BIOLOGY - Assignment: Ecosystem

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#326, 3rd A-Cross, Opp. People’s Tree Hospital, Seshadripuram College Road, Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore-64

BIOLOGY – Assignment
Chapter : Ecosystem
1. Which of the following is a man made artificial 10. The important step in the process of decomposition
terrestrial ecosystem? in order is
1) Grassland ecosystem 1) Catabolism → Fragmentation → Leaching →
2) Agro ecosystem Humification → Mineralization
3) Pond ecosystem 2) Catabolism → Fragmentation → Humification
4) Forest ecosystem → Leaching → Mineralization
3) Fragmentation → Humification → Catabolism
2. Grasshopper in grassland is a → Leaching → Mineralization
1) Producer 2) Herbivore 4) Fragmentation → Leaching → Catabolism →
3) Carnivore 4) Scavenger Humification → Mineralization

3. The driving force for an ecosystem is 11. Intermediate community between pioneer and
1) Biomass 2) Producers climax communities is called
3) Carbohydrates in producers 1) Seral community
4) Solar energy 2) Biotic community
4. Biotic components of an ecosystem include 3) Temporary community
1) Producers, consumers and decomposers 4) Ecosere
2) Producers and consumers
12. Ten percent law of energy transfer in a food chain
3) Producers only is given by
4) Consumers only 1) Schimper 2) Elton
5. A food chain can have trophic levels 3) Haeckel 4) Lindemann
1) four 2) three 13. In the given food web few organisms are marked
3) two 4) one as (1), (2), (3) and (4). Identify (1), (2), (3) and (4).
6. In a food chain herbivores are
1) Primary producers foxes
owls snakes
2) Primary consumers
3) Secondary consumers
garden (3)
4) Decomposers lizard
7. Which one of the following is nature's cleaner? (1) grass
(2) hopper (4) sparrow
1) Consumers mice
2) Producers
3) Decomposers and scavengers
Vegetation / seeds
4) Symbionts
(1) (2) (3) (4)
8. Humus is good for plant growth because
1) Deer Rabbit Frog Rat
1) It improves physical condition of soil
2) It makes soil porous 2) Dog Squirrel Bat Beer
3) It increases water holding & aeration of soil 3) Rat Dog Tortoise Crow
4) All 4) Squirrel Cat Rat Pigeon

9. Which one of the following is not a function of an 14. Pyramid of numbers deals with number of
ecosystem? 1) Species in an area
1) Energy flow 2) Individuals in a community
2) Decomposition 3) Individuals in a trophic-level
3) Productivity 4) Subspecies in a community
4) Stratification

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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 2 Biology Assignment
15. Which of the following is false? 1) Ecology 2) Ecosystem
1) Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a 3) Phytogeography 4) Ethology
particular period is called as standing crop. 25. Which of the following statements regarding
2) The energy content in a trophic level is decomposition is false?
determined by considering a few individuals of 1) Warm and moist environment favours
a species in that trophic level. decomposition.
3) The succession that occurs in newly cooled 2) Decomposition rate is slower if detritus is rich
lava is called primary succession. in chitin and lignin.
4) Rate of succession is faster in secondary 3) Earthworm is a detritivore.
succession 4) Precipitation of soluble inorganic nutrients into
16. Select the correct match. the soil horizon as unavailable salt is called
(A) Sedimentary nutrient - Nitrogen cycle
(B) Pioneer species - Lichens 26. The pyramid which cannot be inverted in a stable
(C) Secondary succession - Burned forests ecosystem is that of
(D) Pyramid of biomass in sea - Upright 1) Biomass 2) Number
1) A, B & D only 2) A & C only 3) Energy 4) All of the above
3) B & C only 4) B & D only 27. Match the following and choose the correct option.
17. In a grazing food chain carnivores may also be Column–I Column–II
referred to as
1) Primary producer A Primary i Autotrophs
2) Secondary producer
3) Primary consumers B Climax ii Community that has
community completed succession
4) Secondary consumers
C Consumer iii Colonization of a new
18. What is the annual net primary productivity of environment
whole biosphere?
D Producer iv Animals
1) 170 billion tons (dry weight) of organic matter
1) A–iii, B–ii, C–iv, D–i
2) 165 billion tons (dry weight) of organic matter
2) A–iii, B–i, C–iv, D–ii
3) 160 billion tons (dry weight) of organic matter
3) A–i, B–iii, C–ii, D–iv
4) 155 billion tons (dry weight) of organic matter
4) A–ii, B–iii, C–iv, D–i
19. Green plants constitute
28. In a biotic community, the primary consumers are
1) First trophic level
1) Carnivores 2) Omnivores
2) Second trophic level
3) Detritivores 4) Herbivores
3) Third trophic level
4) Complete food chain 29. In a food chain, the largest population is that of
1) Decomposers 2) Producers
20. Ecosystem has two components
3) Primary consumers 4) Tertiary consumers
1) Plants and animals 2) Weeds and trees
3) Biotic and abiotic 4) Frog and men 30. The rate at which light energy is converted to the
chemical energy of organic molecules is the
21. Pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosystem is ecosystem’s
1) Always inverted 2) Always upright 1) Net primary productivity
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Spindle-shaped 2) Gross primary productivity
22. Food chain in which micro-organisms breakdown 3) Net secondary productivity
the food formed by primary producers is 4) Gross secondary productivity
1) Parasitic food chain
31. Which one of the following is not used for
2) Detritus food chain construction of ecological pyramids?
3) Consumer food chain 1) Number of individuals
4) Predator food chain 2) Rate of energy flow
23. Pick up the correct food chain 3) Fresh weight
1) Grass → Chameleon → Insect → Bird 4) Dry weight
2) Grass → Fox → Rabbit → Bird 32. Both, hydrarch and xerarch successions lead to
3) Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Fish 1) Mesic/Medium water conditions
4) Fallen leaves → Bacteria → Insect larvae 2) Xeric conditions
3) Highly dry conditions
24. Study of inter-relationships between organisms and 4) Excessive wet conditions
their environment is

