• compare the structure of the generalized plant and animal cells, and
selected microbes
• distinguish between cell wall and cell membrane; mitochondrion and
• relate the structure of organelles to their functions;
• differentiate between plant and animal cells;
• explain the importance of cell specialization in multicellular organisms
• explain the processes of diffusion and osmosis;
• discuss the importance of diffusion, osmosis and active transport in living
• The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.
• Cells are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope and not
with the naked eye.
Animal and Plant cells
• All plant and animal cells contain structures called organelles which are
specialised to carry out one or more vital functions, e.g. the nucleus,
mitochondria, chloroplasts and vacuoles.
• Organelles are found within the cytoplasm of the cells and most are
surrounded by one or two membranes.
1. Plasma Membrane
Structure 2. Nucleus
Of Cell
3. Cytoplasm
A. Cytosol
B. Cell Organelles
If we study a cell under a microscope,
we would come across three features a) Endoplasmic reticulum
in almost every cell: plasma membrane, b) Golgi body
nucleus and cytoplasm. c) Lysosomes
All activities inside the cell and d) Vacuoles
interactions of the cell with its e) Mitochondria
environment are possible due
to these features.
f) Plastids
g) Centrosome
h) Cytoskeleton
Plasma Membrane • Extremely delicate, thin , elastic, living
and semi-permeable membrane
• Made up of two layers of lipid molecules
Carbohydrates in which protein molecules are floating
• Thickness varies from 75-110 A˚
• Can be observed under an electron
microscope only
• Maintains shape & size of the cell
• Protects internal contents of the cell
• Regulates entry and exit of substances
Proteins in and out of the cell
• Maintains homeostasis
Cell wall • Non-living and outermost covering of a cell
(plants & bacteria)
• Can be tough, rigid and sometimes flexible
Pectin Cellulose
• Made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and
• May be thin or thick, multilayered structure
• Thickness varies from 50-1000 A˚
• Provides definite shape, strength & rigidity
• Prevents drying up(desiccation) of cells
• Helps in controlling cell expansion
Plasma membrane Hemicellulose • Protects cell from external pathogens
• Dense spherical body located near the
centre of the cell
• Diameter varies from 10-25 µm
• Present in all the cells except red blood
cells and sieve tube cells
• Well developed in plant and animal cells
• Undeveloped in bacteria and blue-green
algae (cyanobacteria)
• Most of the cells are uninucleated (having
only one nucleus)
• Few types of cells have more than one
nucleus (skeletal muscle cells)
• Nucleus has a double layered covering called
Nuclear nuclear membrane
• Nuclear membrane has pores of diameter
about 80-100 nm
• Colourless dense sap present inside the
nucleus known as nucleoplasm
• Nucleoplasm contains round shaped
nucleolus and network of chromatin fibres
• Fibres are composed of deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) and protein histone
Chromatin • These fibres condense to form chromosomes
during cell division
envelope Nucleoplasm
Gene DNA • Chromosomes contain stretches of DNA
called genes
• Genes transfer the hereditary information
from one generation to the next
• Control all the cell activities like metabolism,
protein synthesis, growth and cell division
• Nucleolus synthesizes ribonucleic acid (RNA)
to constitute ribosomes
• Store hereditary information in genes
Chromatin fibre
Cytoplasm • Jelly-like material formed by 80 % of water
• Present between the plasma membrane
Organelles and the nucleus
• Contains a clear liquid portion called
cytosol and various particles
• Particles are proteins, carbohydrates,
nucleic acids, lipids and inorganic ions
• Also contains many organelles with distinct
structure and function
• Some of these organelles are visible only
under an electron microscope
• Granular and dense in animal cells and thin
in plant cells
Endoplasmic • Network of tubular and vesicular structures
which are interconnected with one another
Reticulum • Some parts are connected to the nuclear
membrane, while others are connected to
the cell membrane
• Two types: smooth(lacks ribosomes) and
rough(studded with ribosomes)
• Gives internal support to the cytoplasm
• RER synthesize secretory proteins and
membrane proteins
Rough ER
• SER synthesize lipids for cell membrane
Smooth ER • In liver cells SER detoxify drugs & poisons
• In muscle cells SER store calcium ions
Golgi body • Discovered by Camillo Golgi
• Formed by stacks of 5-8 membranous sacs
Incoming • Sacs are usually flattened and are called
