No. 50 0.300 205 41.1 18 82.2
No. 100 0.150 80 16 2 98
Pan - 10 10 – –
Fineness Modulus (FM) = (0 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 21 + 41.1 + 82.2 + 98)/100 = 2.51
4 K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589

Table 2 replacement of cement are identified as EMS-5, EMS-15 and EMS-

Physical and chemical properties of cement. RHA and EMS. 25, respectively.
Physical properties 3.2. Experimental methods
Specific gravity (g/cm3) 3.15 2.83 2.15
Fineness (m2/g) 0.360 (Blain) – 36.58 (BET)
3.2.1. Standard consistency and setting times
Chemical properties (oxides, % by weight)
SiO2 21 96.109 99.832
The measurement of the rheological properties of fresh paste
Al2O3 5.04 – – plays an important role in determining the water requirement of
Fe2O3 3.24 0.396 0.065 cement mortar and concrete to set their flow and workability
CaO 61.7 1.033 0.031 requirements, respectively. Moreover, it is important in determin-
MgO 2.56 – –
ing hydration behavior and hardened properties at a later stage.
SO3 1.51 0.206 –
K2O 0.62 1.159 0.045 The later-age strength and durability performance of mortar and
Na2O 0.13 – – concrete are largely dependent upon the degree of dispersion of
TiO2 – 0.032 0.017 cement particles in the water [62]. Therefore, in this study, the
CuO – 0.0013 0.010
effect of various percentages of EMS (5%, 15%, and 25%) on water
MnO – 0.061 –
LOI** 1.83 1.002 –
requirement and setting times (initial and final) were investigated
IR*** 0.54 – – by measuring the standard consistency of the pastes using the
Free lime 0.68 – – VICAT apparatus in accordance with ASTM C187 and ASTM C191,
Compounds (%) respectively [63,64].
C2S 52.1 – –
C3S 19.6 – –
C3A 8.17 – – 3.2.2. Strength and porosity
C4AF 8.81 – – In this study, 50 mm mortar cubes were prepared to investigate
*ASTM C618; ** LOI = loss on ignition; ***IR = Insoluble residue. the influence of various percentages of EMS on compressive
strength and porosity. For each mortar mix (Table 3), 18 identical
cubes specimens were cast at once to maintain uniformity among
1. Cleaning them, and later divided into two groups of nine samples each to
(RHA+HCl+H2O) investigate the development of compressive strength and to mea-
sure the porosity with respect to aging at 14, 28, and 56 days. The
2. Heating and Stirring for 1 hour
mixing of standard mortar and casting into steel mold were per-
formed according to ASTM C109 [61]. For flexural strength, nine
3. Cooling at room temperature rectangular beams of dimensions 150  50  50 mm
(length  height  thickness) were cast to test three identical spec-
4. Filtering and discarding liquid residue imens at the ages of 14, 28, and 56 days to investigate the influence
of EMS on flexural behavior. Immediately after casting, the rectan-
5. Extraction gular beam molds were filled with mortar following the methods
(Clean Ash +NaOH) specified by ASTM C348-14 [65]. After casting, all the specimens,
mortars cubes and rectangular beams, were stored in a laboratory
6. Heating and Stirring for 2 hours
under constant temperature and humidity conditions (T = 23 °C
and RH = 60%). All the specimens were demolded after 24 h of cast-
7. Cooling at room temperature. ing, and continuously moist-cured under the standard laboratory
conditions of temperature until the age of testing.
8. Filtering and discarding solid residue A universal testing machine (UTM) was used to perform the
compressive strength tests on the mortar cubes (ASTM C109),
9. Gelification and flexural tests on the rectangular beams using the four-point
(Sodium Silicate Solution + HCL + H2SO4).
loading method (ASTM C 348-14). In flexural tests, the length of
the span between the supports was equally divided into three parts
10. Gel disintegration and washing .
to ensure a uniform loading on the specimen. At each testing age
(14, 28, and 56 days), the compression and flexural tests were per-
111. Oven drying at 100 oC for 25 hours
formed on three identical specimens of each mix (CM, EMS-5, EMS-
15, and EMS-25) to calculate their average values.
Amorphous Silica Immediately after the compression tests, the porosity of the
mortar cubes was measured at the same ages (14, 28, and 56 days)
Fig. 1. Schematic flow diagram for the extraction of amorphous micro silica from to validate the compressive strength results indirectly. The poros-
ity of the mortar cubes was determined by weighing the samples in
various moisture states. In their previous study, the authors pro-
vided the details of the method adopted to measure porosity

Table 3
Mixture proportions of mortar samples for compressive and flexural tests, porosity, and ASR expansion (w/cm = 0.485; cm:s = 1:2.75).

