Pastor Chris Teaching-PCT 123-160819

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Pastor Chris: Let’s open to 2 Corinthians and chapter number 6, beginning
with verse 14.
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers,”
and we explained that last night,
“for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
And what communion hath light with darkness?”
And we said that he calls us light and he calls the unbeliever darkness. He
calls us righteousness and he calls the unbeliever unrighteousness.
Next verse,
“And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he
that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the
temple of God with idols?”
Imagine that, he calls us the temple of God. And he calls the unbeliever
“For ye are the temple of the living God.”
This is beautiful.
“As God hath said, I will dwell in them,”
that means I will make my home in them. You see, He doesn’t just touch
you. No, a lot of times, Christians sing the wrong songs and believe the
wrong things. I mean songs don’t just come. They come because that’s
what you believe. And so, they sing what they believe. It’s important for
us to know what Christianity is. If you don’t know what Christianity is,
how can you sing a Christian song? So, sometimes some of the
statements that we make are taking out of context and built upon but
something totally wrong and in fact taking that believer astray. For
example, we sing a nice song, “He touched me. He touched me.” You
know, the Lord touched me. God is going to touch you. And you know, so
that’s nice but sometimes we take it out of context and start hoping for a
touch for someone who’s actually living in us. How close can you get? He
lives in you. He’s made His home in you. What do you want Him to touch
you with when He dwells in you? You see it, so, sometimes we lose the
truth while we’re shown the powerful subjects. When we talk about the
touch of God it’s just a metaphor. It’s a metaphor for an impact. So, when
we say God’s going to touch your life, we don’t mean like He’s going to
stretch His hand and touch you like this. We’re saying that He will impact
your life. Do something special in your life. It’s just metaphor because He
truly lives in you but when it’s taken out context, you’re hoping for some
touch on your head or on your back or something and that’s wrong
because He truly lives in you. We just read it. We just read it. Let me
explain something to you about Christianity so you can understand.
Christianity is not the worshiping of God even though Christians worship
God. Christianity is not believing in Jesus Christ. Christianity is not going
to church even though Christians go to church. What is Christianity?
Christianity is the outworking of the Christ life in a human being. It is the
manifestation of the righteousness of God in a human person. It is the
daily walk of divinity in humanity. It is God’s daily walk in a man. That’s
Christianity. So, the Word of God is lived out by Christians. You live the
Word. You manifest the Word because a true Christian is the Word of
God in flesh. You see it? That’s a true Christian. He’s the Word of God in
flesh. We can literally read your life and see the Word in manifestation.
That’s Christianity.

So, when you read something like this, let’s go back to that verse. 2
Corinthians chapter 6, good. He says,
“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?” He’s still
presenting an argument. Then he makes a powerful statement, “for ye

this is the sovereign declaration of Almighty God. This is a spiritual truth.

Truths are foundational elements on which you can build. You see that,
they’re spiritual laws. This is a spiritual truth which means in the mind of
God, this is presently real. He says, “Ye are, ye are,” that is a now word.
It’s not going to happen when you pray. It’s not going to happen when
you feel like it. It’s not going to happen when you think it is. It’s not going
to happen because you have fasted. No. He says, “Ye are.” Which means
this is the knowledge of God. God knows, He knows. It is His present
moment knowledge. He knows. He says, “Ye are.” God knows that you
are. Now, not after you’ve prayed. Not after you’ve begged Him. Not after
you’ve felt it. Your feeling has nothing to do with it. Look at it. If you’re a
child of God and you’re born again, this is truth. Look at it,

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living

God: as God hath said—” It says God said it, now He has fulfilled it. Look at it,
“God hath said,”
in prophetically language, he hath said,
“I will dwell in them, and walk in them.”