Cis face transport the cisternae
Cisternae vesicle
• Has two ends: cis face situated near the
Lumen endoplasmic reticulum and trans face
situated near the cell membrane
• Modifies, sorts and packs materials
synthesized in the cell
• Delivers synthesized materials to various
targets inside the cell and outside the cell
Outgoing • Produces vacuoles and secretory vesicles
Newly Trans face
forming transport • Forms plasma membrane and lysosomes
vesicle vesicle
Smooth ER
Golgi Body
At Work
Rough ER
Golgi body
Lysosomes • Small, spherical, single membrane sac
• Found throughout the cytoplasm
• Filled with hydrolytic enzymes
Hydrolytic enzymes Membrane • Occur in most animal cells and in few
type of plant cells
• Help in digesting of large molecules
• Protect cell by destroying foreign
invaders like bacteria and viruses
• Degradation of worn out organelles
• In dead cells perform autolysis
Vacuoles • Single membrane sac filled with liquid
or sap (water, sugar and ions)
• In animal cells, vacuoles are temporary,
small in size and few in number
• In plant cells, vacuoles are large and more
in number
• May be contractile or non-contractile
• Store various substances including waste
• Maintain osmotic pressure of the cell
Vacuole • Store food particles in amoeba cells
• Provide turgidity and rigidity to plant cells
Mitochondria • Small, rod shaped organelles bounded by two
membranes - inner and outer
• Outer membrane is smooth and encloses the
Ribosomes contents of mitochondria
Matrix • Inner membrane is folded in the form of shelf
like inward projections called cristae
• Inner cavity is filled with matrix which contains
many enzymes
• Contain their own DNA which are responsible
for many enzymatic actions
• Synthesize energy rich compound ATP
Outer membrane • ATP molecules provide energy for the vital
Inner membrane activities of living cells
Plastids are double membrane-bound
organelles found inside plants and
some algae.
Pigment: Lycopene
Potato tubers
Food: Starch
Castor seeds
Food: Oil
Chloroplasts • Double membrane-bound organelles found
mainly in plant cells
• Usually spherical or discoidal in shape
membrane • Shows two distinct regions-grana and stroma
• Grana are stacks of thylakoids (membrane-
bound, flattened discs)
• Thylakoids contain chlorophyll molecules
which are responsible for photosynthesis
• Stroma is a colourless dense fluid
• Convert light energy into chemical energy
in the form of food
Granum • Provide green colour to leaves, stems and
• Centrosome is the membrane bound organelle
present near the nucleus
• Consists of two structures called centrioles
• Centrioles are hollow, cylindrical structures
made of microtubules
• Centrioles are arranged at right angles to each
Centrioles • Form spindle fibres which help in the movement
of chromosomes during cell division
• Help in the formation of cilia and flagella
• Formed by microtubules and microfilaments
Cell membrane
• Microtubules are hollow tubules made up of
protein called tubulin
• Microfilaments are rod shaped thin filaments
made up of protein called actin
• Determine the shape of the cell
• Give structural strength to the cell
• Responsible for cellular movements
Microbe cells
• Microbes or micro-organisms are extremely small organisms that include all members of
the Prokaryotae kingdom, e.g. bacteria, many members of the Protoctista kingdom, e.g.
amoeba, and some members of the Fungi kingdom, e.g. yeast.
• The cells of prokaryotes lack a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
• Their DNA exists in a region called the nucleoid, which lacks a nuclear membrane, and
also in smaller regions
• called plasmids.
Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
2. Only one chromosome is present 2. More than one chromosomes are present
3. Membrane bound organelles are absent 3. Membrane bound organelles are present
5. Examples: Bacteria and blue green algae 5. Examples: All other organisms
Animal cell Plant cell
• The previous section looked at generalised animal and plant cells. Eukaryotic organisms
are not usually made of generalised cells.
• Humans have developed specialised cells that have adaptations to allow them to
complete specific functions.
• Red blood cells, for example, have a biconcave shape (which dips in the middle on both
sides) and no nucleus to maximise their surface area to absorb more oxygen.
• Key specialised cells for animals and plants, together with their adaptations, are listed
• In humans, the production of sperm by the testes produces tens of millions of sperm
cells, which must swim through the cervix and uterus to the fallopian tubes.
• Here one cell may fertilise an egg cell (ovum). Sperm cells have a tail to propel them
towards the ovum (Figure 1.10).
