The Merciad, Dec. 18, 1963
The Merciad, Dec. 18, 1963
The Merciad, Dec. 18, 1963
Mary Pat., Carlow, ,a history ing with t»he Cancer Research Pro*
major from Eric, is the senior, day. gram. IV5
student representative to Student
Government. She has been active '
* Dorm Council President Mar-
on the Student-Faculty Commit- ions Michaels claims Oil City as her
tee and in IRC. Last year she was home town. Marion was sopho-
senior delegate to NBA. .:' . v-., more class president and senior
delegate to NFCCS. A sociology
A mathematics major from Cort- major< she' is active in YCS, • Sod
land, New York, Terry i Donohue Seminar, and is on the staff of
is best known for her work in the \ Praeterita and the Merciad,
Sodality. 1
*This year she serves as it V •
No. 3
Erie. Kay's activities include Great Jean, > from Kopel,
Books, Literary Club, IRC, and Pa., was a member
golf. She was associate editor off of-Sodality and AA,j
the Merciad last year.
I Emily Lincoln,
December 18, 1963 in Avignon, France, this past sum-
from Mayville, New York, studied
I -| and- was* president of the Junior
major class.
SGA, is a Home Ec
mer. Another Dean's List student, major from!Erie
she was editor of the Merciad in
School Staff Evaluates (faUndevi her junior year and this year is
editor of the Praeterlta. 5ts
^ and^iis active In
^flome*Ec Club and
DSO. Marilyn served
All Features of College 19—Christmas dinner
Blessing of I rings
Jane Matjasko, president of the
senior class, comes from Natrona
Heights, Pa. Jane is a pre-med
as secretary of Stu-
d e n t Government
With the conviction that Mer- objectives. In June, 1964, a tenta- last yeax.^
Big-little I sister parties
cyhurst must join with the Church tive long-range plan will be form- 20—Christmas vacation begins
in its own "aggiornamento," the ed. The development program will
trustees, advisory board, adminis- be established, the following Sep- JANUARY
Residents Now Permitted t Sfe R
tration, and faculty have started tember. The study will conclude 15—Christmas vacation ends
a two-year self-evaluation of the in June, 1965, with the evaluation
college. of the new program. 10-12—Winter Weekend To Have Cars on Campus
17—Registration for second se- "Cars-on-Campus" will become a reality for Junior and senior re-
During the first year, the study Overseeing the evaluation is the mester
teams are analyzing the college's coordination team of Sr. M. Caro- sidents, on a trialgbasis, second semester. As apesult of the student-
programs and resources andHheir lyn, Sr. M. Janet, Sr. M. Marcia, 20-24—Exams initiated proposition for such a privilege, the administration has acted
26-2a—Sr.-Jr. retreat and granted permission. ' .'..
and Miss Arabella Fry. The com-
mittees formed by faculty and ad- 29-31—Soph-Fr. retreat Student chairmen Gretchen Faller and- Maggie Harrison proposed
Panel of Students administration members to study their'plan atlthe meeting with
academic areas are: Library, head- Sister Carolyn, November 22. They
Discuss Smoking ed by Sr. Mary Martin; Student
Personnel Service, Miss Yule; Fac-
Traditional Ceremonies established rules (appearing on
page 5 of Merciad) governing their
ulty and Teaching, Mr. Lochte- proposal. 0
Facts About Smoking will be dis- feld: and i Outcomes, Sr. Mary
cussed by a student panel at the Daniel. K e y n o t e Yule fSeason Special stipulations, including
parental permission and minimum
Jan.! 8 general assembly. Panel Christmas festivities at Mercy- dition of the Christmas story en- quality point index, have been set
members Joyce Hill, Veronica Si- Advisory Board committees cov- hurst began on Saturday, Dec. 14, titled "Glory Tof a Thousand
kora, Marylee Magnotto, and Jean er Budget and Finance; Grants, with the annual orphans' party. Years." Aletha Stanford, senior up by the committee. Parental per-
Stimmel are all girls who smoke. Bequests, and Gifts; Alumnae; The freshman class, under the di- music major, was the featured mission forms may be obtained
By presenting currentl informa- Buildings and Grounds; and Pub- from Gretchen Faller after Christ-
rection of class president Laurel soloist. mas vacation.
