Danfoss Dynamic Valve Sizing
Danfoss Dynamic Valve Sizing
Danfoss Dynamic Valve Sizing
valve design.
Combines a
radiator valve and a
pressure controller
in a single product.
hydronic balancing Innovative Dynamic Valve™
made very simple – the 2-in-1 temperature control and automatic balancing valve
Dynamic Valve™ from Danfoss puts all the advantages of automatic hydronic balancing within reach
of anyone aiming to optimize the performance of two-pipe heating systems.
The ability to accurately balance and control the radiators in two-pipe systems at any load is the
key to achieving better performance, reduced energy use and increased user satisfaction.
Simple to fit, easy to use and extremely durable, the innovative Dynamic Valve™ instantly eliminates
common problems like noisy radiators, uneven heat distribution and high levels of energy waste.
Simplicity all the way Increased energy efficiency Reliable system operation
Using Dynamic Valve™ means fast and Improved temperature control leads to With Dynamic Valve™, the system will
easy system diagnostics. A simple design increased user comfort and lower energy be permanently optimized to respond
approach and fewer components that need consumption. The valve reduces heat loss to changing weather conditions or user
dimensioning means faster planning. This and provides full control of the system delta T, behavior.
adds flexibility to your project and workflow resulting in improved boiler or district
management. Simply calculate the required heating efficiency. Even when users adjust the radiator Simple to work with Efficient as never before Reliable operation
flow level at each radiator and prepare your thermostat or valve settings, they cannot • 2-in-1 valve design • Improved temperature control • Permanently optimized system
commissioning documents. Furthermore, less water circulates through disturb the system balance. Together with • Fewer system components • Increased user comfort • Users cannot influence the
the system, making it possible to optimize the proven long-lasting quality of Danfoss • No Kv or authority calculations • Reduced energy consumption system balance
Once the valves have been installed, pump settings or even reduce pump size. sensors, reliable system operation will via pump optimization • Fewer call backs
• Simple pressure verification
commissioning is as easy as setting the increase tenant satisfaction and lead to • Greater boiler or district heating • Reduced comfort complaints
scale to its correct preset value. fewer installer call backs. efficiency
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A new approach Scan the code
to system balancing and see how it works
For heating technicians, the main challenges in existing solutions result
from variable system conditions due to pressure fluctuations. The key Dynamic
to the simple automatic solution provided by the Dynamic Valve™ is the Flow Control
way it combines a regular thermostatic valve with a built-in differential ensures a constant
maximum flow
pressure controller. regardless of
pressure fluctuations.
As a result, pressure fluctuations are eliminated, removing the cause of typical heating
system complaints. In addition, Dynamic Valve™ establishes a stable and comfortable system
that cannot be affected by any radiator adjustments that tenants may make.
Everybody wins
Good for building owners, will be eliminated. The energy efficiency
good for tenants increase and reliable system operation will
Many of your customers will have experi- reduce both energy consumption and the
Built-in differential Flow limiter: Ensures a
enced complaints about uneven heat number of service visits. The result is a more pressure controller: maximum flow level through
distribution, noise from the heating system efficient heating system with lower costs for This ensures that the entire heating the radiator.
system is automatically adapted and
and high energy bills. With Dynamic Valve™, everybody involved. balanced, 24 hours a day,
you can quickly and cost-effectively solve 365 days a year.
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Tenant issues
• Uneven heat distribution and
differences in start up times
• Noise from the heating system
the challenges
• Difficulty of controlling
In unbalanced or manually balanced systems, problems occur because of all two-pipe
heating systems
of simple science: water always follows the path of least resistance, are not properly
resulting in poor balance. balanced and work
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Dynamic Valve™
the right
Fitted directly to each radiator, without the need
for any additional components in the risers, it
automatically ensures constant hydronic balancing
throughout the system, no matter how conditions
may change.
ASV solution
Fitted directly to the risers, ASV automatically ensures
constant riser pressure, regardless of user behavior or
sudden changes in the weather or other conditions.
With radiator flow limited via regular Danfoss RA-N
valves, the heating system is perfectly balanced.
Which solution
To help you make the correct choice to Practical convenience Radiator fitted RA-DV Max. differential Max. flow = 135 l/h Best choice for complex Best choice for risers
achieve a robust, automatically balanced From a practical point of view, Dynamic pressure = 60 kPa P = 3140 W at ∆T = 20K riser designs with few radiators
P = 4700 W at ∆T = 30K
heating system, we have grouped the most Valve™ is the ideal solution for complex Best choice when main
important topics together in the table to engineered systems, in which risers are risers/return pipes are
difficult to access
the right. difficult to access or where they are situated
at some distance from each other. Best choice when main
riser/return pipes are
Dynamic Valve™ was specifically developed distant from each other
to offer a simple solution for a wide range In systems with well-functioning pre-
of buildings using two-pipe radiator setting radiator valves, the ASV solution is
systems and a pump head capacity of up usually the best choice. This also applies for
to 6 meters (60 kPa*). With a maximum flow systems using radiators with built-in valves
capacity of 135 l/h, it is compatible with or in other situations where Dynamic Valve™
Riser fitted ASV Max. differential No flow (l/h) limitations Best choice if the max. Best choice for risers
most existing radiators. cannot be used, for whatever reason. + radiator fitted RA-N pressure = 250 kPa differential pressure is with many radiators
* In partial load conditions the pump head can be the same as the differential pressure over the nearest radiator
valves. The maximum allowed differential pressure over the Dynamic Valve™ is 60 kPa.
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Choosing the correct Proven
sensor for your project solutions
Because the Danfoss Dynamic Valve™ uses the well-known RA sensor From small buildings to the very largest buildings, Danfoss offers you proven automatic
connection, you can choose from a wide range of sensors. balancing solutions for every size of project.
Although the Dynamic Valve™ is a recent product, we already have a great deal of
evidence of its practical effectiveness and reliability via the many heating systems it
has been installed in so far. The valve’s innovative technical construction solved or
prevented noise and uneven heat distribution issues in a simple way and to the full
satisfaction of users.
EN 215
The currently applicable EU norm for radiator valves is the EN 215 standard.
This certification system is your guarantee of high-quality products.
RAW RA 2920
Danfoss Eco™ /
Danfoss Link™ Connect
Danfoss offers a comprehensive range of radiator valves certified to EN 215. certified
The Dynamic Valve™ is no exception and was the first pressure-independent radiator Dynamic valve™
When price is important, For public buildings or other The stand-alone Eco™ or was the first of its
liquid-filled Danfoss ‘heavy-duty’ situations, this wireless Connect programmable valve in the world to have achieved EN 215 certification. kind to achieve
RAW sensors offer tamper proof sensor provides thermostats can be used to EN 215 approval.
excellent performance. a robust solution. increase energy savings.
during servicing work. RA-DV 15 Angle Right 1/2" 10-135 013G7719 013G7719 dP tool™
RA-DV 15 Angle Left 1/2" 10-135 013G7720 013G7720 For simple verification of sufficient
differential pressure and pump optimization.
Scan the QR code to see how RA-DV 20 Angle 3/4" 10-135 013G7725 013G7715
the dP tool™ is operated. RA-DV 20 Straight 3/4" 10-135 013G7726 013G7716 Code number: 013G7855
*8-110 l/h including a liquid filled sensor. 9-130 l/h including a gas filled sensor
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