Merchant Shipping Notice No.09 of 2014: Sub: International Safety Management (ISM) Code On Indian Ships-Reg
Merchant Shipping Notice No.09 of 2014: Sub: International Safety Management (ISM) Code On Indian Ships-Reg
Merchant Shipping Notice No.09 of 2014: Sub: International Safety Management (ISM) Code On Indian Ships-Reg
1. General:
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution
Prevention was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by Resolution A.741(18) as
amended. The Code is implemented in India through the Merchant Shipping (Management for Safe
Operation of Ships) Rules 2000, as amended.
2. Purpose:
To keep pace with the ever evolving nature of the regulatory regimes in maritime sector, including the
ISM Code, this Directorate had issued over 30 notices/circulars related with Code, since its inception.
This notice is being issued, integrating all these circulars and incorporating the requirements of the
latest IMO Circulars / Guidelines in this regard.
3. Reference:
4. Applicability:
4.1 The Merchant Shipping (Management for Safe Operation of Ships) Rules 2000, as amended is
applicable to the Indian ships as follows:-
4.1.1. Passenger ships (including high speed crafts) Special Trade Passenger (STP) ships
regardless of tonnage;
4.1.2. Oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high-speed craft,
special purpose ships and other cargo ships of 500 GT and upwards, and
4.1.3. Self-propelled mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) and Dynamically Positioned (DP)
MODUs of 500 GT and above.
4.1.4. Self-propelled Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs) such as self-propelled FPSOs /FSUs etc of
500GT and above.
4.2 Ships carrying dry cargo in bulk but which do not meet the MSC.277(85) definition for a “Bulk
Carrier” are to be typed as “Other Cargo Ships.”
4.3 This Notice supersedes the following MS Notices and DGS Engineering Circulars:
5.1 Company:
5.1.1. The “Company”, for the purpose of this Notice, means the owner of the ship or any other
organization or person such as the Manager, or the Bareboat Charterer, who has
assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the Ship-owner and who on
assuming such responsibility has agreed in writing to the Directorate General of Shipping
5.1.2. The “Top Management” for the purpose of this Notice means the highest level of
management of the Company, who is authorized to provide decisions necessary to
implement the Company’s objective for the effective implementation of Safety
Management System (SMS) on its fleet and in this case, refers to the Chairman,
Managing Director, President, Chief Executive Officer or equivalent, who represents the
Board of Directors of the Company.
5.1.4. In order to reaffirm the above, every company who is holding a DOC issued by DGS or
intending to obtain the same, except for the ships owned and operated directly by the
Govt. owned companies/organizations, shall submit a ‘Self Declaration’ from top
management (i.e Form ISM-14 or ISM-15), along with applicable enclosures, while
applying for any DOC audit to the ISM cell of the Directorate.
5.2.1. As per the international practice across the world, the organization vested with the
technical management of ships may also assume the role as the ‘company’ for the
purpose of the implementation of the ISM Code. Thus, any organization taking over such
responsibilities, shall be duty-bound for the effective implementation of the SMS on such
vessels and therefore shall be capable of demonstrating that the Organization has
sufficient wherewithal and delegated authority for the said purpose. In order to confirm
the above, both the registered owner of the ship and the prospective ISM manager shall
be required to submit a joint undertaking to the Directorate in the prescribed format (ISM
5.2.2. If the company has outsourced a part function such as crew management either from the
ship owner or from a crew management company, the company (DOC holder) remains
responsible for all such delegated functions and must enter into an agreement between
owner of the ship or the crew managers, as the case may be. The agreement must
ensure that the Master, officers and crew appointed by the owner or crew manager shall
report to the Company (DoC holder) for all SMS matters, shall comply with the company
instructions and have a direct link in all matters with the shore based designated person
of the "company." In case of crew mangers, other than the owners, the firm shall be
holding a valid licence as per MS (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Rules 2005,
as amended.