Mix ID Quantities (g)

Cement Replacement (%) Water Cement EMS Sand
Control Mortar (CM) 0 242.5 500 0 1375
Mortar containing 5% EMS (EMS-5) 5 242.5 475 25 1375
Mortar containing 15% EMS (EMS-15) 15 242.5 425 75 1375
Mortar containing 25% EMS (EMS-25) 25 242.5 375 125 1375
K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589 5

[66]. After weighing, the porosity of the mortar samples was calcu- USA). A sample of approximately 0.2 g was used for each measure-
lated as follows: ment. The samples were first degassed to remove any contami-
nants absorbed due to their exposure to environment. The
ðW ssd  W od Þ
q¼  100% ð2Þ nitrogen absorption of the samples was performed at a controlled
ðW ssd  W w Þ pressure and ambient temperature. The N2 sorptiometry study was
where q is the porosity calculated as a percentage, Ww is the weight performed at 273 K.
of the sample in water, Wssd is the saturated surface dry weight of FTIR analysis. Additional characterization of the phases
the sample, and Wod is the oven-dried weight of the sample. present in the paste samples was performed using FTIR with a Per-
kin Elmer Spectrum Two Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer.
3.2.3. Alkali–silica reaction (ASR) The dried powder samples were directly placed under an infrared
The effect of EMS on the mitigation of the expansion due to ASR light source and infrared spectra were collected between
was measured according to the ASTM C1260 standard [67]. As per 400 cm1 and 4000 cm1.
the standard, two mortar bars (dimensions 25  25  285 mm)
were prepared for the control (100% cement) and the other mixes 4. Results and discussion
having various percentages of EMS. Part of the natural sand was
replaced with crushed glass aggregates of sizes ranging 4.7– 4.1. Standard consistency
1.18 mm to activate ASR [68]. After casting, the mortar bars were
cured under standard condition. After 24 h, the mortar bars were Table 4 shows the influence of the increase in the amount of
demolded and the initial readings were measured using a com- EMS on the standard consistency of the cement paste. It can be
parator. After the initial readings, the samples were again cured observed that the requirement of water increased linearly with
in an oven at 80 °C for the next 24 h. After the completion of oven the increase in the amount of EMS in the paste. The main reason
curing, the samples were removed, and the readings were consid- for this increased water requirement in the paste is the low specific
ered as zero reading. Finally, the mortar bars were placed in 1 M gravity and higher specific surface area of EMS as compared with
NaOH solution and maintained in an oven at 80 °C. The length those of cement. The specific gravity and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
change of the mortar bars was measured at 16 days from the day (BET) specific surface area of the EMS used in this study are 2.15
of casting. and 36.6 m2/g, respectively. Thus, the porous structure and very
fine particles of EMS evidently need more water than the normal
3.2.4. Micro- and pore structure investigation cement particles to maintain the desired flow. The consistency
The micro- and pore structures of all the samples were investi- results of the current study coincide with the past findings of sev-
gated by using XRF, FTIR, SEM-EDS analysis, and nitrogen adsorp- eral researchers. According to Rao [70], the water requirement of
tion. The equipment and parameters used for these experimental cement pastes containing 20% to 30% SF was significantly increased
techniques are described below: by as much as 40% compared with that of the control sample (100%
cement only). Qing et al. [71] investigated the influence of nano- Casting and curing of paste samples for micro- and pore silica and observed very high consistency values compared with
structure analysis. Samples of control cement paste (CP) and pastes those of the corresponding control samples with 100% cement. In
having various percentages of EMS as a partial substitute of cement fact, the very fine particles of EMS can easily adjust their position
(by weight) were prepared. The pastes were mixed using a Hobart to occupy the empty spaces between cement particles. This leads
mixer. The fresh pastes were poured in plastic containers of diam- to a reduction in the size of flow channels, particularly when high
eter 20 mm and height 50 mm. Immediately after casting, the plas- doses of EMS (15% and 25%) are used; thus, more water is eventu-
tic containers were caped, sealed, and cured in a laboratory under ally required to maintain a standard consistency.
standard room temperature. After 28 days of curing, the samples
were dried to stop the hydration process by using the solvent 4.2. Initial and final setting times
exchange method. Accordingly, the thin slices and powder samples
were washed with isopropanol for 15 min [69]. After washing, the Table 4 shows the comparison of initial and final setting times
samples were maintained in a laboratory oven for 30 min at 40 °C. between the CM and the mortars containing different percentages
After the stoppage of hydration, the samples were stored in sealed of EMS. It can be observed in Fig. 2 that both the initial and final
plastic bags until the time of testing. setting times increase with an increase in the percentage of EMS. X-Ray florescence (XRF) analysis. The elemental composi- The initial and final setting times of the mortar containing a low
tions of cement, RHA, and EMS were measured by using percentage of EMS (5%) were not affected much and increased by
wavelength-dispersive (WD) XRF spectrometry. The chemical anal- only 4.1% compared with that of the CM. However, higher percent-
ysis was performed on the ground samples, and the results are ages of EMS (15% and 25%) affected the setting times significantly,
shown in Table 2. The RHA sample mainly consists of silica which increased by 7.6% and 19.8%, respectively, compared with
(96.109%) and a few trace elements. The chemical composition of that of the CM. These results coincide with the findings of previous
the silica extracted from RHA demonstrates its high purity, which studies on adding SF as a partial substitute of cement. Alshamsi
is 99.832%. SEM-EDS analysis. SEM-EDS analysis was performed on
thick slices of the hardened paste by using a JSM-IT100 scanning Table 4
electron microscope. The thick slices of hardened paste were dried Standard consistency and setting time results of control and mortars containing
different percentages of EMS.
using the solvent exchange method with isopropanol as mentioned
above. The morphological and compositional variations of all the Mix ID Consistency Initial setting Final setting
samples were evaluated. (%) time (min) time (min) Nitrogen adsorption. Nitrogen adsorption analysis was CM 27 145 243

