Cambios Fisiologicos Ulc
Cambios Fisiologicos Ulc
Cambios Fisiologicos Ulc
Purpose. This article reviews the corneal changes resulting from events,5 but these categories are not mutually exclusive.
the hypoxia that occurs during sleep and specifically during The physiologic changes differ among the various contact lens
contact lens wear. Methods. Discussion includes a literature re- materials (polymethylmethacrylate [PMMA], rigid gas-permeable
view and observations regarding the changes to the corneal epi- [RGP], soft hydrogel, silicone, and silicone hydrogel) and among
thelium, stroma, and endothelium that take place during sleep and various patterns of wear (daily, conventional, extended, over-
wearing of contact lenses made from different materials. Results.
night). Because individuals differ in susceptibility, these corneal
Hypoxia and hypercapnia cause significant changes to the corneal
epithelium, stroma, and endothelium. Some of these changes can changes are not uniformly present, although patterns emerge.
also be seen following the sleep cycle. Epithelial changes include This article reviews the normal consequences of the prolonged
decreased metabolic rate, morphologic changes, microcysts, closed-eye state and the superimposed consequences from contact
changes in junctional integrity, decreased corneal sensation, and lens wear, particularly those due to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Tear
pannus formation. Stromal changes include stromal edema, stro- film instability, allergy and toxicity, or mechanical effects result-
mal acidosis, neovascularization, and changes in corneal shape ing from contact lens wear also contribute to some of these effects
and, ultimately, corneal thinning. Endothelial changes include bleb but are difficult to separate and will not be specifically addressed.
formation, polymegethism, changes in endothelial cell density, and The new silicone hydrogel contact lens may overcome some of
possible changes in endothelial function. Conclusions. There are
these complications.
multiple and significant corneal changes resulting from hypoxia
and hypercapnia. These changes vary with the specific lens style.
The high-oxygen-permeable contact lenses recently introduced
may overcome some of these problems. PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGES DUE TO PROLONGED
Key Words: Blebs—Contact lenses—Endothelium—Hypercap- EYELID CLOSURE
Stromal acidosis—Stromal edema. The preferred environment for the eye is created by an alternat-
ing period of opening and closing. Prolonged eyelid closure from
any cause triggers a cascade of biochemical, cellular, and micro-
bial events, culminating in inflammation, hypoxia, and dry-eye
Contact lenses interact mechanically with the cornea and modify states.6,7
the physiologic processes of corneal tissue. These changes may In the closed-eye environment, the partial pressure of oxygen as
lead to reduced corneal function.1 It is necessary to differentiate a percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere at the corneal surface is
corneal changes that are physiologically acceptable from those that reduced from 21% to approximately 8%. Prolonged eye closure
are pathologic. Clinicians, biochemists, engineers, and vision sci- induces tear stasis, decreased tear volume, decreased oxygen
entists have performed countless research studies to understand the tension, increased carbon dioxide, a shift to an acidic pH, corneal
etiology of these changes in order to enhance the safety of contact edema, corneal endothelial bleb response, increased corneal tem-
lens wear. perature, decreased acetylcholine, and decreased corneal sensitiv-
Changes in the cornea caused by contact lenses can be divided ity.8 Analysis of the tear constituents in the closed eye confirms
according to the structures affected (tear film, epithelium, stroma, that a subclinical inflammatory condition exists under an eyelid
endothelium) or according to the causes. The major consequence during sleep.9 There are increases in total tear protein, secretory
of contact lens wear is chronic hypoxia, with corresponding
IgA, and serum albumin; there is activation of complement and
hypercapnia.2,3 Other consequences include tear film instability,
plasminogen, production of chemokines, recruitment of polymor-
allergy and toxicity, mechanical effects, inflammation and infec-
phonuclear cells (PMNs), and release of highly reactive substances
tion, and desiccation, as outlined by Bruce and colleagues.4 Alter-
such as elastase and collagenase. Other major reflex tear compo-
natively, these adverse events can be grouped into hypoxia-medi-
nents, such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, and tear-specific prealbumin,
ated events, immune events, mechanical events, and osmotic
remain static.10 Eyelid closure also increases the microbial load on
the conjunctiva and lid margins.11
When the eye is open, the cornea is exposed to a partial pressure
Accepted May 30, 2001. of oxygen (Po2) of approximately 155 mm Hg and a partial
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville,
pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2) of near zero mm Hg4 (Table 1).
Address correspondence to Dr. Thomas J. Liesegang, Mayo Clinic, 4500 In the anterior chamber, Po2 is estimated to be 55 mm Hg, and
San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, FL 32224, U.S.A. Pco2 is estimated to be 40 mm Hg.4 There is normally a flow of
TABLE 1. Ocular Environment in the Closed and Open Eye expressed as a whole number ⫻ 10⫺9 (cm ⫻ mL O2/s ⫻ mL ⫻
Variable Closed Eye Open Eye
mm Hg). Oxygen transmissibility depends directly on this rate of
flow and is inversely related to the average thickness of the lens
Cornea (pH) 7.39 7.55
Tears (pH) 7.25 7.45
(L).16 Thus, oxygen transmissibility is given as Dk/L, and the
Temperature (°C) 36.2 34.50 higher the Dk value, the more permeable the lens is to oxygen.
