Pumping Speed Measurement of Vacuum Pump
Pumping Speed Measurement of Vacuum Pump
Pumping Speed Measurement of Vacuum Pump
2 R. Y. JOU ET AL.
noted that modern MDP possess some interesting characteris- (1913), Holweck (1923), Siegbahn (1943), and Becker (1961)
tics, particularly a high compression ratio in the viscous flow are being proposed. These designs generally improve pumping
range, enabling MDP to operate as a booster and to operate in performance in certain ways, including either pumping speed
the 10−2 to 10−1 mbar at full pumping speed. Sawada et al. (1990, or compression ratio. Because of uncertainty regarding natu-
1992, 1993) proposed an analytical method for investigating the ral and treatment difficulties of the transitional flow problem, it
pumping performance of spiral grooved visco-vacuum pumps is difficult or even impossible to improve pumping speed and
with arbitrary groove cross-sections. Moreover, Sawada et al. compression ratio simultaneously, especially at higher exhaust
also experimentally assessed this theoretical model. pressure. Jou et al. (2000) presented a turbo booster pump (TBP)
Cleanliness is an important consideration in vacuum turbo with smooth and good performance in the transition regime. As
pump design. The most common method of ensuring cleanli- shown in Figure 1, this design has a compact structure com-
ness involves increasing the tolerable discharge pressure to allow pared with other available designs and differs significantly from
the use of oil-free backing pumps. The compound turbo pump, available methodologies in terms of design principles.
which complements the conventional TMP design by incorpo-
rating a turbo-drag section on the same rotation shaft, permits
discharge pressures of 1000 to 2000 Pa. Meanwhile, Levi (1992) Analysis and Simulation for Turbo Pump Designs
developed another type of pump, called a hybrid pump, which Regarding the numerical analysis of turbo vacuum pumps,
combines different impellers on the same axis without increasing Lee and Lee (1996) investigated the compression characteris-
the number of stages. Furthermore, Hablanian (1994) reviewed tics for a simplified drag pump model. Moreover, Schneider
the development history of turbine-type, high vacuum pumps et al. (1998) built an empirical and 2D numerical calculation for
and noted that the optimization process for designing a general- a single stage turbomolecular pump. Additionally, Nanbu et al.
purpose turbopump for high-vacuum use is incomplete. Finally, (1991) applied DSMC to design spiral grooves on a turbomolec-
Heldner and Kabelitz (1990) compared the design and perfor- ular pump rotor. Heo and Hwang (2000) also used DSMC to
mance characteristics of the most widely used rolling element calculate the blade row of a TMP in the molecular and transition
bearing system to more advanced bearing systems and noted that flow regions. Heo and Hwang concluded that the maximum com-
fully magnetic bearing designs are growing in popularity, and pression ratio and pumping speed depend strongly on the Knud-
becoming a design standard for IC industry application. Table 1 sen number in the transition region, and also depend weakly
briefly lists some basic characteristics of the TMP, MDP, and on the Knudsen number in the free molecular flow region. In
compound molecular pump (CMP). those studies, when dealing with the simulation of turbomolec-
The main advantage of compound turbo pumps is that they ular pumps, it is usual to fix the analysis model on the rotating
can exhaust at relatively high pressures, so high that simple, dry rotor and make some assumptions and simplifications. Owing to
diaphragm pumps can be used for backing. Turbo pumps also are the geometrical characteristics of the turbo booster pump rotor,
often used as an upstream booster or “supercharger” for a Roots as depicted in Figure 2, Chang et al. (2001) proposed a full 3D
blower, which has poor throughput in low milliTorr pressure DSMC model on a rotating frame that included the design pa-
ranges, but pumping speed still tends to decline. Currently, vari- rameters of clearance between the rotor and the stator and blade
ous pumps combining the traditional design principles of Gaede thickness. Additional treatments related to Coriolis acceleration
Characteristic List of TMP, MDP, and CMP
Rotor configuration
S= [1]
P1 − P0
Orifice Method
The method adopted to measure the volume flow rate S is the
steady pressure “standard conductance” method in which a thin
FIGURE 1 orifice plate divides the test dome (Figure 3b) into two volumes.
