CMA Emag - April 2011 Issue
CMA Emag - April 2011 Issue
CMA Emag - April 2011 Issue
Dear Members,
This is the 6 edition of the eMag of my tenure as President.
We endeavored to preserve the regularity of these issues. I am
happy that many members and guests contributed their write-
ups, view points on diverse topics, without which it was not
possible to maintain the standard of the eMag.
Other than eMag we have also been issuing monthly CMA
eUpdates to keep our members abreast of all the activities
undertaken by CMA. Dr. Gulshan Sharma
Ph.D (Service Industry) ACTE (WTO) Spain, WT (USA)
President CMA
I am pleased to know from the editor of eMag that many & Executive Director
encouraging feed backs were received on each issue of eMag. ITFT College-Chandigarh
This is indeed very encouraging.
eMag and eUpdates were circulated amongst members, other
LMAs, and AIMA through eMails and were also uploaded
on CMA Blog, and
This issue of eMag is the last of my tenure. I wish that these
publications be continued by the coming executive.
I thank all members and executive members of CMA in
providing me their unstinted support for carrying out a part
of the agenda outlined for the year.
I wish great success to the incoming executive of CMA and
am sure they will keep the flag of CMA high for years to
God bless all!
Learn Excel
Office Bearers
Ethics in Business and CSR 1-2
President Col (Retd) K.K. Sharma
Dr. Gulshan Sharma
Executive Director
ITFT Education Group, Chandigarh Experiments in Entrepreneurship by Rural Women 3-4
Dinesh K Kapila
Vice President
Dr. Niraj Pasricha
Director 5-6
India Yet to Ratify Un-Convention Against Corruption
Regional Institute of Co-operative Mgt. DR. P. K. Vasudeva
Secretary General
J.N. Vohra Bench Marking Introduction & Application 7-8
Textile Consultant TEJ K. MAGAZINE
Joint Secretary
A.K. Gandhi The Route to Managing your Organisation 8
Consultant Prof Priyavrat Thareja
Jaiparkash Associate, Ltd.
It is truly altruistic perhaps but not universally the bureaucrats who plan and hand over tax payers’
applicable. The world has individuals who differ in money to those with low skills, unemployed or
values and understanding of fellow human beings. simply lazy to work. Recently UK cut these freebies
Rationality of morality is, if it promotes the utility, as and all need to work. Contrary to the corporate social
against in the absence of it. But if one is only playing responsibility and philanthropic motives,
by self interest, it does not guarantee that it will lead industrialist re-investing profit into the same or other
one into a happy situation. Cooperation and business and expanding it, will create more jobs.
collaboration in the larger group interest in fact Undoubtedly business creation or entrepreneurship
makes more sense. Rules of honesty, coordination, benefit others in a society. Without violating other’s
rights every citizen can earn, spend and create wealth
for the society at large which actually constitutes the
“wealth of a Nation”. Corporate social responsibility
reinforces the ? the separation thesis, or the idea that
we should separate ?business from ?ethics or society
(Freeman et al, 2005). Although the degree of their
conviction may vary (The Economist 2005), with the
rationalization of CSR as a concept, more and more
corporate managers are also convinced that CSR can
positively influence the financial performance of
corporations (Lee 2005), thus the jury is still out what
is ethical - CSR, generation of more jobs or
generation of wealth for the shareholders - all
ethically correct.
Anna Hazare 2008 ;
keeping of the promise and non-violence are
important parts of the rationality of morality. The Navarson Jan, 2002; Ethics in the Business and
"Economic Man" of business is no stranger to the Professional Life; Department of Philosophy,
difficulty of rationality of morality. Income University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Ontario.
maximization has always been the main mantra to Frederick William C, 1998; Moving to CSR; What to
stay afloat in business. All business people are Pack for the Trip, Business and Society Volume, sage
required to utilize their knowledge and resources in Publication.
such a way as to secure the best outcome from among
Freeman R. Edward, 2005; a New Approach to CSR:
the possibilities available.
Company Stakeholder Responsibility, the Darden
Milton Friedman had argued against promotion of School, University of Virginia and S. Ramakrishna
public good by the management. As per him, in a free- Velamuri IESE Business School.
enterprise, private-property system, a corporate
Friedman Milton, 1970; The Social Responsibility of
executive is an employee of the owners of the
Business is to Increase its Profits; The New York
business with a direct responsibility to his employers.
Times Magazine, September 13, 1970.
A business must be run as per stakeholders’ desire,
Gert, Bernard, 2011: The Definition of Morality, The
which is income maximization, while conforming to
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, forthcoming
the basic rules of the society and government
URL = <
(Freidman, 1970). He argued that the social
responsibility of a corporation is to make money for
its shareholders, and considered Corporate Social Lee Min-Doung Paul, 2008: A review of the theories
Responsibility a ‘subversive doctrine’ that threatened of corporate social responsibility: Its evolutionary
the very foundation of free enterprise society (Lee, path and the road ahead; International Journal of
2005 quoting Friedman 1962). The impact could be Management Reviews
seen in the results in USA - in 2001 the charitable Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks,
contributions by U.S. companies fell 14.5% in real S.J., and Michael J. Meyer; what is Ethics? Ethics IIE
and over the previous 15 years, corporate giving as a V1 N1 (Fall 1987).
percentage of profits had dropped by 50% (Porter Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer, 2002: The
2002). Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy;
Theoretically speaking, a free market should be a Harvard Business Review, On Point.
