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GA3 Effect Flowering Kalanchoe Model

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Scientia Horticulturae 238 (2018) 7–13

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Scientia Horticulturae
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Effects of GA3 on promotion of flowering in Kalanchoe spp. T

Ming-Zong Chang, Chang-Hai Huang
Department of Plant Industry, College of Agriculture, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 1, Shuefu Road, Neipu, Pingtung, 912, Taiwan, ROC


Keywords: Some species of Kalanchoe, including those of sections Kalanchoe and Bryophyllum do not flower naturally. This
Section barrier to flowering might hinder hybridization and breeding. The role of gibberellin acid (GA3) in promoting
Kalanchoe flowering was investigated, and the effects of GA3 treatment on flowering under different temperatures were
Section determined. The findings indicated that flowering was promoted in 100% of the K. sexangularis, K. nyikae, K.
marnieriana, K. longiflora, and K. × richaudii plants treated with different GA3 gradients. The percentage of
flowering in K. marnieriana and K. nyikae increased with increasing concentrations of applied GA3. The number
Percentage of flowering of days taken to flower in K. nyikae and K. sexangularis decreased with increasing concentrations of applied GA3.
Days to flowering In K. × richaudii treated with 100 mg L−1 GA3 flowers appeared the earliest. The number of flowers of K.
sexangularis and K. × richaudii increased, while that of K. nyikae decreased, with increasing GA3 concentrations.
GA3-treated K. nyikae, K. poincarei, and K. sexangularis plants showed higher percentages of flowering at 25/20 °C
(day/night) than at higher temperatures. The findings from this study confirmed that GA3, applied in a broad
range of concentrations, promotes floral induction in the studied species, affecting mainly the number of days
taken to flower and the number of flowers produced. However, the GA3-treated plants had reduced flowering at
higher temperatures. These findings can be applied in the regulation of flowering and breeding of Kalanchoe in

1. Introduction and Iris nigricans (Al-Khassawneh et al., 2006). Previous studies have
confirmed that GAs contents significantly increased in the long-short
Photoperiod, temperature and the juvenile phase of plants are be- day plant B. daigremontianum, when transferred from under long-day to
lieved to affect the induction of flowering in Kalanchoe. The genus short-day condition, and floral primordia were formed in the plants
Kalanchoe can be divided into two sections: Kalanchoe and Bryophyllum (Skene and Lang, 1964; Zeevaart, 1969a). Huang (2007) showed that
(Descoings, 2003). Species belonging to the section Bryophyllum usually flowering was induced in 90% of the treated two-month-old K. pinnata
exhibit longer juvenile phases, e.g., six years in B. proliferum (Zeevaart, and K. poincarei plants when 5 mg L−1 GA3 was applied on them.
1985). Currey and Erwin (2011) showed that Kalanchoe beauverdii, K. Therefore, exogenous GAs appears to promote the transition from ve-
beharensis, K. fedtschenkoi, K. longiflora, K. marmorata, K. marnieriana, K. getative growth to reproductive growth (King et al., 2003; Wilson et al.,
streptantha, K. tomentosa, and K. vigueridoi did not flower under a 1992).
photoperiod induction treatment. Therefore, the juvenile phase is one However, some species belonging to the sections Kalanchoe and
of the important factors influencing flowering in Kalanchoe species. Bryophyllum did not flower under any of the studied photoperiods, e.g.,
Gibberellin acids (GAs) can effectively shorten the length of the juvenile K. longiflora and K. marnieriana (Currey and Erwin, 2011). The contents
phase (Sgamma, 2017). GAs are known as environmental signals that of endogenous GAs were found to increase at low temperatures, and
induce stem elongation and flowering (Hisamatsu et al., 2000; Mutasa- flowering was simultaneously induced (Su et al., 2001; Xu et al., 1997).
Göttgens and Hedden, 2009; Wilkie et al., 2008). Several reports have Chen (2007) showed that flowering was not induced in Lavandula het-
suggested that GAs play an important role in the promotion of flow- erophylla by applying GA3 at high temperature conditions. Flower de-
ering in plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana (Wilson et al., 1992), velopment in the GA3-treated Phalaenopsis also was prevented at high
Brunonia (Wahyuni et al., 2011), Bryophyllum (Huang, 2007), Henckelia temperature conditions (Chen et al., 1994; 1997). Flowering in K.
humboldtianus (Sumanasiri et al., 2013), Helleborus niger, Helleborus × nyikae and K. sexangularis is unstable and unpredictable under the
ericsmithii ‘Pink Beauty’ (Christiaens et al., 2012), Lolium temulentum short-day environmental conditions of tropical regions. Therefore, it
(King et al., 2003), Philodendron ‘Black Cardinal'(Chen et al., 2003), appears that flowering in Kalanchoe species may be affected by

