BL71, BL71: More Care. Built in

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BL71, BL71 Plus

More care. Built in.

Inspired by you. Built for you.

The Volvo BL71 Backhoe Loader is the result of years

of research into what customers wanted most. Volvo then
built a machine that provides everything you expect -
durability, power, quality and environmental care.
The result is a machine that gets the job done and keeps
coming back for more.

Designed to fit your needs Proven power plant

Although the blueprints for Volvo’s BL71 The Volvo BL71 is equipped with a proven • Volvo engine delivers reliable power.
Backhoe Loader were drafted by a skilled Volvo turbo diesel engine capable of
team of Volvo engineers, the inspiration delivering high power and torque at low
for its design was taken from construction revs with low fuel consumption.
industry professionals just like you. The machine’s Powershuttle gearbox
By incorporating direct customer input features four fully synchronized gears
into every phase of development, Volvo and electro-hydraulic switching between
engineers were able to create a reliable, forward and reverse. For better balance,
value-priced machine that brings increased the transmission is mounted directly to
profitability to any size operation. the engine.
Tried and tested Durability within
To ensure the BL71 Backhoe Loader met The quality and durability all begins at the
the highest levels of quality applied to all ISO9001-certified factory and is built
Volvo products, the machine was put with care and attention to detail into every
through rigorous on-site tests to prepare it Volvo BL71 frame, component and part.
for the daily assault of deep trenching, The chassis of the Volvo BL71 is built
heavy lifting, loading, craning and more. tough for extended life. Every hydraulic
But the real strength of its design lies in line, fitting pin and bolt is corrosion
the fact that the entire machine - from protected and all hydraulic fittings employ
loader to bucket - functions as one O-ring face seal technology to ensure dry
focused system capable of delivering hydraulic joints. All electrical components
reliable, productive operation year after are of the highest quality and all
year. connections feature a waterproof, snap-
together design.

• More care, built in from the ground up.

• Quality and safety ensured with state
of the art technology.
• Designed and built for your work.
• Toughness you can see and feel.

Get ready to break new ground.

With customer-driven engineering at its foundation, and

power and reliability throughout, the Volvo BL71 was
born to dig. And with better dig depths, breakout forces
and operating capacities than virtually every competitive
model in its price class, its operation will move you as

Built to perform We’re flexible

The BL71’s boom has a closed box- In today’s jobsite, you demand a backhoe
welded construction with fewer loader that can adapt to your work. That’s
components and fewer welds for why the Volvo BL71 has optional features
superior strength. The kingpost is like an extendible dipper. And because
composed of cast iron to allow flexible operators are as diverse as the jobs, the
movement and swing while maintaining Volvo BL71 offers added versatility and
uncompromising strength. comfort with the choice of excavator or
backhoe control patterns.
Power to execute
To dig into those tough sites, the backhoe Go with the right flow - every time
provides a 4,3 m dig depth and 59 kN of For the ultimate in power, efficiency and
• Narrow S-style boom: do more, see more.
bucket dig force. The narrow, S-style boom comfort, the Volvo flow sharing load-
provides excellent visibility and load sensing hydraulic system is the perfect
capacity to simplify digging and loading match. When your hydraulic flow
operations. For safe roading, the boom requirements increase, the system
can be hydraulically locked and there’s a decreases the reference speed.
locking pin to secure the swing arm in This automatically maintains pressure
place. and flow for each and every hydraulic
function. It’s one of the industry’s most
Added versatility advanced load-sensing hydraulic systems
Few machines offer more versatility than and it will give you the response you’re
the Volvo Backhoe Loader. With a wide looking for.
assortment of versatile attachments, Enjoy greater smoothness of operation
you’ve got the flexibility of an entire fleet and high precision controls. The harmony
of machines. Choose a simple-to-use and independence of movements in all
mechanical attachment bracket or an jobsite conditions means increased power,
optional hydraulic attachment bracket that productivity and comfort. There is no need
allows you to save time and effort by to take corrective actions on the lever so
quickly changing buckets from the you can get the job done faster for greater
operator’s station. You can also get an profits.
auxiliary hydraulic circuit to operate
• Quick, easy backhoe attachment bracket.
attachments and a hammer line.

• Powerful breakthroughs in productivity.
• Flow sharing load-sensing hydraulics.
• Standard hydraulic boom lock helps
save time.
• Smooth, precise pilot control efficiency.

Make every load count.

