Danimar Baculot IT2104: Property of STI
Danimar Baculot IT2104: Property of STI
Danimar Baculot IT2104: Property of STI
Instructions: Analyze the following simple programs that encompass flag manipulation. Fill the blanks with the correct
comments that would describe the process of the corresponding line of code. Then, answer the following questions in each
Program 3:
Line 1: include "emu8086.inc" Line 11: not_equal:
Line 2: org 100h Line 12: add bl, al
Line 3: mov al, 5 Line 13: sub al, 10
Line 4: mov bl, 7 Line 14: xor al, bl
Line 5: cmp al, bl Line 15: jmp skip_data
Line 6: jne not_equal Line 16: db 256 dup(0)
Line 7: jmp equal Line 17: skip_data:
Line 8: equal: Line 18: putc 'N'
Line 9: putc 'Y' Line 19: stop:
Line 10: jmp stop Line 20: ret