15 - Wave Motion
15 - Wave Motion
15 - Wave Motion
CHAPTER | 15 |
ӽ Wave motion: Introduction; Characteristics of wave motion, types of waves; Terms involved in wave
motion; Displacement relation for a progressive wave; Characteristics of progressive wave; Relationship
between phase difference, path difference, and time difference; Speed of a travelling wave; Newton’s formula;
Laplace’s correction; Factors affecting velocity of sound in gaseous medium.
ӽ Reflection of waves: Introduction; Echo; Reverberation.
ӽ Superposition of waves: Principle of superposition of waves; Interference of waves; Stationary waves-
Types of stationary waves, condition for stationary waves, characteristics of stationary waves, terms related
to the application of stationary waves; Vibrations in a stretched string of length fixed at both ends; Organ
pipe; End correction; Formation of beats-Conditions for beat formation, applications of beats; Characteristics
of musical sound.
ӽ Doppler’s effect: Introduction; Effect of wind velocity on Doppler’s effect in sound; Applications of
Doppler’s effect.
Longitudinal wave
Transverse wave (Particles oscillate
(Particles oscillate perpendicular to along the direction of
direction of wave propagation) wave propagation)
Interference of Wave (when two waves having slightly varying
(when two waves having same frequency frequencies travel with same speed along same
travel with same speed along same direction in a specific medium) f = f − f
1 2
direction in a specific medium)
Standing wave
(when two waves having similar frequencies
move with same speed along opposite directions
in a specific medium)
Constructive Destructive wave • Nodes: (a point along a standing wave
wave interference interference where the wave has minimum amplitude)
• Antinodes: (a point along a standing wave
where the wave has maximum amplitude)
bjective Physics
Wave Motion
ӽ It is an oscillatory disturbance travelling through an elastic medium due to transfer of energy from one particle to
another particle. It transports both, energy and momentum without the transport of matter.
ӽ Wave is a disturbance which is produced due to the vibration of particles in the medium.
■ One-dimensional wave: Travelling along a single direction. E.g. - String wave.
■ Two-dimensional wave: Travelling in 2-D region. E.g. - Ripple on water surface.
■ Three-dimensional wave: Originates from source and spreads in all directions in space. E.g. - Radio waves.
Characteristics of Wave Motion
ӽ When wave passes through medium, medium particles only vibrate simple harmonically about their mean position.
They do not leave their positions and move with disturbance.
ӽ In wave motion, the phase of particles of medium keeps on changing.
ӽ The velocity of the particle during their vibration is different at different positions.
ӽ The velocity of wave motion through a particular medium is constant. It depends only on the nature of the medium
and not on the frequency, wavelength or intensity.
ӽ Energy is propagated along with the wave motion without any net transport of the medium.
Types of Waves
ӽ Three categories: Electromagnetic, Matter and Mechanical waves. Wavelength
ӽ Electromagnetic waves: These are formed when an electric field comes crest
in contact with a magnetic field. The electric and magnetic field of these
are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the EM wave. equilibrium
■ These waves do not require any medium for their propagation.
All electromagnetic waves travel through vacuum at the same speed
c (c = 3 × 108 m/s). trough
ӽ Matter waves: Associated with moving quantum particle, also known Figure: Particle motion in
as de Broglie waves. Relationship between momentum and wavelength transverse wave
for matter waves is given by p = h/l, and relationship between energy and frequency is E = hf. The wavelength l =
h/p is called the de Broglie wavelength, and the relations l = h/p and f = E/h are called the de Broglie relations.
ӽ Mechanical waves: Require material medium for propagation. E.g.: Sound waves, Water waves, String waves.
■ The mechanical waves propagate through medium only when the medium has following properties:
Elastic in nature Direction of wave propagation
Possess inertia Direction of particle vibration
Small frictional resistance
■ Mechanical waves can be classified into two types:
Transverse waves: Particles move right angles to wave direction.
{ Highest point is crest. Lowest point is trough.
Waves Chapter | 15 |
3 There are no pressure variations There is a pressure variation throughout the medium
4 Medium should possess the property of rigidity Medium should possess the property of elasticity
5 Transverse waves can be polarised Longitudinal waves cannot be polarised
6 There is no change in the density of medium There is a change in the density throughout the medium
7 Example: Vibrations in strings Example: Sound wave
■ Some waves are neither transverse nor longitudinal but combination of the both. For example- waves produced
by a motorboat sailing in water is a combination of both longitudinal and transverse waves.
Terms Involved in Wave Motion
ӽ Amplitude (A):
■ The maximum displacement of a vibrating particle in the path of the wave from its mean position is called its amplitude.
■ Unit of amplitude is metre in SI system and cm in CGS system and dimensional formula is [M0L1T0].
ӽ Time period (T):
■ Time taken by the vibrating particle to complete a to and fro motion or one vibration in the path of the wave.
■ Unit of time period is second in all systems and dimensional formula is [M0L0T1].
ӽ Frequency (f):
■ The number of vibrations of the particle of the medium in unit time is called frequency of vibrations.
■ Denoted by f and given by f = 1/T. Unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz) and dimensional formula is [M0L0T−1].
ӽ Wavelength (l):
■ It is the distance between two successive vibrating particles in the path of motion which are exactly in the same phase.
■ Unit of wavelength is metre in SI system and cm in CGS system and dimensional formula is [M0L1T0].
