3.5 Pressure Drop: ΔP = 8f (L/di)

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5 Pressure Drop (Coulson and Richardson volume 6)

The pressure drop in a pipe, due to friction, is a function of the fluid flow rate, fluid density and
viscosity, pipe diameter, pipe surface roughness and the length of the pipe.

It can be calculated using the following equation;

ρ v2
ΔPf = 8f (L/di)
ΔPf = Pressure Drop N/m2
f = Friction Factor
L= Pipe length
di= Pipe inside diameter
ρ= fluid density
v= fluid velocity

The friction factor is a dependant on the Reynolds number of the pipe roughness,

ρ× d × v
Reynolds number=

The amount of factors, like the minor losses and frictional losses are relative to the total pressure
drop for a specific pipeline length [2]. In most cases, the Bernoulli formula below is used to
calculate the total pressure drop over pipelines.
2 2
∆P v 2−v 1
=h f +hm + hequ + +∆ z
ρg 2g

Where h f is considered as the frictional head-loss, while h m is considered as the minor head-
losses related to the nozzles, values, and the fitting; the change in the elevation is represented by
∆ z, and h equ is considered as the head-loss within the equipment.

The linear velocity of each stream (v), was estimated with the use of the equation below
v= ρπ d2

After doing the above calculation for the streams we found out the pressure drops in all the
streams given in below table.

Velocity Re Friction ΔPf ΔPm ΔP Total

Pipe (m/s) Factor (Kpa) (bar)
Stream 15 11.2 10540 0.0091 0.0621 0.56 0.22
Stream 17 15.45 16230 0.0120 0.152 0.723 0.45
Stream 18 12.25 13561 0.0102 0.120 0.689 0.30
Stream 19 8.2 9235 0.0088 0.085 0.452 0.25

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