Cambridge IGCSE™: Information and Communication Technology 0417/22 May/June 2021

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Cambridge IGCSE™


Paper 2 Practical Test A May/June 2021
Maximum Mark: 80


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2021 series for most Cambridge
IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some Cambridge O Level components.

This document consists of 17 printed pages.

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0417/22 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers.
They should be applied alongside the specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors
for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit
is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme,
referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these
features are specifically assessed by the question as indicated by the mark scheme. The
meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed
instructions or in the application of generic level descriptors.


Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question
(however; the use of the full mark range may be limited according to the quality of the candidate
responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should
not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors in mind.

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Step 1 – EVIDENCE 1
Top, bottom, left and right margins set to
2 centimetres 1 mark

Step 2 – EVIDENCE 2
File saved as MSREVIEW with evidence of correct file
type 1 mark

Step 4 – EVIDENCE 3

MS-subhead style created, named correctly, based on Normal/Default 1 mark
Sans-serif 18pt, centre, bold, underline, single, 0pt before 9pt after 1 mark

Step 6 – EVIDENCE 4

MS-title style modified

Evidence of MS-title style modified, based on Normal/Default 1 mark

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Step 19 – EVIDENCE 5

DB table structures
J2122DUATHLON - all field names, data types as given 1 mark
J2122CATEGORIES and J2122OUTCOMES - all field names,
data types as given 1 mark
Primary keys set on Race Number, Cat Code, Stat Code 1 mark

Step 20 – EVIDENCE 6

1-to-Many relationships:
Cat_Code categories table and Cat_Code duathlon table
Stat_Code outcomes table and Stat_Code duathlon table 1 mark

Step 23 – EVIDENCE 7
Database formula to calculate the number of athletes
1 mark

Step 24 – EVIDENCE 8
Report 2 exported in pdf format, outcome with file type 1 mark
… exported report saved as SENIOR 1 mark

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Step 26 – EVIDENCE 9

Evidence of today date field code 1 mark

Date field formatted as dddd, dd MMMM yyyy 1 mark

Step 27 – EVIDENCE 10

Mail Merge selection

Evidence of automated filter to select
Discipline is Transition_2
Duration is >=2 1 mark