tion regarding smoking, the panel lic Relations. To study procedure, Covino, played host to 70 young-
aims to prevent non-smokers from organization, operation, and fa- In conjunction with the Advent
sters from St. Joseph's Home. season, the Sodality presented a
starting to smoke, while encour- cilities in each area and to g rec-
aging smokers to cut down. On ommend changes in the general The Glee Club Cantata in the Bible
January 9, the student body will purpose of each| committee. Stu- Chapel last Sunday, December 15, Immediately following, the stu-
Vigil on Tuesday, Dec. 17. Retreat Scheduled
dent suggestion will be sought as replaced the customary sopho- dent body gathered around the fa-
vote! to keep or to remove \ the
cigarette machines ^now| on Icam- committee work proceeds.
more pageant with a musical ren- miliar nativity scene on the front
campus for the crib-lighting cere-
To End Semester
mony. -The annual retreat for *Hurst
The panel arose from a recent
poll takenlby SisterlM. Immacu-
late, health nurse. 50| students
Winter Weekend Sparks The
final evening
of Mercyhurst
will begin to-
of Jan.
the week
morrow at 5:50, for the members has been divided into separate
were interviewed, of whom half
smoke and half do not. Results
show that 84% of those polled
New Year's Social Events of the
At the
and the
lay programs
and juniors
for the
make their
would support thefpanel in pro- Traditional Winter Weekend tivities is the coronation of the Father William Beibel will bless itual analysis on Jan. 26-28.
moting its objectives. festivities, sponsored by lithe Ath- queen Saturday night. The senior the Christmas tree > and crib, i and Sophomores and freshmen begin
letic Association and the sopho- class nominated Carol Fuller, the seniors will recite | a respon- theirs on$ Jan.; 29 and continue
more class, will launch I the new sory. The rest of the resident stu- until Jam-31. : ST
Collegesl Help social year at Mercyhurst, Jan. 10, Jackie Oalla, Marlene Reich, and dent body will Join the seniors
11, and 12. I I J Brenda Scutella as candidates. On The
and the lay faculty at 6:00 for and Juniors Is Rev. James A. Con-
retreat j|
.1 is more, a! visitor senses this at- you—that we literally don't have from the November 22 "Gannon
• • u ' t
Page Four TheiMEBCIAD December 18, 19«S
Theta Delta Beta brothers Phil Walsh, John McAllister, and Vie Curti demonstrate the versatility of
the fraternity "bos."
Theta Delta Beta Fraternity Revealed
By Patti Dax ON CAMPUS
O. K., fellas, who wants to be . . . They're good to us. . . . They're all very nice. ^
first? J I { m Do you like the deckhouse? » . . The nicest girls are those
. . . You have rank on me, Vic. . . Jit's a little small, tout we like that work in the kitchen . . .
You can go first!
. . . That's O. K. You can go . . . It's been slightly "remod- but I love them all!
first. eled" (painted)—funny, but . . . They're always willing to
. . . No, no, that's all right. it looks so muchjtbigger now. help.
How do yon like Mercyhurst? Ha! "M I II What do you think of girls who
. . . You're your own boss. . . . The music house next to us bleach their hair?
. . . It keeps you hoppin'! isn't too good, but Sister
. . . It's all right. Helen Jean said she would . . . As long as they don't put
What do you think of § Gannon? give us two i credits in music the bottle in the chute,
. . . They can have; their the- appreciation. they're o.k.
ology courses. What do you do in your spare . . . They're members of t h e
. . . I like it. ? w time? ri lS J &&& masses, and I admire indi-
vidualism in a woman. "See my finger, see my thumb, see my ring, you better bow!" Juniors
. . . I liked it better last year. . Ha, ha, ha;; haj | show off their new class rings to underclassmen.
. . . I think| I found its weak . Work or sleep.-, r Are you excited about Christmas?
spots. . Clown around with the girls. . . . We were|< the Ifirst to have
How do you like Sister Pierre's . Give I coal shoveling | lessons. decorations up.
cooking? . We belong to Theta Delta . . . We had beer signs in the
. . . It's great! Beta fraternity — The Deck- windows, tout we were told
. . . Except for the lunches, and house Boys. We're just like tha t j Mercyhurst girls | don't
they're getting better. three brothers. do those things.
How dof you feel about the nuns How do you like the girls here? . . . My Christmas bells made up
here? . . . Very friendly. for sit, though, f
. . . They're very friendly. . . . I like them except when they . . . They did not!
. . . Always willing to help a guy put spray cans in the rub- , . . Hey, pal, those bells are ex-
out. bish chutes. clusive !
