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Vidya Bal Bhawan Sr. Sec. School Autumn Break Homework (2021-22) Class-IX

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Vidya Bal Bhawan Sr. Sec.

Autumn Break Homework (2021-22) Class- IX

Submission Date: 11th January

Dear Parents,
We have planned various assignments and activities for the winter vacation. It would not only engage the
children but also allow them in gaining knowledge outside their syllabus, which would help them in their
reading, writing and comprehension skills. Kindly help and guide your ward in completing their work and
exploring their creative self.

English (184)

Dear students
Do the following work carefully and properly as it would be included in your Internal Assessment.
 Prepare a vibrant project in the form of Personal Diary.
 The topic for the project is “My Fictitious Diary”
 You need to write a diary entry on a particular day of adventure in the characters’ life.
 Pick at least five characters from the list. Refer to the list of the characters provided below.
 You may use different coloured sheets for the project.Use pictures and other decorations to make
their projects attractive
 Students should have a neat and legible handwriting.
 Students can use project file or a thin notebook for the project.

The following format needs to be followed:

1. Front Page (This would include the topic and details of the student)
2. Acknowledgement (To acknowledge the help provided)
3. Contents (To show the sequence of the subtopics)
4. Introduction (What is diary entry and format)
5. Diary Entry- Character 1
6. Diary Entry- Character 2
7. Diary Entry- Character 3
8. Diary Entry- Character 4
9. Diary Entry- Character 1
10. Bibliography (citing sources)
List of characters to choose from:
1. Harry Potter
2. Sherlock Holmes
3. Peter Pan
4. Cinderella
5. Iron Man
6. Superman
7. Bugs Bunny
8. Hermoine Granger
9. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
10. Spiderman
Movie Adaptations
1. AIL is compulsory for all. It has to be done in the form of a Power Point Presentation (PPT).
2. Students need to paste pictures to make their project more attractive.
3. Take a print out of the PPT for keeping in Students’ Portfolio.
4. Mail the PPT to the respective English teacher’s email id, clearly mentioning your name, class and
section, and submit the coloured sheets.
Project Description
The students need to write about two literary books that have been adapted into movies from the list
provided below.

The following subtopics need to be discussed in the presentation:

1. About the movie adaptation
2. Similarities between the books and the movies
3. Differences between the books and the movies
4. Actors’ portrayal of the characters
5. Cinematography of the movie to represent the setting of the book.

The following format needs to be followed:

1. Topic ( Cover page with Name, Class & Sec )
2. Acknowledgment
3. Introduction (about movie adaptations)
4. First movie and its subtopics (Different slides for different subtopics to be used)
5. Second movie and its subtopics (Different slides for different subtopics to be used)
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography (citing sources)

List of movie adaptations:

1. Jungle Book
2. Little Women
3. Matilda
4. How to Train Your Dragon
5. Harry Potter (any one part)

Students are required to revise the following chapters for upcoming Periodic Test-
1. Packing, 2.Weathering the Storm in Ersama, 3. Reach for the top, 4. Poem- No men are foreign.

हिन्दी – 184

 आप सभी को स्वरचित नारा लिखना है तथा उसे एक बैनर पर बनाना है | विद्यालय के शरू
ु होने पर आपसे
इस नारा लेखन का प्रस्तुतीकरण करवाया जाएगा इसके उपरांत आपको यह विद्यालय में जमा करवाना है |

 आप सभी को नारा लिखते समय निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना है :

