2nd Year Mcqs (Full Book)
2nd Year Mcqs (Full Book)
2nd Year Mcqs (Full Book)
(b) Metals from basic oxides (b) Metals from acidic oxides
(c) Metals are non-conductor of electricity (d) Metals have tendency to accept
(a) Alkali Metals (b) Alkaline Metals (c) Coinage Metals (d)
6. How many elements are present in 5th period of the periodic table?
10. In modern periodic table , the elements are arranged in the ascending order of :
(a) Atomic (b) Valency (c) Valence Electrons (d) Atomic Number
11. In the Mendeleev’s periodic law, the properties of elements are periodic function
of their :
(a) Volume (b) Densities (c) Atomic number (d) Atomic Masses
(a) Al- Razi (b) Dobereiner (c) Newlands (d) All of them
(a) Na+ is smaller than Na atom (b) Na+is larger than Na atom
(b) Cl- is smaller than Cl atom (d) Cl- and Cl atom are equal in size
17. The decrease in atom size is not much prominent across row containing elements
of :
18. Keeping in view the size of atoms , which order in the correct one :
19. Hydrogen can be placed with the elements of group IV A because both :
(a) Act as strong oxidizing agent (b) Act as strong reducing agent
22. Keeping in view the size of atoms, which order is the correct one?
(a) Na+ is smaller than Na atom (b) Na+ is larger than Na atom
(c) Cl- is smaller than Cl atom (d) Cl- (ion) and Cl(atom) are equal in size
.(c) All the alkali metals are present in the same group .
(a) All the metals are good conductor of electricity (b) All the metals are good conductor of
(c) All the metals from positive ions (d) All the metals from acidic oxides
(a) Hydrogen resembles in properties with IA, IVA and VIIA elements
(a) The ionization energy of calcium of calcium is lower than that of barium
(b) The ionization energy of calcium of calcium is lower than that of magnesium
(c) The ionization energy of calcium of calcium is higher than that of beryllium
(d) The ionization energy of calcium of calcium is lower than that of strontium
(c) Melting point of halogens remain the same throughout the group
(d) Melting point of halogens first increase and then decrease down the group.
(a) Covalent character of metal halides increase from left to right in a period.
(b) Boiling points of group IVA hydrides decrease down the group.
(d) The basicity of group IIA oxides decrease on descending the group.
(a) Ni, pd, pt (b) Cu, Ag, Au (c) As, Al, pb (d) Fe ,Si,Sn
35. Arrange the following elements according to the trend of ionization energies:
(a) Ne <N < C< B (b) B<C <N <Ne (c) B < N < C< Ne (d) Ne, B<C< N
35. Along a period, atomic radius decreases. This gradual decrease in radius is due to:
(a) Increase in number of electrons in valence shells (b) Decrease in number of shells
(c) Increase in number of protons in the nucleus (d) Increase in number of shells
36. In the trend of melting point of the elements of 3rd period, the sharp decrease
observed from ‘Si’ to ‘p’ is due to:
(a) Decrease in atomic radius from ‘Si’ to ‘p’ (b) Change in bonding and structure of two
(c) Different universities of two elements (d) Increase in electron density from ‘Si’ to ‘p’
37. What is the trend of melting and boiling point of the elements of short periods as we
move from left right in a periodic table?
(c) More the reducing power (d) Bigger the atomic radius
(a) Atomic Radius (b) Number of shells (c) Melting point (d) Electrical conductivity
Chapter no 2
(a) Superoxide’s (b) Acidic Oxide (c) Normal Oxide (d) Both B and C
51. The solubility of alkaline earth metals hydroxides increase down in the group due
(a) Low lattice energy (b) Higher ionic size (c) Both A&B (d) High lattice energy
54. The only alkaline earth metal which from peroxide is:
(a) Barium Sulphate (b) Sodium Sulphate (c) Potassium Sulphate (d) Zinc Sulphate
(a) H2O and NO2 (b) CO and CO2 (c) H2O and CO2 (d) H2S and CO2
70. Which one of the following does not belong to alkaline earth metals?
75. Which ion will have the maximum value of heat of hydration?
(a) Sodium Sulphate (b) Potassium sulphate (c) Zinc sulphate (d) Barium sulphate
(a) Sodium carbonate (b) Sodium bicarbonate (c) Sodium metal (d) Sodium hydroxide