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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 3 Biology Assignment
33. A pond is a 40. An inverted pyramid of number and an inverted
1) A biome pyramid of biomass are respectively seen in
2) A community of plants and animals 1) Grassland and tree ecosystem
3) A natural ecosystem 2) Sea and tree ecosystem
4) None of the above 3) Tree and sea ecosystem
4) Sea and grassland ecosystem
34. Animals which occupy the same trophic level are
41. Which of the following is a pioneer in xerarch
1) Tiger and bees
2) Deer and bees
1) Phytoplanktons 2) Lichens
3) Snake and earth worm 3) Bryophytes 4) Rooted hydrophytes
4) Crow and cow
42. The biomass available for consumption to
35. Stability of ecosystem depends upon heterotrophs and the rate of formation of new
1) Primary productivity organic matter by consumers are defined as
2) Interaction between producers and consumers 1) Gross primary productivity and net primary
3) Number of producers productivity respectively.
4) Number of consumers 2) Net primary productivity and gross primary
productivity respectively.
36. In a food chain, the total amount of living material, 3) Gross primary productivity and secondary
is depicted by productivity respectively.
1) Pyramid of energy 4) Net primary productivity and secondary
2) Pyramid of numbers productivity respectively
3) Pyramid of biomass 4) All of these
43. Read the following statements regarding ecological
37. Energy storage at consumer level is called pyramids and choose the correct answer.
1) Gross primary productivity A) The relationship between organisms at
different trophic levels is expressed in terms of
2) Secondary productivity number, biomass and energy.
3) Net primary productivity B) Any calculations of energy content, biomass or
4) Net productivity number has to include one group of organism
at that trophic level.
38. Refer the given nutrient cycle in a terrestrial
C) In most ecosystems, all the pyramids of
ecosystem with few labels marked as A, B, C and
number, biomass and energy are upright.
D. Identify A, B, C and D.
D) The pyramid of biomass in sea is generally
E) Pyramid of energy is always inverted and can
never be upright.
Litter fall 1) (A), (C) and (D) are wrong
Detritus 2) (A) is wrong
C 3) (B) and (E) are wrong
Uptake 4) (A) and (E) are wrong
Soil solution
Run off 44. Which of the following statements regarding food
D chain is false?
Rock minerals 1) In an aquatic ecosystem, grazing food chain is
the major conduit for energy flow.
1) A – Consumers; B – Decomposition; 2) In terrestrial ecosystems, a large fraction of
C – Producers; D – Weathering energy flows through detritus food chain.
2) A – Consumers; B – Weathering; 3) The detritus food chain begins with dead
C – Producers; D – Decomposition organic matter.
3) A – Producers; B – Consumers; 4) Primary consumers belong to the first trophic
C – Decomposition; D – Weathering level.
4) A – Consumers; B – Producers; 45. Which of the following factors influence
C – Decomposition; D – Weathering communities?
(i) Climate
39. In a particular climatic condition, decomposition (ii) Species interaction
rate is slower if (iii) Feeding relationships among organisms
1) Detritus is rich in nitrogen (iv) Succession
2) Detritus is rich in humus 1) (i) and (iii)
3) Detritus is rich in sugars 2) (i) and (iv)
4) Detritus is rich in lignin and chitin 3) (i), (ii) and (iii) 4) All of these

