Seismology Master2014
Seismology Master2014
Seismology Master2014
Anatomy of Seismograms
Frequency of Earthquakes
Type Ml Observation Frequency
very large > 9.0 radius of damage > 1000km within 20 years
Anatomy of Seismograms
Anatomy of Seismograms
local EQ < 10 km
Anatomy of Seismograms
Anatomy of Seismograms
local EQ < 100 km
Anatomy of Seismograms
Anatomy of Seismograms
local EQ < 300 km
Anatomy of Seismograms
Anatomy of Seismograms
local EQ < 50 km
Anatomy of Seismograms
local EQ < 50 km
Anatomy of Seismograms
Anatomy of Seismograms
Kulhanek, 1990
Anatomy of Seismograms
Local & regional events (Δ<10∘):
Kulhanek, 1990
Anatomy of Seismograms
Local & regional events (Δ<10∘):
Kulhanek, 1990
Anatomy of Seismograms
phases (IASPEI):
• P: longitudinal wave (undae primae)
• K: longitudinal wave through outer core
• I: longitudinal wave through inner core
• S: transversal wave (undae secundae)
• T: wave partially propagating as acoustic wave in the ocean
• J: transversal wave trough inner core
• N: n-times reflected waves
• p/s (small): depth phases
• L: surface waves unspecified
• R: Rayleighwave
• Q: Lovewave
• G: (long period) global (mantel) Lovewave
Aufbau der Seismogramme
Phasenkonvention (crust - IASPEI):
Aufbau der Seismogramme
Phasenkonvention (crust - IASPEI):
Aufbau der Seismogramme
Phasenkonvention (near source - IASPEI):
Anatomy of Seismograms
Local & regional events (Δ<10∘):
Anatomy of Seismograms
Local & regional events (Δ<10∘):
Kulhanek, 1990
Anatomy of Seismograms
teleseismic events (Δ>10∘):
Kulhanek, 1990
Anatomy of Seismograms
teleseismic events (Δ>10∘):
∆ = vc·(t - T0)
➪Estimation of origin time
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Estimation of origin time
and vp/vs
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Localization:
• non linear inversion:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
Leading equation of all magnitudes:
• Ad ground displacement measured at period T
• σ(Δ, h) calibration factor, which refers to the distance (geometrical
spreading) and absorption (intrinsic and scattering) dependent
damping of the amplitude. In most cases the calibration refers to a
reference amplitude of an earthquake with a fixed magnitude (e.g., 3
or 0): σ(Δ, h) = -log A0(Δ, h)
• directivity (regional) of the source (Cr) and station correction (Cs)
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
General steps:
Magnitudes can be determined on the basis of Eq. (1) by reading (A/T)max for any body wave (e.g., P, S, Sg, PP) or
surface waves (LQ or Lg, LR or Rg) for which calibration functions for either vertical (V) and/or horizontal (H)
component records are available. If the period being measured is from a seismogram recorded by an instrument whose
response is already proportional to velocity, then (Ad/T)max = Avmax/2π, i.e., the measurement can be directly determined
from the maximum trace amplitude of this wave or wave group with only a correction for the velocity magnification. In
contrast, with displacement records one may not know with certainty where (A/T)max is largest in the displacement
waveform. Sometimes smaller amplitudes associated with smaller periods may yield larger (A/T)max. In the following we
will always use A for Ad, if not otherwise explicitely specified.
• the trace amplitude B of a seismic signal on a record is defined as its largest peak (or trough) deflection from the base-
line of the record trace;
• for many phases, surface waves in particular, the recorded oscillations are more or less symmetrical about the zero line.
