Bayan's Notes PDF
Bayan's Notes PDF
Bayan's Notes PDF
Bayan AlMahari
| 2020 |
o Endo : page[2]
o Perio : page[5]
o Fluoride : page[8]
o Implant : page[12]
o Ethics : page[28]
o ْ جصذٕخ مهف انغبمذ: page[30]
| Dr.Bayan AlMahari |
Endo :
..ٍٍعُذَا َٕع
Pulp necrosis: A clinical diagnostic category indicating death of the dental pulp.
The pulp is usually nonresponsive to pulp testing.
Previously treated: A clinical diagnostic category indicating that the tooth has
been endodontically treated and the canals are obturated with various filling
materials other than intracanal medicaments.
Normal apical tissues: Teeth with normal periradicular tissues that are not
sensitive to percussion or palpation testing. The lamina dura surrounding the
root is intact, and the periodontal ligament space is uniform.
- discomfort to percussion
- incapable of heat
- spontaneous pain
- Caries / trauma..
- No clinical pic
- RL
- fever
- lymphanodopathy
- pus + swelling
- associated tissue
- rapid onset
- pus
- gradual onset
☀ when they ask you about STAGE: you should know 2 things :
- cal”attachment loss”
- RBL”radiographic bone loss)
☀ when ask you about GRADE , they mean percentage % of bone loss /pt age , in the
Q he will mention age of pt , if the result :
- Angle between the face of the blade and the lateral surface of any curette
[Trapezoidal] [Triangular]
[Envelope] [Semilunar]
☀ بٕسبل عه دبنة طفم َ ٔقُل عمزي كذا َ ٔبخذ فهُرأذ فٓ انمبْ كذا فىعطًٕ
سبهمىث اْ كثز؟ وعزفً مه ٌبنجذَل:
☀بٕقُنك دبنً أخذ جزعة مزي َادذي كذا فهُرَسٔش َبٕسبل عه جشخٕص
انذبنً َدي انجذَل انهّ بٕذذد
☀10mm vertical bone diamension and 6mm horizontal for implant placement
☀1 mm around implant lingually and facially
☀Minimum distance 3 mm between 2 implant
☀1mm between implant and adjacent teeth
☀2mm above superior aspect of inferior alveolar canal
☀1mm between implant and nasal vestibule
☀Slightly off midline on either side of incisive foramen
☀1mm bone between floor of sinus and implant.
☀Inferior nerve close as 3 mm to mental foramen
☀Implant at least 5mm anterior to mental foramen
☀2mm apex of implant to superior aspect of inferior alveolar canal
A/ type l
C/ type lll
B/ occlusal Trauma
12 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
implant screw and fixture fracture ,, how can you remove the implant :
A/ helix driver
C/ Attaching device to the coronal part of the implant and remove it slowly
using of small dimeter implant in posterior area ,, what’s the the complication that
will occur :
patient was referred to the othodontist to make a space for implant , what's the
length needed
5 mm,
7 mm,****
11 mm
a missing tooth that needs to be replaced, the space from the crest to the maxillary
sinus is 12 mm. What’s the length of your implant?
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A case about implant for 46 and supra erupted 16 what to do?
*orthodontic intrusion
Implants scaling
Sensetive roots
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impression for esthetic area for an implant after healing with healing abutment: pick
up impression
When there is new brand of implant , first it should be tested on animal to be sure it
is biocompatible , according to FDA ethic code this is match which one
- B1
- A3
- D2
When placing implant and you want to have interdental papilla regrowth , you
should leave btw base of proximal plate & crestal bone ?
distance bw 2 implant
3 mm
Patient will have Ant. implant the dentist did the clinical examination , impression
and made the cast Whats left?
Surgical splint
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Distance between dental implant and inferior alveolar nerve block
every 3 months
every 6 months
Denture come less retentive over implant .. non parallel implant correct
Implant complete overdenture for lower which is the most commonly used
Implant screw has fractured, how can you remove the part of the screw in the
Ultrasonic tip
16 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
34, 35, 36 are missing.. 37 is slightly mesially tilted. The total remaining space is
14mm, what’s the maximum number of 4mm diameter implants that can be placed
to restore the 3 missing teeth?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Dentist decided to go for 2 stages implant placement. Which metallic part is used to
cover the implant that is then submerged under soft tissue?
a. Healing abutment
b. Impression coping
c. Cover screw
blood supply around the implant ? Is lesser than around the tooth
Pt did two implants 24 25 after 4 months there is distal mobility for the 24 why:
Patient known to be high risk of periodontal disease had an implant, after complying
with recall appointments for the last 12 months, what would be the next recall
a) Every1-2months
b) Every3-4months
c) Every6-9months
d) Every9-12months
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Consequane of reimplantation of avulsed tooth?
Aper resorption - external cervical resorption
internal resoption
what is the ideal hight from alveolar ridge to the opposing occlusal surface to receive
implant supported fixed crown?
D-8*****. 8-12mm
C-5 months
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Causes of implant overdenture ill fit (pic)
In 2 stage implant what is the part covered the implant and embade by tissue
Cover screw
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Implant probing depth
More deep than the teeth
implant analogue
It represents the top of impant fixure or abutment in labaratoy cast
CD patient or implant and doctor aplly LA to measure the width of the bone:
bone sounding
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If you do implant and there is only 4 mm interocclusal space what to so?
Remove the implant and put it deeper in bone or make RPD instead of implant
The answer should be: A screw-retained prosthesis may be provided with 4 mm of
interocclusal space
Osseointegration means:
A. Full contact between bone and the implant body
B. Fibrous attachment to the implant
C. 40% to 70% bone/implant contact
D. Clinical detection of a particularly stable implant
The first event leading to osseointegration that occurs after implant placement
A. Growth of new bone cells
B. Formation of a blood clot
C. Growth of fibrous tissue
D. Gingival downgrowth
Preload is:
A. Placement of a screw without the application of adequate torque
B. Pressure on a provisional crown
C. Tension placed by screws to protect implant components from displacing forces
D. The force transmitted by the crown to the implant
☀Note : Preload is tension that prevents the movement of implant
components, thereby protecting them
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Plaque and calculus:
A. Do not attach on implants
B. Attach loosely to implants
C. Have a different composition on implants
D. Accumulate on implants similarly to teeth
A. Is equivalent to gingivitis
B. Cannot be treated
C. Is usually limited to superficial soft tissue
D. Spreads rapidly to bone
Implant survival:
A. Is synonymous with implant success
B. Means that an implant is still present in the mouth after a period of time
C. Means that an implant is present and clinically satisfactory after a period of time
D. Means that the implant required some form of treatment to avoid failure
Question 11: The minimum interarch space for a fixed implant-supported prosthesis is:
A. 4 mm
B. 6 mm
C. 7 mm
D. 12 mm
☀Note : - 4 mm would not provide room for implant components
- 6 mm is the minimum buccolingual bone width that accommodates
an implant that is 4 mm in diameter.
- 12 mm is the minimum interarch distance for an implant-supported
removable prosthesis.
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Computed tomography:
A. Is the most precise radiographic technique
B. Delivers low doses of radiation
C. Is performed by a machine that is the size of a panoramic machine
D. Should be prescribed in all implant cases
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Screw-retained prostheses possess the following advantages:
A. Ease of fabrication
B. Ease of retrieval
C. Esthetics
D. Ease of connection to natural teeth
Provisional restorations:
A. Can rest on bone grafts and implants
B. Should not rest on bone grafts or newly placed implants
C. Are not appropriate immediately after implant placement
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Bone grafting:
A. Works best to augment ridge height
B. Is limited to 2 mm augmentations or less
C. Works best to augment ridge width
D. Does not work in general
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Passive fit is:
A. The placement of an abutment without resistance
B. The placement of a single crown without resistance
C. The delivery of a screw without resistance until the last quarter turn
D. The placement of a bridge without resistance
Testing if screws can turn without resistance until the last quarter turn is:
A. Useful for verifying proper fit in multi-unit restorations
B. Only useful for implant bars
C. Only useful for single restorations
D. Useless in most clinical cases
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If an implant has been placed apically, a 7 mm peri-implant probing shows no
sign of inflammation, and there is no radiographic change and no bleeding, this probably
A. Normal functioning
B. Peri-implantitis
C. Implant failure
D. Component failure
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Ethics :
1- Beneficence
2- Autonomy
3- Veracity
4- Justice
5- Nonmaleficence
6- Confidentiality
☀ Beneficence = DO GOOD
☀ Autonomy
☀ Veracity = Truthfulness
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- Example :
1- Treat poor and rich people with the same quality and price
2- Do Not refuse the treatment of patient infected with blood
borne organism
☀ Nonmaleficence = DO NO HARM
☀ Confidentiality = PRIVACY
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☀ْمزاجعة مهف انغبمذ
�9-16 years girl with impacted upper canine, father refused surgical
extraction ?
resorption of adjacent lateral incisors
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10-African,5 years boy complaining of bilateral facial swelling, x.ray
showed multilocular radiolucenency,cause roots resorption with
(Starry Sky appearance?
Burkitte`s lymphoma
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�19_ peado pt don’t have space between primary & permenant teeth, he
will develop :
* crowding in permanents teeth
☀Note :
*K-remar* ➡triangular
*k-file* ➡ sequar
*H-file* ➡teardrop
�22_ primary impression taken & diagnostic cast made, the (cast is
yellow like the picture & there were missing upper right posterior
teeth,,& contain defect like a hole ), what is the type of materia :
* type 3 dental stone
�24_ the best for luting porcelain veneer which will be in aesthetic anterior
* _ light cure composite
_ dual cure composite
submental-masseter space
�26_ 60 lady with RPD class 2 complaining of pain & the denture is
rocking during eating, on examination u found redness on mucosa &
when u but ur finger postriorly the denture dislodged, what is
management :
* reline
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27_ classification of caries showed : class 6
�30_ Purpose of facebow: *relate the maxillary cast to lower part of articulator
�33_ pt had surgical extraction of upper 4, which needed four pointed flap,
what is the type of the wound?
