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As of January 1st, 2019, the publishing house Waesseri GmbH has been transformed into the new
company PPCHEM AG. This change goes beyond branding and introducing a new company form:
new areas of activity have also been introduced.

The new company PPCHEM AG will be active in the following three business areas:


PPCHEM AG will continue publishing the PPCHEM ® journal in the same well-established manner and with
the same publishing policy as in the past 20 years. Tapio Werder, the current editor in chief of the PPCHEM ®
journal, is looking forward to publishing the unique and truly international PPCHEM ® journal in the future,
building on the legacy of the PowerPlant Chemistry ® journal.

The two new business areas “conferences & seminars” and “consulting & training” will mainly be covered
by Michael Rziha, who joined PPCHEM AG on February 1st as the Chief Key Expert for Plant Chemistry.
Michael Rziha will conduct worldwide seminars, lectures, and conferences on all power plant chemistry
related topics, as well as provide individual technical consultancy.

With the reorganization and the added expertise, PPCHEM AG repositions itself to better serve its
customers, building on the legacy of Waesseri GmbH and its precursor organization.

The PowerPlant Chemistry ® journal is becoming the PPCHEM ® journal

In July 1999 – 20 years ago – the first issue of the PowerPlant Chemistry ® journal was published. Over the
past 20 years the journal has become established as an international scientific and technical journal for
users in the entire power generation market. The 20th anniversary of the journal is the right moment to take
a look back at what has been achieved but also to look forward and think about the journal’s future.

Looking back, the publishing house PPCHEM AG is committed to continuing to publish the journal in the
same well-established manner and with the same publishing policies as in the past 20 years. PPCHEM AG
will also maintain an interesting mix of scientific peer-reviewed papers and technical reports from the
power industry, all of them relating to the topics of water treatment and cycle chemistry in power and
industrial plants.

Looking forward, PPCHEM AG intends to take every step necessary to ensure the journal’s future success.
One of the most prominent steps has been the renaming of the journal: the PowerPlant Chemistry ® journal
is becoming the PPCHEM ® journal! With the renaming of the journal, we would like to open the journal to
authors, readers, and advertisers from outside the field of power generation. Water treatment and cycle
chemistry are not only challenges in power generation but also in all industrial processes where water or
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steam is being used. Topics covered in the past such as corrosion, cycle chemistry guidelines, DeNOx and
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19 DeSOx processes, environmental aspects, flue gas cleaning, instrumentation, ion exchange, monitoring,
physical chemistry, plant cycle chemistry, sampling, and wastewater treatment are not solely important in
power generation but are of interest to the chemical, pharmaceutical, and process industries as well. The
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PPCHEM ® journal wants to serve all users who are involved in efforts to increase reliability, availability,
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economic viability, and the operational and environmental safety of these processes.
Test of Analysi Thirty Years of ning Chemistry
s Experience wit Critical Chemic
Methods for al
PPCHEM AG is looking forward to publishing the unique and truly international PPCHEM ® journal in the
h Issues during
Corrosion Produc Film-Forming Am
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at a Norwegian ing
future, building on the legacy of 20 years of the PowerPlant Chemistry ® journal.
Karsten Thom
sen Andrés Rodríguez
and Maja Skou
Jense n Fertilizer Produc Pérez
Page 214 – 224 tion Page 238 – 248
Roy van Lier, André
Lene-Marie Olsen de Smet ,
and Trond Arve
, Matej Halasa,

Page 226 – 236

PowerPlant Ch
emistry ®Journal
is becoming the
PPCHEM Journa ®
ISSN 2673-2076
(Print), ISSN 2673-
2084 (Online) ▪
_04.indd 1 m ▪ Vol. 21/2019
– No. 4

27.08.2019 16:39:02

From 2011 to 2018, PPCHEM AG and its precursor organization organized more than 20 Power Cycle
Instrumentation Seminars (PCIS) around the world with the mission of expanding the knowledge of
cycle chemistry and the understanding of analytical instruments. This series will be continued in
the future – more information on upcoming events can be found on our webpage.