Oh boy. That word walk is very partial. It means to perambulate. That’s
“Walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

That was a prophecy that became fulfilled in Christ Jesus. So now, ye are
the temple of the Living God. He says this is the mystery, Colossians
chapter 1. Let’s read from verse 26 into 27. Colossians chapter 1 from
verse, good,

“Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from
generations, but now is made manifest to his saints,” mhm,
“to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles,”
what is the mystery,
“which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Christ in you. He says this is
the mystery. This is what God wanted before the foundation of the world.
This is the mystery and now it’s made manifest to His saints, Christ in you,
the hope of glory. You remember, the Bible tells us how that man fell in
the garden when they sinned against God and it says that he fell from
grace. He fell from glory. He was cut off. Well that glory is restored in
Christ Jesus. Amen. The glory is restored in Christ Jesus. He says Christ in
you, the hope of glory. Christ is in me. I am the temple of the Living God.
That is not a religious message, it’s reality. That’s what Christianity is
about. Christ in you. He’s taken up His abode in you. The Bible says that
He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit, so you have become one with
Christ, inseparably one with Christ. Hallelujah. That’s amazing. You know,
spiritual babes don’t understand that. They don’t get it. They don’t get it.
So, they’re looking for somebody to pray for them. They’re hoping, oh, if
you just touch me then this is going to happen to me. They don’t realize
that the God they’re talking to in heaven is in them. He lives in you. How
many of us treat the church building as holy and wonderful? We look at
the church building and we say whoa, that’s the church, you know, it’s
holy. Did you know when you close from the service the only thing that
makes that church holy is because you, the holy ones, dedicated its use to
God. That’s what makes it holy because you, the holy ones, dedicated
that building to God’s use. It’s not as holy as you. Because you made it
holy. You gave it of your holiness. Hallelujah. These are spiritual truths.
These are spiritual truths. Now, when Christians are not taught, they just
don’t know these things and so they live a life that’s less than real
Christian life. They just live a religious exciting life. You see, and then
when they’re not as excited as before then they behave differently. It
depends on the excitement of the moment. They’re not living by the
Word. They’re living by their excitement. So, they can enjoy service, you
know, the worship was beautiful. The praise was beautiful. The message
was wonderful. And then another day, oh it was so dull, you know, I was
tired. I was feeling sleepy. And then sometimes they feel like they’re close
to God by prayer. They just want to stay in that atmosphere. It’s been
wonderful. Then some of the times they just feel so far away from God.
Don’t even feel like praying. They’re running away from God. They’re
hoping God’s not thinking like them because if He knows what it’s my
mind He’d just know I’m finished. They’re living according to their
feelings. That’s not Christianity. Christianity is living by the Word. What
does the Word say? It’s not how you feel. What does the Word say? Now,
in 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse number 7. Turn to it. It’s a simple
verse. You all know it but I want you to see where it is. 2 Corinthians
chapter 5 and verse number 7. Simple verse. Read it, one, two, go. We
walk by faith not by sight or sensory perception. We walk by faith.
Christians walk by faith but faith must have a basis. Faith must have a
basis. Faith is a law. Faith must have a basis. The basis of faith is God’s
Word, what God has said. You cannot have faith outside the Word. That
cannot be faith. Now, if I tell you I’ve got 100,000 Rands for you, come get
it tomorrow, then you have a basis for expectation. But if I didn’t say that,
you may be begging me for 100,000 Rands because there’s no knowledge
of a promise. Where there’s a promise, there’s a genuine expectation. So,
God’s Word elicits from you faith. You see it? So, when I heard the Word,
I can expect. Now, imagine that He’s made a promise and I’ve heard the
promise and I become expectant. That’s expectation, okay? On the basis
of a promise. Now, what about this? Think about this. If I showed you a
document to a piece of property, a title deed with your name on it, and I
showed you, look at it, it belongs to you. This doesn’t elicit expectation.