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0417/22 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Created by: name, centre number, candidate number
Multisport Review
A multisport competition is a group of athletic competitions in which athletes race in a continuous series of
Title entered
stages, rapidly switching from one athletic disciplineaccurately
to another, in order to achieve the best overall time. Most1 mark
multisport events are endurance races, MS-title style seen
consisting modified
of aerobic (EV4),
exercise all formatting
activities such ascorrect
cycling, running,
swimming and cross-country skiing. serif, 18pt,
With all bold, italic,
multisport centre,the
competition 0pttime
starts at thesingle
start ofline
the race,1 and
finishes when the finishing line is crossed. The transition time, which is the time it takes to switch from one
sport to another, is also taken into account for the overall time. All multisport competitions cover a range of
distance categories to appeal to all levels of fitness and ability.
Multisports are associated with prolonged physical exercise both during training and competition. Many
Text Created
multisport by: andathletes
endurance space entered
maintain accurately
their fitness out of competition season by1training
mark and racing another
Name, centre number, candidate number entered after space, left aligned 1 mark
sport. That sport might be running focused (5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon), cycling focused (bike tours,
centuries, time trials) or multisport (cyclocross, duathlon, aquathlon) focused. Athletes in colder climates are
showing more interest in winter triathlon.
and cardiovascular fitness. The cycling section is
General Participation Subheadings (5)
non-impact, thus giving the joints a rest, but cycling
MS-subhead matches style defined in EV3, applied
Multisport participation has seen a modest overall still requires similar levels of cardiovascular fitness
consistently to all 1 mark
annual growth rate of about 5 per cent over the last and leg strength to running.
five years. There are now more than 13,000 official This sport is also often used by athletes during the
Section break - events
multisport appliedheld
to correct
globallytext 1 mark
each year. Sprint triathlon off-season to improve their run speed and
2 columns, 1 cm
triathlon and column
duathlonsspacing 1 mark
remain the most popular; the bike power. Events tend to be held in the spring or
longer the distance is, the more the difference is autumn so as not to clash with summer triathlon
between men and women participation. As the chart races. The sprint distance (5km run, 10km cycle,
Vertical bar chart, correct data, sport labels present 1 mark
shows, duathlon and triathlon standard distance are 2.5km run) is ideal for novice athletes who are not
Correct place, within column width, all data fully visible 1 mark
more unpopular with women. particularly fit. Athletes who exercise five times a
Chart title 100% accurate 1 mark
week with a mixture of cardiovascular and strength
Y-axis displays minimum 0%, maximum 100% 1 mark
Comparison of Participation Value percentage work should test their stamina with the standard
numbers displayed top of each bar 1 mark
distance (10km run, 40km cycle, 5km run).
100% 79% 82% Legend displays Men/Women only 1 mark
64% 62% Triathlon
36% 38%
40% 21% 18% Triathlon is an endurance contest that begins with
20% swimming, followed by cycling, and ending with
running. Few things are more physically exerting
Duathlon Duathlon Triathlon Triathlon
Sprint Standard Sprint Standard
than a triathlon which puts almost every part of the
body under immense pressure. The main triathlon
Men Women season runs from May until September. Many clubs
offer taster sessions for people interested in taking
A recent survey reports that respondents not only up the sport.
expect to continue their multisport participation but Competitors new to multisport are advised to start
most will increase the number of races in which they with a super-sprint triathlon (400m swim, 10km
compete. The age groups 35-39 and 40-44 have seen bike, 5km run). A more challenging race is sprint or
the greatest growth and this is likely to continue as middle distance race which include a swim of up to
those in these age groups look for new outlets Completeof paragraph
1km, a bicyclemoved
ride of to
to 25km, and a run of up
participation and fitness. location to 5km. Championship distance 1ismark
with spacing maintained a 1.5km swim,
followed by a 40km cycle, rounded off with a 10km
Duathlon run. The top men typically finish in about 1 hour 50
minutes and the women in just over 2 hours. The
A duathlon is a multisport competition consisting of one-day triathlon that covers the longest distance is
running and biking which can be contested on the Full Ironman which covers a total of 140 miles
almost any terrain, although it usually takes place from start to finish and takes serious dedication and
on tarmac. The usual format is run-bike-run, starting training. There is a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride
with a run, then transition to the bike, then transition
Footer and a 42.195km mile run. Competitors have up to
back to running again. The first run is usually longer
Automated page number
17 hours to right aligned
complete 1 mark
all three elements but top
than the second. A duathlon is a real test of strength performers finish in less than 9 hours.
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0417/22 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Created by: name, centre number, candidate number

country skiing. Courses are usually 8-12k in length

Aquathlon and are contested on groomed Nordic ski trails.
Aquathlon is one of the simplest and most Classic or freestyle skating techniques are allowed
accessible forms of multisport. Bullets
It consists of a with most serious competitors using freestyle
Bullets applied
continuous, two-stage race involving to correct technique
swimming text as it is faster. Most race courses involve
1 mark
and running, or three legs withSquare
a swimshaped
sandwiched multiple
bullets applied laps of each stage to enhance the spectator
1 mark
between two run segments. The Bullets
orderaligned experience.
at left margin,
is not rigid, 0 pt space before/after each line
6 ptfirst
although it is a lot easier to swim space
andafter last line Winter triathlon World Championship races
then run. 1 mark
It is an excellent way for novice athletes to enter been held since 1997 and it is hoped that it will
multisport competition, and for experienced become an Olympic sport in the future. However
triathletes to add something different to their there are concerns over future venues for winter
training routines. Both running and swimming are sporting events. Global warming has created:
also very healthy methods of exercise which can be
tailored to a range of physical conditions, so  warmer winter temperatures
competing in an aquathlon can also be a way to have  reduced snowfall
fun while getting fit.  thinner lake ice
Paragraph moved  shorter snow seasons
Competitions take place all year round and have  increased risk of natural hazards
become very popular among athletes at a wide range  more extreme events such as avalanche and
of experience levels. It is not uncommon to see a landslides.
range of distances in one race to cater for various
levels of fitness and experience. Standard warm Greenhouse gases emitted since the beginning of the
water distances are 2.5km run, 1000m swim, 2.5km Industrial Revolution have so far warmed the world
run. If the water temperature is below 22°C then it by about 1ºC on average. This effect has been more
becomes a wetsuit-mandatory 1000m swim and a pronounced in the Alps, the mountain range most
single 5km run. Long course distances are 2000m visited for winter sports, which has warmed by
swim and 10km of running. Where the water about 2ºC. This is starting to affect the snow and ice
temperature is low (around 16°C) the course may be in winter which will have profound consequences
shortened or possibly cancelled. The running stage for the winter sports industry. In terms of hosting
may take place on trails, beaches, or tracks, while winter sporting events, even if emissions are cut to
the swim stage is competed in open water meet the target of the Paris climate agreement of
environments or swimming pools. 2015, only 13 of 21 former hosts would be cold
enough to hold winter sports in 2050. This number
Winter Triathlon would drop to just 8 by 2080. The future of winter
sports for most regions is under threat this century
Winter triathlon is a multisport event involving unless timely action is taken to reduce global
running, mountain biking and cross-country skiing warming.
Image inserted in correct paragraph
(also known as langlauf). The disciplines are all 1 mark
performed on Image
snowbottom third
as much as cropped
possible.- Course
below skiers 1 mark
distances depend to top
on the ofconditions
snow text, left of column,
and are set text wrapped1 mark
on the day ofResized
the eventtoto4 cm wide,
achieve no distortion
a winning time of 1 mark
around 80–90 minutes.
The running is
contested on hard-
packed snow courses
with distances ranging
from 5-9k. Racers
typically wear normal running shoes or cross-
country spikes. The mountain bike leg is held on
ski layout/presentation
trails for a distance of 10-15k.
Competitors ride
No changes standard
to bodyracing
text mountain bikes, 1 mark
often equipped withjustified,
TNR, 11pt, relativelysingle
wide tyres run at low0pt space before, 6pt after
line spacing,
pressures. Tyres with
Document spikes are legal but
complete/paragraphs mostportrait, no large gaps between paragraphs,
competitors shun their use because of the additional
columns aligned at top, no widows/orphans, list not split, no blank pages 1 mark
weight. The final event of winter triathlon is cross-
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0417/22 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Correct, 100% accurate, fully visible 1 mark