ӽ Velocity (v):
■ Distance travelled by the wave per unit time is called wave velocity. It is given by v = f l
■ Unit of velocity is m/s in SI system and cm/s in CGS system and dimensional formula is [M0L1T−1].
ӽ Wave number ( υ ):
ӽ Phase of the wave is the argument (ωt − kx + φ ) of the oscillatory term sin (ωt − kx + φ ) .
Waves Chapter | 15 |
The Speed of a Travelling Wave
y ∆x
ӽ A travelling wave is a wave that moves in space. Consider v
a wave is travelling in the positive direction of x-axis,
y = A sin(kx − ωt ) x
ӽ The distance covered by a wave in the direction of its
propagation per unit time is called the wave velocity. Wave at t = ∆t
Wave at t = 0
ӽ The motion of a fixed phase point on the wave is given by,
Figure: Progression of a harmonic wave from time t
kx − ωt = constant
to t + Dt where Dt is a small interval
Thus, as time t changes, the position x of the fixed phase
point must change so that the phase remains constant. Thus,
kx − ωt = k(x + ∆x ) − ω (t + ∆t ); or k∆x − ω∆t = 0
Taking ∆x, ∆t vanishingly small, this gives
dx ω 2π f λ
= = v; v = =λf =
dt k 2π / λ T
This represents the wave velocity or the phase velocity of a travelling wave.
Speed of a transverse wave on a stretched string is given by,
ӽ If suspended weight is immersed in a liquid of density σ and ρ is the density of material of the suspended load then,
T = Mg 1 −
Mg 1 −
∴ v= ρ
If two rigid supports of stretched string are maintained at temperature difference ∆θ, then due to elasticity of string,
T = YAα∆θ
YAα∆θ Yα∆θ
∴ v= =
µ d
ӽ Speed of a transverse wave in a solid is given by, v =
ӽ Velocity of longitudinal wave (sound wave)
■ Velocity of sound in any elastic medium is given by,
E Elasticity of medium
v= =
ρ Density of medium
■ In solids, v =
■ In a liquid and gaseous medium,
■ Solids are most elastic while gases, least, so sound velocity is maximum in solids and minimum in gases,
∴ vsteel > v water > v air
5000 m / s > 1500 m / s > 330 m / s
■ The velocity of sound in case of extended solid (crust of the Earth),
bjective Physics
B+ η
v= 3
Newton’s Formula
ӽ As per Newton, propagation of sound wave in gas is isothermal process. So, speed of sound in gas is given by,
ӽ This relation was first given by Newton and known as Newton’s formula. According to the Newton’s
formula, the speed of sound in air at Standard temperature presure, STP is 280 m s−1. But the experimental
value of the speed of sound in air at STP is 332 m s−1.
ӽ Newton could not explain this large difference. Newton’s formula was corrected by Laplace.
Laplace’s Correction
ӽ Laplace assumed that propagation of sound wave in gas is adiabatic process. So, speed of sound in gas is
given by,
γP γ RT
v= =
ρ m
ӽ This modification of Newton’s formula is Laplace correction. For air g = 7/5. To estimate the speed of sound in
air at STP, we get a value 331.3 ms–1, which agrees with the measured speed.
Reflection of Waves
ӽ When waves are incident on boundary between two media, part of incident waves returns back to initial medium.
Waves Chapter | 15 |
ӽ The remaining wave is partly absorbed and transmitted to second medium, this is refraction of waves.
ӽ Angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection. Frequency of waves remains same but phase changes.
Figure: (A) One end of string is fixed so that it cannot move. Wave propagating on string, encountering this
fixed boundary condition, is reflected 180° (π rad) out of phase with respect to incident wave; (B) One end
of string is tied to solid ring of negligible mass on frictionless lab pole, where ring is free to move. Wave
propagating on string, encountering this free boundary condition, is reflected in phase 0° (0 rad) with respect to
Reflected wave
Reflected wave
vp v V
Vp V Vp V
bjective Physics
ӽ When same sound note is heard after reflection from an obstacle. Echo is based on the principle of reflection of
sound wave. For echo formation, the minimum distance between source of a sound and reflector should be 17 m.
ӽ Working of stethoscope, whispering gallery etc. are based on the principle of reflection formation.
ӽ If there is a sound reflector at a distance d from the source, the time interval between original sound and its echo
at the site of source will be,
d d 2d
t= + =
v v v
Now as persistence of ear is (1/10) s, echo of a sharp or momentary sound (such as clap) will be heard if,
1 2d 1 v
t> ; or, > ;d >
10 v 10 20
ӽ If a person standing between two parallel hills fires a gun and hears the first echo after t1 s, the second echo after t2
s and v is the velocity of sound, then the distance between the two hills is given by,
vt vt v ( t + t )
s1 + s2 = 1 + 1 = 1 2
2 2 2
Reverberation Time
ӽ Reverberation is the phenomenon of persistence of sound after it has been stopped as a result of multiple reflections
from surfaces such as furniture, people, air etc. within a closed surface.
ӽ The time for which sound continues to be heard even after the source has stopped producing sound.
