Recruitment Notice: Sashastra Seema Bal
Recruitment Notice: Sashastra Seema Bal
Recruitment Notice: Sashastra Seema Bal
Applications are invited from male Indian citizens who fulfill the eligibility conditions
for filling up the following Group 'C" non-gazetted non-ministerial combatised posts in the
SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL. The posts are temporary, but likely to become permanent in the pay scale as
mentioned below against each post plus usual and admissible allowances as applicable to Central
Government employees from time to time. In addition, ration allowance; medical assistance, free
uniform, free accommodation, free leave pass etc. are admissible to SSB personnel. The posts have
all India posting liability and selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad.
The last date of receipt of application form is 20/06/2011 for all States except North-
Eastern States, Sikkim, Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba, Lahaul & Spiti and Kinnaur Districts of
Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh Division, Kashmir of J & K State and the Union Territories of Andaman
and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep for which last date is
Post Name of post, Pay Scale + GP Gen SC ST OBC Total
01. Sub-Inspector (Telecom.) 15 11 02 12 40
9300-34800+ 4200 in PB-II
1. 10% of vacancies in the post are reserved for Ex-Servicemen, which may later be filled up by fresh
candidates, if suitable Ex-Servicemen do not turn-up.
2. Number of vacancies may increase or decrease depending upon the position at the time of final selection
without any notice.
5. Selected candidates are liable to be posted any where within as well as outside the Territory of India according
to transfer policy of the force.
(a) There will be relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC (i. e. 5 years for SC/ST & 3 years for OBC).
(b) The upper age limit up to 05 years is also relaxable in case of candidate is already in Govt. service.
[c] The above concession will be admissible only where an Government employee has rendered
not less than 3 (three) years’ Continuous service in Govt. Deptt.
(d) Every Ex-Serviceman who has put in not less than six months continuous service in the Armed
Forces of the Union, shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age and if
the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit by more than three years he shall be
deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. However, break in service should not be more
than two years.
I) Ex-Servicemen holding the higher rank may also compete in this recruitment for lower
post provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria and also they furnish their willingness in
writing that in the event of their selection they will not claim the post equivalent to the
rank they were holding in the Defence Forces.
II) Character certificate : Minimum requirement will be Exemplary/Very Good/Good
category certificate
III) Medical Category : “A”(AYE)/SHAPE-ONE, at the time of discharge. They should
possess to pass the same medical standards prescribed for direct recruits for the post of
Asstt. Sub-Inspector/Steno and Head Constable/Ministerial in Central Armed Police
(e) The Relaxation in upper age limit of 5 years shall also be admissible to all posts mentioned in Para-1
for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J&K during the period from
01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989. The candidate will have to produce a certificate from the concerned
District Collector to claim relaxation in age.
(f) Five years of age relaxation will also be granted to the children and dependent family members of
those killed in the 1984 riots and 2002 communal riots of Gujarat, SC/ST/OBC relaxation, as per
Govt. instructions, will be in addition to this relaxation. Children mean (a) Son (including adopted
son): or (b) Daughter (including adopted daughter) Dependent family members mean: (a) Spouse;
or (b) Children; or Brother or Sister in the case of unmarried Govt. servant who was wholly
dependent on the Govt. servant at the time of his killing in the riot. The candidate will have to
produce a certificate to the effect, issued by the concerned District Collector to claim relaxation in
(g) Children and dependent family members of those killed in the riots (1984 riots and 2002
communal riots of Gujarat) will also produce a certificate from the concerned District Collector.
(h) ) Relaxable for Government Servants upto the age of 40 years in the case of General
Candidates, upto 43 years for OBC candidates and upto 45 years in the case of candidates
belonging to SC/ST for the post of Constable (Veterinary) only.
(i) Relaxable upto 35 years for Government Servants ( Departmental candidates ) as per
instructions / orders issued by Central Government for the post of Sub- Inspector ( Pioneer),
Head Constable (Workshop) and HC (Electrician).