- clean
- contaminated
- clean contaminated
_ something caliper
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�36_ The decision of pt that no one can inter or touch his inner parts of his
body without his permission:
* autonomy
�37_ Tooth with full crown , u did RCT through the crown, what is best
Restoration :
- amalgam -gic
_ composite
�39_ Female pt, wants teeth bleaching, during the procedure pt asked
dentist to stop & said she is feeling pain, this is due:
-gingival burning due to leakage from the gingival dam
☀Note: During ➡g.burning
After ➡ sensitive
�42_ Pt complain of pain in upper right premolar area & on examination all the teeth are sound ,
no periodontal disease, pain increased when
pt bend down:
- sinusitis
reversible pulpitis
�43_ Pt complaining of TMJ pain, Clicking, deviating when open his mouth:
_ dislocation without reduction
- dislocation with reduction.
☀Note: Clicking =reduction...No clicking=no reduction
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��44-8 years old boy had trauma on central, 3 days
ago , feeling pain:
- pulpotomy
- pulpectomy
�48-x.ray showing endodontically treated incisor with very short obturation ,about 2 mm at the
apical part, dentist want to place post & core, what he should do:
- send to endodontist to refill the tooth
- put post & core
�50-pt came with 5 sets of PRD, he said no doctor do what he want, now
he want, what type of pt:
- philosophical
- hysterical
- no different
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�52-Pt with Complete removable denture, complain of clenching of
artificial teeth, biting of inner cheeks during chewing, the cause is:
- Increased vertical dimension
-reduced vertical dimension
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�60-biopsy of 60year old patient of lateral surface of tongue
revealed squamous cell carcinoma the patient son asked not to
tell him and treat cancer but tell the father that this is an infection ?
.consult lawyer
.inform patient the this is cancer
.inform patient that this is infection and treat as cancer
.refer patient to other dentist
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�67_picture of finical recession in Lower premolar the cause is
.tooth brushing
Occlusal truama
�71_ dentist who is clean, known free of diseases and follow infection control rules. while
treating patient injured his hands and bleeds inside patient mouth what to do ?
.don’t tell the pt
.tell the patient and assure him that he will not be infected
.pt rinse his mouth
_tell the patient and assure him and follow up accordingly
�72_ patient complaining of TMJ pain, clicking, deviating when open his mouth?
.dislication with reduction
.dislocation without reduction
☀Note: Clicking = WITH reduction...No clicking= WITHOUT reduction
�73_ dentist when received the porcelain metal crown the porcelain
extended over metal due to?
.less chamfer
.less metal
.less colar
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�74_matrix band extend for.... Above marginal ridge
1-2 mm
3. mm
5. mm
7. mm
aminicaproic acid➡Hemophilia.
fresh frozen plasma➡warfarin
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�80- Cavo-surface angle of prep for amalgam restoration :
90 degree
�84_ Most common tooth (dens inveganatus Teeth most affected are:
_maxillary lateral incisors
�86_Cavity test Child will show equal number of primary and permanent
teeth in his mouth
(12 1ry 12 2ry ) at age :
a. 7.5
b. 8.5
c. 9
d. 10.5
Autonomy: (the patient has the right to choose ). In order for a person
to make fully rational choices, he or she must have the information
relevant to his or her decision.
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�88_Drug to reverse heparin ?
_Protamine sulfate
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�97_ Dentist who is clean, known is free of diseases & follow infection control roles, while
treating pt, dentist injured his hand & bleeded in pt`s mouth, what he should do:
1- don`t till the pt
2-till the pt & assure him ,that he`ll not get infection
3-pt rinse his mouth
4- doctor & pt go to infectious disease center
�98_ Anti HBE & Anti HBS & ……. Something else, so the pt is:
1- in acute stage
2 - chronic stage
3- recovery stage
�101_ the best for luting porcelain veneer which will be in aesthetic anterior
1- light cure composite
2– dual cure composite
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�107_ Best liner under composite Close to pulp?
2_Zinc oxide
3_Zinc phosphate
☀Note: Liner: Caoh – Base: GIC
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�115_ Fixed bridge with rocking what to do?
2.Cut the defected abutment and fix it then reattach
3.cement it with force
�116_ Bridge in try in with tiny Bubbles when seated from one
abutment why?
1.Passive fit while placing
2.increased lutent cement space
☀Note: Soft tissue inflammation around implant ( 2 ) – Bone resorption around implant ( 1 )
44 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�122_Causative of herpangina?
1_Coxackie virus
2_Ebstien Barr virus
3_Herpes simplix virus
�127_ Partial denture used for 3 years now when apply force on the rest an
apical displacement of the partial occur whats the reason?
1_Needs relining
2_Need more rigid clasp
3_Remove the rest
4_Not sure about what was other options
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�132_ Over protected parents effect?
1_Make Dr uncomfortable
2_Worsens child behavior
☀Note: effect on doctor ( 1 )
effect on child ( 2 )
�133-A doctor who decide a medical option without even asking the patient
or referee to him?
Medical decision
Best interest
�134-A girl had pink spot in her tooth, What is the cause of pink spot?
◦ Internal resorption
◦ Pulp necrosis
◦ External resorption
�135- Diagnosis with RCT tooth can’t respond to cold , hot & electric,
PT can’t locate the Pain?
◦ Percussion test
◦ Palpation test
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�209- access cavity for upper central incisor ?
◦ Triangular
◦ Oval
�142- about case had fracture in middle third of root Of central incisor
and tooth responds to cold ,hot....
A◦ Do RCT to coronal part
B◦ Cut apical part & do RCT
C◦ leave it without tt
D◦ Cut apical part
☀Note: if No Response ( A )
Response ( B )
�203- 7 year old patient had trauma & intruded his upper
centrals, X-ray should open apex:
◦ apexogensis
◦ surgical extrusion
◦ orthodontic extrusion
◦ observation
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�204- In properly prepared canal for obturation the spreader
should reach:
◦ 1-2mm short of the WL
�206- Fiber optic light can be used to localize the canal orifices
by directing the light to the pulp chamber, the orifices will be
◦ Dark
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�214- Case about upper six with large amalgam restoration and
patient feel dull pain , you used all vitality tests and cannot find
any useful results what test will you do:
◦ Anesthesia test
◦ Preparation test = cavity
�217-A case of upper central with post and core and crown but
substandard Endo treatment , patient felt pain , what to do :
◦ Re-treatment then surgery
◦ Re-treatment
◦ Surgery
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�221-Tracing of GP used for:
◦ Source of peri-apical pathosis
◦ Chronic peri-apical periodontitis
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�230-Substandard RCT & PA lesion 1 year after obturation
with cast post & core, well-sealed crown ?
◦ Apical surgery
�149-Patient with pain, the tests reveals: Percussion: no response, Cold: no response. Hot:
severe pain. EPT(electrical pulp test): response at 80 Control tooth: Percussion: no response.
Cold:5sec Hot:5 sec. EPT: response at 2. What is the pulpal diagnosis?
Symptomatic Irreversible pulpitis
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152- Pulpitis, and vasodilatation of vessels will happen in
which zone of the Pulp?
◦ Cell free zone
◦ Cell rich zone
◦ Pulp core
☀Note: vasodilation in blood vessels ( no cell ) = Cell free zone
has cells and blood vessels = pulp core
☀Note: GG #1 = 50
GG #2 = 50+2 =70
GG #3 = 70+2= 90 …..
�157- pt. suppurative swelling related to lower 6, tender tooth, -ve vitality test
◦ incision& drainage
◦ debridement, incision& drainage
◦ give him tt
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�161-Component of Gutta percha.
◦ ZO %50
◦ 50% Gp
◦ ZO %70( GP 20%)
�167_: 20 years old pt. have avulsed tooth for 60 min. the
management to return vascularity of the tooth:
◦ Scrap the surface of the root.
◦ Place the tooth in sodium sulfide of X %.
◦ soaking in 2.4% sodium fluoride
53 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�169_AH26 is root canal sealer consists of
◦ ZOE.
◦ Epoxy resin
◦ Steroids
◦ all of the above
�175_ what is the fracture that involves the enamel and dentin
and cementum
◦ crown root fracture
◦ crown fracture
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�177_ make ledge in the canal. You want to correct this. What is
the most common complication that can occur in this step:
◦ Creation false canal
◦ Stripping
◦ Apical zip
◦ Perforation
☀Note: If they asked about clinical success the answer will be absence of signs & symptoms.
If they asked about radiographic success the answer will be reduction in the size of
the lesion
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�183_Q50: What do you call the procedure of sacrificing one root of a multi-rooted tooth to
preserve the integrity of remaining tooth structure?
◦ root amputation
◦ Apicectomy
◦ root end resection
☀Note: Root Amputation (Root Resection): Removal of one or two roots without removing the
�187_ A 34 years old male patient is complaining from dull pain on biting on tooth #35, Clinical
and radiographic examinations show poor RCT and recurrent caries under amalgam filling, the
patient feels pain only with biting which subsides by release of the bite. What is your diagnosis?
◦ periapical abscess
◦ periodontitis
◦ root fracture
�191_ good RCT but it is exposed to oral cavity without coronal restoration for 3 months, tooth
asymptomatic with no radiolucent in x-ray, u should do:
◦ accept RCT and we put crown
◦ re-RCT
◦ no treatment
◦ follow up
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◦ retrieve it
◦ Bypass
�194_ Q61: Accessory anesthesia when pt. Feels pain during RCT After IANB
◦ long buccal b.
◦ Mental B.
◦ Lingual infiltration
◦ Mylohyoid
�196_During working on a patient you notice the Furcation perforation, what's the best material
to manage this:
�349_patient with torus palatinus 10×10 mm in the middle of palate, what the best of major
A. Mid palatal strap
B. Horseshow strap
C. Full coverage palatal strap
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�350_130.patient with class III mode I kenndy classification , best major connector:
A. Mid palatal strap
B. Horseshow strap
C. Full coverage palatal strap
�355_GG Sizes 2 ??
1. – 0.5mm
2. 0.7mm
3. 0.9mm
�356_with mesially carved mesial root What the appropriate treatment?