panacea for a welfare state and hence there should be
no need of CSR. Detractors find problem in paying
Experiments in Entrepreneurship by
Rural Women. - Two Successful Rural Marts
Working as a DDM (District Development and designing skills. The aim of the project
Manager) of NABARD in districts Ropar was to generate self-employment for the
and Nawanshahr of Punjab from 2002 to beneficiaries. After this training, 12
2009, I noticed a tremendous hunger for trainees from the ARWIND project formed
credit and access to entrepreneurial a Producer's Group and decided to set-up a
opportunities amongst women in rural retail outlet at village Nuhon near the
areas. The main barriers were the gender Thermal Plant Colony. This was after
insensitivity of a deeply feudalistic society, protracted efforts by the staff of the ACF
lack of collateral, low levels of knowledge / and me to encourage and motivate the
literacy, lack of avenues of marketing and target group as they were apprehensive
at times limited communication skills about working together, the modalities of
leading to low confidence. A pilot project cost sharing and profits etc. These aspects
was introduced at that time by NABARD had to be explained by repeat interactions
wherein groups of women, preferably and motivation as also forecasting of the
from Self Help Groups would be possible profits and positive impact on
encouraged to set up retail outlets with their lives. On 10 May, 2006 the Rural Dinesh K Kapila
limited financial support from NABARD Mart, called a Retail Outlet in local terms, Assistant General Manager
(for rent, financial support to organize the became operational. The Group named NABARD
outlet and limited salary for running it) . itself as the Mahila Jagriti Producer Group
The only condition was the women had to and also formed a SHG and opened an
have a product / products to sell it, should Account at UCO bank, Nuhon. The group
have undergone some training in a skill was guided on how to maintain registers
(say food processing -pickles, papads, like the Proceeding Book, the Cash Book,
clothing design / tailoring etc) by an Ledgers, Stock Book etc. The Group
agency; could be sponsored by NABARD committed to report the expenditure
through a NGO also and be ready to work incurred to the ACF and NABARD
as a group transparently. I could sponsor regularly. Besides the Ambuja Cement
five rural marts (In NABARD Foundation took the responsibility to help
terminology) in Ropar district, of which the Group regarding the marketing of their
two did particularly well and would be products and nurturing.
discussed in this article. Incidentally, a Grant assistance of NABRD to the
small amount was also paid as grant to the Producer Group was for 15 months for the
NGO / Trusts associating to defray their rent of the outlet (Rs 1500/- per month);
expenses. total Rs 22500/-, Honorarium for the Shop
The Rural Mart close to my heart was of the in charge (Rs. Rs 2000/- per month), total
Mahila Jagriti Producer Group, backed by Rs 30000/- and Promotion expenses at Rs
the Ambuja Cement Foundation (ACF). 15000/- as a lumpsum. Besides, the ACF
This group of 30 women from 3 villages i.e. was assured a grant of Rs 10,000/- for its
Nuhon, Ratanpura & Daburj had been efforts and dedicated support. The
trained already for six months by the ACF assistance concluded on July 2007. This
through a programme sponsored by group has been a success from the
NABARD called ARWIND (Assistance to beginning; by July 2007 itself they
Rural Women in Non-farm Development) reported a surplus of Rs 1.35 lakh. By the
in 2004. Fostering group enterprise and time I left the group was earning an average
surplus income of 10,000/- per month after
deduction of all expenses such as rent, raw
material, electricity, salary etc in a
transparent manner. They also started
teaching other girls and women in the area.
I understand of late a change of location
was a bump in their progress but they have
recovered now and are running well.
The women have the acceptability now in
the area; initially they had to compete with
three other such shops in the area but have
managed to expand the market and to mark
loaning was the objective of this project their presence. These women from totally
with training on tailoring, embroidering rural backgrounds and mainly involved in
small operations like maintaining a milch
2006 the Rural Mart became operational. The Group named
itself as the Lutheri Producers Group. The Women opened a
bank account at the Cooperative Bank also. The issues such
as documentation etc were taken up in detail here also and the
GNVBTP closely guided the women. The grant assistance
from NABARD to the Producer Group for 15 months was for
Rent of the Shop (Rs, 2000/- per month), Total Rs 30,000/-,
Honorarium for the Shop in charge (Rs. Rs 2000/- per
month), Total Rs 30000/- and Promotion expenses, Rs
15000/- as a lumpsum. Besides, the GNVBTP was
sanctioned a grant of Rs 10,000/- for its efforts and dedicated
support. The grant assistance concluded in April 2007.
This group had a slow start and in the first 5 months' a deficit
of of Rs 15979/- after all expenses was reported, In the
cattle or two, had been seeking a pathway to higher incomes second band of 5 months' onwards; surplus income was
and something to bring them out of the dreary life they led. reported consistently, starting from as low as Rs 300/- or so to
Now as a team, some work at the rural mart and take orders, 12,777/- towards the end. By 2009, the group was earning an
some work from home and do the stitching etc while some are average surplus income of 7500/- per month to Rs 8000/- per
adopting a mixed approach, all by mutual agreement. The month after deduction of all expenses such as rent, raw
most positive impact has been on their absorption of material, electricity, salary, transportation etc in a transparent
knowledge, their self confidence, their attendance at fairs at manner. They started teaching other girls and women in the
Chandigarh and the happiness they demonstrate. Books were area also.
maintained sincerely and the norms of payment as per work This rural mart has evolved in that to attract customers, inner
put in (type / effort) adhered to. The ACF played a major wear, cosmetics and bangles etc were also retailed though the
supportive role but ensured there was no dependency complaint was earnings were less from such product lines,
syndrome by encouraging them to move about for orders. but the ladies from nearby villages started entering the shop.
There is a major Super Thermal Power Plant in the area and The village had shops run by men, at first this rural mart (a
the families of its employees also visit the shop as do small shop really) was considered an anomaly but was later
ruralites. A possible gap is the knowledge in latest trends but accepted and supported by other shopkeepers. However, in
the same is being closed by interaction etc also. The main winters, the shop has to close early due to the gender factor.
products are salwaar kameez (shirt and salwaar), frocks, These women are from totally rural backgrounds and were
skirts, night suits, shirts for men, pants, nighties, baby mainly involved in agricultural related operations, now they
dresses, embroidery on clothes, stitching as per order and feel they have another outlet, even if it could not evolve fully
also in bulk etc. as per their aspirations. The members of the rural mart are
The second success is of the Lutheri Producers Group in the chiefly represented by Mrs. Jagdish Kaur who obtains the
Chamkaur Sahib block. The GNVBTP (Guru Nanak VBT orders, the other members work from home and do the
Polytechnic) at SAS Nagar had proposed a skill development stitching etc while some are adopting a mixed approach, all
project at Village Doomcherri in Block Morinda in 2005. I by mutual agreement. The additional income is welcomed by
was also interested as a very active farmers club with the all and they feel more self confident and happy also.
