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1. Which of the following should be chosen for best yield if one was to produce a recombinant
protein in large amounts?
1) Laboratory flask of largest capacity
2) A stirred tank bioreactor without inlets and out lets
3) A continuous culture system 4) PCR
2. A bacterial cell was transformed with a recombinant DNA that was generated using a
human gene. However, the transformed cells did not produce the desired protein. Reasons
could be
1) Human gene may have intron which bacteria can not process
2) Amino acid codons for humans and bacteria are different
3) Human protein is formed but degraded by bacteria
4) Ribosomes are absent in bacterial cell for protein synthesis
3. Which of the following steps are catalysed by taq polymerase in PCR reaction?
1) Denaturation of template DNA
2) Annealing of primers to template DNA
3) Extension of primer and on the template DNA 4) Rejoining of template DNA
4. Match the following
List – I List – II
A) Lysozyme i) Agrobacterium tumifaciens
B) Ti plasmid ii) Thermus aquaticus
C) Insertional inactivation iii) Bacterial cell
D) Eco RI iv) Agrase
E) Taq DNA polymerase v) α - galactosidase
F) Gel electrophoresis vi) Escherichia coli Ry13
1) iii i v iv ii vi
2) i iii v vi ii iv
3) iii i v vi ii iv
4) i iii ii iv vi v
5. Assertion (A): Vectors are engineered to make easy linking of foreign DNA and selection of
recombinants from non – recombinants
Reason (R): Antibiotic resistance gene within the vector gets inactivated due to insertion of
alien DNA, and helps in selection of recombinants.
1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true
22. The first clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 to a 4-year old girl with which of the
following enzyme deficiency?
1) Adenosine deaminase
2) Tyrosine oxidase
3) Monamine oxidase
4) Glutamate dehydrogenase
23. Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to possess & express an extra gene are
known as
1) Foreign animals 2) Superior animals
3) Transgenic animals 4) Intergenic animals
24. Which of the following is not a true statement w.r.t Bt cotton?
1) Bt toxin is produced by a bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis
2) It is an example of bio-pesticide
3) Bt toxin gene has been cloned in plants to provide resistance to insects
4) Bt cotton could decrease the amount of pesticide used
25. Which of the following technique is based upon the principle of antigen-antibody
3) Recombinant DNA technology 4)RNA interference
26. Which of the following transgenic protein product has been used to treat emphysema?
1) α-1-antitrypsin 2) α-Lactalbumin
3) Cry protein 4) C-peptide
27. How many varieties of rice have been estimated to be present in India?
1) 2,000 2) 20,000
3) 200,000 4) 2,000,000
28. The use of bioresources by multinational companies & other organisations without proper
authorisation from the countries & people concerned without compensatory payment is
1) Bioethics 2) Biopiracy
3) Bioterror 4) Bioweapon
29. Which biotechnology company is credited with the synthesis of genetically engineered
human insulin for the first time?
1) Celera genomics 2) Cipla
3) Eli Lily 4) Ranbaxy
30. Which step of Government of India has taken to cater to the requirement of patent terms
and other emergency provisions in this regard?
1) Biopiracy act 2) Indian patents bill
3) RTI act 4) Negotiable instruments act
31. What is another term used for GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)?
1) Hybrid organisms 2) Geomorphic organisms
3) Transgenic organisms 4) Conjoint twins
32. Which GMO is now being developed in order to be used in testing the safety of Polio
vaccines before they are used in humans?
1) Transgenic sheep 2) Transgenic cow
3) Transgenic mice 4) Transgenic viruses
33. ‘Silencing’ of m-RNA molecule in order to control the production of a harmful protein has
been used in protection of plants from
1) Nematodes 2) Beetles
3) Mosquitoes 4) Flies
34. Which step proved to be the main challenging obstacle in the production of human insulin
by genetic engineering?
1) Removal of C-peptide from active insulin
2) Getting insulin assembled into a mature form
3) Addition of C-peptide to pro-insulin
4) Splitting A and B polypeptide chains
35. What is the disadvantage of using porcine insulin (from pig pancreas) in diabetic patients?
1) It leads to hypercalcaemia
2) It may cause allergic reactions
3) It is expensive
4) It can lead to mutations in human recipients
36. Which Indian plants have either been either patented or attempts have been made to patent
them by western nations for their commercial use?
1) Basmati rice 2) Turmeric
3) Neem 4) All of these have been targeted
37. Why is usually insulin not administered orally to a diabetic patient?
1) Insulin is bitter in taste 2) Insulin is a peptide
3) Insulin will lead to a sudden decrease in blood sugar if given orally
4) Insulin leads to peptic ulcer orally
38. Which technique would you expect to be completely curative in SCID?
1) Gene therapy in adult stage
2) Gene therapy in embryonic stage
3) Bone marrow transplantation
4) Enzyme replacement therapy
39. Match the following genes in Column-I with the insect that can be protected from with their
coded protein in Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
a. cry I Ac (i) Cotton bollworm
b. cry I Ab (ii) Beetles
c. Bt toxin gene (iii) Corn borer
1) a(i), b(iii), c(ii) 2) a(ii), b(i), c(iii)
3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii) 4) a(ii), b(iii), c(i)
40. ‘Rosie’ a transgenic cow is known to produce a type of milk which has all the following
characteristics except
1) Protein content of 2.4 gm/litre
2) Has human α-Lactalbumin
3) More balanced diet than normal cow milk for babies
4) Was produced for the first time in year 2001
41. According to the latest estimates, how many documented varieties of Basmati rice are grown
in India?
1) 30 2) 27 3) 118 4) 125
42. Which ingredient was present in high concentrations in genetically modified (GM) rice as
compared to the usual rice?
1) Protein 2) Carbohydrates
3) Na+ ions 4) Vitamin A
Assertion - Reason Type Questions
In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason
(1) If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark (1).