Specified fields, correct order 1 mark

Sort descending on Status 1 mark
Portrait, tabular, all fields present, fits a single page only,
no field width truncation 1 mark

Non-Ranking Elite Athletes Name, centre number, candidate number

Race_Number First_Name Last_Name Nationality Race_Category Status Ranked
1075 Zoey Berger USA Elite-Pro Lapped No
1260 Natalia Del Bosque MEX Elite-Pro Lapped No
2152 Giovanna Villard BRA Elite-Pro Lapped No
1464 Daichi Hashimoto JPN Elite-Pro Lapped No
1605 Ferdinand Kloosterman NED Elite-Pro Lapped No
1161 Eduardo Caixeta BRA Elite-Pro Lapped No
1390 Lynn Goldman USA Elite-Pro Lapped No
1426 Flavie Dandurand FRA Elite-Pro Lapped No
2170 Zawadi Wambua KEN Elite-Pro Lapped No
1779 Joben Nakamura JPN Elite-Pro Disqualified No
1941 Carina Leuenberger SUI Elite-Pro Disqualified No
2070 Emeline Strathmann GER Elite-Pro Disqualified No
1243 Edouard Guillemette FRA Elite-Pro Disqualified No
1573 Xavier Kappel NED Elite-Pro Disqualified No
1160 Annabelle Heginbotham GBR Elite-Pro Disqualified No
1206 Frederick Coates GBR Elite-Pro Disqualified No
2039 Owen Lloyd-Jones CAN Elite-Pro Did Not Start No
1440 Kimio Hamamoto JPN Elite-Pro Did Not Start No
2000 Alessandro Schmid SUI Elite-Pro Did Not Start No
2133 Arielle Van der Meer NED Elite-Pro Did Not Start No
1069 Bernadette Belanger CAN Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1569 Nadar Kameshki BRN Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1735 Flavien Mercier FRA Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1011 Remas Ahmad JOR Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1702 Makena Mbugua KEN Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1490 Akiko Yamamoto JPN Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1441 Noor Hamdan JOR Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No
1328 Daniela Ferrero ITA Elite-Pro Did Not Finish No

Select records (28):