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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 4 Biology Assignment
46. Which organisms are involved in the decomposition 53. Primary succession occurs in
process? 1) Abandoned farm lands
1) Bacteria 2) Fungi 2) Flooded land
3) Detritivores 4) All of these
3) Newly cooled lava
47. Common primary consumers in aquatic 4) Burned forest
ecosystems are
54. Select correct statement w.r.t. ecological
1) Cattle and goat
2) Frog, fishes and wolf
1) Both hydrarch and xerarch successions lead
3) Crustaceans, molluscs and protozoans to hydric and xeric conditions respectively
4) Grasshopper, molluscs and fishes
2) The species that invade bare area are called
48. The pyramid is transitional communities
PC 21 3) Niche becomes specific and narrower
4 4) Pioneer communities are mosses in xerosere
1) Pyramid of biomass in which large standing 55. The amount of inorganic nutrients present in the
crop of phytoplankton supports small standing soil at any given time is called
crop of zooplankton
1) Standing state
2) Pyramid of biomass in which small standing
crop of phyloplankton supports large standing 2) Standing crop
crop of zooplankton 3) Biomass
3) Pyramid of number in grassland ecosystem 4) More than one option is correct
4) Pyramid of number which support large
standing crop of zooplankton 56. In hydrarch succession, reed swamp stage is
49. Which form of energy is available to herbivore replaced by
level? 1) Floating stage
1) GPP 2) Marsh meadow stage
2) NPP 3) Scrub stage
3) Photosynthetic efficiency 4) Submerged stage
4) NPP-respiration
50. Total organic matters production in biosphere is 57. An average price tag put by Robert Constanza
170 billion tons per annum which represents and his colleagues for ecosystems services is
1) Gross primary productivity 1) US $ 33 trillion a year
2) Net primary productivity 2) US $ 18 trillion a year
3) Photosynthetic efficiency 3) US $ 16 trillion a year
4) Community productivity
4) US $ 6.6 trillion a year
51. Match the following
Column X Column Y 58. Vertical distribution of different species
occupying different levels in an ecosystem is
A Pioneer community (i) Lichens
B Ecological (ii) Mesoph 1) Standing state
succession ytes
2) Secondary productivity
C Climax community (iii) Ecosyst
em 3) Photosynthetic efficiency
develop 4) Stratification
D Ecological pyramid (iv) Elton 59. Choose wrong statement for humus
1) Partially decomposed organic matter
1) A – (iii); B – (ii); C – (iv); D – (i)
2) A – (iii); B – (i); C – (iv); D – (ii) 2) Resistant against microbial action
3) A – (i); B – (iii); C – (ii); D – (iv) 3) It is slightly alkaline
4) A – (ii); B – (iii); C – (iv); D – (i) 4) Serves as reservoir of nutrients
52. Ecological backlash is
1) Heat emission due to bomb explosion 60. Process of decomposition is rapid if
2) Production of useful ecological effect by a 1) Detritus is rich in nitrogen and water soluble
preciously useful chemical substances
3) Formation of secondary pollutant from reaction 2) O2 is less available in the habitat or medium
of primary pollutants of decomposer
4) Production of adverse ecological effect by a 3) Temperature is nearly 10°C
previously useful chemical 4) There is reduction in soil moisture
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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 5 Biology Assignment
61. One of the following is an example of detritus
69. Source of energy in a food chain is usually sun.
food chain
Which food chain does not obtains energy from
1) Dead animals – Flies & Maggots – Frogs – sun?
Snakes 1) Detritus food chain
2) Detritus – Earthworms – Fishes – Snakes 2) Predator-prey food chain
3) Waste & faecal matter – Bacteria – Maggots 3) Grazing food chain
– Insects – Snakes 4) All the above
4) Dead animals & Detritus – Fungi – Flies –
Frogs – Eagle 70. The main role of bacteria in carbon cycle involves
1) Photosynthesis
62. Mass of living material at a particular time in 2) Chemosynthesis
each trophic level of an ecosystem is 3) Breakdown of organic compounds.
1) Standing crop 4) Assimilation of nitrogenous compounds.
2) Standing state
71. In preparation of ecological pyramids, any
3) Standing quality calculation of energy content, biomass or numbers
4) Photosynthetic efficiency has to include
1) Only keystone species
63. Select correct statement with respect to nutrient 2) All organisms at that trophic level
cycling 3) All dominant species only
1) Reservoir of nutrient is located in earth’s crust
