Is Hosting International Sports Events Simple A Waste of Resources?
Is Hosting International Sports Events Simple A Waste of Resources?
Is Hosting International Sports Events Simple A Waste of Resources?
sports events
simple a waste of
Name: VEERAMAH Dilesh
Grade 13 E
The concept of international sports refers to sport when the participants are
representative of at least two countries. Some well-known international sports events
include the Olympic Games, The FIFA World Cup and the Paralympic Games. Hosting
an internationally prominent sporting event invites the global spotlight but also
brings about great risk for a country in the form of wastage of resources. For there
are several divergences on this contentious issue, it would require quite a profound
diagnosis to strike a consensus.
International sports events are sometimes criticized on the grounds that they lead to
wastage of resources in the form of immense financial commitment for a particular
country. There are several elements of costs associated with such events including
the cost of building stadiums. Hosting major sporting events such as the Olympics
can cost substantial amounts, which have to be financed out of taxpayers. It is also
important to highlight that such costs can be incremental over the years. For
example, the Montreal Olympics had an approximate cost of $ 120 million in 1970
which rose to $ 310 million in 1973. Added to it, major sporting events have to
implement high levels of security. This can be extremely costly and restrict freedom
of movement of local citizens during games.
Besides that, such events usually last for a very short time period. This implies that
many facilities constructed may never fully be used again. This would be a form of
wastage of resources in the country. For instance, an 80,000 athletic stadium is less
likely to be used outside of the Olympics. Although this wastage can be mitigated
through careful planning, there have been many cities which failed to plan for the
legacy of the Olympic and were consequently left with unused giant stadiums. A
popular example is the Olympic pool in Rio which was left abandoned after the
Olympics and Paralympics after 2016.
Nevertheless, it can be contested that economic benefits are one of the main
arguments used by leaders of a host nation to justify the huge expenditure
associated with organising international sporting events. In other words, this is why
countries take the risk of spending huge amounts on such events. The global sports
industry is worth up to $ 620 billion today. With growth that is faster than global
GDP, its long-term prospects appear strong. As such, there are myriad forms of
revenue that can be derived from sport events. This can take the form of sale of
merchandise, tickets, and food commodities to fans or tourists.
International sporting events can be form of long-term investment. The host country
will benefit from a legacy of improved sporting venues. In addition, there will also be
substantial investment in infrastructure and transport to cater for an influx of tourists.
For example, there has been significant investment in public transport projects
around London. This has left a lasting legacy for the residents of London, especially
East London. After the 2012 London Olympics, the east of London has benefitted
from improved public transport. In this sense, this major event has lead to an
efficient allocation of resources instead of driving a wastage.
Apart from that, with prominent sporting events come a high degree of socio-
economic planning. Years of planning and investments will aid in the creation of job
and provide several career opportunities to the citizens of a country. This can
subsequently revitalise economically depressed cities. A typical example is the
London Olympics in 2012 which was estimated to create 8,000 full-time jobs and lead
to a boost in economic activity and performance of approximately £ 2 Billion. This
suggests that with higher planning, wastage of resources can be avoided and hence
lead to more efficient allocation of the productive resources of a country such as
All in all, it can be said that hosting international events can provide several
economic, social and cultural benefits which suggest that such events may ultimately
lead to an efficient allocation of resources. This view though, is not immune to the
controversy and turmoil that seems to be everywhere in our world today. While the
international sporting industry is one of the most popular and sought-after industries
worldwide, it is important to carefully plan tremendous investments and
expenditures so as to mitigate the problem of wastage of resources.