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: huangch@mail.npust.edu.tw (C.-H. Huang).

Received 2 November 2017; Received in revised form 1 April 2018; Accepted 2 April 2018
Available online 24 April 2018
0304-4238/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.-Z. Chang, C.-H. Huang Scientia Horticulturae 238 (2018) 7–13

environmental temperature after GA treatment. The afore-mentioned cutting propagation method and growth medium
A barrier to flowering may hinder hybridization and prolong the were used. The rooted plants were transferred to 9-cm plastic pots and
breeding time. As such, the present study was undertaken with an ob- maintained under long-day conditions. Two months after cultivation,
jective to investigate (1) the effects of exogenous GA3 concentrations on the plants were transferred to two controlled-environment cabinets
the promotion of flowering in Kalanchoe species, and (2) the effects of (EH-1800, Juxing Chemical Instrument Co., Ltd., Taiwan) with tem-
different temperatures on flowering following treatment with GA3. The peratures set at 30/25 °C and 25/20 °C (day/night temperature; varia-
findings of this study are expected to address the problem of flowering tion from set points ± 1 °C), respectively. Light was provided by white
barrier in Kalanchoe species and regulate flowering to improve its fluorescent tubes and the photoperiod was set at 11 h:13 h (light:dark).
breeding efficiency, in future. A photon flux density of 100 μmol m−2 s−1 was measured on the young
leaves of the plants. The plants were treated with 20 mg L−1 GA3, which
2. Materials and methods was applied once every seven days, for a total of three times. The
control group was treated with deionized water. After the first florets
2.1. Plant materials and cultivation opened, the vegetative and reproductive characteristics of the plants
were recorded.
K. longiflora, K. nyikae, K. sexangularis (section Kalanchoe), K. mar-
nieriana, K. × richaudii, and K. poincarei (section Bryophyllum) were 2.4. Growth measurements
used as study plants. Stem cuttings with three leaf-pairs were planted in
6-cm plastic pots filled with a 2:0.5:1 mixture (v/v) of peat moss The percentages of flowering, plant height, number of nodes,
(DSM05W, Kekkilä, Finland), perlite (No. 4, South Sea Co., Ltd., number of branches, number of flowers, days to flowering, flower
Taiwan) and coconut fiber (CB53, Da-Yi Agritechnology Co., Ltd., diameter, and length and diameter of the flower tubes were recorded.
Taiwan). After four weeks of rooting, the plants were potted in 9-cm Plant height was measured from the base of the stem to the shoot apex
pots and grown in a shaded greenhouse with a maximum photo- or the top of the first floret. The percentage of flowering was defined as
synthetic active radiation of 320 μmol m−2 s-1. The potted plants were the proportion of plants with open florets to the total number of plants
grown in the experimental farm of Pingtung University of Science and used in the study. The number of days to flowering was defined as the
Technology, under average day and night temperatures of 33 and 27 °C, number of days from the GA3 treatment to the opening of the first floret.
respectively. A slow-release fertilizer, containing 14% N, 14% P2O5, Flower diameter was recorded by measuring the diameter of the first
and 14% K2O (Osmocote®, Everris International B.V., Netherlands), was open floret. Floret diameter, and the length and width of the flower
applied at the rate of 0.5 g per container. The plants were overhead tube were measured using a digital slide caliper.
irrigated as required and fertilizers (20 N-8.1 P2O5-16.9 K2O, Peters®,
Everris NA Inc., USA) with N at 200 ppm were applied once a week. 2.5. Statistical analysis
They were grown under long-day conditions and the long-day treat-
ment was carried out with 23-W energy-saving bulbs (East Asia, China All experiments were performed using a completely randomized
Electric Co., Ltd., Taiwan) from 10:00–14:00 h (the shoot apex re- design. Data representing means of five replications were analyzed by
ceived > 150 lx) from September 21 to November 21. Thereafter, the the SAS software (SAS Institute Inc., North Carolina, USA). Analysis of
experiments were carried out from November 2014 until March 2015. variance (ANOVA) and the least significant difference (LSD) were used
to compare the treatment means at the 5% significance level.
2.2. Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering
3. Results
In the experiment involving a short-day environment (11-h to 11.5-
h photoperiod), 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg L−1 GA3 (Sigma Co., Mo., USA) 3.1. Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering
were applied on three-month-old K. marnieriana, K. nyikae, and K.
sexangularis. In addition, K. longiflora and K. × richaudii were treated Application of 2.5 and 5 mg L−1 GA3 led to flowering in 50% of the
with 50, 100, and 200 mg L−1 GA3 solution. Twenty milliliters of GA3 treated K. nyikae plants, while flowering occurred in 100% of the
solution was applied on the leaves of each plant. The control group was treated plants upon treatment with 20 mg L−1 GA3. The percentage of
treated with deionized water. GA3 treatment was applied once every flowering and the number of nodes generated in the K. nyikae plants
seven days, for three weeks. The conditions of plant fertilizer applica- subjected to different GA3 treatments were significantly different from
tion and irrigation were the same as that described above. After flow- that in the control group plants. The number of days to flowering in K.
ering, the vegetative and reproductive characteristics of each plant nyikae plants under 10 and 20 mg L−1 GA3 treatments were 7.8–8.8
were recorded. days earlier than that in the plants under 2.5 mg L−1 GA3 treatment.
The highest number of K. nyikae flowers was observed in the plants
2.3. Effects of different temperatures and GA3 application on flowering treated with 2.5 mg L−1 GA3 (Table 1). K. sexangularis plants in all GA3
treatments showed 100% flowering, and application of GA3 sig-
K. nyikae, K. poincarei, and K. sexangularis were used for this study. nificantly reduced the days taken to flower in this species (Table 2). The

