Week 1 MTLB

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➢ A person who engages on the work of

WHAT IS A MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST? medical technology under the supervision
of a pathologist, and a graduate of
➢ A health care professional who plays a key bachelor in medical technology who
role in the modern laboratory – performs passed the board exam. Also regarded as
various clinical, laboratory procedures that the living clinical eye.
helps the physicians to diagnose, monitor,
and treat a certain human condition. MEDICAL TECHNICIAN
➢ A healthcare professional who performs ➢ A person who is a graduate of bachelor of
diagnostic analytic tests on body fluids medtech but failed to passed the board
such as blood, urine, sputum, stool, exam.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), peritoneal fluid,
pericardial fluid, and synovial fluid, as well CHARACTERISTICS OF A MEDICAL
as other specimens. TECHNOLOGIST
BY HEINEMANN: ✓ Ability to solve problems efficiently
✓ Enjoy challenges and responsibilities
⚫Application of principles ✓ Perform procedures accurately and
⚫Performance of laboratory procedures precisely
⚫Diagnosis and treatment of diseases ✓ Functions well even under pressure
✓ Able to communicate well
BY ANNE FAGELSON: ✓ Likes the sciences and performing
laboratory procedures
⚫Performance of Laboratory determinations ✓ Flexible and a team player
and analyses
⚫Diagnosis and treatment of disease
ACCORDING TO ✓ Good eyesight
ACT OF 1969” ✓ Normal color vision
(RA 5527)


by Ferdinand Marcos
➢ Section 2 → definition of terms ONSET
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY 460 BC - Greek physician Hippocrates the
father of scientific medicine, adopt the triad of
➢ An auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine regimen, in treating diseases and infections
which deals with the examinations by with the use of drugs, surgery, and bloodletting.
various chemical, microscopic,
bacteriologic and other medical laboratory 1550 BC - Vivian Herrick shown the incidence
procedure or technique. of intestinal parasitic infection caused by
Ascaris lumbricoides and Taena species.
➢ Ebers Papyrus - a book that
➢ A duly registered physician who is describes the treatment of
specially trained in methods of medicine, diseases and the three
or the gross examination of tissues, and stages hookworm infection.
function of human body to diagnose certain
➢ Anenzoa - a Arabian physician, HISTORY OF MED. TECH IN THE UNITED
proved that scabies are caused STATES
by parasites.
➢ The first chemical laboratory related to
During the MEDIEVAL PERIOD (1098-1438) - medicine was established at the University
urinalysis became a fashion of practice. All of Michigan by Dr. Douglas. He pioneered
these information were mentioned in the book laboratory instruction in this well-equipped
of Ruth Williams entitled “ An introduction to laboratory.
the Profession of Medical Technology”
➢ 1878 - Dr. William H. Welch established
14TH CENTURY - Anna Fagelson strongly another laboratory at the Bellevue Hospital
confirmed the beginnings of medtech when Medical College. He gave the first
she correlated that the cause of death by laboratory course in Pathology ever offered
Alexander Gilani, a laboratory worker in the in an American Medical School.
University of Bologna, was due to laboratory-
acquired infection. ➢ 1885 - Dr. W. Welch became the first
professor of pathology at the John Hopkins
17TH CENTURY- Anton Van Leuwenhoek University.
invested the first functional crude microscope.
First scientist to observe and describe the ➢ Dr. Simon Flexner the first pathologist of
appearance of red blood cell. the John Hopkins Hospital Department of
Marcelo Malphigi - Father of Pathology and
Histology. ➢ 1896 - Dr. William Osler – first clinical
laboratory opened at the John Hopkins
Hospital- routine examination were carried
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE 18TH out, special attention being given to the
CENTURY search for malarial parasites in blood.