-hand file
-rotary file
-will not use G.G
-hand and rotary files
�357_healthy patient did regular visits to clinic and today came for checkup doctor
decide he will do hepatitis test why coz pt has?
-pale skin
-yellowish skin and eye
-and other 2 choices
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�358_Pt class 2 division 2 how the anterior guidance will be?
�366_When you AIDs pt , the most important finding in the lab result you should concern is
�371_111-Patient come with severe pain in lower part and there is deep caries the treatment is
RCT and there is calculus and you found impacted molar what the treatment sequence
1-Scaling , RCT , extraction����
2-Scaling , extraction , RCT
3- Extraction , Scaling , RCT
☀Note: ِنٕ يٕجٕد أل شً اَذٔ َختار
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�372_ Long scenario and then said you have deep caries& want to
place varnish under the amalgam , what is the type?
-zinc oxide
�374_ tooth with good crestal bone level(normal to mild) and there is RL lesion in furcation area
, in clinical examination there is 8mm pocket , what is the type of bone loss?
�375_Most common abnormal finding after doing pulpotomy with ferric sulfate in primary tooth ?
-external resorption
-internal resoption
�376_African,5 years boy complaining of bilateral facial swelling, x.ray showed multilocular
radiolucenency,cause roots resorption with(Starry Sky appearance):
A- Burkitte`s lymphoma
B- cherubism
C- fibrous dysplasia
�377_Function of primer is
a.Increase surface energy
b.Bonding with composite
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�380-Child requires graft in his alveolus what is the best graft
A. Autogenous cancellous from iliac crest
B. Autogenous corticocancellous
C. Freeze dried
D. Autogenous cancellous bone
�387-3 year child come to restore his lower, first molar with destruction in to 4 surfaces ,the best
1. Amalgam.
2. Full porcelain crown.3
3.Full metal crown = Preformed stainless steel crown.
4. Extraction.
�389-Discoloration of the tooth under big amalgam restoration can be prevented by:
1. Using cavity varnish
2. Using correct alloy: mercury ratio.
3. Using zinc phosphate cement base.
�390-High rate of fractures at canine region of mandible is due to:
1. Change of direction of forces occurring here.
2. Long canine root
3. C Lower border is thin in this area.
4. Alveolus is thin in this area
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�391-Lesion similar to Endo Lesion:
1. Hyperparathyroidism
2. Early stage of periapical cemental dysplasia
3. Ossifying Fibromad
4. Ameloblastoma.
�392-In terms of caries prevention, the most cost effective method is:
1. Community based programs. = Community water Fluoridation
2. Private based programs
3. Individually based programs
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�399-2/3 of the crown of upper 6 fracture and 1/3 remain the tooth respond normally to tests
what’s the management
A/ elective RCT then post and core then crown
B/ composite restoration
�400-guid plane
A/ parallel to path of insertion
B/ parallel to lond axis of tooth
C/ perpendicular on the occlusal plan
�403-impacted canine the father refuse to extract canine ,what’s the most complication occur :
A/ resorption of lateral incisor
B/ transportation
�404-most common cause of failure of implant And it’s the same cause of the tooth loss :
A/ periodontal disease
B/ occlusal Trauma
�405-internal resorption at the apex of tooth of upper 2 ,, history of ortho treatment before 2
years ,, what’s the cause of resorption :
A/excessive orthodontic force
�237_A patient pain related to tooth. Which is tender on percussion ... What is the best
◦ Complete root canal of the distal root up to apex
◦ Complete root canal treatment of distal root beyond the apex
◦ Complete root canal treatment of the tooth with corrected working length
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�239_Time period of splinting tooth after avulsion:
* 2 weeks
☀Note: Avulsion more than 60 m Do rct then repositon in place and splint 4 weeks
Avulsion less than 60 m putted in suitable medium then repostion with splint 2 weeks
�241_ A tooth with large amalgam restoration n patient feel pain throbbing and apical abscess
and u can’t touch tooth??
◦ Acute pulpitis with chronic periodontitis
◦ Chronic pulpitis with acute periodontist
◦ Symptomatic Irreversible pulpitis with acute apical abscess
�242_ A tooth with fracture cusp dentine involve what is the status of pulp in this case
◦ hypersensitivity
◦ Reversible
◦ irreversible
☀Note: If ask about dentin( hypersensitivity )
�243_Irreversible pulpitis
◦ No pain on cold
◦ Sharp pain on hot
◦ Mild pain with cold
◦ Severe pain with cold
64 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�249_Pt came with trauma one hour ago in his tooth with moist pulpal exposure (=
contaminated) what is your treatment
◦ Direct pulp capping
◦ Indirect pulp capping
◦ Extraction
�250_Tooth 36 pain that lasts on cold and hot, electric test negative, percussion negative, what
◦ Crown
◦ Restoration
65 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�259_Gutta percha should end at :
◦ Radiographic apex .
◦ Internal open apex
◦ External open apex
☀Note: ً ( سانت عهٍٓا اكثز يٍ قزٔب ٔكم شخص ٌقٕل شً ٔ كم يهشيت يذهٕنت شill choose A )
�262_ Radiograph MOD cavity with RCT, RCT good filing but the patient felt pain . What is the
treatment ?
◦ Reduction occlusion
◦ Retreatment
�265_Tooth with fistula, what would you use for radiographic tracing:
◦ Size 10 file
◦ Size 15 paper point
◦ Size 20 GP ( 35 up )
66 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�270_ Patient with radiopacity in the periapical area of 1st mandibular molar with a wide carious
lesion and a bad periodontal Condition is:
◦ Condensing osteitis( chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis)
�271_ a dentist did RCT for 3 canals in upper 1st molar, the patient came after few days with
pain. What is the number of canals in the upper 1st molar?
�272_ patient come with severe pain in upper 6 .on examination no caries no radiographic
changes ?
◦ Sinusitis
67 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�282- patient fall down in upper central without exposure. complaining of numbness of upper
lip, no change in radiograph .no teeth mobility. management?
◦ Anti-inflammatory and follow up
�283-patient with + electric pulp test with pain more than 30 sec what statue of pulp?
◦ Pulp alive but not healthy
�286-While doing RCT the file separated in the apical part what you will use to retrieve it:
◦ IRS (instrument Removal system )
�289-Patient fell and injured the tissue the teeth intruded. What is the condition happened?
◦ Laceration and luxation
◦ Laceration and avulsion
◦ Subluxation
☀Note: Primary apical periodontitis results from the microbial colonization of necrotic pulp
Secondary apical periodontitis results from a persistent infection of incorrectly treated
root canals.
68 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�295_Bacteria in endodontic pathosis mostly is:
◦ Porphyromonas endodontalis obligate anarobe
◦ Streptococcus mutans
◦ Streptococcus anaerobius
◦ All the above
�297_pedo pt cam with Prominence in his central incisor from platal side :
*Talon cusp
�303_ We give patint l.A N Blook and he is still feel pain in the mesial root what is the nerve not
*Mylohyoid nerve
69 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�306_ Mcspadden disadvantag ?
*Difficult in curved canals
�307_ Pt. had full cover incisors crowns, a week later the pt. complained
from head and pain ant to the ears, clinical examination: +ve fremitis and
mobility. X-ray: no bone loss. What's the sub type of traumatic
• Primary.
• Secondary
• Persistent.
• Combined
�308_Pt. need RCT in tooth with PFM crown what type of bur use:
* round diamond in porcelain and trnssmetal in metal���
�309_ Mother called dentist and said that the child drank fluoride
they call emergency what : the mother do?
_make him vomiting
_give him milk
�311_At the beginning of the operation day in the clinic, you should start the water/air spray for
three minutes in order to get rid of which type of microorganisms?
* Pseudomonas aeruginosa
70 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�315_investment material of metal fused to porcelain ?
_gypsum bond
_silica bond
_phosphate bond
319_bevel degree ?
*functional cusp bevel 45
*gingival bevel 30
71 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�327_First sign of gingival inflammation?
1st GCF increases "2-4" days
Then bleeding on probing "4-7" days
Finally change in color and texture "14-21" days!
�335-patient come with swelling on posterior mandible with trismus and pain during chewing,
on examination there is carious lower 6:
A. Submassteric space
B. Submandibular space
�339-patient lost 14 and 15 teeth , the best numbers of abutments that achieve the ante's law:
A. 13 and 16
B. 13, 16 and 17
72 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�340-patient with class II malocclusion , what is the extraction that correct case:
A. Upper 1st premolar
B. upper 2st premolar
�341-patient with class III malocclusion , what is the extraction that correct case
A. Upper 1st premolar
B. lower 1st premolar
�342-when mesiobuccal cusp of upper 6 occlude mesial to buccal groove of the lower 6, what is
malocclusion :
A. class I
B. class II
C. class III
�343-10 years old child that receive quard helix , the mode of expansion:
A. skeletal
B. Dental
C. 1/2 skeletal and 1/2 Dental
D. -2/3 dental, 1/3 skeletal
�347-In descending order put the following that affect resistance and retention of crown when
doing preparation:
A. Freedome of displacement
B. Type of cement
C. Height
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�348-child 8 years old come with his brother 14 years seeking for orthodontics:
A. Take photographs
B. Take impression
C. Ask their parents to come
�412_Child 6 years old came to u with thumb suck already caused dental problem what u will
1. Nothing.
2. Psychologist treatment.
3. Early habit breaking appliance.
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☀Note: - Walsham's Forceps : For nasal fracture treatment if nasal bone is deviated it will be (Ach's forceps)
- Allis Forceps : To hold tissues perior to excision
- Addison Forceps : To hold tissues for suturing
- Stills Forceps : Per wisdom teeth suturing because it is longer than Addison's forceps.
- Artery Forceps: To ligate ruptured arteries or arteries planned to be removed.
�414_Twins came to your clinic during routine examination; you found great change behavior
between both of them this due to:
1. Gender.
2. Environment.
3. Maturation.
4. None.
� 416_Child with vesicle on the hard palate with history of malaise for 3 days what is the
possible diagnosis:
1. Herpes simplex infection. ( Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis )
2. Erythematic multiform
�417_Preparation of gold crown with excepts of gingival rescission the most proper to extent
the preparation:
• 1mm under the gingival margin.