EMS-5 34 151 253
performed for the characterization of the surface area and pore
EMS-15 37 156 269
structure using the powder samples extracted from hardened paste EMS-25 39.5 174 291
and a nitrogen sorption analyzer (NOVA2200e, Quanta chrome,
6 K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589

C618, the compressive strength of mixes containing cement-

substituting pozzolanic materials must be at least 75% that of the
corresponding CM at 28 days. According to ASTM C311, the
strength activity index values are mainly calculated to evaluate
the reactivity of mineral admixtures with cement.
From the comparison of results, it was observed that the com-
pressive strength values of mortars containing EMS were signifi-
cantly higher than that of the CM up to 28 days. For instance, the
compressive strength of the mortar containing 5% EMS was higher
than that of the CM by 37.6% and 64.2% at 14 and 28 days, respec-
tively (Table 5). The mortar containing 15% EMS exhibited higher
strength than the CM by 23.9% and 51.6% at 14 and 28 days, respec-
tively. Lima et al. [54] and Cavalcante et al. [58], respectively also
observed the increase in compressive strength of cement pastes
due to adding 5% and 16% silica extracted from RHA as a partial
substitute of cement. These results of increased strength can be
attributed to the presence of reactive amorphous SiO2 along with
high fineness in mortars containing EMS. According to the past
findings of several researchers, the presence of reactive amorphous
Fig. 2. Effect of EMS (5, 15 and 25%) on initial and final setting times.
SiO2 in SF having pozzolanic nature and its high fineness lead to a
significant enhancement of the strength of cement mortar and con-
et al. [69] reported an insignificant influence of adding a low per- crete composites [73,74]. In this study, the high fineness and reac-
centage of micro-silica (10%) on the setting times and a 6%–20% tivity of EMS resulted in the formation of more cementing gel (C-S-
increase in the setting times when 20% micro-silica was used as H), eventually decreasing C–H in the matrix. This leads to the
a replacement of cement. According to Lohtia and Joshi [72], the remarkably high strength of EMS mixes (EMS-5, EMS-15, and
setting time was delayed due to the addition of SF in concrete in EMS-25) as demonstrated by the denser C-S-H phases in the
the absence of a water-reducing admixture compared with that SEM-EDS analyses.
of a concrete of equal strength with no SF. Therefore, the increase Unlike mortars containing low percentages of EMS (5% and
in the setting times of EMS mortars compared with that of the CM 15%), the percentage increase in the strength of the mortar con-
may be due to the non-use of a water reducer in the current mixes. taining 25% EMS is low. The strength of the mortar containing
25% EMS was only 8.01% and 10.6% higher than that of the CM at
14 and 28 days, respectively. The strength values of all the EMS
4.3. Effect of EMS on the compressive strength of mortar with aging mixes were higher than that of the CM. However, the comparison
of the obtained results among the mortars containing EMS sug-
Fig. 3 shows the comparison of compressive strength results of gests that the percentage increase in the strength compared with
the CM and the mortars containing different percentages of EMS that of the CM slightly decreased with an increase in the amount
with aging. The results show that the mortars containing EMS of EMS from 5% to 15%, and reduced significantly with an increase
exhibited remarkably higher compressive strength compared with in the amount of EMS from 15% to 25%. At high percentages of EMS,
the corresponding CM at all ages (14, 28, and 56 days), except for agglomeration occurs due to oversaturation and improper disper-
25% EMS, which showed a slightly lower compressive strength sion. This leads to reduced hydration and ultimately the formation
than the CM by only 1.10% at 56 days. Nevertheless, these results of a low-density and porous gel structure, as demonstrated by
indicate that the mortars containing EMS up to 25% easily satisfied micro- and pore structural investigations [75].
the ASTM C618 criteria of strength activity index (ASTM C311) for Moreover, the percentage increase in the strength compared
cement-substituting pozzolanic materials. According to ASTM with that of the CM in all the EMS mixes increases with aging, par-
ticularly at the early ages from 14 to 28 days. The increase in
strength compared with that of the CM in the mortars with 5%,
15%, and 25% EMS was 37.6%, 23.9%, and 8.01%, respectively, at
14 days, and it increased to 64.2%, 51.6%, and 10.6%, respectively,
at 28 days. However, unlike at the early ages (14 to 28 days), the
percentage increase in the strength of all the EMS mixes compared
with that of the CM slightly reduced with aging at the later ages
(28 to 56 days). It was observed that the increase in strength of
the mortars with 5% and 15% EMS at 56 days is 53.7% and 48.5%
higher than that of the CM, respectively, at the corresponding
age. These values are slightly less than the corresponding increases
of 64.2% and 51.6% compared with that of the CM at 28 days,
respectively. Contrary to the above strength results of the mortars
with lower percentages of EMS (5% and 15%), the strength of the
mortar with 25% EMS was even lesser than that of the CM at
56 days. It was observed that the strength of the mortar containing
25% EMS was only less than that of the corresponding CM by 1.10%
at 56 days. As discussed earlier, when 25% EMS is used, poor dis-
persion leads to increased agglomeration, thus reducing the hydra-
tion reaction and causing the formation of weak products. This
Fig. 3. Comparison of compressive strength evolution between CM and mortars resulted in lesser strength of the mortars containing relatively high
having various percentages of EMS. amounts of EMS [76].
K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589 7

Table 5
Compressive strength, flexural strength and porosity of different mortar mixes with aging.

Mix ID Compressive strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Porosity (%)

Age (days)
14 28 56 14 28 56 14 28 56
CM 15.0 16.9 20.3 3.39 3.83 4.72 19.40 16.20 14.57
EMS-5 20.6 27.8 31.2 4.25 5.62 6.40 18.18 15.33 13.82
EMS-15 18.6 25.6 30.2 3.93 4.75 5.72 18.41 15.69 14.19
EMS-25 16.2 18.7 20.1 3.55 3.89 4.39 19.10 15.05 15.09

4.4. Effect of EMS on the flexural strength of mortar with aging whereas their respective percentage increases in the compressive
strength were 53.7% and 48.5%. Similar to the decrease in the com-
Fig. 4 shows the comparison of flexural strength results of the pressive strength by 1.10% in the mix with 25% EMS at 56 days, an
mortars containing different percentages of EMS with that of the even higher decrease in the flexural strength, i.e., by 6.9%, was
CM with aging. As with the compressive strength, the comparison observed.
of results shows that the mortars containing EMS had significantly
higher flexural strength than the corresponding CM at all ages (14, 4.5. Effect of EMS on the porosity of cement mortars with aging
28, and 56 days), except for the reduction in the flexural strength of
the mortar containing 25% EMS compared with that of the CM by Fig. 5 shows the comparison of porosity between the CM and
6.9% at 56 days. As discussed in the preceding section, the com- the mortars containing different percentages of EMS with aging.
pressive strength of the mortar with 25% EMS was only lower than The porosity was measured mainly to validate the experimental
that of the CM by 1.10% at the same age. All the other observations results of the compressive and flexural strengths of the studied
discussed earlier for the compressive strength can be equivalently mortars indirectly. The porosity shown in Fig. 5 is an average value
applied to the results of flexural strength. The only difference for the three identical mortar cubes. These results indicate that the
observed is in the percentage increase values of flexural strength porosity of the mortar decreased with aging for all the mortar
of the mixes containing EMS compared with that of the corre- mixes, due to the consumption of water by the hydration reaction
sponding CM. For instance, the increases in the flexural strength and the generation of a solid gel in the matrix. The trend of
of the EMS mixes compared with that of the CM are slightly lower decreasing porosity with aging validates the results of the increase
relative to their respective increases in compressive strength both in the strength with aging for all the mortars (control and those
at early (14 and 28 days) and later ages (56 days). At the early age containing EMS), which were discussed in the preceding sections.
of 14 days, the flexural strength values of the mixes with 5%, 15%, Moreover, it can be observed from Fig. 5 that the porosity of the
and 25% EMS were higher than that of the CM by 25.3%, 15.8%, and mortars containing EMS decreased compared with that of the cor-
4.85%, respectively, whereas their percentage increases in the com- responding CM at all ages, except in the mortar with 25% EMS,
pressive strength at the same age were quite high at 37.6%, 23.9%, whose porosity exceeded that of the CM by 3.6% at 56 days. This
and 8.01%, respectively. A similar trend was observed at 28 days, finding also supports the strength results, as the compressive and
where the flexural strength values of the mixes with 5%, 15%, flexural strengths of the mortars containing EMS were observed
and 25% EMS were higher than that of the CM by 46.8%, 24%, and to be higher than that of the corresponding CM at all ages, except
1.66%, respectively. These values are quite low compared with in the mortar with 25% EMS, whose compressive and flexural
their respective percentage increases in the compressive strength strengths were lower than that of the CM by 1.10% and 6.84% at
(64.2%, 51.6%, and 10.6%, respectively), particularly for the mixes 56 days, respectively.
containing high amounts of EMS (15% and 25%). At a later age At any particular age (14, 28, or 56 days), the percentage
(56 days), the percentage increases in the flexural strength of the decrease in porosity compared with that of the CM decreases with
mixes with 5% and 15% EMS were 35.5% and 21.2%, respectively, an increase in the amount of EMS from 5% to 25%. A similar trend
was observed for the percentage increases in the compressive and

Fig. 4. Comparison of flexural strength evolution between CM and mortars having

various percentages of EMS. Fig. 5. Porosity of mortars with and without EMS with aging.
8 K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589

flexural strengths at any particular age, which decreased with an mixes [75]. Therefore, the poor dispersion of EMS leads to the for-
increase in the amount of EMS from 5% to 25%. mation of agglomerates with little or no cement hydration prod-
According to the porosity results (Table 5), the porosities of the ucts, as observed in the SEM images. These agglomerates would
mortars containing 5%, 15%, and 25% EMS are lower than that of the act as nucleation sites for the ASR gel and do not contribute toward
CM at 14 days by 6.3%, 5.1%, and 1.5%, respectively. With aging, the durability against ASR. Overall, all the percentage replacements of
difference of porosity between the CM and the mortars containing EMS (5%, 15%, and 25%) showed ASR expansion values less than 0.1
EMS slightly decreased. At 28 days, the porosities of EMS-5, EMS- at 16 days after casting, demonstrating the effectiveness of EMS in
15, and EMS-25 were 5.4%, 3.1%, and 0.93% lower than that of mitigating ASR expansion.
the CM, respectively. With further aging, at 56 days, the trend of
porosities was almost similar to that at 28 days in the mixes with 4.7. SEM-EDS analysis of paste samples
relatively low amounts of EMS (5% and 15%). The porosities of the
mortar mixes with 5% and 15% EMS at 56 days were 5.1% and 2.6% The SEM micro scans and EDS elemental analysis results for the
lower than that of the corresponding CM, respectively, whereas, in control and the mixes containing various percentages of EMS are
25% EMS, the porosity was 3.6% higher. The above trends of the shown in Fig. 7.
percentage decrease or increase in the porosities of any mix at The visual observation of the digital micrograph demonstrates
any particular age are almost consistent with the trends of percent- that, compared with the control sample, both EMS-5 and EMS-15
age increase or decrease in the strengths. samples showed a denser and compact matrix. This may be attrib-
These results suggest that up to 15% of cement may be replaced uted to the high reactivity of EMS, which causes the formation of
with EMS in its future application as a construction material. This dense hydration products and a more refined microstructure. How-
is because it has produced satisfactory strength results, which have ever, as indicated in Fig. 7 for EMS-25, microstructure become rel-
been validated through extensive porosity and micro- and pore atively less dense and porous due to an increased amount of EMS.
structural analyses. The use of higher percentages of EMS such as To identify the signs of unreacted particles and agglomeration of
25% is not recommended mainly due to the low increase in silica particles, the location of accumulated particles and large
strength up to 28 days followed by a slight reduction in both com- voids are marked on SEM image. These accumulated particles are
pressive and flexural strengths at later ages. expectedly the unreacted cement and micro silica particles, which
can be attributed to oversaturation and insufficient mixing. More-
over, the large voids shown are a sign of partial agglomeration of
4.6. Expansion due to alkali–silica reaction (ASR) EMS particles, which could be due to oversaturation and poor dis-
persion of very fine silica particles in the matrix. According to
Fig. 6 shows the expansion of the CM and the mixes containing Nazari et al. [75] and Said et al. [76], agglomeration of fine silica
different percentages of EMS due to ASR. According to ASTM particles causes reduction in the cement hydration due to localized
C1260, if the expansion of the mortar bar is between 0.1 and 0.2 dehydration, which leads to the formation of void with little or no
at 16 days after casting, then the aggregate is regarded as reactive strength bearing structures and thus, ultimately responsible for
and can cause deleterious expansion. The average expansion of CM reduced mechanical resistance and durability performance.
bars was 0.175, which shows the high reactivity of the aggregate The atomic ratio of Ca/Si of the cement paste matrix calculated
used in the study. using EDS analysis was considered an important parameter from
The ASR results show that the CM causes greater expansion the point of view of material chemistry in evaluating the role of
than the mortars containing EMS. This may be attributed to the for- mineral admixtures in cement and concrete for the design of sus-
mation of more C-S-H because of the accelerated pozzolanic reac- tainable concrete mixes with low carbon footprint [80]. The litera-
tivity of EMS. The high pozzolanic reactivity of EMS also helps in ture studies show that the chemistry of hydration products such as
the reduction of pore water and the fixation of alkali, thus decreas- C-S-H and C-H is mainly dependent on the activity of Ca and Si ions
ing the tendency of promoting ASR gel expansion [77–79]. The ASR present in the pore solution during the hydration process. The Ca/
results also demonstrate that mortar bars samples having 5% EMS Si atomic ratio of C-S-H generally varies from 0.67 to 2.0. Lower
(0.043) showed better resistance to ASR expansion than those hav- values of Ca/Si ratio showed compacted and denser microstruc-
ing high percentages of EMS i.e., 15% (0.072) and 25% (0.083). The tures because of the formation of the denser C-S-H product. The
high dosage of EMS causes dispersion-related issues in the mortar Ca/Si ratio values higher than 2.0 represent the presence of C-H
phase and the greater these values, the higher is the C-H content
The values of the Ca/Si atomic ratio for all the samples calcu-
lated via the EDS analysis are shown in Table 6. The EDS analysis
results show a reduction in the Ca/Si atomic ratio for all the mixes
having different percentages of EMS compared with that of the CM.
The result further demonstrates that the Ca/Si atomic ratio is low-
est for the EMS-5 mix, which is attributed to the accelerated reac-
tivity of EMS and the formation of high-density C-S-H and C-H. In
addition, the mixes with 5% and 15% EMS show lower values (both
1.54) of Ca/Si atomic ratio than the mix having 25% EMS (1.71) and
the control sample (1.91). This demonstrates the formation of
high-density C-S-H at the inclusion of 5% and 15% EMS. The Ca/Si
atomic ratio greater than 2.0 shows the formation of C-H phases
in the cement matrix [83,84]. The mixes having 5% and 15% EMS
showed lower values (2.03 and 2.27, respectively) of the Ca/Si
atomic ratio than both the mix with 25% EMS (2.54) and the con-
trol sample (2.73). These results indicate that the mixes with 5%
Fig. 6. Comparison of ASR expansion results between CM and mortars containing and 15% EMS cause a reduction in the overall formation of C-H,
various percentages of EMS at age of 16 days. and the density of the formed C-H is greater than those of the
K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589 9


EMS-15 EMS-25

Fig. 7. SEM images of CP and pastes containing EMS (EMS-5, EMS-15 and EMS-25) at age of 28 days.

Table 6 Table 7
Ca/Si atomic ratio from EDS analysis of control cement paste (CP) and pastes BET surface area and BJH total pore volume of CP and pastes containing different
containing different percentages of EMS at age of 28 days. percentages of EMS at age of 28 days.

Mix ID Ca/Si atomic ratio Mix ID BET Surface area (m2/g) BJH total pore volume (cm3/g)
EDS-001 EDS-002 CP 41.637 0.0200
EMS-5 52.552 0.0190
CP 1.91 2.73
EMS-15 50.875 0.0190
EMS-5 1.54 2.03
EMS-25 48.876 0.0193
EMS-15 1.54 2.27
EMS-25 1.71 2.54

show a significant increase in the BET surface area of the samples

mix having 25% EMS and the CM. Cavalcante et al. [58] also having different percentages of EMS compared with that of the
observed reduction in C-H content having added silica as compared control sample. This may be attributed to the high reactivity of
to control cement paste sample through SEM analysis. Overall, the EMS, which facilitates the hydration process, thus forming denser
addition of EMS plays a positive role in promoting the hydration C-S-H phases, as demonstrated via SEM-EDS analysis. The EMS-5
process and the development of a denser and refined microstruc- sample showed a high BET surface area of 52.55 m2/g, whereas
ture; consequently, better mechanical properties and durability the EMS-15 and EMS-25 samples showed BET surface areas of
can be achieved as shown earlier. In the future, advanced mixing 50.88 m2/g and 48.89 m2/g, respectively. The slight decrease in
techniques for the dispersion of EMS in the cement matrix should the BET surface area for both EMS-15 and EMS-25 compared with
be studied for a better understanding of its optimum dosage and that for EMS-5 may be due to the agglomeration caused by oversat-
performance. uration and improper dispersion and the formation of low-density
C-S-H, as demonstrated via SEM-EDS analysis.
The total pore volume results calculated from the BJH pore size
4.8. N2 Adsorption distribution analysis for all the samples show that both EMS-5 and
EMS-15 exhibited less pore volume (0.0190 cm3/g) than the con-
The BET results for the surface area and the Barrett–Joyner–H trol (0.0200 cm3/g) and EMS-25 (0.0194 cm3/g). The increase in
alenda (BJH) results for the pore volume obtained by using the the total pore volume for EMS-25 compared with those for EMS-
nitrogen adsorption technique are listed in Table 7. 5 and EMS-15 may be due to the oversaturation of silica, as also
The BET surface areas show the characteristic of the cementi- observed in the BET surface area analysis. The formation of high-
tious gel through the formation of C-S-H phases. An increase in density C-S-H and C-H phases in the mixes having different per-
the BET surface indicates an increase in the degree of hydration centages of EMS resulted in the improvement and densification
and the formation of more C-S-H phases [85,86]. The test results of the pore structure compared with that of the control sample.
10 K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589