What does it get from you? Confident assurance. You see, it elicits
confident assurance. There’s way—you see, before you got the document
you didn’t think like you had anything. Suddenly, you become the owner
of something you haven’t seen. You just have the proof. You didn’t see
the property. You just saw the document. You saw the title deed. I didn’t
even take you to the land. You haven’t seen the land yet. All you have is
the document and now you got springs in your steps already. You’re a
landowner. You already know who you are, you got something, glory to
God. You’re now confident. You’ve got something. Have you seen it? No,
but I’ve got proof. What’s your proof? Well, look at it, you say look at it,
look at it, read it, it’s mine. My name is on it. So, there are promises in the
Word but there are also statements of fact, present hour facts, what
God’s already done. These are not promises. These are facts. These are
realities. That’s why in the definition of faith, it puts the two together.
Hebrews chapter 11, verse number 1, let’s take a look at it. Hebrews
chapter 11, verse 1. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.” You
see hope, expectation. Then it says what? “The evidence of things not
seen.” I give you the evidence. You haven’t seen the land yet but you saw
the title deed, evidence of unseen realities. Evidence. So, faith gives you
confidence. Faith inspires expectation but faith gives you confidence.
Why? Because there’s a knowledge you know something that has been
done, something that’s been given to you. Something that belongs to you.
Now, God says, go back there in 2 Corinthians chapter 6, verse—we were
in verse 16, right? Okay. “For ye are the temple of the Living God,”
statement of fact, not a promise. Then he tells us there a promise when
God said I will dwell in them and walk in them. He says he had said so.
Now, it’s been fulfilled. Ye are the temple of the Living God. Ye are. Ye
are. I am. Ye are. Ye are the temple of the Living God. Ye are. Okay, now,
you come up with diabetes. How? How? How did that happen to you?
What happened to the God living inside you? Because there’s not been a
consciousness of His indwelling presence. You see it? There’s not been a
consciousness of His indwelling presence. Now you’re looking for
something to heal it. Something to cure it. Ye are the temple of the Living



Pastor Chris: 2 Corinthians chapter 6, verse—we were in verse 16, right?

What else could this be? He says, “As God hath said, I will dwell in them,
and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
How else could you explain that? What else could this mean? Oh, it’s
spiritual. Of course it’s spiritual. It’s spiritual but I am spiritual. You know
what the Bible says? Being born again is spiritual. Salvation is spiritual.
Heaven is spiritual. God is a spirit. Angels are spirits. So it says spiritual
laws, spiritual truths. So it doesn’t change it. Okay, how else can you
explain this? Ye are the temple of the Living God. Well, what else could
this mean? Dear God, what else could this mean? Ye are the temple of
the Living God. What else could this mean? I ought to go saying if God has
said this, then it is true. I am—I got to respond to God. I am the temple of
the Living God. He lives in me. He walks in me. He talks in me. I am the
temple of the Living God. Hallelujah. It becomes my daily consciousness. I
am the temple of the Living God. Oh hallelujah. How could I have been
week? I am the temple of the Living God. I’ll show you what this means,
we’ll get to it. Okay. Okay. You there? Still there? Tell somebody I’m still
here. Glory to God. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Now,
you know, after you’ve come to Christ, when you’ve become a Christian,
the next thing you got to do is grow in the Spirit. You’ve got to grow. See,
when a child is born, what do you do? You start feeding that child. In fact,
the two things a child does: sleeping and eating. I mean, the child is either
sleeping or just wakes up and…and you feed and then back to sleep. A
little baby like that doesn’t play, just looks at everybody, tries to focus,
like who are these? You know? Then goes back to sleep. Wakes up... Food
again. What does the Bible say? Let me show it to you. You ready for this?
Okay, got to 1 Peter. 1 Peter chapter 1, from verse 23. “Being born again,
not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which
liveth and abideth for ever.” Say amen. Then he goes, “For all flesh is as
grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass
withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord
endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached
unto you.” Chapter 2, verse 1. “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all
guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,” Whew, I wish I
could spend time to talk about that. Read this one, verse 2, one, two go.