Table 1
Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering of Kalanchoe nyikae.
Concentration (mg Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Days to Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flower flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes (mm)

0 0 cy 67.2 c 8.0 b 0.0 a -z – – – –

2.5 50 b 91.3 ab 11.0 a 0.2 a 78.8 a 182.3 a 22.3 a 19.5 a 4.4 a
5.0 50 b 87.3 ab 11.8 a 0.0 a 75.0 ab 140.8 b 21.2 a 19.7 a 4.4 a
10.0 83 ab 94.1 a 11.8 a 0.0 a 71.0 b 135.2 b 21.0 a 19.5 a 4.4 a
20.0 100 a 84.1 b 11.7 a 0.0 a 70.0 b 138.8 b 21.4 a 19.5 a 4.3 a

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.

M.-Z. Chang, C.-H. Huang Scientia Horticulturae 238 (2018) 7–13

Table 2
Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering of Kalanchoe sexangularis.
Concentration (mg Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Days to Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flower flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes (mm)

0 0 by 32.7 b 12.0 a 1.3 a -z – – – –

2.5 100 a 66.3 a 10.2 bc 0.2 b 85.8 a 389.5 b 8.3 b 15.5 a 3.4 a
5.0 100 a 69.8 a 9.5 c 0.0 b 83.7 a 477.7 a 9.0 ab 15.1 ab 3.4 a
10.0 100 a 68.3 a 11.5 ab 0.0 b 71.2 b 496.0 a 9.3 a 14.7 bc 3.5 a
20.0 100 a 62.8 a 10.8 abc 0.0 b 62.5 c 515.5 a 8.3 b 14.2 c 2.7 b