Schematic drawing of the spiral-grooved turbo booster pump If the pressure in each volume is measured by pressure gauges
with a five DOF actively controlled magnetic bearing with the same sensitivity, the volume flow rate is given by
(AMB) system.
S=C [2]
and centripetal acceleration are done using the DSMC method. P2 − 1
Finally, Cheng et al. (2000) used CFD calculation to examine
the flow field of this turbo booster pump. Comparisons of mea- where C denotes the calculated conductance taking account of
sured and calculated inlet pressure in the slip and continuum flow the orifice size and gas properties. The orifice conductance is
demonstrated that the calculation was quite accurate. However, evaluated by following equation
the continuum model of CFD in unsuitable in terms of transition
π RT 1
flow for calculating such rarefied gas. C= d2 [3]
32M (1 + L o /d)
(a) Rotor configuration of the spiral-grooved turbo booster pump. (b) Computational domain and boundary conditions for each
surface of the turbo booster pump’s rotor.
the major testing functions of the system. A testing appara- PUMPING ANALYSIS BY CFD
tus constructed by Kashiyama Co. Ltd. in Japan is adopted AND DSMC METHODOLOGIES
to compare the testing functions of the ISO and JVIS stan- Numerical simulation of vacuum pump flow provides de-
dards. Table 3 briefly compares these two testing systems. In tailed information on fluid flow field during flow through the
these apparatus, a series of precision flow meters with differ- pumping channels. Important benefits of the numerical approach
ent measurement range are installed to adjust the rate of ni- include sufficient accuracy for engineering designs, fast
trogen flow into the chamber. Furthermore, pressure gauges of response to design changes (for example through eliminating
a B-A gauge for ultimate pressure indication in high vacuum a lengthy trial-and-error process), and saving on prototype de-
measurements, and a set of Baratron gauges for low vacuum velopment costs since the design performance can be simulated
measurements are attached to the system to measure the equi- and displayed on a computer before actual pump manufacture.
librium pressure inside the testing chamber. Pumping perfor- Depending on operating pressure ranges, two approaches are
mance can easily be assessed by flow meter and pressure gauge commonly used to examine and characterize a pumping flow
readings. in detail. Specifically, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
ρ= R [4]
Schematic layout of the measurement system designed by the flow meter method following the ISO testing specification.
DSMC simulation is utilized to calculate the pumping char- DSMC scheme is similar to that of the CFD scheme, as shown
acteristics of the turbo booster pump when its operating inlet in Figure 5.
pressure is in the molecular flow regime (normally Kn > 10, In DSMC analysis, for the sake of consistency, the follow-
but calculations must be extended to the lower limit of Kn). ing values are fixed; (a) throughput, which can be expressed as
The DSMC methodology involves the computerized simulation Q = Pin Sin = Pout Sout (where P denotes pressure, S represents
of molecular kinetics. The transport terms in the Navier-Stokes pumping speed, and subscripts in and out denote inlet and outlet
equations of the continuum gas dynamics fail when the gradi- respectively), and (b) pressure at the outlet, namely Pout . Given
ents of the macroscopic variables become so steep that their equal flow outside the inlet and outlet ports, the outlet influx can
scale length is of the same order as the average distance traveled be easily determined based on kinetic theory, yet the inlet influx
by the molecules between collisions, or the mean free path. Es- Nin,i cannot be determined because of the unknown Pin and Sin .
sentially, except for the solver, the computational procedure of Consequently, the following iterative procedures for adjusting
Functions of the Turbo Pump Testing System
TABLE 3 ulated molecules at each step. Consequently, the criterion for the
Comparisons of Testing Systems Designed by ISO and JVIS attainment of a steady value for Pin used in this investigation is
Standards that the relative difference between the average value of Pin in
the previous two thousand steps and the following two thousand
PIDC system (ISO) Kashiyama system (JVIS)
steps is below 0.5%.
Ion gauge (GP 360) B-A gauge (for ultimate pressure)
CDG (1 Torr, 10 Torr, Schultz gauge RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
1000 Torr) The rotor configuration presented in Figure 2 is the design
CDG examined in this study. This rotor is operated at 24000 rpm. The
1SCCM, 20SCCM, 30SCCM, 100SCCM, rotor diameter is 206 mm and the axial rotor length is 240 mm.