Tonicity (% NaCl) 0.89 0.97 The Po2 required by the human cornea for normal function is
O2 (mm Hg) 61.00 155.00
CO2 (mm Hg) 55.00 0.0 considered to be at least 75 mm Hg,17,18 and therefore the oxygen
transmissibility necessary to avoid hypoxia in the closed eye is at
Modified from Vajdic CM, Holden BA. Extended-wear contact
lenses. In: Hamano H, Kaufman HE, eds. The Physiology of the
least 75 Dk/L. Extended-wear soft contact lenses need a Dk/L of
Cornea and Contact Lens Applications. New York, Churchill Living- 75 to 89 to avoid inducing edema.18,19 In open-eye conditions, the
stone 1987:101–148; with permission. corneal oxygen demand requires a Dk/L of at least 20, and
daily-wear soft contact lenses should have a Dk/L of 20 to 34 to
avoid inducing edema.18,19 Most thick or high-powered lenses or
oxygen onto the anterior corneal surface and an efflux of CO2 from extended-wear lenses do not meet these requirements. Another
the surface. way of looking at this is to define the minimum oxygen percentage
When the eye is closed, the Po2 in the palpebral conjunctival needed at the corneal surface to prevent corneal edema; this is
capillaries is approximately 60 mm Hg,12 one third that of the approximately 10% to 13%, compared with the normal 21%.18
pressure of the open eye. The Po2 decreases to approximately 40 Tear pumping is a supplementary route for providing oxygen to the
mm Hg at the corneal surface because of corneal oxygen consump- cornea. Investigators have found that there is a 10% to 20%
tion; this results in only a small oxygen flux onto the anterior volume exchange per blink under an RGP contact lens, compared
surface of the cornea. When the eye is closed, the palpebral with only a 1% volume exchange per blink under a soft contact
conjunctiva has a Pco2 similar to that of the aqueous humor, and lens.20
the resulting concentration gradient is negligible. Many investiga-
CO2 transmissibility is directly related to O2 transmissibility.
tors have observed significant individual variations in the levels of
The Pco2 in the anterior cornea varies depending on the transmis-
open-eye and closed-eye responses to the hypoxia. Contributing
sibility of the contact lens, increasing to a maximum of approxi-
factors may include individual differences in corneal and crystal-
mately 40 mm Hg with PMMA lenses. During eye closure, corneal
line lens oxygen requirements, endothelial structure and function,
Pco2 is always approximately 40 mm Hg because this is the
tear chemistry, lid action, lens pumping, and physiologic lagoph-
tension at the palpebral vasculature.21
thalmos. During sleep, the decrease in tear and stromal pH and the
If the oxygen decreases below a critical level, the cornea shifts
increase in corneal temperature and tear osmolality may affect
to anaerobic glycolysis using the Embden-Meyerhof pathway, in
corneal oxygen levels.
which glucose is broken down to pyruvate and then to lactate.
Mandell and Fatt13 were the first to report an increase in corneal
Because lactate does not diffuse rapidly out of the cornea, the
thickness (without contact lenses) during sleep, later measured to
consequence of decreased aerobic metabolism is stromal lactate
be approximately 4%. Because of the osmotic stromal response to
accumulation. Hypoxia thus creates a lowered epithelial metabolic
the change in tear evaporation, the cornea returns to a baseline
rate, an increase in epithelial lactate production, and an acidic shift
thickness within 1 hour of eye opening and continues thinning
in stromal pH. The degree of stromal acidosis varies, depending on
throughout the day.
the O2 transmissibility of the lens (i.e., Dk/L) and the buildup of
Wearing soft contact lenses on an extended-wear basis mimics
CO2 under the lens.
prolonged and exaggerated eye closure. Corneal swelling during
Contact lens wear therefore produces corneal hypoxia and
continuous wear of hydrogel contact lens material also is cyclic,
accumulation of CO2, both of which cause acidosis.22 The pH of
reaching approximately 12% overnight and 4% during the day.
the epithelium, stroma, and aqueous humor decreases significantly
Zantos and Holden14 reported that the overnight swelling response
with contact lens wear when the Dk/L is less than 100. Hypoxia
decreases with greater duration of continuous soft contact lens
causes substantial effects on the epithelium and stroma but has
limited or no direct effects on the endothelium and aqueous humor.
Uncomplicated daily wear of soft contact lenses does not appear
Carbon dioxide accumulation causes significant acidosis in all
to alter total protein or concentrations of secretory IgA and
compartments measured. Most of the acidosis occurs in the ante-
complement. Sleeping in contact lenses, however, increases the
rior layers of the cornea and results from retardation of the normal
levels of total protein, secretory IgA, and complement to a greater
carbon dioxide efflux. Corneal acidosis promotes endothelial poly-
degree than sleeping without contact lenses.15
megethism, epithelial microcysts, corneal edema, striate lines,
infiltrative keratitis, and microbial keratitis.
HYPOXIA AND HYPERCAPNIA FROM CONTACT After prolonged corneal hypoxia, there is depletion of the
LENS WEAR glycogen reserves of the cornea, diminished adenosine triphos-
phate (ATP), and ultimately a slowing of the water transport
Fitting a contact lens on the eye leads to a significant reduction system in the endothelium. The combined effects of the accumu-
in the oxygen supply to the cornea, in the range of 8% to 15%, lation of lactic acid in the stroma and a decrease in the pumping
depending on the gas permeability of the lens material used. The action of the endothelium result in increased corneal edema.
oxygen permeability of a contact lens is described in terms of the
rate of oxygen flow through a given area of the material. This rate Epithelial Effects of Hypoxia
is given as Dk, where D is the diffusion coefficient of the material The effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on the epithelium
and k is the solubility coefficient of the material, and it is generally include a decreased epithelial metabolic rate with decreased oxy-
area of the contact lens. With soft contact lenses, the edema is
more diffuse and usually less prominent, and a Sattler veil is not
Epithelial Microcysts
Epithelial microcysts do not occur immediately with either daily
or extended-wear contact lenses and usually take 2 to 3 months to
appear. Occasionally they appear after relatively short periods of
disposable contact lens wear. After cessation of lens wear, the
microcysts increase in number before they disappear within 2 to 3
Epithelial microcysts are another sign of altered epithelial me-
tabolism.23 Epithelial microcysts were first observed in PMMA
lens wearers but also occur frequently with soft contact lenses, and
especially with extended wear. The occurrence of intraepithelial
cysts is a useful and reliable clinical indicator of a disorder of
epithelial cell growth from chronic corneal hypoxic compromise.