• Make it on the fifth.
• Make it on the third.
• At the gingival
�419_After patient came to your clinic and gave you the symptoms and history and complains,
what’s your next step in treatment?
1. Clinical examination.
2. Start Endo.
3. Restore the teeth.
�420_Patient with pain on 15 and this tooth undergo with RCT but he still has pain on
percussion, what u suspect?
1. Primary Apical Periodontitis.
2. Secondary Apical Periodontitis.
3. Over instrumentation
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�421_child 8 years old Patient with separation, he is unable to name coloror his name, this
stage is?
1. 3 years old.
2. 4 years old.
3. 10 years old.
�422_You extract tooth with large amalgam restoration, how to manage the extracted tooth:
1. Autoclave and deep buried.
2. Sharp container.
3. Ordinary waste container
4. Container Designed not to be burned
�424_Hunter Schreger bands are white and dark lines that appear in:
1. Enamel when view in horizontal ground.
2. Enamel when view in longitudinal ground. ( section )
3. Dentin when view in horizontal ground.
4. Dentin when view in longitudinal ground
�425_pt. presented after insertion of complete denture complaining of dysphasia and ulcers
what is the cause of dysphasia?
1. Over extended
2. Over post dammed.
3. Under extended.
�426_Young with swelling in the mandible ( # 6 – 7 -8) area, 3rd molar clinically missed, in X
ray examination we found Radiolucent is cover the pericoronal part of the 3rd molar DIAGNOSIS
1. Dentigerous cyst.
2. Central
�428_Adult 20 years male with soft tissue & dental trauma reveals severe pain in soft tissues
with loss of epithelial layers and anterior upper
centrals are intruded the diagnosis is:
1. Abrasion with luxation.
2. Erosion with sub luxation.
3. Laceration with luxation.
4. Laceration with sub luxation.
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�429_Patient complains from swelling in submandibular, swelling increase when patient eating
and swallowing only what type of x ray use to diagnosis:
1. Occlusal x-ray.
2. Panoramic x-ray.
3. Sialography.
☀Note: - EMBRASURE ( II )
�434_Patient is diagnosed for ceramo metal full veneer. You plan to use epoxy resin, what's
the best impression material to be used:
1. Poly ether.
2. Poly sulfide.
3. Agar.
4. Irreversible hydrocolloid.
�435-Teeth with RCT and you want to use post, which post is the least cause root fracture:
1. Ready made post.
2. Casted post.
3. Fiber post.
4. Prefabricated post.
�436-Child have tooth which have no mobility but have luxation, best treatment:
1. Acrylic splint.
2. Flexible fixation.
3. Rigid fixation.
☀Note: No mobility , bcause of lateral luxation So we reposition tooth with forcep then flexible
77 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�437-For root canal treated tooth u DISIDE to put post & amalgam this depend on:
1. Remaining coronal structure.
2. Root divergence.
3. Presence of wide root.
4. Others
�438-To a great extent, the forces occurring through a removable partial denture can be widely
distributed and minimized by the following methods ( lower RPD )?
1. Proper location of the occlusal rests.
2. Selection of lingual bar major connector.
3. Developing balanced occlusion.
4. All of the above.
�441_Single rooted anterior teeth has endodontic treatment is best treated by: if a substantial
amount of coronal structure is missing ?
1. Casted post and core.
2. Preformed post and composite.
3. Performpost and amalgam.
4. Composite post and core.
�443_ Hypercementosis:
1. Occur in Paget disease.
2. Difficult to extract.
3. Bulbous root.
4. all of the above
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�444_After scaling and root palnning, healing occur by:
1. Connective tissue attachment.
2. Long junctional epithelium.
3. New bone and connective tissue formation.
4 New attached periodontal ligament fibers
�447_Patient with deep caries in the lower molar, no symptoms and there is radiopaque lesion
at the apex of the distal root of the tooth, what is your diagnosis:
1. Condensing osteitis.
2. Cemental dysplasia.
3. Periapical granuloma
�450_What is the best instrument used for removing unsupported enamel at the gingival wall of
class II:
1. chisel
2. hatchet
3. gingival margin trimmer
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�451_ Gingival retraction is done:
1. To temporarily expose the finish margin of the preparation.
2. To accurately record the finish margin and a portion of uncut
tooth surface to the margin in the final impression.
3. Even in the presence of gingival inflammation.
4. By various methods but the most common one is the retraction
• 1 + 2.
• 2 +3.
• 1 +2 + 4
�454_What is the best restoration to the anterior teeth with RCT and conservative opening
1. Retained post metal ceramic.
2. Retained post Jacket crown.
3. Composite.
�456_Child with anodontia and loss of body hair, the diagnosis is:
1. Down's syndrome.
2. Ectodermal dysplasia. (Hereditary ectodermal dysplasia)
3. Fructose
4. Diabetic
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�457_ Cavity etching before applying GIC is:
1. Polyacrylic acid 10 seconds
2. Polyacrylic acid 60 seconds.
3. Phosphoric acid 10 seconds.
4. Phosphoric acid 60 seconds.
�460_ Microorganism cause the initial caries: ( Microorganism particularly associated with the
initiation of the carious process )
1. Streptococcus mutans.
2. Streptococcus salivary.
3. Lacto
�461_Patient on warfarin treatment and you want to do surgery, when you can do:
1. When PTT is 1 – 1.5 INR on the same day.
2. When PTT is 2 – 2.5 INR on the same day.
3. When PT is 1 – 1.5 INR on the same day.
4. When PT is 2 – 2.5 INR on the same day.
☀Note: - INR If it is 3,5 or less we can perform extraction and dental hygiene . ( PT )
INR = international normalized ratio
�462_Patient with pain on the upper right area, and the patient can not tell the tooth causes the
pain what is the least reliable way to do
test pulp:
1. Cold test.
2. Hot test.
3. Electric test.
4. Stimulation the dentine.
�463_You want to make amalgam restoration with pin; the pin should go in the dentine:
1. 1mm.
2. 2-3 mm.
3. 5mm.
4. Should be in the enamel
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�467_ Facial Skeleton formed from:
1. neural crest cells
2. Para
�470_14 days after the treatment, the tooth asymptomatic before the obturation. First upper
premolar with lesion on the bucal root We can use under the composite restoration:
1. Varnish.
2. Zinc oxide and eugenol.
3. Ca (OH).
4. Zinc phosphate cement.
• 1+2.
• 3+4.
• 2+4.
�473_ Tooth with crown fraction under the gingival and we want to use it, the treatment
1. Amalgam post core under the gingival.
2. Extrusion orthodontic.
3. Restoration under the gingival.
�474_ Persons who are working in glass factories they have the disease:
1. Silicosis.
2. Asepsis.
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�476_When removing lower second molar:
1. Occlusal plane perpendicular to floor
2. Buccolingual direction to dilate socket
3. Mesial then lingual
1. Dries secretion such saliva.
2. Depresses the pulse rate.
3. Cause central nervous system depression.
�478_Trauma to upper central, the decision is to extract the tooth ,and the patient is young and
wants to replace the tooth immediately after extraction. Best Type of pontic to be designed?
1. Ovate.
2. Egg shaped.
3. Hygienic.
4. Ridge lap.
�480_ The use of low speed hand piece in removal of soft caries in children is better than high
speeding because:
1. Less vibration.
2. Less pulp exposure.
3. Better than high speed.
�482_The working surfaces in operation theatre should be disinfected especially for HIV, by
A. Savlon
B. Gamma radiation
C Hypochlorite solution
�484_For discharged instrument (blades, needle tips, wedges, etc) put in:
1. Discharged paper box.
2. Designed sharp instrument special container.
3. Disinfectant solution then
83 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�486_ In GV black formula : The measurement of the angle of the Blade to the long axis of
the handle is
1. First number.
2. Second number.
3. Third number.
�487_30 - When extracting all max teeth the correct order is:
1. 87654321.
2. 87542163.
3. 12345678
�493-Father for child 12 year Pt asked you about, the age for the amalgam restoration of his
child, you tell him:
1. 2 years.
2. 9 years.
3. 2 decade.
4. All life.
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�494-Pt has unilateral fracture of left the condoyle, the mandible will:
1. Deviate to the left side.
2. Deviate to the right side. ( opposite side )
3. no deviate
�495-4year child come to restore his lower first molar with destruction in 3 to 4 surfaces ,the
best restoration:
1. Preformed crown. = preformed stainless-steel crown
2. Full porcelain crown.
3. Full metal crown.
�498-patient have a complete denture come to your clinic he complain of gagging he wear the
denture for 5 years he feel the gagging in the first few days and it disappear what is the cause:
1. Extend of the upper denture.
2. The patient has sensitivity to gagging.
�501-Gingival condition occurs in young adult has poor oral hygiene was weakened:
ANUG. = Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
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� 503-Caries progression in children more rapid than adult due to:
1. Difference in PH.
2. Generalized dentine sclerosis by age. = (physiological dentin sclerosis) .
3. Increasing in organic content of tubular dentine by age.
�510-After bleaching a tooth, we want to restore the tooth with composite resin, we don’t want
to compromise the bonding, and we wait for:
1. 24 hours.
2. A week.
3. Choose a different material.
�512-7 year old boy came to the clinic in the right maxillary central incisor with large pulp
1. Pulpectomy with Ca (OH) 2.
2. Direct pulp capping.
3. Leave it.
86 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
�515- Streptococcus mutants cause caries &this disease is:
1. Epidemic.
2. Endemic.
3. Isolated
521-Old pt came to replace all old amalgam filling he had severe occlusal
attrition the best replacement is:
1. Composite.
2. Amalgam.
3. Cast metal restoration.
4. Full crowns
87 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
524-The percentage of simple caries located in the outer wall of the dentin
(proximal sides of the tooth) which left with out cavitations is
1. 10 %.
2. 30 %.
3. 60 %.