“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow
thereby.” As newborn babes. See, I told you what they do. They just wake
up and cry for food. God wants you to cry for food, the Word, all the time.
Have that desire for the Word all the time. Have the desire for the Word
all the time. Have strong appetite for the Word of God all the time, as
newborn babes. It says desire the sincere milk of the word that you may
be grow. So, you need to grow. Says that you may grow thereby, so it
means that is by that word that you will grow. You’re not going to grow
by human assumptions. You’re not going to grow by storytelling. You’re
not going to grow by reading newspapers. You’re not going to grow by
listening to the late night news. You’re not going to grow by watching
videos and all kinds of things. You will grow the Word, the sincere milk of
the Word. It says you will grow thereby. Hallelujah. So, desire the sincere
milk of the word. Desire the Word of God. Stir up your appetite for the
Word. Discipline your body. You know there are some people, every time
they’re in church, they’re ready to sing throughout. They don’t mind.
They’re ready to everything else. Once the message starts, they’re
pressed. You know what I’m talking about, they’re pressed. They’re
looking for the bathroom now. And they’re going to go four times during
the duration of the preaching. So, they just don’t hear the message.
Preachers preaching alright and hmm they’re looking around, hmm,
which is fastest? That’s actually what they’re—they’re looking this way
and that way. If I go like this or go I like this? You’d think they’re looking
for somebody. No, they’re looking for the fastest way out. And suddenly,
they’re out, and they come back, and in their mind, he’s still preaching?
Sit down again. A few minutes, out. Something is wrong. Why are you
always pressed during the message? Something is wrong. Say yes, Pastor,
please, what is wrong with me? Hold on. Hold on. Because what you’re
trying to do is you want us to say it’s a devil so we start casting out devils,
so you have no responsibility. So, Pastor, please, what are you going to do
about this situation? I’m not going to do nothing about the situation.
You’re going to do something about the situation. You know, a man went
to the pastor and said, Pastor, my wife is having hallucinations and seeing
demons. What are you going to do about it? What’s he going to do about
it? It’s not the pastors job, it’s your job. You’re going to have to do
something about it. Okay, you’re still there? As newborn babes desire—
it’s an instruction. Stir up your desire. Desire the sincere milk of the word,
that you may grow thereby. If you do it, you will grow. None of us
became like this. Brothers and sisters, we had to spend time in the Word,
studying, learning, happy to come to church, learning. It’s important, you
got to know the Word for yourself. 2 Peter chapter 3 from verse 17. Oh,
you’ll like this one. It says, “Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these
things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the
wicked, fall from your own steadfastness.” Next verse. “But grow in
grace,” that word grow is auxano. It means to increase, to enlarge. “Grow
in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Grow
in grace and in the knowledge. Grow in grace, increase in grace and in the
knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Learn more about God.
Learn more about Jesus. Study and learn more. Grow, hallelujah. Grow,
not only in grace, he says and in the knowledge. Grow in knowledge.
Increase in knowledge. Increase in knowledge. Very important. See, you
may stand on someone’s faith for a while but you will not always stand on
someone’s faith. God’s not going to let it happen. You may even stand on
your pastor’s faith for a while but it will not continue after some time.
That’s why some people get to wander and say, I can’t understand
they’ve been praying for me and it’s not working. The last time they just
prayed for me and bam, it was done. Maybe the pastor’s anointing is
reducing. Because you know, two years ago you had this problem and you
came to the pastor. He just touched you like this and it was done. You
came back six months later, he just touched you again and bam! It was
done. See, now, he’s praying for you—he even gets assistant pastors and
others to pray for you and they all pray for you. It’s not happening. You
start wondering, what’s going on? Because God never intended for your
life to be sustained by the faith of another. You got to stand for yourself.
