Assign No 6 Thailand Architecture
Assign No 6 Thailand Architecture
Assign No 6 Thailand Architecture
Assignment No. 6
I. Influences 3
Salvan, George
II. Architectural Character 4
III. Examples 6
Buddhist Architecture Glossary
IV. Terminology 8
The basic thai houseHouse
of the past, rarely seen today,
was simple structure of bamboo and thatch, raised
off the ground for protection against floods and
wild animals
doors, windows whutters Most family life took place on a veranda-like
platform outside the one or two rooms that served
are of carved wood
as sleeping quarters.
THRONE ROOM, ROYAL PALACE This model evolved into more complex structures
BANGKOK, THAILAND of wood, varying both in form and decoration to
suit conditions in different regions but always
retaining their essential simplicity
Ornamental pilastered niche to Image-chamber in a Buddhist shrine Awning, eave Thai term essentially equivalent to
house a sacred image stupa
Another word for Ubosot, the Generally any sacred space, but
Side passage running parallel to the ordination hall in a Buddhist temple usually means a shrine or prayer Ornamentation on the top/end of a
nave of a temple and separated hall which has a stupa at one end roof of a temple, often in the shape
from it by columns BYAUK of a mythical creature, or bird or fish
In Myanmar, a temple with a
A temple assembly hall that houses
colourfully painted interior
Burial mound at the centre of a a stupa Tibetan term for a stupa
stupa, usually in the form of a solid CANDI
dome or generally bell-shaped
Indo-Indonesian royal sepulchre
APADANA A promenade for walking A windowed upper level, providing
and generally equivalent of “Stupa”;
meditation light for a double-storey interior
used generally to refer to any
Columned hypostyle hall, usually ancient Hindu or Buddhist temple CHATRAVALI / CREPIDOMA
square in plan, with a portico to one or shrine in Indonesia (and CHATTRAVALI
or more sides sometimes non-religious structures Steps forming the platform of a
too) Tiers (disks) forming the chattri on temple
top of a stupa – above the dome
(anda) leading up to the railing/
platform (harmika)
Semi circular domed or vaulted
space, especially at one end of a (Indonesian) Roofless gateway, containing the cult statue CHATTRI
basilica space usually to an East Javanese or
Balinese temple An umbrella-shaped dome or pavilion,
sometimes acting as a turret on the roof of a
CELLA stupa
In the shape of an apse
The sanctuary of a temple, usually
The Sinhalese (i.e. Sri
A four-sided temple Lanka) word for Stupa
The object or decoration marking the A sacred parasol on the upper part Summer-house or pavilion a small structure, built on stilts,
top of something (like the top of a of a finial (qv) designed to house a monk. Its proper
dome or tower) or the end of size is defined in the Sanghathisep,
something like a roof edge or gable
Drum forming the base of a stupa Rule 6, to be 12 by 7 Keub (or 4.013
GANDHAKUTI In a Buddhist monastery, the image by 2.343 meters )
hall is the one which contains the
Literally a “perfumed chamber” – (main) statue of the Buddha (Thai) A free-standing square or
used to mean shrines placed around cruciform building within a Thai
IWAN Multi-storey structure
a stupa temple complex, used to house
Vaulted hall with a roof relics, scriptures, or act as a shrine;
by numerous columns more or less the word is related to Mandapa, qv
A cave, at Bagan in Myanmar used by JALI MULAPRASADA
extension to mean any temple that Palace in a sacred environment
has an interior you can enter Lattice of filigree patterned screen Main block of a temple, containing
a shrine
Square railings at the top of a stupa,
Court of early Indonesian rulers, a Burmese word for pagoda, literally
betewen the anda and the An open pavilion used as a meeting
term for a palace in Indonesia meaning “lord”, hence often found
chattravali, which originally in famous place names, e.g. place or shelter, usually a term used
represented a platform/ enclosure scriptures depository KUTAGARA often a porch-like structure leading into
with a fence the temple
Pavilion on the terrace of a palace
The bell tower in a Thai temple
Sanskrit word for a pillared
HO TRAI outdoor hall or pavilion for public
rituals; in Hindu temples the
In a Thai temple, the library or
mandapa is
Shwedigon Paya, and within
for these structures in Thai
names of pagodas, e.g. Bupaya
temples although also used for
roadside pavilions
Pyramidical hall roof with tiers of bell (Thai) Ordination hall of a Thai Residential quarters of a Buddhist
Originally a pre-Buddhist burial
-shaped mouldings Temple, also known as Bot monastery, or by extension a
mound; this word is now used for
the pre-eminent type of Buddhist monastery generally
monument, which is at least a
freestanding mound, usually with a
circular drum (medhi) forming the VASTUSHASTRA / VASTU
SANGHARAMA base for a massive solid dome SHATRA
(anda) topped by a turret (chattri);
Storeyed building with receding
Abode of a Buddhist order, i.e. a the bell or dome shaped mound Traditional Indian doctrines of
terraces, used in the south as main
monastery covers the relics or holy objects; as architecture and town planning in
element of sanctuaery, equivalent to
the stupa architecturally becomes wide cirulation by the 6th century
northern Mulaprasada
more complicated, so the word AD – “vastu sastras” refer to any
“Stupa” is applied in general to ancient Sanskrit manuals in these
SANGHAWAT monuments and whole temples, topics
interchangable in referring to many
The living quarters of monks in a Thai sites with words such as Pagoda, VEDIKA Buddhist temple or monastery
temple compound Wat, Candi
particularly in Thailand, usually
Railing, especially of a sacred
including buildings open to (and for
TAHOTO enclosure
the use of) lay people
Thailand, the land of the free. After stating that architecture will always will always be an
be an image after something else, I might have overlooked Thailand, where little, image after
if not ze- ro, influence has been established from a few, if not zero, invaders. something
If there is any original architecture in southeast Asia, Thailand must have it.
Bamboo houses raised off the ground, steep roofs, overlapping roofs. Alright, I think
I’ve heard that before. But since I’m sticking to my belief that Thailand architecture is original,
I’d like to believe that people, although in different parts of the world, think alike. Let’s just
leave it to coinci- dence.