(2) If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark (2).
(3) If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, then mark (3).
(4) If both Assertion and Reason are false statements, then mark (4).
43. A : RNAi takes place in all eukaryotic organisms as a method of cellular defense.
R : Complementary dsRNA molecule binds to specific mRNA & prevents its translation
44. A : Bt toxin are protein crystals containing insecticidal protein
R : B. thuringiensis forms these protein crystals throughout continuously during their growth
45. A : Transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of the polio vaccine.
R : It could replace the use of monkeys to test the safety of batches of the vaccine.
11.4 12.2 13.2 14.4 15.3 16.3 17.4 18.3 19.3 20.3
21. 4 22.1 23.3 24. 3 25.2 26.1 27.3 28.2 29.3 30.2
31. 3 32. 3 33.1 34. 2 35. 2 36.4 37. 2 38.2 39. 1 40. 4
9. (A) : Each seminiferous tubule is lined on its inside by male germ cells and sertoli cells
( R) : Male germ cells undergo mitotic division only to form sperms
1) A and R are correct R is correct explanation of A
2) A and R are correct R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true.
10. Identify the incorrect character related to male human reproductive system
1) leads to vasa efferentia which ascends to the abdomen
2) Seminiferous tubules of testis open into rete testis
3) Seminiferous tubules of testis open into vasa efferentia through rete testis
4) Epididymis Epididymis is located along theposterior surface of each testis
11. Match the following
List – I List – II
A) Glans penis I) Common duct from seminal vesicle and vas deferens
B) Ejaculatory duct II) Enlarged end
C) Sertoli cells III) Connets rete testes with epididymis
D) Vas efferentia IV) Provide nourishment to sperms
1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV 2) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
3)A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV 4) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
12. The finger like projections found at the edges of the infundibulum are called
1) Isthmus 2) Fimbriae 3) Ampulla 4) uterus
13. The number of uterus in female humans
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
14. Middle thick layer of smooth muscle layer uterus wall is
1) Perimetrium 2) Endometrium 3) Mesometrium 4) Myometrium
15. Hymen is
1) Cushion of fatty tissue covered by skin and pubic hair
2) Paired fold of tissue under the labia majora
3) A membrane often covering partially the opening of vagina
4) Tiny finger like structure.
16. The glandular tissue of each breast in female human is divided into
1) 3-5 mammary lobes 2) 3-10 mammary lobes
3) 15-20 mammary lobes 4) 30-40 mammary lobes
17. In female humans milk is sucked out through
1) Mammary lobes 2) Mammary ducts 3) Alveoli cells 4) Lactiferous ducts
1) 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 2 7) 2 8) 4 9) 3 10) 3
11) 2 12) 2 13) 1 14) 4 15) 3 16) 2 17) 4 18) 4 19) 4 20) 2
21) 3 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 4 26) 4 27) 3 28) 2 29) 4 30) 1
31) 1 32) 4 33) 2 34) 3 35) 2 36) 3 37) 1 38) 1 39) 2 40) 3
18. Which of the following fatty tissue is like cushion covered by skin and public hair in female
external genitalia
1) Labia majora 2) Mons pubis 3) Labia minora 4) Hymen
19. Which is of the following is finger like tiny structure
1) Mons pubis 2) Labia majora 3) Labia minora 4) Clitoris
20. Which of the following structures secrete milk
1) Cells of alveoli 2) Mammary duct 3) Lactiferous duct 4) Nipple
21. Female reproductive system consists of
1) A single ovary, a pair of oviducts, single uterus, cervix vagina and external genitalia
2) A pair of ovaries, a pair of oviducts, single uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia
3) A pair of ovaries, a pair of oviducts, pair of uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia
4) A single ovary, a single oviduct and pair of uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia
22. Which of the following parts of oviduct is funnel shaped and posses finger like projections
1) Isthmus, ampulla 2) Infundibulum, isthmus
3) Infundibulum, fimbriae 4) Fimbriae, isthmus
23. Which of the following structure is homologous to penis
1) Mons pubis 2) Labia majora 3) Labia minora 4) Clitoris
24. Study the following parts related to mammary glands
1) Mammary lobes 2) Alveoli 3) Mammary tubules 4) Mammary duct
5) mammary ampulla 6) Lactiferous duct
1) 4,5,6,1,3 2) 1,2,3,4,5,6 3) 1,3,4,2,5,6 4) 2,4,5,3,6,1
25. Which of the following cells undergo meiosis – I division
1) Spermatogonia 2) Spermatid 3) Sperm 4) Primary spermatocyte
26. Each secondary spermatocyte is
1) Diploid with 46 chromosomes 2) Haploid with 46 chromosomes
3) Haploid with 23 chromosomes 4) Diploid with 23 chromosomes
27. Trnsformation of spermatid into spermatozoa is called as
1) Spermiation 2) Spermatocytogenesis
3) Spermiogenesis 4) Ejaculation
28. Which of the following hypothalamic hormone stimulates spermatogenesis at the age of
41. How many sperms are allowed by the ovum for fertilisation
1) Many 2) 54 3) 2 4) only one
42. Completion of the meiotic division of the secondary oocyte occurs
1) when secondary oocyte is inside the ovary
2) during ovulation 3) any time
4) after the entry of sperm inside the ovum
43. The second meiotic division in secondary oocyte is
1) unequal and forms 2 polar body and ootid
2) equal and forms 2 polar body and ootid
3) equal and forms 1 polar body and ootid
4) unequal and forms 1 polar body and ootid
44. Eggs produced in a year by an ovary of nonpregnant woman is
1) 12 2) 6 3) 24 4) 48
45. From the female reproductive system diagram Identify B
1) Uterus 2) Seminal vesicle
3) Penis 4) Urethra
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 2 5) 3 6) 2 7) 1 8) 4 9) 2 10) 3