1821-1902 - Rudolf Virchow was recognized ➢ 1896 - Another clinical laboratory was also
as the ‘’father of microscopic pathology’’ also opened at the University of Pennsylvania
the first scientist to emphasized the study of (William Pepper Laboratory).
manifestation of diseases and infections
➢ Burdon Sunderson - obtain significant
1850 - DEPT. OF PATHOLOGY WAS results in his works in medicine, he
ESTABLISHED initiated the use of laboratory animals for
experimentation as part of his lab
Dr. Calvin Ellis - was the first to utilize examination.
the microscope in examining specimen
at the Massachusetts General Hospital. ➢ 1896- first clinical laboratory was opened
at John Hopkins Hospital.
Dr. William Occam - used lab findings
as preliminary evidence in diagnosing ➢ 1908 - Dr. James C. Todd wrote the book
and evaluating disease. “A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis”. It was
retitled “Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory
Methods” in its 6th edition by Dr. Todd and
APOTHECARIES ACT of 1815- initiated by Dr. Arthur Sanford. This book became the
Baron Carl yon Humbeldt. It was formulated for standard reference for laboratories.
the regulation of the practice of apothecaries
throughout England and Wales. It is the ➢ 1919 census, 100 technicians, all male
beginning of regulation of the medical employed in the United States. This
profession in UK. increased to 3,500 in 1920. In 1922, 3,035
hospitals had clinical laboratories.
Herman Fehling - performed first quantitative
test for urine sugar.
➢ 1915, the state legislature of Pennsylvania ➢ 1947- training of Medical Technicians
enacted a law requiring all hospitals and started under Dr. Pio de Roda and Dr.
institutions to have an adequate laboratory Prudencia C. Sta. Ana. Trainees were
and to employ a full time laboratory mostly highschool and paramedical
technician. graduates. (No definite period of training
was set and no certificates were given to
➢ 1922, University of Minnesota - one of the trainees.
first school to trained laboratory workers. A
course bulletin was titled “ Courses in ➢ 1954, a six-month laboratory training with
Medical Technology for Clinical and certificates upon completion was given to
Laboratory Technicians. the trainees. Dr. Sta. Ana prepared the
syllabus for the training program.
➢ 1923, University of Minnesota first to offer
a degree level program. ➢ Dr. Tirso Briones joined the two doctors in
the training program at the public health
➢ 1940 United States required a 2 year laboratory.
collegiate education and a twelve-month
actual training in the laboratory for the
preparation of its practice. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION IN
➢ 950, Standard curriculum was formalized
in preparation for a Bachelor of Science ➢ Philippine Union College and Manila
degree. Sanitarium offered the first B.S. degree
course in Medical Technology.
THE PHILIPPINES ➢ 1956, Dr. Jesse Umali - first graduate of
B.S. MedTech from PUC; now OB-
➢ End of World War II (1939-1945) - Medical Gynecologist in the USA. He is also the
Technology practice was introduced in the owner of the Omega Laboratory at Vito
Philippines by the 26th Medical Infantry of Cruz, Manila.
the 6th US Army.
➢ Mrs. William Herrick - started to offer the
➢ The US Army established the first Clinical medical technology course.
laboratory at Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz,
Manila where the Manila Public Health ➢ 5 years curriculum was first offer to PUC
Laboratory (a division of the Manila Health and Manila Sanitarium.
Department ) is presently located.
➢ 1957, Dr. Antonio Gabriel and Dr. Gustavo
➢ February 1944 - laboratory (MPHL) offered U. Reyes (UST Faculty of Pharmacy)
training program to high school graduates. offered Medical Technology as an elective
subject to 4th and 5th year B.S. Pharmacy
➢ June,1945 - US Army left the Clinical students.
Laboratory and endorsed it to the National
Department of Health. The Department ➢ Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Rodriguez decided to
rendered the laboratory non-functional for offer Med.Tech. as a course at UST.
➢ June 17, 1957, issuance of temporary
➢ October 1, 1945, Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda - permit to first to third year students
organized the Medical laboratory and was (Dep.Ed.)
given the name Public Health Laboratory.
He was assisted by Dr. Mariano Icasiano ➢ June 1960, issuance of permit for the
who was then the Manila City Health internship program.
➢ June 14, 1961 - Full recognition of the 4-
year B.S. Medical Technology course.
➢ 1960, Mrs. Purificacion Sunico-Suaco Goals and Objectives of the Organization:
pioneered B.S. Medical Technology course
at the Centro Escolar University. Their first ◼ To encourage a thorough study of the
graduates was in 1962. needs and problems of MT education and
to offer solution for them;
➢ 1961, Dr. Horacio A. Ylagan and Dr.
Serafin J. Juliano , started offering B.S. ◼ To work for the enhancement and
MedTech at FEU under the College of continuous development of Medical
Medicine. Their first graduates was in 1963. Technology education in order that the
profession will be of maximum service to
➢ U.P. Manila offers similar course but the the country;
degree being conferred is B.S. Public
Health ◼ To take a united stand in matters which
affect the interests of Medical Technology
➢ Our Lady of Fatima University- offer the education and;
course Medical technology in the year
2000. ◼ To seek advice, aid and assistance from
any government or private entity for the
➢ Postgraduate studies for B.S. Medical fulfillment of the Association’s aims and
Technology purposes.