4. 90 %
525-What is the usual time for isolating Chickenpox pt. from the around
1. One week.
2. Until the vesicles become crusted.
528-5 years old pt had extraction of the lower primary molar & he had
fracture of the apex of the tooth what is the best treatment:
1. Aggressive remove.
2. Visualization & remove.
3. Visualization & leave.���
88 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
533- Minimal facial reduction when preparing for veneers:
1. 0.3 mm.
2. 0.3-0.5 mm.
3. 1-1.5 mm.
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542-Impression material cause bad taste to patient:
1. polysulphide ( unpleasant test )
2. Polyether.
3. Additional silicon.
4. Alginate.
546-YEARS old patient need to make complete denture has ( thick labial
frenum with wide base) the operation:
1. Vestibuloplasty. - NOTE SURE-
2. Z-plasty.
3. Subperiostumincision.
4. Deepmucoperiostumincision
90 | P a g e - Dr.Bayan Al Mahari
550-A child at dentition age is suffering from:
1. Diarrhea.
2. Sleep disorders.
3. Increased salivation
559_Student came to clinic with severe pain, interdental papilla is inflamed, student has:
1. Gingivitis.
2. ANUG.
3. Periodontitis.
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560_Which of following restoration more likely to cause wear to opposing?
1. Composite.
2. Gold.
3. Porcelain.
4. Amalgam.
563_Patient 6 years old came to your clinic after he had bicycle accident
one day after, with swelling at his lower lip, clinical examination
shows, teeth did not hurt, what you will do:
1. X-ray.������
2. Endo for lower incisors.
3. Pulpotomy.
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568-Caries detection dye composed mainly of:
1. Acid fuschin.
2. Basic fuschin.
3. Propylene glycol.( polypropylene glycol )
575-Pt came to the clinic& u reveled under medical history he had chronic renal failure; he used
to do hemi dialysis the treatment should be:
1. Before one day of dialysis.
2. On the day of dialysis.
3. After one day of dialysis.
4. After one week of dialysis.
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576-During the orthodontist removes orthodontic brackets he noticed white decalcified lesion
around the bracket what to do:
1. Microabration and application of pumice then fluoride application.
2. Composite resin.
3. Leave and observe
577-Pt presented with bicycle accident u suspect presence of bilateral condylar fracture what is
the best view to diagnose cond. Fracture:
1. Occiptomenatal.
2. Reverse towne Projection
3. Lat oblique 30 degree.
578-Patient on long term antibiotic came with systemic candidias, treatment with :
1. amphotericin B.
2. Flucanzol
581-Pt came complain of fracture at the metal porcelain interface may be due to:
1. Failure to condition tooth before application of opaque.
2. Thick body porcelain.
3. Centric contact made at metal porcelain interface.
582-Pt have a complete denture came to the clinic ,tell you no complaint in the talking ,or in the
chewing ,but when you exam him, you see the upper lip like too long ,deficient in the margin ate
of the lip, reason is:
1. Deficiency in the vertical dimensional.
2. Anterior upper teeth are short.
3. Deficient in vit B.
583-Female come need to endodontic for central insical ,and have media composite restorations
in the mesial and distal walls ,and have attrition in the insicial, edge the best restoration?
1. Jacket crown.
2. Full crown. = Full ceramic
3. Metal crown.
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585_Secondary dentine occurs due to: (reparative dentin )
1. Occlusal trauma.
2. Recurrent caries.
3. Attrition dentine.
4. All of the above.
586_ All of these are ways to give L.A with less pain EXCEPT:
1. Give it slowly.
2. Stretch the muscle.
3. Topical anesthesia.
4. The needle size over than 25 gauge
590_pt. presented to u complains of click during open and close. There is no facial asymmetry
except when opening what is the diagnosis:
1. Internal derangement with reduction.
2. Internal derangement without reduction.
3. Rheumatoid arthritis.
591– Child 10 years come with trauma on the center incisal a year ago ,and have discoloring on
it ,in the exam, no vitality in this tooth ,and in the x ray there is fracture from the edge of the
incisial to the pulp ,and wide open apex the best treatment:
1. apexification
2. RCT with qutta percha.
3. Extract.
4. Capping
592_Patient came to your clinic complaining of pain; upon examination you can’t find a clue.
What’s the next logical step to do in investigation?
1. MRI.
2. Panoramic x-ray.
3. CT scan.
4. Regular tomography.
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593_The common cause of fainting in dental clinic are:
1. Vaso-vagal shock.
2. Diabetes.
3. Fear.
594_49 - Sharpening the curette and sickle scaler, the cutting edge should be at angle:
1. 50-60.
2. 70-80.
3. 80-90.
596_Pt came to dental clinic having a homological problem after lab test they found that factor
VIII clotting activity is less 10% what’s the diagnosis:
1. Hemophilia A.
2. Hemophilia B.
☀Note: Hemophilia A: VIII
Hemophilia B: IX
597_65 Years old black man wants to have very white teeth in his new denture what should the
dentist do:
1. Put the white teeth.
2. Show the patient the suitable color first then show him the white one.
3. Convince him by showing him other patient's photos.
4. Tell him firmly that his teeth color is good.
600_Patient Complain From Bleeding Gum Around Implant No Bone Loss,Pocket Depth
4mm,What Is The Prognosis After Ttt
A. Favorable
B. Questionable
601_Galvani shock
A. Put Varnish
B. Change Restoration
C. Wait
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602_Minimal Duration From First Rct To A reendo
A. 1month
B. 6days
604_Pt. Present In Severe Pain. The Periapical Area Over The Involved Tooth Is Inflamed And
Swollen. The Tooth Is Mobile And Depressible In Its Socket With A Diffused Radiolucency. The
Diagnosis Is
A. Acute Apical Periodontitis
B. Chronic Apical Periodontitis
C. Acute Exacerbation Of Chronic Apical Periodontitis
D. Abscess
606_8 Years Old Child Trauma Of Maxillary Incisor The Material Used For First Visit Apexification
A. Ca(Oh) +Cmc
B. Mta
C. Zoe
Child Has Superficial Injry With Few Epithelial Lining Damage, Intrusion Of Tooth
A. Labrasion With Luxation
B. Laceration With Luxation
C. Laceration With Subluxation
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614_Patient Returns With Pain After 1 Week Of Rct. Iopa Reveals Rct Failure.Whats Your
Immediate Approach
A. Analgesic
B. Start Re Rct
C. Schedule For Apicectomy
D. Antibiotic And Analgesic
615_Caries Prone Patient.Dentist Prescribe Fluoride And Ask Patient To Reduce His Carbohydrate
Intake And Use Fluoride Mouthwash. Patient Returns After 2 Days With
A. Gingival Enlargement
B. Staining
C. Dry Mouth
D. No Effect
617_What Is The Etiology For Posterior Open Bite In Children During The Eruption Of Lateral
A. Functional Shift
B. Imbalance Between Tongue And Cheek Improper Swallowing
C. Improper Chewing
620_Flappy Ridge Need Special Impression Tech What Is The Suitable Material For The Flappy
Part In The Impression
A. Plaster Of Paris
B. Znoe
C. Agar Agar
D. Compound
621_Flappy Ridge Need Special Impression Tech What Is The Suitable Technique For The Flappy
Part In The Impression
A. Plaster Of Paris
B. Znoe
C. Agar Agar
D. Compound
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622_12 Yrs. Old Boy With Mobile Upper Central And Upper 6 And So Bad Oral Hygiene With
Severely Inflamed Gingiva And Radiograph Show Massive Loss Of Alveolar Bone
A. Early Periodontitis
B. Papilon Le Fever Syndrome
C. Chronic Periodontitis
623_Tooth Number 26, Had A Root Canal Treatment Since Two Years, Upon X-Ray You Found A
Radiolucency With Bone Resorption Along One Of The Roots
A. Ca(Oh)2
B. Resection Of The Whole Root
C. Redo Rct -NOT SURE-
D. Periodontal Curettage
624_In Rct, Over Preparation Of The Outer Wall Of The Outer Curvature Of The Canal With
Inflexible Instrument Will Cause
A. Zipping
B. Perforation
C. Elbow Formation
D. Ledge Formation
625_The Posterior Seal In The Upper Complete Denture Serves The Following Functions
A. It Reduces Pt. Discomfort When Contact Occurs Between The Dorsum Of The.Tongue And The
Posterior End Of The Denture Base
B. Retention Of The Maxillary Denture
C. It Compensates For Dimensional Changes Which Occur In The Acrylic Denture.Base During
D. B & C
629_Pt Came To Clinic Need Class 2 Partial Denture Dentist Decide That He Need Indirect
Retainer In Opposite Side. Which Of The Following Has Well Developed .Cingulum
A. 11
B. 21
C. 22
D. 13
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630_Etching Veneer By Use
A. Phosphric Acid
B. Buffered Hydrofluoric Acid 9%
631_Patient Want Bleach We Check Her Teeth Before Bleaching And It's Good There Is No
Problem Normally ..After Bleaching At The Same Day She Backs And Compliment Of Sever Pain.
A. Gingival Burning Because Improper But Gingival Dam
B. Material sensitivity
☀Note: IF - immediately (At the clinic when you do) : A
- after bleaching : B
636-Patient complains from pain in TMJ. During examination you noticed that during opening of
the mouth mandible is deviate to the right side with left extruded. Diagnosis is:
A. disc displace with reduction
B. disc displace without reduction
637-A 60 Year Old Woman Comes To The Clinic With Complaint Of Angular Cheilitis And She Has
-Been wearing the same dentuet for last many years, what is the cause :
Cause of angular chielitis on this case of wearing denture
639-Pt Came With Severe Pain Related To Pericoronitis Of Lower Third Molar Which Is Partially
Erupted. What Is The Best Tx
A. Irrigation With Hydrogen Peroxide & Prescription Of Antibiotic
B. Prescription Of Antibiotic & Surgical Removal Of Inflamed Tissue
C. Immediate Extraction Of The Offended Tooth
653_Pt Want Implant For Missing Tooth, Oral Examination,Ct , Primary Impression , Cast Have
Been Done , What Ia Next?