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.

number of days to flowering in K. sexangularis plants under the differentiation and flowering, pollen development, pollen tube growth,
20 mg L−1 GA3 treatment was effectively reduced by 23.3 days from parthenocarpy, shortening of the juvenile period, and determination of
that taken by the 2.5 mg L−1 GA3-treated K. sexangularis plants. The the sex of flowers (Buchanan et al., 2015; Matsuoka, 2003; Pharis and
numbers of flowers in the K. sexangularis plants subjected to 5, 10, and King, 1985; Taiz and Zeiger et al., 2010). Wilson et al. (1992) confirmed
20 mg L−1 GA3 treatments were higher than that in the K. sexangularis that GA4 was produced in the leaves and transported to the shoot apex,
plants under 2.5 mg L−1 GA3 treatment. The number of flowers pro- where it causes flowering under short-day conditions in Arabidopsis.
duced per plant increased with an increase in GA3 concentration Kulikowska-Gulewska et al. (2000) suggested that GAs are involved in
(Table 2). the control of phytochrome levels during vegetative growth until
The percentage of flowering in K. marnieriana was enhanced with flowering, and play a promotive role in the early process of flowering in
the increase in GA3 concentration. Flowering occurred in 100% of the Pharbits nil (Wijayanti et al., 1997). Exogenous GAs have been found to
plants treated with 20 mg L−1 GA3. However, the number of days to induce or promote flowering in many species (Pharis and King, 1985;
flowering was not significantly different among the K. marnieriana Wilson et al., 1992; Zeevaart, 1985). In the family Cupressaceae, GAs
plants subjected to different GA3 treatments. The plants under the 5 and promote early maturation and flowering (Pharis and Ross, 1985). The
10 mg L−1 treatments had the highest number of flowers (Table 3). percentage of flowering increased with increase in GA3 concentration in
Treatment with 50 mg L−1 GA3 resulted in the flowering of 83% of the Philodendron ‘Black Cardinal’ (Chen et al., 2003). B. daigremontianum
treated K. × richaudii plants, while flowering occurred in 100% of the required 5 μg GA3 per plant to induce flowering (Zeevaart, 1969b).
plants treated with 100 and 200 mg L−1 GA3. The number of nodes in Flowering in B. crenatum was promoted by the application 0.2 μg GA3,
all the GA3 treated K. × richaudii plants was significantly decreased as GA4, or GA7 per plant (Michniewicz and Lang, 1962). Huang (2007)
compared with that in the control group plants. The number of days to showed that flowering was induced in 100% of the treated six-month-
flowering in K. × richaudii decreased in the plants under 100 mg L−1 old and two-month-old K. pinnata plants by spraying 25 and 5 mg L−1
GA3 treatment by 11.8 days as compared with that in the plants under GA3, respectively. Applying 25 mg L−1 GA3 in K. luciae and K. mar-
50 mg L−1 GA3 treatment (Table 4). Flowering occurred in 100% of all morata resulted in the flowering of 100% of the treated plants (Lu,
GA3-treated K. longiflora plants. The number of days to flowering and 2013). In the present study, the leaves treated with GA3 could effec-
the number of flowers in the K. longiflora plants under different GA3 tively induce flowering in species belonging to the sections Kalanchoe
treatments were not significantly different (Table 5). and Bryophyllum (Tables 1–5). Flowering was induced in 100% of the
treated K. sexangularis, K. nyikae, and K. × richaudii plants by applying
3.2. Effects of different temperatures and GA3 application on flowering 2.5, 20, and 100 mg L−1 GA3, respectively (Tables 1, 2, and 4). Currey
and Erwin (2011) showed that K. marnieriana and K. longiflora did not
Flowering occurred in 50 and 67% of the GA3-treated K. nyikae and flower under flowering-inducing photoperiods. However, we observed
K. sexangularis plants, respectively, at 25/20 °C. The plants did not flowering in 100% of the plants of these species treated with 20 and
flower under the high day and night temperature conditions, regardless 50 mg L−1 GA3 (Tables 3 and 5). We also observed that the percentage
of the concentration of the applied GA3 (Tables 6 and 7). Flowering of flowering in K. marnieriana and K. nyikae was promoted with an
occurred in 67 and 17% of the GA3-treated K. poincarei plants at 25/ increase in the concentration of applied GA3. These findings indicate
20 °C and 30/25 °C, respectively. The untreated control plants did not that the application of a broad range of GA3 concentration can induce
flower (Table 8). flowering in the studied species.
GAs can effectively shorten the length of the juvenile phase
(Sgamma, 2017) and play a very important role in the regulation of
4. Discussion flowering (Pharis and King, 1985). The juvenile phase represents the
early period of plant development when flower initiation does not occur
GAs are tetracyclic diterpenoid compounds that are associated with even under suitable conditions (Erwin, 2002; Ison and Humphreys,
the promotion of seed germination, stem and root growth, flower bud

