Single Phase Transformer
Single Phase Transformer
Single Phase Transformer
OBJECTIVES: 1.To study variation of core loss an no load current with applied voltage.
2. To determine the parameters of a transformer by open circuit and closed
circuit tests.
3. To determine the efficiency.
4. To study the voltage regulation of a transistor.
The dielectric losses in the insulating material are appreciable only in the case of high
voltage transfomer. The no load current of a transfomer is very small compared with the rated
current, and is far from sinusoidal because of the non linear properties of iron. Effects of this are
usually swamped out by the sinusiodal current.
For steady state operation of the equivalent circuit of a two winding transformer is shown in
Figure 1. The equivalent circuit in Figure 1 can be simplified further and is shown in Figure 2. The
phasor diagram is shown in Figure 3.
A voltage transfomer connected toa constant primary voltage source usually dilivers nearly
constant voltage to the load. From the consumers point of view the question of how nearly constant
voltage output under diferernt loading conditions is an important question. A closely rated quantity
is the term voltage regulation the definition of which is given below;
= 1 – losses x 100%
For the determination of efficiency from the given above equations are often used which
needs the summation of losses. This method is more convenient, economical and gives more
accurate results for efficiency.
The transformer was examined, and given a special attention to the construction, rated
voltage, kVA, frequency, etc. The rated currents for each side were calculated. Then the
1. Terminal identification test
2. Polarity test
3. Open circuit test
4. Short circuit test
are made on the transformer as follow the instructions which are given in the
handout sheet.
5. Primary winding resistance (R) can be calculated using short circuit test results.
R = P/ ( Irated )2
= 60/ 102
= 0.6 Ω
6. Primary winding leakage reactance (X) can be calculated by the following equation.
Vin² = Iin²(R²+X²)
R2 + X2 = (Vin/Iin)2
X = 0.529 Ω
8. Converting the Core loss Resistance ( rc ) and the Magnetizing reactance( xm ) to the primary
side equivalences;
= 97.51%
= 97.23 %
= 0.015
R = 0.6 Ω
X = 0.529 Ω
rc = 3485.46 Ω
xm= 722.93 Ω
Equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to the high voltage side is given below.
The static transformer may be described as a alternating current device used to transfer
energy from one a-c circuit to another circuit with a change in voltage, but without a change in
frequency. When a transformer receives energy to the input winding at one voltage and delivers it
from the output winding at a lower voltage, it is called a step-down transformer. One which delivers
it from the output winding at a higher voltage is called a step-up transformer. A transformer can be
used as either step-down or a step-up transformer, provided rated nameplate voltage is used for the
winding selected as the input.
Transformer is a stationary device and, in its simplest form, consists of a laminated Iron core
upon which the input and the output winding are wound. The input winding, connected to the
source of supply, is the primary winding, while the output winding, connected to the load, is the
secondary winding. The transfer of energy from the primary winding to the secondary winding is
accomplished by means of an alternating magnetic flux developed by the primary winding.
Since there are on rotating or moving parts required to transferring the energy from the
primary to secondary windings, there are no friction or windage losses. Further, the other losses are
relatively low, so that the efficiency of the Transformer is high. Typical Transformer efficiencies at
full-load are between 96% and 97% and the extremely large capacity Transformers the efficiencies
are as high as 99%. Transformers can be used for very high voltages as there are no rotating
winding and stationary coils can be immersed directly in insulating oil. The lack of rotating parts
also keeps the maintenance and repair costs of Transformers relatively low.
The exciting current supplies the alternating flux and likewise supplies the losses in the
Transformer core, called the core loss. The core loss consists of eddy current losses and hysteresis
losses. As the alternating flux increases and decreases in value, it cuts the metal core as well as the
turns of the primary and secondary coils. As a result, voltages are induced in the metal core which
causes the eddy currents to circulate through the core and cause I2R losses which must be supplied
by the exciting current. This loss is minimized by laminating the core structure. Usually each
lamination has a protective film of insulating varnish which helps to decrease the loss. If no
protective film of varnish is used, the oxide coating of each individual lamination will cut down the
eddy current loss.
