How Would You Feel Scenario Cards

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How Would You Feel?

Scenario Cards

How Would
You Feel? You come into
Scenario Cards school feeling a bit
nervous about a
netball match you are
playing in later.
Someone smiles at you
from across the room.

How Would You Feel? Scenario Cards How Would You Feel? Scenario Cards

You are
starting a new
club after school.
You don’t have
Someone invites
anywhere to sit to eat
you to partner
lunch. Someone invites
with them.
you to sit with them.
How Would You Feel? Scenario Cards How Would You Feel? Scenario Cards

You arrive late for

an arranged play at You are rushing to
the park with a friend tidy up your pencil
because you had to take case and drop it on
your cat to the vet. the floor. Everything
Your friend puts their empties out! Someone
arm around you and smiles and helps you
asks if you are OK. pick everything up.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance coordinate Anti-Bullying Week each year in England and Wales. You can find further free resources for Anti-Bullying Week on their website. ABA also have free anti-bullying resources available for schools:
•  CPD anti-bullying online training courses •  Become a United Against Bullying School and enroll on ABA’s free whole-school anti-bullying programme today

How Would You Feel? Scenario Cards How Would You Feel? Scenario Cards

You have lots

to carry when you
are going home so
You arrive at
a friend offers to
school and
carry something
someone in your
for you.
class has drawn
you a picture
and written a
kind message
on the back.

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