4) All organisms with longer life only
2) Environmental factors have no role in recycling 72. Select correct statement w.r.t. phosphorus cycle
of nutrients 1) Higher atmospheric contribution
3) Amount of nutrients varies in different kinds of 2) Herbivores and other animals obtain this from
ecosystems plants
4) Function of the reservoir is to meet with the 3) Gas exchange of phosphorus between
deficit which occurs due to balance in the rate organisms and environment contributes
of influx and efflux maximum
64. Out of the total cost of various ecosystems, Robert 4) Annually 4 × 1013 kg phosphorus is fixed
Constanza and his colleagues estimated it to be 73. Mean Net Primary Productivity among the following
________% for _________. is highest in
1) 50, nutrient cycling 1) Tropical rain forests
2) 6, habitat for wild life 2) Temperate deciduous forests
3) 10, soil formation 3) Temperate coniferous forests
4) 10, climate regulation 4) Savannah
65. Which of the following is called as a detritivore? 74. The functional unit of nature is
1) An animal feeding on decaying organic matter 1) Ecosystem 2) Autecology
2) An animal feeding on a plant 3) Synecology 4) Biosphere
3) A plant feeding on an animal
4) An animal feeding on another animal 75. Aquarium is an example for
1) Forest ecosystem
66. Primary productivity depends upon the plant 2) Grassland ecosystem
species inhabiting a particular area. The annual net
primary productivity of the whole biosphere is 3) Desert ecosystem
approximately 4) Artificial ecosystem
1) 70 billion tons 2) 55 billion tons 76. Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade detritus into
3) 170 billion tons 4) 100 billion tons simpler inorganic matter by a process termed
67. Which of the following ecosystem is most 1) Leaching
productive? 2) Catabolism
1) Deep sea 3) Mineralization 4) Fragmentation
2) Deserts 77. A food web is made up of
3) Temperate forests 1) Three food chains with un–interconnected net–
4) Corals work
2) Many food chains and within interconnection
68. Primary productivity depends upon
1) Light and temperature
3) A single food chain
2) Water and nutrients
4) Two food chains belong to grazing and detritus
3) Photosynthetic capacity of producers food chains
4) All of these
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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 6 Biology Assignment
78. In a food chain, various food levels are called
85. Read the following about Food chains
1) Links 2) Trophic levels
A. Plants → Caterpillars → Frog → Spiders →
3) Linear levels 4) Structural levels Snake
79. Of the Photosynthetically Active Radiation, the B. Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Fish → Bird
quantum of energy made available by the plants to C. Rosebush → Spiders → Aphids → Lizard →
the living world is Bird
1) 5 – 10 per cent 2) 2 – 10 per cent D. Grass → Antelope → Lion
3) 2 – 5 per cent 4) 10 per cent The correct combinations of true food chains is
1) A & C 2) A & D
80. The number of trophic levels in a food chain
generally varies between 3) B & D 4) B, C & D
1) 2 to 3 2) 1 to 2 86. The energy flow in the ecosystem
3) 3 to 4 4) None of these 1) Unidirectional 2) Multidirectional
81. The movement of nutrient elements through 3) Any direction 4) All of the above
various components of an ecosystem is called 87. The natural reservoir of phosphorus element is
1) Gaseous cycles 2) Nutrient cycling 1) Bones
3) Geochemical cycle 4) Soil enrichment 2) Oceans
82. Sedimentary cycle is exemplified by 3) Sedimentary rocks
1) Carbon cycle 2) Nitrogen cycle 4) Atmosphere
3) Phosphorus cycle 4) Oxygen cycle 88. About 70% of total global carbon is found in
1) Oceans
83. Match the following 2) Forests
Set I Set II 3) Grasslands
A Primary carnivores i Snake 4) Agroecosystems
B Tertiary consumers ii Frog 89. Climax community is in a state of
C Herbivores iii Hawk 1) Non – equilibrium
D Producers iv Grasshopper 2) Equilibrium
v Rosebush 3) Disorder
4) Constant change
The correct match is
1) A–iv, B–iii, C–ii, D–i 90. Which of the following is an ecosystem service
2) A–ii, B–i, C–iii, D–v provided by a natural ecosystem?
3) A–iv, B–iii, C–v, D–iv 1) Cycling of nutrients
4) A–ii, B–i, C–iv, D–v 2) Prevention of soil erosion
3) Pollutant absorption and reduction of the threat
84. The proportion of carbon found in dissolved
of global warming
condition in oceans is about
1) 71 per cent 2) 10 per cent 4) All of the above.
3) 49 per cent 4) 1 per cent
1. (2) 11. (1) 21. (2) 31. (3) 41. (2) 51. (3) 61. (1) 71. (2) 81. (2)

