XVL Player / XVL Player Pro Lattice3D Reporter Menu File Manual
XVL Player / XVL Player Pro Lattice3D Reporter Menu File Manual
XVL Player / XVL Player Pro Lattice3D Reporter Menu File Manual
Lattice3D Reporter
Menu File Manual
1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................4
2 Menu File..............................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Specification of the menu file in XVL Player ................................................................................4
2.1.1 Priority....................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Server Menu File...................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Client Menu File ....................................................................................................................4
2.2 Specification of the menu file in Lattice3D Reporter....................................................................5
2.3 Menu File Format .........................................................................................................................5
3 Description of Parameters ...................................................................................................................6
3.1 Customization Parameters...........................................................................................................6
3.2 Menu ID.........................................................................................................................................6
Trademarks and registered trademarks
This manual describes the menu file of XVL Player / XVL Player Pro and Lattice3D Reporter.
In this manual, XVL Player / XVL Player Pro is generally called “XVL Player.”
2 Menu File
The menu file enables the settings outlined below for XVL Player and Lattice3D Reporter 3D model
menu items.
z Menu titles, toolbar tool tips, and messages shown in the status bar upon menu item selection
z Whether to execute menu items
2.1.1 Priority
The XVL Player start-up options can be specified using the following methods.
If the same option is specified using several methods, the highest-priority specification will be
The file is specified for OPT_MENU_FILE among the Options properties set upon startup.
The following description is used for HTML specification.
For details on start-up options, refer to “XVL Player / XVL Player Pro Start-Up Options Manual”.
In Lattice3D Reporter, the client menu file is created as “Menu.csv” in the subdirectory “Env” of the
installation directory. For example, if the program (l3dreporter.dll) is located in the “C:¥Program
Files¥Lattice¥Lattice3D Repoter” directory, the menu file referenced will be “C:¥Program
Files¥Lattice¥ Lattice3D Repoter¥Env¥Menu.csv”.
The configuration file is in CSV format, with each line corresponding to a single parameter.
The first column shows customization parameters, and the meaning of the subsequent columns
depends on its content. Lines whose first column starts with ‘#’ are regarded as comment lines and
Cell Meaning
Customization Specified as “TITLE”
Menu ID Character string to identify menu item.
Title Title character string to be shown for the menu item. If this is empty, the
standard title is shown.
Tool tip Tool tip character string to be shown on the toolbar. If this is empty, the
standard tool tip is shown.
Status Message character string to be shown on the status bar. If this is empty, the
message standard status message is shown.
Cell Meaning
Customization Specified as “STATUS”
Menu ID Character string to identify menu item
Invalidity Specifying “TRUE” disables the menu item at all times.
Specifying “FALSE” enables menu item execution.
Coding example:
TITLE,ID_VIEW_FRONT,Left view,Left,Left view
3 Description of Parameters
The table below lists the currently available parameters. If other parameters are specified, the
corresponding lines will be ignored.
Parameter Function
TITLE Changes the specified menu item notation.
STATUS Specifies whether to execute the specified menu item.
3.2 Menu ID
Available parameters for menu IDs in the menu file are listed in the table below.
The “Customization parameter” column describes the customization parameter values available for
the corresponding menu IDs.
The Change column shows the version in which handling of the parameter has been changed, and
a letter that indicates the type of change. The table below shows description of each letter that
indicates the type of change:
Letter Description
+ The item has been added.
- The item has been deleted.
* The item whose name or operation has been modified
For example, if the Change column shows 11.1+, it indicates that the corresponding item has been
added in Ver. 11.1.
‘Change P’ indicates versions of XVL Player where modifications have been made, and ‘Change R’
indicates the same for Lattice3D Reporter.