5.2.3. Notwithstanding any such part or full delegation of ISM responsibilities, the owner of the
ship, shall have the ultimate responsibility in accordance with Sect.335 of M.S Act 1958,
5.2.4. Further, the company, in all such cases of delegation of ISM functions should
periodically verify and confirm that all those undertaking delegated ISM-related tasks are
acting in conformity with the Company's responsibilities under the Code. (ref: IMO
Resolution MSC 353(92)).
5.3.1. While recognizing the owner’s prerogative to delegate the ISM functions to a competent
manager of his choice, it has been noticed by the Directorate that frequent change of
management affects the stability of the SMS and thereby safety of the ships under the
management, often placing undesirable legal, technical and social concerns before the
Directorate. All the ship-owners are therefore advised to exercise utmost diligence while
selecting the ISM managers and in case of extreme circumstances warranting change of
manager, the registered owners of the vessel shall make a formal application at least 7
working days prior to the actual change of management to the Directorate along with a
declaration from the owners in ISM Form-11.
5.3.2. The Company planning to take over the management of a ship from another
management shall have a valid DOC for the type of ship intending to take over and is
advised to undertake a detailed pre-takeover inspection of the vessel and shall ensure
the following prior to offering the vessel for the Interim SMC audit :- that the vessel is in possession of all valid statutory certificates and shall be
free of any statutory note or any over-due Conditions of Class (CoCs) as per
IACS Recommendation 98; that the new joining ship-staff undergo the required familiarization on ship’s
lay out, loading / discharging, mooring, navigation and engine room
procedures / operation with the existing staff; that a familiarization training is imparted to the ship staff on the SMS of the
company with special emphasis on the onboard safety / emergency systems
and procedures.
5.3.3. In case any management company, other than the owner, opts to discontinue the
management of a ship, the “Company” may proceed so, in accordance with the bilateral
agreement with the owners, under intimation to this Directorate. However, in all such
cases, the management company shall be under obligation to continue to discharge its
responsibilities as the ‘Company’ for a period of 3 months from the date of such
intimation or until alternate arrangement for safe management of the ship is ensured by
the owner, whichever is earlier. If the owner fails to make alternate arrangement for the
safe management of the ship within the above mentioned three months, the registered
owner of the vessel shall automatically be deemed to be the ‘company’ for the purpose
of the ISM code and the responsibilities there-under.
5.4.2. The Technical Management Company is required to submit its application in the
prescribed format along with a duly notarized (in original) undertaking from self, liaison
office in India and from the ship owner, stating the following:- In case of legal disputes, the jurisdiction would be of an Indian Court of Law; In case of any eventuality with respect to safety of the vessel, personnel and
environment, the ship owner is equally responsible to deal with the above,
and will not cite non-cooperation by the Technical Manager as a reason for
not discharging his responsibility. The Directorate General of Shipping has the right to withdraw the DOC at its
discretion, by assigning the reasons which led to such withdrawal. The Technical Management Company is required to take cognizance of the
Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 as amended and all notifications and guidelines
issued from time to time with respect to the ISM system.
5.4.3. The Technical Management Company is required to be responsible for and arrange for
the conduct of the interim / initial audit of its office by the Administration for the purpose
of DOC certification and thereafter for the subsequent periodical audits as applicable.
5.5 Change of name or office premises of the Company or Change of flag/ ownership/
Registry of the vessel:
5.5.1 In case any Company intends to change the name of the company or shift the offices
premise due to operational reasons to a location other than that mentioned in the
existing DoC, the Company may make a formal application in this regard to the DGS, in
the company’s new letterhead, along with the copy of the certificate of incorporation
issued by the Registrar of Companies or the registered document for the new office
premise, as the case may be. After incorporating necessary amendments to the SMS
documents, Company may offer the new office for an Additional verification audit by the
Administration, along with applicable fees in this regard. On receipt of satisfactory report
from the audit team, the DGS will issue new DoC and SMC, as the case may be, with
the new address / name, but with validity of the existing certificates.
5.5.2 In both the cases above, the additional audit referred therein can be clubbed with the
annual / renewal DoC audits, if feasible, but in any case, the entire process for the
change of name / address has to be completed within three months from the date of
application for the same.