Table 3
Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering of Kalanchoe marnieriana.
Concentration (mg Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Days to Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flower flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes (mm)

0 0 by 45.2 b 26.5 b 6.8 a -z – – – –

2.5 0b 51.8 a 29.3 ab 6.8 a 106.0 b 89.3 b 9.6 a 26.6 a 8.2 a
5.0 33 b 48.2 ab 32.5 a 8.0 a 106.0 b 114.5 a 8.9 a 26.1 ab 8.1 a
10.0 83 a 48.2 ab 29.5 ab 7.2 a 105.3 b 111.3 a 8.8 a 26.8 a 8.1 a
20.0 100 a 45.7 b 30.2 ab 6.2 a 106.7 b 66.3 c 7.8 b 25.1 b 7.5 b

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.

M.-Z. Chang, C.-H. Huang Scientia Horticulturae 238 (2018) 7–13

Table 4
Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering of Kalanchoe×richaudii.
Concentration (mg Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Days to Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flower flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes(mm)

0 0 by 42.3 b 38.2 a 2.2 a -z – – – –

50 83 a 47.3 ab 25.8 bc 0.7 b 85.8 a 155.2 a 15.6 a 26.9 a 6.4 a
100 100 a 50.0 a 25.0 c 1.2 ab 74.0 c 174.0 a 15.9 a 26.4 a 6.9 a
200 100 a 52.8 a 27.7 b 1.0 b 80.2 b 180.3 a 16.1 a 27.6 a 7.1 a

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.