Although, for unclear reasons, epithelial microcysts also occur in FIG. 2. Changes in epithelial oxygen uptake, thickness, and num-
ber of microcysts after cessation of long-term wear of high-water
persons who do not wear contact lenses, the number is small, content hydrogel contact lenses, compared with control eye data
usually less than 10 microcysts. (dashed line). (Modified from Holden BA, Sweeney DF, Vannas A, et
Epithelial microcysts are usually asymptomatic. Zantos36 and al. Effects of long-term extended contact lens wear on the human
others proposed that hypoxia was the primary cause, although this cornea. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985;26:1489 –1501; with permis-
hypothesis does not explain microcyst location in the midperiph- sion).
eral region of the cornea. Microcysts tend to conform to an arcuate
pattern in the lower pupillary margin. They are seen in areas of produce epithelial damage is measured with the esthesiometer and
contact lens bearing and also may be related to epithelial trauma demonstrated by fluorescein staining.38 Fragility is also manifested
and inadequate lens movement, with pockets of cellular debris. by decreases in corneal electrical potential, punctate staining,
Staining is observed when microcysts break on the surface, al- epithelial abrasion, and an increased risk of microbial infection.
though this usually has no effect on vision. With extended-wear The reduction in epithelial adhesion correlates with a decrease in
contact lenses, epithelial microcysts usually increase in number hemidesmosome synthesis.39 Suggested mechanisms of the prob-
and size over a period of weeks, until they reach a steady state. The lems with epithelial adhesion include a mechanical deformation of
increase in numbers of microcysts after discontinuing contact lens basal cell shape or a hypoxia-induced increase in intracellular
wear is due to the return of normal epithelial metabolism, with calcium. There is a reduction in epithelial healing rate, probably
more encapsulated cellular matter brought to the surface before from reduced ATP production. Contact lens wear induces corneal
being eliminated.30 The presence of microcysts correlates with a swelling and an epithelial inflammatory response related to the
reduced epithelial mitotic rate and an increase in the regeneration synthesis of the cytochrome P-450 arachidonic acid metabolites
time of the epithelium (Fig. 2). Impaired cellular synthesis and 12(R) hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12 R HETE) and 8(R) hy-
waste removal are features related to this altered metabolism. droxy-hexadecatrienoic acid (8 R HHDTrE).24,40 Time-dependent
Pathologic examination of microcysts shows degenerated epi- epithelial increases in the production of these metabolites correlate
thelial cells (apoptotic cells), probably from dysfunction of the directly with the corneal inflammatory response, and the inflam-
basal cells of the epithelium, with cellular degeneration and ly- matory response can be reduced by their inhibition. 12 R HETE is
sis.37 Microcysts probably form in the basal epithelium and are a sodium-potassium ATP inhibitor and is a vasodilatory, chemo-
transported anteriorly as the epithelium grows in that direction. tactic, and angiogenic factor.
They appear to be caused by metabolic stress and the altered Using rabbit corneas, Imayasu et al41 showed that the Dk/L of
growth pattern of the epithelium due to the direct and indirect extended-wear contact lenses correlates with increased surface cell
effects of hypoxia or hypercapnia. desquamation and increased binding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Microcysts may resolve with an increase in the oxygen trans- This effect occurred regardless of whether soft or RGP contact
missibility of the contact lens, a decrease in overnight wear of an lenses were worn, implicating oxygen transmissibility rather than
extended-wear lens, or a change from a soft lens to a rigid lens. other factors, such as lens fit, in compromising the cornea and
Switching to a disposable extended-wear lens or changing solu- enhancing the risk of infection. Solomon42 found that higher
tions is not likely to be effective. infection rates in rabbits correlated with the amount of corneal
edema, which is related to oxygen transmissibility. In humans,
Compromised Junctional Integrity and Epithelial Defects Fleiszig et al43 reported that exfoliated cells from extended-wear
The maintenance of the electrical potential between the tear film soft contact lens wear bind more P. aeruginosa than those from
and the aqueous humor depends in part on superficial epithelial daily-wear contact lens wearers; hypoxia was the suspected cause.
tight junctions between the corneal epithelial cells. Contact lens Chronic hypoxia alone, however, is not the sole explanation
wear may compromise junctional integrity by loosening the epi- because corneal infections do not commonly develop in patients
thelial tight junctions, thus separating the corneal epithelial cells. wearing PMMA lenses. The interaction with the closed eye during
The increase in epithelial fragility can be measured with the contact lens wear is probably also an important mechanism. Early
Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer; the minimum pressure required to studies with high-Dk materials suggested that such materials may
reduce the epithelial barrier function defects and hold promise of the endothelial vascular cells and determine the direction of
eliminating this problem.44 growth.