11) 2 12) 4 13) 2 14) 3 15) 3 16) 4 17) 1 18) 2 19) 4 20) 1
21) 2 22) 3 23) 4 24) 3 25) 4 26) 3 27) 3 28) 3 29) 1 30) 4
31) 3 32) 2 33) 3 34) 4 35) 2 36) 3 37) 2 38) 3 39) 1 40) 3
14. Most of the contraceptive pills contain:
(a)FSH + Estrogen (b)LH + Progesterone
(c)Estrogen + Progesterone (d)FSH + LH
15. Cutting or putting ligatures around male genital duct is called:
(a) Salpingectomy (b)Tubectomy (c)Vasectomy (d)None of these
16. Which one of the following statements is correct with reference to a test tube baby?
(a)A prematurely born baby reared in an incubator
(b)In vitro fertilization and transfer of embryo into mother’s uterus
(c)In vitro fertilization and development of the embryo in a large test tube with
nutrients (d)In vivo fertilization and development of the embryo in a laboratory dish
17. The first test tube baby was born in:
(a) USA (b)France (c)England (d)India
18. Which of the following contraceptive method is exclusively a terminal method of family
planning in the homogametic sex of humans?
(a) Nirodh (b)Vasectomy (c)Tubectomy (d)IUCDs
19. Name the first test tube baby of the world:
(a) Michael Hebranko (b)Russell Hulse (c)Louise Brown (d)Bill Evans
20. MTP is considered safe for the first ......... weeks of pregnancy
(a)10 (b)15 (c)8 (d)12
21. The technique which makes use of amniotic fluid for the detection of prenatal disorder is
called as:
(a)Laparoscopy (b)Amniocentesis (c)Endoscopy (d)Ultrasound
22. Amniocentesis is a technique misused for:
(a)estimating amino acid content of the amnion
(b)determining the sex of the foetus
(c)measuring the size of the amnion
(d)determining the position of the foetus
23. Which one of the following can be determined by amniocentesis?
(a) Turner’s syndrome
(b)Klinefelter’s syndrome (c)Sex of the unborn child
(d)All of the above
24. India launched a nation wide family planning programme in
(a) 1950 (b) 1951 (c) 1952 (d) 1953
25. World population in 1999 was
(a) Eight billions (b) Four billions (c) Six billions (d) Five billions
26. Medical termination of pregnancy Act came into force on
(a) April 1, 1974 (b) April 1, 1972
(c) March 1, 1971 (d) March 1, 1972
27. Barrier method of contraception included all except
(a) Condom (b) Dutch cap
(c) CuT (d) Diaphragm
28. All are medical intrauerine devices except
(a) Lippe’s loop (b) CuT - 200
(c) CuT-380A (d) Multiload 375
29. Multiload device contains
(a) Zinc (b) Copper
(c) Silver (d) Iron
30. Indian MTP Act allows abortion upto
(a) 12 weeks (b) 20 weeks
(c) 21 weeks (d) 24 weeks
31. Best method for spacing is
(a) condom (b) Vasectomy
(c) IUDS (d) Tubectomy
32. Multioad device refers to
(a) First generation IUD
(b) Second generation IUD
(c) Oral contraceptive pill
(d) Barrier contraceptive
33. Most widely practised method of family planning by eligible couples in india is
(a) IUD (b) Oral contraceptive pills
(c) Sterilisation (d) Nirodh
34. Infertility is the relative state of failure to conceive after how many year/years of sexual
life without contraception?
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four
35. commonest STD in India is
(a) Syphils (b) Gonorrhoea
(c) AIDS (d) Herpes
a) Intrauterine diagnosis
38. Given below are four methods (a-d) and their mode of action (i-iv) in achieving contraception.
Choose the correct options.
a) a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-iib) a-ii, b-iii, c-i, d-iv c) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii d) a-iv, b-i, c-ii, d-iii
39. Consider the statements regarding birth control and answer as directed
b) Chances of contraception are nil until mother breast feeds the infant upto two years
d) Contraceptive pills may be taken upto one week after coitus to prevent
a) a, c b) a, b c) b, c d) c, d
41. Sterilisation techniques are generally fool proof methods of contraception with least side effects.
Yet, this is the last option for the couples because
i) It is almost irreversible
42. Choose the right one among the statements given below
43. Following statements are given regarding MTP.
44. Condoms are one of the most popular contraceptives because of the following reasons
a) Ova collected from the female donor are transferred to the fallopian tube to facilitate zygote
b) Zygote formed in simulated conditions is transferred to the fallopian tube of its mother or surrogate
46. Diaphragms are contraceptive devices used by the females. Choose the correct option from
the statements given below
47. A: Mother should be blamed for the birth of girls in the family
R: Father is responsible for the sex of the child.
48. A: Over-production is a boom for the developing countries.
R: More hands are present for work.
49. A: One in every six persons in the world is an Indian.
R: In India, there are more females than males.
50. A: Syphilis is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
R: Syphilis spread through sexual contact.
51. A: MTPs as a significant role in controlling population growth.
R: It is performed manually.