Interestingly, I was told that the local bus drivers also readily
agree to carry the clothes etc to Doomcherri and back free of
cost. The leader is well versed with changing trends as per the
village requirements and conservative tastes but the group
still has to accept that in any business fluctuations in income
are a reality. Such fluctuations dishearten them but then the
subsequent increases in festival months and even otherwise
raise their spirits. The main products are salwaar kameez
(shirt and salwaar), frocks, skirts, soft toys, baby dresses,
embroidery on clothes, pillow covers, rummala, stitching as
per order and also in bulk, cosmetics, etc. I have been
informed that they are still operational and active and have
stabilized in income generating aspects.
I moved to Shimla Regional Office in June 2009 and have
been out of touch since then with the groups. The groups have
also evolved and moved on in life and in their ventures, our
role having been of a catalyst. It goes without saying that the
Punjab Gramin Bank at Doomcheri village had formed SHGs behind the scene active support from the Regional Office of
and requested for their training. This training was on NABARD at Chandigarh was instrumental in organizing the
stitching, tailoring and soft toys / bag making for eight weeks. marts. Likewise the deep sincerity and dedication of the ACF
Smt Jagdish Kaur was the trainer, herself residing in a village and GNVBTP was a major facilitator. However the main
about 7-9 kms away. The aim of the project was to generate credit has to go the women who have ventured out boldly in a
self-employment for the beneficiaries but subsequent to the repressive rural social milieu. As for me, it was then and still
training, the issue of marketing the products came up as also is a journey in the discovery of the power of community
of obtaining orders. The Principal of the Polytechnic and I participation and social bonding as also the power of a small
then sat with the Trainees and discussed about the concept of dose of financial credit and capacity building. At a personal
the Rural Mart. Consequently, 12 trainees agreed to form the level it left me with a deep feeling of self satisfaction and
Producers Group under the leadership of their trainer. We achievement. I remain indebted to Mr. Vishal Bhardwaj and
scouted for a suitably located shop, ultimately zeroing in on Mr. Sanjay Sharma of the ACF and Col AS Rattan of the
village Lutheri. The shop is at a crossing point for numerous GNVBTP and their staff for bearing with me all through the
villages nearby and Doomcherri is about 6 kms away. It was operational phase of the project and the follow up!!.
decided that Jagdish Kaur would mainly operate the rural Note The views expressed here are strictly personal and do
mart in close liaison with other members. However not in any way reflect the views / policies / observations of
considerable efforts at group sensitization were required, all my employer, NABARD.
aspects of cost sharing and profits etc were discussed and
maintaining registers / documents had to be taught. On 1 Feb.
India Yet to Ratify Un-Convention
Against Corruption
too, cuts a sorry figure. As of end-2010, there were
9,927 CBI cases pending in courts. Of these, 2,245
cases (23 per cent of the total) for more than 10 years.
Why has the UPA government not ratified UNCFC
even after having become signatory of the
convention for the last six years? Because it has no
intention of changing country's legislation in
conformation to the Convention where the
politicians, bureaucrats and other private parties
need to be included for prosecution and the money
embezzled/stashed out of the country has to be
recovered from the culprits.
The present Lokpal Bill pending in the Parliament
and other disclosures and appropriate disciplinary for the last 42 years has not been passed being
measures. toothless. It is only a
The Convention criminalises not only basic recommendatory
corruption such as bribery and the embezzlement of authority having no
public funds but also trading in influence and the prosecution powers
concealment and laundering of the proceeds of to deal with the
corruption. According to UN literature, "offences corrupt. Even that
committed in support of corruption, including has also not been
money-laundering and obstructing justice, are also passed by the
dealt with. Convention offences also deal with the government for the
problematic areas of private sector corruption." obvious reasons.
At its third session, held in Doha from 9 - 13 That is why Anna
November 2009, the Conference of the States Parties Hazare had to fast unto death (98 hours) till the
to the United Nations Convention against government agreed to bring the Jan Lokpal Bill in
Corruption adopted resolution 3/1, entitled "Review the monsoon session of the Parliament. The
mechanism". In that resolution, the Conference Committee to draft the Bill will consist five
recalled article 63 of the United Nations Convention members each from civil society of Anna non-
against Corruption, especially paragraph 7, tainted Ministers from the government side by June
according to which the Conference should establish, 30th 2011.
if it deemed it necessary, any appropriate mechanism Anna's draft bill states that Lokpal will be appointed
or body to assist in the effective implementation of at the centre after the Jan Lokpal Bill is passed by 15th
the Convention. August 2011. He will be a constitutional authority
In the same resolution, the Conference adopted, like Chief Election Commissioner of India and
subject to the provisions of the present resolution, Controller and Auditor General of India. In each and
the terms of reference of the Mechanism for the every state, Lokayukta will be appointed. In this Bill
Review of Implementation of the United Nations all politicians including the Prime Minister and all
Convention against Corruption. bureaucrats will be included who will be charged
According to PRS Legislative Research, which
directly by Lokpal for their alleged corrupt deeds.
provides research support on legislative and policy
The money involved in the embezzlement
issues, prosecution is dismally low because the
cases/stashed out of the country illegally will be
Government delays sanctioning prosecution of
recovered from them besides imprisonment
public servants.
depending on the seriousness of the charges.
Till the end of 2010, the Centre had not responded to
The Lokpal will bring all alleged parties to trial in
236 requests for prosecution by various agencies. Of
case of corruptions within one year and within two
these, 155 requests (66 per cent) had been pending
years the guilty will be punished. Not like, Bofors
for over three months. State governments were no
scam or Bhopal Gas Tragedy cases that have not
better. There was no response to 84 requests for
been resolved for the last 25 years without any result.
prosecution, of which 13 (15 per cent) were pending The job of Anna is very tough as there will be lot of
for more than three months. hurdles to overcome in firstly formulating the Bill
The institutions set up to tackle corruption cases
and secondly, getting it passed in Parliament by 15th
speak another story. The Central Vigilance
August 2011 as the Government will try to delay as
Commission, which tackles corruption cases in the
much as possible for one reason or the other for
Central Government, took up only six per cent cases
obvious reasons. But let us hope that with the support
for prosecution between 2004 and 2009. The rest, 94
of all the countrymen and resolute determination of
per cent, were settled with departmental penalties
Anna the Jan Lokpal Bill will see the light of the day
with respect to eradication of corruption.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the main
investigative agency, is grossly under-staffed. As of
Bench Marking Introduction
& Application
and accelerated technology changes. Business as looking outside for innovative work methods,
usual, without up gradation and change wherever, these are.
management vision, in such a market climate, could Bench Marking can be with internal performance,
be fatal, even for market leaders industry best performance, national or world best
To stay competitive , organizations must continually performance. Professionalized, highly competitive
revisit how they do things , in every department , Companies aim at World best performance.
every area of business activity , at every level, look Bench Marking application phases can be described
as under :
PHASE -I : PLANNING 1. Identify Bench Mark
subject 2. Identify Bench Mark partner, 3.