Among the schools that offered the

course were the following: History of PASMETH

⚫ UST Graduate School ➢ Established/Organized:

⚫ Philippine Women’s University
⚫ Manila Central University - May 13, 1970
⚫ Our Lady of Fatima University
⚫ Trinity University of Asia - Narciso Albarracin appointed Dr.
⚫ U.P. Manila offered 1 year, non- Serafin Juliano and Dr. Gustavo Reyes
thesis degree in Masters in Public Health to organize an association of Deans
/Heads of schools of MT and
PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ➢ First organizational meeting was held at
UST on June 22, 1970
Pres: Dr. Gustavo Reyes
V.P: Dr.Serafin Juliano
PASMETH Sec/Treas: Dr. Velia Trinidad
The Philippine Association of Schools of PRO: Dr. Faustino Sunico
Medical Technology and Public Health, Inc.
➢ First annual meeting was held at UST on
◼ The national organization of all registered May 7, 1971.
schools of medical technology in the
Philippines. ➢ First set of officers was re-elected for a
second term on April 30, 1972
◼ Formed in 1970 in the hopes of
maintaining the highest standards of For SY 1972-73, the elected officers
MT/PH education and to foster closer were:
relations among these schools.
Pres: Dr. Gustavo Reyes
VP: Dr. Claro Cabrera
Sec/Treas: Dr. Elvira Silva
PRO: Dr. Faustino Sunico
Others who served as PASMETH presidents: Mr. Romulo Tabo (PUC)
Ms. Juanita Sarmiento (UST)
Dr. Ibarra Panopio (1973-1974)
Dr. Angelita G. Adeva (1974-1977) ➢ September 20, 1964 – first National
Dr. Elizabeth M. del Rio (1977-1980) convention of PAMET held at the
Dr. Gustavo Reyes (1980-1981) conference hall of the Far Eastern
Dr. Claro D. Cabrera (1981-1982) University Hospital at Morayta St., Manila.
Dr. Elizabeth M. del Rio (1982-1983)
Dr. Norma V. Lerma (1983-1984) ➢ It was incorporated and registered at the
Dr. Vicencio T. Torres (1984-1985) Securities and Exchange Commission on
Prof. Nardito Moraleta (1985-1988) October 14, 1969 with Reg. No. 39570,
Dean Norma N. Chang (1988-1995) during the presidency of Mr. Nardito D.
Prof. Rodolfo R. Rabor (1996-2000) Moraleta.
Dean Nini F. Lim (2000-2002)
Dean Zenaida C. Cajucom (2002-2010) ➢ On June 21, 1969, R.A. 5527 also known
Dean Magdalena Natividad (2010- as the Philippine Medical Technology Act
Present) was enacted into law.

➢ On June 22, 1973, P.D.223 was approved

➢ It was formally registered with the creating the Professional Regulation
Securities and Exchange Commission on Commission (PRC). PAMET was officially
October 6, 1985 thru the Committee on recognized as the only Accredited
Legislation chaired by Mr. Cirilo S. Professional Organization (APO) of
Cajucom with the help of a legal counsel, registered Medical Technologists in the
Atty. Dexter Bihis. Philippines

➢ PAMET is a national body with forty-six (46)