SI (Telecom.) SI(Pioneer) ASI (Telecom.) Constable
Degree in 1) Should have Matric with Diploma in
Electronics passed 10+2 (with Electronics Matric or equivalent with
Or Science subjects) Or Telecommunication from Science from a recognized
Telecommuni- from a recognized an Institution recognized by Board/ Institute or
cation Board/ University. the State equivalent.
Or Government or equivalent; Desirable for
Science with 2) Degree or Or Contable (Vety):
Physics, Diploma in Civil ii) 10+2 Or Intermediate with One year experience in
Chemistry, and Engineering from a aggregate marks of fifty percent treatment of different
Mathematics recognized with selective subject being species of animals in a
from a University or Physics, Chemistry and recognized Veterinary
recognized Institution Mathematics from a recognized Hospital.
University Or Board or Institution or
Institute Or equivalent.
SI (Telecom), ASI (Telecom), SI (Pioneer) , HC (Telecom), HC (Elect.), HC (Workshop) / CT (Tele) :
Height: i) 170 Cms for all except the categories shown below.
ii) M i n i m u m height 165 Cms in respect of the persons belonging to the races namely Garhwalis,
Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimese, persons hailing from Leh & Ladakh, Kashmir
Valley, North Eastern States and the State of Himachal Pradesh.
iii) 162.5 Cms for the candidates belonging to ST, Tribal/ Adivasi including Mizos & Nagas.
Chest: i) 80 Cms (Un-Expanded), 85 Cms (Expanded) for all except the categories shown below.
ii) ) Relaxation in Chest 78 -83 Cm in respect of the persons beloning the case of candidates
belonging to the races namely Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimese, persons
hailing from Leh & Ladakh, Kashmir Valley, North Eastern States and the State of Himachal Pradesh.
iii) 76-81 Cm. for ST, Tribal/ Adivasi including Mizo and Naga candidates.
Weight- Proportionate to height as per Medical standard.
Should not be less than 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other i.e. 6/6 for right eye in right handed
individual and 6/6 for left eye in left handed individual without glasses.
CT(Vety) :
Height: i) 170 Cms for all except the categories shown below.
ii) M i n i m u m height 165 Cms in respect of the persons belonging to the races namely Garhwalis,
Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimese, persons hailing from Leh & Ladakh, Kashmir
Valley, North Eastern States and the State of Himachal Pradesh.
iii) 162.5 Cms for the candidates belonging to ST, Tribal/ Adivasi including Mizos & Nagas.
ii) 77-82 Cm. for ST, Tribal/ Adivasi including Mizo and Naga candidates.
Note: - The candidates must not have knock-knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and they
should possess high colour vision. The candidates will be tested for colour vision by Ishahara's test as
well as Edrich-Green Lantern test. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any
physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties.
5. WRITTEN TEST: All candidates who qualify PET will be eligible for written test which will consist of
objective as well as narrative tests.
The minimum qualifying marks of written test are 50 % for General/Ex-servicemen and 40 % for
SC/ST/OBC categories.
(Vety) OnePaper (Objective Type) Max. Marks Duration
Science, Hygiene, General Physiology 100 2 hours
The minimum qualifying marks of written test are 35% for General category/Ex-Servicemen and
33% for SC/ST/OBC categories.
Note:- (i) The candidate who will be declared qualified in the written test / Practical Test and Interview will be
called for detailed medical examination and merit list will be prepared accordingly to fill up the vacancy advertised.
(ii) 10**:- A maximum of 10 marks will be awarded to candidates having credible achievements in sports, Scouts &
Guides and extra curricular activities. Claims of achievements should be supported by the documents and the
participation should be at least at state level.
iii) The interview is qualifying in nature. However, the candidate will have to score aggregate 50%
marks in written, practical test and interview for General Category and Ex-Serviceman and 40%
marks for SC/ST/OBC for all post except for the post of CT(Vety). The aggregate marks in written and
interview for the post of CT(Vety) will be 35% for General category & Ex-Serviceman and 33% for
SC/ST/OBC category.