1984; Sgamma, 2017; Wadhi and Ram, 1967). Wadhi and Ram (1967) showed that GA3 treatment significantly reduced the number of days
found that the endogenous GA content in juvenile plants was low, taken to flower in K. nyikae and K. sexangularis (Tables 1 and 2).
which was insufficient to induce flowering. Low endogenous GA con- GA3 treatment was shown to increase the number of flowers in
tents delayed floral induction and flowering in Raphanus sativus Pharbits nil (Kulikowska-Gulewska et al., 2000). K. pinnata treated with
(Nishijima et al., 1997). In the B. daigremontianum plants transferred a high concentration GA3 produced more flowers than the plants
from under long-day to short-day environmental conditions, large treated with lower concentrations of GA3 (Wadhi and Ram, 1967).
amounts of GAs were found to be produced, which stimulated flow- Application of GA3 enhanced early flowering, and increased the number
ering. GAs are the limiting factor controlling the production of floral of flowers and flower diameter in Helleborus niger and Helleborus ×
stimulus in Bryophyllum under short-day conditions (Zeevaart and Lang, ericsmithii ‘Pink Beauty’ (Christiaens et al., 2012). GA3-treated Brunonia
1962; Zeevaart, 1969a). Huang (2007) also found that flowering in two- flowered early and showed 30% more inflorescences per plant under
month-old K. pinnata plants required a five-times higher GA3 con- short-day conditions (Wahyuni et al., 2011). Henckelia humboldtianus
centration than the six-month-old plants. The juvenile phase may last treated with 200 mg L−1 GA3 exhibited early flowering, increased
from only a few days in annual plants to several years in perennials number of inflorescences and numbers of flowers per inflorescence, and
(Sgamma, 2017), and depends on the age of the plant, number of improved vegetative growth (Sumanasiri et al., 2013). The percentage
leaves, or size of meristem. For instance, the juvenile phases in Stylo- of flowering and flower number increased with increase in GA3 con-
santhes guianensis ‘Schofield’ and ‘Cook,’ a long-short day plant, are 45 centration in Philodendron ‘Black Cardinal’ (Chen et al., 2003). Chen
days and 61 days, respectively (Ison and Humphreys 1984). It lasts for (2007) showed that treatment with 100 mg L−1 GA3 significantly re-
two years in B. daigremontianum and K. pinnata (Wadhi and Ram, 1967; duced the number of flowers in L. heterophylla. In the present study, the
Zeevaart, 1962), six years in K. prolifera (Zeevaart, 1985), and five–ten number of flowers per plant increased in K. sexangularis and K. × ri-
years in Hedera helix (Sgamma, 2017). K. marnieriana, K. longiflora and chaudii with an increase in applied GA3 concentration (Table 2), al-
K. × richaudii do not bloom naturally after one year of cultivation though, K. marnieriana treated with 20 mg L−1 GA3 showed a decreased
(personal observation). However, in this study, flowering in the studied number of flowers (Table 3).
species were induced depending on GA3 concentration (Tables 1–5). Abscisic acid(ABA) antagonizes GAs during many plant develop-
Therefore, the juvenile phase also appears to be one of the limiting mental processes (Kinet et al., 1985). The role of ABA has been de-
factors influencing flowering in Kalanchoe species. The application of monstrated in delaying or inhibiting flowering (Bernler et al., 1981;
GA3 has a promotive effect on flowering, and effectively shortens the Domagalska et al., 2010). GAs and ABA may act at the same site during
juvenile phase in Kalanchoe. flowering, but in an opposite manner (Wijayanti et al., 1997).
Increase in endogenous GA3 was shown to accelerate flowering time Domagalska et al. (2010) suggested that hormonal regulation of the
(Domagalska et al., 2010). Plants treated with increasing concentra- transition from vegetative to reproductive development in Arabidopsis
tions of GA3 or GA4 + 7 showed a decrease in the time taken to flower thaliana depends on the balance between GAs and ABA. GA3 was also
(Al-Khassawneh et al., 2006; Harkess and Lyons, 1994; Sumanasiri found to promote flower initiation and early flowering by decreasing
et al., 2013). Application of 100 mg L−1 GA3 to Belamcanda chinensis the concentration of ABA in Rhynchostylis gigantea (Phengphachanh
reduced the number of days to flowering and increased plant height, et al., 2012). Badr et al. (1970) suggested that application of ABA in-
number of leaves, inflorescence length, flower length, and flower hibited flowering in olive exposed to inductive winter chilling tem-
number (Bhuj et al., 1998). Application of GA3 promoted early flow- peratures. Flowering in Pharbitis nil was inhibited by applying ABA
ering in chrysanthemum (Sajid et al., 2016; Sharifuzzaman et al., under short day conditions (Wilmowicz et al., 2008) and the inhibitory
2011). Phengphachanh et al. (2012) has also suggested that GA3 pro- effects of ABA were reversed by application of GA3 (Wijayanti et al.,
moted flower initiation and early flowering in Rhynchostylis gigantea. 1997). Therefore, the balance between endogenous inhibitors and GAs
Application of exogenous GA3 reduced the time taken to flowering in appears to be a likely candidate controlling flower induction. High
the non-cold treated plants under short day conditions, suggesting that temperatures typically promote ABA synthesis, consequently inhibiting
endogenous GAs act as limiting factors of spring rape (Brassica napus GA synthesis and signaling through the action of ABA (Seo et al., 2006).
var. annua) (Dahanayake and Galwey, 1999). The present study also Other reports suggest that plant exposure to low temperature can