2. (2) 12. (4) 22. (2) 32. (1) 42. (4) 52. (4) 62. (1) 72. (2) 82. (3)

3. (4) 13. (1) 23. (3) 33. (3) 43. (3) 53. (3) 63. (4) 73. (1) 83. (4)

4. (1) 14. (3) 24. (1) 34. (2) 44. (4) 54. (3) 64. (2) 74. (1) 84. (1)

5. (1) 15. (2) 25. (4) 35. (2) 45. (4) 55. (1) 65. (1) 75. (4) 85. (3)

6. (2) 16. (3) 26. (3) 36. (3) 46. (4) 56. (2) 66. (3) 76. (2) 86. (1)

7. (3) 17. (4) 27. (1) 37. (2) 47. (3) 57. (1) 67. (4) 77. (2) 87. (3)

8. (4) 18. (1) 28. (4) 38. (3) 48. (2) 58. (4) 68. (4) 78. (2) 88. (1)

9. (4) 19. (1) 29. (2) 39. (4) 49. (2) 59. (3) 69. (1) 79. (2) 89. (2)

10. (4) 20. (3) 30. (2) 40. (3) 50. (2) 60. (1) 70. (3) 80. (3) 90. (4)

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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 7 Biology Assignment


1. Answer: (2) 12. Answer: (4)
Sol. Agroecosystem is a man made artificial Sol. Only 10% of the total energy stored in a trophic
ecosystem by Anthropogenic action level is transferred to the next trophic level of a
2. Answer: (2) food chain. This law was given by Lindemann
Sol. In grassland ecosystem, grasshopper is a (1942).
herbivore which depends on producers 13. Answer: (1)
3. Answer: (4) Sol. Food web is a network of food chains or feeding
Sol. The main source of energy for any ecosystem relationships by which energy and nutrients are
other than detritus food chain is solar energy passed on from one species of living organisms
4. Answer: (1) to another.
Sol. Biotic components of an ecosystem include 14. Answer: (3)
producers, consumers and decomposers Sol. Pyramid of number represents the number of
5. Answer: (1) individuals on each trophic level.
Sol. A food chain can have four trophic levels 15. Answer: (2)
Producers → Primary consumers → Secondary Sol. The energy content in a trophic level is
consumers → Tertiary consumers determined by considering the total number of
6. Answer: (2) individuals of a species in that trophic level.
Sol. In a food chain herbivores are primary 16. Answer: (3)
consumers which depends upon producers Sol. Secondary succession is a biotic succession that
7. Answer: (3) occurs in an area which became secondarily
bared due to destruction of the community
Sol. Decomposers and Scavengers which depend
previously present there. It is due to forest fire
upon dead and decaying organic matter are
submergence by major flood, recently cleared
considered as nature’s cleaner
area left to itself, harvested crop fields left
8. Answer: (4)
uncultivated for several years etc.
Sol. Humus is rich source of organic matter and it
The species that invade a bare area are called
makes soil porous and increases its water
pioneer species. These are usually crustose
holding capacity.
lichens which are able to secrete acids to
9. Answer: (4) dissolve rock, help in weathering and soil
Sol. Four important functional aspects of the formation.
ecocystem are 17. Answer: (4)
(i) Productivity Sol. The consumers that feed on herbivores (primary
(ii) Decomposition, consumers) are called carnivores. These
(iii) Energy flow and carnivores are secondary consumers because
(iv) Nutrient cycling. they feed on primary consumers.
Trees occupy top vertical strata or layer of a 18. Answer: (1)
forest, shrubs the second and herds, grasses Sol. Conceptual
occupy the bottom layers 19. Answer: (1)
10. Answer: (4) Sol. Because plants have the capacity of synthesizing
Sol. Fragmentation → Leaching → Catabolism → food (producers).
Humification → Mineralisation. 20. Answer: (3)
Fragmentation – Breakdown of detritus into Sol. The ecosystem comprises abiotic and biotic
smaller particles components. The entire living community
Leaching – Water soluble inorganic nutrients go comprising plants and animals constitute the
down into the soil horizon and get precipitated as biotic component whereas the entire physical
unavailable salts environment forms the abiotic component.
Catabolism – Bacterial and fungal enzymes 21. Answer: (2)
degrade detritus into simpler inorganic Sol. Pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosystem is
substances always upright. Pyramids of numbers are upright
Humification – Leads to accumulation of humus. because numbering of organisms decrease at
Humus is further degraded by some microbes successively higher trophic levels. Trophic level
and release inorganic nutrients by mineralization refers to the organisms, position in the food
11. Answer: (1) chain
Sol. The first biotic community which develops in a 22. Answer: (2)
bare area is called pioneer community. Climax Sol. Detritus food chain being with dead organic
community is the stable, self-perpetuating and matter with dead plant parts, animals and their
final biotic community that develops at the end of excretory products which is being acted upon by
biotic succession. The various biotic communities decomposers such as saprophytes to obtain
that develop during biotic succession are termed energy needed for their survival.
as seral or transitional communities.

