Objective of Assignment Learning Outcomes: 10 Marks
Objective of Assignment Learning Outcomes: 10 Marks
Objective of Assignment Learning Outcomes: 10 Marks
Assignment No. 1
Due Date: 21st February, 2022
Total Marks: 10 Marks
Topic: Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Objective of Assignment
The basic objective of this assignment is to make students familiar with various characteristics that
affect consumer buying behaviors.
Learning Outcomes
After attempting this assignment, students will be able to understand various measures the
marketers take to shape consumer behavior.
The Case
Social media is providing an easily accessible platform to
customers. Luxury brands are always found to be posting
their collections on social media with the purpose of
earning more customer base, loyalties, customer
engagement, trust and awareness. Brand luxury is the
term mostly associated with the upper class or white-
collar customers having higher disposable incomes.
These customers are high profile and are very
instrumental in increasing the development rate of luxury
markets. Various researches also revealed that social
media proved to be the key source of targeting such class
of customers.
Researches also revealed that women have come out to be the most emerging segment of luxury
brands and they make this market more lucrative and promising for the marketers. Women
customers are influenced by the glamorous items on social media. There are some common stages
of buying process in a customer’s buying decision process. The most important is that whether the
women reacts to a product with or without the need. Brand luxury has emerged as a conception
since long and is generally associated with the quality, sophistication, antiquity and premium
How social media is shaping customer preferences for luxury brands. Why women customers on
the globe are the marketer’s top priority, when it comes to targeting customers for luxury items?
Provide at least three valid arguments against each. (5+5=10 Marks)
Note: 24 hours extra / grace period after the due date are usually available to overcome uploading
difficulties. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and mentioned due dates
should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.
Students are advised to study the whole text carefully.
Try not to include any irrelevant material in the solution
Try to come up with precise and original answers.
Any act of plagiarism like copy paste from internet will result in ZERO marks.
Assignments reaching after the due date would not be considered.
Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search "APA reference style"
in Google and read various website containing information for better understanding or
visit http://linguistics.byu.edu/faculty/henrichsenl/apa/APA01.html
Good Luck