And the earlier you learn it, the better for you. You realize there are 30
year olds whose mother and father are telling them how to do, what to
do? 30 year olds! Mom still has to clean his room. 30 year old man. Dad,
he’s still trying to find out what course he should follow. If at 25 you’re
still wondering what you’re going to do in life, it’s a pity, but I thank God
that you’re listening to me now because it’s going to help you. What I’m
saying is, you got to grow. Grow! You can’t just stay there. You’ve been a
Christian five years and they’re still following you up. My, what a pain.
What a pain! The pastor still has to find out why you weren’t in church
and then you start these excuses. You even feel they are troubling you.
They are bothering you. I don’t understand why they made me an usher. I
can’t understand why they made me an usher. Now you’re grumbling
they made you an usher. I can’t understand why…A gentleman was called
by his pastor and said, you’re going to start a fellowship which we tend to
turn into a church later. He said ah me? Ah no, no, no. And the only
reason he was saying ah no, no, no, is because he was still worldly and he
wanted opportunity to continue in his worldliness. And he felt that if he
took that responsibility his worldliness would be taken away from him.
Don’t be like Ephraim. I read it to you yesterday. He says, Ephraim is tied
to his idols. He says leave him alone. Is that what you want to hear from
God? Are you tied to your idols? The idol of your job. The idol of money.
Or what idol is it that you’re tied to? Hallelujah. Grow in grace. Make up
your mind you’re going to grow. You’re going to grow your faith. You’re
going to grow your faith. Make your faith strong. If they pray for you
today, you want them to pray for you again six months time, that’s not
good for you. No, they’re going to continue praying for you, of course, like
we pray for every Christian. We all have to be prayed for. You pray for me
and I do pray for you. And that’s different from every time I got this
problem, please touch my back, it’s on my back now. It’s my right
shoulder. I slept bad last night. And so, I now have arthritis. So, you know.
So, you can’t go to work. Brother pastor, has to lay his hands on your neck
because you’re going everywhere like this. Ooh, I have an infection, an
infection. It’s an infection, that’s why I’m doing like this. It’s an infection.
You want to make it look beautiful, infection. You can’t continue your life
like that. You’re going to have to say no to the devil who come to that.
Hallelujah. What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you? I’m
surrounded by non-Christians. You are surrounded by non-Christians?
That’s why you’re crying? Yes, because they are all laughing at me every
time I talk about Jesus Christ. So what do you need? I just need God to
help me. I need more anointing. You need more anointing? Double
anointing? Yes! Yes! Yes! Because a single anointing couldn’t do it? You
need double anointing? Yes, I need double anointing. And the pastor
might actually lay his hand on you and say receive double anointing now!
And you will… I’m going to face them tomorrow. I’m going to face them.
Yes, you may go like that but I guarantee you, two weeks or a little more
after, you’re going to come back… Pastor, can we have triple anointing?
You’re going to need three more. Because you see, it wasn’t double
anointing that you needed. You needed the Word. You needed to know
who you were. When you walked into that place, you were the house of
God. Oh glory to God. It doesn’t matter whose laughing at you. You are
the house of God. What could be better than that? Pray for me. I’m facing
trials. Praying for me, please, I’m facing trials. The devil is really moving.
The devil is working. The devil, the devil, haha. You know, the way some
Christians talk about the devil, you would think, you would think that the
devil is stronger than God. Is the devil stronger than God? The devil, the
devil is working. He’s really working. He’s working. When I look at my left,
I see devil working. I look at my right, I see devil working. That’s why
you’re seeing the devil working. The Bible didn’t say look at your right and
look at your left. It says turn not to the right hand or to the left hand.
Where are you supposed to be looking at? The Word! Focus your life on
the Word! What does the Word say? Greater is He that is in you, than He
that is in the world! Put it on the screen. 1 John chapter 4 and verse
number 4.


Pastor Chris: 1 John chapter 4 and verse number 4, let’s look at it. 1 John
chapter 4 and verse 4. “Ye are,” oh, there it is are, the present tense of
God’s Word. I like it. This is not a promise! I like to know what I have now,
who I am now. “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them,”
woo! You already have overcome them. You see it? So, why crying that
they are laughing at you? Why crying that you are surrounded by anti-
Christ? They are all anti-Christ. All my coworkers they are all anti-Christ.