Another loss is hysteresis loss. The alternating flux reserves the millions of molecules of the
core structure many times per second. The power supplied by the primary winding to overcome this
molecular friction in the core is decreased by using special steel called silicon steel, or other special
low hysteresis steels. Eddy current and hysteresis losses are called the core losses and, in a typical
Transformer, are relatively small.
When load is connected across terminals of secondary winding, the instantaneous direction
of current will tend to oppose the effect which is producing it. The secondary current sets up an
m.m.f which opposes the flux of the primary winding. As a result, the primary flux is reduced in
value and likewise, the counter-electromotive force in the primary winding is reduced. The primary
current increases, for the impressed primary voltage has less opposition from the counter e.m.f or
induced voltage. This increase in primary current supplies the energy required by the load
connected to the secondary winding. The primary ampere-turns increase the magnetizing flux while
the secondary ampere-turns oppose the primary m.m.f, and thus decrease the magnetizing flux. The
exciting flux is relatively small as compared with the primary current. It is assumed that the primary
and secondary ampere-turns are equal where the exciting current is neglected.
In a typical transformer some of the lines of the flux produced by the primary winding do
not link the turns of the secondary winding. Instead, the magnetic circuit for the primary leakage
flux is in the air. This leakage flux does not follow the circuit path in the core. It links the turns of
the primary winding but does not links the secondary winding. Therefore, there is a reactance
voltage drop in the primary winding caused by this leakage flux which uses a part of the impressed
primary voltage. As a result, secondary flux linkages are reduced, as is the secondary induced
voltage. There is also a secondary leakage flux which links the secondary turns but not the primary
turns. This flux also has its magnetic path in air and not in the core. The secondary leakage flux is
proportional to the secondary current and causes a reactance voltage drop in the secondary winding.
The amount of the leakage flux of a transformer can be controlled by the type of core used and the
arrangement or placement of the primary and secondary coils on the legs of the core.
When doing open circuit test, as the no-load losses of a transformer are small, the instrument
errors should be checked. Another point of consideration is, the voltmeter should be disconnected
when the wattmeter is read, for the wattmeter will indicate the power taken by the voltmeter. If
instrument losses are compensated for, it is found that the core loss is the same, regardless whether
the high voltage side or low voltage side is used as the primary side with their rated voltages are
used. This is reasonable, for it is the same core that both windings are wounded on and, if the same
amount of ampere-turns produces the same alternating flux using their winding as primary, then the
core loss will be same.
The efficiency of a transformer is a ratio of the watt output to the watt input. In many
instances, the load connected to the secondary has a power factor other than unity. Therefore, the
watts output is the product of secondary volts and secondary amperes and the power factor of the
load. The watts input is the sum of watts output and the total losses which include the copper losses
and core losses. Thus the efficiency equation which is used in the calculation part is derived. The
voltage regulation of a transformer is the percent change in secondary terminal voltage as load is
reduced from full-load to no-load current with the impressed primary voltage maintained constant.
The single phase transformer is relatively simple alternating current device. The core is
assembled from thin annealed sheets of silicon steel. The lamination can be either rectangular strips
or L-shaped stamping. Three basic types of cores are used. There are the core, the shell, and the
combined core and shell types. In the core type transformer, the winding surround the laminated
silicon steel core. Usually, the low-voltage winding is next to the core and the high-voltage winding
is placed over the low-voltage winding. The low and high voltage winding are carefully insulated
from each other. By placing the low-voltage coils next to the core, the amount of insulating material
required to properly insulate the high- voltage winding is cut to a minimum.
The complete core and coil assembled is immersed in insulating oil in a pressed steel tank.
This insulating oil, which completely covers the core and coils, removes heat from the core and the
coil windings, as well as further insulating the winding from the core and the transformer case. In a
typical transformer, channels or ducts are used to in the core and coil assembly to permit the oil to
circulate and, thus remove the heat. As the oil becomes heated, its density decreases and it rises. As
it circulates in the transformer it comes in contact with the tank walls which cool the oil. As the oil
cools, its specific gravity increases and the oil flow down to the bottom of the tank and again
circulate up through the oil ducts to repeat the cooling process.