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General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

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12. Which one of the following is not a sulphide ore?
(a) Magnetite (b) Iron pyrites
1. Which one of the following is an ore of silver ? (c) Copper glance (d) Sphalerite
(a) Argentite (b) Stibnite 13. The impurities associated with mineral used in
(c) Haematite (d) Bauxite metallurgy are called collectively?
2. Cinnabar is an ore of (a) Slag (b) Flux
(a) Hg (b) Cu (c) Gangue (d) Ore
(c) Pb (d) Zn 14. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust (by weight)
3. An example of an oxide ore is is
(a) Bauxite (b) Malachite (a) Si (b) Al
(c) Zinc blende (d) Feldspar (c) O (d) Fe
15. Malachite is an ore of
4. The natural materials from which an element can be extracted
economically are called (a) iron (b) copper
(c) mercury (d) zinc
(a) ores (b) minerals
16. Cassiterite is an ore of
(c) gangue (d) None of these
(a) Mn (b) Ni
5. The most abundant metal on the surface of the earth is
(c) Sb (d) Sn
(a) Fe (b) Al
17. Galena is an ore of
(c) Ca (d) Na (a) Pb (b) Hg
6. Which of the following is an ore of tin ? (c) Zn (d) None of these
(a) Carborundum (b) Epsomite 18. The metal always found in the free states is
(c) Cassiterite (d) Spodumene (a) Au (b) Ag
7. Which of the following is chalcopyrite? (c) Cu (d) Na
(a) CuFeS2 (b) FeS2 19. Matrix is defined as –
(c) KMgCl3.6H2O (d) Al2O3.2H2O (a) the unwanted foreign material present in the ore
8. Haematite is the ore of (b) the flux added to remove the unwanted impurities from
(a) Pb (b) Cu ore
(c) Fe (d) Au (c) the slag formed as a result of the reaction of flux with
9. Composition of azurite mineral is gangue
(d) the material used in the reduction of metal oxide to
(a) CuCO3CuO (b) Cu(HCO3)2. Cu(OH)2
(c) 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 (d) CuCO3. 2Cu(OH)2
20. Which of the following pair is incorrectly matched ?
10. Which one of the following is a mineral of iron ?
(a) Magnetite – Fe3O4 (b) Copper glance – Cu2S
(a) Malachite (b) Cassiterite (c) Calamine – ZnCO3 (d) Zincite – ZnS
(c) Pyrolusite (d) Magnetite 21. Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by
11. All ores are minerals, while all minerals are not ores because froth-flotation method ?
(a) the metal can’t be extracted economically from all the (a) Galena (b) Cassiterite
minerals (c) Magnetite (d) Malachite
(b) minerals are complex compounds 22. Froth floatation process is used for the metallurgy of
(c) the minerals are obtained from mines (a) chloride ores (b) amalgams
(d) all of these are correct (c) oxide ores (d) sulphide ores
23. Cassiterite is concentrated by 35. Main function of roasting is
(a) levigation (a) to remove volatile substances
(b) electromagnetic separation (b) oxidation
(c) floatation (c) reduction
(d) liquefaction (d) slag formation
24. While extracting an element from its ore, the ore is grounded
36. Roasting is generally done in case of the
and leached with dil. potassium cyanide solution to form
(a) oxide ores (b) silicate ores
the soluble product potassium argento cyanide. The element
is (c) sulphide ores (d) carbonate ores
(a) Lead (b) Chromium 37. Heating of pyrites in air for oxidation of sulphur is called
(c) Manganese (d) Silver (a) roasting (b) calcination
25. The method of concentrating the ore which makes use of (c) smelting (d) slagging
the difference in density between ore and impurities is called 38. The role of calcination in metallurgical operations is
(a) levigation (b) leaching (a) to remove moisture
(c) magnetic separation (d) liquifaction (b) to decompose carbonates
26. Leaching is a process of (c) to drive off organic matter
(a) reduction (b) concentration (d) to decompose carbonates and drive off moisture and
(c) refining (d) oxidation organic matter
27. Which one of the following ores is concentrated by chemical
39. General method for the extraction of metal from oxide ore is
leaching method?
(a) carbon reduction
(a) Galena (b) Copper pyrite
(c) Cinnabar (d) Argentite (b) reduction by aluminium
28. Electromagnetic separation is used in the concentration of (c) reduction by hydrogen
(a) copper pyrites (b) bauxite (d) electrolytic reduction
(c) cassiterite (d) cinnabar 40. Function of the flux added during smelting is
29. For which ore of the metal, froth floatation method is used (a) to make ore porous
for concentration? (b) to remove gangue
(a) Horn silver (b) Bauxite (c) to make reduction easier
(c) Cinnabar (d) Heamatite (d) to precipitate slag
30. Which of the following metal is leached by cyanide process ? 41. Process followed before reduction of carbonate ore is
(a) Ag (b) Na (a) calcination (b) roasting
(c) Al (d) Cu
(c) liquation (d) polling
31. Which one of the following ores is not concentrated by
42. Calcination is the process in which :
froth floatation process?