1) b 2) d 3) c 4) d 5) d 6) b 7) b 8) a 9) d 10) d
11) a 12) b 13) d 14) c 15) c 16) b 17) c 18) c 19) c 20) d
21) b 22) b 23) d 24) b 25) c 26) c 27) c 28) a 29) b 30) b
31) c 32) b 33) d 34) b 35) b 36) d 37) a 38) c 39) a 40) c
41) d 42) b 43) c 44) d 45) b 46) c 47) c 48) a 49) c 50) d
51) c
a). Out crossing b). Cross breeding c). Line breeding d).Close breeding
3. The offspring that is produced due to mating of animals of different breeds is called
a). Out cross b). Mule c). Hinny d). Cross breed
4. The number of chromosomes present in each somatic cell of a male, worker and queen honey
a). Gametes b). Meristematic cells c). Zygote d). cancer cell
a). to the mother which gave birth to it b). to the lamb from which udder cell is taken
c). to the mother into which balstocyst is implanted d). to the father used for fertilization
10 A mule can be obtained by crossing
a). Jack and Jennet b). Stallion and mare c). Jack and mare d). Stallion and Jennet
a). sex limited genes present in females b). sex limited genes present in males
c). sex linked genes present in males d). sex influenced genes present in males
12. The following are the statements with regards to out breeding
II. It is highly effective for characters that are under the control of genes that are polygenic and
a). I & II b). II & III c). I & III d). All
14. A queen honeybee, heterozygous for a dominant trait mates with drone that shows the same
trait. Which of the following is true about her offspring/
a). All females express dominant trait and males exhibit dominant and recessive traits in 1:1 ratio.
b). All males express dominant trait and females exhibit dominant and recessive traits in 1:1 ratio
c). All females express dominant trait and all males express recessive trait
d). Both males and females exhibit dominant and recessive traits in 1:1 ratio each
15. When a cow is crossed to a bull and the female progeny is found to be high yielding for milk
than its mother, it can be inferred that
a) Genes for high milk yield are more in number in female parent than that of male
b) More number of high milk yield genes are inherited from male parent than
c) More number of high milk yield genes are inherited from female than male
d) High milk yield genes are inherited only from male parent but not from female
16. The lamb (Dolly) produced by organism cloning done by Ian Wilmut is genetically and
phenotypically identical to
b) Scottish black face eve from which an egg cell was collected
c) Finn Dorset eve from which the udder cells were collected
d) Scottish black face eve from which udder cell was collected
17. In poultry birds which of the following diseases can spread through contaminated food and
20. Following are the popular hybrid broilers raised in India
Reason (R): Genes for milk yield are sex linked and polygenic with cumulative expression
22. Assertion (A): The crossing of unrelated individuals results in the progeny with increased vigour
Reason (R): The offspring produced due to crossing of different breeds has large number of loci
with dominant genotypes than either of the parents
23. Assertion (A) : Macrobrachium rosenbergi is the most suitable scampy for the culture
Reason (R): Fish meat is rich in non-essential amino acids like methionine and lysine
25. Assertion (A): Coccidiosis and worm infections are less common in deep litter system
Reason(R): Bird droppings are decomposed quickly in the deep litter system
Reason (R): Scampy is stenothermal and stenohaline and shows fast growth
1-b 2-d 3-d 4-c 5-c 6-a 7-c 8-b 9-b 10-c 11-b 12-a 13-b
14-a 15-b 16-c 17-a 18-d 19-b 20-d21-c 22-a 23-a 24-c 25-a 26-c
14. During pre-biotic origin of life which chemical played important role in formation of nucleotide
specially guanosine-
(a) CH4 (b) CO2 (c) NH3 (d) HCN**
15. Among the following which molecule till now not synthesized by mimicking the environment of
pre-biotic environment-
(a) Ribose** (b) Pyrimidines (c) Purine (d) L-aminoacids
16. Among the following the evidence of evolution from biogeography is-
(a) Embryo development (b) Plate tectonics (c) Darwin finches* (d) Darwin turtles
17. Thorns of Bougenwalia plant and tendril of cucurbits are-
(a) Homologous organs** (b) Paralogous organ (c) Analogous organ (d) Orthologous organ
18. Placental mammals such as mouse, wolf, Australian marsupials such as marsupial mouse,
Tasmanian wolf shows-
(a) Parallel evolution** (b) Convergent evolution
(c) Divergent evolution (d) Phyletic evolution
19. Which of the following is not an vestigial organ in humans-
(a) Ear muscles (b) Tail vertebra (c) Premolar** (d) Appendix
20. Which of the following was earliest form with lipid bilayer and can reproduce by budding-
(a) Coacervates (b) Micro spheres** (c) protobionts (d) Monospheres
21. Which of them do not cause variation at genetic level-
(a) Mutation and recombination (b) Gene migration and drift
(c) Natural selection and artificial selection (d) Panmictic population**
22. The raw material for evolution is variability of gene or allele at/in-
(a) individual level (b) population (c) gene pool** (d) community
23. Founder effect is concerned with-
(a) Gene migration (b) Genetic drift (c) Natural selection** (d) Mutation
24. If the individual ar one extreme of the size distribution (eg., larger one ) contribute more offspring
to next generation then such selection is called as-
(a) Directional** (b) Disruptive (c) Cyclic (d) Stabilizing
25. Examples of polymorphism in human is-
(a) ABO blood group (b) Sickle cell anaemia (c) height and Intelligence (d) All of the above**