Epithelial abrasions are attributed to low oxygen transmissibility This response to contact lens wear has been described variously
of the contact lens, with loosening of intercellular tight junctions as vascularization, neovascularization, limbal hyperemia, vessel
and separation of corneal epithelial cells. Superficial punctate penetration, vasoproliferation, vascular pannus, or vascular re-
keratitis is a common complication of contact lens wear attributed sponse. It is a normal (albeit undesirable) vascular response to
to hypoxia that results in the desquamation of stressed surface contact lens wear, and some vascular response occurs with almost
cells. Superficial punctate keratitis appears as pits in the epithelial all contact lenses. There are several steps in the neovascularization
surface and leads to the premature shedding of small groups of process: (1) Limbal hyperemia, a dilatation of existing limbal
cells45; it is commonly seen in association with the corneal capillaries, is reversible and is common with hydrogel soft contact
hypoxia from overwear of PMMA or extended-wear soft contact lenses worn overnight but can also occur with any tightly fitting
lenses. Although hypoxia is a frequent etiologic factor, superficial contact lens; (2) superficial neovascularization (pannus) is the
punctate keratitis also may occur for many other reasons, including progression of limbal hyperemia and the penetration of vessels into
solution toxicity, edema, lens deposits, lens care products, lens fit, the superficial cornea; (3) deep stromal neovascularization results
lens surface or edge irregularities, foreign bodies, improper lens from chronic hypoxia that may progress to an active inflammatory
insertion or removal, tear film disruption, and accumulated meta- or fibrovascular deep pannus; and (4) there may be an intracorneal
bolic waste products. The compromised epithelial integrity related hemorrhage.
to hypoxia and other osmotic or mechanical factors increases the Limbal vessel dilatation has been identified as the initial clinical
likelihood of bacterial adherence. sign in corneal vascularization. Chronic limbal vessel dilatation
Vital stains can demonstrate the loss of the corneal epithelial could provide an active vascular plexus adjacent to the cornea on
integrity. Rose bengal, trypan blue, methylene blue, fluorexon, and which stimuli promoting vessel growth could act. Although cor-
neal vascularization has been reported during extended wear of
bromthymol blue have been used, but fluorescein is the most
disposable and conventional lenses, quantitative and comparative
commonly used stain for contact lens evaluation.3 The defects can
data are lacking. Because hypoxia is believed to be one of the
be superficial, moderate, or deep (into the stroma). There are
major causal factors of vascularization, the extent of corneal
punctate stains, diffuse stains, linear stains, and dimple stains
vascularization with disposable and conventional contact lenses of
(indentations in the surface). Defects also may develop in individ-
similar oxygen transmissibility would be expected to be similar.
uals who do not wear contact lenses (especially with age), but most
New contact lenses with high oxygen transmissibility are promis-
cases occur with RGP contact lenses and, to a lesser degree, with
ing developments for reducing these stimuli of vessel dilatation
soft contact lenses. Staining seen at the 3- and 9-o’clock positions
and growth.
results from reduced or incomplete blinking habits. Arcuate stain-
The prevalence of neovascularization is low with RGP or
ing occurs because of a poorly polished intermediate lens zone or
PMMA contact lenses, more common with daily-wear soft contact
edge; and dimpling occurs in tight-fitting areas. lenses, higher with extended-wear soft contact lenses, and very
A classification of epithelial defects caused by contact lenses high with aphakic extended-wear lenses. Neovascularization is
has been proposed by Watanabe.46 Variations include (1) superfi- more common with soft contact lenses than with microcorneal
cial punctate keratitis, which can be diffuse or involve the lower, lenses because the soft contact lens covers the entire cornea.
3- and 9-o’clock, or upper cornea; (2) linear (arcuate or Additionally, the tear film beneath the soft contact lens is mini-
pseudodendritic) complications; and (3) plane complications (in- mized because of the relatively tight fit required to keep the lens in
filtration, epithelial edema, erosion, ulcer, and neovascularization). position. Vascularization is always greater in the superior limbus
Most of these epithelial complications occur with PMMA (73%) and is directly related to lens oxygen transmissibility. It is espe-
and RGP (33%) lenses but can be seen with soft contact lenses cially common with large and thick contact lenses and results in
(15%–22%) or with disposable soft contact lenses (3%). The major development of new corneal vessels in up to 20% of wearers.49
causes of these epithelial defects include insufficient oxygen The vascularization associated with RGP lenses is caused by
supply, mechanical stimulation, and local inadequate tear film. continual 3- and 9-o’clock staining; the incidence of neovascular-
Epithelial adhesion to the basement membrane is also reduced ization is low, related most often to limbal coverage by an
with extended wear of contact lenses.47 Overwear can result in eccentrically riding contact lens or persistent overwear.50
sloughing of the epithelium adherent to the posterior surface of the Vascular regression occurs after lens removal, leaving “ghost
contact lens; this can cause a circular hole in the epithelium that vessels” in the cornea. Occasionally, intrastromal opacities can
may take weeks to heal. RGP lenses have been demonstrated to occur, consisting of lipid droplets and inflammatory cells adjacent
induce tear-film instability associated with damage to the ocular- to the blood vessels in the deep stroma near the Descemet mem-
surface epithelium and mucin layer.48 In RGP wearers, abnormally brane. Although these opacities are caused by inflammatory cells,
shortened conjunctiva break-up time produces ocular surface dam- the cooperation of stromal keratocytes is necessary.
age, demonstrated as 3- and 9-o’clock staining. No single theory can account for corneal neovascularization;
rather, several factors may contribute.51 Proposed theories take the
Neovascularization following aspects into account: metabolic factors (hypoxia, lactic
Neovascularization (angiogenesis) is produced as a response to acid, edema, stromal softening); angiogenic suppression (necessity
a metabolic or an angiogenic factor by mature existing blood of substances that inactivate the normally present angiogenic
vessels. New vessels form from existing vascular endothelium that inhibitors); vasostimulation (locally generated or introduced vaso-
retains the capacity to revert to primitive vascular mesenchyme. stimulatory factors such as free cellular elements, humoral com-
Vasostimulatory factors initiate new growth by a direct effect on ponents, epithelial cell factors, or extrinsic factors); and neural
Corneal Hypoesthesia
Contact lens wear is associated with a decrease in corneal
sensation, as measured by esthesiometry. Corneal touch thresholds The short-term effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on the
differ with the various types of contact lens (Fig. 4). Within 1 day, stroma include stromal acidosis, edema, and striae. Long-term
those wearing PMMA contact lenses experience a 200% increase, effects include stromal thinning, infiltrates, neovascularization,
soft contact lens wearers experience a 50% increase, and those and corneal shape alterations8 (Table 3).