(a) Copper pyrites (b) Pyrargyrite (a) ore is heated above its melting point to expel H2O or
(c) Pyrolusite (d) Zinc blende CO2 or SO2
32. In froth flotation process many chemicals (frother , collector, (b) ore is heated below its melting point to expel volatile
activator, and depressant) are used. Which of the following impurities
is a frother ? (c) ore is heated above its melting point to remove S, As
(a) CuSO 4 (b) NaCN+ alkali and Sb as SO2 ,As2O3 and Sb2O3 respectively
(d) ore is heated below its melting point to expel H2O or
(c) Pine oil (d) Potassium xanthate
33. Froth flotation process is based on
43. When a metal is to be extracted from its ore and the gangue
(a) wetting properties of ore particle
(b) specific gravity of ore particles associated with the ore is silica, then
(c) magnetic properties of ore particles (a) an acidic flux is needed
(d) electrical properties of ore particles (b) a basic flux is needed
34. In the froth flotation process of concentration of ores, the (c) both acidic and basic fluxes are needed
ore particles float because they: (d) Neither of them is needed
(a) are light 44. Which of the following fluxes is used to remove acidic
(b) are insoluble impurities in metallurgical process?
(c) have the surface which is not wetted easily (a) Silica (b) Lime stone
(d) have a constant electrical charge (c) Sodium chloride (d) Sodium carbonate

45. Which of the following reactions is an example for calcination 56. Furnaces are lined with calcium oxide because
process ? (a) it gives off oxygen on heating
(b) it gives strong light on heating
(a) 2Ag 2HCl O 2AgCl H 2 O
(c) it is refractory and basic
(b) 2Zn O 2 2ZnO (d) it is not affected by acids
57. The following reactions take place in the blast furnace in
(c) 2ZnS 3O 2 2ZnO 2SO 2 the preparation of impure iron. Identify the reaction
(d) MgCO3 MgO CO 2 pertaining to the formation of the slag.
(a) Fe2O3(s) + 3 CO(g) 2 Fe (l) + 3 CO2 (g)
46. After partial roasting the sulphide of copper is reduced by
(b) CaCO3 (s) CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
(a) cyanide process (b) electrolysis
(c) CaO (s) + SiO2(s) CaSiO3(s)
(c) reduction with carbon (d) self reduction
(d) 2C(s) + O2 (g) 2 CO(g)
47. Hydro-metallurgical process of extraction of metals is based
on 58. Refractory materials are generally used in furnaces because
(a) complex formation (b) hydrolysis (a) they possess great structural strength
(c) dehydration (d) dehydrogenation (b) they can withstand high temperature
48. (c) they are chemically inert
2CuFeS2 O 2 Cu 2 S 2FeS SO 2
(d) they do not require replacement
Which process of metallurgy of copper is represented by
above equation? 59. Which of the following reactions taking place in the blast
furnace during extraction of iron is endothermic?
(a) Concentration (b) Roasting
(c) Reduction (d) Purification (a) CaCO3 CaO CO2
49. Which of the following is not used as a collector ? (b) 2C O 2 2CO
(a) Pine oil (b) Xanthates (c) C O2 CO 2
(c) Cresols (d) Fatty acids
50. Which of the following reaction represents calcination (d) Fe 2 O 3 3CO 2Fe 3CO 2
process ? 60. Cast iron is
(a) 2PbS 3O 2 2PbO 2SO 2 (a) made by melting pig iron with scrap iron and coke
(b) CaCO3.MgCO3 (s) CaO(s) MgO(s) 2CO2(g) using hot air blast
coke, 1673K
(b) having slightly lower carbon content (about 3%) as
(c) ZnO C Zn CO compared to pig iron
(d) Fe 2 O3 CO 2FeO CO 2 (c) extremely hard and brittle
51. According to Ellingham diagram, the oxidation reaction of (d) All of the above statements are true
carbon to carbon monoxide may be used to reduce which 61. In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the metal is
one of the following oxides at the lowest temperature ? finally obtained by the reduction of cuprous oxide with :
(a) Al2O3 (b) Cu2O (a) Copper (I) sulphide (Cu2S)
(c) MgO (d) ZnO (b) Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
52. Which of the following condition favours the reduction (c) Iron sulphide (FeS)
of a metal oxide to metal? (d) Carbon monoxide (CO)
(a) H = +ve, T S = + ve at low temperature 62. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by
(b) H = +ve, T S = – ve at any temperature (a) electrolytic reduction
(c) H = –ve, T S = – ve at high temperature (b) roasting followed by reduction with carbon
(d) H = –ve, T S = + ve at any temperature (c) roasting followed by reduction with another metal
53. Ellingham diagram normally consists of plots of
(d) roasting followed by self-reduction
(a) Sº vs T (b) fGº vs Sº 63. In the extraction of Cu, the metal is formed in the bessemer
(c) Gº vs T (d) Hº vs T
converter due to the reaction :
54. G° vs T plot in the Ellingham’s diagram slopes downward (a) Cu2S + 2Cu2O 6Cu + SO2
for the reaction (b) Cu2S 2Cu + S
1 1 (c) Fe + Cu2O 2Cu + FeO
(a) Mg O2 MgO (b) 2Ag O2 Ag 2O
(d) 2Cu2O 4Cu + O2
2 2
1 1 64. Aluminothermic process is used for the extraction of metals,
(c) C O2 CO (d) CO O2 CO 2 whose oxides are
2 2 (a) fusible
55. In the blast furnace iron oxide is reduced by
(b) not easily reduced by carbon
(a) silica (b) CO
(c) not easily reduced by hydrogen
(c) carbon (d) limestone
(d) strongly basic
65. Electrometallurgical process is used to extract 75. The main reactions occurring in blast furnace during
(a) Fe (b) Pb extraction of iron from haematite are________.