26. When the preservation of genetic variability is through heterozygote superiority it is termed as-
(a) Heteropolymorphism (b) Balanced polymorphism**
(c) Stabilizing polymorphism (d) Directional polymorphism
27. Type of speciation due to polyploidy is-
(a) Allopathic (b) Parapatric (c) Peripatric (d) Sympatric**
28. When the two species are morphologically almost identical but reproductively isolated,are termed
(a) Taxonomic species (b) Ecotypes (c) Sibling species** (d) Morphospecie
29. Which of the following is not a prerequisite for natural selection’s operation?
a)More offspring than can possibly survive b)Differential reproduction
c)An innate desire to change** d)Competition for resources
30. Which statement best characterizes natural selection?
a)Blind, random chance hitting upon lucky combinations
b)The slow accumulation of adaptive mutations**
c)Absolute dependence on carbon-based biochemistry
d)Organisms perishing when unexpected calamities occur
31. The wing of the bat and the fore-limb of the dog are said to be homologous structures. This
indicates that:
a) They have the same function
b) Bats evolved from a lineage of dogs
c) They are structures which are similar due to common ancestry**
d) The limb bones of each are anatomically identical
32.Marine mammals have many structural characteristics in common with fishes. The explanation
that evolutionary theory would give for this similarity is:
a) Fish and mammals are closely related
b) Fish evolved structures similar to those already existing in mammals
c) Marine mammals evolved directly from the fishes
d) Marine mammals adapted to an environment similar to that of the fishes**
33. An alternation in the arrangement of nucleotides in a chromosome, possibly resulting in either a
structural or physiological change in the organism, is called:
a) Genetic drift b) Natural selection c) Gene flow d) A mutation**
34. A sudden major climatic change would most likely initially result in:
a. A rapid increase in adaptive radiation
b. A rapid increase in extinction rates
c. A sharp increase in numbers of species
d. An increase in mutation rates**
35. Which of the following best represents Lamarck's ideas on the evolutionary process?
a) Survival of the fittest b) Inheritance of acquired characteristics**
c) Neutral drift d) Punctuated equilibrium
36. With respect to the alleles for sickle cell anemia, which genotype(s) is (are) at a
disadvantage to persons residing in tropical areas of Africa?
a. homozygous recessive*
b. homozygous dominant
c. heterozygous
d. both heterozygous and homozygous dominant
37. Individual species will continually evolve as a result of:
a. coevolution.
b. convergent evolution.
c. punctuated equilibrium.
d. natural selection**.
38. Evolutionary modifications that improve the survival and reproductive success of an
organism are called:
a. mutations. b. vestigial structures.
c. homoplastic traits. d. Adaptations*.
39. Whose findings of evolution by natural selection were presented with those of Darwin?
a. Alfred Wallace b. Carolus Linnaeus
c. Charles Lyell d. Gregor Mendel
40. Perhaps the most direct evidence for evolution comes from:
a. biogeography. b. comparative anatomy.
c. developmental biology. d. the fossil record.**
41. Bird wings and insect wings are considered to be:
a. homologous structures. b. homogenous structures.
c. vestigial structures. d. homoplastic structures.**
42. The front limbs of birds and bats, both wings, are considered to be:
a. homologous structures.** b. homozygous structures.
c. convergent structures d. homoplastic structures.
43. When populations with separate ancestors adapt in similar ways to similar
environmental constraints, it is referred to as:
a. biogeography. b. coevolution.
c. convergent evolution**. d. homologous evolution.
44. Which of the following early embryos would be the easiest to distinguish from the
a. bird b. honey bee** c. Human d. snake
45. If a population of 1000 individuals has 160 aa genotypes, the genotype frequency of the
aa genotype is:
a. 0.016. b. 0.08. c. 0.16**. d. 0.8.
46. If a population of 1000 individuals has 160 aa genotypes, assuming simple dominance
by the A allele, the phenotype frequency of the dominant phenotype is:
a. 0.08. b. 0.16. c. 0.42. d. 0.84**.
47. What is the correct equation for the Hardy-Weinberg principle?
a. p2 + 2pq2 + q2 + q2 = 100 b. p2 + 2p + 2q + q2 = 1
c. p2 - 2pq + q2 = 1 d. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1**
48. In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, the term q2 refers to the frequency of:
a. the recessive allele at a given locus. b. the homozygous recessive genotype at a given locus.**
c. the recessive alleles in a given population. d. the heterozygotes in a population.
49. Which of the following causes changes in allele frequencies?
a. genetic drift b. natural selection
c. gene flow from migration d. All of these.**
50. Due to a rapid change in the environment, a population of ants was reduced from
1 million to 1 thousand. What type of genetic drift will occur in the gene pool of this
population when it expands again?
a. the founder effect b. migration
c. a genetic bottleneck** d. gene flow
51. Random evolutionary changes in a small breeding population is known as:
a. gene flow. b. genetic drift* c. disruptive selection. d. natural selection.
52. The migration of breeding individuals between populations causes a corresponding
movement of alleles, which is referred to as:
a. genetic drift. b. directional selection. c. natural selection. d. gene flow.**
53. The overuse of antibiotics has led to a form of antibiotic resistant tuberculosis. This
has occurred as a result of:
a. directional selection within the bacterial population.**
b. stabilizing selection within the bacterial population.
c. disruptive selection within the bacterial population.
d. a heterozygote advantage within the bacterial population.
54. In selection, individuals with a phenotype near the mean are favored over
those at the phenotypic extremes.
a. directional b. Disruptive c. stabilizing** d. frequency-dependent
55. The distribution of phenotypes for human birth weight is a good example of:
a. the founder effect. b. directional selection. c. disruptive selection. d. stabilizing selection**.
56. In the human species, a heterozygote advantage is demonstrated by which condition?
a. hemophilia b. sickle cell anemia** c. Down syndrome d. Klinefelter syndrome
57. Theory of abiogenesis or spontaneous genration was finally disapproved by
a.Louis Pasteur** b.A.I.Oparin c.A.R.Wallace d.Sydney Fox
58.Chronological sequence of ev olution of the genus Homo are
a. Homo habilis – H.erectus -- H.neander -- H.sapiens sapiens**
b. Homo habilis – H.sapiens neanderthalensis -- H.sapiens sapiens
c) Homo erectus – H.habilis -- H.sapiens sapiens -- H.sapiens neanderthalensis
d) Homo neanderthalensi – H.erectus -- H.sapiens sapiens -- H.habilis
59. Which of the following fossil man possessed a cranial capacity almost equal to that of modern
a.Neanderthal man** ape man c.peking man d.australopithecus africanus
60.During the evolution of man, the first human like being was
a.Homo sapiens b.Homo habilis** c.Ramapithecus d.Dryopithecus
1. Which of the following is mismatched pair of disease and its related symptom?
Disease Symptom
1) Phenylketonuria Urine turns black on exposure to air
2) Down’s syndrome Physical and mental retardation
3) Klinefelter’s syndrome sterile males
4) Turner’s syndrome sterile females.