5.5.3 In case of change of flag or ownership or closure of registry of a vessel holding Indian
SMC, the Company has to promptly intimate the same and surrender the original SMC
of the vessel to the DGS, in any case within 15 days.
6.1 The ISM Code requires that Companies shall develop, implement and maintain a safety
management system (SMS) which includes functional requirements as listed in section 1.4 of the
ISM Code and, inter-alia, should:
6.2.1. Every company has to develop their own SMS manuals considering the type of vessel and
nature of operation of the vessel taking the following into consideration:- In the event of any other operational manuals, instructions, checklists, forms etc.
constituting a part of the Safety Management System, the apex manual shall
contain cross references to all those documents. The company SMS manuals shall address the applicable codes,
recommendations, guidelines and other Safety and security-related non-
mandatory instruments as per IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1371, as amended. Also,
company SMS manuals shall address basic elements of Shipboard Occupational
Health and Safety Programme (SOHSP) and Guidance of Fatigue Mitigation and
Management (i.e. MSC/Circ. 1014) etc.). The apex Safety Management Manual can have provision to indicate reference to
other relevant manuals / documents viz. Environmental / Health / Quality Manual /
Functional Guidelines etc. but not the other way round. Companies may opt for Integrated Safety Management system covering ISM,
ISO, HSE, OHSAS etc. to suit their commercial requirements subject to covering
all the clauses of ISM Code in serial order with clear reference of respective
clause in apex safety management manual.
Role, Responsibility and qualification of DPA is to be broadly guided by the IMO Circular MSC-
MEPC.7/Circ.6 “ Guidance on the Qualifications, Training and Experience necessary for undertaking
DPA is the key person to ensure effective implementation of the company's safety management
system and requires to be based ashore whose influence and responsibilities should significantly
affect the development and implementation of a safety culture within the Company and hence is
required to be placed at a reasonably higher level (senior management position) in the
company's organization chart. The DPA is required to effectively influence the mind-set, attitudes
and behavior of subordinate shore staff to enhance support of vessel operations, as well as
acting as a key link in the safety management chain reporting directly to the highest-level of
management of his company.
7.3.1 In case of any change of DPA, the Company shall ensure that the new DPA meets the
applicable qualification requirements as mentioned in para 7.2 of this notice, and shall
promptly report the same to the Directorate in the prescribed format (Form ISM-12),
along with self-attested copies of COC & CDC of the new DPA.
7.3.2 If the DPA unilaterally resigns or disassociates with the “company”, he may proceed so as
per the term of his employment, but under prompt intimation to the DGS. If the Company
fails to appoint suitable DPA, the DOC of the “company” shall automatically become null
and void.
Every Company having more than three ships under its management shall designate an
Alternate Designated Person (ADPA), to discharge the functions of the DPA in latter’s absence
or in similar emergency situations, whose qualification, as minimum, shall be as per IMO Circular
A Document of Compliance (DOC) is issued to a Company when the shore side aspects of the Safety
Management System are found to comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. The DOC is specific
to the ship type(s) operated by the Company and for which the SMS is implemented at the time of the
audit. A copy of the relevant DOC should be placed on board each of the company’s ships, which may
be accepted as evidence that the Company’s shore-side management structure complies with the
requirements of the Code.
8.1.1. Any Company intending to obtain an Indian DoC may make a formal application to that
effect to the ISM Cell of the DGS, as follows:- Company request letter on company letter head along with requisite fee. Background of the Company. Organization structure giving the qualification & experience of personnel
including DPA qualification & experience along with the self-attested copies of
COC and CDC. Types of ships for which DOC is being applied. A hard and soft copy of company SMS document (Apex) in compliance with ISM
Code for the required ship type. IMO Identification Number for the company issued by the IHS maritime on behalf
of the IMO. Copy of Registered document for the office premise. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation issued by Registrar of Companies along with
8.1.2. After preliminary scrutiny of Company’s application, the Company should submit its SMS
manual to an auditor nominated by the Directorate for the purpose. The auditor, on
satisfactory completion of preliminary scrutiny, shall endorse and return the manual to the
company and forward appropriate recommendation to the ISM Cell of the Directorate
within the period prescribed in the nomination letter.