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EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 8 Biology Assignment
23. Answer: (3) 33. Answer: (3)
Sol. Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Fish. This is a Sol. Pond is a natural ecosystem and it is not man
type of food chain in aquatic ecosystem. made ecosystem
24. Answer: (1) 34. Answer: (2)
Sol. German biologist Ernst Haeckel coined the term Sol. Deer and bees occupy same trophic level. Both are
‘ecology’, the study of inter-relationship between primary consumers or consumers of first order.
organisms and their environment. Ecosystem, They get their food directly from green plants i.e.
consist of different communities of organism and they are herbivores. Alton 1939 have given the
the physical environment with which they name key industry animals to them because many
interact. Phytogeography is the study of other organisms of ecosystem depend on them for
geographic distribution of plants species on their food e.g. deer, cow, insects etc.
earth. 35. Answer: (2)
25. Answer: (4) Sol. Stability of the ecosystem mainly depends upon
Sol. Humus is degraded by some microbes and interaction between two components of the
release of inorganic nutrients occur by ecosystems, the producers and the consumers.
mineralistion by the process of leaching water Interactions between the two lead to
soluble inorganic nutrients of down into the soil development of different trophic levels and flow
horizon and get precitated as unavailable salts. of energy in the ecosystems. The balance in the
26. Answer: (3) ecosystem is maintained by the relationship
Sol. Energy pyramid can not be inverted because between the producers and the consumers. They
energy always flows in one direction only. maintain a constant ratio in the evironment since
According to 10% law of energy transfer given by primary consumers eat producers. The latter are
Lindemann (1972), during transfer of energy from eaten by secondary consumers these are then by
one trophic level to other there is always loss in tertiary consumers and finally all by
respiration and other activities only 10% of decomposers. So, their number do not increase
energy is transferred to next trophic level. So the immensely.
amount of energy flow decreases with successive 36. Answer: (3)
trophic levels. Sol. In food chain, the total amount of living material is
27. Answer: (1) depicted by pyramid of biomass. The biomass of
Sol. Primary succession – colonization of a new the members of the food chain present at any one
environment time forms the pyramid of biomass. It indicates the
Climax community – community that has completed decrease of biomass in each trophic level from
succession base to apex.
Primary succession – Colonization of a new 37. Answer: (2)
environment Sol. Energy stored at the consumer level is called as
Climax community – Community that has secondary productivity. The organism uses the
completed succession energy stored by the primary producers.
Consumer – Animals 38. Answer: (3)
Sol. Phosphorous is absorbed by plants from soil
Producer – Autotrophs
solution and it forms a major constituent of
28. Answer: (4) biological membranes nucleic acids and ATP
Sol. In a biotic community the herbivores (goat, deer) source. It is further transferred to next trophic level
are those animals, which consume the primary consumers or it directly undergoes decomposition
producers (green plants). Hence they are primary 39. Answer: (4)
Sol. In a particular climatic condition, decomposition
29. Answer: (2) rate is slower if detritus is rich in lignin and chitin
Sol. Producers are the direct and indirect source of and quicker, if detritus is rich in nitrogen and water-
food for all the trophic levels. They are always more soluble substances like sugars.
in number. 40. Answer: (3)
30. Answer: (2) Sol. A pyramid of number becomes inverted if the
Sol. The rate at which organic molecules are formed in producers are less in number. E.g., in a forest, the
a green plants is called gross productivity. number of insects feeding on a single tree is very
31. Answer: (3) large. But, the number of small birds eating these
Sol. Fresh weight is not used for the construction of insects and large birds eating small birds
ecological pyramids because the total fresh weight successively reduces. Hence an inverted pyramid
does not change into energy. Hence we can say is obtained instead of upright one. The pyramid of
that fresh weight is not continuous in the trophic biomass in sea is also generally inverted because
levels. the biomass of fishes far exceeds that of
32. Answer: (1) phytoplanktons.