A. Complete Blood Count�����
B. Mri
660_Pt Had Stroke 2 Or More Years Ago,Paralaysed, Can Not Move His Hands, Wearing Dirty &
Old Upper Crd, Pt Complaining Of Small & Red Elevations On Hard Palate, Cause Is:
A. No Cleaning & Unintermetted Wearing Of Denture�����
B. Denture Is Strongly Retentive To Upper Thin Mucosa
661_Pt With Infective Endocarditic Or Prosthetic Valve (Do Not Remember), How U Arrange The
Dental Appointment To Prevent Resistance To Penicillin :
A. Every 7 Days�����
B. 14 Days
664_Pt Wants Implant For Missing 4&5 , 6 Is Mesialy Inclined , (Space Is 14 Mm) , How Many
Implant Can Be Placed:
* Two implantes
☀Note: every 7mm (one implant)
666_Dentist Carefully Retracting Lower Lip Of The Pt While Doing Scalling , Pt Is:
A. Have Hiv
B. Herpes Labialis�����
668_Pt In Dental Clinic Rinsed His Mouth & Accidently Spit On The
Dental Chair & Floor Instead Of Sputum, Disinfection By Which
Type Of Disinfectant ;
A. Light Concentration
B. High Concentration�����
C. Follow Manufacture Instructions
670_Pt Investigations: Anti Hbe & Anti Hbs & Something Else, So The Pt
A. In Acute Stage
B. Chronic Stage
C. Recovery Stage�����
671_Pt Had Fpd (Fixed partial denture)In Bangkok , Complaining Of Pain & High Point , What Will
Happen If Not Corrected After One Year?:
A. Fracture Of The Pontic
B. Fracture Of Connecter�����
C. Fracture Of Abutment
678_Motion Of H. File:
A. Failing�����
B. Rotation
691-8 Years Old Boy Had Trauma On Central, 3 Days Ago , Feeling
A. Dpc
B. Pulpotomy
C. Pulpectomy���
692-Old Female With Lower Rpd Kennedy Class I , Complaining Of Pain On Throat During Eating
& Swallowing, Due To:
A. Overextended Lingual Flanges���
B. Under Finished Surfaces
697-Dmft Decayed (D) Missing (M) Filled (F) Teeth (T)Leads To An Overestimation Regarding
The Caries Lesions. Disadvantage Of This Overestimation
A. Internal Validity����
B. External Validity
C. Internal Reliability
D. External Reliability
700-What Is Mta
A. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate���
B. Metal Trioxide Aggregate
C. Mineral Trioxide Acetate
D. Mineral Tymol Aggregate
701-Functional Appliance
A. Bionator��
B. Posterior Bite Block
702-Pt 11 Years Old Complaining That His Deciduous Lower Second Molar It’s Not Like That His
Other Teeth Since Then It Erupted. What’s The Most Probable Situation?
A. Retained
B. Submerged���
C. Impacted
D. Newly Erupted
706_Socket Healing By
A. Primary Intention
B. Secondary Intention�����
C. Tertiary Intention
707_Pt Has Swelling And Acute Pericoronitis. He Had The Same Symptoms 2 Months Ago.
Treatment For Acute Pericoronitis
A. Ab Only
B. Extraction Then Give Ab
C. Relief Of Occlusion
D. Rinsing And Cleaning�����
709_Patient Comes To You 2 Days After He Had Ian Block, He Now Has Fever And Trismus.
Which Space Was Affected
A. Pterygomandibular����
B. Infratemporal
C. Submasseteric
D. Submandibular
711_Pt Comes To The Dentist Complaining From Gum Bleeding. Lost Gum Stipplings. Areas Of
Swelling That Easily Bleed. Pocket Depth 4-6 Mm And No Attachment Level Loss. Most Probable
A. Acute Gingivitis
B. Chronic Gingivitis�����
C. Medication-Induced Gingival Enlargement
D. Anug
712_Patient Comes Complaining From Pain On Biting On His Molar That Has Amalgam. Cold Test
Results Are Normal. Patient Says The Restoration Feels High Since It Was Done. Tooth Is Tender
To Touch. Management?
A. Remove Interference�����
B. Rct
C. Remove Restoration And Put Temporary Filling
713_Pt Received Blow On The Right On His Face. He Has Horizontal Midroot Fracture. No
Response To Pulp Test And Gap Between The 2 Segments. Tooth Is Symptomatic. Management?
A. Institute Rct
B. Extract Apical Part����
C. Extract Both Parts
D. Leave It
721_Has Sensitivity To Cold On His Molar That Has An Amalgam Restoration, Which Is The Best
Test To Diagnose The Tooth Pulp Status
A. Cold Test
B. Hot Test
C. Ept
D. Cavity Test�����
722_Patient Has Upper Cd Denture For 3 Years. He’s A Cl I Edentulous Lower, Only Have His
Lower Anterior. On Examination What Will You Notice?
A. Severe Bone Loss On Posterior Lower Ridges
B. Severe Bone Loss In Anterior Edentulous Lower Ridge
C. Severe Bone Loss In Anterior Edentulous Upper Ridge����
725_Where Should We Grasp The Suture Needle To Preserve The Tip Of The Needle
A. Middle Of The Needle
B. 1/3 Between The Tip And The Swage
C. 2/3 Between The Tip And The Swage�����
D. At The End Next To The Swage
729_Dentist Wants To Put Rubber Dam To Restore A Tooth. After Rubber Dam Is Placed Dentist
Notices Red Color And Swelling Of The Gum Underneath. What Would It Be
A. Auto-Immune Reaction
B. Immunosuppression
C. Immunodeficiency
D. Hyper Immune Reaction�����
730_Pt 15y Old Has Taken Tetracycline For A Long Time, And Has A Mild Yellowish Tetracycline
Discoloration Of Teeth. How To Remove This Enamel Mild Tetracycline Staining
A. Cmp And Pumice Microabrasion
B. Composite Veneers
C. Home Bleaching������
D. Porcelain Veneers
731_Pt 11y Old, Comes Immediately After Trauma. His 2 Upper Centrals Have Been Avulsed 20
Min Ago, After Being Properly Conserved And All Conditions Satisfied, For How Long Will You
Splint Them
A. 1-2 Weeks�����
B. 2-3 Weeks
C. 3-4 Weeks
D. 4-5 Weeks
734_A Patient Has An Upper Lateral In Crossbite. After Checking, The Pt Has Enough Mesiodistal
Space To Fix The Tooth In His Ideal Position. A Finger Spring Will Be Used For That, In Which
Condition This Is Possible
A. Labially Tilted Lateral Incisor, 5% Deep Bite
B. Labially Tilted Lateral Incisor, 50% Deep Bite
C. Lingually Tilted Lateral Incisor, 5% Deep Bite�����
D. Lingually Tilted Lateral Incisor, 50% Deep Bite
735_Pt Is Back For His Regular Follow Up After 6 Months. In His Last Visit X-Rays Were Taken
And They Revealed No Caries. Which X-Rays Would He Need This Time
A. 2 Btw
B. 2 Pa
C. No Need For X-Ray This Time������
739_Pt 34 Y Old Has A Red Lesion In His Soft Palate, Diameter 3 Cm, Painful
A. Major Aphtous����
B. Minor Aphtous
C. Herpetic Lesion
☀Note: CM NOT MM
740_When You Used Heat Removal For Gatta Bercha You Use
A-Heat Blugger�����
B-Heat Explorer
A.Repair By Ameloblasts
B.Permeability Reduce With Age�����
C.Permeability Increase With Age
D.Permeable To Some Ions
747_The Nerve Which Supply The Tounge May Be Anasthesia During Nerve Block Injections
A. Trigeminal N V�����
B. Facial N Vii
752-Pt. Had Premature Contact Between The Mb Cusp Of Lower 6 With The Central Fossa Of The
Upper 6. Where Should You Reduce
A. Mb Cusp Tip.
B. Central Fossa
C. Dp Cusp Of The Upper 6.
817-Patient With Roughness On Skin Shiny Palms Widening Of Pdl Space But With No Ridge
Restoration And There Is A Bilateral Destruction In Angle Of Mandibular Bone What Is Your
A. Neoplasm.
B. Scleroderma.����
C. Hyperparathyroidism
D. Aggressive periodontitis
824-According to the Kennedy's classification, (unilateral )edentulous area with natural teeth
remaining both anterior and posterior is:
Class one.
Class two.
Class three���
Class four.
830-Water Irrigation:
A. Dilute Bacterial Product���
B. Remove Plaque
C.Prevent Plaque Formation
☀Note: So dilule not remove - Device (remove)
- System (dilute)
831-60 Year Old Patient Came To The Clinic Complaining Of Excessive Movement Of Denture. On
Examination There Is Elevation Of Anterior End When U Press O The Distal End. TTT
A. Reline
B. Rebase
C. Remake���
D. Denture Adhesive
832-What Is The First Thing To Use To Remove Gutta Percha From Canal (For Retreatment)
A. A Cotton Pliers
B. Pesso Reamer
C. New H File���
838-When U Are Doing The Preparations For Gold Crowns With Gingival Recession Most Proper
Way For Preparation
A. Under The Margin���
B. Above The Margin
843-7 years pt with pain in left lower side there are many caries teeth cant detect the tooth with
pain can confirm diagnosis with:
A. x-ray���
B. electric pulp test
C. ask his parent
845_The inner layer of x ray come which reduce the spread of radiation :
A. Filter
B. Collimator�����
C. Anoid
847_Diffuse facial swelling #37 necrotic with large periapical radiolucency ,diagnosis:
A.necrotic pulp acute abscess�����
B.necrotic pulp with symptomatic
d-apical periodontitis
853_Patient brushing with medium brush horizontally and suffers from tooth loss in the cervical
area, diagnose the lesion:
A. Abrasion����
B. Attrision
C. Erosion
D. Caries
855_During the preparation of class II cavity, which of the following permanent teeth pulp horns
will be the most subject to accidental exposure?
