UGNA3023 Applied Hydraulics Practical 1: Investigation of Flow and Pressure Drop in A Pipe and Across Fixtures
UGNA3023 Applied Hydraulics Practical 1: Investigation of Flow and Pressure Drop in A Pipe and Across Fixtures
UGNA3023 Applied Hydraulics Practical 1: Investigation of Flow and Pressure Drop in A Pipe and Across Fixtures
Practical 1
Investigation of flow and pressure drop in a pipe and across fixtures
Learn how flow in long pipes of various sizes and roughness cause pressure drop along a pipe. Learn how
the friction coefficient in fully-developed flow is related to the Reynolds number and the pipe surface roughness.
Also learn how much pressure drop occurs as a flow goes through valves and bends.
The pressure drop p over a length L of a pipe of
constant cross sectional area A can be related to the
shear stress on the pipe wall by the momentum
balance in the direction of the pipe axis as
Ap = − sL or p = − L (1)
where s is the perimeter of the pipe. A few
assumptions are made that are good for flows in long
Figure 1.
and straight pipes (called ‘fully developed pipe flow’)
so the pressure within a cross section and the shear stress on the perimeter are constant.
The shear stress (which is not large and it is often neglected for short pipes) is due to the viscosity of the
fluid and is related to the details of the flow. If the flow is smooth and laminar, the Newton’s law of viscosity
will apply. If the flow is turbulent and/or if the pipe wall is not smooth, the effective shear stress is a
complicated function of the flow properties and the wall geometry. So the pressure drop is generally expressed
by an empirical expression in terms of the fluid property (density and viscosity), the flow property (velocity)
and the pipe geometry (shape, diameter and wall roughness). One expression commonly used for circular
pipes of diameter D is Darcy-Weisbach equation
p L V2
- = hf = f (2)
g D 2g
where g is the weight of the water of unit volume and hf is pressure drop in the unit of the height of water, V
is the average velocity in a cross section, f ( is used Chadwick et al Ch.4) is the non-dimensional friction
factor. It can be interpreted as a function of all the factors influencing the pressure drop, so f is usually given
in a graphical form (equations have also been proposed) as a function of the Reynolds number NR =VD/ and
the relative roughness /D (see appendix). See Table 4.1 for the researchers who contributed in the
development of this and other friction laws for pipe flows.
APARRATUS (picture will be shown online) :
Pipe 2
Water temperature T (deg C):
Water density (kg/m3):
Coefficient of kinematic viscosity (m2/s):
Pipe diameter D (mm):
Distance between two pressure taps L(mm):
Relative roughness /D:
Flow rate Pressure Mean Friction factor Reynolds Friction
Q drop velocity V p / g number, NR factor from
f =
(lpm, m3/s) −p/g=hf (m/s) ( L / D)(V 2 / 2 g ) VD/ Moody
(mm H2O) diagram
Pipe 3
Water temperature T (deg C):
Water density (kg/m3):
Coefficient of kinematic viscosity (m2/s):
Pipe diameter D (mm):
Distance between two pressure taps L(mm):
Relative roughness /D:
Flow rate Pressure Mean Friction factor Reynolds Friction
Q drop velocity V p / g number, NR factor from
f =
(lpm, m3/s) −p/g=hf (m/s) ( L / D)(V 2 / 2 g ) VD/ Moody
(mm H2O) diagram
Pipe bend
Water temperature T (deg C):
Water density (kg/m3):
Coefficient of kinematic viscosity (m2/s):
Pipe diameter D (mm):
Bend radius R/D:
Flow rate Pressure Mean Loss Coeff. Reynolds Loss
Q drop velocity V p / g number, NR Coefficient
Kb = 2
(lpm, m3/s) −p/g=hb (m/s) V / 2g VD/ from table
(mm H2O)
Appendix Tables and Figure