When it’s time to backfill a trench or load a truck, you

want it to be done quickly and efficiently. Volvo took what
it learned from over 50 years of producing its Wheel
Loaders to develop a loader that makes you more
productive - with faster cycle times, outstanding lift
capacity and easy operation.

Strength you can see A powerful shift in productivity • Versatile loader attachment bracket.
The Volvo BL71’s loader features box- The optional Powershift transmission
weld construction with a large reinforced helps you increase productivity with four
cross tube and friction-welded dual lift forward and reverse speeds and a
cylinders. This provides strength without standard kick down for fast, smooth
excessive weight for greater lifting shifting from second to first gear.
capacity and better visibility. For ease of operation, a fully automatic
mode is activated when fourth gear is
Pick up the pace engaged. Powershift makes your job a lot
Nothing improves productivity like fast, easier so that you not only get more done,
efficient work. The single, center- mounted you do it with speed and comfort.
dump cylinder provides 55 kN of breakout
force, so you can handle the load with The capacity to load more
speed and ease. Featuring a patented The Volvo BL71 features a 1.0 m3 General
self-leveling system, the BL71 offers Purpose Standard Bucket that gives you
faster, smoother operation and better soil the capacity to move more material with
retention. every load, for faster cycle times and
increased profitability. For the ultimate
Take control of every load in flexibility, an optional Multi-Purpose
You’re in control of the backhoe loader Bucket lets you perform up to nine
built for comfort. The state-of-the-art separate functions.
loader is pilot operated and the multi-
• Automatic Powershift transmission.
function control lever simplifies loading Loads of possibilities
operations. The comfort-grip joystick For the ability to take on numerous jobs,
allows for precision operation with minimal the Volvo attachment bracket provides the
effort of all loader functions: raise, lower, connection. Quickly and easily change
tilt, return-to-dig and float. Simply push from one attachment to another - right
the roller switch integrated on the joystick from the comfort of your seat. It’s fast, safe
to open and close the multi-purpose and productive - with the ability to use a
bucket. There’s also a transmission range of attachments from selected other
forward/reverse button and disconnect Volvo machines.
button on the joystick to speed up cycle

• Efficient multi-function joystick.
• Pallet forks for added versatility.
• Plenty of power for all applications.
• Ideal tyre traction in all conditions.

• The BL71 shares commonality with

Volvo Compact Wheel-Loader TPV
• The BL71 has all-round versatility.

Take comfort in the details.

Volvo understands you work long, hard hours.

We also know that you don’t always work in ideal
conditions. That’s why we spent so much time
developing the operator’s station that gives you the
comfort you deserve - and the ease of operation you
demand. Get comfortable with Volvo production.

It’s all right where you want it comfort. Optional Boom Suspension
Inside the cab, controls are ergonomically System offers a smoother ride for better
placed on the right side console and front bucket material retention.
console indicators are right in your field of • Air conditioning circulates through eight air vents.
Take control of your comfort
vision. The roomy operator’s station offers
a tilt steering column that adjusts to any Increase production with optional joystick
sized operator. Comfortable grips and pilot controls, although the joystick control
responsive handling makes it easy to columns are independent from the seat,
raise, lower, tilt, return-to-dig and float with you can control the joysticks with your
precision and speed. Adjustable vents are wrists, while your forearms rest comfortably
strategically positioned. Separate heating on the seat armrests and your back is
and optional air conditioning systems against the seatback. This allows the
increase comfort and extend your operator to enjoy ergonomic comfort,
operating season. Enjoy ample storage for greater precision and the ease of operation
tools, chains and more. The removable, of a hydraulic excavator. Joystick control
cushioned floor mat is textured so water columns are fully adjustable. For easy
runs out the doors. use of the optional extended dipper,
simply push the roller switch integrated
See your productivity rise on the right hand side joystick. An optional • Tilting steering column.
Flat windows provide no distortion and valve lets you change from standard
360° visibility. The front and rear side backhoe to excavator controls based on
windows can also be partially or fully operator preference.
opened for ventilation. A one-piece, floor-
Take control of every load
to-ceiling rear window opens easily for
greater visibility. The rear window stores You’re in control of the backhoe loader
easily overhead and provides an overhang built for productivity, ease of operation
to protect the operator’s feet from rain. and comfort. The state-of-the-art loader
Two front and two rear standard work is pilot operated and the multi-function
lights give you excellent visibility in low- control lever simplifies loading operations.
light conditions. The comfort-grip joystick allows for
precision operation with minimal effort of
At the seat of comfort all loader functions: raise, lower, tilt,
Get more comfort features - regardless of return-to-dig and float. Simply push
your size - with the Volvo suspension seat. forward and backward the roller switch
The Slam Back system lets you easily integrated on the joystick to open and
rotate the seat positions with one hand. close the multi-purpose bucket. There’s
Multiple comfort adjustments include also a transmission forward/reverse
lumbar support, height, weight, and fore button and disconnect button on the
and aft movement. There’s a standard joystick to help speed up cycle times.
retractable seat belt and an optional
heated air suspended seat for even more

• Easily rotate the seat with one hand.
• Ergonomic controls reduce fatigue.
• Precise, easy pilot control comfort.
• The Volvo cab: built for your comfort.