(c) Na (d) Ag (i) Fe2O3 + 3CO — 2Fe + 3CO2
66. The electrolytic method of reduction is employed for the (ii) FeO + SiO2 — FeSiO3
preparation of metals that
(iii) Fe2O3 + 3C — 2Fe + 3CO
(a) are weakly electropositive
(iv) CaO + SiO2 — CaSiO3
(b) are moderately electropositive
(c) are strongly electropositive (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
(d) form oxides (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
67 Aluminium is extracted from alumina (Al2O3 ) by electrolysis 76. The process of zone refining is used in the purification of
of a molten mixture of (a) Si (b) Al
(a) Al2O3 + HF + NaAlF4 (c) Ag (d) Cu
(b) Al2O3 + CaF2 + NaAlF4
77. Van Arkel method of purification of metals involves
(c) Al2O3 + Na3AlF6 + CaF2
converting the metal to a
(d) Al2O3 + KF + Na3AlF6
68. In the extraction of aluminium by Hall-Heroult process, (a) volatile stable compound
purified Al2O3 is mixed with CaF2 to (b) volatile unstable compound
(i) lower the melting point of Al2O3. (c) non volatile stable compound
(ii) increase the conductivity of molten mixture. (d) None of the above
(iii) reduce Al3+ into Al(s). 78. The method not used in metallurgy to refine the impure
(iv) acts as catalyst. metal is
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) (a) Mond’s process
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (b) Van–Arkel process
69. In the extraction of chlorine by electrolysis of brine______. (c) Amalgamation process
(a) oxidation of Cl– ion to chlorine gas occurs.
(d) Liquation
(b) reduction of Cl– ion to chlorine gas occurs.
79. Which of the following pairs of metals is purified by van
(c) For overall reaction G has negative value.
Arkel method ?
(d) a displacement reaction takes place.
70. Brine is electrolysed by using inert electrodes. The reaction (a) Ga and In (b) Zr and Ti
at anode is ________. (c) Ag and Au (d) Ni and Fe
80. The method of zone refining of metals is based on the principle
(a) Cl – (aq.) Cl 2 (g) e – ; ECell 1.36V of
(a) greater solubility of the impurities in the molten state
(b) 2H 2 O(1) O2 (g) 4 H 4e – ; ECell 1.23V than in the solid
(b) greater mobility of the pure metal than that of the
(c) Na (aq.) e – Na(s); ECell 2.71V impurite
1 (c) higher melting point of the impurities than that of the
(d) H (aq.) e – H 2 (g); ECell 0.00V pure metal
71. Blister copper is (d) greater noble character of the solid metal than that of
(a) Impure Cu (b) Cu alloy the impurities
(c) Pure Cu (d) Cu having 1% impurity 81. Method used for obtaining highly pure silicon which is
72. The furnace used to prepare commercial iron is lined with used as a semiconductor material, is
which of the following ? (a) oxidation (b) electrochemical
(a) Haematite (b) Magnetite (c) crystallization (d) zone refining
(c) Ironpyrites (d) Both (a) and (b) 82. What is anode mud?
73. Which form of the iron contains 4% carbon ? (a) Fan of anode
(a) Cast iron (b) Pig iron
(b) Metal of anode
(c) Wrought iron (d) Both (a) and (b)
(c) Impurities collected at anode in electrolysis during
74. Which of the following reaction takes place in blast furnace
during extraction of copper ? purification of metals
(a) 2Cu 2S 3O 2 2Cu 2O 2SO 2 (d) All of these
83. The process of zone refining is used in the purification of
(b) 2FeS 3O 2 2FeO 2SO 2
(a) Si (b) Al
(c) 2Cu 2O Cu 2S 6Cu SO 2
(d) All of these (c) Ag (d) Cu
84. Which of the following statements regarding 89. Read the following statements
chromatography is incorrect ? (i) The principle that the impurities are more soluble in
(a) It is based on the principle that different components the melt than in the solid state is used in the
of mixture gets adsorbed differently on an adsorbent manufacture of high purity semiconductors.
(b) Column chromatography involves column of Al2O3 in (ii) Van Arkel method of refining Zr involves heating of
a glass tube as a stationary phase. crude metal with Cl2 to form corresponding halide.
(c) The mobile phase may be a gas, a liquid or a solid. (iii) Mond process for refining of nickel involves formation
(d) Component which is more soluble is stationary phase of metal carbonyls as an intermediate.
takes longer time to travel. Which of the following is the correct code for the statements
85. Which of the following metal is used in the manufacture of above ?
dye-stuffs and paints ? (a) TTT (b) FFT
(a) Copper (b) Zinc (c) TFT (d) FTF
(c) Aluminium (d) Magnesium
90. Match the columns
86. Read the following statements Column - I Column - II
(i) Magnetic separation method is employed when one (A) Fe 2 O3 .xH 2O(s) (p) Slag formation
component either ore or gangue is magnetic in nature.
Fe2O3 (s) xH 2O(g)
(ii) Depressant NaCN used in case of ore containing
mixture of ZnS and PbS allows ZnS to come with froth (B) FeO SiO2 FeSiO3 (q) Reduction of
and prevents PbS from coming to the froth. iron oxide
(C) Discharge gas produced (r) Calcination
(iii) For concentration powdered bauxite ore is digested
during this process is utilised
with conc.NaOH at 473–523K and 35–36 bar pressure.
in manufacture of H2SO4.
Which of the following is the correct code for the statements
(D) Fe2 O3 3C 2Fe 3CO (s) Roasting
above ?