wearing high-water content extended-wear soft contact lenses
experience a 10% increase of touch thresholds. Stromal Acidosis
Decreased corneal sensation is not usually associated with RGP During contact lens wear, the stroma undergoes a decrease in pH
or any high-oxygen transmissible contact lenses. Sensation returns from the effects of metabolic and respiratory acidosis occurring in
TABLE 3. Stromal Changes Due to Hypoxia and Hypercapnia The contact lens restricts oxygen at the anterior corneal surface.
from Contact Lens Wear Hypoxia decreases ATP production by the usual aerobic break-
Stromal acidosis down of glucose in the corneal epithelium. This causes a compen-
Stromal edema satory shift to the Embden-Meyerhof anaerobic glycolytic pathway
Stromal thinning
Neovascularization in epithelial cells. Smelser and Chen58 found increased corneal
Corneal shape alterations lactate concentrations after corneal hypoxia. Klyce59 observed the
connection between increased corneal lactate values and the ob-
served swelling of the stroma during contact lens wear. Because
the epithelium and diffusing into the stroma (Fig. 5). Metabolic
lactate cannot penetrate the superficial epithelium, all the newly
acidosis is caused by the accumulation of stromal lactic acid
formed lactate accumulates between epithelial cells, subsequently
during anaerobic metabolism. Respiratory acidosis is caused by the
diffuses posteriorly into the stroma, across the endothelium, and
accumulation of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia) because the gas-
finally is washed out into the aqueous humor. Additionally, lactic
impermeable contact lens precludes normal efflux of carbon diox-
ide. Thus, both hypercapnia and hypoxia lead to stromal acidosis.4 acid creates an osmotic load that is balanced by increased move-
Corneal epithelial and aqueous acidification during contact lens ment of water into the stroma. The sudden influx of water cannot
wear in rabbits appears similar to the stromal acidification mech- be matched by the removal of water from the stroma by the
anism in humans, and this animal model has been used in several endothelial pump. Therefore, although the stromal edema appears
studies.57 to be entirely due to lactate accumulation from hypoxia, the
In closed-eye conditions, the normal pH of the human corneal decreased stromal pH (stromal acidosis) is a result of both hypoxia
stroma is similar to that of blood (7.39) because of diffusion of and hypercapnia. This stromal acidosis also reduces the deswelling
CO2 from the palpebral conjunctiva into the cornea.4 Under response that occurs after corneal insult.
open-eye conditions, the human stromal pH increases by 0.15 to Contact lens hypoxia may correlate with the activity of lactate
7.55. It may decrease by as much as 0.25 during wear of soft dehydrogenase (LDH) in the cornea.60 With RGP wear, the LDH
contact lens of nearly zero oxygen transmissibility. Wearing thick, isozyme appears to switch from the aerobic type to the anaerobic
low-water content soft contact lenses can produce a stromal pH of type and return to normal over time. Tear LDH concentrations may
7.15. Under closed-eye conditions, hypercapnia is always present, provide a method for ongoing assessment of the tolerance of the
with or without contact lens wear. Thus, the degree of corneal ocular surface to contact lens wear.60
hypoxia in contact lens wear is the only significant variable in A contradictory study showed that chronic RGP contact lens
stromal acidosis. wear is associated with altered glucose-lactate metabolism in the
FIG. 5. Mechanism of pH reduction during contact lens wear. (A) Normal eye. Metabolic production
of lactate and hydrogen ions by the epithelium is at its basal rate because oxygen is readily available.
Carbon dioxide rapidly diffuses down a steep concentration gradient from aqueous to tears. (B) Open
eye with contact lens. Epithelial oxygen and possibly aqueous Po2 are reduced, which stimulates
lactate production (osmotically causing corneal swelling) and hydrogen ion production. Additionally,
CO2 efflux from the cornea is impeded, leading to higher stromal Pco2 which, when hydrated,
produces a hydrogen and a bicarbonate ion. Thus, the effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on stromal
pH are additive. In the closed lens-wearing eye, epithelial Po2 is decreased and corneal Pco2 is
increased further because conjunctival Po2 ⬇ 55 mm Hg and Pco2 ⬇ 38 mm Hg. (From Bonanno JA,
Polse KA. Effect of rigid contact lens oxygen transmissibility on stromal pH in the living human eye.
Ophthalmology 1987;94:1305–1309; with permission.)
Stromal Edema
The cornea is 78% water, and the stroma constitutes 90% of the
thickness of the cornea, with a tendency to imbibe water. In the
pump-leak model of the endothelium, water is moved out of the FIG. 6. The relationship between corneal edema and lens oxygen
performance showing the Holden-Mertz criterion of 87 Dk/L units
stroma by a sodium-potassium-ATPase and bicarbonate ion pump.
for avoiding edema during overnight lens wear. (From Brennan N,
Both an endothelial pump-leak and a minor epithelial pump-leak Efron N. What to expect with new high-Dk soft extended wear
occur. During sleep, edema occurs in every human cornea, with an lenses. Contact Lens Spectrum Suppl 1999;August:4s– 8s; with
increase in thickness of 4%, whereas on waking, a reduction in permission.)
thickness occurs. Superimposing a contact lens adds to this fluc-
tuation in corneal thickness, which is related to hypoxia. Stromal the lens and may represent the prolonged mechanical effect of lens
edema occurs because of a break in epithelial or endothelial wear itself.