Volvo is always there for you.

If it’s not running, you’re losing money. That’s why Volvo

made the BL71 so easy to service and so safe to
operate. Reliable, productive machines, easy access
serviceability and safety that puts your mind at ease.
These are Volvo priorities and they are the cornerstones
of the Volvo BL71.

Open wide Safe on the inside

Easy maintenance means more uptime Entering and exiting the machine is
and greater profits. For easy, total access simplified with three steps and easy-to-
to the engine compartment, simply release reach handrails. Climb aboard and work
the hood latch and lift the tilt-up hood confidently with a retractable seat belt,
with one hand. rear view mirror. Enjoy excellent all-
around visibility from large, flat windows
More care. Built in. and narrow cab pillars. Instrumentation
Fluid fills and checks are on the left side provides audio and visual warnings of
of the engine and all engine filters are on machine functions. The interlocking brake
the right side. pedals give you the option of single or
The tilting hydraulic/transmission oil double pedal braking, for tighter turning
cooler allows easy access and cleaning. • Easy and safe access.
and sure stopping power.
The Volvo BL71 was designed for fast
and simple maintenance with 50-hour Protect your investment
greasing intervals. A single key operates all locks: doors,
ignition, hood, fuel cap and toolbox for
Safe on the outside simplicity and vandal protection.
The Volvo BL71 has a variety of features A standard battery disconnect switch
that make it safer to service, transport prevents unwanted machine use and
and work near. The integrated, heavy- adds more safety.
duty loader safety strut holds the loader
safely in the raised position. When you Performance for the long haul
want to dig or transport the machine, Volvo Backhoe Loaders are backed by a
the stabilizers add extra safety by locking standard warranty to keep you running.
anti-drift valves. With the strongest global dealer network
always ready to assist you with parts and
service, extended warranty programs and
more, you have everything you need for
maximum uptime, greater productivity and • Tilting cooler for easy cleaning.
increased profitability. Contact your local
dealer, and get started today.

• 50-hour greasing intervals, and all greasing
points are accessible from the ground level.
• Easy air filter change.
• Rely on quick Volvo parts availability.
• Lift the full access hood with one hand.