 आप किसी भी शीट (A4 अथवा A3 )का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं |
 नारा लिखते समय शब्द सीमा का ध्यान रखना है |
 बैनर तैयार करने के लिए आपको एक मजबूत गत्ते का उपयोग करना है |
 बैनर को सुन्दर तथा आकर्षित बनाने के लिए आप घर में रखे सामान का उपयोग कर सकते हैं |
 नारा लिखते समय बैकग्राउं ड पर आपको नारे से सम्बंधित चित्र बनाने हैं तथा उसमें हल्के रं गों का प्रयोग
करना है जिससे नारा स्पष्ट तरीके से दिखे |
 इस कार्य के अंक आपके आंतरिक मल्
ू यांकन में लगें गे |
 इन छुट्टियों में आपको अपने अब तक के करवाए कार्य को पूरा करना है , तथा उसका अभ्यास कर उसे
याद करना है |
1. Do all Examples of Ch-8 (Quadrilaterals) and ch-2(Polynomials) Ch-15(Probability) and Ch-11
(Constructions) in your class notebook.
2. Prepare Concept Map of Ch-2, 8, 15 in A4 size sheet.
3. Lab Manual Activity:
a) Do Activity-19 Verify the midpoint theorem for a triangle.
b) Do Activity-34 to verify that the sum of Probabilities of all events is always 1.
c) Do the Activity-31 to obtain the formula of right circular cylinder.
4. Practice ch-2, 8, 15 and 11 and complete your notebook as per guided in the class with proper index.

Q1. Make concept map of Chapters- 3, 4, 10, 11 and 13 on A-4 sheets
Q2. Art Integrated Project ( AIL)- “TOPIC : DIFFERENT FORMS OF ART”.
VISUAL ART :Make wall hanging
Create a wall hanging by arranging atomic structure of any three elements ( Use waste material like
newspaper , carboard, bangles , straws, wool ,thread etc.
Q3. Write the following experiment in lab manual :
(i) Experiment 1 ( Determination of density of solids).
(ii) Experiment 2 (Establishing relationship between loss in weight of solid in tap water
and salty water).
Q4. Show formula making of any 10 compounds ( by the method of crossover of valency) on A-4 sheets .


1. Project- Disaster Management ,
Students have to make a project on Disaster management. It is to be done at the back pages of Practical
Workbook. (You can add pages if needed)
Things to be keep in mind while doing the project:
Page no 1 - Cover Page with topic
Page no 2 – Acknowledgement
Page no 3 – Index
Page no 4 & 5- Short description about disaster and its types
Page no. 6 Mention the causes of Disaster
Page no. 7 – Write the meaning of disaster management, how it can be done.
Page no. 8- Mention the precautions
Page No. 9- Conclusion
Page no. 10 Bibliography
Page No. 11 Teacher’s remark


Different forms of Art (culture of South Indian/North Eastern States)
1. Make this Project depicting the different cultures of India. You need to make comprehensive report of all
selected forms.
2. Select any four forms from all four directions of India.This AIL is compulsory for all. This has to be done
in the Power Point Presentation (PPT) . Paste Pictures.
3. Take the print out of the PPT for your Portfolio.
4. Mail the PPT to the respective SST teacher’s email id , clearly mentioning your name, class and sec.
Project Description ( Things to be included in the ppt )
1: Topic ( Cover page with Name , Class & Sec )
2: Acknowledgment
3: Introduction
4: Traditional practices ( Dresses , beliefs)
5: Festivals
6: Dance , music, art
7: Importance of traditional food
8: Heritage

A.I (417)
1. Practical File-Python Programming
Do the given programs in a A4 sized sheet and compiled it in a stick file (hand written form only)
The file must include the code as well as the output.
Instructions: -
Page no 1 - Cover Page with topic
Page no 2 – Acknowledgement
Page no 3 – Index
Ruled side mention the code and on the plain side output has to be made
1. WAP to calculate area of a square. Accept the side from the programmer.
2. WAP to compute the area of rectangle. Accept the length and breadth of the rectangle.
3. WAP to interchange two values
(a) Without using the temporary variable.
4. WAP to compute the circumference of a circle. Accept the radius of the circle.
5. WAP to accept a number from the user and print its square and its cube.
6. Write a Python program to calculate the amount payable if money has been lent on simple interest.
Principal or money lent = P, Rate of interest = R%
per annum and Time = T years. Then Simple Interest (SI) = (P x R x T)/ 100.
Amount payable = Principal + SI.
7. WAP to input two integer numbers from the user and find their sum/addition in Python.
8. Write a Python program to get the volume of a sphere with radius 6

Dear students , complete all your homework in a proper way as marks will be added in your
Term- II examination. All the asked requirements must be met properly.
Learn the syllabus of PT-III . Stay healthy and be happy.

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