barriers, a reduction in pump function (mainly endothelial), or an With extended-wear soft contact lenses, the increase in stromal
increase in osmotic activity (imbibition pressure) of the stromal thickness occurs significantly more in the center than in the
compartment. periphery because of hypoxia. With current soft contact lenses and
Measurement of central corneal swelling is the most commonly RGP lenses, unadapted patients usually have daytime corneal
edema of 1% to 6% and nighttime edema of 10% to 15%, as
used short-term index of the physiologic compatibility of a contact
measured on awakening. With extended-wear lenses, overnight
lens, because a change in corneal thickness is inversely related to
edema averages 10% to 12%. If the soft contact lens water content
the average oxygen transmissibility of the contact lens.62 The
is increased to the maximum, it is possible to maintain normal
response begins within half an hour after contact lens insertion and
corneal thickness, at least during the day. After weeks of soft
generally peaks within 3 hours. The degree of corneal edema
contact lens wear, the pattern of daytime thinning of the cornea is
associated with long-term contact lens wear appears to decrease
also reduced, possibly from adaptation.
with time. The swelling response to contact lens wear is generally
Extended wear of RGP lenses usually induces less central
presented as a population mean; however, there is significant
edema than extended wear of soft hydrogel contact lenses. Other
variation among individuals.
factors that influence corneal thickness, such as reflex hypotonic
When the oxygen tension of the anterior part of the eye is tearing or a long-term physical thinning of the stroma, however,
restricted by contact lens wear, this provokes a change in epithelial can introduce an artifact into measurements of corneal thickness,
cellular lactate production rate. The principal drainage route for in long-term contact lens wearers. The degree of corneal swelling
lactate is across the stroma through the endothelium into the induced by contact lenses varies markedly among individuals, and
aqueous humor. Lactate is a well-dissociated acid; thus, it is adaptation is a confounding variable. With RGP lenses, as the
principally present in the stroma as its sodium salt. The presence oxygen transmissibility is increased to 90 to 100 Dk/L units, the
of stromal sodium lactate has an osmotic effect. The change in increased thickness becomes difficult to detect, and there is no
stromal water content due to the osmotic (imbibition) pressure of detectable clinical gain with Dk/L values in excess of these values
the lactic acid in turn determines the thickness of the stroma. The (Fig. 6).
degree of stromal thickness observed in anoxia can be wholly Striae and folds that appear during overnight contact lens wear
accounted for theoretically by the changes in lactate levels. Factors are a function of the oxygen transmissibility of the lens and the
other than hypoxia contribute to corneal edema, including temper- oxygen uptake rate of the cornea. Grades of edema can be
ature, humidity, osmolality, carbon dioxide of the tears and cornea, assigned.2 Posterior striae indicate an acute change in corneal
mechanical effects, and inflammation, but these effects are prob- thickness. Striae occur at 5% to 7% stromal edema and represent
ably minimal.8 Klyce59 proved by complex mathematical models fluid separation of vertically arranged collagen fibrils in the pos-
and by laboratory techniques that anoxia provokes stromal swell- terior stroma. Zantos and Holden63 measured the average critical
ing. The combination of hypoxia and excess carbon dioxide may level of stromal swelling for the appearance of striae at 4.5% for
be the most significant contribution.8 Alternatively, however, vertical and 3.8% for horizontal striae. The folds appear as black
studies on RGP extended wear and stromal swelling in rabbits61 lines in the posterior stroma, observed if 10% to 15% stromal
found that increased stromal lactate accumulation from contact swelling is present, and represent physical buckling of the poste-
lens wear could not account for persistent stromal edema with rior stromal layers of the Descemet membrane. There is an alter-
chronic extended wear of RGP lenses. These authors thought that ation to the topography of the endothelial layer as seen in specular
stromal edema may be independent of oxygen transmissibility of reflection. Haze appears at 15% stromal edema and represents an
effects of conventional and disposable contact lenses on stromal When PMMA lenses first became available, the main problems
thickness during long-term wear.72 encountered were central corneal clouding, 3- and 9-o’clock stain-
A study with the Orbscan (Orbscan Inc., Salt Lake City, UT) ing, and corneal distortion.8 Approximately 30% of PMMA lens
topography system73 showed that the mean corneal thickness in wearers manifest corneal distortion that can be clinically signifi-
the center and in eight peripheral areas was significantly reduced cant.78 Distortion (warpage) with PMMA lenses is caused by a
by approximately 30 to 50 m in long-term soft contact lens combination of central corneal edema (due to hypoxia) plus
wearers compared with noncontact lens wearing control subjects. superimposed mechanical pressure from the contact lens or the
eyelid on the softened cornea, and also by mucus binding beneath
Corneal Shape Alterations the rigid lens. Metabolic factors such as oxygen tension may also
Contact lens wear can result in corneal distortion or warpage. contribute. The central cornea steepens with PMMA wear. Such
Multiple other terms have been used in the literature to describe steepening may be more than the circadian changes that have been
these changes, including “indentation,” “steepening,” “flattening,” observed,79 in which the cornea flattens again during periods of
“sphericalization,” “imprinting,” and “wrinkling.” These changes sleep after PMMA lens wear, although baseline curvature is not
are predictable to the extent that contact lenses can be used to achieved before the next period of lens wear. Over the first year of
reduce the cone protrusion in keratoconus and in orthokeratology, PMMA lens wear, the induced corneal steepening gradually de-
which is the controversial practice of fitting progressively flatter, creases and the cornea may eventually become flatter than its prefit
reversed-geometry tight-fitting RGP lenses, with the aim of flat- value.49 The curvature changes are more apparent in the horizontal
tening the cornea to reduce myopia. than in the vertical meridian.80,81 Changes are less marked with
Videokeratopographic mapping techniques reveal that all forms soft contact lenses, which induce a slight corneal flattening in the
of contact lens wear are capable of inducing changes in corneal first 2 or 3 weeks, followed by a period of relative steepening.