Sol. Hydrarch succession takes place in wetter areas 41. Answer: (2)
and xerarch succession takes place in dry areas. Sol. The species that invade a bare area are called
So, both hydrarch and xerarch successions lead to pioneer species. In primary succession in xerarch
medium water conditions.
 EXCEL ACADAMICS – Bangalore. The Premier Institute for NEET/IIT-JEE/CET/AIIMS/JIPMER 
EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 9 Biology Assignment
these are usually lichens which are able to secrete 52. Answer: (4)
acids to dissolve rock, helping in weathering and Sol. Ecological backlash and its management.
soil formation and after several more stages, Ecological backlash involves the counter–
ultimately a stable climax forest community is responses of pest population or other biotic
formed. factors in the environment that diminish the
42. Answer: (4) effectiveness of pest management tactics. Many
Sol. Net primary productivity is the available biomass for of these counter responses result from heavy
the consumption to heterotrophs (herbivores and mortality burdens imposed by the pest
decomposers). Secondary productivity is defined management tactics.
as the rate of formation of new organic matter by 53. Answer: (3)
consumers Sol. Bare rock, newly created pond or reservoir
43. Answer: (3) 54. Answer: (3)
Sol. Any calculations of energy content, biomass, or Sol. Both hydrach and xerarch successions lead to
numbers has to include all organisms at that mesic condition. The species that invade a bare
trophic level. Pyramid of energy is always upright, area are called pioneer species and they are
can never be inverted, because when energy flows lichens in xerosere
from a particular trophic level to the next trophic 55. Answer: (1)
level, some energy is always lost as heat at each Sol. Each trpohic level has a certain mass of living
step. material at a particular time is called as standing
44. Answer: (4) crop, it is measured as the mass of living
Sol. Primary consumers belong to second trophic level. organisms (biomass) are the number in a unit
They depend on plants (directly or indirectly) for area
their food needs. They are also known as 56. Answer: (2)
herbivores e.g. zooplankton, grasshopper and cow. Sol. Phytoplankton stage→ submerged plant
45. Answer: (4) stage→submerged free floating plant stage→Reed
Sol. Climatic factors is abiotic factors, species swamp stage→Marsh meadow stage→ Scrub
interaction, feeling relationships among organisms stage→ Forest.
and ecological succession influences the 57. Answer: (1)
communities Sol. This is nearly twice the value of the rate of
46. Answer: (4) formation of new organic matter by consumers.
Sol. Bacteria, fungi and detrivores are the major 58. Answer: (4)
organisms involved in decomposition process Sol. Secondary productivity is the rate of formation of
47. Answer: (3) new organic matter by consumers.
Sol. Crustaceans, molluscs and protozoans are the 59. Answer: (3)
major zooplanktons in aquatic ecosystems Sol. It has humic acid
48. Answer: (2) 60. Answer: (1)
Sol. It is inverted pyramid of biomass. Sol. It is aerobic O2 requiring process, warm and moist
49. Answer: (2) environment favour decomposition whereas low
Sol. GPP –R = NPP temperature and anaerobiosis inhibit decompostin.
Photosynthelic 61. Answer: (1)
Energyin grossprimary prodcutivity Sol. Detritus food chain starts from decomposers and
=  100 their energy source is from detritus. Energy flow is
Energyinincident solar radiation
more in detritus food chain
Energy convertedint obiomassat trophic level Dead animals → Flies and maggots → Frog →
Ecological   100
Energy present inbiomassat lower torphic level Snakes
62. Answer: (1)
50. Answer: (2)
Sol. Standing crop is total biomass of living material at a
Sol. The total organic matter production in biosphere is particular in each trophic level of an ecosystem
net primary productivity is the available biomass for
63. Answer: (4)
consumption to heterotrophs after respiratory loss
Sol. Reservoir for gaseous type of nutrient cycle exists
in atmosphere and for sedimentary cycle. It is
51. Answer: (3) located in eath’s crust.
Sol. Environmental factors regulate the rate of release
Pioneer community – Lichens (Xerarch of nutrients into the atmosphere
succession) The function of the reservoir is to meet with the
Ecological succession – Ecosystem deficit which occurs due to imbalance in the rate of
development influx and efflux
Climax community – By Mesophytes 64. Answer: (2)
(Meric succession) Sol. Soil formation –50%, recreation and nutrient cycling
Ecological pyramid – By Elton – less than 10% each. The cost of climate
regulation & habitat for wildlife are about 6%