Page Five
|"Sorrow, sorrow, but |let the No Grief| Pessimism ern »life, showing that. a. world
good prevail." This quote from Mr. Vodraska which "thinks of .human suffer-
"Agamemnon" expresses the feel- The unjust murder of a good lng, life and death in terms of
lng of * a stunned nation in re- man is not a source of great grief statistics" "cannot be anchored to
sporise to tragic news of the Pres- the sacred, for such a world Is
because, as unjust, it makes us
ident's assassination. Several fac- estranged from grace. And what is
aware of an injustice, and, as re-
ulty members, questioned about needed is to receive the grace of
gards a good man, we have no
the "good"'{that will prevail, re- conversionf. . . "
fear for him. This event is not
sponded as follows: a tragedy, since tragedy is the Onj November 22, the world
||5ummons*tQ Action just death of a strong man. An surrendered|to the mystery of life
excess of grief in this event in- in the presence of the utter de-
\$<i - Sr. Mary Brigid feiiselesshess* or* "the"' most power-
dicates unwarranted pessimism ful "man in the'world. But John
Since only God knows the fu- or: ignorance, pessimism if »we do
ture it seems presumptuous to Fitzgerald Kennedy, a man who
speculate how we will profit from not * believe our society j -to be IOyed "facts and figures, a man at
the grief all sane citizens exper- graced|with other good men, ig- fib'me in the marvels of teehnol-
ienced at the murder of Presi- norance if we do not know that ogy was, himself, no statistic. And
Peace Corps volunteer Judy Gordon checks list as she makes last- goodness and wisdom are attri- perhaps- the. awe. experienced in
minute preparations for her Turkish assignment. f' dent Kennedy. In this anguish,
we remember that from childhood butes of other men in this and in the presence of the sacredness of
all societies. life—his death—is the, grace the
ALUMNAE SPOTLIGHT we have {been intellectually con- •
world- has needed for conversion.
vinced all men are made to the Pi
little bit scared"—to begin her an apartment in I the section of this belief remains to be seen. Ac- tea. "Thei sense of the sacred and'the ideals of great men which
overseas assignment. A -business town where the native teachers tion requires I courage w h i c h conies to us when we are present shape the fate of nations. Though
major at Mercyhurst, Judy is now live. Her Turkish salary is the means putting away fear in order in a situation of which the mas- his personality was magnetic and
helping with the business educa- same as theirs; and she Is ex- to act. In the I summer of 1951, tery is mysteriously denied us; his enthusiasm inspiring, his most
when we stand, as it were, with meaningful and lasting gifts to us
tion program in Turkish schools. pected to maintain^ a standard of William Faulkner called for fa
living comparable to that of Turk- courageous stand against fear: our hands joined in a gesture of were, his words—which conveyed
prayer, signifying that we can do- to others the. greatness and po-
During her Id-day leave in Erie ish teachers. This includes doing "Never be afraid to raise your tential value of his thoughts—and
before -going to-Turkey, Judy met without refrigeration and toilet voice ffor honesty and , truth I and nothing except in surrender 4 . .
thus the. sacredness of \ life is felt his example—by which he f dem-
informally with interested students paper. compassion against injustice'. . . onstrated his love and respect for
at Mercyhurst. She had just com- If you will do this as individuals, in the presence of the defense- the civil and moral laws which
pleted 11 weeks of orientation Excited about her assignment, you will change*the earth." less.'" Marcel went- on to deplore
studies at Portland State College, JUdy expects to galnrmucl [more the desacralizing "trends df^mod- "guided Him: "**" " T
Portland, Oregon, | which included In the twelve years since Faulk-
than she-will give. "You're expect-
ner, r.spoke we have had bombs
UJ3. and Turkish history, language,
and health courses. The language
ed to share.^yourself," she com-
thrown in Alabama,, riots in Phil-
mented.?"! suppose everyone goes Committee Sets Car Rules
courses were the most difficult, adelphia,|and our President mur-
into the Peace Corps for a differ-
dered—but these disgraceful fail- y... The rules as set up by the Com- y permitted to have cars on cam-
she reported. -But she feels that ent reason; but I think the pro- mittee are as follows: pus. %
she now has basic speaking knowl- gram has done a lot of good—forures do not invalidate the sum-
mons to* Christian action. They Regulation for students: ' •*.' 2. "In order to participate In this
edge of Turkish; and her answers the countries and for the volun- privilege the owner of a car
to various questions about Turkey teers too." '$••' % illustrate sits necessity. 1. Only juniors and seniors are
on campus must maintain a 1.3
proved-that she J learned her his* scholastic Index in the preced-
tory lessons well. Students Question Administration s Policies ing,, semester.
