Ecosystem q1

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SECTION -A 103. If a single plant species is removed from a food

Attempt All 35 questions web then most likely :-

101. Energy transfer from one trophic level to (1) Dependent herbivoures will have to find
new food resources
another trophic level in a food chain is :-
(2) Carnivores will be eliminated from that
(1) 1% (2) 10% zone
(3) 2% (4) 20% (3) Other plants will produce enough food for
102. Study the following statements and select the herbivores
correct ones. :- (4) An animal species will fill the unoccupied
(i) Pyramids of energy production can never be space
inverted, since this would violate the laws of 104. Which species is most likely the decomposer :-
(ii) Pyramids of standing crop and numbers can
be inverted, since the number of organisms at a
time does not indicate the amount of energy
flowing through the system. (1) Species A (2) Species B
(iii) There are certain limitations of ecological (3) Species E (4) Species C
pyramids such as they do not take into account 105. Statement -1: In decomposition, complex organic
the same species belonging to two or more compounds of detritus are converted to carbon
trophic levels. dioxide, water and organic nutrients by the
(iv) Saprophytes are not given any place in decomposers.
ecological pyramids even though they play a Statement- 2: Food is transferred from producers
vital role in the ecosystem. to decomposers
(1) (i) and (ii) (1) Statement 1 is correct & statement 2 is
(2) (iii) and (iv)
(2) Statement 1 is incorrect & statement 2 is
(3) (ii) and (iii) correct
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) & (iv) (3) Both statements are correct
(4) Both statements are incorrect
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106. Select the correct one - 110. How many statements are correct for ecosystem
(1) DFC is the major conduit for energy flow sustainability :-
in aquatic ecosystem (a) Presence of energy input source
(b) Presence of physical components
(2) GFC is the major conduit for energy flow (c) Presence of decomposers
in terrestrial ecosystem (d) Presence of biogeochemical cycle
(3) Trophic level represent species level of an (1) a, b (2) b, c, d
(3) a, b, c, d (4) a, c, d
(4) Flow of energy in DFC is slow
111. The basic functional unit of biological
107. Which of the following have more than one organization is:
trophic levels at a time :-
(1) Community (2) Biome
(1) Cow (2) Sparrow
(3) Ecosystem (4) Organism
(3) Frog (4) Wolf
112. Stranding crop is measured in terms of
108. Each trophic level has a certain mass of living
(1) Biomass/unit area
material at a particular time called as the ____
(2) Number of organism/unit area
(1) Standing state
(3) Both (1) or (2)
(2) Biotic potential
(4) None of these
(3) Biomass
(4) All of the above
109. Not true for NPP is :-
(1) Net primary productivity
(2) Available biomass for consumption to
(3) Total amount of biomass formed by plants
(4) Amount of biomass stored is plants as
organic matter

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113. How many statements are true : 116. Which one of the following processes during
Fragmentation is a physical process decomposition is correctly described ?
performed by detrivores (1) Humification - Leads to the accumulation
Earthworm and fungi uses the same of a dark coloured substance humus which
mechanism for decomposition undergoes microbial action at a very fast
O2 required in catabolism process during rate.
decomposition (2) Catabolism - Last step in the
In grazing food chain size of organisms decomposition under fully anaerobic
D condition.
commonly decreases at higher level
Gross primary productivity and net (3) Leaching - water soluble inorganic
E primary productivity both are the rat of nutrients rise to the top layers of soil.
biomass production (4) Fragmentation - Carried out by organisms
(1) A, C, D and E (2) A and B such as Earthworm
(3) A, B, C and D (4) A and C only 117. Find the correct match according to
114. The number of trophic levels in a food chain is
limited to 4 or 5 because – (1) Trees - occupy the bottom layers.