ӽ According to Sabine’s formula the reverberation time of a hall is given by, RT60 =
c20 Sa
Superposition of Waves
I max ( A1 + A2 )
= =
( I1 + I 2 )
I min ( A1 − A2 )2 2
( I1 − I 2 )
Waves Chapter | 15 |
ӽ The superposition of waves can lead to the following three effects:
■ Whenever two waves with same frequency travel with same speed along same direction in specific medium,
then they superpose and create an effect termed as the interference of waves.
■ In a situation where two waves having similar frequencies move with the same speed along opposite directions
in a specific medium, then they superpose to produce stationary waves.
■ Finally, when two waves having slightly varying frequencies travel with the same speed along the same direction
in a specific medium, they superpose to produce beats.
Interference of Waves
ӽ Wave interference is the phenomenon that occurs when two waves meet while travelling along the same medium
to form a resultant wave of greater, lower or the same amplitude.
y = 2 A cos(kx )sin(ωt )
ӽ Stationary waves are characterised by nodes and antinodes.
ӽ Nodes:
■ Points on a stationary wave at which the particles have minimum amplitude and always at rest are called nodes.
■ Location of nodes is given by,
λ 3λ 5λ
x= , , ,…
4 4 4
■ Distance between successive nodes is,
3λ λ 5λ 3λ λ
− = − =…=
4 4 4 4 2
Nodes are equispaced at intervals of l/2.
ӽ Antinodes:
■ Points on a stationary wave at which the particles oscillate with a maximum amplitude are called antinodes.
■ Location of antinodes is given by,
λ 3λ
x = 0, , λ, ,…
2 2
■ Distance between successive antinodes is,
λ λ 3λ λ
−0 = λ − = − λ , …, =
2 2 2 2
■ Antinodes are equispaced at intervals of l/2.
Waves Chapter | 15 |
f 2== 2 f1
This frequency is twice the fundamental frequency. Therefore, it is called as second harmonic or first overtone.
ӽ Third mode of vibration is as shown in figure (C). In this case, frequency of vibration of air column is,
f 3 = 3 f1
This frequency is three times the fundamental frequency. It is called as third harmonic or second overtone.
In pth mode, frequency of vibration of air column is given by,
fp = p
It is known as pth harmonic or (p − 1)th overtone. It will contain p nodes and (p + 1) antinodes.
ӽ Thus, frequency f1, 2f1 3f1.....Hence, all harmonics are present.
End Correction e e
ӽ Due to finite momentum of air molecules in organ pipe, reflection takes
place not at open end but above it. So antinode is not formed at the open N
end; rather it is formed at a little distance away from open end outside it. l l N l l′
ӽ Distance of antinode from open end is end correction (e), given by, e = 0.6 r A
ӽ Effective length in open organ pipe, l = (l + 2e)
e A
′ A N
ӽ Effective length in closed organ pipe, l = (l + e)
Figure (A) Figure (B)
ӽ Due to end correction, fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe is, End correction in open pipe End cor-
v v rection in closed pipe
fC = = Figure: End correction in organ pipe
4[l + e] 4[l + 0.6r ]
ӽ Due to the end correction, the fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe is given by,
v v
fo = =
2[l + 2e] 2[l + 1.2r ]
ӽ Speed of sound in air by resonance tube: In air at room temperature by using resonance tube is given by,
v = 2 f ( l2 − l1 )
l2 − 3l1
End correction, e =
Formation of Beats
ӽ Beats is interesting phenomenon arising from interference of waves.
ӽ When two sound waves of the same amplitude or slightly different amplitudes and slightly different frequencies
are superimposed, then the intensity of sound changes periodically with time between a maximum and a minimum.
This phenomenon of pulsating loudness of sound is known as beats. Beat frequency,
f = = f1 − f 2
ӽ If L tuning forks are arranged in increasing frequencies, and any two successive forks produce X beats/second,
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Applications of Beats
ӽ To determine the frequency of tuning fork: Suppose f1 is known frequency of tuning fork C and f2 is unknown
frequency of tuning fork D. When both the forks are sounded together, suppose X beats are heard per second.
∴ f 2 = f1 ± X
The ± sign of X is decided either by filing one of the prongs of any one of the tuning fork or by loading any one of
the tuning fork with a little wax and recounting the number of beats.
■ When the prongs of tuning fork are filed, the frequency of the fork increases.
■ When the prongs of tuning fork are loaded with wax, the frequency of fork decreases.
■ On filing the unknown fork:
If number of beats per second increases, X is taken as positive,
i.e., f 2 = f1 + X
Doppler’s Effect
ӽ Phenomenon of apparent change in frequency of sound due to relative motion between source and listener.
ӽ The apparent frequency heard by the listener is,
v ± vL
fa = f
v vs
ӽ When a listener and source move towards each other, we use +vL and −vs.
ӽ When a listener and source move away from each other, we use −vL and +vs.
ӽ Doppler effect is observed in both light and sound.
Waves Chapter | 15 |
ӽ Doppler’s effect is not observed when,
■ source and listener both are at rest. Source and listener both are moving with same speed and same direction.
■ source and listener both are at right angles to each other.
■ motion of source and listener is such that the distance between them is same; one at the centre of the circle and
other moving along the circumference of the circle.