• They have a relatively large number of mitochondria to release the energy from glucose
during respiration. This is needed to keep them swimming. The nucleus of a human
sperm contains the genetic material (DNA) of the father. This will make up half of the
DNA of the baby.
• At the front of a sperm is an acrosome. This contains digestive enzymes, which break
down the outer layer of the ovum, allowing the sperm to enter and fertilise it.
Muscle Cells
• There are three types of muscle in our bodies, all of which can contract and relax. Smooth
muscle contracts and relaxes automatically and is found in places such as the linings of the
vessels that make up our circulatory system and the iris of our eyes.
• Cardiac muscle also contracts and relaxes automatically and is found in our heart. The
third type is skeletal muscle, which is usually found attached to our bones. We control the
contractions of this type of muscle, so its movements are not automatic.
• All three types of muscle are made from muscle cells (Figure 1.13). These are long thin
cells full of mitochondria. In the mitochondria the energy from glucose is released during
respiration. This energy allows the muscle to keep on contracting.
Root Hair Cells
• Root hair cells have a small thin extension, which pokes out into the soil (Figure 1.14).
• Many plants have such high numbers of long root hairs that they can look like a spider’s
web. The purpose of these hairs is to increase the surface area of the root that is in
contact with the soil.
• This allows the plant to absorb more water and minerals from the soil.
• A single rye plant has billions of root hairs, which have a total length of hundreds of miles.
• Without these it is likely that the adult plant would not be able to absorb enough water
to survive.
Figure 1.14 The parts of a root hair cell.
Xylem Vessels
• Xylem cells form long tubes running along the stem or trunk of plants. They are
strengthened by lignin fibres.
• They carry water and some dissolved minerals from the roots upwards to other parts of
the plant.
• This water evaporates and is lost from leaves as water vapour during the continual
process of transpiration.
• It is also used in the green parts of plants for photosynthesis during the day. Xylem tubes
are made from lots of individual cells that have died.
• The ends of these cells erode away, leaving long tubes through which water is naturally
drawn upwards (Figure 1.15). They have reinforced cell walls to support the weight of the
Phloem Cells
• Phloem cells carry the glucose (as sucrose) made in photosynthesis from the leaves of a
plant to all other parts of the plant in cell sap. This process is called translocation.
• The sugar is used immediately in respiration to release energy for the plant or is stored as
starch in cells or particularly in structures such as the roots of vegetables.
• Unlike xylem, phloem cells are living. They have fewer cell organelles than many other
types of cell, which allows the sugar to travel easily.
• Connecting adjacent phloem cells are sieve plates. These have small holes to speed up
translocation (Figure 1.16).
• Phloem cells are arranged with xylem cells to form bundles. These make up the veins you
can see in a leaf (Figure 1.17).
Diffusion is the spreading of molecules from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration, as a result of random
Two of the most important substances that enter and leave cells by
diffusion are oxygen, which is needed for respiration, and carbon dioxide,
which is a waste product of that process.
channel Lipid bilayer
Low Protein
Concentration channel
• Facilitated Diffusion
– No energy required – PASSIVE TRANSPORT
– Uses a protein channel in the membrane
• Molecules move from high to low concentration
Osmosis is a specific type of diffusion. It is the diffusion of water molecules through a
selectively permeable membrane.
Diffusion of any other substance through a selectively permeable membrane is just called
diffusion. Diffusion of water, but not through a membrane, is just diffusion. To be called
osmosis, the process has to involve both water and a membrane.
• In osmosis, water moves from a solution of low solute concentration (which
has more water) to a solution of high solute concentration (which has less
water), through a selectively permeable membrane. Notice that the
substance (water) that is diffusing is still going down a concentration
• Because there is a higher proportion of water molecules in the dilute solution, more will
travel from the dilute solution to the concentrated solution than the other way.
• Although water molecules move in both directions, there is net movement from the dilute
to the more concentrated solution.
• If the concentrations of the solutions on either side of the membrane are the same, then
overall an equal number of water molecules travel in each direction – we say that such
solutions are in equilibrium.
Osmosis Video Lab Demonstrations
The next four slides are four osmosis video presentations that
demonstrate osmosis and the various lab procedures
Why is osmosis important?
