V.I.P. Dasanayake Capacitance - 2
V.I.P. Dasanayake Capacitance - 2
V.I.P. Dasanayake Capacitance - 2
Laboratory Experiment 07
GROUP: - 3
1. To investigate the effect of series capacitors on the limits of power transfer over a
transmission line, with its terminal voltages fixed.
2. To investigate the effect of shunt capacitors on a transmission line with its terminal
voltages fixed.
Series Capacitive Reactance
Per Unit Compensation of the Line =
Inductive Reactance
1/ j∗2 πf ∗C
Per Unit Compensation of the Line =
j∗2 πf ∗L
Sample Calculation
C = 6 µF , L = 0.15 H , f = 50 Hz
Series Capacitive Reactance = =¿-530.52j
j∗2 π∗50 Hz∗6 ×10−6 F
18 22 -j176.84 3.72
24 35 -j132.63 2.81
30 38 -j106.1 2.25
The effect of power factor on the power systems
The power factor of an AC electric power system is the ratio of the active power
[V*I*cos(α)] to the apparent power [V*I]. And power factor is in between 1 and 0.Real power is
the capacity of the circuit for performing work in a particular time. Apparent power is the product
of the current and voltage of the circuit. Due to energy stored in the load and returned to the
source, or due to a non-linear load that distorts the wave shape of the current drawn from the
source, the apparent power can be greater than the real power. The low power factor causes for the
loss of the system and it will increase the cost for energy.
When power factor is 0, the energy flow is reactive, so stored energy in the load returns
to the source on each cycle. When the power factor is 1, all the energy supplied by the source is
consumed by the load [I2*R]. Power factors are usually stated as "leading" or "lagging" to show
the sign of the phase angle. Leading indicates a negative sign, while lagging indicates positive
A power factor of unity is the goal of any electric utility company because if the power
factor is less than one, they have to supply more current to the user for a given amount of power
use. To do so, they incur more line losses. They also must have larger capacity equipment in place
than would be otherwise necessary. As a result, an industrial facility will be charged a penalty if
its power factor is less than 1.
Utilities typically charge additional costs from the industrial users who have a power
factor below some limit, which is typically 90 to 95%. So it is necessary to have a power factor
close to unity to reduce additional costs in electricity payments.
Facility’s power system capacity can be improved if power factor correction is done. Benefits are
incurred up stream. These benefits include reduction in power losses [I2R], improved voltage
regulation when properly switched & a decrease in kVA loading. There are several methods to
improve power factor.
Inductive components in a power system such as ballasts, motors and heaters, draw
Reactive power (lagging power) from the supply. It lags behind the Active Power by 90 0. If a
capacitor is connected across the supply, it will draw Leading Reactive Power, which leads the
Active Power by 90 degrees. The direction of the Capacitive (leading) Reactive Power is opposite
to the direction of the Inductive (lagging) Reactive Power
Industrial facilities tend to have a lagging power factor, where the current lags the
voltage because of having a lot of electric induction motors. This will lead to the consumption of
Lagging Reactive Power. To minimize this effect we should either consume Leading Reactive
Power or Supply Lagging Reactive Power within the system. This can be accomplished by adding
Shunt Capacitors to the system. Some industrial sites will have large banks of capacitors strictly
for the purpose of correcting the power factor back toward one to save on utility company charges.
This method which is called as Shunt capacitive compensation is used to improve the
power factor
Because of the series connection, in a short circuit condition the capacitor should be able
to withstand for a high current.
Voltage regulation is high.
a) Using Filters
As presence of harmonics in the waveform caused by switched mode power
supply units, in certain situations capacitors are not connected directly to the supply lines.
But using filters it can be filtered. There are some filters such that filter only the
line frequency (50 or 60 Hz). With using these filters the non-linear device looks like a
linear load. At this point the power factor can be brought to close to the unity, using
capacitors or inductors as required. This filter requires large-value high-current inductors
which are bulky and expensive.
Harmonic resonance is a possibility if capacitors without harmonic filters are
installed. However, capacitors without harmonic filters should not be installed in
harmonic contaminated environments since they may fail catastrophically. This filter is
effective for generator applications as a leading power factor can be avoided.