82. Which is deposited at the cathode during the electrolysis of brine in diaphragm cell?
84.Alkaline earth metal oxides react with water to give hydroxides .The solubility of
alkaline earth metal oxide in water increase as we move from top to bottom in a group
.Which of the following alkaline earth metal oxide is least soluble in water :
85: Alkaline earth metal hydroxide decomposes on heating .Which of the following
become a correct representation of this decomposition:
86. When elements of group 2 (alkaline earth metal) are exposed to air, they quickly
become coated with a layer of oxide .What is the purpose of this oxide layer:
c) The oxide layer protect the metal from furthers atmospheric attack
(d) The oxide layer gives the metal a shiny silvery appearance
(a) Sodium sulphate (b) Potassium sulphate (c) Barium sulphate (d) Zinc sulphate
(a) Li2O+NO2+O2 (b) Li2O+NO +O2 (c) Li2O +NO (d) Li2O +NO +O2
97. Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth crust?
(a) Borax (b) Boric acid (d) Baric oxide (d) Tetra Boric acid
(a) As antiseptic in medince (b) For washing eyes (c) In soda bottles (d) For Enamels and
Glazes .
85. Which metal is used in the Thermite process because of its reactivity?
86. Which element among the following belongs to group IV-A of the periodic table:
(a) Barium (b) Iodine (c) Lead (d) Oxygen
(a) Talc (b) Asbestos (c) Sodium sulphate (d) Aluminium sulphate
(a) White pigment (b) Red pigment (c) Blue pigment (d) Silver
91. Which metal is used in the thermite process because of its activity?
(a) Acidic oxide (b) Basic oxide (c) Amphoteric oxide (d) None of these
(a) 1s2,2s2,2p6,3S2, 3P1 (b) 1s2, 2s2,2p6,3s2,3p1 (c) 1s2,2s2,2p6 (d) 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p3
(a) As antiseptic in medicine (b) For washing eye (c) In soda bottle (d) For enamels and
98. Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth crust?
98. Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth crust?
101. Which of the following is used to make container for nitric acid?
(a) Tetra plumbic oxide ( b) Triplumbic oxide (c) Triplumbic tetra oxide (d) Lead
104. Which of the following elements of group IIIA has non-metallic character?
Chapter no 4
107. Out of all the elements of group VA, the highest ionization energy is possessed by:
114. Which metal is rendered passive by HNO3 due to formation of a film of metal oxide
of the metal?
115. Gold dissolves in “Aqua Regia” due to formation of Halide. Point out correct
(a) Ammonium acetate (b) Methyl cyanide (c) Phthisic acid (d) Ethyl
117. Out of all the elements of group VI-A the highest melting and boiling points is
shown by the elements.
(a) It means light bearing (b) It does not exist free in nature
(c) Rich source of phosphorus is bone ash (d) it does not exist in allotropic forms
126. Out of all elements of group VA, the highest ionization energy is possessed by
129. The brown gas formed when metal reduced HNO3 is:
131. Out of the elements of group VIA, the highest melting and boiling points is shown
by the element:
(a) The reaction does not go to completion (b) The reaction is quite slow
134. Which of the following specie has the maximum number of unpaired electrons?
(a) It is relatively unstable than O2 (b) It provides an extra oxygen atom then O2
(a) Red phosphorus (b) Black phosphorus (c) White phosphorus (d) Gray phosphorus
Chapter no 5
145. Which of the halogens is liquid?
(c) Remain same throughout (d) First increase then decrease down
151. Which of the following hydrogen halide is the weakest acid in solution?
152. Which halogen will react spontaneously with Au(s) to produce Au3+
(a) Br2 (b) F2 (c) l2 (d) Cl2
(a) Hypochlorous acid (b) Chloric acid (c) perchloric acid (d) Chlorine and
(a) Acidic oxide (b) Basic oxide (c) Amphoteric oxide (d) A
160. An element that has high ionization energy and tends to be chemically inactive
could most likely to be:
169. Which of the following noble gas is used for arc welding and cutting?
170. Which of the following hydrogen halide is the weakest acid in solution?
(a) Hypochlorous acid (b) Chlorine acid (c) Perchloric acid (d) Chlorine and
173. Which halogen will react spontaneously with Au(s) to produce Au3+
178. An element that has high ionization energy and is said to be chemically inactive
would most likely to be.
(a) An alkaline metal (b) A transition (c) A noble gas (d) A halogen
179. Which of the following represents the correct electronic configuration of the outer
most energy level of an element of zero (VIIIA) group in the ground state?
