Lessons in Mentoring
Lessons in Mentoring
Lessons in Mentoring
for Mentors
“Mentoring is an art only few could claim to
have mastered and here, a few practices that
can help one gain this mastery.”
The Business Enterprise | Apr 2011
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o you think we are not mentor-
ing our subordinates? What do
you expect us to do differently?
as the question that was posed by one of our
senior managers at the end of a day-long pro-
gramme on mentoring. I felt that the efforts
of the whole day were watered down by this
simple question. As we grow into senior lev-
els, one vital responsibility that gets added
up, though it may not be spelt out explicitly
in your Job Description is ‘mentoring’ of the
greenhorns. Mentoring calls for an earnest in-
terest to groom the youngsters and it is more
about attitude than about skills. It is quite a
task to provide structured instructions as to
what mentors should do on a daily, weekly
or monthly basis and any such regimented
exercise would be devoid of the spirit of
mentoring. However, when I recently hap-
pened to observe the way yoga masters taught
their learners to learn some difficult postures to do is to give them the confidence that when scaffolding support to prevent us from tilt-
(asanas), I felt quite a few things could apply you are around, they can’t go wrong and if at ing and falling off while trying some difficult
to mentoring practice. all they do, you are there to assure them ‘main upside-down postures (Sirasasana).
hoon na’.
Drill the habit of 'learning by do Make them feel good even in
ing' Push for the little extra stretch awkward positions
You cannot simply learn the difficult postures A maxim we have in our vernacular says, ‘what A beginner, when trying to do a new thing,
of yoga just by listening to your yoga master. was not bent at five can not be bent at fifty’. could get into an awkward situation until
What masters do to teach them is to get you After attending the yoga session, I don’t sub- s/he learns the ropes and becomes adept at it.
into doing it right away. You get to listen to scribe to this view anymore. You can, if you You would agree with me if you could recall
instructions as you practice and now your lis- persevere to bend of course, under the guid- the time you made your first presentation to
tening is more intense because it matters to ance of a right trainer. Yes, there could be top management. Many a time, awkward situ-
what you do. pain in trying to flex what has hardened up ations thwart the youngsters from trying it out
for years. But the gentle push the masters gave again in future and becoming better at it. If it
Mentoring is not about giving monologues to at the right point made us stretch beyond the is a crucial skill for success, then it could mar
your captive protégés but getting them into normal, and the feeling that we were capable their growth. But a mentor can help a great
action. Assign them projects and assignments of doing it took the pain out of the extra- deal in such situations by elevating their feel-
where they can learn from first hand experi- stretch. ings and giving constructive feedback while
ence. The best way to help them is to guide Mentoring is no different. It is the onus of stripping out the awkward feeling associated
them by sharing from your experience the pos- mentors to ensure that their protégés do not with the event.
sible pitfalls they need to be wary of. settle into a comfort zone that may mar their
growth. Mentors need to give that extra push So, if you have been doing all these already,
Give it when they need it the most to stretch them beyond the comfort zone and then you don’t probably need to be sitting in a
Masters were doing the rounds and giving us take them to newer levels consistently. mentoring session.
instructions, but were not intervening in every
Support when they tilt Bharath Gopalan
step. The mere feeling that they were around
gave us the confidence to try out postures Sometimes, when a beginner in an organisa-
which we would dare not, left to ourselves. tion is assigned to a difficult and challenging
And help was at hand, when we faced diffi- project that calls for coping with different
culty. pushes and pulls, demanding customers and
tight deadlines, s/he may tend to lose emo-
It is but natural that a greenhorn would be tional balance and might decide to call it quits.
twice careful about trying out anything new The writer is a Learning & Development pro-
for the fear of making mistakes and would All that is needed of mentors is to provide fessional and presently steers the L&D prac-
rather avoid the risk. But that does not mean that emotional support to keep their proté- tice at Madras Cements. He holds Masters
that you spoon-feed. As a mentor, all you need gés in balance like how our yoga masters did. Degrees in Psychology and Human Resource
They were right there and provided a kind of Management.
Apr 2011 | The Business Enterprise