Determine data collection method. 4. Collect data.
PHASE -II : ANALYSIS 1. Determine competitive
gap, 2. Project future performance.
results, 2. Establish functional goals.
PHASE -IV : ACTION 1. Develop action plans, 2.
Implement plans, 3. Monitor results, 4. Re-calibrate
Bench Marks.
achieving or exceeding the targets/ goals. Always the war with his Kith and Kins.
keep calm, remain focused, practice and put all your Gita distinguishes between "real" ego and "false" ego.
efforts for achieving the excellence. Real ego is our very core, the consciousness that
Arjuna asks Sri Krishana: “For the mind is restless, makes us aware and awake to reality. The false ego is a
turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Krishna, and to false individuality; the logic being that I am the most
subdue it, it seems to me, more difficult than significant and important all the time. In short, it is a
controlling the wind.” (B.G. 6.34). narcissistic search for being loved, validated and
Sri Krishna replies: “O mighty-armed son of Kunti appreciated. This is what we generally refer to as the
(Arjuna), it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the ego. This always keeps our mind ruffled.
restless mind, but it is possible by constant practice The Gita further describes the subtleties of the ego and
and by detachment. (B.G.6.35).” how it manifests moment to moment in our thoughts,
A popular verse of the Gita advises "detachment" from words and deeds.
the fruits or results of actions performed in the course Arjuna's suffering is because of his limited
of one's duty. Being dedicated, work has to mean knowledge, his sense of separateness, his
"working for the sake of work, generating excellence identification of himself with his body, his belief that
for its own sake." If we are always calculating the he is the doer of his actions and his anxiety about the
results before putting in our efforts, then such work is results of his actions.
not detached. It is not "generating excellence for its Says Lord Krishna to Arjuna,"Nirmamo
own sake" but working only for the extrinsic reward nirahankarah,Sa santim adhigacchati. "(Gitaji 2, 71),
that may (or may not) result. which means 'He who has given up the sense of
Controlling Ego ownership and is without false ego, he alone can attain
“Pride comes before a fall” and plenty of time is real peace.'
wasted before the fall. In a survey it was found that ego Humility leads to listening and accepting that we have
costs companies 6-20% of annual revenue, and that made mistakes and need to take corrective action.
over one-third of all failed business decisions are Lord Krishana enlightens Arjuna “If due to ego you
driven by ego (Marcum & Smith). think: you shall not fight; this resolve of yours is vain.
“What use thy Ego, which submerges you in the ocean Your own nature will compel you,” and He further
elaborates, “All works are being done by the energy
and power of nature, but due to delusion of ego people
assume themselves to be the doer”. He educates
Arjuna further and says, “When your mind becomes
fixed on Me, you shall overcome all difficulties by My
grace. But, if you do not listen to Me due to ego, you
shall perish.” 'Me' here denotes leader, trainer, guide
and philosopher.
This and many other GIMA can be used as a guide to
increase managerial effectiveness.
I am your constant companion. I'm your greatest helper or your heaviest burden. I will push you
onward or drag you down to failure. I'm at your command. Half of the tasks that you do you might
as well turn them over to me and i will do them quickly and correctly. I'm easily managed, you must
merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I
will do them automatically. I'm servant of all great people and lord for all failures as well. Those
who are great I have made great. Those who are failures I have made failures. I'm not a machine but
I work with all the precision of a machine, plus the intelligence of a person. You may run me for a
profit or you may run me for fun; it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me
and I will lay the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you.
Washroom Mania :
University's Fashion Hub For Gals !
Since the money I make comes very with, as it does not right away appeal
hard and slow, I have always directly to any one as a tool for making
wondered how it comes to others, easy money. Due to their very nature, fads
and quick. Whenever someone I know are a public property, and no fad can
makes huge money, I realize I had the ever be private as fads have the
same idea five years back using which common element of being enjoyed by
some one else has made his millions. I a large number of people. Fads are also
know I am not like many others, long associated with their esteem value. It is
on talks and short on guts, because I seen that fads generally begin with
have burnt my fingers more than once acceptance from a small group of
in conventional business. people and quickly spread their wings
Once I had a fad for money making. I to the others. Those who possess
have dared to bite the bullet precisely certain fad item believe they belong to
twice, once when I was convinced by an exclusive club. Raybon quality
my sycophant friends that I had all the goggles, designer's trousers, Rolex Col (Retd) D S Cheema
traits of a great entrepreneur and watches, sports cars are some of the Executive Director,
second time when I was myself examples.
Fashion Technology Park, Chandigarh
convinced that I was so brilliant that I All the fads must have the crowd
could do anything and succeed. appeal. No one wants to pay any heed
Having suffered twice, I have been to 'Don't follow the crowd' because of
looking for speculative opportunities the emotional fun and play the
to make fast buck all these years. temptation to be a part of the herd.