186. Which of the following halogen does not form stable oxyacid‘s
188. ---------is used electric light bulbs, in fluorescent tubes, in radio tubes and Geiger
Chapter no 6
190. The total number of transition element is:
(a) Zn, Cd, (b) Fe, Ru, Os (c) Cr, Mo,W (d) Mn,Te,Re
203. The percentage of carbon in different types of iron products is in the order of
(a)Cast iron >wrought oron >steel (b) Wrought iron>steel > cast iron
(c ) Cast iron > steel > wrought iron (d) cast iron = steel > wrought iron
(a) d-d transition of electrons (b) Par magnetic nature of transition elements
211. In contact process, the catalyst used for the conversion of sulphur dioxide to
sulphur trioxide is:
213. Ligands donating two line pair of electrons to the central transition metal ion are
known as:
214. The violet colour of [Ti (H2O) 6]3+ ion solutions are due to:
(a)Central metal ion (b) Complex ion (c) Water molecule (d) Outer
(c) Red and white light (d) Red and blue light
(a) [Ar] 3d4 S2 (b) [Ar] 3d4 4s1 (c) [Ar] 3d5 4s2 (d) [Ar] 3d5 4s1
Chapter no 7
220. The compound that burns very smoothly in an engine having octane number of 100
(a) Filtration (b) Fractional distillation (c) Stream distillation (d) Fractional sublimation
(a) G.N Lewis (b) F. Wholer (c) Greek philosophers (d) Scientists of 20 this century
(a) Two sigma bond (b) One sigma and one Pi bond
234. Compound having same molecular formula but different structural formula is
called as:
240. The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate was:
246. Which one of the following pairs can be cis-trans isomer to each other?
247. 1-chloropropane and 2 chloropropane are isomers of each other; the type of
isomerism in these two is called:
248. The following functional group is present in both aldehydes and ketones:
249. Carbon has the unique ability to formlong chainby bonding with other
carbonatoms this property of self-linking in carbon is known as:
Chapter no 8
249. Preparation of vegetable ghee involves:
(a)Halogenation (b) Hydrogenation (c) Hydroxylation (d) Dehydrogenation
(a)Chloroform only (b) Carbon tetra chloride only (c) CH3+CH2 Cl2 (d) Mixture of
260. The presence of double or triple bond in a compound is the sign of:
262. When 1-Chloropane is reacted with alcoholic KOH, the product obtained as:
(a) Mustard gas (b) Laughing gas (c) Phosgene gas (d) Bio-
(a) Poly acetylene (b) Benzene (c) Chloroprene (d) Divinyl acetylene
(a) Hund’s rule (b) Markownikov’s rule (c) Pauli’s Exclusion principle (d)Auf-bau
(a) Mustard gas (b) Laughing gas (c) Phosgene gas (d) Bio-
273. When methane reacts with Cl2 in the presence of diffused light the products
obtained are:
274. Which one of the following gases is used for artificial ripening of fruits?
275. Which product is obtained by the elimination of bromopropane?
276. Brominating of alkene is shown in the following reaction .This reaction is used for:
277. The dehydration of ethyl alcohol with concentrated H2SO2 at 140.C gives
(a) Ethene (b) Diethyl ether (c) Alcohol (d) Carboxylic acid
(a)Aesthetic (b) Freezing agent (c) knowing agent (d) anti freezing gent.
279. Ethene on polymerization, gives the product polyethene. This reaction may be
called as:
(a)Hund’s rule (b) Markownikov’s rule (c) Pauli’s Exclusion principle (d) Aufbau
283. Alkanes are non-polar or weakly polar compounds that are insoluble in:
(a)Polar solvent (b) Uni-polar solvent (c) Non-Polar solvent (d) none of these
Chapter no 9
284. In which compound benzene ring are isolated:
292. The conversion of n-hexane into benzene by heating in the presence of Pt is called:
295. Benzene reacts with alkyl halides in the presence of AlCl3. This reaction is:
296. amongst the following, the compound that can be most readily sulphated:
(a)They have high percentage of hydrogen (b) they have a ring structure
(c ) They have high percentage of carbon (d) They resist reaction with air
(a) C6H2 (NO2)3 C2H5 (b) C6H2 (NO2)3 CH3 (c) C6H2 (NO2)3 C2H5 (d) C6H2 (NO2)3
304. Which of the following acid can be used as a catalyst in Friedel Craft’s reactions?
(a) Substitution reaction (b) Addition reaction (c) Oxidation reaction (d) Elimination reaction
306. Among the following, the compound that can be most readily Salphonated is:
(a)They have high percentage of hydrogen (b) they have a ring structure
(c) They have high percentage of carbon (d) they resist reaction with air
310. The conversion of n-hexane into benzene by heating in the presence of Pt.
catalyst is called:
(c) Large delocalization (d) that it has three alternate single and double bonds
314. Benzene in the presence of AlCl3 produces acetophenone when reacts with
(a) Acetyl chloride (b) Ethyl Benzene (c) Acetic acid (d) Ethanoic acid
317. Which one of the following is powerful electrophile used to attack on the electron of
benzene ring:
318. When a hydrogen atom is removed from benzene, the group left behind is called:
(a) Alkyl Group (b) Benzyl Group (c) Phenyl Group (d) Methyl Group
319. When benzene reacts with acetyl chloride (CH3COCl) in the presence of AlCl3
acetophenone is formed .The electrophile in this reaction is:
320. Which of the following species are meta-directing group hen second group in
introduced into the benzene ring:
1= -NH2
IV= -CH3
(a) III,III and IV (b) II and III (c) I and IV (d) I,II and IV
321.In primary alkyl halides the halogen atom attached to a carbon atom which is
further attached to how many carbon atom :
323. H3O has one lone pair of electrons on oxygen .It cannot act as:
(a) Lewis acid (b) Nucleophile (c) Strong acid (d) Electrophile
(a) First order kinetics (b) second order Kinetics (c) 3rd order kinetics (d) zero order kinetics
328. For which mechanism, the first step involves is the same:
(a) E1 and E2 (b) E2 and SN2 (c) SN1 and E2 (d) E1 and SN1
329. in 2N2 mechanism, the hybridization of carbon atom changes from sp2 to:
(a) The presence of the halogen atom (b) The presence of Mg atom
(c) The polarity of C-Mg bond (d) none of these
331. Reactions of the following with Grignard reagent can give primary alcohol:
(a) Expoxide (b) peroxide (c) super oxide (d) Hydrogen oxide
334. Reaction of CO2 with ethyl magnesium bromide, followed by acid hydrolysis
335. When CH3-CH2OH is made to react with Grignard’s reagent the product formed
336. In primary alkyl halides, the halogen atom is attached to a carbon, which is further
attached to how many carbon atoms:
337. The reactivity of order of alkyl halides for a particular alkyl group is :
338. When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide, followed by acid
hydrolysis the product formed is:
(a) Primary alkyl halides (b) Secondary alkyl halides (c) The alkyl halides (d) All of three
341. Elimination bimolecular reactions involve:
(a) First order kinetics (b) Second order kinetics (c) Third order kinetics (d) Zero order kinetics
342. For which mechanisms, the first step involved is the same:
(a)E1 and E2 (b) E2 and SN2 (c) E1 and E2 (D) E1 and SN1
343. Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophiles because:
345. Grignard reagents are prepared by the reaction of magnesium metal with alkyl halides in the
presence of:
(a) Dry Ether (b) Alcohol (c) Sodium Lead Alloy (d) Water
347. In elimination reaction, alcoholic KOH is used, OH –I this case will act:
Chapter no 11
354. Which enzyme is not involved in fermentation of starch?
(a) Wood spirit (b) Methylated spirit (c) Rectified spirit (d) Absolute alcohol
365. which of the following reagent will replace -Oh group of alcohol by a halogen atom:
(a) Iodoform test (b) Lucas test (c) Benedict’s test (d) Tolle n’s test
(a) Acid (b) Bases (c) Acid as well as bases (d) Neither acid nor bases
(a) sp-hybridized (b) sp2- hybridized (c) sp3 –hybridized (d) None of these
369. Phenol – formaldehyde resin is called:
372. Which compound will have the maximum repulsion with H2O?
(a) Acid (b) Base (c) Acid as well as a base (d) None of these
381. The ensure that ethanol is not used for drinking purposes; it is converted to
methylated spirit by adding:
(a) 10% methanol and a little acetone (b) 10% petrol and little diesel
383. Alcohol in which carbon atom bonded to OH group is further attached with three
alkyl groups is:
(a) Primary Alcohol (b) Secondary Alcohol (c) Tertiary Alcohol (d) Aromatic Alcohol
Chapter no 12
384: Ketones are prepared by oxidation of:
(a) Primary Alcohol (b) Secondary Alcohol (c) Tertiary Alcohol (d) All of these
386: Acidified oxidation agent for the laboratory preparation of acetaldehyde is:
393: Acetone reacts with HCN to forms cyanohydrin .It is an example of:
(a) sp-hybridized (b) sp2-hybridized (c) sp3- hybridized (d) d sp2 hybridized
(a)Tolle n’s reagent (b) Iodoform (c) Benedict’s (d) Fehling solution
397: Which compound will not give iodoform test on treatment with I2 /NaOH?