Engine Weight Service fill capacities

Low emission engine conforming (Standard machine with 4 in 1 loader bucket, BL71 - BL71 Plus
EPA TIER III / Stage IIIA regulation, 600 mm backhoe bucket, counterweight, Cooling system 19 l
with reduced fuel consumption. operator and full fuel tank, extendible dipper) Fuel tank 120 l
BL71 BL71 Plus BL71 - BL71 Plus Engine oil (w/filter) 14 l
Model Volvo D5D Volvo D5D Operating weight 7984 kg / 9995 kg
Rear axle
N° of cylinder 4 4
Differential oil capacity 14,5 l
Displacement 4,8 l 4,8 l
Aspiration Turbo Turbo Front axle (4WD)
Compression ratio Brakes Differential oil capacity 6,5 l
18:01 18:01 Multi-plate, oil immersed, power assisted, self- Hydraulic reservoir 41 l
Gross power 70 kW (94 hp) 75 kW (100 hp) adjusting disc brakes with four wheel braking Hydraulic system 130 l
Net power 68 kW (90 hp) 70 kW (94 hp) automatically engaged in third and fourth gear.
Rated speed 2200 rpm 2200 rpm Total integral braking on the 4 wheels.
Max torque 400 Nm 420 Nm BL71 - BL71 Plus
@ 1600 rpm @ 1600 rpm Type Oil immersed disc brakes Backhoe performance
Number of dics 2 for each wheel The boom is of a curved design for easier truck
Parking and external disc on rear loading.
safety brake axle imput shaft Standard dipper BL71 - BL71 Plus
Bucket width 610 mm
Electrical system Bucket capacity 0,20 m3
BL71 - BL71 Plus Bucket digging force 59,1 kN
Rated volt age 12 V Drivetrain Dipper digging force 38,8 kN
Battery capacity 110 Ah BL71 - BL71 Plus
Alternator rating 95 Amps
Extendible Backhoe: performance
Final drive type External planetaries
Bucket capacity 0,20 m3
Total oscillation angle 16°
Bucket digging force 59,1 kN
Differential locking 100%
Dipper digging force
Front axle
Hydraulic system Ret. - 38,8 kN
Load rating, Static 24218 kg
Flow sharing system: when the control valve is Ext. - 28,5 kN
Load rating, Dynamic 9687 kg
performing two or more functions simultaneously,
flow sharing automatically maintains the pressure Bucket rotation 194°
Rear axle
and flow for each function. Swing torque 26 kNm
Load rating, Static 19120 kg
BL71 - BL71 Plus
Load rating, Dynamic 7648 kg
System Close center
Type Load Sensing
Loader performance
Pumps type Variable flow
Standard loader is a self-leveling, single cylinder
Distributor “Flow Sharing” Transmission
loader type.
Max flow 160 l/min Powershuttle gear box with four forward and Volvo patented system.
Working pressure 250 bar four reverse fully synchronized gears. Electro-
BL71 - BL71 Plus
System capacity 130 l hydraulic forward/reverse switch on the
steering column and on the loader joystick. Bucket width 2350 mm
Double regulating piston pump. Bucket capacity 1,0 m3
Lifting capacity at full height 3320 kg
Bucket Breakout force 55.4 kN (53.8 kN - MP)
Travel speed Features:
Steering Maximum speed, forward/reverse Return-to-dig Standard
Orbitrol type steering valve given priority BL71 - BL71 Plus Lube interval (hrs) > 50
in hydraulic system. 1 5,9 km/h Number of bucket cylinders 1
BL71 - BL71 Plus 2 9,7 km/h Boom Suspension System Optional
Type Load sensing hydrostatic 3 19,5 km/h
Turns lock to lock 4 4 37 km/h

Turning radius: Optional Powershift transmission with four

forward and reverse speeds and a standard Tyres
Between walls 5,3 m
kick down shift control for immediate shifting Large front tyres give great loading performansce.
Turning radius: from second to first gear. Automatic mode is Rear: 18,4 x 26
Curb-curb 4m activated when fourth gear is engaged. Front: 16/70 x 20



Dimensions - Transport Position

BL71 BL71 Plus
A - Overall length 5812 mm 5939 mm
B - Overall width 2477 mm 2477 mm
C - Overall height 3746 mm 3746 mm
D - Wheelbase 4wd 2191 mm 2191 mm
E - Stabiliser clearance 372 mm 372 mm
F - Height to top of ROPS (cab) 2938 mm 2938 mm
G - Stabiliser Width 2300 mm 2300 mm

Width Weight Capacity Teeth nbr.

300 mm 90 kg 74 l 3

400 mm 101 kg 110 l 3

bucket 450 mm 109 kg 128 l 4

610 mm 126 kg 190 l 4

910 mm 164 kg 309 l 6
Width Weight Capacity Teeth nbr.
2350 mm 450 kg 1000 l 8 1215 mm 135 kg 160 l 0
bucket Grading
4 in 1 bucket
2350 mm 784 kg 1000 l 8 1515 mm 158 kg 210 l 0

Loader dimensions
BL71 BL71 Plus
A - Height to hinge pin 3460 mm 3460 mm
B - Dump angle 49 ° 49 °
Extendible dipper dimensions BL71 BL71 Plus
C - Dump reach @ 45° 828 mm 955 mm
H - SAE max digging depth
D - Dump height @ 45° 2717 mm 2594 mm
Ret. 4292 mm 4292 mm
E - Rollback at ground 44° 44°
Ext. 5354 mm 5354 mm
F - Dig depth below grade 155 mm 153 mm
I - Loading clearance
G - Overall operating height 4470 mm 4594 mm Ret. 3815 mm 3815 mm
Max grading angle 117 ° 117 ° Ext. 4427 mm 4427 mm
J - Reach at max height
Backhoe dimensions
Ret. 2875 mm 2875 mm
Standard dipper BL71 BL71 Plus
Ext. 3752 mm 3752 mm
H - SAE max digging depth 4292 mm 4292 mm K - Max operating height
I - Loading clearance 3815 mm 3815 mm Ret. 5567 mm 5567 mm
J - Reach at max height 2875 mm 2875 mm Ext. 6180 mm 6180 mm
K - Max operating height 5567 mm 5567 mm L - Reach from swing post
L - Reach from swing post 5859 mm 5859 mm Ret. 5859 mm 5859 mm
Sideshift offset from centreline 570 mm 570 mm Ext. 6827 mm 6827 mm
Max digging depth 4987 mm 4987 mm Max digging depth 6006 mm 6006 mm