 EXCEL ACADAMICS – Bangalore. The Premier Institute for NEET/IIT-JEE/CET/AIIMS/JIPMER 

EXCEL ACADAMICS - Bangalore 10 Biology Assignment
65. Answer: (1) Sol. An interlinking of food chains is food web, which is
Sol. Detrivore is an animal feeding on dead and more stable in ecosystem
decaying organic matter 78. Answer: (2)
Ex: Fungi, Earthworm etc Sol. position of an organism through which if derives its
66. Answer: (3) nutrition.
Sol. 170 billion tons (dry weight) of organic matter 79. Answer: (2)
productivity of oceans is 55 billion tons. Sol. This small amount of energy sustains the entire
67. Answer: (4) living world. PAR is only 2–10%
Sol. Maximum PP occurs in coral reefs and estuaries 80. Answer: (3)
followed by sugarcane fields and tropical forests (> Sol. The number of trophic levels in a food chain varies
20t/he/year). Moderate productivity occurs in from three to five. Trophic levels arc the levels
agricultural crops & temperate forests. within the food chain where an organism obtain its
Low productivity is found in grassland followed energy. This energy depends on whether the
by ponds & oceans respectively. Very low organism is producers, consumers or decomposers
productivity is in deserts and arctic regions (> 81. Answer: (2)
it/he/year) Sol. Also called Biogeochemical cycles. Which may be
68. Answer: (4) gaseous or sedimentary cycles
Sol. In oceans productivity is limited by light. Nitrogen is 82. Answer: (3)
major limiting factor in marine ecosystem Sol. Others are gaseous cycles. Phosphorous cycle is
69. Answer: (1) sedimentary
Sol. It begins from detritus. 83. Answer: (4)
70. Answer: (3) Sol.
Sol. Bacteria are essential to the proper functioning of Primary carnivores – Frog
the carbon cycle on Earth. Along with fungi, they Tertiary consumers – Snake
are the main decomposers that break down organic
Herbivores – Grasshopper
molecules and release carbon back into carbon
cycle through the air and soil Producers – Rose bush
71. Answer: (2) 84. Answer: (1)
Sol. Key stone species have a large influence in Sol. This oceanic reservoir regulates the amount of CO2
maintaining structural and function of the in the atmosphere
community Eg:–Fig. 85. Answer: (3)
72. Answer: (2) Sol. Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Fish →Bird
Sol. Atmospheric input is very less, gaseous exchange Grass → Antelope → Lion
of phosphorus between organism and environment 86. Answer: (1)
are negligible. Annually 4×1013 kg of carbon is fixed Sol. Solar radiation → producers → herbivores
through photosynthesis →Carnivores.
73. Answer: (1) 87. Answer: (3)
Sol. Net primary productivity is highest in trophical rain Sol. The natural reservoir of phosphorous element is
forests as there is less seasonal variations sedimentary rocks
74. Answer: (1) 88. Answer: (1)
Sol. The functional unit of nature is ecosystem, includes Sol. The proportion of carbon dissolved in ocean is 70%
productivity, nutrient cycling, energy flow CO2 fixation is more in oceans
75. Answer: (4) 89. Answer: (2)
Sol. Aquarium is man made (Anthropogenic) or Artificial Sol. Climax community is in a state of equilibrium as it is
ecosystem final stage of ecological succession
76. Answer: (2) 90. Answer: (4)
Sol. Bacteria and fungi being decomposers they release Sol. Ecosystem service provided by a natural
enzymes to degrade detritus into simpler inorganic ecosystem is broadly utilitarian as nutrient cycling,
matter by a process called catabolism soil erosion prevention, reduction of global warming
77. Answer: (2) threat.

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