08 Ithink Soalan-B9

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BAB Bumi

9 Earth

1 Tuliskan empat sfera utama Bumi dalam peta bulatan di bawah.

Write the four main spheres of the Earth in the circle map below.


Atmosfera Sfera Bumi Geosfera

Atmosphere Earth’s spheres Geosphere


2 Berdasarkan faktor penghubung yang diberi, lengkapkan peta titi tentang lapisan Bumi.
Based on the given relating factor, complete the bridge map on the layers of the Earth.

Sungai dan
ditemui di Hidupan Gas atmosfera lautan Batuan
are found in Living things Atmospheric gases Rivers and oceans Rocks
as as as
Faktor penghubung
Relating factor Biosfera Atmosfera Hidrosfera Geosfera
Biosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere

3 Lengkapkan peta alir di bawah untuk menunjukkan urutan lapisan atmosfera bermula daripada yang paling dekat
dengan permukaan Bumi.
Complete the flow map below to show the sequence of the atmospheric layers starting from the one which is the nearest to
the Earth’s surface.

Troposfera Stratosfera Mesosfera Termosfera Eksosfera

Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere

4 Berdasarkan faktor penghubung yang diberi, lengkapkan peta titi tentang lapisan atmosfera Bumi.
Based on the given relating factor, complete the bridge map on the Earth’s atmospheric layers.

Sebahagian besar
gas atmosfera Zarah-zarah
ditemui di Molekul ozon Most of the Satelit bercas
are found in Ozone molecules atmospheric gases Satellites Charged particles
as as as
Faktor penghubung
Relating factor Stratosfera Troposfera Eksosfera Ionosfera
Stratosphere Troposphere Exosphere Ionosphere

5 Lengkapkan peta alir di bawah untuk menunjukkan urutan zon-zon lautan bermula daripada yang paling dalam
di lautan.
Complete the flow map below to show the sequence of the zones in the oceans starting with the one which is the deepest in
the oceans.

Zon gelap Zon senja Zon sinar matahari

Midnight zone Twilight zone Sunlight zone

6 Lengkapkan peta pokok di bawah ini dengan cir-ciri zon dalam lautan.
Complete the tree map below with the characteristics of the zones of the oceans.

Zon-zon lautan
Zones of ocean

Zon sinar matahari Zon gelap Zon senja

Sunlight zone Midnight zone Twilight zone

Banyak cahaya Matahari Tiada cahaya Matahari Sedikit cahaya Matahari

Much sunlight No sunlight A little sunlight
Pelbagai haiwan dan Ada haiwan menghasilkan Haiwan dengan mata
tumbuhan cahaya sendiri besar dan berbadan gelap
Various animals and plants There are animals that Animals with big eyes and
produce light themselves dark body

7 Lengkapkan peta alir di bawah untuk menunjukkan urutan lapisan utama Bumi bermula daripada lapisan yang
paling dekat dengan permukaan Bumi.
Complete the flow map below to show the sequence of the main layers of the Earth starting with the one which is the nearest
to the Earth’s surface.

Kerak Mantel Teras

Crust Mantle Core

8 Lengkapkan peta pokok di bawah ini dengan menulis cir-ciri lapisan Bumi.
Complete the tree map below by writing the characteristics of the Earth’s layer.

Lapisan Bumi
Earth’s layers

Litosfera Astenosfera Mesosfera

Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere

Lapisan luar Bumi Bahagian tengah mantel Bersuhu sangat tinggi

Outer layer of the Earth The centre part of the mantle Very high temperature
Pepejal Batuan separa cecair Pepejal
Solid Semi-liquid rock Solid

9 Tuliskan contoh-contoh batuan dalam peta dakap di bawah.

Write the examples of rock in the brace map below.

Batuan igneus Pumis/Pumice
Igneous rock

Batuan Syal/Shale
Rocks Batuan sedimen Batu kapur/Limestone
Sedimentary rock
Batu pasir/Sandstone

Batuan metamorfik Marmar/Marble
Metamorphic rock

10 Lengkapkan peta pelbagai alir di bawah tentang pembentukan batuan metamorfik.

Complete the multi-flow map below about the formation of metamorphic rock.