Inheritance of which of the following traits is shown in the above given cross?
1) X-linked dominant trait 2) X-linked recessive trait
3) Autosomal recessive trait 4) Autosomal dominant trait.
Study the given pedigree chart for sickle-cell anaemia and select the most appropriate
option for the genotypes.
st rd
Genotypes of parents Genotypes of 1 and 3 child in F,
1) Hb Hb , Hb Hb Hb Hb , Hb Hb
2) Hb Hb , Hb Hb Hb Hb , Hb Hb
3) Hb Hb , Hb Hb Hb Hb , Hb Hb
4) Hb Hb , Hb Hb Hb Hb , Hb Hb .
4. Which one is the incorrect match?
1) — Consanguineous mating
2) — Sex unspecified
3) — Male
4) — Affected individuals.
6. The given figure shows lac operon and its functioning. Select the option which correctly
labels A, B, X, Y and Z.
1) Repressor Inducer β-Galacto-sidase Permease Trans acetylase
2) Repressor Inducer Permease β-Galacto-sidase Trans acetylase
3) Inducer Repressor β-Galacto-sidase Permease Trans acetylase
4) Inducer Repressor β-Galacto-sidase Trans-acetylase Permease
7. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
A) Sigma factor (i) 5' - 3'
B) Capping (ii) Initiation
C) Tailing (iii) Termination
D) Coding strand (iv) 5' end
(v) 3' end
1) (A)-(iii), (B)-(v), (C)-(iv), (D)-(ii) 2) (A)-(ii), (B)-(iv), (C)-(v), (D)-(i)
3) (A)-(ii), (B)-(iv), (C)-(v), (D)-(iii) 4) (A)-(iii), (B)-(v), (C)-(iv), (D)-(i).
8. Match the scientists given in column I to their respective discoveries given in column II
and select the correct option.
Column I Column II
A) Alec Jeffreys (i) Lac operon
B) F. Sanger (H) Automated DNA sequencers
C) Jacob and Monoth (iii) DNA finger printing
D) Avery, Mc Leod and Mc Carty. (iv)Transforming principle
1) (A)-(ii), (B)-(iii), (C)-(iv), (D)-(i) 2) (A)-(iii), (B)-(ii), (C)-(i), (D)-(iv)
3) (A)-(iii), (B)-(ii), (C)-(iv), (D)-(i) 4) (A)-(i), (B)-(ii), (C)-(iii), (D)-(iv).
9. Following figure represents the process of transcription in bacteria.
15. In view of importance of genetic research, the genome of the plant is analysed
1) Larthyrus oderatas 2) Pisum sativum 3) Arabidopsis 4) Mimosa
16. Nucleotide base pairs in an average gene
1) 1.5 millions 2) 3000 3) 2416 4) 3 billion
17. Number of SNPs (snips) in the genome
1) 2.2 million 2) 1.4 million 3) 1 billion 4) 3 billion
18. Match the following
List – I List – II
A) 3164 – 7 million bps i) Protein encoding genes of human
B) 2, 968 genes ii) Y – chromosome of human
C) 231 genes iii) Chromosome – I of human
D) 30, 000 genes iv) Human genome
v) X – chromosome of human
1 i ii iii iv 2 iv iii ii v
3 iv i ii v 4 iv iii ii iii
19. Arrange the following from up stream to down stream in the following related to lac
A) A – structural gene B) Z – structural gene
C) Y – structural gene D) Operator
E) Repressor gene F) Promoter
20. Assertion (A): Lac operon is an inducible operon
Reason (R) : The lac operon gets ‘on’ by the inducer
1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A
3) A is correct but R is incorrect 4) A is incorrect but R is correct
21. Assertion (A): In prokaryotic cells polypeptide begins to get synthesized, before the
termination of synthesis of m RNA.
Reason (R): In prokaryotes, ribosomes can bind and begin translation before polymerase
has completed of the new m RNA strand.
1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A
3) A is correct but R is incorrect 4) A is incorrect but R is correct
34. Select the two correct statements out of the four given below about lac operon
i) Glucose or galactose may bind with the repressor and inactivate it
ii) In the absence of lactose the repressor binds with the operator region
iii) The z-gene codes for permease
iv) This was elucidated by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monad
The correct statements are
1) II and III 2) I and III 3) II and IV 4) I and II
35. According to the Lac operon concept, which functional unit of the bacterial genetic
material is responsible for suppressing the activity of the operator gene in the absence of
1) Regulator gene 2) Structural gene 3) Promoter gene 4) Repressor gene
36. An m RNA has some additions sequences that are not translated are present at
and before stop codon at 3′ end
1) Before start codon at 5′end
2) Before start codon at 3′ end and before stop codon at 5′ end
3) Before start codon at 5′ end and after stop codon at 3′ end
4) After start codon at 5′end and before stop codon at 3′ end
37. ABO blood groups in humans are controlled by the gene I. it has three alleles – and
i. since there are three different alleles, six different genotypes are possibile. How many
phenotypes can occur?