(1) The amount of food produced by producer (2) Shrubs - occupy the 2nd layer
is limited (3) Under storey - top layer
(2) Consumer's demand is high (4) Herbs and grasses - occupy the 3rd layer
(3) 90% of the food is lost at each transfer 118. The most important climatic factors that
between trophic levels regulates decomposition through their effects on
(4) Activity of decomposer is poor the activities of soil microbes are :-
115. What is the percentage of photosynthetically (1) Temperature and soil moisture
active radiation (PAR) in the incident solar
radiations ? (2) CO2 and light
(1) 100 % (2) less than 50 % (3) Temperature and light
(3) 1 – 5 % (4) 2 – 10 % (4) O2 and light

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119. The biomass available for consumption by the 123. The following are examples of terrestrial
herbivores and the decomposers is called: ecosystem except
(1) net primary productivity (1) Forest (2) Wetland
(2) secondary productivity (3) Grassland (4) Desert
(3) standing state 124. Microbes that break down the complex organic
(4) gross primary productivity matter into simple substances like carbon
dioxide, minerals and water are
120. Which of the following statement about GFC is
(1) Producers (2) Decomposers
incorrect ?
(3) Consumers (4) Symbionts
(1) First trophic level is occupied by
phytoplanktons. 125. Assertion : Trophic level is a functional level not
(2) Begins with consumers a species as such.
Reason : Same species can not occupy different
(3) Major conduit for energy flow in aquatic
ecosystems trophic level in same ecosystem.

(4) Size of organisms commonly increases at (1) Both assertion and reasons are true and
higher trophic levels reason is a correct explanation of the
121. Which factor limits the primary productivity of assertion.
an ecosystem most often? (2) Both assertion and reasons are true and
(1) Solar radiation/light reason is not correct explanation of the
(2) Oxygen
(3) Assertion is true but the reason is false.
(3) Consumers
(4) Both Assertion and reason is false.
(4) Nitrogen
126. Which of the following ecosystem has all
122. Plant capture only ______ of the PAR and this
pyramids upright ?
amount of energy sustains the entire living
world. (1) Tree ecosystem

(1) 50-60% (2) 40-80% (2) Grass land ecosystem

(3) 2-10% (4) 20-40% (3) Lake ecosystem

(4) Pond ecosystem

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127. Which of the following are not given any place 130. Read the following statements :
in ecological pyramids Statement-I : Total amount of inorganic
(1) Primary producers substance present in ecosystem is called standing
(2) Primary producers crop.
(3) Top carnivores Statement-II : Total amount of living organic
(4) Saprophytes matter present in ecosystem is called standing
128. Given below are two statements
Statement I : Rate of decomposition is (1) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
controlled by chemical composition of detritus. incorrect.
Statement II : Decomposition is largely an (2) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
anaerobic process. correct.
In the light of above statements choose the (3) Both Statement I and Statement II are
correct answer from the options given below. correct.
(1) Both statement I and statement II are (4) Both Statement I and Statement II are
correct. incorrect.
(2) Only statement I is correct. 131. Read statement A to C
(3) Only statement II is correct. (A) The consumer that feed on the herbivores are
carnivores or more correctly primary carnivores
(4) Both statement I and Statement II are
(B) The detritus food chain (DFC) begin with
dead organic matter
129. Solar energy gets converted to chemical energy (C) Based on the source of nutrition or food
by plants and chemical energy gets converted organisms occupy a specific place in the food
into kinetic or heat energy in animals, it shows :- chain that is known as their trophic level.
(1) 1st law of thermodynamics in food chain. How many of the above statements are correct
(2) 2nd law of thermodynamics in food chain. :
(3) Above both laws in food chain. (1) Only A (2) A & B
(4) Above statement is not related with laws of (3) B & C (4) All