Suhu tinggi
High temperature

Batuan igneus
Tekanan tinggi dan batuan
Batuan metamorfik
High pressure sedimen
Metamorphic rock
Igneous and
sedimentary rock

Tindak balas kimia

Chemical reactions

11 Lengkapkan peta pokok di bawah ini dengan menulis tiga proses eksogen dan tiga proses endogen.
Complete the tree map below by writing three exogenic processes and three endogenic processes.

Proses Bumi
Earth’s processes

Proses eksogen Proses endogen

Exogenic processes Endogenic processes

Angkutan/Transport Olakan mantel/Mantle convection

Hakisan/Erosion Aktiviti magma/Magmatic activity
Luluhawa/Weathering Pergerakan kerak bumi (tektonik plat)
Earth crust movement (plate tectonic)

12 Bandingkan proses luluhawa dan hakisan dalam peta buih berganda di bawah.
Compare the processes of weathering and erosion in the double bubble map below.

Berlaku secara Pemecahan Tidak berlaku

kimia batuan secara kimia
Occurs Breaking of Does not occur
chemically rock chemically

Berlaku secara Tidak berlaku

biology Luluhawa Hakisan secara biology
Occurs Weathering Erosion Does not occur
biologically biologically

melibatkan Berlaku Melibatkan
pemindahan secara fizikal pemindahan
Does not involve Occur Involves
transportation physically transportation

13 Lengkapkan peta buih di bawah dengan menulis proses-proses eksogen.

Complete the bubble map below by writing the exogenic processes.

darat Hakisan
Mass Erosion
movement Proses

Pengenapan Luluhawa
Deposition Weathering

14 Lengkapkan peta alir di bawah untuk menunjukkan urutan proses eksogen yang mempengaruhi perubahan pada
Complete the flow map below to show the sequence of exogenic processes which influence the changes on the Earth.

Luluhawa Hakisan Susutan jisim Susutan darat

Weathering Erosion Mass wasting Mass movement

Pengenapan Angkutan
Deposition Transport

15 Lengkapkan peta buih di bawah dengan menulis geobencana.

Complete the bubble map below by writing the geo-disasters.

Earthquake Pemanasan
benam Global

terjerlus Geobencana runtuh
Land Geo-disasters

Hujan asid Tsunami

Acid rain Tsunami

16 Berdasarkan faktor penghubung yang diberi, lengkapkan peta titi dengan menulis jenis-jenis geobencana.
Based on the given relating factor, complete the bridge map by writing the types of geo-disasters.

Letusan Lubang besar

gunung berapi tanah
disebabkan oleh Explosion of Gegaran Bumi Ombak raksasa Big hole in the
is caused by volcanos Shaking of Earth Huge wave ground
as as as
Faktor penghubung
Relating factor Volkanisme Gempa bumi Tsunami Lubang benam
Volcanism Earthquake Tsunami Sinkhole

17 Tuliskan empat sumber air permukaan di Bumi dalam peta bulatan di bawah.
Write four sources of surface water on the Earth, in the circle map below.


Kolam Air Sungai

Pond permukaan River
Surface water


18 Tuliskan contoh-contoh mineral ekonomi dalam peta dakap di bawah.

Write examples of economic minerals in the brace map below.

Mineral logam Perak/Silver
Metallic minerals Platinum/Platinum

Mineral ekonomi Mineral bukan logam Sulfur/Sulphur
Economic minerals Non-metallic minerals Batu kapur/Limestone

Mineral nadir bumi Skandium/Scandium

Rare earth mineral Itrium/Yttrium

19 Lengkapkan peta pelbagai alir di bawah tentang pembentukan petroelum dan arang batu.
Complete the multi-flow map below about the formation of petroleum and coal.

Suhu tinggi
High temperatures

Haiwan dan
tumbuhan Petroleum dan
mati arang batu
Dead animals Petroleum and coal
and plants
Tindak balas kimia
Chemical reactions


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