(a) Tolle n’s reagent (b)Iodoform test (c) Benedict’s reagent (d) Fehling’s solution
403: Which of the following reagent will react with both aldehydes and ketones?
(a) Grignard reagent (b) Tolle n’s reagent (c)Fehling reagent (d) Benedict’s reagent
404: Dry distillation of a mixture of calcium of calcium salts of formic acid ad acetic
acid results into the formation of:
406: Brick red precipitates are formed when aldehydes react with:
(a)Sodium borohydride (b) Sodium nitroprusside (c) Sodium bisulphite (d) Fehling’s solution
407: Which one of the following test is given by both aldehyde and ketone?
(a)Silver mirror test (b) 2, 4 DNPH test (c) Fehling solution test (d) Benedict’s solution test
Chapter no 13
408: Phthisic acid is a:
(a)Monocarboxylic acid (b) Carboxylic acid (c) Tricarboxylic acid (d) none of these
(a) Oxalic acid (b) Lactic acid (c) Cirtic acid (d) Aspartic acid
(a) Propionic acid (b) Acetic acid (c)Phthisic acid (d) Butanoic acid
(a) Formic acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Benzoic acid (d) Butanoic acid
423: The organic acid that does not have Carboxyl group:
(a) Formic acid (b) Formic acid (c) Acetic acid (d) Butanoic acid
(a)Carbonic acid (b) Formic acid (c) Acetic acid (d) Butyric acid
425: Molar mass of CH3COOH obtained by elevation of boiling point method is:
(b) (c) Neutral amino acid (d) Slightly basic ammino acid
(a) Fehling’s test (b) Ninhydrin test (c) Iodoform test (d) 19% NaCH Solution test
(a) Less than 10.000 (b) Greater than 10,000 (c) Equal to 10,000 (d) Equal to 9,000
(b) (c) A hydroxyl and carboxyl group (d) A carboxyl and an aldehydic group
(a) Formic acid (b) Oxylic acid (c) Carbonic acid (d) Acetic acid
436:Which of the following derivative cannot be prepared directly from acetic acid
(a) Acetamide (b) Acetyl chloride (c) Acetic anhydride (d) Ethyl acetate
(a) Formic acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Benzoic acid (d) Butanoic acid
439: Organic compound X and Y react together to form organic compound What type
of compounds can X, Y and Z be:
(a) Propaboic acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Phthalic acid (d) Butanoic acid
(b) (c) Heating ethyl acetate (d) the hydrogen of methyl cyanide
443: Complete reduction of carboxylic acids to the alkane is carried out with:
444: Consider the following reaction: CH3COOH +Mg (metal) →? What product will from?
445: Ethyl butrate and butyl butanoate are esters with the flavour of:
446: Which product is obtained by the reaction of carboxylic acid with alcohol?
450: Which of the following reagent is used for identification of amino acid?
(a) Fehling’s solution (b) Benedict’s solution (c) Ninhydrin (d) Copper (II) Sulphate
Chapter no 14
(a) PVC (b) Rayon fiber (c) Acrylic fiber (d) Polyester fiber
(a) Adipic acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Vinyl choloride (d) Acrylic acid
(b) (c) Glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids (d) Saturated fatty acids
463: Which of the following enzymes brings about the hydrolysis of fats?
464: Which one of the following nitrogenous base is not present in RNA?
465: In which of these processes are small organic molecules made into macromolecules:
(a) The cracking of petroleum fraction (b) The fractional distillation of crude oil
Exercise MCQ
466: In which of these processes are small organic molecules made into macromolecules:
(b) The cracking of petroleum fraction (b) The fractional distillation of crude oil
(a) Nylon -6, 6 (b) Polystyrene (c) Terylene (d) Epoxy resin
(b) (c) Burn to produce toxic fumer (d) Decompose to produce toxic products
(a) PVC (b) Rayon fibre (c) Acrylic fibre (d) Polyester fibre
471: A polymeric substance that is formed in the liquid state and then hardened to a
rigid solid is called a:
(b) (c) Glycerides of unsaturated fatty acid (d) Essential oils obtained from plants
475: Which of the following enzymes brings about the hydrolysis of fats?