200SCCM, 2SLM, 500SCCM, 2SLM, 10SLM, Moreover, the rotor contains five blades. This design includes
20SLM 50SLM a group of spiral blades embedded in a cylinder, a pump cas-
ing, and a single cylindrical rotor coaxially arranged within the
the given conditions are used to provide the given throughput pump casing. Each blade comprises three different elements that
Q and outlet pressure Pout . (1) First, Pin is assigned an initial are continuously linked. The blade characteristics comprise a
value based on an estimate, then the inlet influx is determined dynamic-vane element on the inlet side, a spiral-grooved el-
by applying the continuity condition of mass at the boundary. ement on the exhaust side, and a connecting element linked
(2) Next, one time step of the DSMC calculation is performed, the dynamic-vane and the spiral-grooved element continuously
and the number of the incoming and outgoing molecules (denote together. TMP design philosophy is a basis for dynamic-vane
as Nin,i and Nin,o respectively) at the inlet entrance during the design, and viscous flow theory forms the basis of the spiral-
time step are recorded. (3) Finally, the inlet pressure of the next groove design. Each blade characteristic, such as section angle,
time step is calculated using the following relationships. The blade thickness, axial length, and so on, is carefully designed
inlet influx then can be determined. to satisfy the operating principles of molecular flow pumping,
viscous flow pumping, and smooth transition flow pumping. The
Nin,i − Nin,o design aims to optimize performance when gases are pumped
Uin = [5]
Ain n in t along the axial direction. Thus, even when gas flow is disturbed
Sin = Uin Ain [6] by sudden blade shape variation inside the pumping channel,
Q discharge efficiency is not compromised.
Pin = [7] To identify the discrepancies between the ISO and JVIS test-
ing standards, the turbo booster pump backed by a 1500 l/min
In the above equations, Ain denotes the inlet area, and Uin rep- foreline pump (SD90VIII) is tested in each system, respectively.
resents the free stream velocity outside the inlet port. As illustrated in Figure 6, the pumping speeds vary by 40% in
Steps (2) and (3) are repeated until the inlet pressure stabi- for inlet pressure of 0.01 Pa to 1 Pa. Moreover, when the inlet
lizes. Several methods of improving the convergence exist. In pressure exceeds 1 Pa, the deviation between these two testing
this work steps (2) and (3) are not performed until the initial flow results is below 10%. When inlet pressure is below 10−2 Pa,
is well developed and the incoming and outgoing molecules are since a GP360 ion gauge is installed on the ISO testing appara-
substituted by time average values in Equation (5). Because of tus, the measurement range in the pumping speed can reach the
the limited number of simulated molecules, the resulting Pin 10−3 Pa range. Moreover, when the inlet pressure condition is
of each step fluctuates slightly even when the steady state has below the 10−3 Pa range, an orifice method other than the flow
been reached. This fluctuation is statistical is nature, and should meter method used here should be adopted to measure the inlet
decrease with increasing number of incoming and outgoing sim- condition up to the ultimate pressure regime.
Classification of Pumping Flow Regimes
Design and simulation procedures for the turbo booster pump development by using CFD and DSMC methodologies.
Schematic of the pumping speed testing by the flow meter method.
The pumping speed test involves testing the turbo booster pump used. The maximum pumping speed of this turbo booster
pump backed by different foreline pumps or combinations of pump occurs at the 1000 l/s level. From the test results, the ex-
backing pump and foreline pump. Notably, Figure 6 displays haust pressure can reach as high as 1000 Pa. This high exhaust
the schematic layout of the testing using the flow meter method. pressure characteristic is very important because it allows the
Moreover, Figure 7 plots the pumping speed curves tested us- use of a mechanical booster pump to be omitted, thus enabling
ing SD90VIII and SD120H as the foreline pumps. The pumping cheaper, more compact and more reliable systems.