Race_Category is Elite-Pro 1 mark
Stat_Code does not include FIN 1 mark

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Title Calculated field

Correct, 100% accurate 1 mark Heading 100% accurate 1 mark
Athlete_Age calculated - correct values 2021-[YOB] 1 mark
Senior Male UK Results
First_Name Last_Name Nationality Gender YOB Athlete_Age Run_1 T_1 Bike T_2 Run_2 Total_Time Position
Josh Ellerbeck GBR Male 2001 20 00:41:55 00:01:18 01:12:40 00:01:47 00:22:44 02:20:24 664
Alex Woodbury GBR Male 1983 38 00:42:52 00:01:13 01:11:19 00:01:47 00:22:39 02:19:50 654
Scott Phillips GBR Male 1988 33 00:38:23 00:01:17 01:07:07 00:01:48 00:22:46 02:11:21 495
Tyler Weiss GBR Male 1994 27 00:38:04 00:01:07 01:07:39 00:01:36 00:19:30 02:07:56 422
Calvin Gibbins GBR Male 1985 36 00:37:06 00:01:36 01:04:22 00:01:42 00:19:28 02:04:14 338
Patrick Gallagher GBR Male 1983 38 00:35:41 00:01:52 00:59:55 00:02:42 00:23:07 02:03:17 318
Karl Linton GBR Male 1999 22 00:36:47 00:01:22 01:04:41 00:01:57 00:18:16 02:03:03 313
Hugh Guiness GBR Male 1995 26 00:32:52 00:00:25 01:08:02 00:00:23 00:18:49 02:00:31 255
Spencer Rawlinson GBR Male 1987 34 00:34:39 00:01:11 01:04:13 00:01:47 00:18:12 02:00:02 246
Wayne Vaughan GBR Male 1983 38 00:36:38 00:01:15 01:00:25 00:01:38 00:18:36 01:58:32 217
Tim Finlay GBR Male 1987 34 00:35:16 00:01:03 01:00:56 00:01:42 00:18:04 01:57:01 203
Clive Smith GBR Male 2000 21 00:33:38 00:01:39 00:58:00 00:02:08 00:21:13 01:56:38 191
Alvaro Rodriguez GBR Male 1995 26 00:30:56 00:00:24 01:07:45 00:00:22 00:16:43 01:56:10 184
Lee Sprague GBR Male 1986 35 00:34:55 00:01:48 00:55:53 00:02:12 00:21:15 01:56:03 180
Travis Webster GBR Male 1992 29 00:33:24 00:01:30 00:58:18 00:01:52 00:20:45 01:55:49 173
Oscar Greenhalgh GBR Male 1998 23 00:33:32 00:01:39 00:57:08 00:02:18 00:20:52 01:55:29 166
Mark Boyce GBR Male 1985 36 00:30:56 00:00:18 01:07:48 00:00:27 00:15:47 01:55:16 164
Adam Marshall GBR Male 1982 39 00:33:42 00:01:44 00:55:27 00:02:29 00:21:51 01:55:13 163
Luke Sommerville GBR Male 1983 38 00:33:47 00:01:56 00:56:37 00:02:11 00:20:38 01:55:09 160
Jon Chapman GBR Male 1993 28 00:31:36 00:01:44 00:58:50 00:02:22 00:19:43 01:54:15 149
Matt Gathard GBR Male 1986 35 00:31:25 00:01:58 00:56:56 00:02:13 00:19:43 01:52:15 119
Andrew Metcalf GBR Male 1983 38 00:32:39 00:01:56 00:55:50 00:02:16 00:19:14 01:51:55 115
George Brentwood GBR Male 1986 35 00:31:28 00:01:44 00:54:28 00:02:09 00:19:45 01:49:34 97
Christian Griffiths GBR Male 1997 24 00:31:50 00:01:21 00:55:21 00:01:54 00:19:07 01:49:33 96