1) 3 2) 1 3)4 4) 2
38. Which of the following disorders are caused due to recessive autosomal mutations?
1) Tuner’s syndrome and sickle cell anaemia
2) Edward’s syndrome and Down’s syndrome
3) Cystic fibrosis and phenlketonuria
4) Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s chorea
39. A man with enlarged breasts, sparse body hair and XXY genotype is suffering from
1) Down’s syndrome 2) Tuner’s syndrome 3) Klinefelter syndrome 4) super male
40. Which of the following is a symptom of Down’s syndrome?
1) Flat back of head 2) Many “loops” on finger tips
3) Big and wrinkled tongue 4) All of these
41. Genes with multiple phenotypic effectsas are known as
1) Hypostatic genes 2) duplicate genes 3) Pleiotropic genes 4) Complementary genes
42. Which one of the following conditions correctly describes the manner of determining the
1) Homozygous sex chromosomes (ZZ) determine female sex in birds
2) Xo type of sex chromosomes determine male sex in grasshopper
3) XO condition in humans as found in turners syndrome, determines female sex
4) Homozygous sex chromosomes (XX) produce male in Drosphila
43. Removal of introns and joining of exons in a defined order during transcription is called
1) Looping 2) inducing 3) Slicing 4) Splicing
44. The lac operon is turned on when allolactose molecules bind to
1) Promoter site 2) operator site 3) mRNA 4) Repressor protein
45. Identify the wrong statements
1) In male grasshoppers 50% of the sperms have no sex chromosome
2) In domesticated fowls the sex of the progeny depends on the type of sperm that fertilizes the
3) The human males have one of their sex chromosomes much shorter than the other
4) The male fruit fly is heterogametic
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 3 6) 1 7) 2 8) 2 9) 2 10) 2
11) 1 12) 4 13) 1 14) 3 15) 3 16) 2 17) 2 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1
21) 4 22) 3 23) 2 24) 3 25) 1 26) 2 27) 1 28) 3 29) 1 30) 3
31) 2 32) 4 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4 36) 3 37) 3 38) 3 39) 3 40) 2
41) 3 42) 2 43) 4 44) 4 45) 2
1. The term ‘Health’ is defined in many ways. The most accurate definition of the health
would be:
3. Diseases are broadly grouped into infectious and non-infectious diseases. In the list given
below, identify the infectious diseases.
(a) i and ii (b) ii and iii (c) iii and iv (d)ii and iv
4. Many diseases can be diagnosed by observing the symptoms in the patient. Which groups
of symptoms are indicative of pneumonia?
a. the patient was not efficient at his work b. the patient was not economically prosperous
6. The substance produced by a cell in viral infection that can protect other cells from further
infection is:
7. Antibodies present in colostrum which protect the new born from certain diseases is of
10. Two T cell subpopulations can be distinguished by the type of the membrane glycoprotein
molecules called
11. Immunity that protects against intracellular bacteria, virus & cancer cells is
12. Which of the following cells release inflammatory mediators such as histamine an
a) Basophils b) Eosinophils
List – I List – II
a) A – 3; B – 5; C – 1; D – 2 b) A – 5; B – 3; C – 1; D – 2
c) A – 5; B – 3; C – 2; D – 1 d) A – 5; B – 4; C – 1; D – 2
List – I List – II
5. Inflammation of liver
a) A – 1; B – 3; C – 2; D – 5 b) A – 2; B – 3; C – 5; D – 1
c) A – 4; B – 5; C – 3; D – 2 d) A – 1; B – 3; C – 5; D – 2
a) Thymus b) Spleen
21. Which of the following options gives the correct matching of a disease with its causative
organism and mode of infection
22. Where will you look for the sporozoites of the malarial parasitie ?
23. In which one of the following options the two examples are correctly matched with their
particular type of immunity
24. A certain patient is suspected to be suffering from Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Which diagnostic technique will you recommend for its detection?
26. Which of the following factor does not cause transmission of HIV – infection?
I. Amoeboid stage II. Schizont stage III. Signet ring stage IV. Erythrocytic
29. Which of the following stages of P.vivax that transforms into dormant stages
a) Hypnozoites b) Cryptozoites
c) Macrometacryptozoites d) Micrometacryptozoites
32. ”Asymptomatic cyst passers “with reference to parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica are
d).those who pass uninucleate cysts with rich glycogen and chromatoid bodies
35. Assertion (A): Most of the antigens inducing humoral immunity are thymus – dependent
Reason (R): They require direct contact with TH cells to activate B – cells
Reason(R): In cancer cells cadherin molecules are either partly or entirely missing, allowing
the cancer cells to lose contact with other cells in the tissue and spread to other areas
37. Assertion (A): Blood samples should be taken during night time between 10.00 pm to 4.00 am
to detect filariasis in man
39. Assertion (A): Ring worms generally develop in skin folds such as in groins and between toes
1-c 2-d 3-d 4-a 5-c 6-c 7-b 8-c 9-c 10-b
21-d 22-b 23-c 24-c 25-c 26-a 27-b 28-b 29-c 30-b
1. The organisms which cause diseases in plants and animals are called:
a.Pathogens b. Vectors c. Insects d. Worms
2. The sporozoites that cause infection when a female Anopheles mosquito bites a human
being are formed in:
5. In malignant tumors, the cells proliferate, grow rapidly and move to other parts of the
body to form new tumors. This stage of disease is called:
