Biomechanical Preparation Niti Files
Biomechanical Preparation Niti Files
Biomechanical Preparation Niti Files
Presenter: Dr. Dhivya P
■ Introduction ■ Specific NITI
■ Instrument designs instrumentation
■ Key terminologies techniques
■ Recommended speed
■ History of
and preparation
approach for different
■ Shaping and cleaning
■ Conclusion
■ Overview of different
■ References
existing NITI rotary
Represented by a percentage that
indicates the amount of change in
the diameter (in hundredths of a
millimetre) for every millimetre
away from the tip.
The outer diameter of endodontic files
increases gradually over their length
from the tip to the shank.
(leading to excessive torque on a file)
Lands are the surfaces of files that
extend as far axially from the center
as the cutting edges that define the
files circumference.
The helical angle is the angle that the cutting edge makes
with the long axis of the file.
Progressive pitch
U-shaped or L-shaped,
Resulting in a U-type or H-type file.
Rotary systems review Soni MR et al
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Jul-Dec 2014
• Convex triangle- ProTaper, Wave One, Triple U-Profile,
• Equilateral triangle- Race, S-type-M-two, Reciproc, and
• Rectangular– ProTaper Next
• Inner core and Cross-section Area: More the core and CSA,
more is the Torsional Resistance but less is the Cyclic fatigue
• Cross-sectional design: Instrument separation occurs in the
decreasing order with the following cross sections.
– Square > rectangular > triangular and slender
rectangular triangle
• S-shaped, H-file fracture more compared to triangular cross section.
• Protaper universal files (F2, F3, F4, F5) are made more flexible by
incorporating an additional groove in the middle of side of convex
triangular cross section
– Cutting ability
The capabilities of files – Stress concentration
made of the same – Operational torque
– Flexibility
material are entirely
– Screw-in forces
dependent on design
– Ability to maintain
and can be a central axis
success/failure. – Tip mechanics
What determines the
file’s Cutting Ability?
Mastering Endodontic
Instrumentation, McSpadden
The depth of cut is greater with RaCe and Pro Taper than with the
ProFile/ Profile GT files ( more positive rake angles). However these
Versluis et al. (2012) reported flexural stiffness and
induced internal stress were mainly governed by the bulk
of the Centre core of the instrument.
The TA is formed by
an instrument axis
and is tangent to the
last spiral of the
same instrument.
The repeated use of the shaper prepares the canal to a taper size
consistent with the intracanal dentinal anatomy and hardness.
The Following are some of the consideration and
ramifications of designs that are the important in
formulating techniques in approaching difficult cases:
• The fewer spirals a flute has per unit length around the shaft of a
ground file, the more it resists torsion deformation, but the more rigid it
• The sharper the cutting blade of a file, the fewer spirals per unit length
the file should have.
• The greater the number of flutes with the similar helix angles, the
greater tendency a file has to screw into the canal and become bound.
• Torque
• Cyclic fatigue
• Torsional fatigue
• Rotary motion
• Reciprocating motion
• Apical gauging
If the torque and pressure required for rotating the larger diameter portion
of a file exceeds the torque required to break the smaller diameter portion,
the file is particularly vulnerable when engaging the larger diameter since
First Generation
The first rotary 0.02 taper NiTi instrument was designed by Dr. John McSpadden and
came to market in 1992.
In 1994, Dr. Johnson introduced a line of files which became known as the ProFile
0.04 tapered series. Following soon after were the ProFile 0.06 tapers and the
“Orifice Shapers.”
Dr. Johnson broke the paradigm of ISO 0.02 tapered files by making these more
highly tapered files, and together with Dr. McSpadden, the two are generally
regarded as the fathers of NiTi rotary files.
LightSpeed developed by Dr. Steve Senia and Dr. William Wildey, the Quantec
developed by Dr. John McSpadden, and the Greater Taper files developed by Dr.
Steve Buchanan.
All first-generation NiTi rotary files had passive cutting radial lands, fixed tapers over the
length of their working parts, and required a considerable number of files to achieve
preparation objectives.
By the end of the 1990s, the next generation of NiTi rotary files came to market.
The critical distinctions of this generation of instruments are that they have actively
cutting edges without radial lands and fewer instruments are required to fully prepare a
The angle between the cutting blade and the longitudinal axis of the instrument is lower than
in first-generation files, which greatly reduces the tendency for a screwing effect during use.
This generation of NiTi files includes the ProTaper (Dentsply Tulsa) rotary files which, unlike all
other passive or active NiTi cutting instruments, have multiple tapers of increasing and
decreasing size on a single file.
The first-generation rotary systems had neutral or slightly negative
rake angles. Several second generation systems were designed with
positive rake angles, which gave them greater cutting efficiency [e.g.
K3 system (SybronEndo, Orange, CA) invented by Dr. McSpadden)
The fifth generation of shaping files has been designed such that the center of mass
and/or the center of rotation are offset.
In rotation, files that have an offset design produce a mechanical wave of motion that
travels along the active length of the file.
Like the progressively percentage tapered design of any given ProTaper file, this offset
design serves to further minimize the engagement between the file and dentin..
Commercial examples of file brands that offer variations of this technology are Revo-S
(Medidenta), One Shape, and the PTN file system. Today, the safest, most efficient, and
simplest file systems utilize the most proven design features from the past, coupled
with the most recent technological advancements currently available.
Current Therapy in
Priyanka Jain MSC, MDS, BDS
Endodontic Motor
■ Ultradent, Sybron Endo, Easy and J Morita have presented proposals of engines or
instrument systems capable of working in the root canal with both kinematics.
The Genius system (Ultradent, South Jordan, UT, USA), introduced in 2016, was
developed for use in clockwise rotary and reciprocating (90° clockwise, 30°
counterclockwise) motion.
■ Canal preparation is first performed with reciprocating motion, which allows safer
negotiation of the canal; then, symmetric rotary action is used to finish the
preparation, guaranteeing greater efficiency in dentin removal from the canal and
less extrusion of debris.
Optimum • Optimum torque reverse (OTR) motion
is a torque-sensitive reciprocal motion
Torque in which the motor rotates in
alternating 90° counterclockwise and
reverse 180° clockwise rotation when the
No traditional crown-down
procedure is performed.
• Mtwo files are characterized by two sharp cutting edges and a relatively small core diameter
• The smaller the core diameter the greater the space between the cutting edges and the
canal wall.
• This file design together with the increasing pitch length from the tip the shaft of these files
may enhance the debris removal capacity of the Mtwo file.
• Mtwo instruments resulted in better centred canals.
• Mtwo comprised only six instruments
Mtwo – shaping and cleaning. Part 2 Schafer et al. 2006 International Endodontic Journal
This progressively
tapered design
serves to
improve flexibility, Convex, triangular cross-section which enhances
cutting efficiency
and safety.
the cutting action while decreasing the rotational
Uses innovative
technology, and
a unique offset
mass of rotation
This means a smaller-sized and more flexible PTN file can cut the
same-size preparation as a larger and stiffer file with a centered mass
and axis of rotation.
Instruments with different cross-sections
along the active part.
• Has modified convex triangular from
tip to D8 (the eighth millimeter), with
three cutting edges oriented
• Triangular convex from D9 to D16.
• The taper is constant in the first three
mm and decreases thereafter.
• The variability of tip diameters -
prepare a wide range of apical
diameters and root canal anatomies
• The reduced taper ensures a more