ӽ When moving listener crosses stationary source, then ratio of apparent frequencies before and after crossing is,
f1 v + v L
f2 v − vL
ӽ When moving source crosses stationary listener, then ratio of apparent frequencies before and after crossing is,
f1 v + v s
f2 v − vs
(b) 2
1 3
(c) 1− ↓ 2− ↓ 3− ↓ (d) 1− ↓ 2− ↑ 3− ↓
(a) Vu, Vi, and Va are nearly equal 32. A phase reversal of π means there is:
(b) vu ≥ va ≥ vi (a) reversal of wave velocity
(b) reversal of particle velocity
(c) v u ″ v a ″ vi (c) reversal of particle as well as wave velocity
(d) no change in particle velocity
(d) va ≤ vu and vu ≈ ν i
33. A progressive wave y = A sin(kx − ωt ) is reflected by
27. A wave is travelling along a string. At an instant, a rigid wall at x = 0. Then the reflected wave can be
shape of the string is as shown in fig. At this instant, represented by:
point A is moving upwards. Which of the following (a) y = A sin(kx + ωt )
statements is/are correct?
B (b) y = A cos(kx + ωt )
o (c) y = − A sin(kx − ωt )
(d) y = − A sin(kx + ωt )
(d) n = n1 + n2 + n3 t2 t
82. An organ pipe P1 closed at one end vibrating in its 87. Doppler’s effect in sound takes place when source
first overtone and another pipe P2 open at both ends and observer are:
vibrating in its third overtone are in resonance with
(a) stationary
a given tuning fork. The ratio of lengths of P1 and P2
is: (b) moving with same velocity
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:3 (c) in relative motion
(c) 3:8 (d) 3:4 (d) None of these
83. Tube A has both ends open while tube B has one end 88. With what velocity an observer should move rela-
closed, otherwise they are identical. The ratio of fun- tive to a stationary source so that he hears a sound of
damental frequency of tube A and B is: double the frequency of source:
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:4 (a) Velocity of sound towards the source
(c) 2:1 (d) 4:1 (b) Velocity of sound away from the source
84. If the velocity of sound in air is 336 m/s. The maxi- (c) Half the velocity of sound towards the source
mum length of a closed pipe that would produce a (d) Double the velocity of sound towards the source
just audible sound will be: 89. A source of sound of frequency 256 Hz is moving rap-
(a) 3.2 cm (b) 4.2 m idly towards a wall with a velocity of 5 m/s. The speed
(c) 4.2 cm (d) 3.2 m of sound is 330 m/s. If the observer is between the
85. The extension in a string, obeying Hooke’s law, is x. wall and the source, then beats per second heard will
The speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If the be:
extension in the string is increased to 1.5x, the speed (a) 7.8 Hz (b) 7.7 Hz
of sound will be: (c) 3.9 Hz (d) 0
(a) 1.22v (b) 0.62v 90. Doppler phenomena are related with:
(c) 1.50v (d) 0.75v (a) Pitch (frequency) (b) Loudness
(c) Quality (d) Reflection
Doppler’s Effect 91. The source producing sound and an observer both
86. A man is standing on a railway platform listening are moving along the direction of propagation of
to the whistle of an engine that passes the man at sound waves. If the respective velocities of sound,
constant speed without stopping. If the engine passes source and an observer are v, vs and vo, then the
the man at time t0. How does the frequency f of the apparent frequency heard by the observer will be:
whistle as heard by the man changes with time? (n = frequency of sound)
n ( v + vo ) n ( v − vo )
(a) f (a) (b)
v − vo v − vs
n ( v − vo ) n ( v + vo )
(c) (d)
t2 t v + vs v + vs
Waves Chapter | 15 |
92. Doppler shift in frequency does not depend upon: 99. Two passenger trains moving with a speed of
(a) frequency of the wave produced 108 km/h cross each other. One of them blows a
(b) velocity of the source whistle whose frequency is 750 Hz. If sound speed
(c) velocity of the observer is 330 m/s, then passengers sitting in the other train,
(d) distance from the source to the listener after trains cross each other will hear sound whose
frequency will be:
93. An observer moves towards a stationary source of
(a) 900 Hz (b) 625 Hz
sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of
sound. What is the percentage increase in the appar- (c) 750 Hz (d) 800 Hz
ent frequency? 100. If wind blows from a stationary sounding object to
(a) 5% (b) 20% a stationary listener, then the apparent frequency n’
(c) 0 (d) 0.5% and actual frequency n are related as:
(a) n′ > n (b) n′ < n
94. In the figure shown the wave speed is v. The velocity
(c) n′ = n (d) n′ > n
of car is v0. The beat frequency for the observer will
be: 101. Doppler’s effect will not be applicable when the
velocity of sound source is:
(a) Equal to that of the sound velocity
(b) Less than the velocity of sound
(c) Greater than the velocity of sound
(d) Zero
2 f 0 vv0 2 f0v 2
(a) (b)
v 2 + v02 v 2 − v02 102. A whistle of frequency 385 Hz rotates in a hori-
zontal circle of radius 50 cm at an angular speed of
2 f 0 vv0 f 0 vv0 20 rad/s. The lowest frequency heard by a listener a
(c) (d)
v 2 − v02 v 2 − v02 long distance away at rest with respect to the centre of
the circle, given velocity of sound equal to 340 m/s is:
(a) 396 Hz (b) 363 Hz
95 An observer moves towards a stationary source of
(c) 374 Hz (d) 385 Hz
sound of frequency n. The apparent frequency heard
by him is 2n. If the velocity of sound in air is 332 m/sec, 103. A sound source emits frequency of 180 Hz when
then the velocity of the observer is: moving towards a rigid wall with speed 5 m/s and an
(a) 166 m/sec (b) 664 m/sec observer is moving away from wall with speed 5 m/s.
