ACCT5001 - Semester 2, 2021
ACCT5001 - Semester 2, 2021
ACCT5001 - Semester 2, 2021
Current students
During 2021 we will continue to support students who need to study remotely due to the
ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and travel restrictions.
Make sure you check the location
code when selecting a unit outline or choosing your units of study in Sydney Student.
out more about what these codes mean.
Both remote and on-campus locations have the same learning activities and assessments,
however teaching staff may vary. More information about face-to-face teaching and
assessment arrangements for each unit will be provided on Canvas.
Unit of study_
This unit provides an introduction to the generally accepted accounting principles and
practices underlying financial accounting and reporting. The unit introduces students to the
concepts and skills required to prepare, analyse, and interpret financial statements.
Session, year
? Semester 2, 2021
Location Remote 1/11
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Credit points 6
Enrolment rules
? None
? None
? None
Outcomes assessed:
Group Assignment 25% Multiple 2 x 3 hours
Online business cases weeks
Outcomes assessed:
Outcomes assessed:
Outcomes assessed:
LO7 2/11
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Tutorial participation
Students are required to attend tutorials and actively participate in discussions and quizzes.
Group assignment:
The group assignment involves case-based work to promote active and collaborative learning.
More specifically, it involves the completion of a business case in week 6 and week 13. Each
case is to be completed in a 3-hour timetabled session. The group assignment requires
students to apply critical thinking, work as team, and develop a deeper level of understanding
of financial accounting.
Mid-semester exam:
Final exam:
The final exam will cover the material from modules 7-12, although this will require background
knowledge and skills from modules 1 to 12. This assessment is listed as HURDLE TASK. An
assessment that is listed as HURDLE TASK means you must undertake the assessment and
achieve a mark above a minimum standard. Students who fail to achieve this minimum
standard in this assessment, even when their aggregate mark for the entire unit is above 50%,
will be given a Fail grade for the unit. As a result the student's academic transcript will show a
fail grade and the actual mark achieved if between 0-49 and a fail grade and a capped
moderated mark of 49 for all other marks. The hurdle mark for this assessment is 45%.
Assessment criteria
The University awards common result grades, set out in the Coursework Policy 2014 (Schedule
Result Mark
name range
High 85 - Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at an
distinction 100 exceptional standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars
outlined by your faculty or school.
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at a
Distinction75 - 84
very high standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars outlined
by your faculty or school.
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at a
Credit 65 - 74
good standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars outlined by
your faculty or school. 3/11
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Result Mark
name range
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at an
Pass 50 - 64
acceptable standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars
outlined by your faculty or school.
When you don’t meet the learning outcomes of the unit to a satisfactory
Fail 0 - 49
Late submission
In accordance with University policy,
these penalties apply when written work is submitted
after 11:59pm on the due date:
Deduction of 5% of the maximum mark for each calendar day after the due date.
After ten calendar days late, a mark of zero will be awarded.
Special consideration
If you experience short-term circumstances beyond your control, such as illness, injury or
misadventure or if you have essential commitments
which impact your preparation or
performance in an assessment,
you may be eligible for special consideration or special
Academic integrity
The Current Student website
provides information on academic honesty, academic
dishonesty, and the resources available to all students.
The University expects students and staff to act ethically and honestly and will treat all
allegations of academic dishonesty or plagiarism seriously.
Weekly schedule 4/11
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WK Topic activity Learning outcomes 5/11
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WK Topic activity Learning outcomes
Study commitment
Typically, there is a minimum expectation of 1.5-2 hours of student effort per week per credit
point for units of study offered over a full semester.
For a 6 credit point unit, this equates to
roughly 120-150 hours of student effort in total.
Prescribed readings
The required weekly readings in this unit are from the following textbook:
Miller-Nobles, T., Mattison, B., Matsumura, E., Best, P., Tan, R., and Willet, R. (2020).
Horngren's Financial Accounting, 9th edition, Melbourne Australia, Pearson Australia. 6/11
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Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are what students know, understand and are able to do on completion of a
unit of study.
They are aligned with the University’s graduate qualities and are assessed as part
of the curriculum.
LO1. Describe the importance, use and purpose of accounting and identify its users as well as
potential business, social, professional or ethical issues.
LO2. Process (identify, analyse, record, store and summarise) business transactions in the
accounting system during the accounting period (and at the end of the period).
LO3. Construct the data and prepare appropriately classified financial statements to report
financial performance for the period, financial position at the end of the period, changes in
equity, and a statement of cash flows for the period.
LO4. Identify and prepare end of period adjustments required in accordance with accounting
principles and accrual accounting.
LO5. Apply accounting principles, concepts, different methods and selected accounting
standards in accounting and reporting for specific assets, liabilities and owners' equity
LO6. Discuss relevant underlying conceptual principles, assumptions and/or accounting policy
choices on the preparation and decision usefulness of general purpose financial reports.
LO7. Analyse and interpret accounting information and reports to help make evaluations and
decisions about the entity.
LO8. Explain and demonstrate how the use of special journals and subsidiary ledgers can
improve the efficiency of a manual and computerised accounting system.
LO9. Distinguish a company from other forms of business structure, account for equity
transactions during the period, and report shareholders' equity at the end of the period.
LO10. Identify general internal control principles and demonstrate specific applications.
Graduate qualities
The graduate qualities
are the qualities and skills that all University of Sydney graduates must
demonstrate on successful completion of an award course.
As a future Sydney graduate, the
set of qualities have been designed to equip you for the contemporary world. 7/11
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GQ5 Inventiveness
Generating novel ideas and solutions.
GQ9 Influence
Engaging others in a process, idea or vision.
Outcome map
No changes have been made since this unit was last offered. 8/11
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Additional information
The University reserves the right to amend units of study or no longer offer certain units,
including where
there are low enrolment numbers.
To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online
glossary. 9/11
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