(a) A– (r), B – (p), C – (s), D – (q)
(a) TFT (b) TTF
(b) A– (p), B – (r), C – (s), D – (q)
(c) FTF (d) FFT (c) A– (r), B – (s), C – (p), D – (q)
87. Which of the following statements related to Ellingham (d) A– (r), B – (p), C – (q), D – (s)
diagrams are correct ? 91. Match the columns
(i) It provides a sound basis for the choice of reducing Column - I Column - II
agent in the reduction of oxides. (A) According to r G vsT (p) Sulphur oxide
(ii) Each Ellingham plot is represented by a straight line graph, oxide of this metal
untill unless there is some change in phase i.e. can be easily reduced to
solid liquid, liquid gas and gas liquid occurs. corresponding metal by
(iii) Diagrams similar to Ellingham can be constructed for heating with coke
sulphides and halides which clearly indicates why (B) Substance responsible for (q) Copper
reduction of MxS is difficult in comparison to MxO. the blistered appearence
(iv) Ellingham diagrams predicts the tendency of reduction of the copper obtained as
with a reducing agent and kinetics of the reduction result of extraction of
process. copper from cuprous oxide
(C) Metal which during (r) Na3AlF6 or CaF2
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iii)
purification is distilled
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv) off and collected by
88. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ? rapid chilling
(i) Cast iron is used in the manufacture of railway sleepers (D) On addition to Al2O3 its (s) Zinc
(ii) Wrought iron is used in the manufacture of anchors, melting point gets reduced
bolts, chains etc. and conductivity gets
(iii) Nickel steel is used in making pendulums.
(a) A – (p), B – (q), C – (s), D – (r)
(a) Only (i) (b) (i) and (ii) (b) A – (q), B – (s), C – (p), D – (r)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) Only (iii) (c) A – (q), B – (p), C – (s), D – (r)
(d) A – (q), B – (p), C – (r), D – (s)
92. Match the columns. (a) A – (r), B – (s), C – (t), D – (q), E – (p)
Column-I Column-II (b) A – (s), B – (r), C – (t), D – (q), E – (p)
(A) Blisterred Cu (p) Aluminium (c) A – (s), B – (t), C – (r), D – (q), E – (p)
(B) Blast furnace (q) 2Cu2O + Cu2S 6Cu + SO2 (d) A – (s), B – (r), C – (p), D – (q), E – (t)
(C) Reverberatory (r) Iron 97. Match the columns
furnace Column-I Column-II
(D) Hall-Heroult (s) FeO + SiO2 FeSiO3 (A) This metal is used in (p) Zinc
process extraction of chromium
(t) 2Cu2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2 and manganese.
(a) A – (q), B – (r), C – (s), D – (p) (B) Common metal in brass (q) Aluminium
(b) A – (p), B – (q), C – (r), D – (t) and bronze.
(C) Common metal in brass (r) Copper
(c) A – (t), B – (s), C – (r), D – (q)
and german silver.
(d) A – (s), B – (t), C – (r), D – (q)
(D) Substance used in making (s) Stainless steel
93. Match the columns.
cycles, automobiles,
Column-I Column-II
utensils, etc.
(A) Coloured bands (p) Zone refining
(a) A – (q), B – (r), C – (p), D – (s)
(B) Impure metal to volatile (q) Fractional
(b) A – (r), B – (q), C – (p), D – (s)
complex distillation
(c) A – (q), B – (p), C – (r), D – (s)
(C) Purification of Ge and Si (r) Mond Process (d) A – (q), B – (r), C – (s), D – (p)
(D) Purification of mercury (s) Chromatography
(a) A – (p), B – (q), C – (s), D – (t)
(b) A – (s), B – (r), C – (p), D – (q) Directions : Each of these questions contain two statements,
(c) A – (r), B – (s), C – (p), D – (q) Assertion and Reason. Each of these questions also has four
(d) A – (t), B – (s), C – (r), D – (q) alternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer. You
have to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
94. Match the columns.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct
Column-I Column-II
explanation for assertion.
(A) Cyanide process (p) Ultrapure Ge
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a
(B) Froth Floatation Process (q) Dressing of ZnS
correct explanation for assertion
(C) Electrolytic reduction (r) Extraction of Al
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(D) Zone refining (s) Extraction of Au
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
(t) Purification of Ni 98. Assertion : Levigation is used for the separation of oxide
(a) A – (s), B – (q), C – (r), D – (p) ores from impurities.
(b) A – (q), B – (r), C – (p), D – (t) Reason : Ore particles are removed by washing in a current
(c) A – (p), B – (q), C – (r), D – (s) of water.
(d) A – (r), B – (s), C – (t), D – (p) 99. Assertion : Zinc can be used while copper cannot be used
95. Match the columns in the recovery of Ag from the complex [Ag(CN)2]–.
Column-I Column-II Reason : Zinc is a powerful reducing agent than copper.
(A) Cyanide process (p) Ultrapure Ge 100. Assertion : Leaching is a process of reduction.
(B) Floatation process (q) Pine oil Reason : Leaching involves treatment of the ore with a
(C) Electrolytic reduction (r) Extraction of Al suitable reagent so as to make it soluble while impurities
(D) Zone refining (s) Extraction of Au remains insoluble.
(a) A – (r), B – (p), C – (s), D – (q) 101. Assertion : Coke and flux are used in smelting.
(b) A – (s), B – (q), C – (r), D – (p) Reason : The phenomenon in which ore is mixed with
(c) A – (r), B – (q), C – (s), D – (p) suitable flux and coke is heated to fusion is known as
(d) A – (s), B – (p), C – (r), D – (q) smelting.
96. Match the columns 102. Assertion : Copper obtained after bessemerization is known
Column-I Column-II as blister copper.
(A) Distillation (p) Zr Reason : Blisters are produced on the surface of the metal
(B) Electrolytic refining (q) Ga due to escaping of dissolved SO2.