(c) 332 m/sec (d) 1328 m/sec Both source and observer moves on a straight line
96. For which of the following cases, there will be no which is perpendicular to the wall. The number
Doppler effect? of beats per second heard by the observer will be:
(a) If source and listener, both move in the same (Speed of sound = 355 m/s)
direction with same speed. (a) 5 beats/s (b) 10 beats/s
(b) If one of the source/listener is at the centre of a (c) 6 beats/s (d) 8 beats/s
circle, while the other is moving on it. 104. An observer while going on scooter hears sound of
(c) When both the source and listener are at rest. two sirens of same frequencies from two opposite
(d) All of these directions. If he travels along the direction of one of
97. A source of sound emitting a note of frequency 200 Hz the siren, then he:
moves towards an observer with a velocity v equal (a) Listens resonance
to the velocity of sound. If the observer also moves (b) Listens beats
away from the source with the same velocity v, the (c) Will not listen sound due to destructive interfer-
apparent frequency heard by the observer is: ence
(a) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz (d) Will listen intensive sound due to constructive
(c) 150 Hz (d) 200 Hz interference
98. Choose the false statement(s) from the following.
105. A source of sound is moving with a uniform speed
(i) Change in frequency due to Doppler effect will be
along a circle. The frequency of sound as heard by
positive if the distance between source and listener listener stationed at the centre of the path:
increases. (a) increases
(ii) Change in frequency due to Doppler effect will be (b) decreases
negative if the distance between source and listener. (c) remains the same
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only (d) may increase and decrease alternately
(c) (i) and (ii) (d) None of these
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106. Two trains move towards each other with the same 108. A source producing sound of frequency 170 Hz is
speed. The speed of sound is 340 m/s. If the height approaching a stationary observer with a velocity
of the tone of the whistle of one of them heard on the 17 m/s. The apparent change in the wavelength of
other changes 9/8 times, then the speed of each train sound heard by the observer is: (speed of sound in
should be: air = 340 m/s)
(a) 20 m/s (b) 2 m/s (a) 0.1 m (b) 0.2 m
(c) 200 m/s (d) 2000 m/s (c) 0.4 m (d) 0.5 m
107. A source of sound emits waves with frequency f Hz 109. A source of sound is moving with constant velocity
and speed v m/sec. Two observers move away from of 20 m/s emitting a note of frequency 1000 Hz. The
this source in opposite directions each with a speed ratio of frequencies observed by a stationary observer
0.2 v relative to the source. The ratio of frequencies while the source is approaching him and after it
heard by the two observers will be: crosses him will be: (speed of sound v = 340 m/s)
(a) 3:2 (b) 2:3 (a) 9:8 (b) 8:9
(c) 1:1 (d) 4:10 (c) 1:1 (d) 9:10
1. A circular loop of rope of length L rotates with uni- 4. Reverberation time does not depend upon:
form angular velocity ω about an axis through its (a) temperature
centre on a horizontal smooth platform. Velocity of (b) volume of room
pulse (with respect to rope) produce due to slight (c) size of window
radial displacement is given by: (d) carpet and curtain
5. In a large room, a person receives direct sound
waves from a source 120 m away from him. He also
receives waves from the same source which reach
him, being reflected from the 25 m high celling at a
ωL point half way between them. The two waves inter-
(a) ω L (b) fere constructively for wavelength of:
(a) 20, 20/3, 20/5, etc.
ωL ωL (b) 10, 5, 2.5, etc.
(c) (d)
π 4 π2 (c) 10, 20, 30, etc.
(d) 15, 25, 35, etc.
2. A transverse wave is represented by y = A sin (ωt – kx).
For what value of the wavelength is the wave veloc-
ity equal to the maximum particle velocity? Superposition of Waves
(a) (b) ≠A
2 6. Two vibrating tuning forks produce progressive
waves given by y1 = 4 sin 500πt and y 2 = 2 sin 506πt
(c) 2pA (d) A . Number of beats produced per minute is:
3. A tuning fork of frequency n0 Hz produces sound
(a) 360
wave of wavelength l0 at NTP. Choose the incorrect
plot from the following: (b) 180
(a) (b) (c) 60
(d) 3
7. A pipe of length 85 cm is closed from one end. Find
the number of possible natural oscillations of air col-
umn in the pipe whose frequencies lie below 1250 Hz.
(c) (d) The velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s.
(a) 12 (b) 8
(c) 6 (d) 4
Waves Chapter | 15 |
then the frequency of horn heard by the driver of sec-
Doppler’s Effect ond car when line joining the cars make 45° angle
with the roads will be:
8. Two cars are moving on two perpendicular roads (a) 321 Hz (b) 298 Hz
towards a crossing with uniform speeds of 72 km/h and (c) 289 Hz (d) 280 Hz
36 km/h. If first car blows horn of frequency 280 Hz,
n n
(a) n' (b) (c) (d) n
t t t
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the
correct choice as:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion: Only longitudinal mechanical waves can 7. Assertion: Where two vibrating tuning forks having
propagate in gases. frequencies 256 Hz and 512 Hz are held near each
Reason: Gases have only bulk modulus. other, beats cannot be heard.