8.2.1 An Interim DOC may be issued to facilitate initial implementation of the Code when:-
• a company is newly established,
• new ship types are to be added to an existing DOC
8.2.2 Towards the interim DoC certification, the ISM Cell of the Directorate, on satisfactory
completion of para.8.1, may nominate an audit team to the Company’s premises to verify
that the Company has capabilities as has been mentioned in para 5.1& 5.2 of this notice,
for the effective implementation of the ISM Code, for the identified ship type(s). The
Company will need to prove that measures are in place to implement the full
requirements of the ISM Code within the period of validity of the Interim DOC.
8.2.3 On receiving audit report from the auditor, the Company shall first address the non-
conformities, if any, and then submit application to the DGS, with requisite fee for
issuance of Interim DOC. An interim DoC shall be issued for a maximum period of twelve
months from the date of completion of the audit or for a shorter period as deemed fit and
recommended by the audit team.
8.2.4 The DOC audit will take place at the company’s principal place of business. If a Company
operates from more than one location where different safety management functions are
performed, then, all these ‘Branch offices’ need to be offered for audit.
8.3.1. Every company should make application for Initial, Annual, Renewal or Additional DOC
audit, along with Form ISM-03 and applicable fees, at least one month prior to the
proposed audit date to facilitate timely nomination of the auditor by the Directorate.
However, it is desired that for the annual or renewal DOC audits, the company may
submit the application on commencement of the window-period.
8.3.2. While applying for any such audit, the company should be capable to demonstrate, with
relevant supporting records, the satisfactory functioning of the SMS on board a ship of
the applicable type for at least 3 months since the preceding audit by the Administration,
as applicable. The records in these cases may include, but not limited to the statutory,
classification, personnel, maintenance and other relevant SMS records of all the vessels
operating under the respective DoC.
8.3.3. On receipt of audit report from the lead auditor, the Company shall first address the non-
conformities, if any to be addressed immediately, and then submit the application to the
DGS with requisite fee for the issuance of full term DOC, as the case may be.
Subsequent to a successful audit, a Safety Management Certificate (SMC) will be issued to each
9.1.1. For Passenger/Special Trade Passenger Ships, the company which is holding passenger
ship DOC shall make an application to the Directorate along with Forms ISM-01, ISM-02,
ISM-11, ISM-12 and requisite fee. Forms ISM-01 & ISM-02 are not required, if the owner
and the manager of the vessel are the same. After satisfactory scrutiny of application,
DGS, will nominate an audit team for Interim SMC audit. On receiving audit report from
the auditor, the Company shall first address the non-conformities, if any, and then submit
application with requisite fee for the issuance of Interim SMC.
9.1.2. For Cargo Ships, MODUs and Special Purpose Ships (SPS), the company which is
holding DOC for the respective type of ship may directly offer the ship to the Indian
Register of Shipping for the interim audit. However, the Company shall submit duly filled
Forms ISM-01, ISM-02, ISM-11 and ISM-12 to DGS, who shall then issue necessary
authorization to the RO for undertaking the audit. Forms ISM-01 & ISM-02 are not
required, if the owner and the manager of the vessel are the same. On satisfactory
completion of the audit, IRS may issue Interim SMC Certificate to the vessel for 6 months
and forward report to the DGS within 15 days.
9.2.1. For Passenger/Special Trade Passenger Ships, company may make the application to
the DGS along with requisite fee and form ISM-03 for initial, intermediate and renewal
SMC audit, at least one month prior to the proposed audit date to facilitate timely
nomination of the auditor by the Directorate. In case the DGS nominated auditor is not
available on the date of the audit, the Principal Officer (PO) of the district where the audit
is planned may nominate a suitably qualified alternate auditor for the audit. On receipt of
the satisfactory audit report, DGS will issue SMC subject to payment of fees for the
9.2.2. For Cargo Ships, MODUs and Special Purpose Ships (SPS), the company may directly
offer the ship to the Indian Register of Shipping for the initial and renewal SMC audits.