(C) Liquation (r) Cu 103. Assertion : Lead, tin and bismuth are purified by liquation
(D) Zone refining (s) Hg method.
(E) Vapour phase refining (t) Sn Reason : Lead, tin and bismuth have low m.p. as compared
to impurities.

CRITICAL THINKING TYPE QUESTIONS 114. Consider the following reactions at 1000°C
104. Copper can be extracted from
A. Zn(s) O 2 (g) ZnO(s); G 360kJ mol 1
(a) Kupfernical (b) Dolomite
(c) Malachite (d) Galena B. C(gr) O 2 (g) CO(g); G 460kJ mol –1
105. Which of the following metal is correctly matched with its 2
ore? Choose the correct statement at 1000°C
(a) zinc can be oxidised by carbon monoxide.
Metal Ore
(b) zinc oxide can be reduced by graphite
(a) Zinc Calamine
(c) carbon monoxide can be reduced by zinc.
(b) Silver Ilmenite (d) both statements (a) and (b) are true
(c) Magnesium Cassiterite 115. Which of the following statements, about the advantage of
(d) Tin Azurite roasting of sulphide ore before reduction is not true?
106. Which ore contains both iron and copper?
(a) The G of of the sulphide is greater than those for CS2
(a) Cuprite (b) Chalcocite
and H2S.
(c) Chalcopyrite (d) Malachite
(b) The Gof is negative for roasting of sulphide ore to
107. Sulfide ores are common for the metals
(a) Ag, Cu and Pb (b) Ag, Mg and Pb
(c) Roasting of the sulphide to the oxide is thermo-
(c) Ag, Cu and Sn (d) Al, Cu and Pb
dynamically feasible.
108. Which one of the following does not occur as sulphide
(d) Carbon and hydrogen are suitable reducing agents for
reduction of metal sulphides.
(a) Zn (b) Cr
116. Which of the following statement is not correct about
(c) Ag (d) Fe
Ellingham diagram?
109. Pyrolusite is a/an
(a) G increases with an increase in temperature
(a) oxide ore (b) sulphide ore
(b) It consists of plots of fGº vs T for formation of oxides
(c) carbide ore (d) Not an ore
110. Sulphide ores of metals are usually concentrated by froth (c) a coupling reaction can be well expressed by this
flotation process. Which one of the following sulphide ores
offer an exception and is concentrated by chemical leaching? (d) It express the kinetics of the reduction process
(a) Galena (b) Copper pyrite 117. A coupled reaction takes place as follow–
(c) Sphalerite (d) Argentite A + B –––– C + D, Gº = + x kj
111. Which of the following statements is correct ? D + E –––– F Gº = – y kj
(a) Gangues are carefully chosen to combine with the slag for the spontaneity of reaction A + B + E ––– C+F,
present in the ore to produce easily fusible flux to carry which of the following is correct?
away the impurities (a) 2x = y (b) x < y
(b) Slags are carefully chosen to combine with the flux (c) x > y (d) x = (y)× T S
present in the ore to produce easily fusible gangue to 118. The value of f Gº for formation of Cr2O3 is – 540 kJmol–1
carry away the impurities and that of Al2O3 is – 827 kJ mol–1 What is the value of
(c) Gangues are carefully chosen to combine with the flux rG for the reaction?
present in the ore to produce easily fusible slag to 4 2 2 4
carry away the impurities Al(s) + Cr2 O 3 (s) Al 2 O 3 (s) Cr(s).
3 3 3 3
(d) Fluxes are carefully chosen to combine with the gangue
present in the ore to produce easily fusible slag to (a) – 574 kJ mol–1 (b) –287 kJ mol–1
(c) + 574 kJ mol –1 (d) +287 kJ mol–1
carry away the impurities
112. Carbon and CO gas are used to reduce which of the following 119. Before introducing FeO in blast furnace , it is converted to
pairs of metal oxides for extraction of metals ? Fe2O3 by roasting so that
(a) FeO, SnO (b) SnO, ZnO (a) it may not be removed as slag with silica
(c) BaO, Na2O2 (d) FeO, ZnO (b) it may not evaporate in the furnace
113. In the cyanide extraction process of silver from argentite (c) presence of it may increase the m.pt. of charge
ore, the oxidising and reducing agents used are (d) None of these.
(a) O2 and CO respectively 120. The temperature in °C at which Fe2O3 is finally reduced to
(b) O2 and Zn dust respectively Fe in the blast furnace is
(c) HNO3 and Zn dust respectively (a) 993 (b) 797
(d) HNO3 and CO respectively (c) 897 (d) 1597
121. When copper ore is mixed with silica, in a reverberatory 127. Which of the following reaction(s) occur in temperature
furnace copper matte is produced. The copper matte range 500 – 800 K in blast furnace.
contains________. (i) Fe2O3 CO 2FeO CO2
(a) sulphides of copper (II) and iron (II) (ii) Fe3O4 4CO 3Fe 4CO2
(b) sulphides of copper (II) and iron (III) (iii) FeO CO Fe CO 2
(c) sulphides of copper (I) and iron (II)
(iv) C CO 2 2CO
(d) sulphides of copper (I) and iron (III)
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
122. In the metallurgy of aluminium _________.
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (iv) only
(a) Al3+ is oxidised to Al (s). 128. In Hall-Heroult process how much carbon anode is burnt
(b) graphide anode is oxidised to carbon monoxide and away to produce each 1kg of aluminium ?