2. Assertion: Solids can support both longitudinal and Reason: The principle of superposition is valid only
transverse waves but only longitudinal waves can if the frequencies of the oscillators are nearly equal.
propagate in gases. 8. Assertion: If a vibrating tuning fork is held near the
Reason: For the propagation of transverse waves, ear and given one full rotation, then intensity of sound
medium must also necessarily have the property of becomes maximum four times and minimum two times.
rigidity. Reason: A stationary wave transmits energy.
3. Assertion: Two waves moving in a uniform string 9. Assertion: The basic of Laplace correction was that,
having uniform tension cannot have different exchange of heat between the region of compression
velocities. and rarefaction in air is not possible.
Reason: Elastic and inertial properties of string are Reason: Air is a bad conductor of heat and velocity of
same for all waves in same string. but speed of wave sound in air is large.
in a string does not depend on its elastic and inertial 10. Assertion: Beats can also be observed by two light
properties only. sources as in sound.
4. Assertion: The base of Laplace correction was that Reason: Light sources have constant phase deference.
exchange of heat between the region of compression
and rarefaction in air is negligible. Doppler’s Effect
Reason: Air is bad conductor of heat and velocity of
sound in air is quite large.
11. Assertion: When a beetle moves along the sand
within a few tens of centimetres of a sand scorpion,
Reflection of Waves the scorpion immediately turns towards the beetle and
dashes towards it.
5. Assertion: The reverberation time dependent on the Reason: When a beetle disturbs the sand, it sends
volume of enclosure. pulses along the sand’s surface. One set of pulses is
Reason: The unit of absorption coefficient is sabine. longitudinal while the other set is transverse.
6. Assertion: In reflection of waves, frequency 12. Assertion: Doppler formula for sound wave is
of waves remains same but their phase changes symmetric with respect to the speed of source and
continuously. speed of observer.
Reason: When same sound note is heard after Reason: Motion of source with respect to stationary
reflection from an obstacle, then it is known as observer is equivalent to the motion of an observer
echo. with respect to stationary source.
Waves Chapter | 15 |
Practice Time
1 (a) 2 (d) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (b) 10 (b)
11 (d) 12 (b) 13 (b) 14 (d) 15 (a) 16 (b) 17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (b) 20 (b)
21 (c) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (a) 25 (d) 26 (b) 27 (b) 28 (b) 29 (a) 30 (d)
31 (b) 32 (b) 33 (d) 34 (d) 35 (d) 36 (c) 37 (a) 38 (b) 39 (d) 40 (c)
41 (a) 42 (a) 43 (d) 44 (c) 45 (c) 46 (a) 47 (d) 48 (b) 49 (a) 50 (c)
51 (a) 52 (a) 53 (a) 54 (b) 55 (b) 56 (c) 57 (b) 58 (a) 59 (d) 60 (a)
61 (d) 62 (a) 63 (c) 64 (d) 65 (b) 66 (d) 67 (d) 68 (d) 69 (c) 70 (b)
71 (a) 72 (b) 73 (b) 74 (a) 75 (d) 76 (b) 77 (b) 78 (b) 79 (d) 80 (c)
81 (a) 82 (c) 83 (c) 84 (b) 85 (a) 86 (a) 87 (c) 88 (a) 89 (a) 90 (a)
91 (b) 92 (d) 93 (b) 94 (c) 95 (c) 96 (d) 97 (d) 98 (c) 99 (b) 100 (c)
101 (c) 102 (c) 103 (a) 104 (b) 105 (c) 106 (a) 107 (c) 108 (a) 109 (a)
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (b) 10 (c)
1 (a) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (c) 10 (d)
11 (a) 12 (d)
Practice Time
bjective Physics
6 (d) Points B and F are in same phase because they are For a travelling wave in the x-direction,
at same point (or same distance apart).
4 × 10−3
7 (c) Sound can travel longitudinally as well as trans- y(x , t ) =
versely in solids. 8 − (x − 5t )2
31 (b) On reflection at a denser medium, change of phase 38 (b) A tuning fork produces 4 beats/sec with another
= π (radian) tuning fork of frequency 288 cps. From this infor-
mation we can conclude that the frequency of
32 (b) A phase reversal of π means there is reversal of
unknown fork is 288 + 4 cps or 288-4 cps, i.e.,
particle velocity.
292 cps or 284 cps. When a little wax is placed on
33 (d) A y = A sin(kx − ωt ) for the wave progressing the unknown fork, it produces 2 beats/sec. When
along the x-axis and for the reflected wave, a little wax is placed on the unknown fork, its fre-
quency decreases and simultaneously the beat fre-
y ′ = A sin(kx + ωt )
quency decreases confirming that the frequency
But the position of the rigid wall is at x = 0. of the unknown fork is 292 cps.
For the given wave, its reflected wave,
39 (d) For producing beats, there must be small differ-
y ′ = − A sin(kx + ωt )
ence in frequency.
34 (d) Given that,
40 (c) For closed organ pipe, n1 : n2 : n3 … = 1 : 3 : 5 : …
A1 = A,
A2 = A, 41 (a) Whenever two waves having the same fre-
quency travel with the same speed along the
φ = 120°
same direction in a specific medium, then they
The amplitude of the resultant wave is, superpose and create an effect termed as the
interference of waves.
