MP2.5 Fluid Friction in flow in pipes new_2019
MP2.5 Fluid Friction in flow in pipes new_2019
MP2.5 Fluid Friction in flow in pipes new_2019
MP2.5 - 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
Results and Discussion 5.4 (pp.128-140 in the 5th edition), also Ch.6.1,6.2
and 7.1-7.3
1. Calculate the values of the Darcy friction fac-
tor fDarcy for all measurements taken in points 2. J.K.Vennard, R.L.Street: Elementary Fluid Me-
5, 6 ad 7 in the Experimental Procedures chanics, 6th ed., SI Version, J.Wiley & Sons, New
above. York 1982, Chapter 9
2. Plot all the points of fDarcy vs ReD for smooth 3. J.E.A. John, W.L. Haberman: Introduction To
and rough pipes (point 7 in the Experimental Fluid Mechanics, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall Inter-
Procedures above). State relative roughness national, London 1988, Chapter 6
as e/Dme, where e is equal to 0.5 mm and Dme 4. J.R.Welty, Ch.E.Wicks, R.E.Wilson: Fundamen-
is the mean effective diameter. Comment tals of Momentum,Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd edi-
briefly on your results and possible sources tion, J.Wiley &Sons, New York 1984, Chapter 14
of error.
5. P.M.Gerhart, R.J.Gross: Fundamentals of F;luid
3. Calculate the friction factor using the Blasius Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading (Ma.) 1985,
equation fBlasius for the smooth pipes (see fur- Ch.7
ther discussion of the friction factors in Ap-
6. R.W.Fox, A.T.McDonald: Introduction to Fluid
pendix 2).
Mechanics, J.Wiley&Sons, New York 1985, Ch.9
0.316 part B
Useful Data
1kN/m2 = 1kPa = 0.145 psi
1 mm Hg = 0.0394 in.Hg = 133.3 Pa
1 in.Hg = 3386 Pa
1 mm H2O = 9.807 Pa
Literature (general)
1. B.S. Massey : Mechanics of Fluids, 5th ed., Van
Nostrand Reinhold, Wokingham 1986, Ch.5.1 to
MP2.5 - 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
MP2.5 - 4
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
MP2.5 - 5
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
To that end we use the friction factor f, which is Friction in Non-circular conduits: All the above
a function of ReD . Two parallel definitions of calculations and use of charts can be applied to
flows in closed ducts of reasonably any non-
the friction factor are in common use: the Darcy
circular cross-section.). An "equivalent diame-
friction factor fDarcy (often quoted as fD or simp-
ter" is used, calculated according to:
ly as f ), preferred by mechanical engineers, and
the Fanning friction factor fF, often used by Deq 4 Hydraulic Radius Rh
chemical and process industries engineers. The
relation between the two friction factors is sim- cross-sectional area of flow
ple: wetted perimeter
fD = 4 fF, but if proper care is not taken, using the
The accuracy is deteriorating for very odd
values obtained from the chart for one of them
shapes, such as rectangles with one side more
in calculations relating to the other will lead to
than 8 times greater than the other side, etc., and
serious errors. Choose just one definition for
is not always good for laminar flow.
your calculations.
One often encountered example is the flow in an
Definitions of friction factors and calculation of
annular area between two concentric pipes (of-
pressure drop (or head loss):
ten a design for a simple heat exchanger):
MP2.5 - 7
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
MP2.5 - 8
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
MP2.5 - 9
Department of Mechanical Engineering MP2.5 Fluid Friction in Pipes
MP2.5 - 10