A. Distofacial of a maxillary first molar
B. Distofacial of a mandibular first molar
C. Facial of a mandibular first premolar����
D. Lingual of a mandibular first premolar
856_Lady 22 years with high caries index has many stained pit and fissures in maxillary and
mandibular molars and you suspect caries in these fissures. What is the best way for diagnosis:
A. Exploratory preparation of pits and fissures�����
B. Leave them and follow up after 6 months
C. Do conservative composite restorations
D. Seal the pits and fissures
858_Case of white chalky discoloration in pits and fissure and smooth surface what is the lesion:
A. Arrested caries
B. Active lesion�������
C. Inactive lesion
D. Residual caries
862_A patient that had a class II amalgam restoration, next day he returns complaining of
discomfort at the site of the restoration, radiographically an overhanging amalgam is present.
This is due to:
A. lack of matrix usage
B. Improper wedging.�����
C. No burnishing for amalgam
D. Improper carving step
863__Pt. presented with inter-proximal discoloration without cavitations.No active caries are
present in his mouth. Your management:
A. fluoride application�����
B.Conservative cavity preparation
C.Fissure sealant
864_What is the major difference between a class V cavity preparation for amalgam and one for
composite resin by the acid etch technique:
A. Depth
B. Convenience form
C. Position of retention points
D. Angulation of the enamel cavosurface margins�����
865_In providing indirect tooth –colored onlay, a temporary resin is given. Which cement should
be avoided?
B.Zinc oxide eugenol�� ���
C.Glass ionomer
D.None of the above
762_By What Percentage Are Carious Lesions Reduced In Someone Who Has Continuously Drank
Fluoridated Water Since Birth ?
A. 40%-60�����
B. 10%_20%
C. 70%_90%
763_Patient With Overhang Amalgam Restoration I Will Replace ItThe Q In Which Stage The
Correction Of Restoration
A. Primarily Stage
B. Restorative Stage
C. Surgery Stage
D. Non Surgical Stage0�����
764_Patient Come With Sever Pain In Lower Part And There Is Deep Caries The Treatment Is
Rct And There Is Calculus And You Found Impacted Molar What The Treatment Sequence
A. Scaling , Rct , Extraction
B. Scaling , Extraction , Rct
C. Extraction , Scaling , Rct
D. Endo ,scaling, Exo�����
765_The Inner Layer Of Xray Cone Which Reduce The Spread Of Radiology
A. Filter
B. B-Collimator�����
C. Anoid
766_Patient Will Have Multiple Extraction What To Do After Extraction For Denture Sake
A. Make Itrupted Suture Cross Papillae
B. Leave To Heal To Avoid Elevations From Sutured Papillae
C. Make Extensive Bone Smothning������
D. Put Surgical Pack Only
769_Patient Come With Renal Faliur Want To Preserve His Teeth What
Preservative Material That Is Contraindicated:
A. Glass Ionemer
B. Composiste
C. Fluride Application�����
770_The Medical History Of A Four Year-Old Patient Reveals That The Child Was Treated For A
Systemic Disease During The First Eight Months Of Postnatal Life. What They Would Most Likely
Be Present On If Any Signs Of Enamel Hypoplasia Do Appear?
A. Maxillary And Mandibular Incisors And First Molars
B. Maxillary And Mandibular Incisors, First Molars, And The Mandibular Canines�����
C. Maxillary And Mandibular Canines, First Molars, And The Mandibular Lateral Incisors
D. Maxillary And Mandibular Incisors And Canines
778_Pt came to u with sublingual space infection, change in colour of mucosa of floor of the
mouth. The tongue is slightly elevated. How will u do the incision for drainage ?
A. Extra orally parallel to lower border of the mandible.
B. Intraorally parallel to Whartons duct������
C. Intra orally between mylohyoid muscle
790_Pix Mucocele ?
*Treatment surgical excision����
A. Cold Steralization
B. Hot Dry
C. Steam���
810-Cause Of Malocclusion:
A. Duration
B. Frequent
C. Force���
811-5years Old Pt Bilateral Enlargemnt In Lower Jaw And In Xray Radiolecency And Replace
Unerupted Teeth Like This:
A. Cheburism���
B. Granuloma
C. Multple Odontogenic Keratocyst
816-Patient Just Take L.A, He Gets Discomfort, Warm, His Blood Pressure 100/75, And Take
Arthritis Medication Recently:
A. Hyperglycemia
B. Adrenal Insufficiency
C. Adrenal Crisis���
D. Hyperthyro
869_The main reason for using floss before application of rubber dam is to
A. Remove entrapped food
B. Verify the tightness and roughness of the contact area������
C. Open the tied contact between the teeth
D. Ligate rubber dam to tooth, after application
872_The outline form in modified class III composite restoration is determined by:
A. Height of the gingival tissue
B. Extension of the caries�����
C. Oral hygiene of the patient
D. Depth of the lesion
874_In class IV composite restorations, the width of the bevel is determined by:
A. Age of the patient
B. Shade of the composite to be used
C. Amount of retention needed������
D. Mesial side required wider bevel than distal sides
875_The time required for dentin bridge formation in direct pulp capping is:
A. Six weeks������
B. Ten weeks
C. Fourteen weeks
D. Four weeks
877_For a Class III composite resin prepared lingually, the cavo-surface margin of the cavity can
be beveled to:
A. Eliminate the need for internal retention
B. Improve convenience form
C. Aesthetic
D. Increase the surface area for etching�����
879_When the margin of the cavity extended to within 2 mm of the crestal bone, the
recommended procedure before placement of the
restoration is:
A. Crown lengthening
B. Sandwich technique (GIC and composite)�����
C. Tooth extraction because it is non restorable
D. Placement of temporary filling for two weeks and then replace it with a definitive one
881_The copal resin varnish that is placed in the cavity preparation before the amalgam is
condensed provides:
A. Sealing of the margins for the lifetime of the restoration
B. Long-term sealing of the several years duration
C. Short-term sealing of the margins�����
D. No sealing of the margins
882_(pic page 123)A technique which utilize calcium hydroxide as liner ,placed on
thin layer of questionable remaining dentin is termed as:
A.Direct pulp capping
B.Indirect pulp capping������
C.Vitality tests
D.Compaction technique
883_After the dentist has completed an etching procedure on a class III composite preparation,
the preparation become contaminated with saliva. In response, the dentist should do which of
the following?
A. Blow away the saliva with air, then proceed
B. Rinse away the saliva with water, dry the preparation, then proceed
C. Wipe away the saliva with a cotton pellet, rinse the preparation with water, dry it with air,
then proceed
D. Rinse away the saliva with water, dry the preparation with air, then repeat the etching
894_Indication of PRR?
A. discoloured pit and fissure with shallow caries�����
B. Discolored pit and fissure with deep caries
C. one half the tooth with caries one half sound teeth
D. Non cavitated lesion and a low risk patient
909-During the preparation of class II cavity, which of the following permanent teeth pulp horns
will be the most subject to accidental exposure?
A. Distofacial of a maxillary first molar
B. Distofacial of a mandibular first molar
C. Facial of a mandibular first premolar����
D. Lingual of a mandibular first premolar
913-Pa ent with gingivectomy surgery. A er surgery, xenogra was placed with bio resorbable
sutures placed. Which dressing is placed over it?
A. Eugenol dressing
b. Non-eugenol based���
c. Antibiotic dressing
914-The three length of files and reamers that you work by them:
a. 20-26-29
b. 21-25-32
c. 21-25-31���
923-patient with high Masticatory force and need esthetic restoration in posterior area:
a- composite with no bevel����
b- composite with bevel
c- glass ionomer
931_patient just take L.A, he gets discomfort, warm, his blood pressure 100/75, and (he is or he
is not I can’t remember) take arthritis medication recently:
A. hyperglycemia
B. adrenal insufficiency
C. adrenal crisis�����
D. hyperthyroidism
935-Patient injected inferior nerve block for lower incisor and still have pain what is the extra
A) long buccal
B) midline infiltration����
C) lingual
D) mental
☀Note: *If he says another nerve block way* Chose D
938-While extraction of impacted third molar it was displaced posteriorly and superiorly & was fail
to extract what u do
A) CT scan w extract under general anesthesia���
B) extract after week
C) follow and leave
941-In case of infection which tooth can cause swelling in anterior part of hard palate:
1/upper lateral����
2/ upper central
3/ upper canine
4/upper first premolar
945-dentist at the end of the day want to pour alginate imp quickly how can he do that
a. Increase powder/water ratio
b. Hot water
c. Slurry water���
d. Increase thickness
948-Pt. Came to your clinic with pain in his mouth but he cannot localize which the jaw, which
test is useful:
1. Thermal test
2. Percussion test
3. Anesthetic test���
4. Cavity test
949-Patient comes with pain but he can't localize the tooth what is the best test:
1. Thermal test����
2. Percussion test
3. Cavity test
4. Anesthesia test
450-The best way to make pulp vitality test of a tooth with PFM crown:
1. Cold test
2. Cold and hot
3. Cold with rubber dam���
4. Electric test
1010-Patient comes to you with edematous gingiva, inflamed, loss ofgingival contour and
recession, what's the best tooth brushing technique?