They hate me, they hate Jesus, they hate the church, I want to run away.
You want to run away? You can’t run away. You are of God, little children,
and have already overcome them! Woo! Hallelujah! You have overcome
them because you are powerful? No. You have overcome them because
you got double anointing? No! Because! Because! Because greater is He
that is in you than He that is in the world! Ahhh! So, what am I going to
do? After learning this I’m going back to work, I am the house of God,
greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. You see, what do I
have now? Confident assurance. I’m not the weakling that came here
yesterday. I was ignorant yesterday but now I know who I am. Glory to
God. Now, I know who I am. Ye are of God, little children. He says and you
have overcome them. Don’t try to overcome them. You already have
overcome them. Don’t try. Don’t try. Glory to God. It’s already done.
Because greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. Ahhh!
Glory to God. Hallelujah. You know, some people wonder why are we so
bold? What makes us so bold? These kind of truths. These things. What
we found in the Word of God. It changed us. I was a timid little guy. Timid
and full of fear until I discovered who I was in the Word of God. It
changed my life. That’s the benefit. One of the beautiful benefits of
receiving the Holy Spirit into your life. Let me show it to you. 1
Corinthians chapter 2, 1 Corinthians chapter 2. We’re reading from verse
12. “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit
which is of God,” read the rest of it, “that we might know the things that
are freely given to us of God.” Stop, stop. He says the Holy Ghost came
into your life to show you those things that God has given to you freely.
Because if the Holy Spirit doesn’t show you. You will never know. It takes
the Holy Spirit to show us these wonderful truths. You see, someone who
doesn’t have the Holy Spirit can’t know these things. He’ll be wondering
—if you’re in this room right now and you’re not born again, you’ve just
been looking around. You know, you’ve been interested in what I’m
saying but you don’t get it. You just don’t get it. You like it but you don’t
get it. Then you’ll be fascinated at certain things and been looking around
and just wondering, hmm, these people. Then you see some people
shouting hey! You see ahh! Even you? You know you’re surprised. Then
you sometimes you’re like excited at something I said but you didn’t
understand it. You said wow. Because you didn’t quite get it. I’ll show it to
you in a second. I’ll show it to you. But look at this, “Now we have
received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that
we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” Somebody
said mhmm, if you know them just keep quiet. No, no, no, no, next verse,
brother, next verse. “Which things also we speak!” Ha ha! “Not in the
words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth;
comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” Hallelujah. Which things also
we speak. He shows us these things that we have received from God
freely and we taught them. So when I said greater is He that is in me than
He that is in the world, your guy’s wondering what is he saying? No, you
don’t understand it. It’s spiritual talk. Christ in me, the hope of glory!
Woo! He doesn’t get it. Says what’s that? It’s spiritual talk. Ha ha ha. I’m
the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He says, what’s that? I said it’s
spiritual talk. So, he gets confused. Why? Look at the next verse, verse 14,
look at it, verse 14. “But the natural man,” he is called a natural man, the
man that’s not born again is called a natural man. “The natural man
receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto
him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
They’re spiritually understood. They’re spiritually judged. He can’t know
them. He’s a natural man. But I’m a super natural man. See the
difference? He doesn’t receive the things of the Spirit of God. They are
foolishness unto him. Then we go—[speaking in tongues] He says they’re
just blabbing gibberish. Said I heard them saying… But he doesn’t know
what that means. When I go [speaking in tongues] there’s power there!
Hallelujah. You see, he’s given us something greater. Greater is He that is
in you than He that is in the world. He said do. If he said it, it must be
true. I don’t need to think. How is it? No, he said it, greater is He that is in
you. So, I go same, greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.