After satisfactory completion of the audit, IRS may issue short term certificate valid for 5
months or may extend existing SMC for 5 months in case of Renewal SMC audit subject
to audit completed within 3 months validity of the certificate. On receipt of satisfactory
audit report from RO, DGS will issue full term SMC subject to payment of fees and
satisfactory closures of NCs, if any.
9.2.3. For intermediate SMC audits of all ships in India, the company may make application
along with requisite fee & form ISM-03 to the Principal Officer of the region where ship is
operating or audit is planned. On satisfactory completion of the audit, PO/auditor may
forward the audit report to the DGS within 10 working days. In case of ships exclusively
trading in offshore fields or in foreign waters during the entire window period, the
‘Company’ may directly approach M/s IRS for the intermediate audit.
9.2.4. In all the above cases, the Company shall be in possession of a regular DoC (not Interim the satisfactory functioning of the SMS on board a ship for at least 3 months in
the preceding 12 months; records of an internal audit carried out by the company, in this period; the audit is performed under normal operating condition, ie. Not in dry-dock or
9.3.1. In case an Additional SMC audit is imposed by any RO or the Flag State surveyor, the
concerned authority shall inform the same to the Directorate promptly with clear reasons
for the action. The Directorate may review the case and advise any RO or Administration
auditor to undertake the additional audit based on the merit of the case.
9.3.2. In instances where the additional SMS assessment of a ship has been imposed by any
Port State Control (PSC) authority, M/s IRS may board the said ship at the earliest
opportunity to confirm that immediate corrective measures have been taken to facilitate
prompt release of the vessel from the PSC intervention and thereafter shall forward a
detailed report to the DGS, with clear recommendation for long term measures to avoid
recurrence, viz. additional SMC audit, DoC audit, FSI inspection etc, as necessary.
9.3.3. In both the cases above, ie. as stated in sub-para 9.3.1 & 9.3.2, it shall be obligatory on
the Company to promptly report the matter to the DGS and to M/s IRS to facilitate
additional SMC audit as necessary. However, this does not absolve the concerned
Recognised Organization from its obligations to fulfill the Procedural Requirements (PRs)
of the IACS as applicable.
9.4 Guidelines for auditors for carrying out Interim SMC audits:
9.4.1. Auditor must verify that all the requirements of ISM code are complied with during interim
SMC audit for implementation of the company SMS except verification of SMS records.
(Note: SMS records mean SMS related records which may not be available on a new ship or on a ship
undergoing change of flag / management, such as Internal / external audit reports, Safety Committee meeting
reports, Non-Conformity reports, Near-miss reports etc.)
9.4.2. Auditor must verify that the vessel is in possession of all applicable statutory certificates,
including of valid Document of Compliance /Interim Document of Compliance (DOC) for
the applicable ship type, and that the vessel is free from any statutory note or overdue
Conditions of Class (CoCs).
9.4.3. Auditor must verify that the safe manning is provided onboard as per the minimum safe
manning document issued by the Administration and that all shipboard personnel are well
aware of their role and responsibility in performing their functions as laid down in the
company SMS and have clear understanding of the company's policy in implementation
of the safety and pollution prevention aspects. Auditor may undertake realistic emergency
preparedness drills and ensure that they are effectively implementable.
9.4.4. Auditor must verify that all shipboard important working drawings & documents are in
English and clearly readable. In the event of such documents not being in English or
9.4.5. In the event any major issues have been observed to be existing in the vessel's
performance or its critical machinery or equipment during the audit or from records
available on board, the auditor shall report it as NC / Major NC as appropriate and the RO
shall then consult the Administration to decide on the further course of action as needed.
9.4.6. However, in case the vessel was not classed with an IACS member as approved by the
GOI or, if the vessel is more than 15 years old from the date of delivery, this shall be
immediately brought to the notice of the PSC/FSI cell at DGS by the auditor, and the DGS
will depute an RO for a General Inspection (GI) or FSI by the administration or a detailed
Change of Flag inspection, as the case may be, at the expense of the ship owner.