speed specification of SD90VIII is 1500 l/min, while of SD120H To demonstrate the improvement of pumping performance
is 2000 l/min. As revealed in Figure 7, when inlet pressure ex- in the transitional flow of the designed turbo booster pump, a
ceeds 1 Pa, the testing data of these two system connections commercialized compound-type turbo pump (Osaka TG1133M
varies with pumping speed. This phenomenon reveals the ef- with magnetically levitated bearing, as shown in Table 1) is
fect of foreline pump size. Below this pressure a plateau region tested in the ISO system. Figure 7 displays the test results. This
exists for pumping speed, which is independent of the foreline design combines six stages of TMP blades in the inlet side with
10 R. Y. JOU ET AL.
Pumping speeds testing of the turbo booster pump backed by a single SD90VIII or SD120H foreline pump.
an eight groove MDP section in the outlet side to enhance its design for vacuum pumping. The proposed turbo booster pump
compression ability under a viscous flow regime. The measured has a TMP element (which functions as a rotor) on its inlet
ultimate pressure is around 10−7 Pa. When inlet pressure ex- side, but lacks a stator, meaning that the pumping speed in this
ceeds 32 Pa, the compression capability of the MDP section is flow regime is less than that of the pump it is compared with.
lower than the turbo booster pump, and its foreline pressure is On the other hand, if inlet pressure exceeds 5 Pa, continuum
only 500 Pa, below the 1300 Pa of the turbo booster pump. This viscous flow dominates the vacuum pumping. A spiral-grooved
compound-type turbo pump requires a more powerful foreline rotor can maintain the pressure difference between inlet and
pump to back its pumping. Furthermore, when the inlet pressure exhaust. The turbo booster pump design presented in this study
is below 5 Pa, since the flow regime is a free molecular flow has a much larger cross section than the compared pump, as well
regime, the traditional TMP mechanism (see Table 1) with mul- as a faster pumping speed. Table 5 compares the performance
tiple interlaced stages of rotor and stator is the most effective of the turbo booster pump, pump A (Osaka TG1133M), and
Performance Comparisons of Turbo Vacuum Pumps with Different Rotor Designs
Comparisons of experimental measurements and calculations by the CFD and the DSMC methodologies for pumping speeds of
the turbo booster pump backed by the SD120H foreline pump.
pump B (Seiko STP-H1000C). The comparison indicates that the of the analysis Meanwhile, Table 6 lists the relevant comparison
pumping speed of the turbo booster pump is best in the transition data. All analyses are conducted using a commercialized CFD
flow regime. package (UNIC) and a self-developed DSMC code based upon
Figure 8 compares the experimental data with the analysis re- Bird’s (1994) method. Moreover, calculations are based on the
sults of CFD and DSMC methodologies to verify the accuracy SD120H foreline pump specifications. In the CFD study, the
Listing of Computational Results and Experimental Data for Pumping Speeds of a Turbo Booster Pump
Inlet pressure (Pa) Outlet pressure (Pa) Computed Experimental Relative error
Scheme (Computed) (Fixed conditions) results (l/sec) data (l/sec) %
DSMC 0.03 1.87 982.2 1114.8 11.89
0.06 3.60 943.26 1070.6 11.89
0.09 5.07 908.31 1049.1 13.42
0.13 6.27 878.38 1033.2 14.98
0.16 7.46 843.8 1021 17.36
CFD 0.65 19.06 729.01 873.5 16.54
1.63 33.33 615.27 734.1 16.19
4.47 55.85 435.66 356.9 -22.07
10.73 80.38 283.52 223 -27.14
56.87 164.49 119.03 99.2 -19.99
115.16 244.74 89.72 75.7 -18.52
557.05 800.60 59.29 48.4 -22.50
12 R. Y. JOU ET AL.
rotor channel space is divided into 84585 body-fitted meshes. represents a useful and accurate design tools for prototype design
Calculations are based on a fixed outlet pressure, obtained from and performance assessment for new varieties of turbo pump.