topography. Topographic abnormalities were detected in 75% of Although changes in corneal shape and reduction of refractive
corneas with PMMA lens wear, 57% with RGP lens wear, 31% error are touted as permanent effects in the practice of orthokera-
with daily-wear soft lenses, and 23% with extended-wear soft tology, cessation of PMMA lens wearing is followed by large
lenses, compared with 8% of normal corneas without contact lens fluctuations in corneal shape and refractive error. The myopia of
wear.74 These changes can cause spectacle blur or contact lens most subjects eventually returns to prelens-wear levels.82 The
decentration. Generally, contact lenses with high oxygen transmis- induced changes in corneal topography and refractive state may
sibility induce little warpage.75 Corneal topographic changes with remain unpredictable, and with long-term wear, this molding effect
contact lenses have been reviewed by Ruiz-Montenegro et al.74 may lead to loss of regularity, resolving power, and visual func-
Significant changes occur with RGP contact lenses and occasion- tion. The prognosis varies and depends on magnitude and duration
ally with daily-wear or extended-wear soft contact lenses. Many of lens-induced deformation forces. The cornea usually returns to
different topographic patterns can result from contact lens wear, its original shape over months, but sometimes the changes are
but most involve flattening in areas of lens bearing. The changes irreversible. Changes in shape are less common with soft contact
correlate with the resting position of the RGP or PMMA lenses and lenses and usually require corneal topography examination to
entail flattening beneath the decentered contact lens and possible detect or monitor.
adjacent steepening, usually detectable only with computer-as- The Orbscan topography system73 demonstrated that the mean
sisted topographic analysis. Changes also occur in the overall corneal thickness was significantly reduced in long-term soft
curvature; and central clouding occurs initially with PMMA contact lens wear by 30 to 50 m, compared with normal eyes
lenses, with induced central steeping and myopia.76 With PMMA without contact lenses. There was no correlation between central
lenses, a central flattening occurs later, with reduction in myopia. thickness and the degree of myopia detected. Corneal curvature
RGP lenses have the same effect but to a lesser extent, which is was significantly steeper in the eyes wearing soft contact lenses
proportional to the oxygen transmissibility of the contact lens. than in normal eyes. No difference in mean corneal astigmatism
Changes in corneal asymmetry also take place with contact lens was noted. The SRI and SAI were significantly greater in the
wear. The surface asymmetry index (SAI), a quantitative measure contact lens wearers than in the control group. The authors con-
of the radial symmetry of the four central videokeratoscope mires cluded that long-term soft contact lens wear (average of 13 years)
surrounding the vertex of the cornea, is higher with PMMA, RGP, appears to decrease the entire corneal thickness and to increase the
and extended-wear soft contact lenses. In addition, there are corneal curvature and surface irregularity. This may be caused by
changes in corneal regularity. The surface regularity index (SRI) is thinning of the epithelium and stroma due to chronic edema of the
a measure of central and paracentral corneal irregularity derived stroma and biochemical changes. Alternatively, it may be related
from the summation of fluctuations in corneal power that occur to chronic exposure to a hyperosmotic tear film or to increased
along semimeridians of the 10 central videokeratoscope mires. The apoptosis of keratocytes and epithelial cells from chronic micro-
SRI is high with PMMA and RGP lenses, and occasionally also trauma and hypoxia. The increased curvature could be a contact
with soft lenses. lens-induced ectasia (similar to forme fruste keratoconus).
Corneal wrinkling may manifest with the appearance of a series
of deep parallel grooves in the cornea that give the impression of
a wrinkled cornea.77 There may be signs of corneal indentation, in
which the impression of the contact lens edge is evident on the The additive effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia alter the
cornea. Other patterns can occur, including central irregular astig- stroma. This induction of stromal acidosis has both short-term and
matism, radial asymmetry, changes in the axis of astigmatism, and long-term ramifications for endothelial function. Initial contact
reversal of the normal pattern of progressive flattening from the lens wear causes transient endothelial blebs and folds. Chronic
center to the periphery. hypoxia disturbs endothelial cell stability and produces poly-
TABLE 4. Endothelial Changes Due to Hypoxia and Hypercapnia ance, blebs are asymptomatic and are thought to be of little clinical
from Contact Lens Wear significance; they represent a short-term as well as long-term
Endothelial blebs adaptation of the endothelium.87
Endothelial cell density change Polymegethism
Endothelial function change
Polymegethism refers to a greater-than-normal variation of
corneal endothelial cell size, resulting in a layer of large and small
megethism, pleomorphism, bedewing, guttata, and possibly cell cells. The degree of endothelial polymegethism is measured by the
death (Table 4). Endothelial polymegethism is a relatively perma- coefficient of variation of endothelial cell size, a dimensionless
nent effect of inadequate oxygen permeability8 and is prevalent ratio calculated by dividing the standard deviation of the areas of
with all contact lenses. The coefficient of variation for cell size is the cells in a defined field by the arithmetic mean of the areas of
high with all types except RGP lenses. The effect on endothelial all cells in that field. For endothelial cells, polymorphism (or
function appears to be minimal, although the functional reserve at pleomorphism) refers to variations in cell shape distinct from the
times of stress may be reduced. classical, uniform six-sided endothelial cell appearance. Pleomor-
phism can be defined as an increase in the proportion of nonhex-
Endothelial Blebs agonal cells on the monolayer and usually accompanies poly-
Before 1977, the endothelium was thought to be immune to the megethism.