A. Modified bass.
B. Modified stillman���
c. Charter
1012-bacteia in endocarditis
a-Actinomyces enterococcus
b-streptococcus mutans
c-streptococcus viridians���
1013-What’s the maximum size of pulp exposure that will mostly cause failure to do direct pulp
A. 0.5
B. 0.7
C. 0.9 = 1mm���
1016-Caries depend on
A. Type
B. site���
C. depth
1018-Pt with low caries index and small discolored area which is not cavitated or catching no x-
ray change need Follow up each
A. 3 months
B. 9-12
C. 12-18
☀Note: 6 MONTHS
1021-patient smoking 15 -20 cigarettes a day for 8 years he com with complain of pain in
gingival Diagnosed as chronic gingivitis ?
a-gum shows inflammation as former smoker
b-less intensity than unsmoker
c-more intensity than non-smoker���
d-same as non-smoker
1023-When you give sedative inhalation on for patient to prevent hypoxia you give:
A. 95% oxygen and 5% nitrous oxide
B. 90% oxygen and 10%nitrous oxide
C. 85% oxygen and 15% nitrous oxide
D. 100% oxygen and zero nitrous oxide���
1024- The ideal gap distance for a *pre-ceramic* solder joint is:
a. 0.1 mm
d. 0.5 mm
b. 0. 15 mm - 0.3mm
e. 0. 5 mm - 0.75 mm����
c. 0.3 mm - 0.5 mm
1030-(Crown Case) surgeon needs Impression material to be double pored with fine details in
both casts:
Poly ether
Poly vinyl siloxane
1032-6 years old patient, suffers from dental pain, has blue sclera with defective teeth structures,
with history of multiple fractures and shortened gesture:
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta���
Paget's disease
1033-Oral Medicine case 55-years female with history of kidney stones, psychosis and abdominal
pain, high levels of Ca and Alkaline Phosphatase:
1041-pt came with persistence bleeding after extraction and still persistent after doing suturing
what’s the material can help in clotting :
1043-PPE put on :
A/ mask .. eyewear.. gloves ���
B/ gloves .. mask ,, eyewear
☀Note: putting on PPE is Apron or Gown, Surgical Mask, Eye Protection (where required) and
Gloves. Removing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The order for removing PPE is
Gloves, Apron or Gown, Eye Protection, Surgical Mask. Perform hand hygiene
immediately on removal.
1046-pt after doing bridge on 456 return to dentist to thank him ,, because she has sever
headache and disappeared after getting the bridge The cause of headache :
A/ migraine
B/ trigemenal neuralgia
C/ muscle spasm and myocardial pain
D/ TMJ disorder���
963-child with thumb sucking the time for correction by ortho take
A – 6 months����
964-child with thumb sucking age for correction the by ortho take
B – 7 Years���
968-Pt 70 year have invasive poor differentiated ulcer lesion sq.c.c it is prognosis
A. Good prognosis with less recurrence
B. Good prognosis with high recurrence
C. Poor prognosis high recurrence����
D. Poor prognosis with less recurrence
971-the difference between the alveolar epithelium and the gingival epithelium is
A. Absence of stratum spinosum
B. Absence of stratum granulomatous
C. Absence of stratum cornium����
973-class 4lower complete edentulous upper. High bone resorption of lower ant region with bad
oral hygiene and gingival recession pt. Is diabetic the appropriate. Treatment for lower ridge
A. Implant supported f pd
B. Tooth supported fpd
C. Metallic pd
D. Acrylic pd���
975-formula of periodontal instrument is 15, 38, 84, 13, The angle of cutting edge
A. 15
B. 38����
C. 84
D. 13
☀Note: -A: for width of the blade
-B: for angle of the cutting edge
-C: for length of the blade
-D: for angle of the blade
983-pt. Come with pain in chewing. Cold test is normal but tooth sensitive and pain on biting
A. Normal pulp with normal pdl
B. Normal pulp with symptomatic periodontitis����
C. Asymptomatic reversible pulpitis with symptomatic periodontitis
D. Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with asymptomatic Periodontitis
987-pt. Come to check up u found white spot on his tooth that change in color from normal
enamel and disappear by
1- wetting
2- Hypocalcifed enamel
3- Hyper calcified enamel
4- Incipient caries���
990-Best treatment of choice for carious exposure of primary molar in 3year old child who
complain of toothache during and after food taking:
A. Direct pulp capping with caoh
B. Direct pulp capping with ZOE paste
C. Formocresol pulpotomy����
D. Caoh pulpotomy
992- Interproximal caries of is best detected by: OR The x-ray of choice to detect is:
1. Periapical X-ray film
2. Bitewing X-ray film����
3. Occlusal X-ray film
4. None of the above
996-base of diagnosis :-
A. Clinical and radiographic examination���
B. Oral hygiene record
997-Pt 17 years complain from lesion like white band in cheek, he was in exam has history of
hepatitis C and adrenal disease in childhood, saw tooth:
1. Lichen planus����
2. Lichenoid reaction
1000-60 years need removable to restore missing teeth upper 5, 4 has proximal caries, what to
do ?
1- extraction
2- remove caries before impression���
1001-during examination, there is unelevated lesion on the check, that has variable "many color "
hat is if diagnosis
1- bulla
2- nodules
3- macule���
1008-bluish swollen glazed lesion on tip of tongue and laterally in 25 years’ female:
a- Sq. Cell
b- Hemangioma���
c- Neuro fibroma
d- Lipoma
1051-Patient having an orthodontic treatment and came back with bleeding when brushing in a
specific area :
gingival hypergrowth
1052-A little girl 5 years going to have chemootherapy and have deep caries on first primary
molars without image on the furation area what to do :
1053-A women with all ceramic anterior upper fpd , what happens to anterior lower teeth:
1063-Causative of herpangina?
Coxackie viru��� s
Ebstien Barr
virus Herpes
simplix virus
1067-Antes lawde finision: "the total periodontal membrane area of the abutment teeth must
equal or exceed that of the teeth to be replaced.����
1068-Headgear force?
1075-Pt feel sharp nerve like pain when he swallow or rotate his head , the pain in pharynx base
of tongue and neck ... what is it ?
- eagel’s syndrome����
- trigeminal neuralgia
- glossophyrengeal neur
1076-Long scenario and then said you have deep caries& want to place varnish under the
amalgam , what is the type ?
- copalite���
- caoh2
- zinc oxide
1077-tooth with good crestal bone level (normal to mild) and there is RL lesion in furcation area
in clinical examination there is 8mm pocket , what is the type of bone loss ?
- vertical
- horizontal
- interradicular����
- interdental
1079-Patient with bad occlusal force came back with porcelain fracture
A. Tell lab to do stronger porcelain
B. Increase porcelain thickness
C. Night guard����
1087-Busy dentist take the alginate imperssion and put it in water , the
alginate will develop?
A. Synersis
B. Imbibitation����
C. Chalky appearance
1094-Instrument used to catch the flap (soft tissue) when we do impaction in lower third molar:
1.Adson forceps.���
2.(Adson tissue forcep)
3. Allis forceps.
4. Curved hemostat.
5. Regular tweezers
1096-After patient came to your clinic and gave an extended history and complains, what’s your
next step in treatment?
1. Clinical examination.����
2. Start the treatment.
3.Radiographic examination
1097-An 8 years old child suffered a trauma at the TMJ region as infant. Complaining now from
limitation in movement of the mandible. Diagnosis is:
1. Sub luxation.
2. Ankylosis���
1098-Fractured tooth to alveolar crest, what's the best way to produce ferrule effect?
1. Restore with amalgam subgingivally
2. Crown lengthening.
3. Extrusion with orthodontics.���
1147-Dentist must:
1. Treat PT medically.
2. Prescribe medicine to PT with medical problem.
3. Do clinical examination, take medical history and evaluate the medical state.���
1155-The posterior seal in the upper complete denture serves the following functions:
1. It reduces patient discomfort when contact occurs between the dorsum of the tongue and the
posterior end of the denture base.
2. Retention of the maxillary denture.
3. It compensate for dimensional changes which occur in the acrylic denture base during
4.All of the above���
1156-In persons with normal healthy gingivae, the proper device for cleaning interproximal
surfaces is the:
1. Dental floss.���
2. Interproximal brush.
3. Powered (electric) toothbrush.
4. Hand toothbrush.
5. Water irrigation device.
1159-Radiograph diagnosis of bone destructive lesion in the mandible without evidence of bone
1. Osteomyelitis.
2. Malignancy.����
3. Fibro-osseous lesion.
4. Fracture.
1164-What is the basis for the current endodontic therapy of periapical lesion?
1. Due to reach collateral circulation system, the periapical area usually heals despite the
condition of the root canal.
2. if the pulpal source of periapical irritation is removed, the potential for complete periapical
healing is present.
3. Strong intracanal medications are recuired to sterilize the canal and the periapical area to
promote healing.
4. Periapical lesions, especially apical cyst must be treated by surgical intervention.
1170-When the mandible moves to the working side, the opposite side cusp to cusp contacts in
order to balance stresses of mastication. This relation is called:
1. Working relation.
2. Balancing relation.���
3. Occlusal relation.
4. None.
1173-A rigid part of the partial denture casting that unites the rests and another part of the
prosthesist the opposite side of the arch is called:
1. Minor connecter.
2. Major connector.���
3. Retainer.
4. Rest.
1174-The part of a removable denture that forms a structure of metal struts that engages and
unites the metal casting with the resin forming the denture base is called:
1. Minor connecter.
2. Major connecter.
3. Denture base connector.����
4. Retainer.
1175-The primary guiding surface that determines the path of insertion for thepartial denture is:
1. The tooth surface opposite to the edentulous areas.
2. The tooth surface adjacent to the edentulous areas.����
3. None.
4- Guiding plane
1176-To fabricate a removable partial casting requires making a second cast of high-heat
investment material this cast is called:
1. Study cast.
2. Master cast.
3. Refractory cast.���
4. All
1179-Child with late primary dentition has calculus and gingival recession related to upper molar
what is the diagnosis:
1. Periodontitis.
2. Local aggressive Periodontitis.����
3. Viral infection
1108-Fibers which completely embedded in cementation and pass from cementation of one tooth
to the cementation of adjacent tooth is
1. Sharpies fibers.
2. Transceptal fibers.���
3. Lougtudinual fibers
1111-Polysulfide rubber base which used for final impression must be:
1. Pouring in first 1 hour.����
2. Pouring in first 2 hour.
3. Using cooling water.
4. Pouring in first 12 hour
1114-One of anatomical land mark (in determining the occlusal plane) is:
1. Ala tragus line.���
2. Ala orbital.
3. Frank fort plane.
1123-All of these are landmarks that indicate post palatal seal except:
1. Fovea palatine.
2. Hamular notch.
3. Vibrating line.
4. Retromolar pad���
1132-pt. has bad oral hygiene and missing the right latral treatment ?
Maryland bridge
1133-after extraction which the best thing used to clean the socket?
-Sterilized saline���
-Water top
-Hydrogen Proxied
1136-When placing implant and you want to have interdental papilla regrowth you should leave
btw base of proximal plate & crestal bone?
-3.4 -NOT SURE-