carbon dioxide. (a) 0.3 kg (b) 0.5 kg
(c) oxidation state of oxygen changes in the reaction at (c) 1 kg (d) 0.1 kg
anode. 129. In electro-refining of metal the impure metal is used to make
(d) oxidation state of oxygen changes in the overall the anode and a strip of pure metal as the cathode, during
reaction involved in the process. the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of a complex metal
123. In the extraction of chlorine from brine_________. salt. This method cannot be used for refining of
(i) G for the overall reaction is negative. (a) Silver (b) Copper
(ii) G for the overall reaction is positive. (c) Aluminium (d) Sodium
(iii) E for overall reaction has negative value. 130. During the process of electrolytic refining of copper, some
(iv) E for overall reaction has positive value. metals present as impurity settle as ‘anode mud’. These are
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (a) Fe and Ni (b) Ag and Au
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv) (c) Pb and Zn (d) Sn and Ag
124. Cu 2S 2Cu 2O 6Cu SO2 131. If the impurities in a metal has a greater affinity for oxygen
In which process of metallurgy of copper, above equation and is more easily oxidised than the metal, then the
is involved? purification of metal may be carried out by
(a) Roasting (b) Self reduction (a) distillation (b) zone refining
(c) Refining (d) Purification (c) electrolytic refining (d) cupellation
125. Which of the following statements regarding metallurgy of 132. Germanium of very high purity is obtained by
iron is incorrect ? (a) liquation (b) vapour phase refining
(a) Reaction Fe3O 4 4CO 3Fe 4CO 2 belongs to (c) distillation (d) zone refining
lower temperature range (500 – 800K) of the blast 133. Which of the following statements regarding electrolytic
furnace. refining of copper is incorrect ?
(b) Reaction FeO CO Fe CO 2 belongs to (a) In this process anode is made up of impure copper and
higher temperature range (900 – 1500K) of the blast pure copper strips are taken as cathode.
furnace. (b) Acidic or basic solution of copper sulphate is used as
(c) The iron obtained from blast furnace is cast iron with electrolyte
3% carbon. (c) Antimony, tellurium, silver and gold are some of the
(d) For reduction of iron oxide to occur G of the couple metals deposits as anode mud during this process
of following reactions should be negative (d) Zinc can be also refined by electrolytic refining method.
1 134. Which of the following is incorrectly matched ?
FeO(s) Fe(s) O 2 (g)
2 Metal Uses
1 (a) Wrought iron Casting stoves, gutter
C(s) O2 (g) CO(g)
2 pipes, toys etc.
126. Extraction of which of the following is based on oxidation ? (b) Copper Coinage alloy
(a) Highly reactive metals (c) Aluminium Extraction of chromium and
(b) Moderately reactive metals
(c) Non-metals
(d) Nickel steel Measuring tapes
(d) Both (a) and (c)


26. (b) Leaching is a process used for concentration of ore. In
1. (a) Argentite or silver glance (Ag 2S) is an ore of Ag. this process, a powdered ore is treated with a suitable
reagent (such as acids, bases or other chemicals)
2. (a) Cinnabar (HgS) is an ore of Hg.
which can selectively dissolve the ore, but not the
3. (a) Bauxite ore of aluminium is Al 2 O3.2H 2O . impurities.
4. (a) 27. (d) Au and Ag can be extracted from their native ores by
5. (b) Al is most abundant metal on the surface of the earth. leaching (Mac-Arthur Forrest cyanide process).
6. (c) Carborundum - SiC 28. (c)
Epsomite or Epsom salt - MgSO4.7H2O 29. (c) Cinnabar is sulphide ore (HgS). Hence purified by froth
Cassiterite - SnO2 floatation process.
Spodumene - Ore of lithium 30. (a) Ag is leached by cyanide process.
7. (a) Chalcopyrite : CuFeS2 31. (c) Pyrolusite is MnO2. Hence not concentrated by froth
Fool's gold : FeS2 floatation process.
Carnalite : KMgCl3.6H2O 32. (c) Froth reduces the surface tension of water and the
Bauxite : Al2O3.2H2O solution forms froth.
8. (c) Haematite is Fe2O3. Thus it is the ore of iron (Fe). 33. (a) Froth flotation process is based on wetting properties
9. (c) Azurite is a basic carbonate ore of copper. of ore particles.
2CuCO3. Cu(OH)2 34. (c) The surface of particles not wetted hence they float at
10. (d) Fe3O4 – Magnetite the surface
CuCO3·Cu(OH)2 – Malachite 35. (a) To remove moisture and non-metallic impurities like S,
Pyrolusite – MnO2 and Cassiterite – SnO2. P and As are oxidised and are removed as volatile
11. (a) substances.
12. (a) The formula of magnetite is Fe3O4. S8 8O 2 8SO 2 ; P4 5O2 P4 O10
13. (c) Impurities associated with minerals are called gangue
4As 3O2 2As2O3
or matrix.
36. (c) In this process sulphide ores are converted into oxide
14. (c)
15. (b) Malachite is an ore of copper Cu OH 2 .CuCO3 . 2ZnS + 3O2 2ZnO + 2SO2
16. (d) Cassiterite is an ore of Sn also known as tin stone 37. (a) 38. (d)
SnO2. 39. (a) Carbon reduction, Fe2O3 + 3 C 2Fe + 3CO
17. (a) Galena is an ore of lead. It is PbS. 40. (b) Flux + Gangue Slag
18. (a) Gold being least reactive found native. 41. (a) Calcination is heating ore in absence of air to remove
19. (a) moisture and volatile impurities. Carbonate ores
20. (c) Zincite is ZnO. decomposed to corresponding oxides as a result of
21. (c) Galena is PbS and thus purified by froth floatation calcination.
method. 42. (d) Calcination is a process of heating a substance to a
Froth flotation method is used to concentrate sulphide high temperature but below the melting or fusion point,
ores. This method is based on the fact that the surface causing loss of moisture, reduction or oxidation and
of sulphide ores is preferentially wetted by oils while dissociation into simpler substances.
that of gangue is preferentially wetted by water. 43. (b) Since silica is acidic impurity the flux must be basic.