9.5 Reinstatement of SMC when window period lapses due to prolonged layup/docking:
9.5.1. Intermediate SMC audits: If for unavoidable reasons, vessels have to be laid up during the
window-period of the intermediate SMC audits and the audit window closes during the
said layup/docking period, the existing Safety Management Certificate becomes invalid. In
such cases, the RO can undertake the “Intermediate SMC audit”, under intimation to this
Directorate, beyond the window period without any further approval from this Directorate,
when the ship is not in dry dock/ lay-up and the audit scope would be to the extent of
“initial” audit. On satisfactory completion of the said audit, the SMC, if decided to be
validated, would be issued with an endorsement as “Validity restored after satisfactory
conduct of audit as applicable for Initial audit”. The validated SMC would be valid from the
date of completion of the said initial audit for a period not exceeding the original date of
expiry of existing SMC.
9.5.2. Renewal SMC audits: If Renewal SMC audit could not be completed before the expiry of
existing Safety Management Certificate, the RO can undertake the “Renewal SMC audit”
beyond the window-period without any further approval from this Directorate, provided the
vessel was laid-up after the expiry of the certificate. However, the new Safety
Management Certificate would be valid from the date of completion of the renewal audit to
a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing SMC.
10.1 The Company shall submit the detailed Corrective Action (CA) along with Root Cause Analysis
(RCA) and Preventive Actions (PA) proposed with regard to each of the Non-Conformities (NCs)
raised during the audit to the concerned Lead Auditor (LA) for his acceptance within the time-limit
prescribed by him, but in any case within three months from the date of audit. In case the
Company fails to satisfactorily address the NCs within three months from the date of audit,
necessary concurrence for its closure needs to be obtained from the DGS.
The Nodal Branch for the implementation of this Notice shall be the ISM Cell (Engineering
Wing) of the Directorate, who may be contacted at . The appellate authority for
all matters related with the ISM Code in India shall be the Director-General of Shipping, who may be
contacted by email:
In case of any disputes on the matters pertaining to the implementation of this Circular, the decision of
the appellate authority shall be final and binding on all the parties concerned. However, the provisions
contained in this circular are in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law or
regulations in force in India.
This is issued with the approval of the Director-General of Shipping and Ex-officio
Additional Secretary to the GOI and comes into effect from the date of issue of this notice.
(Ajithkumar Sukumaran)
Dy. Chief Surveyor with the GoI-cum-
Sr. Dy. Director General (Tech)
Name of Vessel: Type of Vessel:
Registered Name:
(Enclose copy of Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Registry of the vessel)
Registered Address: Tel. No.:
Fax No.:
Registered Address: Operation Office Address:
I, the undersigned, hereby declare and state for and on behalf of the company that the above
information is true and correct and I am duly authorized by the company to provide the aforesaid
Signature: Stamp:
I, the undersigned, hereby declare and state for and on behalf of the owner / bareboat charterer that
the above information is true and correct and I am duly authorized by the owner / bareboat charterer
to provide the aforesaid information.
Name: Place & Date:
Signature: Stamp:
Certified by
4) The above information is true and I am duly 4) The company has read and understood the
authorised to make this declaration for and on Merchant Shipping (Management for the Safe
behalf of the owner / bareboat charterer. Operation of Ships) Rules, 2000, as amended, and
the requirements of the D.G. Shipping on the
development, implementation and certification of
SMS issued by the D.G. Shipping.
5) The above information is true and correct and I am
duly authorized to make this declaration for and
on behalf of the company.
For and on behalf of the Owner / Bareboat Charterer: For and on behalf of the Company.
Name: Name:
Signature: Signature:
DGS/ISM-01/Rev.02/ May-14
Registered Address: Operation Office Address:
3. DESIGNATED PERSON (ISM Code Ref.: 4.0) (Enclose certified copy in proof of
qualification, training and experience, in accordance with MS Notice 09 of 2014)
Designated Person: Alternate Designated Person:
Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Identity Document: Identity Document:
Office Address: Office Address:
(Place of work) (Place of Work)
Registered Name: Operation Office Address:
(Enclose certificate of Incorporation)
Registered Address:
I, the undersigned, hereby declare and state for and on behalf of the company that the company has been
incorporated and exists under the laws of the state and the officers of the company are those as indicate in
the enclosed list / below, the company does operate branch offices as mentioned below / does not operate
branch offices (strike if not applicable).
