PED06 LM-Prelim PermalinoGD
PED06 LM-Prelim PermalinoGD
PED06 LM-Prelim PermalinoGD
Assessment in
Learning 1
Prepared by:
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
Assessment is said to be at the core of the Before knowing deeply what is all about
vital element in the curriculum process. It basic knowledge of the different concepts
used to determine student’s learning needs, related to this topic. At this point, we will
important for students, teachers and other Measurement comes from the old French
At the end of this chapter the students are
expected to:
1. Describe the basic concepts and
Basically, it is a quantitative description of an
terminologies in assessment.
object’s characteristic or attribute.
2. Explain the type and purposes of
measurement, assessment, testing and
In education, teachers measure a particular
element of learning like their readiness to
3. Discuss the relationship of measurement,
learn, recall of facts, demonstration of
testing, evaluation and assessment.
specific skills, or their ability to analyze and
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
solve applied problems. They use tools or A test can be classified into two, subjective
instruments such as tests, oral presentations, or objective. An objective test can be
written reports, portfolios and rubrics to corrected and quantified quite easily where
obtain pertinent information. scores can be readily compared. Examples
are: true or false, matching type, multiple
B. TESTING choice. While subjective test elicits varied
answers or responses. This kind of test may
have more than one answer. Example:
restricted essay and extended-response
essay. In terms of scoring, unlike objective
test, scores are likely to influence by
personal opinion or judgment by the person
and systematic procedure for measuring a In the case of a student with special needs,
learner’s knowledge, skills or abilities individual test can be given to them in order
students have learned but they still provide Classified based on the constructor, attest
There are several typologies of tests. The examiners under similar conditions. Scoring
successful use of a test depends on the procedures and interpretation are consistent.
purpose and the construct to be measured. On the other hand, Non-standardized tests
are usually prepared by teachers. Mostly we
In terms of the way responses are made, a this kind of test are constructed haphazardly
test may be oral, written or performance- due to limited time and lack of opportunity to
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
* Tests that yield norm-referenced at the same time, student can assess their
interpretations are evaluative instruments own learning and performance.
that measure a student’s performance in
relation to the performance of a group on the ➢ Administrative Functions
same test. Likewise, they measure student’s This is being used in any
performance in comparison to the administrative matter in order to provide
performance of same-age students on the means of determining how they will
same assessment. Comparisons are group students according to their level of
made and the student’s relative position is ability. Some may use it as means of
performance based on mastery of a specific techniques in teaching and even the use
set of skills. It measures what the student of technology that will help in enhancing
knows and doesn’t know at the time of the learning are carried out using test
There are types of test which are classified interest and aptitudes so that they can
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
Assessment can be defined as the process It employs tasks or activities that provide
of gathering the data and fashioning them students with an opportunity to monitor and
into interpretable form for decision-making. It further their own learning- to think about their
involves collecting data with a view of making personal learning habits and how they can
valve judgment about the quality of a person, adjust their learning strategies to achieve
means “to sit beside a judge”. this means that This is summative and done at the end of a
assessment is tied up with evaluation. unit, task, process or period. Its purpose is to
words, all tests are assessments, but not all improvement and accountability in all
assessments are tests. We test at the end aspects of the education system. In order to
the end of a school year through testing, and students, teachers and other players in the
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
1. Define/Refine student
learning outcomes based on
input from stakeholders.
5. Implement assessment
6. Identify gaps between tool(s) to gather evidence of
desired and actual results. student learning.
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
Principles of
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
Assessment Principles set out the key
aspects of assessment practice that should
be reflected in all assessment practice and
procedure. They help explain why we have
assessment and guide our approach to
assessment matters. There can be
circumstances in assessment practice where
all the principles cannot be applied at
the same time. For example, when choosing DISCUSSION
a particular method of assessment, it may be The following list represents a set of
that the principle of validity in assessment is principles for good practice in assessment.
over-ridden by the principle of reliability. The
sacrifice of one principle for another is 1.1 Assessment should be an integral part
acceptable when there is clear justification. of the curriculum
Overall, the principles should provide an The design of assessment should not be
underpinning and guiding framework that separated from the design of the overall
steers assessment practice. curriculum, which comprises aims, learning
outcomes, teaching, learning and
OBJECTIVES assessment activities and which is described
At the end of this chapter the students are in programme specifications. Therefore,
expected to: assessment strategies for individual modules
1. Identify the principles of assessment. should not be decided in isolation from other
2. Explain the principles of assessment. modules that make up the rest of the year, or
3. Construct a concept map to explain the that build incrementally year on year.
principles of assessment. Assessment tasks should relate to the
learning outcomes of the
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
ensure that assessment is not inadvertently programme learning outcomes are being
culturally biased or otherwise disadvantaging assessed. A variety of assessment types
particular may be seen as desirable to ensure
groups. inclusivity, fairness and motivation, but
unless this is coordinated at programme
1.13 Student assessment workload level there is a danger that the overall pattern
should be appropriate of assessment will become unbalanced. For
Each Faculty is expected to publish details of example, insisting on having an unseen
what is expected of students. In arriving at an written examination on every module may be
appropriate workload Faculties should take unnecessary, but removing all examinations
account of the following suggestions: may not be wise. Such imbalance may arise
• Spread assessment throughout the when assessment design is only carried out
semester/year so as to minimize bunching. at module level. The balance of modes of
Several tasks can be set/assessed early assessment across a programme could
on— e.g. literature searches, book reviews usefully be considered as part of programme
— to help ensure that tasks do not all come validation and monitoring.
at the module end.
• Assess a little rather than a lot: focus on
exactly what needs to be assessed and
design tasks which measure this primarily.
Don’t measure the same things repeatedly.
• Adhere to deadlines firmly but avoid fixing
assessment dates to coincide across several
• Assessment dates should be pre-planned
and published at the beginning of the
semester/year. Choose distributed hand-in
deadlines appropriately. In designing
curriculum, staff need to ensure they are
making sufficient and appropriate demands
so that students are able to demonstrate the
highest levels of attainment; this needs to
be reflected in student workload
It is not unusual for teachers to receive
complaints or comments from students
regarding tests and other assessments. For OBJECTIVES
one, there may be an issue concerning the At the end of this chapter the students are
coverage of the test. Students may have expected to:
been tested on areas that were not part of the 1. Determine the distinction between
content domain. They may not have been validity and reliability.
given the opportunity to study or learn the 2. Cite evidences of validity and reliability in
opportunity to study or learn the material. teacher made test.
The emphasis of the test may also be too 3. Create a recommendation based on the
complex inconsistent with the performance principles of validity and reliability.
verbs in the learning outcomes.
Let’s conceptualized!
Validity alone does not ensure high
quality assessment. Reliability of test results DSICUSSION
should be checked. Questions on reliability A. What is Validity?
surface if there are inconsistencies in the Reliability comes for the Latin word validus
results when tests are administered over which means strong. In view of assessment,
different time periods, sample questions or it is deemed valid if it measures what is
groups. supposed to. We can say the test is valid if it
Both validity and reliability are considered measures a student’s actual knowledge and
when gathering information or evidences performance with respect to the intended
about student achievement. outcomes and not something else. For
instance, an assessment purportedly for
measuring arithmetic skills of Grade 4 pupils
is invalid if used for Grade 1 pupils because
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1
PED 06 - Assessment in Learning 1