However, whenever such Everyone who joins the New Year eve
opportunities came, I became party knows fully well the
wooden- legged and waited and consequences of late night drinking
watched them float away due to and eating heavy food. But the thrill of
indecision. I have known many who being a part of the gang and fun is too
have cashed of fads, crazes and manias much to resist. Who cares about the
and become dirty rich. Hoping to be next morning? Fad objects are all
one among them before I say goodbye lovable. The need to love and be loved
to the world, is my only desire at this is a special characteristics of human
stage of life. species. One may love family, friends
What is a fad? It is a craze like jeans, and others, yet the desire to love is
mobile, designer clothes and shoes, insatiable, one needs to love more and
discos, computer, e-mail etc. The more people and things.
dictionary defines a fad as a Fads are such that as you enjoy having
“something which a person or a group them, your hunger to have more of
of people is very enthusiastic about, them keeps growing. You can never
but with which they get bored very have enough of it. It is like wanting to
quickly”. The emphasis is on eat more and more because you love
“enthusiastic” and “boring” two the food, even thought your belly
words which one must never forget if refuses to accommodate more of it.
one wants to understand the mystical Also, a good fad, which you may use to
mechanism of fads. It is a “passing your advantage, is the one which is
fashion or mode of behavior pursued economically democratic. Real fun is
for a time with undue zeal” It is on top when every one who wants to have it
for sometime and gone in no time but can have it.
while it is there, it is a craze. All the
fads have some basic characteristics;
one thing common to all fads is that
they have the potential to make some
one somewhere, who has the guts to
cash on it, very rich. What are the
Every fad, to begin with, is loaded
with fun. In the initial stages, it is only
fun to look at and think about and play
It should be clear to any reasonably intelligent man to die of starvation. But, you should not attempt to
that there is always a wrong time not to do anything catch the bull by the horns when you are physically or
and there is always a right time to do something emotionally not at your best as cashing on a fad takes
worthwhile. Time is of utmost importance for fad- all the time, energy and money you have. Also, when
feeding. The right time is never and the wrong time is you have to earn your living out of fad- feeding, you
always. Murphy's Law has some advice to offer:- will continue to worry about it and will never be able
“Nothing is as easy as it looks. Every thing takes to concentrate on the real potential of the fad. So, read
longer than you expect. And if anything can go wrong Murphy's Law without Cheema's law at your own risk
it will at the worst possible moment”. and costs..
To this, I want the readers to add Cheema's law, Fad- feeding to make fast money is of universal
“Worry about Murphy's Law to the extent that it does appeal. However, only a few are able to recognize the
not hold you back from attempting anything, your potential and upward swing of the fad at the right time
conviction dictates”. and cash on it. And those who do, they become part of
You must never forget that there are sharks all round an exclusive club, the one I am waiting to join.
in this big bad world waiting for you to stick your neck
out. However, you can not turn a turtle if you wish not
The bright shiny sparkle, in eyes, with an idea in the strengthening orders once the products are ready, but
head pictured to be a runaway success, taking a long also helps you in getting a minute to minute
stroll on a pathway through strategies of being information on the advances in the market, so that one
victorious and securing a venture from internal and can work on modification and upgradation with the
external negative factors, while being inconsiderate product before it is set to hit the market. The core
about sleep… this could be the plight of a school Gyaan, is to be in the market with the most advanced
student, a graduate, post graduate or even a person who and user friendly product and no one can come close to
The Air considers that he has lived his ways. If, by any chance you.
you experience something like that, then let me make it Statutory Warning : Don't take this as the final
Frame…. very clear that these are the symptoms of very popular
phenomenon called “Entrepreneurship”. Is it some
verdict of your product's runaway success rather it's
like a reservation for your entry to this show called
Journey of an kind of a disease???? The answer is NO, its actually market where you make a presence among the other
entrepreneur from life, where one holds the power to determine his own players, due to distinction on the basis of
embarking…aligning… destiny. advancements.
taking off….steady The first and foremost mantra before embarking on the The next and the longest phase, is the GO phase. This is
high rise… trunks to fly off to your dream venture, is to stand in a phase where frustrations, disappointments and a zeal
front of the mirror and say this a 1000 times to fight back comes naturally to an entrepreneur. This is
“NOTHING HAPPENS OVERNIGHT” and “ where on the onset or release of your product and
MIRACLES HAPPEN ONLY IF YOU MAKE THEM service you will gain something, you will face the
HAPPEN”. Why are these two lines so important???, reverse pressure from those already existing in the
Entrepreneurs are basically dreamers in the activation market, you face a gradual downfall in outcomes due to
mode , and this activation separates them from the rest certain uncertainties that were never thought off in the
of the dreamers. A being hoping to be an entrepreneur initial phase and that is where you realize
must keep in mind, that every stride happens with time entrepreneurship cant be taught, rather it's a learning
and has to go through a hierarchy of events, process for a life-time, and the teachers are your own
understanding this part in particular is frustrating mistakes and the strategies of an experienced
exercise for the fast-food generation who wants to reap competitor.
profits, fame and globalized presence in a blink of time. Over the time with the evolution of your ideas and
Vaibhav Mehndiratta The first step is to decide up on the dream venture, How aptitude to understand the right dynamics of the market
are we suppose to do it??. There is always a certain you hold the key to retaining your existing market
idea or a venture that takes away your sleep and hunger, share and taking a flight to a higher level of the arena.
that's the point to hit the bulls eye. Though there are a This is where you apply creativity in your strategies to
thousand things that will fascinate you on the platform the core and proudly stand the capability to block the
of money, fame etc., this is the most important decision entry of any young entrant in the market, as you know
to decide your priority and understand the fact that what to hit and where to hit. Isnt it rude??? I am sorry it
every business has its own breakeven points or time is indeed rude, but what to do, if they get an entry today
zone, so make sure not to get carried away. A critical they will enroot you and make their way….exactly the
research on the dream venture is the most important way you did. Its always a little bit easy to compete with
aspect, initially, its not to determine the percentage a competitor who has been existing in the market for
chances of success rather it is necessary to know long on the virtue of first mover advantage as it is
whether the market is actually like the picture you have natural with beings to sit and relax after a certain point
envisioned of it. For a first time entrepreneur or a thinking the market is in their grip, this is what we call
unique out of the box venture, one should always prefer the OST (Old School of Thought) business , but its
a primary research rather than going by the secondary really tough to compete the one who possesses
information or information gathered by an employee, dynamism and this forms ones foundation to rise
as it can get misleading due to the non-clarity of higher and higher to a point where you dont care about
common vision for the venture. small mish mashes and shivers on the ground.