Another type of event organized by PPCHEM AG is the PPCHEM FORUM (PPCF), which provides even
more time for the participants to discuss and share knowledge and experience with their colleagues from
other power plants and with international experts. As a complement to the PCIS with its primary focus on
sampling and instrumentation, the PPCF addresses topics related to water-steam cycle chemistry design,
operations and troubleshooting. The first PPCF was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in March 2016 and
its success convinced the organizers to continue with this new format. As of the end of 2018, PPCFs have
been held in Beijing, Dubai, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, and Delhi.

PPCHEM AG will also introduce seminars and technical training sessions for operators at various locations
around the globe. The topics will include, among others:

Basics of power plant chemistry

Flow-accelerated corrosion
Chemical cleaning
Plant preservation
Sampling and monitoring
Cooling water
Water treatment
Steam chemistry
Boiler chemistry

Further details on upcoming events are published on our website – stay tuned!

We are offering our international and widely accepted experience and expertise in all hot topics
related to power plant chemistry for thermal power plants of all types and sizes, whether it is an
industrial plant, small or big sized, combined cycle plant, fired boilers, co-generation or solar.

Our service is independent and neutral and based on the current state of the art and latest
guidelines, such as IAPWS, VGB, and other applicable standards.

Our Chief Key Expert for Plant Chemistry, Michael Rziha, will be your partner for all consultancy
and training aspects.

We can provide our services in German, English, or Spanish.

We will provide consultancy for all the various stages of a power plant project, such as:

Early design of / assistance with detailed specifications of Operation

Water treatment plants Cycle chemistry review / opportunities for optimization
Condensate polishing plants Review of chemical operating regime and practices
Chemistry and chemical regimes for the steam-water cycle Evaluation of risks
Cooling water chemistry Chemistry support for cycling plants (e.g. interim preservation
Sampling and monitoring measures, start-up procedures, etc.)
Dosing systems Review of sampling and monitoring, as well as
Lab equipment assistance with refurbishment and / or optimization
Design review of existing specs and P&IDs Preventive plant and boiler inspections

Support for chemical cleaning Troubleshooting and RCA

Planning and specification for RfQs Inspections
Assistance in the selection of a cleaning company Review of operational data (chemistry and process)
Assistance with / review of detailed cleaning procedures Recommendations for future optimization and avoidance

Commissioning Long term support and assistance

Supervision of chemical cleaning Routine review of monthly operational and chemical data
Chemical assistance during initial start-up Routine site visits (frequency to be determined
Review of commissioning programs and documentation on an individual basis)

We can provide our services in German, English or Spanish

PPCHEM AG offers all types of chemistry training programs for all aspects of power
plant chemistry, such as:

Guidelines such as IAPWS, VGB, and other applicable standards

Plant and boiler / HRSG design (also materials)
Feedwater, boiler, and steam chemistry
Flow-accelerated corrosion
Chemical cleaning
Sampling and monitoring incl. data evaluation and data management
Water treatment plants and condensate polishing plants
Cooling water treatment
Layup and storage
Air inleakage
Chemical dosing systems

Individual and customized inhouse chemistry training

We will come to you at your location and conduct a tailor-made training session for any kind of
power plant chemistry topic, participant, and level of required knowledge.

Simply contact us to discuss your detailed requirements and needs!



Michael Rziha
P.O. Box 433
8340 Hinwil
Mobile: +41 (0)79 521 02 22
E-mail: michael.rziha@ppchem.com

Tapio Werder
P.O. Box 433
8340 Hinwil
Mobile: +41 (0)79 244 34 92
Phone: +41 (0)44 940 23 00
E-mail: tapio.werder@ppchem.com


P.O. Box 433
8340 Hinwil
Phone: +41 (0)44 940 23 00
E-mail: seminars@ppchem.com
© PPCHEM AG 2019 - Edition 2000 pieces

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