The above information is true and correct and I am duly authorized by the company and the aforesaid persons
to provide the aforesaid information.
(to be completed if a counter signature is required)
Name: Name:
Signature: Signature:
Certified by
Name & Stamp of the Registrar of Ship
We agree to provide the Directorate General of Shipping with all the documents,
information and facilities to carryout the above mentioned audit activities.
We also agree to pay any other fees as applicable for Audit and issuance of
Name of Company:
Company ID No.
Company Address
(Address of Branch Offices included in this
assessment are to be given in additional sheet)
Original copy of this form to be given to the auditee and photo copy to be
forwarded to the ISM Cell, D.G. Shipping. Company must retain this report for at
least five years from the date of issue.
Form No.: DGS/ISM-04/Rev. 02/May-14 Note: Strike out whichever is not applicable. Back
Form: ISM-05
Name of Vessel:
Name of Company:
Company ID No.:
Company ID No.:
Ship Name:
Statement of NC/MAJOR NC/OBS
C. Audit Type :
tional* Ship*/Company* Audit
E. Date of Audit :
1 Preparation for audit Satisfactory Needs improvement
2 Participation in document review Satisfactory Needs improvement
3 Conversant with Code Clauses & Requirements Yes No
4 Capable of wording relevant questions during audit Yes No
5 Interaction with auditee representative Adequate Inadequate
6 Discusses the non-conformity with confidence Yes No
7 Collecting objective evidence and analyzing the same Effective Needs improvement
8 Identifies and writes non-conformities correctly Yes No
9 Approach during audit Professional Needs improvement
10 Time schedule management Effective Needs improvement
11 Conduct of opening and closing meeting (Trainee TL only) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
12 Interaction with other team members Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
13 Personal presentation Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
14 Preparation of report (Participation for all and main tasks for Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Trainee TL)
1) It is Possible that the appraiser; when he is part of the audit team i.e., TL or TM, may not have
opportunity for appraisal of aspects which involve observing actual audit conduct e.g. items 4, 6, 7, 9
and 10. Whereas other aspects can be covered during common tasks and discussions. In such cases,
indicate clearly the aspect which could not be covered during the appraisal by striking off the relevant
Mention whether the appraisal done when both appraiser and appraisee were auditing the same
activity or area as a team during appraisal? YES NO
If ‘NO’ give detail of activity/area under appraisee’s audit during the appraisal and the time period
for appraisal for those aspects of appraisal where audit conduct is to be witnessed e.g. items 4, 6, 7, 9
and 10.
2) When observation is negative indicate if the auditor concerned has been adequately instructed to
ensure improvement and whether in your opinion requires formal training or additional experience.
We understand that the "Company" means the Owner of a ship or any other organization or person such as
the Manager, or the Bareboat Charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the
Ship owner and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibility
imposed by the ISM Code.
The undersigned affirms that:
Name of Company
Company ID No.
Telephone Nos.
FAX & E-mail
In accordance with Clause 3.1 of ISM Code, if the entity who is responsible for the operation of the ship is
other than the above stated Owner, the Owner must report the full name and details of such entity to the D.G.
Shipping. If such is the case here, the undersigned affirms with due diligence that:
Name of Company
Company ID No.
Telephone Nos.
FAX & E-mail
is the "Company" responsible for complying with all the requirements of the ISM code for the above
mentioned Indian registered Ship(s). The Company, for the purpose discharging its responsibilities thereof shall
be provided with all the necessary authority and support by the owners of these ships.
The undersigned further affirms that any change in "Company" must be made in writing by Fax or
otherwise within two (2) working days after such arrangement / agreement.
It is undertaken that the said "Designated Person(s)"will be available to the ISM cell of the Directorate
General of Shipping, Mumbai at any time.