22. (d) Froth floatation process is used for the concentration CaO SiO2 CaSiO3
of sulphide ores. 44. (b) To remove acidic impurities basic flux is added which
23. (b) Cassiterite contains the magnetic impurities of FeSO 4 is CaCO3 .
and thus concentrated by electromagnetic separation. 45. (d) Decomposition of carbonates and hydrated oxides.
24. (d) Cyanide process is used in the metallurgy of Ag 46. (d) 2CuO CuS 3Cu SO 2 (Self - reduction)
2Ag 2S 8 NaCN O 2 2 H 2 O 47. (a) For example, Ag2S is converted into Na[Ag(CN)2].
4 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ] 4 NaOH 2S When Zn is added, Ag is displaced.
48. (b)
2 Na [ Ag ( CN ) 2 ] Zn Na 2 [ Zn (CN ) 4 ] 2 Ag
49. (c) Cresol is used as froth stabiliser. 68. (a) 69. (c) 70. (a)
50. (b) Calcination involves heating when the volatile matter 71. (d) Blister-Copper contains 1 – 2 % impurities. It is
escapes leaving behind the metal oxide. obtained after Bessemerisation of crude copper.
51. (b) In the graph of r G° vs T for formation of oxides, the 72. (a)
Cu2O line is almost at the top. So, it is quite easy to 73. (b) Pig iron contains 4% carbon and many impurities in
reduce oxide ores of copper directly to the metal by smaller amount.
heating with coke both the lines of C, CO and C, CO 2 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (a)
are at much lower temperature (500 - 600 K). 523K 1700K
77. (a) Ti 2I2 TiI4 Ti 2I 2
Cu 2 O C 2Cu CO Volatile Pure metal
52. (d) Stable compound
53. (c) Ellingham diagram normally consists of plots of fGº 78. (c) Liquation process, Mond’s process and, van Arkel
Vs T for the formation of oxides of elements. process these are the refining processes that are applied
54. (c) depending upon the nature of the metal under treatment
55. (b) Fe2 O3 3CO 2Fe 3CO 2 and nature of the impurities whereas amalgamation
56. (c) process is used for the extraction of noble metals like
gold, silver, etc, from native ores. The metal is
57. (c) In blast furnace at about 1270 K, calcium carbonate is
recovered from the amalgam by subjecting it to
almost completely decomposed to give CaO which acts
distillation, where the mercury distils over leaving
as a flux and combines with SiO2 present as impurity
behind the metal.
(gangue) in the ore to form calcium silicate (fusible
slag) Hg-vapours
CaO(s) (basic flux) + SiO2 (s) (acidic flux) Ore + Hg Amalgam Distilled
CaSiO3 (s) (slag) Metal
58. (b) These are the substances which can withstand very 79. (b) Zr and Ti are purified by van Arkel method.
high temperature without melting or becoming soft. 870K
Zr(s ) 2I2 ( g ) ZrI4 ( g )
59. (a)
60. (d) Cast iron is different from pig iron and is made by ZrI4 ( g ) Zr(s ) 2I 2 ( g )
Tugsten filament
melting pig iron with scrap iron and coke using hot air
Ti(s) + 2I2(s) 523K TiI4(g)
blast. It has slightly lower carbon content (about 3%)
and is extremely hard and brittle.
61. (a) Cuprous oxide formed during roasting of cuprous
sulphide is mixed with few amount of cuprous sulphide Ti(s) + 2I2(g)
and heated in a reverberatory furnace to get metallic Pure titanium
copper. 80. (a) Zone refining is based on the difference in solubility
2Cu 2O Cu 2S 6Cu SO2 of impurities in molten and solid state of the metal.
This method is used for obtaining metals of very high
62. (b) Extraction of Zn from ZnS (Zinc blende) is achieved
by roasting followed by reduction with carbon.
81. (d) Si obtained by reduction of SiCl4 with H2 is further
2ZnS + 3O2 2ZnO + 2SO2 purified by zone refining method to get Si of very high
ZnO + C Zn + CO purity. Silicon is purified by zone-refining process
63. (d) Decomposition of carbonates and hydrated oxides. because the impurities present in it are more soluble in
64. (b) Aluminothermite process involves reduction of oxides the liquid phase than in the solid phase.
which are not satisfactorily reduced by carbon such 82. (c) 83. (a)
as Fe 2 O 3 , Mn 3 O 4 , Cr 2 O 3 , etc. to metals with 84. (c) Mobile phase cannot be solid.
aluminium. 85. (b) Zinc dust is used as a reducing agent in the manufacture
Cr2 O3 2Al Al 2 O 3 2Cr H ve of dye-stuffs, paints etc.
65. (c) Because Na is very reactive and cannot be extracted
by means of the reduction by C, CO etc. So it is extracted STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS
by electrolysis. 86. (a) For ore containing mixture of ZnS and PbS, depressant
66. (c) NaCN allows PbS to come with froth and prevents
67. (c) Fused alumina (Al2O3) is a bad conductor of electricity. ZnS from coming to the froth.
