Portfolio - Met2 - Genesis Molina
Portfolio - Met2 - Genesis Molina
Portfolio - Met2 - Genesis Molina
Genesis Molina
Class Observation Reflection
Analysing concept:
To create this you can gramatical meaning
underline one o more We have to Understand the
words in a sentence to grammar to the student and we
make it clear need to analyse the concepts
even the vocabulary change
Choosing which
variety of English to My role
there is no
agreement on what
the lingua franca
core might be. There Stundents interaction
is no standard
needs There may also be an
unstated assumption
that learners will visit
the UK or USA and need
English mainly to
Appropriate communicate with
methodology the teacher who feels that
they have something
locals there.
whether it is right to
Many students who study
implement their
innovation and how to do English intend to go to
The right methodology is
it most effectively these countries and it is
the right methodology for
possible to use it as a
a context. It isn’t a
lingua franca, allowing
universal answer.
them to meet people from
all over the world. world
Lesson plans -PPT´s
PPT Demo class 1