Candidates who qualify the Written test, Practical test and interview will be put through detailed
medical as per the vacancies and average failure rate strictly on the basis of merit.
Those candidates whose appeal found in order will be issued call letters to appear for Review
Medical Examination and their list will also be uploaded in the SSB Website . They may
keep in touch to know their date of appearing in review medical examination and venue by visiting our website
and our helpline No. 011-26193929.
The decision of the Review Medical Board of SSB will be final and no 2nd appeal will be entertained as
per Govt. instructions and also no reply of the correspondence / 2nd appeal will be given / entertained.
Note: -
a) It should, however, be clearly understood that the Selection board reserves absolute discretion to reject or accept
any candidate after considering the report of the medical board.
b) No Physical efficiency test will be held for Ex-Servicemen. However, Ex-Servicemen will be required to pass the
Written Test, Practical Test, Interview and requisite Medical Examination.
Name of post Post code Application Receiving Centre IPO / Bank DD should be in
and application should be favour of following officer and
addressed to the following Bank.
officer. (Col. 1) (Col. 2)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Sub- Inspector 01 THE Staff Officer (Admn.), O/O The THE ACCOUNTS OFFICER, FTR Hqrs.,
( Telecomm.)
Inspector General, Frontier Hqr. SSB, SSB Guwahati, (Assam)
Sub – Inspector 02 Guwahati, Nikita Complex, 345, ( DD payable at SBI Guwahati)
( Pioneer) G.S.Road, Reserch Gare , Guwahati-22,
Constable ( Telecomm.) 07 ASSAM
Asstt. Sub-Inspector The Staff Officer (Admn.), O/O The THE ACCOUNTS OFFICER, FTR Hqrs.,
( Telecommn.) O3
Inspector General, Frontier Hqrs SSB, SSB Lucknow, UP
Lucknow Sankalp Bhawan, Vibhuti ( DD payable at SBI Lucknow)
Constable ( Veterinary) 08 Khand, Plot No.TC/35-V-2, Lucknow-
226010 ( UP)
Head Constable 04 The Dy. Inspector General, SHQ THE ACCOUNTS OFFICER SSB, SHQ
( Electrician) Gorakhpur, Marketing Bhavan, F.C.I Gorakhpur (UP)
Head Constable 05 Complex, PO-Fertilizer Factory,
Urvarak Nagar, Gorakhpur (UP)-
( DD payable at SBI Gorakhpur)
( Workshop)
Head Constable 06
( Telecommn.)
The envelope containing the application should be superscribed in block letters as “APPLICATION FOR
THE POST OF (Name of Post), POST CODE NO”…………… along with the Bank draft/IPO of Rs.50/- as
application fee, attested copies of testimonials and admit card duly filled in. Two self-addressed envelopes with postage
stamps of Rs.6/- (Six) each should also be attached with the application form. The application received after the
last date will not be entertained and summarily rejected. No correspondence will be entertained on this account.
Note: - (i) DD / IPOs may be sent in favour of address as given above only.
(ii) Application must be sent to above address only.
(iii) Applications addressed to FHQ, SSB or any other offices of SSB shall not be entertained at any stage.
ii) Candidates applying for more than one post should send separate application for each post.
iii) Candidate should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation, 10+2/Secondary
Examination certificate OR an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of application, will be
accepted by the Recruitment Board and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or
iv) If the above documents are not submitted along with the application, it will be rejected summarily or at
any stage of the recruitment process and no request for reconsideration will be entertained.
v) Incomplete or unsigned applications, applications without attested photographs, late applications
will be rejected summarily.
vi) All candidates in Govt. service whether in a permanent or in temporary capacity etc. will be required to
submit their application through proper channel along with NOC. Application shall be rejected if received
late and/or are not complete in all respects as provided in the rules.