effects of contact lenses because it received its nourishment from Polymegethism is a normal phenomenon of aging but is accel-
the aqueous. Zantos and Holden,83 however, noted that the endo- erated with contact lens wear correlates with hypoxia. MacRae et
thelial mosaic undergoes a dramatic alteration within minutes of al88 and, recently, Lee et al89 reported an association between
insertion of a contact lens, especially when the oxygen transmis- significant increases in endothelial polymegethism and pleomor-
sibility of the lens is low. Endothelial blebs appear as black, phism and reduction in endothelial cell density. MacRae and
nonreflecting areas in the endothelial mosaic and as an increase in colleagues hypothesized that polymegethism and pleomorphism
separation between cells. Blebs consist of endothelial swelling, precede reduced cell density because all three features were ob-
with subsequent changes in the contours of cell membranes.72 served in long-term wearers. Polymegethism has been observed
Initially, this appears as if cells had fallen off the posterior surface and quantified with daily- and extended-wear soft, RGP, and
of the cornea. The phenomenon is observed within minutes after PMMA contact lenses and with age. Only the silicone elastomer
insertion of the lens, peaks at 20 to 30 minutes, and subsides to low contact lens, which has high gas permeability, does not lead to
levels after 45 to 60 minutes, with only a few blebs visible at other significant endothelial polymegethism. The degree of polymegeth-
times. Due to adaptation, the response is reduced with continual ism was shown to correlate with duration of contact lens wear and
contact lens wear. degree of hypoxia by many but not all investigators. Extended
Blebs can be produced by contact lens wear combined with wear of contact lenses appears to produce a more rapid increase in
anoxia or by passing a nitrogen gas mixture containing 10% the coefficient of variation of endothelial cell size than daily wear.
carbon dioxide and 21% oxygen through a goggle. Because the gas Recovery from contact lens-induced endothelial polymegethism is
mixture does not produce stromal swelling (there is no hypoxia), slow, and the condition may be irreversible, even after cessation of
the common factor is the production of stromal acidosis. Thus, contact lens wear. This condition is unique because other corneal
blebs resulting from contact lens wear appear to be a consequence changes induced by contact lenses usually disappear with cessation
of hypoxic acidosis and an accumulation of carbon dioxide be- of wear. Sibug et al,90 however, reported a trend toward reduced
cause of a diffusion barrier, rather than because of hypoxia per polymegethism 5 years after cessation of contact lens wear. In
se.84 The carbonic and lactic acids may alter the physiologic status another study,91 the endothelial polymegethism was still present
of the environment surrounding the endothelial cells; this induces even 7 years after cessation of PMMA contact lens wear.
changes in membrane permeability or pump activity, resulting in The cause of polymegethism is not yet clear. Connor and
net movement of water into endothelial cells, with resultant de- Zagrod92 theorized that the causes of polymegethism involve a
velopment of blebs. Both endothelial blebs and stromal acidosis hypoxia-induced reduction in ATP levels and changes in the
occur faster with hypercapnia than with hypoxia. The intracellular concentration of extracellular and intracellular calcium. Alterna-
endothelial pH is the common factor. tively, corneal stromal acidosis may be an etiologic factor.22
Pathologic examination of blebs shows edema of the nuclear Polymegethism is one of the features of the corneal exhaustion or
endothelial cells, with intracellular fluid vacuoles and fluid space fatigue syndrome.93,94 This syndrome is thought to represent
between cells.85 There is localized edema of groups of endothelial endothelial dysfunction brought on by chronic contact lens-in-
cells, which bulge toward the aqueous. duced hypoxia and acidosis. Whether the morphologic changes in
The bleb response is universal among contact lens wearers the endothelium in polymegethism are a result of changes in cell
within 10 minutes after insertion, but there is variation in response. size or a redistribution of cell mass is in dispute.95,96 Regardless of
The blebs also occur during sleep and can be observed on awak- the cause, an irregular mosaic is inherently unstable, because
ening.86 To a similar extent, blebs occur with conventional and adjacent cells with similar dimensions best maintain the barrier
disposable contact lenses of similar oxygen transmissibility, but function of the endothelium.97
their occurrence is minimal or absent with silicone elastomer When the cornea is exposed to 12 R HETE and 8 R HHDTrE,
contact lenses. There is also an increase in the number of blebs in changes similar to those seen with contact lens-induced hypoxia
the late evening in patients with extended-wear soft contact lenses. occur, including edema, neovascularization, and endothelial poly-
The overall number of blebs can be seen to decrease over the initial megethism.40 An underlying mechanism of polymegethism is
8 days of extended wear. Despite their dramatic clinical appear- related to the ability of 12 R HETE to inhibit the sodium-
endothelial cell density was decreased at 2 and 3 years, but corneal tion of contact lens wear, as well as excessive open-eye edema
thickness did not change. In older contact lens wearers who response and moderate to severe endothelial changes. The effects
switched to RGP fluorocarbon contact lenses, after 3 years there on the endothelium appear to be long-term and possibly perma-
were no significant changes in any morphologic values, except that nent.
corneal thickness was decreased significantly. The authors con- Corneal exhaustion syndrome (contact lens failure after long-
cluded that, although oxygen transmissibility was improved with term wear) may be caused by endothelial dysfunction due to
the fluorocarbon lens, polymegethism was still induced within 2 long-term hypoxia and acidosis. After years of contact lens wear,
months by these contact lenses, and morphologic changes stem- the endothelial function of regulating corneal hydration may be
ming from previous contact lens wear did not improve during 3 compromised to the point that the endothelium is no longer able to
years of daily wear of these RGP lenses. These contact lens cope with the stresses imposed by contact lenses with low oxygen
changes do not occur in patients wearing silicone lenses, which are transmissibility. There must be an individual susceptibility to this
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