Leap Project

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Waday Hedey

iske had of 4 ha houy

Consevving electi ity and apavtments haved
Most of khe
solay wadev heafevs as an atavnate
Auvnd to
Bouvce o envgy Solar wadev heatevs plaud o th
Yool iop Supply hof wade fo the vespectine

hausehold s. A majov dva back of 4his Sytem is

that ey movnihng te cold watev sfoved in1
pipeline Corning vonm te solay heatav nee dso be
ushed ot befov te asev stats Ao e
gett ho
wadey which vesuwts in a signißicant amount of wator
being wasted Wadey is too pvotious t be wastcl
n this ashion and theveßove we hae adopted
Gn instat wadev heating ystunm to oevconme his
dvawback Tasto wadeh heakay is the optimal
Balution to vedue wastag of watev and Aime This
watay heatoykac is instalbd heay the hof ncdey
tap. whe Ahe uisev tuvns N te Hap i Ahe
watay {vom te" pipeline is csld, the
Senses & and huvas ON heatay
voviding ho wadey. Once the hof wday van he
main Solay heaay stayis lowing trs instat
heaing Aystorn kuvus OFF audomati calty Tnstaut
heain Con Capt Cn SaNe waday,tine und
This instat watev heatav is dosighedaS a soltion
ko the problenns avising dt to Sofav. wtey he atevs.
This Aytanm ony Spplies waty whun the inconing
watay vom te olay heate is hot ehot enough

oY he .usev uili ze it and this is

to made Suve
i t h the halo of a tunparcuve Snsov which is
Suspended in, the CPVe pipe o the poit just

befove wheve th watev lows into 4he hoading block.

The oups i s tanyevafuve Snsov is doiven b a
clay ci a t which eithey CLds powty
Pressuve Stwiteh g -Qmpavauve Sens3v

-High khevmal ins dating pipe

heating cod

-n Abishwk
TT yeay Mech A

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