GTE Assignment 2
GTE Assignment 2
GTE Assignment 2
( 6)
numevads and denominatov by kngl (t) o pedmen
VsVx Ax
The produd Axt Yelal volune V
A,: Vaume el'voidu W
int V pvOAi V
V n
uibe heEusve fov dterminahen si w tjicint ek penreabliky
epalled ou
vaCuum pvemUve cabo thvouhot mevevy
bane for bme ime hla ateady age eaahlsed.ike sale,
evel nenarans head thambev in whih meuld to plated bkp
ba Cnaans The hamber htled fo e buim ar e akavt of expeimenk
The waas ohidh endes hamba aey Plowing kvogh dampe
ovex he thamber ad wlleced m a gadealed a tov a
peiod The head cauing Plowlt) qul to doffevete
in wade Levu bween tonarand -head vuevvoiv and he
a Conarad-huad thambe 1 wom Aedioval ovea of ApetimenA,
the danhag giv y
9 A
sheve L lnsth of Apesmen
h head eauing Hou.
hedakarg eqva to volvnme ot watev calleuked dvided by ioge.
he iney pavhuln of scil Apecmen have a tendeny o miqveke
ewad and kaes uhen coafey Waa hwovgh t hia veot'n
ovmatven o a hlev in o ands. he eoeihien opevmeably o
Hhene end pevions qvike diflevenk vom Fhal of midde portion.
fov move atwale veulh, f soold be prelevable to meawve he
lonn o head h'ove a anqhh L' in middle to delevmive
hydnade qtadien to hus
Fhe feepealre of Petmeahing afey ahold be pebevably nonme
ighan Phon h of Soil Aampe. Thid ll Prevenk
el ol al
duving fe il alav kelpa n veioving enivappe d ai in poveu of aotl
As watv teols ilhaAa tendenty to absovb alv.
vedvee hante of fovmafion ol avge voda ak poinh wheve
paxliden ol ssil tovwhte permeameer wallh he diamefw of
pevmeamebev keptodleaut 6-20amen pasrelen Ai ze.
To Tneveane ofe o Plow o doila d lso vndev
pevmeabibty, ago
Pyen AUve &Pplid l Auvfaee of waBev în
tondad Kaad yeevo.
The let head Catuinq How in ha Cane vneveane Fo (hr),wka
Pio PyeuAUv@ applied.
Tebul denaity d Aeal in mou ld may be defemined hom pMaAn ot
boil in would and h Velone he bolk denas hoold be eg eal lo
hain held The vndiakvrbid sample Can alho be wd tnead
ampaced homple Fov auwrake veut, he retimen oold bave
orve dvvdove n n naBual tondalieu
he Mson head pevmeabstaby t
cOnatons 6vinble fov dean Aan:l&
gvav wth > o mms.