The full address of the "Designated Person(s)" to which official correspondence and materials may be sent:
Name of Company
Company ID No. Address
Telephone No. / Mobile phone No.
Fax number / E-mail address
Designation of Designated Person
Place and Date: Seal:
The undersigned affirms and understands that any change in "Designated Person(s)" shall be intimated
to the D.G. Shipping immediately and all the correspondences received or made by Designated person are on
behalf of the undersigned.
(Title of Top Management of Company)
Place and Date:
Ref.: DGS/ISM-12/Rev.01/May-14
Company Name
Company ID No.
Telephone No. / Fax No.
E-mail address
Place and Date:
Ref.: DGS/ISM-13/Rev.01/May-14
2. That the Board acknowledge that as the ‘company’ defined under the ISM code responsible for the
safe operation of ships, we are duty-bound to ensure that the company has sufficient wherewithal,
both technically and financially, to provide adequate and prompt shore based support to the vessels
under its management at all times, and,
3. That the Board takes cognizance of the requirements relating to the Company’s responsibility
towards ensuring adequate resources under International Safety Management Code as defined in
para 3.3 of the Resolution A.741(18) as amended by MSC.104(73), MSC.179(79), MSC.195(80)
and MSC.273(85), and,
4. That towards compliance with the aforementioned requirements of the ISM Code, the Company has
provided and will continue to provide adequate resources in terms of skilled manpower, material
and services for safe operation and pollution prevention in compliance with all applicable rules and
regulations. In support of this contention we are submitting herewith statement for the preceding
financial year as vetted by our bonafide Chartered Accountants, and,
5. That the Company has paid, on time, necessary dues to the providers of all resources including
seafarers, suppliers of stores, spares, bunkers etc and other service providers including Recognized
Organizations, and,
6. That we are aware that the failure from the Company to provide timely resources and services to a
vessel can render her unseaworthy and unsafe within the meaning of Section 334 and 336 of the
Merchant Shipping Act 1958 as amended and that the Company is liable to be proceeded against, as
per the applicable statues, for such lapses.
1. That M/s ______________________, recognizes that by virtue of being the holder of the Document of
Compliance No______ issued by the Government of India on _______ M/s. _____________ is the
“Company” within the meaning of rule 2(h) of Merchant Shipping (Management of Safe Operation of
Ships) Rules 2000 as amended and is vested with the responsibility and the authority to ensure the safe
operation of the ships under its management, and
2. That the Company acknowledges that as the ‘company’ defined under the ISM code responsible for
safe operation of ships, we are duty bound to ensure that the company has sufficient wherewithal, both
technically and financially to provide adequate and prompt shore based support to the vessels under its
management at all times, and
3. That the Company takes cognizance of the requirements relating to Company’s responsibilities towards
ensuring adequate resources under the International Safety Management Code as defined in Para 3.3 of the
Resolution A.741(18) as amended by MSC. 104(73), MSC. 179(79), MSC. 195(80) and MSC. 273(85),
4. That towards compliance with the aforementioned requirements of the ISM Code, the Company has
provided and will continue to provide prompt and adequate resources in terms of skilled manpower
material and services for safe operation and pollution prevention in compliance with all applicable rules
and regulations. In support of this contention we are submitting herewith the Annual Report for the
preceding financial year as vetted by our Statutory Auditors, and
5. Save and except disputed dues and commercial arrangements, the Company has paid, on time,
necessary and legitimate dues to the providers of all services including seafarers, suppliers of stores,
spares, bunkers etc and other service providers including Recognized Organizations, and
6. That the Company is aware that the failure of the Company to provide timely resources and services to
a vessel can render her unseaworthy and unsafe within the meaning of relevant sections of the Merchant
Shipping Act, 1958 as amended and that the Company is liable to be proceeded against as per the
applicable statutes, for such lapses.
7. The Board of Directors of the Company have been kept informed of the contents of this Declaration.
CEO/PRESIDENT/Authorized Signatory
(Signature with Designation)
Ref.: DGS/ISM-15/Rev.01/May-14 *Delete as appropriate