6. AIDS is caused by HIV. Among the following, which one is not a mode of transmission of
c. shaking hands with infected person d. sexual contact with infected person
c. Antibodies d. Enzymes
11. Which of the following glands is large sized at birth but reduces in size with aging?
13. One of the following is not the causal organism for ringworm
d. Macrosporum
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
16. The site in the variable region of the antibody that binds to an epitope on an antigen is
17. Immunity developed due to transfer of antibodies from mother to the foetus through
placenta is
19. Toxoplasmosis of the brain and Kaposi’s sarcoma are example for
a) One alpha chain & one beta chain b) One light chain & one heavy chain
c) Two alpha chains & two beta chains d) Two light chains & two heavy chains
22. In the diagnosis of HIV infection, PCR method is useful in the detection of
d) Dendritic cells
25. Hepatitis virus whose incubation period is 4-26 weeks is also characterized by
27. In higher animals the second line of defence does not include
c) Antibodies d) Phagocytes
28. Cytokines that primarily affect the growth and differentiation of various cells of immune
system are secreted by the
29. In cell mediated immune system the structures that fragment target cell DNA are
released by
33. Acid in the stomach, saliva in the mouth and tears from eyes are an example for
a) Lymphoedema b) Lymphangitis
c) Lymphadenitis d) Elephantiasis
35. The number of copulatory papillae and copulatory spicules in male Wuchereria are
a) Two, many b) Many, 1 pair c) Two pairs, many d) Many, Two pairs
36. Which of the following forms of plasmodium can invade two different types of cells in the
host`s body
a) Sporozoites b) Macrometacryptozoites
c) Micrometacryptozoites d) Cryptozoites
37. The following stages of P.vivax are not formed in primary host
40. Which of the following is necessary for the release of ‘metacystic form’of Entamoeba
44. Which part of the brain is involved in loss of control when a person drinks alcohol?
47. The term ‘Health’ is defined in many ways. The most accurate definition of the health
would be:
48. Which of the following are the reason(s) for Rheumatoid arthritis? Choose the correct
iv. The ability to differentiate pathogens or foreign molecules from self cells is lost
(a) i and ii (b) ii and iv (c) iii and iv (d) i and iii
I) They trap antigen and provide sites for mature lymphocytes to interact with that antigen.
III) Spleen and lymph nodes are highly organized secondary lymphoid organs
IV) Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) is the less-organized lymphoid tissue
a) Only I, II & III b) Only II, III & IV c) Only I, II & IV d) All are true
5) Hepatitis E
51. Identify the wrong statement from the following with respect to the structure of an
d) Each Fab fragment has one light chain and a part of heavy chain
52. Based on the percentage incidence of different types of cancers arrange them in an
ascending order
a) A B C b) C A B c) B A C d) C B A
54. What does “T” stands for in DPT vaccine (AIIMS 2010)
56. Which one of the following is not a property of cancerous cells where as the remaining
three are?
57. Where will you look for the sporozoites of the malarial parasite?
a)he secondary lymphoid organs are immature lymphocytes differentiate into antigen- sensitive
b) After maturation the lymphocytes migrate to secondary lymphoid organs like spleen and
lymph nodes
c) The bone marrow is the main lymphoid organ where all blood cells including lymphocytes are
60. In the life cycle of malarial parasite, which of the following will occur in the lumen of the
crop of its invertebrate host?
61. Identify the correct sequence of the following regarding the life cycle of Plasmodium
62. Which of the following stage (s) of malarial parasite always invade erythrocytes of man
a) Gametocytes
c) Micrometa cryptozoites
d) Sporozoites
63. The following are the different stages of Entamoeba histolytica. Arrange them in a
V. Metacystic amoebae
64. The stage in the life cycle of Wuchereria that is observed in both the hosts for a brief
a) First stage Larva and second stage larva b) Microfilaria and Second Stage larva
c) Microfilaria and Third Stage larva d) Second Stage Larva and Third Stage larva.
65. Match the following
List – I List – II
5. B – cells
a) A – 5; B – 3; C – 1; D – 2 b) A – 3; B – 5; C – 1; D – 4
c) A – 3; B – 5; C – 4; D – 1 d) A – 2; B – 5; C – 1; D – 4
List – I List – II
5. Inflammation of liver
a) A – 1; B – 3; C – 2; D – 5 b) A – 2; B – 3; C – 5; D – 1
c) A – 4; B – 5; C – 3; D – 2 d) A – 1; B – 3; C – 5; D – 2
List – I List - II
V) Effector TH cells
c) A – IV, B – V, C – I, D – II d) A – IV, B – I, C – V, D –
I List-II
70. Which of the following options gives the correct matching of a disease with its causative
organism and mode of infection
anopheles mosquito
71. In which one of the following options the two examples are correctly matched with their
particular type of immunity
73. Assertion (A): Most of the antigens inducing humoral immunity are thymus – dependent
Reason (R): They require direct contact with TH cells to activate B – cells
74. Assertion (A): Unlike T cells, B- cells cannot recognize free antigens
Reason(R): B–cell receptors recognize and bind only to the class I MHC molecules located
on antigen presenting cells
Reason(R): In cancer cells cadherin molecules are either partly or entirely missing, allowing
the cancer cells to lose contact with other cells in the tissue and spread to other areas
Reason (R): Benign tumour cells are localized with fibrous capsule and exhibit metastasis.
Reason (R): The young ones of Wuchereria develop in the mother with in the egg and the
78. Assertion (A): Blood samples should be taken during night time between 10.00 pm to 4.00 am
to detect filariasis in man
80. Assertion (A): Wuchereria requires a blood sucking Vector for its transmission.
Reason (R) : Its Larvae, microfilaria are present in the blood of culex mosquito
81. Assertion (A): In mammals P gene acts as a tumour suppressor gene
53 53
Reason (R): P gene product is P protein which promotes the activity of oncogenes.
83. Assertion (A): Ring worms generally develop in skin folds such as in groins and between toes
Reason (R): Stratified keratinized epithelium of the skin with tough stratum corneum prevents
entry of the microbes
85. Assertion (A): LSD and marijuana are clinically used as analgesics
1-a 2-c 3-b 4-c 5-b 6-c 7-a 8-d 9-a 10-c
11-c 12-c 13-d 14-c 15-c 16-d 17-b 18-d 19-a 20-d
21-d 22-d 23-d 24-c 25-d 26-d 27-c 28-d 29-d 30-b
31-c 32-d 33-c 34-b 35-b 36-d 37-c 38-c 39-b 40-b
41-d 42-a 43-c 44-a 45-c 46-a 47-c 48-b 49-d 50-c
51-c 52-c 53-c 54-c 55-d 56-b 57-b 58-a 59-a 60-c
61-b 62-c 63-c 64-c 65-b 66-d 67-d 68-c 69-c 70-d
71-c 72-d 73-a 74-d 75-a 76-c 77-a 78-a 79-d 80-c