the mass flow rate and the speed of the foreline pump, assum-
ing that foreline conductance can be ignored. Table 6 lists the CONCLUSION
pumping speeds calculated for this rotor under different outlet This investigation measured the pumping speed for the spiral-
conditions. The modeled gas is nitrogen. From the CFD com- grooved turbo booster pump with well-designed blade geometry
putational results, the simulated inlet pressures can be down to and simulates pumping performance using both the CFD and
0.65 Pa with reasonable accuracy, it is belonging to the slip flow DSMC approaches. The operating pressure range of the pump
regime. Furthermore, when the inlet pressure is further reduced, designed in this study extends from 10−5 Pa on the inlet side
the continuum assumption inherent to the fluid dynamics is not to several hundred Pascals on the exhaust side. Moreover, this
exactly satisfied owing to the more rarefied gas density, and thus study measured the performance of the pump presented here,
the DSMC simulation approach should be adopted. and compared it to that of other varieties of turbo pumps. The
In the DSMC simulations, the number of simulated molecules testing results reveal that this design has a higher foreline capa-
ranges between 600 thousands and 4 million, and the number bility up to 1000 Pa range than other pumps it was compared
of cells ranges between 6,000 and 8,000. After performing the with. Consequently, the pump examined here can omit the need
DSMC calculations, a three-dimensional steady-state flow field for a mechanical booster pump, thus simplifying the pumping
can be observed. Table 6 evaluates five speeds, under inlet pres- system and reducing costs. Since the designed rotor satisfies the
sures of 0.03 Pa, 0.06 Pa, 0.09 Pa, 0.13 Pa, and 0.16 Pa. Notably, pumping characteristics under different pressure ranges, it can
the relative errors compared to experimental testing are below be successfully operated at the molecular flow, transitional flow,
17%. and viscous flow regimes, respectively. Furthermore, this study
Figure 8 shows a pumping speed curve fitted by the calcu- also combines CFD and DSMC methodologies for simulating
lated speeds. This speed curve can then be compared with the the speeds of the turbo booster pump. The calculation results
experimental testing results to verify the accuracy of the anal- show that the proposed design procedure is a successful and ef-
yses. As Figure 8 shows, the CFD computations predict the fective tool in the turbo booster pump’s design. Unfortunately,
pumping speed with an error range from 16.19% to 27.14%. because of the inherent complexity of flow field analysis of the
As illustrated in Figure 8, for CFD computations, the relative turbo booster vacuum pump and the fundamental limitations of
error to experiment increases with Knudsen number. Computa- the CFD and DSMC approaches, both of these computational
tions failed when Kn > 0.1 range. That is, it exceeds the 25% methodologies are inadequate for providing an accurate pump-
criterion limit. When inlet pressure is below 0.65 Pa, inappro- ing speed trend in the 0.001 < Pin < 0.01 Pa range, as shown in
priate use of the CFD method to analyze the rarified gas flow Figure 8. Therefore, the experimental approach employed here
causes a significant increase in the number of computational is the only way of accurately and effectively exploring pump
errors. In this case, the DSMC simulation approach based on performance in the 0.001 < Pin < 0.01 Pa range. This investi-
molecular kinetic theory must be used to predict the pumping gation aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the experimen-
speed in the molecular flow regime. Analyzing a flow in a transi- tal approach for investigating the pumping speed of the turbo
tional or viscous regime using the DSMC approach requires far booster pump, and the failure of using numerical methods for
greater computational resources and time than using the CFD turbo booster pump analyses in this pressure range. Until now,
approach. Consequently, a compromise between the CFD and the literature has neglected this subject. The methods developed
DSMC approaches represents the best method of achieving an here can be applied in the future to design new compound or
efficient analysis. When inlet pressure is between 10−5 Pa and hybrid turbo pumps.
1 Pa, the DSMC approach offers the best method of analyzing
the problem, and the analytical results reveal an error ranging be-
tween 11.89% and 17.36%. For DSMC simulations, decreasing NOMENCLATURE
Knudsen number the relative error to experiment is increased. Ain inlet area
Simulations failed when Kn < 0.7. That is, it exceeds 17% crite- C orifice conductance
rion limit. Interestingly, the pumping speed values predicted by D diameter of test dome
DSMC simulation are always smaller than the testing data. One D0 diameter of rotor
possible explanation for this phenomenon is that the calculated d diameter of the orifice
pressures in the analyzing model occur in slightly different loca- h in depth of groove channel at inlet side
tions to the measured pressures. When the Knudsen number in h out depth of groove channel at outlet side
the range of 0.5 < Kn < 0.1, neither the CFD computations nor L length of rotor
the DSMC simulation are suitable for analyzing the pumping Lo thickness of the orifice plate
speed of the turbo booster pump. M molecular weight
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