J.P Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City: Higher School NG Umak
J.P Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City: Higher School NG Umak
J.P Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City: Higher School NG Umak
1. recite the mission and vision of the University of Makati (UMak), mission and vision of the
Higher School ng UMAK (HSU), University of Makati Hymn, Makati March, Makati Hymn;
2. familiarize himself/herself to the history of the University of Makati; and
3. value the guidelines on the modalities of the New Norm.
Makati Polytechnic Community College was established through a Municipal Resolution No. 242
Ordinance No. 64 s. 1972. The Makati Polytechnic Community College was elevated to the status of a full-
fledged college and was renamed Makati College in 1987.
The integration of the former Fort Andres Bonifacio College paved the way for the elevation of
Makati College into a university on January 10, 1990. By virtue of Municipal Ordinance No. 433, series of
1991 under the administration of Hon. Mayor Jejomar C. Binay, Makati College was converted into
Pamantasan ng Makati (PnM) and operated as a university on December 19, 1991. City Ordinance 2002-
111 was passed on August 27, 2002 amending City Ordinance No. 99-126 which further revised the
Pamantasan ng Makati charter to change its official name to University of Makati.
The University of Makati expanded from its original industrial and business technology courses to
different areas of specializations like arts and sciences, education, computer science, business
administration, technology management, governance and public policy, nursing and other allied health
CLASSES; IF IN CASE (According to the Office of the Students Life)
4. Prepare and bring food (baon) for your consumption while inside the
school campus, whenever possible;
3. If not walking, commuting, or being brought by a third party to school using a personal vehicle at the
school gate, use bicycle, motorcycle, or e-scooter to gain entry into the campus, but back-riding is not
4. Follow the designated entry point at all gateways of the university, keeping always to the right side in a
single formation (likewise, follow the designated exit point at all gateways, keeping always to the right side
in a single formation);
5. Submit to the mandatory temperature check and if your temperature reaches 37.5 degrees Celsius
and/or you have cough, colds and other respiratory symptoms, you will be asked to go home;
6. Record your temperature on your notebook each time you are checked, for proper monitoring;
7. Pass through the designated foot bath for foot wear disinfection.
4. Comply with affixed markers for sitting, waiting, queuing, and the like in public
7. Avoid sharing of school supplies, devices and gadgets, food and drinks, eating
utensils and drinking containers, personal possessions and other items to avoid
1. As a student enrolled in online or blended courses, you will need to have basic computer
skills. You are expected to be able to
o Open files in standard formats (e.g., MS Office documents, PDFs, and
o Create, save, organize, and maintain digital files
o Interact with the learning management system (LMS)
o Communicate electronically, and
o Knowledge of web browsing and searching
2. Attendance is still a must and late is still discourage. Schedule given shall be STRICTLY
3. Stay updated when it comes to announcement.
4. A proper email address shall be created for educational purposes, as well as social
media sites for communication.
5. Submission of paper shall be still on time.
6. Form of cheating such as plagiarism, copying from the internet is strictly prohibited.
1. Be respectful. While it is easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things without standing face-to-
face with someone, it is important to remember that your classmates and teachers are real people
who are affected by the words you say and write. It is essential to keep in mind the feelings and
opinions of others, even if they differ from your own. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t
say it online either.
2. Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points. It is easy for written text to
be misread and misunderstood. Have you ever sent a text message with good intent but your
recipient thought you were being rude? If so, then you’ve experienced this first-hand. By being
cognizant of strong language, you can identify potential confusions before sending messages. Tip:
Read everything out loud before you send it.
3. Be careful with humour and sarcasm. Certainly you shouldn’t avoid being funny. We love
to see your personality shine through in online classes. Many of our teachers are exceptionally funny
too. But like mentioned in Rule #2, make sure that it is clear you are being funny and not being
rude. Emoticons and smileys can be helpful when conveying humour or sarcasm so that it is read
4. Yes, grammar and spelling matter. While texting, text speak can b gr8 4 ur friends. In an
educational setting (even online) however, keep it formal. Your written communication should be
professional and reflect proper writing style. Save written shortcuts and less than stellar grammar
for Snap chat if you must, but follow grammar rules for school.
5. Cite your sources. Whenever you are sharing an idea that originated from someone else
(even if it is not word for word), it is a good practice to cite that source. This applies to
discussion forums too. If you read a great thought in your text, share it, but be sure you let
your audience know where you saw it first.
6. Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material. Enough said there. Nothing is
truly private online.
7. Be forgiving. Remember that not everyone will know these rules before posting. Try
to be understanding of others when they struggle with written communication. It is very
different than simply talking to a person face-to-face.
PPT Copy from Ms. Katrisha Faye Pingol, HSU Language Department