Zones Uno

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Daria O’Brien MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Paths
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Document created by Daria O’Brien, Speech Paths, Copyright © 2014. Purchase of this download is for personal use only.
Duplication or sharing with other coworkers, school systems, or posting on any website or blog violates copyright law.
Thank you for understanding.

Fonts: Isabelle Layne by

Frames: Paula Kim Studio

GOALS: perspective taking, emotional regulation, expressive language

The materials in this package are adapted from Leah Kuyper’s wonderful book on self-regulation, The Zones of Regulation® (2011), published by Social
Thinking Publishing.


1. It is important that you are familiarized with the Zones of Regulation before using these materials. If you are unfamiliar with the curriculum,
here is a quick review from Leah Kuyper’s website:

“The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions. A person may be elated or experiencing anger,
rage, explosive behavior, devastation, or terror when in the Red Zone. A person is described as “out of control” if in the Red Zone.

The Yellow Zone is also used to describe a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions; however, one has some control when they are in
the Yellow Zone. A person may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, the wiggles, or nervousness when in the Yellow Zone.

The Green Zone is used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as happy, focused, content, or ready to learn when in the
Green Zone. This is the Zone students predominately need to be in the classroom.

The Blue Zone is used to describe low states of alertness, such as when one feels sad, tired, sick, or bored."
1. Deal 7 cards per player; create a draw pile with remaining cards.

2. Turn up first card in draw pile.

3. Have the first player match the discard card. Discuss the scenario/question if presented.

4. Play a Wild Card anytime.

5. Draw from the draw pile if no match is made.

6. Pass to next player.

7. Shout "Uno!" when you have one card left.

How does your Name 3
body feel when BLUE Zone
you are in the Feelings
BLUE zone?

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True or False:
Tired is a BLUE
Zone feeling.

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What is another
word for

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If you stayed up late

True or False: playing video games,
Elated is a BLUE would it be expected
Zone feeling. behavior to fall
asleep during class?

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Is it expected True or False:
behavior to yell Angry is a BLUE
out in class “I’m Zone feeling

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How can you
tell from a
person’s face &
body that they
are bored?

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Why might it be
important to act
interested in a
friend’s story even
if you are not?

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If you just ran a
marathon, would it Show what good
be expected to be in listening looks like.
the BLUE Zone?

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If your pet died,

What does would it be
CONTENT mean? expected to be in
the GREEN Zone?

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Which feeling does
not belong in the
BLUE Zone: True or False:
Tired There are no bad
Annoyed Zones.

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Tell three things Tell how you keep

that you are yourself in the

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Why is the GREEN
Zone expected in

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What kind of
How do other thoughts do people
people feel when have about us
we are in the when we are in
GREEN Zone? the GREEN Zone?

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Think of a situation
Tell about a place
that the GREEN
that makes you
Zone is expected.
feel calm.

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Think of a situation
that the GREEN
Zone is unexpected.

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True or False: Two children began
The GREEN Zone fighting over whose
describes when turn it was in a game.
our mind & What kind of thoughts
bodies are did other children
running fast. probably have?

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What does ELATED


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Describe a time
that you felt

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True or False: Which emotion DOES

The RED Zone NOT belong in the
describes when we RED Zone:
have strong feelings Calm
and are NOT in Furious
control. Terrified

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How do other
people feel when
you are out of
control angry?

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If you won a million

dollars in the lottery, Show how your
would the RED zone body looks when
be expected or you are in the RED

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What are some
signals your body Describe something
sends you before that might make a
you go into the person feel
RED zone? terrified.

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True or False:
RED Zone feelings
are OK but RED
Zone behaviors are
usually unexpected

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True of False:
The RED Zone is The teacher did not
call on you in class.
the bad zone and
Would the RED zone
is NEVER be an expected or
expected. unexpected response?

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True or False:
The YELLOW Zone Which of these feelings
describes when our does not belong in the
bodies and brains are YELLOW Zone:
running fast but we still Happy
have some control over Worried
our bodies and emotions Annoyed

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True of False:
Adults never go
into the RED Zone

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If you are at the

movies and people behind
you are talking, is it
expected for you to be
in the YELLOW Zone?

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How can you tell
when someone is in
the yellow zone?

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Show with your Tell about something

face and body that could put you
what frustrated into the YELLOW
looks like. Zone.

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What signs does
your body send Demonstrate
you to let you DEEP BREATHING
know that you are

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What strategy can

you use to keep
yourself from losing

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If someone said something
that you did not agree
with., would it be expected
to be in the yellow zone?

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Katiie lost an expensive

bracelet her grandmother True or False: When a person is
gave her. When her asked There are no bad in the RED Zone,
about it, Katie acted like
she was NOT worried. Zones. how do people
What kind of thoughts did around them feel?
her grandmother have?

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If you found out that your Dylan was upset that he
family was moving and you dropped his books on the
had to go to a new floor and yelled when his
school, would it be classmate asked if he
expected to be in the need help. What kind of
yellow zone? thoughts did his classmate

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True or False:
Our Zones do NOT
change during the

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