STANDARD EQUIPMENT • Hour recorder Cab, Exterior
Engine • Headliner Left/right side doors with locks.
BL71: Volvo D5D turbocharged diesel Warning and control lamps: 4 side opening windows with partial & full
engine (70 kW). • Preheating element engine hold open.
BL71 Plus: Volvo D5D turbocharged diesel • High coolant temperature engine One-piece opening rear window.
engine (75 kW). • Low oil pressure engine, Front windscreen - laminated.
Engine fan guard. • Air filter engine, Mirrors external (2).
• High oil temperature transmission, All tinted glass.
Ground line fuel fill with 120 liter capacity.
• Service indicator
Front grill. Cab, Interior
• Battery charging
Tilting cooler. Interior light.
• Hydraulic oil filter
Electrical System • High hydraulic oil temperature Drink holder.
Battery, 690 CCA. • Low hydraulic oil temperature Ignition switch.
Alternator 95 Amp. • Warning and control lamps. Front and rear windscreen wipers.
Power socket. Front and rear windscreen washer.
Service and Maintenance
Horn. Floor mat.
Tool box - external.
Warning buzzer. Seat with fabric or vinyl seat cover with or
50-hour greasing intervals.
Reversing alarm. without arm rests.
Hydraulic System Defroster.
Throttles, hand and foot.
Hydraulic oil cooler. Seat belt, retractable.
Load sensing, variable flow system with axial Driveline
Steering wheel.
piston pump. Four wheel drive.
Power steering.
“Flow Sharing” System. Oil immersed disc brakes.
Hydrostatic heater.
Differential lock.
Lighting Working Equipment
Fast reversing shuttle, all gears.
Hazard flasher/direction indicators. Backhoe, side-shift, excavator - two lever
Torque convertor.
Light, working (2 front, 2 rear). control.
Four-speed syncromesh transmission.
Front headlights. Hydraulic boom transport lock.
Neutral transmission button on loader
Instrumentation & controls joystick. Sideshift, locking.
Gauges: Transmission de-clutch on loader joystick. Swing transport lock.
• Coolant temperature Tyres. Loader, self-levelling with return-to-dig and
• Fuel level transmission disconnect switch on loader

OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Working Equipment Lighting

Cab Excavator Pilot Controls (BL71). Additional working lights (2 front, 2 rear).
Air Conditioning. Boom suspension system. Electrical System
Radio ready. Extendible dipper. Battery, additional.
Air suspension and heated seat + arm rests. Stabiliser street pads. Engine pre-heater.
Radio. Drive shaft guard.
Speedometer. Cyclonic pre-filter.
Hydraulic oil tank lockable cap.
Sun visor. Lifting eye backhoe.
Rotating beacon.
Wide seat belt. Hydraulics Boom and dipper safety valves.
Tilt steering wheel. Hammer hydraulic circuit. Loader safety valve.
Driveline Hammer rigid line. Vandal guard.
Powershift transmission. Hand held hydraulic. Anti-theft key board.
Front fenders. Bi-Directional Auxiliary hydraulic circuit. Back up alarm.
Rear fenders extension
Special colours.

ATTACHMENTS Multi-Purpose bucket. Excavator

Loader Forks kit for Loader Attachement Bracket. Standard and Heavy Duty buckets.
Loader Attachement Bracket (TPV) Flip-over forks for GP and MP buckets. Mechanical attachment bracket.
General Purpose bucket.
Volvo breaker HB 440.

Volvo Construction Equipment is different. It’s designed, built
and supported in a different way. That difference comes from
an engineering heritage of over 175 years. A heritage of
thinking first about the people who actually use the machines.
About how to help them be safer, more comfortable, more
productive. About the environment we all share. The result of
that thinking is a growing range of machines and a global
support network dedicated to helping you do more. People
around the world are proud to use Volvo. And we’re proud of
what makes Volvo different – More care. Built in.

All products are not available in all markets. Under our policy of continuous improvement, we reserve the right to change specifications
and design without prior notice. The illustrations do not necessarily show the standard version of the machine.

Construction Equipment PUB 21 C 100 2689 English (Global)

2010.04 BHL Volvo, Global Marketing

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