AR = A12 + A22 + 2 A1 A2 cos φ
Where two waves having similar frequencies
= A2 + A2 + 2 AA cos120° move with the same speed along opposite direc-
1 tions in a specific medium, then they superpose to
= A2 + A2 − A2 cos120° = − produce stationary waves.
When two waves having slightly varying frequen-
= AR cies travel with the same speed along the same direc-
=A tion in a specific medium, they superpose to produce
35 (d) Path difference, beats.
∆x = S2 P − S1P 42 (a) Persistence of hearing is 1/10 s.
= (2 10 )2 + 32 − 42 + 32 43 (d) Fundamental frequency of open organ pipe =
=2 m Frequency of third harmonic of closed pipe =
For constructive interference,
According to the given condition,
∆x = nλ ,
3v v
where, n = 1, 2, 3, … ∴ = 100 +
4l 2l
nv 3v 2v
⇒ f = ⇒ 100 = −
∆x 4l 4l
1 × 340 2 × 340 3 × 340 3v − 2v
= , , ,... 100 =
2 2 2 4l
= 170 Hz, 340 Hz, 510 Hz or,
36 (c) According to the given condition, = 100
nQ = 341 ± 3 v
⇒ = 200
= 344 Hz or 338 Hz 2l
I min = (a − b)2 52 (a) For shortest length of pipe mode of vibration must
be fundamental,
where a and b are the amplitudes of interfering n=
waves. 4l
46 (a) As we know that, ⇒ l=
n = n1 − n2
53 (a) There are four nodes present.
v v
10 = −
2l1 2l2
v 1 1 N N N N
= −
2 l1 l2
54 (b) Distance between two consecutive nodes,
v 1 1
10 = − λ
2 0.25 0.255 = 46 − 16
⇒ v = 255 m / s λ
47 (d) As we know that, = 30
Displacement node: locations where particles ⇒λ = 60 cm = 0.6 m
have zero displacement.
∴ v = nλ
Displacement antinode: locations where particles
have maximum displacement. = 500 × 0.6
Pressure node: locations where pressure/density = 300 m / s
do not vary. 55 (b) According to the condition,
Pressure antinode: locations where pressure/den-
sity have maximum variations. v v
3× = 4×
48 (b) Distance between six successive node, 4lc 2l0
= 85 cm lc 3v 2 3
2 = × =
2 × 85 l0 4 4v 8
5 56 (c) Given that,
= 34 cm
λ1 = 2l
= 0.34 m
λ2 = 2l + 2∆l
Therefore speed of sound in gas, So,
= nλ v
= 1000 × 0.34 n1 =
= 340 m / s and
49 (a) Standing waves are produced when two waves v
n2 =
propagate in opposite direction. As z1 and z2 are 2(l + ∆l )
propagating in +ve x-axis and -ve x-axis. so, z1 No. of beats = n1 − n2
and z2 will represent a standing wave.
v 1 1
= −
50 (c) Frequency of pth harmonic, 2 l l + ∆l
pv v∆l
n= = 2
2l 2l
⇒ p= 57 (b) As we know that,
2 × 0.33 × 1000 1 T 1
v= v ∝ l
330 2l m
=2 1 1 1
51 (a) Frequency does not depend upon radius. As length ∴ l1 : l2 : l3 = : :
1 2 3
is doubled, fundamental frequency becomes half. =6:3:2
bjective Physics
v − v0
2n = n
A= λA =2L v −0
v0 = −v
= −(Speed of sound)
B= 89 (a) The observer will hear two sound, one directly
λB =4L from source and other from reflected image of
84 (b) As we know that minimum audible frequency is sound,
20 Hz.
f =
20 =
⇒ l= = 4.2 m Hence number of beats heard per second,
4 × 20
85 (a) According to Hooke’s law, v v 2nvv S
n − n = 2 2
FR ∝ x v − vS v + vS v − vS
2 × 256 × 330 × 5
[Restoring force FR = T , tension of spring ] =
335 × 325
= 7.8 Hz
Velocity of sound by a stretched string, v = 90 (a) The pitch depends on the frequency of the sound
v∝ T 91 (b) If the source and the observer move along the same
direction, the equation for apparent frequency is,
or ,
n ( v − vo )
v T
= v − vs
v’ T’
T’ 92 (d) Doppler shift in frequency does not depend upon
v’= v the distance from the source to the listener.
1. 5 x 93 (b) When observer moves towards stationary source
=v = 1.22 v then apparent frequency,
86 (a) When the train is approaching the stationary v + v0
n′ = n
observer frequency heard by the observer, v
v + v0 v + v / 5
n′ = n n′ = n
v v
When the train is approaching the stationary n = 1.2n
observer frequency heard by the observer, Increment in frequency = 0.2 n; so, percentage
change in frequency,
v − v0
n′′ = n 0.2n
v = × 100
It is clear that n′ and n′′ are constant and inde-
= 20 %
pendent of time. Also and n′ > n′′.
94 (c) As we know that,
87 (c) These apparent change in frequency due to motion
of source and observer relative to the medium f2 =
along the line of sight is called Doppler’s effect. v + v0
88 (a) As we know that, The wave which reaches wall f1 is reflected.
v f0v
n′ = n f1 =
v − v0
v − vS
According to the given condition, The reflected frequency f1 is as the wall is at rest.