The second phase is getting into the JET-SET phase. So if still you think that entrepreneurship is just a
Once the research is done satisfactorily, one gets into funky attitude to flaunt in front of people that “I AM
the product and service development phase, keeping in D I F F E R E N T ” , I l l s a y “ S TO P K I D D I N G
mind the time and duration of market onset and core YOURSELF” It is a “Tapasya” one has to go through
seasons. This is the phase, where your P.R. (Public in order to achieve what he or she believes in and make
Relation) starts its own freaky chakra. Maintaining an ones way to the glory and that's what proves in actual
appropriate positive PR with the suppliers, developers sense that YOU ARE DIFFERENT. “JUST BELIEVE
and sometimes end users not just help you in IN HARDWORK…. DESTINY WILL FOLLOW”
The Sacred Mountain Peaks of Kinnaur
The crests of three mountain ranges Chamba, the Kinnar Kailash is also
that encompass Kinnaur, the Zaskar considered very sacred and a place of
Mountains, great Himalayas and great pilgrimage. According to a
Dhaula ranges, lie in perpetual snow popular beliwef, it is supposed to be
with many rising to 5,180 -6, 770 the eternal abode of Lord Shiva, and
metres. KInnaur, the north eastern other shrines of deities in the
district of Himachal Pradesh, is a neighborhood. The local residents
secluded region, rugged and recall that many years ago, a fakir had
mountainous to an extraordinary come and worshipped the great God,
degree and lies on both sides of the but incurred Shiva's displeasure when
river Sutlej. It commands certain he asked for some boon. He was
uniqueness on account of peculiarities turned into a rock which is visible from
of language, history and natural Chini to the north Kail;ash. According
phenomenon. Many have ventured to a local belief, this rock is tinted
into this enchanted land , notable white at sunrise, red at mid- day and
amongst them, Captain Alexander green at sunset. Prof. N.K. Sharma,
Every year in August or September, a ITFT College, Chandigarh
large number of people including
many coming from far afield
undertake a prakarma (
circumambulation) coinciding with
the festival at Sangla. One may start
from any point of the prakarma, one
has tom reach the border village of
Charang in Moorang Tehsil. Though
the the prakarma can partly be covered
on a vehicle and partly on foot, yet a
true devotee likes to complete it on
foot out of religious sentiments. The
travelers starting from Reckong Peo
Gerard, Andrew Wilson, James Bellei rach Moorang, via Powai, Purbani, and
Fraser and Rahul Sankrityayan. They Ribba after crossing the bridge over
have all left invaluable records. the4 Sutlej near Thangi.
Gerard, who was a surveyor of the East The approach to Moorang is
India Company, in particular, has highly picturesque leading along the
produced the most authentic account bank of a river course and through an
of the area, gathered during his avenue of apricot trees. There is an old
expeditions in 1817 and 1818. fort on a knoll, overlooking the Sutlej
The crests of three mountain believed to have been built by the
ranges that encompass Kinnar, the Pandava. The local deity is called
Zaskar mountains, the great Urmis whose ark is located in the fort
Himalayas and the Dhauladhar ranges and contains 18 mukhas , representing
lie in perpetual snow with many peaks 18 days of the great epic of
rising to 5,180 to 6,770 meter. Mahabharta.
Leapargial, 6770 meter high and the
other peak, 6,608 meter, lie in Zaskar
Mo Mountains, while Kailash or
Ralding, 6,673 metre, rises from the
base of the Sutlej river, in a sheer wall
of r rock, ice and snow. Overlooking
Kalpa, the district headquarters its
view is one of incomparable beauty
and majesty. Its summit with its
northern shoulder is clearly visible
from Kufri, 16 kms from Shimla
standing aloof amidst its lesser
surrounding satellites.
Like Manimahesh Kailash in
Ribba is situated on the northern flank of the lofty Kialash range. No tree, other than Shooru whiose
Kinnar Kailash range of mountains. Ribba, whose needle sharp leaves are used for making incense,
surroundings are full of trees of edible pine, it is can be found there. A Buddhist temple about 2 km ,
also famous ffor its grape orchards and alcohol known as Rangrik Thungma, has association with
distilled from its vineyards. the Pandavas, Its nuns, called chomos, serve the
After offering prayers at the Buddhuist temple at tired devotees in aselfless spirit.
Moorang, pilgrims star from village Thangi, which The nexr stage is lalanti where pilgrims reach by
is 9 kilometres from there at a height of 9,000 feet. the evening after pasing through some areas of
The 36 km journry up to Charang is very arduous utter serenity, which is occasionally broken by the
and difficult. But as soon as we reach Lumber, a chirping of the birds and the humming of the bees
small village in the midst of walnut trees, we and beetles. Lalanit has a speeded meadow where
experience a sense of joy and relaxation. The pilgrims spend the night under open sky. The
pilgrims, after some rest start again with renewed pilgrims start before dawn the next day as thy are
vigour for Charang, which lies in the foothills of the faced with the uphill task of crossing 17, 222 feet
high Chitkul pass to reach the last village of the
same name in the Baspa valley.
From the summit of the Chitkul pass, we
have a superb grand view of the sacred and the
majestic Kinner Kailash wrapped in divinity
against the azure sky. The pilgrims offer prasad and
sweets to the deities, say prayers and fix flag
banners and take refreshments. Chitkul is the last
village in the picturesque Sangla valley whose
temple is a masterpiece of woodwork with rich
floral designs and carved panels.
Note : For more details of the prakarma, contact
Deputy Commissioner, Kinnaur ( Phone : 01786 -
222252, Fax : 223342 ) and the Director Tourism
HP Government, Shimla ( Phone : 0177 2625864,
Fax :2625864)
A Paradox We are living in a World
of Contradictions.
Most Educational Institutes in this region are projecting their educational eligibility but lack in capability and suitability to
students as having been trained to Industry standards and saying execute job related activities despite being the availability of
that Placements are no problem. Yet Industry says it cannot find employment opportunities.
suitable manpower having the skill sets which are required by them. Some facts & figures
There is scarcity amongst plenty. Trade, Industry & Businesses is Large Corporates are not affected by this - because they can afford
hard hit due to short supply of Quality Manpower which is a vital to pick up the best from tier 1 Business & Engineering schools
resource for them in their growth process. While for employable irrespective of the cost. They have also set-up in house training
manpower they are being Blackmailed to pay undeserving resources. The issue of Unemployability is endemic mainly in
amounts. 70% jobs are in the Medium, Small & Micro enterprise students passing out of tier -2 & tier-3 Universities, Institutes and
sector Therefore Educators need to focus on Human resource colleges. A vast majority of even professionally qualified person are
needs of this sector. We have Jobs, Unemployability & not industry ready.