Greater is He, it says you have overcome them because greater is He that
is in you. Then you hear someone said something against you. Never
mind because greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. He’s
not a factor. He’s not going to change your state or your estate. He
doesn’t count. Says are you aware that so and so is mad at you? Why? He
just hates you. Oh. That doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything
and you can’t hate him back because you don’t have hate in you. The love
of God is shed abroad in your heart but the Holy Ghost. What you have is
love. That’s all you can give. And if they can hate this much, you can love
higher. The more they hate, the more you love. You always overshadow
them with the umbrella of your love. Stay at the top. Stay at the top. The
mountain of love. Stay there and live there. And you’ll always be fulfilled.
Praise God. You still there? Okay. Romans chapter 8 from verse number 1.
“There is therefore now,” no later, now, “no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus.” Say no condemnation for me. Hallelujah. Oh.
This is wonderful. This is wonderful. This is wonderful. It means there is
therefore now no judgment to them which are in Christ Jesus. No
condemnation. No judgment. The only judgment we’re going to face is
called the judgment seat of Christ for our rewards. We will never be
judged for sin because Jesus was judged in our place. Romans chapter 8
from verse number 1. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the
Spirit.” That means that they don’t walk according to their senses,
according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. This is powerful. Move
on. “For the law of Spirit of life,” there’s a law of life at work. When you
receive Christ into your life, into your heart, the law of life replaces the
law of death. There’s a law at work. Now you are acquainted with
electrical laws and the laws in the physical world, you know? The law of
gravity and all of these kind of laws. And all the mathematical laws. You
know many of them but there is a law of life. There’s a law of life by
which the Christian lives. A law of life. We talked about the law of faith.
There’s a law of faith but there’s a law of life. He says, “The law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and
death.” There’s a law of righteousness. There’s a law of sin. There’s a law
of death. These are all spiritual laws. Well, let’s go on. He says, “The law
of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Thanks be to
God. Next verse. “For what the law could not do—” now this law is talking
about the law of the old contract. The Old Testament law is referring to
this. “For what the law could not do, in that is weak through the flesh,
God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin,” in
other words He came as a human being, “condemned sin in the flesh,”
next verse, “That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Oh God, this is spiritual
talk. “That the righteousness of the law,” you know the law of God, the
law of the Old Testament that came by Moses, the Bible says was
righteous. But the people couldn’t fulfill it. They couldn’t live according to
God’s requirement. But the Bible says the righteousness of that law has
been fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh but according to
the Spirit. Next verse. “For they that are after the flesh mind the things of
the flesh.” You see? Those who are after the flesh mind the things of the
flesh. There are people who are concerned about outward things. Things
of the flesh. Things of may he may not understand it. Things of their own
fleshly, fleshly desires. That’s all they care about. It says they that are
after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are the Spirit,
the things of the Spirit. One guy wants to go to the pub. The other one
wants to go to the church. Oh you have a holiday? What are you going to
do with your holiday? Oh, I’m just going to be moving around. I’m just
going to—in fact, I’m just going to drink myself happy. Going to drink
yourself happy. Someone said ah, I’ll just drink myself till I don’t know
myself anymore. That’s his plan for his holiday. The other guy is thinking
about winning souls, changing lives. They that are after the flesh mind the
things of the flesh and they that after the Spirit mind the things of the
Spirit. What’s your mind on? Next verse. “For to be carnally minded,” my
brother, “to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is
life and peace.” To be carnally minded is death. Carnally minded means
all he thinks about is ordinary. The ordinary life of this world. All that he
senses attract and desire. All that he can see, his optical eyes. All that his
flesh can enjoy, that’s all he thinks about. He’s carnally minded. To be
carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Glory to God. Hallelujah. Next verse! “Because the carnal mind is enmity
against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can
be.” Did you notice that? He says the carnal mind is enmity against God.
He’s not subject to the law of God and cannot even be subject to the law
of God. I refuse to be carnal. I’m spiritual. Hallelujah. 


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