Therefore, cryolite (Na3AlF6) and fluorspar (CaF2) are 87. (b) Ellingham diagram represents plot between G and T
added to purified alumina which not only make alumina therefore with increase in temperature phase change
a good conductor of electricity but also reduce the Gas Liquid is not possible. Ellingham diagram does
melting point of the mixture to around 1140 K. not give any information about kinetics of the reduction

88. (c) 110. (d) Leaching is the selective dissolution of the desired
89. (c) Van Arkel method involves heating crude Zr with mineral leaving behind the impurities in a suitable
iodine to form corresponding iodide. The metal iodide dissolving agent e.g.,
being more covalent volatilises. Argentitie or Silver glance, Ag2S is an ore of silver.
Silver is extracted from argentite by the mac-Arthur
MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS and Forest process (leaching process).
90. (a) 91. (c) 92. (a) 93. (b) 94. (a) Ag 2S 4NaCN 2Na[Ag CN 2 ] Na 2S
95. (b) Cyanide process is for gold (A - s); floatation process
- pine oil (B - q); Electrolytic reduction - Al (C - r); 4Au 8KCN 2H 2O O 2 4K[Au CN 2 ] 4KOH
Zone refining -Ge (D - p). 111. (d) 112. (d)
96. (b) 97. (a) 113. (b) The reactions involved in cyanide extraction process
are :
Ag 2 S + 4NaCN 2Na [Ag(CN)2] + Na2S
98. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false. (argentite)
Oxide ores being heavier than the earthy or rocky
4Na2S + 5O 2 + 2H2O 2Na2SO4 + 4NaOH + 2S
gangue particles, settle down while lighter impurities
are washed away. agent
99. (a)
2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn Na2 [Zn(CN)4] + 2
100. (d) Assertion is false but reason is true. Leaching is a (reducing
process of concentration.
101. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not Ag
the correct explanation of assertion. Non fusible mass 114. (b)
present in ore in mixing with suitable flux are fused 115. (d) The sulphide ore is roasted to oxide before reduction
which are then reduced by coke to give free metal.
because the Gof of most of the sulphides are greater
102. (a) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is
than those of CS2 and H2S, therefore neither C nor H
the correct explanation of assertion.
can reduce metal sulphide to metal. Further, the
103. (a) standard free energies of formation of oxide are much
less than those of SO2. Hence oxidation of metal
sulphides to metal oxide is thermodynamically
104. (c) Malachite is CuCO3 . Cu(OH)2 it is ore of copper. favourable.
105. (a) (a) Zinc Calamine is ZnCO3 116. (d) Ellingham diagrams are based on thermodynamic
(b) Silver Ilmenite is FeTiO3 concepts. It does not tell anything about the kinetics
(c) Magnesium Cassiterite is SnO2 of the reduction process.
(d) Tin Azurite is 117. (d) For a spontaneous reaction , Gº must be negative
and it can be possible only in this case when x < y
[2CuCO3.Cu (OH)2]
118. (b) The two equation are:
106. (c) Cuprite : Cu2O; Chalcocite : Cu2S; Chalcopyrite : CuFeS2;
Malachite: Cu(OH)2 .CuCO3. We see that CuFeS2 4 2
Al(s) O 2 (g) Al2 O3 (s), f Gº 827kJ mol 1
contains both Cu and Fe. 3 3
107. (a) Silver, copper and lead are commonly found in earth's … (1)
crust as Ag2S (silver glance), CuFeS2 (copper pyrites) 4 2
and PbS (galena) Cr(s) O 2 (g) Cr2 O3 (s), f Gº 540kJ mol 1
3 3
108. (b) Except chromium all the given metals exists as their
… (2)
Subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i) we have,
Zn exists as zinc blende ZnS.
Silver exists as silver glance Ag2S. 4 2 2 4
Al(s) Cr2O3 (s) Al 2O 3 (s) Cr(s),
Iron exists as iron pyrites FeS2. 3 3 3 3
Mercury exists as mercuric sulphide HgS. 1
rG 287kJ mol
109. (a) MnO2 is pyrolusite (oxide ore).

119. (a) FeO is capable forming slag with SiO2 126. (c) Extraction of non-metals are based on oxidation. For
example extraction of chlorine from brine.
SiO 2 FeO FeSiO 3
2Cl–(aq) + 2H2O(l) 2OH–(aq) + H2(g) + Cl2(g)
120. (a) In blast furnace Fe2O3 is finally reduced to Fe at 993°C 127. (a) (iii) and (iv) reactions occur in the temperature range of
121. (c) 122. (b) 123. (b) 900 – 1500K in blast furnace.
124. (b) This process is also called autoreduction process or 128. (b) For each kg of Al produced, about 0.5 kg of carbon
air reduction process. The sulphide ores of less anode is burnt away.
electropositive metals are heated in air to convert part 129. (d) Na reacts vigorously with water (exothermic process )
of the ore into oxide or sulphate which then react with 130. (b) During the process of electrolytic refining of copper
the remaining sulphide ore to give the metal and Ag and Au are obtained as anode mud.
sulphur dioxide. 131. (d)
2Cu 2S 3O2 2Cu 2O 2SO2 132. (d) Metals of high purity are obtained by zone refining
Cu 2S 2Cu 2O 6Cu SO2 e.g., silicon, germanium, boron, gallium, indium.
133. (b) During electrolytic refining of copper electrolyte used
125. (c) The iron obtained from blast furnace is pig iron with
is acidified solution of copper sulphate.
4% carbon and impurities like S, P, Mn etc., in small
134. (a) Wrought iron is used in making anchors, wires, bolts
chains and agricultural implements.

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