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This section will have 15 questions. Candidate
can choose to attempt any 10 questions out of
these 15 questions. In case if candidate attempts
Find the correct match w.r.t to organisms found more than 10 questions, first 10 attempted
in a pond ecosystem: questions will be considered for marking.
(1) Autotrophic component - phytoplankton & 136. Which of the following statement(s) are
some algae. incorrect?
(2) Consumers - bacteria & flagellates (A) A given species may occupy more than one
(3) Decomposers - zooplankton trophic level in the same ecosystem
(B) Pyramid of energy is always upright
(4) Abiotic component - fishes
(C) Catabolism is a non-enzymatic process
133. Which of the following option correctly (D) Primary producers are herbivores
represent functions of an ecosystem ?
(A) Energy flow (B) Decomposition (1) A, B and C (2) A, B, C and D
(C) Productivity (D) Nutrient cycling (3) C and D (4) A and D
(1) A and D (2) A, C and D 137. Which can represent an inverted pyramid :-
(3) B, C and D (4) A, B, C and D (a) Pyramid of number in grassland ecosystem
134. Which of the following is a primary consumer in (b) Pyramid of energy in pond ecosystem
maize field ecosystem :- (c) Pyramid of biomass in grassland ecosystem
(1) Grasshopper (2) Wolf (d) Pyramid of number in tree ecosystem

(3) Phytoplankton (4) Lion (1) a, b (2) c, d

135. Plant → Rabbit → Wolf → Lion (3) a, c (4) only d

In above food chain if plant produce 1000 Kcal 138. The rate of formation of new organic matter by
energy during photosynthesis than how much rabbit in a grassland is called
amount of energy available for wolf in given (1) Net primary productivity
food chain ?
(2) Gross primary productivity
(1) 100 Kcal (2) 1 Kcal
(3) Net productivity
(3) 10 Kcal (4) 0.1 Kcal
(4) Secondary productivity

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139. Which type of productivity of producers can be 143. The given pyramid represents___________
used by other trophic levels ? parameter in _________ ecosystem:-
(1) GPP (2) NPP
(3) GSP (4) NCP
(1) Number, pond
140. All of the following are characteristics of
anthropogenic ecosystem, except (2) Standing crop, tree
(1) It has simple food chain (3) Number, tree
(2) It possesses self-regulatory mechanism (4) Standing crop, pond
(3) It shows high productivity 144. Which of the following are structural features of
(4) It has little biodiversity
(1) Productivity, Decomposition
141. Consider the following statements and choose
the true statements : (2) Energy flow, Nutrient recycling
(I) Phytoplanktons are consider as primary (3) Productivity, Energy flow
producer (4) Species composition, Stratification
(II) Zooplanktons are consider as primary
consumer 145. Which type of ecological pyramid would be
obtained with the following data-
(III) Grasshopper is consider as secondary
Secondary consumer - 2500 Jule
Primary consumer - 4500 Jule
(IV) Small fishes are consider as secondary
Primary producer - 5000 Jule
consumer Tertiary consumer - 1000 Jule
(V) Wolf is consider as an example of top
carnivore in an ecosystem (1) This pyramid is not possible

(1) I, II, and V (2) I, V and IV (2) Inverted pyramid of energy

(3) All are correct (4) I, II, III and IV (3) Upright pyramid of number

142. Correct sequence of respiratory loss in plants (4) Upright pyramid of energy
(P), Herbivores (H) and Carnivores (C) is :
(1) P < H > C (2) P < H < C
(3) P > H > C (4) P > H < C

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146. Select the correctly matched pair:- 149. Humus is good for plant growth because it
(1) Primary productivity = g/m2 (1) improves physical condition of soil
(2) NPP = GPP - R (2) makes the soil porous
(3) NPP of biosphere = 170 million tons (3) increases water holding and aeration of soil
(4) NPP of ocean = 100 billion tons (4) All of the above
147. Assertion: Earthworm is referred to as the 150. Energy _____ in an Ecosystem.
farmer's friend (1) is released
Reason: Earthworm performs catabolism and
degrades detritus into simpler inorganic (2) is absorbed
substances (3) flows
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct and (4) None of the above
the reason is correct explanation of the
(2) Both assertion & reason are correct and the
reason is not the correct explanation of the
(3) Assertion is correct and reason is incorrect
(4) Both assertion and reason are incorrect
148. Choose the Correct one for decomposition
(1) Fragmentation → Catabolism → leaching
(2) Leaching → Catabolism →
(3) Catabolism → Leaching →
(4) Above steps operate simultaneously

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