Unemployment Existing side by side. Unemployability eventually According to a recent survey by McKinsey Global Institute “India
gets translated into unemployment which in turn is impacting produces 360,000 engineering graduates & 600,000 Graduates in
India's rate of economic growth. Arts / Science / Commerce” - only 25% - 30% of engineering
Missing Employability Skills is one issue - These are not being
taught at the Institutes. What about the Missing Academic
Knowledge - Which the educators profess to be imparting as part of
the course content. The Unemployable Youth are angry with society
What will happen if this anger and resentment turns towards the
If Educators can upgrade the quality of their students Industrial
growth will automatically increase by a few percentage points - this
in turn will generate more jobs. Quality managers link their
personal growth with the growth of their organization. Academia &
Industry are going around in circles trying to resolve these issues
let's make all an endeavor to convert these circles into an upward
What is Unemployability?
Persons Possessing requisite Educational Qualifications, but
lacking suitability & capability to perform the tasks in the work
place. These candidates cannot get or sustain employment despite
large number available vacancies in Industry.
Employability refers to a person's capability of gaining initial
employment, maintaining employment, and obtaining new
employment if required (Hillage and Pollard, 1998). Employability
is confluence of several skills, abilities, knowledge, competencies
and capabilities that enable individuals to get employment and be graduate & 10% to 15% other Graduates are employable. Situation
successful in their professional careers. It helps them individually is marginally better in case of post- graduates.
as well as institutionally. It also dwells at the skill sets, tool sets and The key Missing employability skills have also been identified to a
mind set that is essential to execute tasks effectively and efficiently. large extent based on extensive research by various agencies and
“Employability not only depends on whether one is able to fulfill corporates. The educators are well aware of this situation they
the requirements of specific jobs, but also on how one stands know the shortcomings of their students and system, but are silent
relative to others within a hierarchy of job seekers” (Brown and and are not seriously addressing the issue.
Hesketh, 2004). There is awareness and debate on this problem at the national level -
The concept of Employability has recently gained recognition in consultants & trainers have now started offering specialized
the corporate world. Employability is the ability of an individual to training in deficient skills to teachers, students & working
be employed. It is an individual's capability to get employment not executives. Finishing schools have also opened.
only because he has a degree also because he possesses other skills Education industry is not affected as yet - they are receiving their
and competencies and carries an attitude which is required to work conversion fees from the Parents / Guardians and making huge
with integrity and commitment. profits. I would call this parental Charity / Donation. This can be
Employability skills, as they are known, are the basic skills which termed as an Education scam.
are necessary for doing a job well. These skills enable a worker to Each year, India produces almost twice the number of engineers
take initiatives, adopt a problem solving approach, make sound and produced by the US and a little less than twice of all that Europe
critical decisions and contribute to the organizational growth. In produces. It is great to note that India has one of the world's largest
contrast to technical skills which are job specific, employability most qualified pools of technical manpower. However, when we
skills are generic in nature. Employers value these skills over and look at their employability status, we are far behind.
above the job specific skills. Employability refers to a person's
The way quantity of graduates is increasing the quality is not
capability of gaining initial employment, maintaining employment,
increasing. The education industry is compromising with quality
and obtaining new employment if required (Hillage and Pollard,
for the sake of quantity. There is wide Gap between what the
educational institutions are churning out and what the Industry
Unemployability & Unemployment needs.
People often confuse between Unemployability and
unemployment. Unemployability arises when individuals have
Events (April)
Chandigarh Management Association (CMA) organised a Hazre has shown the way to come out of the web of
Panel Discussion on “Lok Pal Bill: Panacea for Banishing corruption.
Corruption” on 16th April. Mr. R.M.Khanna, Ex-Chairman Col K.K.Sharma while speaking said that 2G and CWG
CII-NR presided over the Panel discussion. The other scams has put the scams like HDW Submarine , Fodder
panellists included Dr. P.K.Vasudeva, Former Professor Scam, Sukhram, Urea Scam, Jain Hawala, Bofors, and the
(International Trade) ICFAI and Col K.K.Sharma, likes of Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parikh scams into
Regional Head, IIPS, Chandigarh. shame. Though, he said that civic society is responsible for
Speaking on the occasion, R.M.Khanna said that the Anna corruption like paying small bribes to clerks, traffic cops,
Hazare's Fast has led to renewed drafting and passing of and asking sifarish from uncle or aunt to bail them out. He
the Bill in the Monsoon session of the Parliament, but this said that instant gratification of selfish needs is at the root
event in itself may not be sufficient to end corruption in the of the same and wondered if the Lok Pal Bill would ever
deep rooted corrupt body of Indian society. However, he act as a deterrent for banishing such corruption. Sharma
said that at least this event has set the process for driving quoted Swami Viveka Nand and said 'all that is needed is
out corruption in motion. He hoped that 5 years down the that India should de-hypnotise herself and wake up from
line the civil society will become aware enough not to her age-long sleep to her true rank in the hierarchy of
tolerate the corruption in any quarter any more. nations.”
Dr. Gulshan Sharma, president CMA said that absence of
time-bound benchmarks for administrative actions has
eroded public confidence and delay makes room for
corruption and political favour to thrive. He said that Anna
Hazare's Fast has shown that the common men and women
and not the bureaucrats or politicians are the real
instruments of change.