477: Which of the following statements about glucose and sucrose is incorrect?
(a) Both are soluble in water (b) Both are naturally occurring
(a) Stomach (b) Liver and muscles (c) Mouth (d) Small intestine
(b) (c) Carbon , Hydrogen and oxygen (d) Hydrogen and Oxygen
482: Two or more amino acids condensed to from protein by a peptide linkage which is
present between two atoms:
484: The increased quantities of cholesterol in blood make plaque like deposits in the
arteries between two atoms:
(a) Cholera (b) Down’s syndrome (c) Heart attack (d) Phenylketonuria
Chapter no 15
488: Which of the following elements is not a micro nutrient?
(a) Urea (b) Ammonia (c) Ammonium nitrate (d) None of these
(a) Manure (b) Urea (c) Super phosphate (d) Ammonium sulphate
(a) Urea (b) Ammonium nitrate (c) Ammonia gas (d) Ammonia liquid
498: Which three elements are needed for the healthy growth of plants?
499: Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper plup?
(b) (c) Acidic component (d) Both acidic and basic components
502: Which of the following is argillaceous material? Or which which is not a calcareous
(a) Lime stone (b) Clay (c) Marble (d) Marine shells
503: The number of zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln
manufacture of cement is:
504: The number of zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln
manufacture of cement is:
505: The three elements needed for the healthy grough of plants:
506: Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper plup?
(a) 4g – 40g (b) 6g – 200g (c) 6kg – 200kg (d) 4kg – 40kg
510: During the manufacturing process of cement the temperature of the decomposition
zone goes up to:
511: The word paper is derived from the name of which ready plant:
(a) Rose (b) Sun flower (c) Papyrus (d) Water Hyacinth
513: How many zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln:
(a) Cotton (b) Wheat (c) Sugar cane (d) Paddy rice
515: Which non- woody raw material is used for making pulp and paper?
516: The word paper is derived from the name of which reedy plants:
(a) Rose b) Sun flower (c) Papyrus (d) Water Hyacinth
520: The zone where moisture is removed and clay is broken down into Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3 is:
(a) Burning zone (b) Cooling zone (c) Drying zone (d) Decomposition zone
(a) Sodium carbonate (b) Sodium hydroxide (c) Sodium acetate (d) Both a and b
(a) Urea (b) Ammonia (c) potassium phosphate (d) Ammonium phosphate
Chapter no 16
525: Peroxy acetl nitrate (PAN) is an irritant of human being and it effects:
(a) Thirty minutes (b) One day (c) Three days (d) four days
530: The degree in ozone concentrate in overhand atmosphere is according due to human
activity .Half of the ozone over Antarctica has been depleted up to the year:
531: A single chloride free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules:
(a) Control the growth of fungus (b) ) Kill insects (c) Kill plants (d) Kill herbs
533: The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the water is due to the salt of :
534: Biochemical oxygen demand is the capacity of organic matter in natural water to
consume oxygen within a period of:
(a) Three days (b) Four days (c) Five days (d) Six days
(a) Nickel sulphate (b) Alum (c) Copper sulphate (d) Barium sulphate
537: Peroxy acetl nitrate (PAN) is an irritant of human being and it effects:
538: To avoid the formation of toxic compounds with chlorine which substance is used for
disinfecting water?
539: A single chloride free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules:
(a) 100 (b) 100000 (c) 10000 (d) 10
(a) Control the growth of fungus (b) ) Kill insects (c) Kill plants (d) Kill herbs
542: The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the waste water is due the salt of:
(a) Lead (b) Chromium (VI) (c) Copper (d) Chromium (III )
(a) Nickel sulphate (b) Copper sulphate (c) Barium sulphate (d) Alum
544: The temperature in the non- rotating chamber in incineration of industrial and
hazardous waste process has a range:
(a) 900 to 1000℃ (b) 250 to500℃ (c) 950 to 1300℃ (d) 500 to 900℃
545: Newspaper can be recycled again and again by how many times:
549: Which is the metal, whose elevated concentration is harmful for fish as it clogs the
gills thus causing suffocating?
550: The coagulant used in raw water to precipitate suspended impurities is:
(a) Caustic soda (b) Lime water (c) Alum (d) Soda ash
(b) 900 to 1000°