B should then be measured either by direct measurement from the base-line or - preferably - by halving the peak-to-
trough deflection (Figs. 3.9 a and c - e). For phases that are strongly asymmetrical (or clipped on one side) B should
be measured as the maximum deflection from the base-line (Fig. 3.9 b);
• the corresponding period T is measured in seconds between those two neighboring peaks (or troughs) - or from
(doubled!) trace crossings of the base-line - where the amplitude has been measured (Fig. 3.9);
• the trace amplitudes B measured on the record should be converted to ground displacement amplitudes A in
nanometers (nm) or some other stated SI unit, using the A-T response (magnification) curve Mag(T) of the given
seismograph (see Fig.3.11); i.e., A = B /Mag(T). (Note: In most computer programs for the analysis of digital
seismograms, the measurement of period and amplitude is done automatically after marking the position on the
record where A and T should be determined);
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
General steps:
• amplitude and period measurements from the vertical component (Z = V) are most important. If horizontal components
(N - north-south; E - east-west) are available, readings from both records should be made at the same time (and
2 2
noted or reported separately) so that the amplitudes can be combined vectorially, i.e., AH = √ (AN + AE ) ;
• when several instruments of different frequency response are available (or in the case of the analysis of digital
broadband records filtered with different standard responses), Amax and T measurements from each should be
reported separately and the type of instrument used should be stated clearly (short-, medium- or long-period,
broadband, Wood-Anderson, etc., or related abbreviations given for instrument classes with standardized response
characteristics; see Fig. 3.11 and Tab. 3.1). For this, the classification given in the old Manual of Seismological
Observatory Practice (Willmore 1979) may be used;
• broadband instruments are preferred for all measurements of amplitude and period;
• note that earthquakes are often complex multiple ruptures. Accordingly, the time, tmax , at which a given seismic body
wave phase has its maximum amplitude may be quite some time after its first onset. Accordingly, in the case of P and
S waves the measurement should normally be taken within the first 25 s and 40-60 s, respectively, but in the case of
very large earthquakes this interval may need to be extended to more than a minute. For subsequent earthquake
studies it is also essential to report the time tmax (see Fig. 3.9).
• for teleseismic (Δ > 20°) surface waves the procedures are basically the same as for body waves. However, (A/T)max in
the Airy phase of the dispersed surface wave train occurs much later and should normally be measured in the period
range between 16 and 24 s although both shorter and longer periods may be associated with the maximum surface
wave amplitudes (see 2.3).
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
General steps
• note that in displacement proportional records (A/T)max may not coincide in time with Bmax. Sometimes, in dispersed
surface wave records in particular, smaller amplitudes associated with significantly smaller periods may yield larger
(A/T)max. In such cases also Amax should be reported separately. In order to find (A/T)max on horizontal component
records it might be necessary to calculate A/T for several amplitudes on both record components and select the
largest vectorially combined value. In records proportional to ground velocity, the maximum trace amplitude is
always related to (A/T)max. Note, however, that as compared to the displacement amplitude Ad the velocity amplitude
is Av = Ad 2π/T.
• if mantle surface waves are observed, especially for large earthquakes (see 2.3), amplitudes and periods of the vertical
and horizontal components with the periods in the neighborhood of 200 s should also be measured;
• on some types of short-period instruments (in particular analog) with insufficient resolutions it is not possible to
measure the period of seismic waves recorded from nearby local events and thus to convert trace deflections properly
to ground motion. In such cases magnitude scales should be used which depend on measurements of maximum trace
amplitudes only;
• often local earthquakes will be clipped in (mostly analog) records of high-gain short-period seismographs with
insufficient dynamic range. This makes amplitude readings impossible. In this case magnitude scales based on record
duration (see might be used instead, provided that they have been properly scaled with magnitudes based on
amplitude measurements.
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
Note: in this case the amplitude is NOT divided by the period of the signal.
M0 = µD A
Estimated via:
M0 = 4π ∆ ρ v p,s u0/Rp,sθ,ϕ
• u0 spectrale amplitude of ground displacement at frequency 0 (spectral
• vp,s P- or S-wave speed
• ∆ hypo-central distance
• Rp,sθ,ϕ radiation pattern and free surface correction
• ρ density of the medium
Note: only valid in homogenous half space
Analysis of Seismograms
Network - Magnitude:
Definition Moment-Magnitude:
un(x,t) = Mpq(ξ,τ)∗Gnp;q(ξ,x,t);
state wide monitoring of
EQ Ml>2.0
Netzwerk Design
state wide monitoring of
641 478
EQ Ml>2.0
Seismicity in Bavarian Alps
Seismicity in Bavarian Alps
Hochstaufen (2002-2011)
1713 earhtquakes
in 10 years !!
earthquakes (Ml ≥ 0.3) - rain (2002-2008)
Rate - State & Diffusion
Intraplate setting
48˚ 48˚
Sparse Network
Location Using Sparse Networks
∂t i i ∂t j j
drk = Δm − Δm
ij k k
∂m ∂m
To be solved iteratively!
~ 45°
~ 70°