Ground-Breaking thoughts and ideas are Important
in Changing the World: Adesh Jain
Dr. Gulshan Sharma, President CMA giving his Welcoming Address
Adesh Jain, National President Project Management Association Adesh Jain gave an hour long presentation on 'Breaking boundaries
was invited to address a gathering of students. He spoke on the key to innovation'. His new theory of innovation through asking
“Breaking boundaries the key to innovation”. He said that questions as 'Why' and 'Why not' was highly appreciated. He
BREAKING BOUNDARIES is about breaking new ground, about being emphasized that we must clean our mind regularly and one of the
proactive. He emphasised the need for time management. He said ways is not to act like a robot but to ask questions challenging the
that we need to think about innovative ideas beyond times and time status quo. He said that most of our time is spent in traditional way
will follow us. of thinking without much value addition and following 'business as
The program was organised by CMA in association with PMA and usual 'approach. Knowledge is the single most important factor in
SASIIT-Mohali managing complexities of the 21st century. We must know where
Adesh Jain said that the ground-breaking thoughts and ideas are we are and understand the knowledge gap before taking corrective
important in changing the world and for better future. For that a measures, he added
new way of thinking is desirable. A way of thinking that can make a Adesh Jain outlined the global trends in the field of Project, Program
difference. That has the ability to combine high and low, north and and Portfolio Management. He outlined the formation of Project
south, east and west, the metaphorical and the concrete. He said Management Certification Institute (PMCI) and the International
that dDo not be afraid to borrow ideas that have proven to be Institute of Projects and Program Certification Institute is
successful. We do not need to invent the wheel over and over again. responsible for the award of various certification systems of IPMA
Old ideas in new contexts have many times proven to be an excellent and CIPM credential, he informed.
way forward. Earlier D. Gulshan Sharma, while introducing the subject said that
Adesh Jain is one of the well-recognised thought leaders & he time is crucial and waits for none. It depends upon us how we
received a standing ovation at the end of his address. About 400 manage our time for better utilisation and for building our future.
students representing various B-Schools attended the event. He also emphasised project management approach in whatever
Adesh Jain was privileged to address the participants of the PM tasks we undertake.
Challenge 2010 Conference organized by NASA in Galveston, Texas, Dr. N.K.Maheshwary, director of SASIIT welcomed all the guests and
USA. Since 2004, NASA organizes PM Challenge on a yearly basis. proposed a vote of thanks for organising that useful seminar at their
They invite their own and other top-notch PM Gurus to share their institution.
experiences in managing projects, programs and portfolios.
Future Trends in Project Management
In the evening f 29th April, Adesh Jain addressed the executive members resources is one such way, but there is still room for improvement in
of Chandigarh Management Association and select group invitees. He human resources and time management. Managers are often allocated
spoke on Future trends in project Management. He said that as the projects for delivering products that work often without any
value of means surges, organizations will want to find new and importance given to the cost with the stress on timetable and technical
improved systems of piloting project work to offset costs while performance
enduring competitiveness in the marketplace. The latest rise in the Project management effectiveness and efficiency do not occur by
costs is of concern to business leaders. accident or through hope, said Adesh Jain. It takes intensive exertion to
Adesh Jain said that what the companies are doing is that the enhanced change from the normal to something better. “It has always been done
costs of project resources are taken into account in the prices of the that way” is a saying (or excuse) that denies the need for change.
product for passing to the client. While it is sensible, to find ways to Random changes to practices often change the outcome without
absorb, the extra cost of resources. Save on the consumption of identifying the cause of good or bad results”.
Glimpses of the Evening Talk attended by CMA Executive & Select Members
Mr. Adesh Jain Making his presentation Mr. Rajbir Deswal concluding Mr. Adesh Jain with Ms. Madhulika Kak meeting
the session in his poetic style Ms. Madhulika Kak with Mr. RM Khanna
Mr. Rajbir Deswal, who was present on the occassion concluded this highly technical session in his poetic style.....he writes on the facebook....Thanks Mr
Vohra…pleasure was entirely mine…and you guys reposed your trust in me for summing up the beautiful and thought provoking presentation by Mr Adesh
Jain reverberates in my heart as a sweet moment to cherish all my life........ he writes a couplet......"
Seminar on
“Young Investor's Awareness Programme”
Chandigarh Management Association (CMA) in association with expenses which have to be met on a priority, due to which plan may
Citizen Awareness Group organised today a Seminar on “Young have to be changed. Are there any liabilities which are already existing
Investor's Awareness Programme” at ITFT College Campus, Distt. or worse still, may crop up suddenly?
Mohali on 23rd April. Mr. Parveen Trivedi, Regional Manager, SEBI (NR) Earlier Officials of Delhi Stock Exchange while speaking on the occasion
was the key speaker. Officials of Delhi Stock Exchange also made their said that Delhi Stock Exchange Association Limited (DSE) was
presentations. incorporated on June 25, 1947. The exchange is an amalgamation of
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Parveen Trivedi said that against the Delhi Stock and Share Brokers' Association Limited and the Delhi Stocks
backdrop of an increasing integration of global financial markets, SEBI and Shares Exchange Limited. It is India's fifth exchange. The exchange
channelised its efforts to bring out regulations to handle the domestic is one of the premiers Stock Exchange in India. The Delhi Stock
and global developments. Steps were taken to issue new guidelines Exchange is well connected to 50 cities with terminals in North India.
and regulations to promote orderly growth of securities market. He The exchange is having over 3,000 listed companies. It has received the
said that grading of all Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) was made market regulator's permission from BSE and has become its member.
mandatory and the job of grading has been entrusted to SEBI Now it facilitates the DSE members to trade on the BSE terminals. The
registered credit rating agencies. exchange is also considering the same from NSE.
Mr. Trivedi said that planning of finances is essential for everyone. One They advised the students; that before you invest, you need to decide
must restrain from overspending. Planning helps us to plan, save and your risk tolerance. Are you willing to endure the ups and downs of an
achieve our financial goals. If people start planning from student days, unpredictable market or is it more important to preserve your original
they have longer time to plan. Power of compounding helps the most investment? In general the riskier investments will perform better over
over longer periods of time. Ideal savings should be 20% of total time but fluctuate more. Conservative investments grow slower but
income. have a lower risk of taking a nose dive. It's a good idea to put money you
Mr. Trivedi further advised the young investors that they must define will need sooner in conservative investments while saving the riskier
their investment objective or financial goals. Goals can be short term investments for long term money. As long as your portfolio is
(upto 3 years), medium term (3 to 5 years) or long, term (upwards of 5 diversified, your investments are probably going to be in good shape no
years), Each goal must have a target amount and a target date. Goals matter which ride we take.
without amounts and dates are likely to be missed. Are there any