Table 5
Effects of GA3 concentration on flowering of Kalanchoe longiflora.
Concentration (mg Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Days to Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flower flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes (mm)

0 0 by 26.3 b 8.3 b 4.0 a -z – – – –

50 100 a 41.7 a 10.7 a 0.5 b 80.7 a 94.5 a 12.7 a 14.7 a 3.1 a
100 100 a 44.5 a 10.3 a 0.3 b 81.8 a 93.3 a 13.1 a 17.1 a 3.1 a
200 100 a 45.0 a 10.7 a 0.3 b 82.3 a 103.0 a 13.2 a 17.2 a 3.1 a

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.

M.-Z. Chang, C.-H. Huang Scientia Horticulturae 238 (2018) 7–13

Table 6
Effects of GA3 application on flowering of Kalanchoe nyikae in different temperature conditions.
Day/ night GA3 concentration (mg Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
temperature (℃) L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes (mm)

25/20 0 0 bx 48.8 bc 11.2 b 0a -y – – –

20 50 a 82.7 a 17.7 a 0a 37.7 20.8 17.8 4.2
30/25 0 0b 43.5 c 10.0 b 0a – – – –
20 0b 55.8 c 11.0 b 0a – – – –
Tz ** *** *** ns
C ** *** *** ns
T*C ** ** ** ns

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.
Levels of significant are represented by *: P < 0.05, **: P < 0.01, ***: P < 0.001 and ns: not significant.

increase biosynthesis of GA and endogenous GA concentrations in resulting in delayed flowering of Raphanus sativus in a long day en-
Arabidopsis thaliana (Derkx et al., 1994), Pisum sativum (Grindal et al., vironment after cold induction (Nishijima et al., 1997). Several reports
1998), Aster savatieri (Ishida and Takano, 1971), Phalaenopsis hybrida indicated that activity of the enzymes involved in GAs biosynthesis
(Su et al., 1994; Su et al., 2001), Thlaspi arvense (Hazebroek and were changed by cold temperature (Metzger, 1990; Hazebroek et al.,
Metzger, 1990; Hazebroek et al., 1993), wheat (Lin and Stafford, 1987), 1993; Zanewich and Rood, 1995). The bioactive GA in imbibed seeds of
canola (Zanewich and Rood, 1995), and lily (Takayama et al., 1993). Arabidopsis thaliana stay at low levels under high temperature condition
The findings of Sawhney (1983) indicated that endogenous GA3 con- (Toh et al., 2008). Yamauchi et al. (2004) suggested that imbibed seeds
centrations of Lycopersicon esculentum was increased at low tempera- of Arabidopsis thaliana had increased levels of bioactive GA under low
tures. Furthermore, the petals, stamens, carpels, and ventricles in a low temperature conditions. GA3 or GA1 may provide the signal for the
temperature environment (18/15 °C) were significantly larger than induction of flowering in aster, Solidago, Phlox, and Hypericum under
those in a high temperature environment (28/23 °C). Higher en- long day or low temperature condition (Yossi, 2000). K. nyikae, K.
dogenous GA levels were detected following treatment with GA3 in poincarei, and K. sexangularis in the present study flowered after ap-
Phalaenopsis hybrida (‘Minho Princess’× Phalaenopsis equestris) exposed plication of GA3 at 25/20 °C, but not at higher temperatures. It ap-
to low temperature (25/20 °C) than in plants exposed to high tem- peared that the decrease in flowering might be associated with in-
peratures or in untreated plants (Su et al., 2001). Application of GA4+7 creased ABA content or conversion of active forms of GA as compared
induced flowering in Aquilegia × hybrida at lower temperatures than at with that of the inactive forms under high temperature conditions.
higher temperatures (Gianfagna and Merritt, 1998). Flowering was Therefore, the findings of this study reveal that promotion of flowering
induced in Lavandula heterophylla by applying 500 mg L−1 GA3 or by GA3 is inhibited at high temperatures (8).
GA4+7 at 15/12 °C and 20/15 °C, not, however, under high temperature
conditions. Evidently, flowering was affected by the type of GAs used
5. Conclusion
and the post-GA treatment temperature conditions (Chen, 2007). GA
substitutes were required to induce flowering in Gypsophila panicalata at
Application of GA3 could promote flowering in species of sections
high night temperatures under long-day conditions (Shlomo et al.,
Kalanchoe and Bryophyllum. The GA3 concentration required depended
1985). Hisamatsu et al. (2004) showed that ent-kaurene biosynthesis,
on the species of plant. The present study indicates that flowering oc-
which is stimulated under low temperature conditions, leads to stem
curred in 100% of the treated K. sexangularis, K. nyikae, K. marnieriana,
elongation in Eustoma grandiflorum. The plants treated with GA4 and
K. longiflora, and K. × richaudii plants upon application of 2.5, 20, 20,
GA9 had rapidly elongating stems and earlier flower formation under
50, and 100 mg L−1 of GA3, respectively. The number of days taken to
short-day conditions (Xu et al., 1997). GA3 contents in plants, therefore,
flower in K. nyikae and K. sexangularis was significantly reduced fol-
increase by metabolic processes at low temperatures or by exogenous
lowing GA3 treatment. The number of flowers of K. sexangularis and
GA3 application on the plants (Hazebroek and Metzger, 1990;
K. × richaudii increased with increasing GA3 concentrations. The pro-
Hazebroek et al., 1993; Su et al., 2001). In addition, the GA metabolism
moting effect of GA3 on flowering was inhibited at high temperature.
may be important in promotion of flowering. Su et al. (2001) found that
This study clearly elucidated the optimal concentration of GA3 required
floral induction and development of Phalaenopsis hybrida was induced
for flowering induction in the studied plants. These findings can be
by cold temperature or application of GA3 owing to reduced conversion
applied for regulation of flower, breeding, and hybridization of
of active GA1 to its inactive forms. The active GA1 level decreased,
Kalanchoe in future.