Name, centre number, recordsnumber
(42): Specified fields, correct order 1 mark
of 2
Nationality is GBR or IRL 1 mark Landscape, tabular, one page wide, all base fields 1 mark
Gender is Male 1 mark Fields adjusted to fit, no truncation on any field 1 mark
YOB is >=1982 and <=2001 1 mark Sort ascending on Nationality, descending Position 1 mark
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First_Name Last_Name Nationality Gender YOB Athlete_Age Run_1 T_1 Bike T_2 Run_2 Total_Time Position
Hayden Porter GBR Male 1991 30 00:30:02 00:01:31 00:55:59 00:02:18 00:18:36 01:48:26 90
David Trevelyan GBR Male 1989 32 00:31:26 00:01:32 00:52:18 00:02:01 00:18:42 01:45:59 68
Walter Ruston GBR Male 1988 33 00:30:51 00:01:43 00:53:03 00:01:50 00:18:31 01:45:58 67
Graham Boardman GBR Male 1982 39 00:31:26 00:01:33 00:51:29 00:02:06 00:19:21 01:45:55 66
Dean Cheshire GBR Male 1984 37 00:29:40 00:01:20 00:52:50 00:01:58 00:18:20 01:44:08 53
Alexander Bowen GBR Male 1985 36 00:27:53 00:00:43 00:53:42 00:00:45 00:14:04 01:37:07 8
Dylan Flanagan IRL Male 2001 20 00:42:38 00:02:17 01:14:39 00:03:03 00:30:28 02:33:05 850
Reece Delaney IRL Male 2001 20 00:40:07 00:07:05 01:04:55 00:02:01 00:20:36 02:14:44 566
Killian Callaghan IRL Male 1982 39 00:4 2:02 00:02:19 01:00:55 00:03:13 00:25:51 02:14:20 556
New record Dean Cheshire, inserted only once, does
Eugene Tierney IRL Male 1982
not replace record Graham Boardman 39 00:37:00
1 mark 00:02:03 00:58:26 00:02:37 00:23:15 02:03:21 321
Flynn McCarthy NewIRL record 100%Male 1984
accurate 37 00:36:24
1 mark 00:01:40 01:04:24 00:01:42 00:17:58 02:02:08 289
Eamon Murphy IRL Male 1991 30 00:38:12 00:01:12 01:01:37 00:01:39 00:19:02 02:01:42 279
Aidan Donoghue IRL Male 2000 21 00:34:06 00:01:46 00:57:16 00:02:32 00:20:25 01:56:05 182
Liam Shanahan IRL Male 1993 28 00:31:10 00:01:41 00:55:50 00:01:58 00:20:36 01:51:15 107
Shane Rafferty IRL Male 1990 31 00:32:24 00:01:32 00:52:35 00:02:20 00:19:45 01:48:36 92
Colm Doyle IRL Male 1996 25 00:30:01 00:00:46 01:00:13 00:00:47 00:15:33 01:47:20 80
Ronan Byrne IRL Male 1986 35 00:32:06 00:01:28 00:50:56 00:02:18 00:19:23 01:46:11 69
Shane Donnelly IRL Male 1987 34 00:29:05 00:01:21 00:50:33 00:01:52 00:17:53 01:40:44 27
Number of athletes 42
Calculates correct number of athletes, positioned end of report, integer display 1 mark
Label 100% accurate, left of value 1 mark

Name, centre number, candidate number Format/Display 2

Report 1 - Ranked displays as Yes/No
Name, centre number, candidate number Report 2 - all times displays hh:mm:ss, all other values as integer 1 mark
displays in report footer, on every page, no other data 1 mark

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Task 4 – Mail Merge

Name, centre number, candidate number in header 1 mark

Merge Fields inserted – Placeholders and <> replaced

Fields «Full_Name» | «Country» | «Race_Number» | «Club» in correct position 1 mark
Fields «Gender» | «Race_Category» | «Discipline» | «Time_Incurred» in correct position 1 mark
Fields «Violation» | «Penalty» | «Duration» | «Tech_Officer» in correct position 1 mark
Correct spacing with punctuation maintained 1 mark

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Result of merge – correct 3 penalty vouchers printed –

Fredrik Dudek, Olaf Balcerzak, Hamish Whitworth only 1 mark

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Task 5 – Presentation

Presentation complete - slides imported, title/bullet layout, no blank slides/no text changed,
Name, centre number, candidate number in footer on every slide 1 mark
All slides printed with 2 slides to page, each filling half page 1 mark

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Correct 3 original lines indented, consistent bullets and left aligned 1 mark
3 lines smaller font size, italic, with dashed, -, bullets 1 mark

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Slide layout changed to title and 4 column x 13 row table 1 mark

All data copied into table 1 mark
2 new rows inserted at top of table 1 mark
Text entered 100% accurate in correct cells 1 mark
Column 1, rows 1 & 2 merged, text centre aligned horizontally & vertically 1 mark
Columns 2, 3 & 4 row 1 merged, text centred horizontally in rows 1 and 2 1 mark
Grey shading applied rows 1 & 2, title rows text black and bold 1 mark
Column 1 displayed on one line, content fits on slide, fully visible 1 mark
Plain table style applied rows 3 - 13, all gridlines displayed 1 mark

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