3.5 Pressure Drop: ΔP = 8f (L/di)
3.5 Pressure Drop: ΔP = 8f (L/di)
3.5 Pressure Drop: ΔP = 8f (L/di)
ρ v2
ΔPf = 8f (L/di)
ΔPf = Pressure Drop N/m2
f = Friction Factor
L= Pipe length
di= Pipe inside diameter
ρ= fluid density
v= fluid velocity
The friction factor is a dependant on the Reynolds number of the pipe roughness,
ρ× d × v
Reynolds number=
The amount of factors, like the minor losses and frictional losses are relative to the total pressure
drop for a specific pipeline length [2]. In most cases, the Bernoulli formula below is used to
calculate the total pressure drop over pipelines.
2 2
∆P v 2−v 1
=h f +hm + hequ + +∆ z
ρg 2g
Where h f is considered as the frictional head-loss, while h m is considered as the minor head-
losses related to the nozzles, values, and the fitting; the change in the elevation is represented by
∆ z, and h equ is considered as the head-loss within the equipment.
The linear velocity of each stream (v), was estimated with the use of the equation below
v= ρπ d2
After doing the above calculation for the streams we found out the pressure drops in all the
streams given in below table.