Human Resource Management Assignment: Topic - Employer Employee Relationship

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Topic - Employer Employee

Relationship (GROUP 2)


PROFESSOR- aparajita hembrom
Date of seminar- 3\10\20
Employer employee relationship


‘Employer employee relationship’ is the relationship which is shared between

employees and employers in an industrial organisation. According to Dale Yoder
this relationship involves wholesome relationship between the employer and his
employees. It involves human relationship which exists due to the mandatory
collaboration of employees with the organisation.
In wider sense it also involves relations between the employer and the
government. It includes individual relations, joint consultation between employer
and employees at work, combined relations among employers with the trade
unions and organisation. It also includes the role of the state in regulating these
relations. Basically it is the study of how the co-workers get along in the
workplace, what problems do they face with each other and how are their
relationships regulated and what steps are taken to protect various interests.


An organisation always wants to keep good relation between employer and its
employees so as to keep the employees loyal and engaged in their work. Generally
the HR department of an organisation manages the relations between the
management and the works but some organisation do keep a separate employee
relations manager for this task. So here the HR department has two functions:
 To prevent the occurrence of disputes and help in resolving the disputes
between the management and employees, if occurred.
 To help in creation of policies which are consistent and fair for everyone
in the organisation.



1. Respect- Respect should exist between both the parties, that is employees
should respect their boss and employers should also respect her employees
to maintain a positive relationship between the employer and the
employee. If an employee disrespects his employer then it can damage the
hierarchal leadership structure of the company and affects it badly. If one
employee talks disrespectfully about his employer then he encourages
other employees to do the same and if it leaks out to social media then
company’s name can be at stake. Similarly the employer should also
respect his employees. Even though he is at the top but he has no right to
disrespect or mock or harass his employees. This might lead to fines and
lawsuits. Therefore respect should be mutually present.
2. Communication- There should be an open communication system in the
organisation. Employees should be aware of their responsibilities and what
they are expected to do, they should be well updated about any changes at
the company, they should be given an opportunity to provide suggestions
and an atmosphere should be created to encourage employees to talk about
their problems if they are facing any in the organisation.
3. Support- Employers need to support their employees to keep a good
relationship with them it also helps in establishing trust and respect.
Employer should try to know about employee’s goals and help them to
achieve it by assigning them specific projects or giving them certain
opportunities that benefits both the company and the employees as well.
4. Boundaries- There should be boundaries between professional relationship
and personal relationship. There are many bosses who like to develop
friendships with employees, there are also instances where boss and
employee share romantic bond but most of the times this can turn out to be
messy and can distract attention from work, it can also cause allegations of
favouritism. There should be boundaries between work life and home life
which should not be crossed. Bosses should not call or email their
employees after the workday ends.
5. Appreciation- To build strong relationship between employer and
employee, employers should show recognition and appreciation towards
the contribution of employees. Recognition can be in different forms such
as bonuses, job promotion etc. Employer should understand that along
with criticism, appreciation is also very important for the employee’s


1. Betters the productivity- If the employer-employee relations

are strong then it helps in creating a pleasant environment in
the workplace which in turn helps in motivating the employees
and also increases the employee morale.
2. Employee loyalty increases- If employer shares a good
relationship with his employees then the employees
automatically feels loyal towards his employer which helps in
employee retention and because of that cost of hiring, cost of
recruitment and training also reduces.
3. Decreases conflict-Strong employer employee relationship
helps in building an efficient and friendly atmosphere which in
turn reduces the conflicts in the workplace. Lesser conflicts
help the employees to concentrate on their work and help them
to become more productive.
4. Morale increases- When the employer trust his employees,
respect his employees, supports his employees, the employees
feel secure and confident and delivers his best.
5. Easy delegation- When an employer interacts with his
employees he comes to know about their strengths and
weaknesses then it becomes easy to know which task should be
delegated to whom. There are points which should be
considered while delegating the tasks-
 Employer should assign those tasks that challenge the
 Employer should take the responsibility for the
mistakes of your employees.
 Employer should never take credit for the achievements
of your employees.
 Employer should always accept his mistakes



1. SOUND HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES- Organisation which has

transparent and clear human resource policies of transfer, compensation,
promotion, etc have better employer employee relations than the ones who
do not reveal the policies of their companies to its employees and top
management. Everyone in the organisation including the union leaders
should be completely aware of human resource policies. Not only the
formulation but also equitable implementation plays an important role.

2. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING- This should be seen as a crucial

negotiation process between both the parties involved. No part should
intend to take advantage of his position. Employees should have the right
to negotiate about their pay. Government should also formulate such
policies that benefits both the parties involved.
3. PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT- Management should provide
opportunities to its employees to take part in policy formulation and
human resource activities this provides a sense of belongingness to the
employees and they develop confidence on the employer. Employees
consider themselves to be a part of the company and therefore they try to
contribute their best to the company. Trade union should be considered as
an asset rather than hindrance this would help to win the loyalty of the

4. WELFARE OF THE EMPLOYEE- Employers should consider employee

welfare very important. They must make sure that the employees have
satisfactory working condition, reasonable wages, training and
development opportunities etc. Employer should have a genuine concern
for the welfare of his employees.

5. RESPONSIBLE UNIONS- Unions should also have a responsible attitude

towards the employer employee relationship. Most of the time political
attitude is adopted by the trade unions and because of that they fail to
understand the situation of the employer and concentrate on the demands
of employees so that they can protect their political interests. Therefore
trade union’s attention shifts from labour welfare to politics. Trade unions
should understand that labour welfare is dependent on efficient operations
of the company.

6. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE- There should be faster and easier grievance

redressal procedure. This would provide a space to the employees where
they can let out their frustration and tension and when they see that
employers are concerned about their issues and addressing it then they will
definitely have a positive attitude towards their employer and the
company. This will help in developing cordial relations among them and
their employers.



In order to maintain cordial relations and prevent the occurrence of strikes

government takes different steps-
1. Every opportunity is given to the representative of the employees to
talk about their issues with the seminars in the department and efforts
are made to ensure that issues faced by any department are solved at a
departmental level as soon as possible.

2. The employer motivates the system of committees and conferences to

discuss issues of the employees

3. The employer always tries to solve human problems with human


4. Employers employees representative periodically meet at a national

level and tries to solve all the problems through negotiations that
concerns most of the government employees

5. Instructions are issued by the ministry of labour and other ministries to

the concerned bodies to analyse the demands of all the employees and
accept the ones that can be fulfilled immediately so that relations do not
get hampered.

6. The government intends to have only one association or union for each
department and each category of employee, so that it is easy to come to
a settlement.

7. Government takes efforts to make the employees aware about the

limitations of the government , specially the financial ones so that
demands can be put forward by the employees accordingly.


So now we can conclude, that to maintain a positive employer employee

relationship communication and level of understanding is very much important.
Any strong employer employee relationship is very important to enhance
productivity in an organisation.

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