PAMET chapters nationwide totalling to more than
Philippine Association of Medical twelve thousand (12,000) members.
➢ PAMET is affiliated with other local
◼ National organization of all registered professional associations namely Council
Medical Technologist in the Philippines. Of Professional Health Associations
(COPHA), Philippine Federation of
◼ Mr. Crisanto Almario - “Father of PAMET” Professional Associations (PFPA), Council
of Health Agencies (CHAP), Philippine
Organized PAMET on September 15, Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical
1963 at the Manila Public Health Laboratories (PCQACL) and Alliance of
Laboratory in Sta. Cruz, Manila Allied Health Organizations of the Nation
Pioneers of PAMET
➢ Internationally, PAMET is affiliated with
Mr. Crisanto Almario ASEAN Association of Clinical Laboratory
Mrs. Virginia Cabuen Sciences (AACLS), Asian Association of
Ms. Josefina Acayan Medical Laboratory Scientists (AAMLS),
Ms. Josefina Tombo International Federation of Biomedical
Ms. Clarita Centeno Laboratory Scientists (IFBLS) and Asia-
Ms. Bienvenida Cruz Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry
Mrs. Cecilia Cabailo (APFCB), International Federation in
Ms. Remedios Manansala Clinical Chemistry (IFCC), and with link
Ms. Antonia Geraldez with PAMET USA and PAMET Singapore
Mrs. Felisa de Leon
Ms. Florentina Catanghal
Ms. Cecilia Roque (UP)
Mr. Jesse Umali (PUC)
The PAMET Insignia
Organized more PAMET chapters.

• The CIRCLE symbolizes the continuous ◼ BERNARDO T. TABAOSARES ( 1971-

involvement where practice and education 1973 )
must always be integrated.
Proclaimed the 3rd week of September
• The TRIANGLE is the trilogy of LOVE, as the Philippine Medical Technology
Respect and Integrity. week.

• The letters are Green, the color of health. Amendment of Teves Law.

• The Microscope and Snake symbolize the ◼ ANGELINA R. JOSE ( 1973 )

science of Medical Technology profession.
Shortest time of office (8 mos.)
• The year 1964 was the year of first PAMET
election. Worked for the upgrading of Medical
Technology profession by raising the
professional number from 20 to 3.
The PAMET Presidents
◼ VENERABLE C.V. OCA ( 1977-1981 )
( 1963-1967 )
Monthly seminars for the Continuing
President for 3 consecutive terms Professional Education of Medical
Approval of House Bill No. 7682 on May
10, 1965 Monthly medical missions which offer
free lab services to the less fortunate
◼ NARDITO D. MORALETA ( 1967-1970 ) Filipinos

Father of the profession Quiz show

Approval of RA5527 ◼ CARMENCITA P. ACEDERA ( 1982-

1991 )
Organized the 1st PAMET chapters
outside Manila (Cebu & Baguio) Intensified civic development of PAMET
thru medical missions.
Registration of PAMET with the IAMLT
on May 28, 1970. Active participation and involvement of
the whole PAMET members in all of its
Organized the council of MT Education activities.
in 1969.
Improvement of the financial status of
◼ FELIX E. ASPRE ( 1970-1971, 1973-1976 ) the organization.

The only president who served the Closer coordination between PAMET
association for 5 years. and PASMETH for the upliftment of the
Worked for the approval of PD498 on
June 28, 1974. Publication of the official newspaper of
the association “Lab News” and the
Accreditation of PAMET as a bonafide “Philippine Journal of MT”.
organization with the PRC on May 24,
“Golden Celebration”
Scholarship projects for the children of
qualified PAMET members 2013-2015

Placement programs for medical ◼ RONALDO PUNO

technology graduates in clinical
laboratories, in medical companies, in “EMPOWERMENT”
school and in drug companies.
Proposal of new staffing pattern for
MedTechs, salary scheme, hazard pay, ◼ ROMMEL F. SACEDA
change in the position of the board of
Medical Technology. 2021- PRESENT

◼ MARILYN R. ATIENZA ( 1992-1996 )

Community service programs.

Publication of the official journal and

membership of PAMET to the AAMLS.

Inclusion of MedTechs to hazard pay.

◼ NORMA N. CHANG ( 1997-2000 )

Revision of Medical Technologist Code

of Ethics on May 7, 1997.

Scholarship of deserving Medical

Technology students sponsored by

◼ AGNES B. MEDENILLA ( 2001-2002,

2005-2006 )

Amendments of RA5527

House Bill 4742 (Board of MedTech)

◼ SHIRLEY F. CRUZADA ( 2003-2004 )

MOA between DOH-NRL for Drug

Testing Training Workshop.

Graduate scholarship project for

bonafide PAMET members.


“beyond expectations”



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