Osmosis is important because too much or too little water inside cells can have disastrous
effects. If an animal cell is put into a solution that is more dilute than its cytoplasm, water
will go in by osmosis and the cell will burst. If a patient in hospital needs extra fluid, they
are often put on to a ‘saline drip’.
Saline is a solution of salts at the same concentration as the blood. If just water was given,
the blood would become too dilute and osmosis would make the blood cells burst. Plant
cells are not damaged by being put into water. They swell as water enters, but their cell wall
stops them bursting.
However, they can be damaged (as can animal cells) by being put into a concentrated
solution. In this case, water leaves the cell by osmosis, and the cytoplasm collapses and
shrinks. In plant cells, the cytoplasm pulls away from the cell wall, a condition known as
plasmolysis (Figure 1.11). Plasmolysis can result in the death of the cell
The Effects of Osmosis on Cells
As a result of osmosis, cells respond differently when the
water concentration inside the cell is equal to, greater than,
or less than the water concentration in the environment.
Isotonic Hypertonic Hypotonic
The effect of different solutions on a single animal cell
In any cell, the cell membrane is differentially permeable.
There is always cytoplasm, a solution of protein and other substances in water, on the inside of the membrane
and usually a solution on the outside.
• All cells are kept hydrated by water moving into them by osmosis.
• Plant cells are kept turgid by water moving into them by osmosis. This causes non-woody
stems to stand upright and keeps leaves firm.
• Water is kept moving through plants by osmosis occurring in the cells of roots and leaves.
• The size of stomatal pores is regulated by osmosis occurring in the guard cells. This controls
the loss of water from the leaves of plants.
• Water is reabsorbed into the blood from the filtrate in the kidney tubules by osmosis. This
prevents the body from losing too much water.
Active transport
• Sometimes, though, cells need to get molecules into or out of the cytoplasm
against a concentration gradient. In other words, they have to be moved
from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration.
• This will not happen by diffusion, and in order to move the molecules, the
cell has to use energy to ‘pump’ the molecules in the direction they need to
go. As this type of transport requires an input of energy, it is called active
The importance of active transport in living organisms
• Mineral ions move from the soil into plant roots by active transport.
• Sugars produced in photosynthesis move into the phloem in leaves by active transport.
• Some of the glucose and amino acids produced in digestion are absorbed from the
ileum into the blood by active transport.
• Useful substances are reabsorbed from the filtrate in the kidney tubules into the blood
by active transport.
Active Transport
Molecule to
be carried
• Requires energy
• Moves materials from
area of LOW to HIGH
concentration (against a Energy
concentration difference)
being carried
Active Transport
Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion, or Active
Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion, or Active
Comparing active transport, diffusion and osmosis Figure 1.12 shows the similarities and
differences between the three cell transport processes.
Specific Objectives
2.3 Relate the structure of the leaf of a flowering plant to its function in photosynthesis;
2.5 Discuss the importance of minerals in plant nutrition using nitrogen and magnesium as
• 2.9 investigate the effect of temperature and pH on the activity of the enzymes
catalase or amylase;
• 2.10 describe what happens to the products of digestion after their absorption;
● In this organism releases
enzymes to out side
● These enzymes break the
complex substances which
are present in the dead
organic matter into simple
Parasitic nutrition
● Organism gets its
food from the host
● Ex- cuscuta.orchids
● Ticks, lice, leeches
Autotrophic nutrition
● Photosynthesis is the process by which
chlorophyll-containing cells in plants synthesize
food in the form of carbohydrates using carbon
dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and
● Raw materials - carbon dioxide and water
● Products - carbohydrates (glucose/ starch)
and oxygen.
There are many nutrients that are essential for plants.
•The element must be necessary to support the growth and reproduction of the
•In the absence of this element, the plants cannot complete their life cycle, and
survival becomes very difficult.
•The element must be irreplaceable and specific in function which means no other
element can be used instead.
These are generally present in tissues of plants in large amounts (more than 10m
mole/kg of dry matter).
These are also known as trace elements and are required in very small amounts
(less than 10mmole/kg of dry matter).
These include –
Essential elements can also be divided into four categories based on their
various functions. These categories are:
•It is the main ingredient of cells membranes, some proteins, nucleotides and nucleic
•It is required in large amounts in the buds, meristematic tissues, root tips and
•It helps to regulate an anion-cation balance in cells and is involved in the synthesis
of protein, opening and closing of stomata, maintenance of the turgidity of the cells
and activation of enzymes.