evaluated, and compared to those of control mortar. Finally, paste

samples were prepared to examine the microstructure using SEM-
EDS and FTIR analyses, and the pore structure was assessed by
using nitrogen adsorption techniques to scientifically understand
the influence of EMS on the quality of the matrix.
The main findings of this study are summarized below:
The consistency of the cement paste increased with an increase
in the amount of EMS. This is because of the low specific gravity
(2.15) and very high specific surface area of EMS (36.6 m2/g) as
compared to OPC, which consequently, required more water to
achieve a standard flow. Also, the setting times (initial and final)
increased with an increase in the percentage of EMS. Mortars con-
taining 5, 15 and 25% resulted in increased setting times by 4.1, 7.6
and 19.8%, respectively, compared with that of the CM.
The compressive and flexural strength of the mortar containing
EMS up to 15% remarkably exceeded that of the CM at all ages by
23.9%–64.2% and 15.8%–46.8%, respectively. However, the percent-
age increase in strength compared with that of the CM decreased
with an increase in the percentage of EMS. This is probably due
to the agglomeration problem caused by the poor dispersion,
Fig. 8. FTIR spectra of CP and pastes containing EMS (EMS-5, EMS-15 and EMS-25) which ultimately affects the hydration progress and thus leads to
at age of 28 days.
the formation of weak products. The strength results were indi-
rectly validated by porosity results as the porosity of mortar con-
4.9. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis taining EMS remained lower than that of the corresponding CM,
except for mortar containing 25% EMS. Like strength results, a sig-
The FTIR analysis results of the control cement paste and the nificant reduction of ASR expansion was observed in all the mixes
samples having different percentages of EMS are shown in Fig. 8. containing EMS. However, the mix having 25% EMS showed more
All the samples show a complex group of bands in the region expansion than the mixes with 5% and 15% EMS, which is attribu-
between 4001 and 1200 cm1, which indicates the asymmetric ted to the formation of agglomerate acting as a nucleation site for
and symmetric stretching vibration of Si-O bands [87]. The peaks ASR gel.
between 450 cm1 and 500 cm1 show the Si-O-Si bending vibra- The current results of improved strength and reduced ASR
tion of C-S-H. The main characteristic peaks of C-S-H are located expansion were scientifically validated by SEM-EDS analysis which
between 900 cm1 and 1100 cm1 [88,89]. A shift in the peak showed high reactivity of EMS that significantly improved the
occurs between these ranges, which indicates the process of poly- microstructure of the paste matrix at lower dosages of EMS (5%
merization of silica. For the control sample, the C-S-H peak is and 15%). The lower values of Ca/Si atomic ratio observed from
observed at 971 cm1, which shows the asymmetric stretching the EDS analysis for these dosages indicate the formation of
vibration of Si-O band. The replacement of cement with EMS at dif- high-density C-S-H and C-H phases, which help in the formation
ferent percentages (5%, 15%, and 25%) caused a shift in the peak. of more refined and homogenous microstructures. These results
The peak shifts from 971 cm1 to 978 cm1, 981 cm1, and are further strengthen by nitrogen adsorption that showed an
981 cm1, respectively, for EMS-5, EMS-15, and EMS-25. These increase in the BET surface area of the samples having EMS, indi-
shifts indicate a high degree of polymerization of silica with the cating the high reactive nature of EMS, which consequently facili-
addition of EMS due to the formation of more SiO2 gel. The FTIR tates hydration and the formation of more C-S-H gel. Furthermore,
spectra results are consistent with the EDS analysis results, which the FTIR results also demonstrate formation of high-density C-S-H
indicate the formation of high-density C-S-H phases with low Ca/Si gels in EMS samples as indicated by a shift in the peak from
atomic ratio in the samples having EMS compared with that of the 971 cm1 to 981 cm1. A sharp peak observed at 3640 cm1 indi-
control. Furthermore, the peaks at 720 cm1, 875 cm1, and cates the presence of portlandite phase in control samples was also
1414 cm1 are associated with calcite formed due to carbonation reduced or even absent for EMS samples, indicating the better poz-
[89]. The sharp intense peak band at 3640 cm1 shows the pres- zolanic reactivity of EMS.
ence of portlandite (Ca(OH)2) in the control sample [90]. A small Current study concluded that low dosages of EMS under low
portlandite peak is observed for the EMS-5 sample, and it is further energy mixing were more effective in improving the mechanical
reduced or even absent for the EMS-15 and EMS-25 samples. and microstructural performance of mortar matrix. However, to
Cavalcante et al. [58] also evidenced the reduction of Ca(OH)2 con- properly evaluate the applicability of this study, future research
tent with the increase of extracted silica amount in the cement is recommended by using high shear mixing or sonification tech-
paste by performing thermal analysis. This increased in the con- niques for proper dispersion of EMS to minimize the agglomeration
sumption of Ca(OH)2 with the addition of EMS is an indication of problems at high dosage of EMS. This would help researchers to
the high pozzolanic reactivity of EMS. decide on optimum dosage of EMS to achieve its best mechanical
performance in mortar matrix as well as other economic and envi-
ronmental benefits.
5. Conclusion

This study focused on the development of high performance Author contributions

and sustainable cement mortar, by partially substituting cement
with various percentages of micro-silica (5%, 15%, and 25%) K.S., K.K., M.N.A. and T.B. contributed to the design of this
extracted from ground RHA. Influence of adding EMS on fresh (s- research project. M.F.U. and K.K. contributed to performing the
tandard consistency and setting behavior) and hardened properties experiments started from collecting all materials, material prepa-
(compressive and flexural strengths, porosity, ASR) of mortar were ration, mixing, casting, demolding, curing of paste samples, mortar
K. Khan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119589 11

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