Riphah International College Associate Degree Program
Riphah International College Associate Degree Program
Riphah International College Associate Degree Program
Course Description:
This course will facilitate students in making their strong foundation in spoken English,
grammar, reading, writing and listening comprehension. This course will lead students to speak
and write English without any hesitation with the help of proper usage of vocabulary and
English grammar.
Course Objectives:
This course will help students to:
Understand the significance of effective communication skills
Improve interpersonal and professional correspondence
Compose clear and well drafted written assignments and oral presentations
Learn and focus on self-presentation and body language besides improving linguistic
Learning Outcomes:
After studying this course, students should be able to:
Improve and enhance the English writing, reading and listening skills
Overcome hesitation to speak English
Also keep in mind some general rules in the class as given below:
Cell phones should be powered off.
Eatables are not allowed in the class.
The teacher will not tolerate any disruptive behavior in the class.
The University Dress Code has to be observed, no warnings will be given, and violators
will be asked politely to leave the class and consequently will be marked absent.
Students are required to attend all classes and read all the assigned material in advance of class
(although not necessarily with perfect comprehension). Advanced preparation and class
participation are crucial for proper conceptual understanding. During discussion sessions, the
instructor generally keeps track of the insightful and useful comments students make.
(Irrelevant and Unproductive contribution is not rewarded)
Technology / Equipment / Models / Physical Support:
1. Multimedia
2. White Board
3. Movies
4. Audio Visual Lab
5. Websites
Grade Distribution:
Evaluation Type Percentage (%) Activities
Quizzes 10 Minimum 4
Assignments 5 Minimum 4
Presentation 10 Minimum 1
Mid Term 30
Final Term 40
Class Participation 5
Total Points 100
Course Contents:
Final Term