vii) Any wrong attestation so as to mislead the Recruitment board or to gain access to our examination
would lead to criminal/debar action against the candidate besides cancellation of his candidature.
viii) No separate admit cards/ call letters will be issued to the qualified candidates called for
written examination/ Practical Test/ interview and Final Medical Examination. The list of
qualified candidates called for above test will be displayed in the notice board at the
Recruitment venue.
viii) In case any candidate is found ineligible or suppressing facts on any ground after his
selection/appointment, his services will be terminated without assigning any reason.
ix) The Government shall not be responsible for damage /injury/loss to the individual, if any, sustained
during the entire recruitment process and journey.
x) The DG SSB has full rights to make changes or cancel /postpone the recruitment without assigning
any reason.
xi) Candidates canvassing in any form or bringing outside influence /pressure, offering illegal gratification,
blackmailing or threatening to blackmail any person connected with recruitment will be disqualified.
Xii] Candidates impersonating and submitting the fabricated/forged documents are also liable to be
xiii) It should, however, be clearly understood that the Selection Board reserves to itself, absolute
discretion to reject or accept any candidate at any stage.
xiv) As the applications are to be processed by a computerized system, it is essential that the application is
strictly in accordance with the prescribed format is properly and completely filled and contains no
xv) Mere qualifying all the prescribed tests in SSB recruitment does not confer the right of selection of the
candidate but they should have to stand in merit keeping in view the available vacancies. The vacancies
are subject to change.
* (i) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution, No.12011/68/93-BCC (C), dated the 10th September, 1993,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section-I, NO. 186, dated the 13 September, 1993.
*(ii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC, dated the 19th October, 1994, published
in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section, No. 163 dated the 20 October, 1994.
*(iii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/7/95-BCC, dated the 24th May, 1995, published in
the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 88, dated the 25th May, 1995.
*(iv) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC, dated the 9th March, 1996, published in
the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 60, dated the 11th March, 1996.
*(v) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC, dated the 6th December 1996, published
in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 210, dated the 11th December 1996.
*(vi) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/13/97-BCC, dated the 3rd December, 1997,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 239, dated the 17th December, 1997.
*(vii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC, dated the 11th December 1997,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 236, dated the 12th December 1997.
*(viii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/68/98-BCC, dated the 27 Oct., December, 1999,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 241, dated the 27th Oct, 1999.
*(ix) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/88/98-BCC, dated the 06th December 1999,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 270, dated the 06th December 1999.
*(x) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/36/99-BCC, dated the 4th April 2000, published in
the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 71, dated the 4th December 2000.
*(xi) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC, dated the 21st December 2000,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 210, dated the 21st December 2000.
*(xii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC, dated the 6th September, 2001,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No.246, dated the 6th September, 2001
4. Educational Qualification (Attach attested copy of Education/Tech. Qualification certificate(s) & Typing etc.
Exam. Name of Subject Studied Aggregate
Passed School/Board/University/Institute percentage of
5. Religion:
Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Buddhist Jain If others, specify
(iii) Whether
Domiciled ordinarily in J&K during 1980- Affected in 1984 Affected in 2002 communal
89 riots riots of Gujarat
Contd. Page-2-
-: 2: -
10. (a) Whether Ex-Serviceman, if so, indicate:-
NOTE: - Candidates should apply only if they fulfill all the physical standard & Educational/Technical qualifications
as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid any disappointment at later stage.
(Unsigned application received if any will be rejected ). Strike out whichever is not applicable*.
I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the test
and interview, my candidature will stand cancelled and all my claims of the recruitment will stand forfeited.
attested by the
Gazetted Officer
Fathers name;
Roll No.
Date of birth
Whether SC/ST/OBC/General/Ex-Serviceman
Date Time
(As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Modification) Order 1956, the Bombay
Reorganization Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, The State of Himachal Pradesh Act,
1970, the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization Act, 1971) and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes orders (Amendment) Act, 1976.)
Place______________ Signature______________
4. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
NOTE: -ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certificate only from the Revenue
Division Officer.