Waves Chapter | 15 |
ω ∆x = 2 × 65 − 2 × 60
Wave velocity =
k = 60 m
∴ Aω = For constructive interference,
1 ∆x = 10
i.e., A= = nλ
2π 10
But k= ∴ λ=
λ n
∴ λ = 2πA For n = 1, 2, 3, ……,
3 (b) For a tuning fork, its frequency is constant. But λ = 10, 5, 2.5
as the temperature increases, velocity of sound Here, ceiling acts as free boundary, so do not add
waves produced will increase. phase difference due to reflection.
v∝ T
6 (b) Given that,
∴ n0 λ ∝ T
y1 = 4 sin 500πt
This implies n0 versus √T will be a straight line and, y2 = 2 sin 506πt
passing through origin. Hence graph (d) is correct.
Also, Equation of progressive wave is given by,
y = A sin2πft
n0 = constant
Comparing the given equations with equation of
⇒ λ∝ T ...(i)
progressive wave, we get
Waves Chapter | 15 |
0.855 4
2 f1 = 500 ⇒ 2n − 1 ≤ 12.5
⇒ f1 = 250 ≈6
2 f 2 = 506 8 (b) Given that,
⇒ f 2 = 253 v A = 72 km / h
So, as we know that, = 20 m / s
Beats = f 2 − f1 v B = 36 km / h
= 253 − 250 = 10 m / s
= 3 beats/sec According to the condition,
= 3 × 60 beats/min
= 180 beats/min
7 (c) Given that,
velocity of sound in air, v = 340 m/s
Length of the pipe, l = 85 cm
= 0.85 m
Frequency of oscillations of air column in closed
organ pipe is given by,
(2n − 1)v v + v B cos 45°
f = ∴ f′ = f °
4l v − v A cos 45
From the condition, 340 + 10 / 2
∴ f ′ = 280
(2n − 1)v 340 − 20 / 2
≤ 1250
4l = 298 Hz
(2n − 1) × 340
⇒ ≤ 1250
0. 85 × 4
⇒ 2n − 1 ≤ 12.5
Waves Chapter | 15 |
1 (a) Gases cannot withstand a shearing stress or lon- equal. For beats to be heard the condition is that
gitudinal stress. Hence, they do not have shear difference in frequencies of the two oscillations
modulus and Young’s modulus; they have only should not be more than 10 times per seconds for a
bulk modulus. normal human ear to recognise it. Hence we cannot
2 (a) Solids have shear modulus. They can sustain hear beats in the case of two tuning forks vibrating
shearing stress. Since fluids do not have any at frequencies 256 Hz and 512 Hz respectively.
definite shape, they yield to shearing stress. The 8 (d) When a tuning fork is given one full rotation, then
propagation of a transverse wave is such that it intensity of sound becomes maximum four times
produces shearing stress in a medium. The propa- and minimum four times. A stationary wave does
gation of such a wave is possible only in solids, not transmit energy.
and not in gases. Both solids and fluids have their 9 (c) According to Laplace, the changes in pressure
respective bulk moduli. They can sustain com- and volume of a gas, when sound waves propa-
pressive stress. Hence, longitudinal waves can gated through it, are not isothermal, but adiabatic.
propagate through solids and fluids. A gas is a bad conductor of heat. It does not allow
3 (d) Two waves moving in uniform string with uni- the free exchange of heat between compressed
form tension shall have same speed and may be layer, rarefied layer and surrounding.
moving in opposite directions. Hence, both waves 10 (d) As emission of light from atom is a random and
may have velocities in opposite direction. Hence, rapid phenomenon. The phase at a point due to
assertion is false. two independent light sources will change rap-
Elastic and inertial properties of string are same idly and randomly. Therefore, instead of beats,
for all waves in same string. Moreover speed of we shall get uniform intensity. However if light
wave in a string depends on its elastic and inertial sources are LASER beams of nearly equal fre-
properties only. quencies, it may possible to observe the phe-
4 (c) Laplace assumed adiabatic process during sound nomenon of beats in light.
propagation. 11 (a) The sand scorpion uses waves of both transverse
5 (b) Reverberation is the phenomenon of persistence and longitudinal motion to locate its prey. When
of sound after it has been stopped as a result of a beetle even slightly disturbs the sand, it sends
multiple reflections from surfaces. pulses along the sand’s surface. One set of pulses
According to Sabine’s formula the reverberation is longitudinal, travelling with speed vL. A sec-
time of a hall is given by, ond set is transverse travelling with speed vT. The
24(ln10)V scorpion with its eight legs spread roughly in a
RT60 = circle intercepts the faster longitudinal pulses first
c20 Sa and learns the direction of the beetle. It is in direc-
Where, tion of whichever leg is disturbed earliest by the
RT60 is the reverberation time (to drop 60 dB) pulses. The scorpion then senses the time interval
V is the volume of the room (Δt) between the first interception and the inter-
ception of the slower transverse waves and uses it
c20 is the speed of sound at 20°C (room tempera-
to determine the distance d to the beetle.
Sa is the total absorption in sabins d d
∆t = −
6 (b) Frequency of waves remains same but their phase vT v L
changes continuously in reflection of waves. which gives the scorpion a perfect fix on the beetle.
When same sound note is heard after reflection 12 (d) In Doppler effect for sound wave effect due to
from an obstacle, then it is known as echo. observer and source motion are different.
7 (c) The principle of superposition does not state that
the frequencies of the oscillation should be nearly