Types of Pain

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English term POSDescription/Definition Spanish POS &French POS

Localized or diffused painful

abdominal pain n sensation in the abdominal area dolor abdominal nm douleur abdominale nf
ache n dull
that comes on quickly, can dolorimiento nm mal nm
be severe, but lasts a relatively
acute pain n short time dolor agudo nm douleur aigue nf
back pain n Pain felt in the low or upper back dolor de espalda nm douleur dorsale nf
Discomfort or a pain in the back
backache n or spine area dolor de espalda nm mal de dos nm
Pain that affects your vision, it is
blinding pain n often associated with migraines dolor enceguecedor nm douleur aveuglante nf
burning pain n fire dolor con ardor nm douleur cuisante nf
Pain experienced as a result of a
burning pain n burn to the
Hurting skin in the thorax
sensation dolor urente nm brûlure nf
area. Requires immediate
chest pain n medical attention.with angina, pain dolor torácico
Pain associated nm douleur thoraxique nf
associated with shortness of
choking pain n breath dolor asfixiante nm suffocation nf
Continuous, ongoing pain lasting
for more than 6 months, although
some experts define it as lasting
chronic pain n for over 3 months dolor crónico nm douleur chronique nf
constant pain n away dolor constante nm douleur permanente nf
crushing pain n heaviness dolor opresivo nm oppression nf
detectable pain n Pain that is not psychosomatic dolor perceptible nm douleur perceptible nf
A bearable, sustained pain.
dull pain n Opposite of acute pain. dolor sordo nm douleur sourde nf
easing one's pain v oneself diminuer la douleur nf
excessive pain n Extremely painful feeling dolor excesivo nm douleur insupportablenf
Synonymfor for "stich": Pain in
flank pain n the side of the body dolor de costado nm douleur au flanc nf
Pain lasting only a few seconds
fleeting pain n and then goes away dolor pasajero nm douleur passagère nf
fleeting pain n dolor fugaz nm douleur fugace nf
fleeting pain n dolor momentáneo nm douleur temporaire nf
gut ache abdominal pain nm
Pain or discomfort in the head,
headache n scalp, or neck areas dolor de cabeza nm mal de tête nm
A colloquial term for pain in the
headache n head
Slightand scalp area
discomfort associated to jaqueca nf mal de crâne nm
mild stomach cramps due to lack
hunger pangs n of food dolor de hambre nm tiraillement d'estomacnm
increasing pain n Pain of growing intensity dolor que aumenta nm la douleur grandit
increasing pain n dolor que va en aumen nm
intense pain n Extremely sharp pain dolor intenso nm douleur intense nf
intermittent pain Pain that comes and goes dolor intermitente nm douleur intermittente nf
irregular pain n every day dolor irregular nm douleur irrégulière nf
Pain with contractions associated
labor pains npl to childbirth dolores de parto nmpl travail nf
mild pain n Soft, bearable hurting dolor leve nm douleur supportable nf
nauseas sick feeling like wanting to vomit nm
oppressive pain n pressure dolor opresivo nm douleur oppressante nf
overall pain n Pain in various areas of the body dolor generalizado nm douleur générale nf
pain n A hurting feeling douleur nf
pain n A hurting feeling
pang n A sudden feeling of localized pain punzada nf tiraillement nm
pang n dolor breve y agudo nm
Strong pain that feels as it's
piercing pain n inflicted by a sharp object dolor penetrante nm élancement nm
piercing pain n dolor punzante nm
postoperative pai n Pain experiences after surgery dolor postoperatorio nm douleur post-opératoi nf
Strong pain accompanied by a
searing pain n burning sensation dolor ardienter nm douleur fulgurante nf
severe pain n discomfort dolor severo nm douleur sévère nf
severe pain n discomfort
sharp pain n An intense and severe pain dolor agudo nm douleur vive nf
slight pain n A mildly painful sensation dolor leve nm légère douleur nf
slight pain n A mildly painful sensation
Strong pain that feels as it's
stabbing pain n inflicted by a sharp object dolor punzante nm douleur lancinante nf
stitch n Pain in the side of the body dolor de costado nm
A colloquial word to describe pain
stitch n in the side of the body punzada nf point de côté nm
sudden pain n warning dolor súbito nm douleur soudaine nf
sudden pain n dolor repentino nm
Pain accompanied by a pounding
throbbing pain n or beating sensation dolor en latidos nm douleur lancinante nf
throbbing pain n dolor que late nm
The act of calming down or
to dull the pain v minimizing a painful sensation calmar el dolorv diminuer la douleur
transient pain n permanent dolor pasajero nm douleur passagère nf
transient pain n dolor transitorio nm
twinge n A sudden sharp painful sensation dolor agudo y repentin nm élancement nf
A colloquial name for a sudden
twinge n sharp painful sensation punzada nf tiraillement nm
ItalianPOS & GendeGerman POS & GendeCatalan Pos & Gender

Unterleibsschmerzen nmpl dolor abdominal

Schmerz nm mal

heftiger Schmerz nm dolor acut, agut

Rückenschmerzen nmpl mal d'esquena

Rückenschmerzen nmpl dolor dorsal

Augenschmerzen mal/dolor cegador

brennender Schmerz nm mal que crema, amb cuïsor

arodor, cremor

Brustschmerzen nmpl dolor toràcic

Erstickungsschmerz nmpl dolor sufocant, asfixiant

chronische Schmerzen nmpl dolor crònic

anhaltender Schmerz nm dolor constant, permanent
erdrückender Schmerz nm dolor opresiu
auffindbarer Schmerz nm dolor perceptible

leichter Schmerz nm dolor suau, suportable

den Schmerz lindern vtr alleugerir el dolor, calmar el mal
Wahnsinnsschmerzen nmpl dolor excesiu, insuportable

Seitenstechen nn mal a les costelles

flüchtiger Schmerz nm dolor breu, passatger

kurzer Schmerz nm dolor fugaç
dolor momentani

Kopfschmerzen nmpl mal de cap

Kopfweh nn migranya

quälender Hunger nm fer mal de la gana que es té

zunehmender Schmerz nm mal que es va fent més intens
dolor creixent
intensiver Schmerz nm dolor intens
zeitweilige Schmerzen nmpl dolor intermitent
unregelmäßige Schmerz nmpl dolor irregular

Wehen nfpl mals de part

milde Schmerzen nmpl dolor suau, suportable

drückender Schmerz nm dolor opresiu

allgemeiner Schmerz nm dolor generalitzat
Schmerz nm mal, dolor
Schmerzen nmpl
Stechen nn punxada
Schmerzen nmpl dolor greu i agut

stechender Schmerz nmpl dolor penetrant

dolor punxant
postoperativer Schmerz nm dolors postoperatori

sengender Schmerz nm
heftiger Schmerz nm dolor sever
ernsthafter Schmerz nm
Stechen nn dolor agut
milder Schmerz nm dolor lleu
leichte Schmerzen nmpl

stechender Schmerz nm dolor punxant

Seitenstechen nn dolor al costat

Stechen nn
(ganz) plötzlicher Schmernm fer mal de cop
unerwarteter Schmerz nm dolor sobtat

pochender Schmerz nm dolor que ve a batecs

den Schmerz lindern vt disminuir el dolor, alleugerir el dolor

vorübergehender Schmernm dolor passatger
dolor transitori
Stechen nn dolor agut i sobtat

stechender Schmerz nm punxada

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