Table 7
Effects of GA3 application on flowering of Kalanchoe sexangularis in different temperature conditions.
Day/ night GA3 concentration Percentage of Plant height Nodes Branches Number of Flower diameter Length of flower Width of flower
temperature (℃) (mg L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flowers (mm) tubes (mm) tubes (mm)

25/20 0 0 bx 31.5 c 10.7 b 1.3 a -y – – –

20 67 a 46.3 b 11.7 ab 0.8 a 128.5 8.7 15.7 2.1
30/25 0 0b 33.3 c 11.8 ab 0b – – – –
20 0b 54.7 a 18.3 a 0b – – – –
Tz ** ** ** ***
C ** *** ** –
T*C ** ** ns ns

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.
Levels of significant are represented by *: P < 0.05, **: P < 0.01, ***: P < 0.001 and ns: not significant.

M.-Z. Chang, C.-H. Huang Scientia Horticulturae 238 (2018) 7–13

Table 8
Effects of GA3 application on flowering of Kalanchoe poincarei in different temperature conditions.
Day/ night GA3Concentration (mg Percentage of Plant Height Nodes Branches Number of Flower Length of Width of flower
temperature (℃) L−1) flowering (%) (cm) flowers diameter (mm) flower tubes tubes (mm)

25/20 0 0 bx 25.0 bc 14.7 b 0a -y – – –

20 67 a 45.3 a 16.8 a 0a 69.8 4.5 29.5 6.9
30/25 0 0b 15.8 c 9.8 c 0a – – – –
20 17 b 28.3 b 16.7 a 0a 72.0 4.4 16.2 6.1
Tz – ** ** ns
C – *** *** ns
T*C – ** ** ns

Means with the same letter in a column are not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 level.
Plants did not flower until end of experiment.
Levels of significant are represented by *: P < 0.05, **: P < 0.01, ***: P < 0.001 and ns: not significant.

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