Previously, Judy taught com- 3. Seniors may use their cars both
mercial subjects in Cleveland. She •*•••*** .,,.. By.Bonnie Brennan during the week and on the
took the Peace Corps examination 1
An :" informal question-answer an initial step in shifting respon- education program v which are weekend.
at the beginning of the summer type meeting with Sister M. Car- sibility from" the teacher to the merely . repetitions of previous 4. Juniors may use their cars on
and was notified of her acceptance olyn, President of the College, No- student. Kay Hebert pointed out courses?" Pat Jargiello questioned, weekends and during the week
by July. vember 22, launched the SGA- that perhaps such a system would "it could be looked into," Sister re- for the following:
"I know-that the Turkish gov- sponsored program for adminis- incite faculty members to prepare plied. "Personally,. I'm in favor of a. All cultural activities.?
ernment asked for help in develop- tration and student cooperation. classes so well that students would it." Replying .to a suggestion that b.jClasses at Gannon College,
ing methods of teaching/' she ex- After being introduced by SQA not want to cut. A students be exempt from finals, .c. AIL school sponsored activl-
plained, " b u t t l don't know yet president Marilyn Schreiner, Sis- Auditing System Sister said that it was up to the .ties.. * '-, j,
whether we will be teaching class- ter Carolyn clarified the duties of "The auditing system — with individual professors. & 5. Students are permitted to rent
each of the administrative person- some special stipulations—could be The necessity of including physi- nearby garages especially dur-
nel and explained the role of each inaugurated here," Sister assert- cal education grades In the tabu- ing the winter months.
of the evaluation committees. To ed. Ginny Hammer outlined the lation of the quality point index 6. Students are not permitted to
Marfucci's Tavern insure students' voice in assess- benefits of the auditing system was questioned by Carole Stoiber. drive the car of a junior or sen-
2641 Myrtle Street ment of the curriculum, Sister by explaining that it would be "a Sister referred Carol'e suggestion ior, but may ride in these cars
suggested that a committee align method of enriching the student that they be excluded to Sister M. with parental permission.
Delicious Spaghetti itself with the | Curriculum Com- by enabling him to take courses Charles' committee. A* question
mittee, headed by Sister M. that do not fit into, the ordinary involving the "no drinking" law Supervision of Cars:
& Ravioli
Charles. J $ i | | credit load." Sister advised that 1. Motoring slips must be signed
elicited the tongue-in-cheek re-
Served from 4 to 10 p.m Tuition Increase all questions dealing with the sponse: "Well have to start ac- by the driver of a car, listing
In discussing the financial fac- number of courses, credit-hours, occupants on the back of this
cepting sixte eh-year-olds!"
tors which necessitated a tuition and scheduling of classes be di- slip. |
increase, Sister cited figures, In- rected to Sister M. Janet. Reference to Committees 2. Students will be responsible for
Yaple's Dairy cluding library fees, which have
been on the upswing In \ all col-
Gretchen Faller proposed "cars-
on-campus" as a partial remedy ter
Several remedies suggested, Sis-
nonetheless apologized for 3.
their own car keys.
Any violation of the above rules
and Ice Cream Bar leges. "An increase In tuition," she for the time-scheduling difficulties what- she termed "passing the or the state driving codes, with
4026 Pine Avenue statedj"will help meet rising op- in the Mercyhurst-Gannon coop- buck" in^regard to some of the the exception of overtime park-
Phone UN 6.2441 erating costs and the increase In erative program. Sister advised controversial views £ which were ing'tickets, will result In the
fees will augment the library col- that a? committee study the pros airedfstie explained that questions suspension of this privilege for
lections.'^ Replying-to a question and cons of the proposal and draw concerning major policy must be the^student|involved for four
posed concerning the up-dating of up a slate of rules governing such directed to several channels be- months (approximately one se-
textbooks, Sister advised that the a proposition. Maggie Harrison fore«being accepted or rejected. ' mester). **m f
recommendation be channeled to worked with Gretchen to prepare If the first of these ^informal 4.'All parents'of students request-
the individual professors. \ a plan which has been accepted chats is an Indication, the meet- ing «permission to maintain a
"The cut system—or rather, lack by the administration. Junior and ings with key members of the ad- car onT campus. will receive a
of it" was the next topic discussed. senior residents can have cars on ministration, scheduled by chair- copy of the parental permission
Noting that a plan for a complete campus, starting next semester. man Betty DiGiorgio for the next tj form. **> * ,•; • •?& i
honor system has not been broach- Exemption from Finals few months, will be a giant stride 5.' The program will be under the
ed by Mercyhurst students, Sister "Would it be possible to 'exam- forward In the strengthening of supervision of the Deans of Re-
said that a cut system would be ine out' of classes in the general student-administration ties. sidence and the Dorm Council.
Page Six The MERCIAD December 18, 1063
organ accompaniment for the pro- Bottled under the authority of Th. Coca-Cola Company by: ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING