Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey On Signcryption Security Mechanisms in Wireless Body Area Networks
Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey On Signcryption Security Mechanisms in Wireless Body Area Networks
Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey On Signcryption Security Mechanisms in Wireless Body Area Networks
A Comprehensive Survey on Signcryption Security
Mechanisms in Wireless Body Area Networks
Saddam Hussain 1 , Syed Sajid Ullah 2, *, Mueen Uddin 1 , Jawaid Iqbal 3 and Chin-Ling Chen 4,5,6, *
1 School of Digital Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410, Brunei; (S.H.); (M.U.)
2 Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder (UiA),
N-4898 Grimstad, Norway
3 Department of Computer Science, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan;
4 School of Information Engineering, Changchun Sci-Tech University, Changchun 130600, China
5 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology,
Taichung 41349, Taiwan
6 School of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China
* Correspondence: (S.S.U.); (C.-L.C.)
Abstract: WBANs (Wireless Body Area Networks) are frequently depicted as a paradigm shift in
healthcare from traditional to modern E-Healthcare. The vitals of the patient signs by the sensors
are highly sensitive, secret, and vulnerable to numerous adversarial attacks. Since WBANs is a
real-world application of the healthcare system, it’s vital to ensure that the data acquired by the
WBANs sensors is secure and not accessible to unauthorized parties or security hazards. As a result,
effective signcryption security solutions are required for the WBANs’ success and widespread use.
Over the last two decades, researchers have proposed a slew of signcryption security solutions to
achieve this goal. The lack of a clear and unified study in terms of signcryption solutions can offer a
Citation: Hussain, S.; Ullah, S.S.; bird’s eye view of WBANs. Based on the most recent signcryption papers, we analyzed WBAN’s
Uddin, M.; Iqbal, J.; Chen, C.-L. A
communication architecture, security requirements, and the primary problems in WBANs to meet
Comprehensive Survey on
the aforementioned objectives. This survey also includes the most up to date signcryption security
Signcryption Security Mechanisms in
techniques in WBANs environments. By identifying and comparing all available signcryption
Wireless Body Area Networks.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072. https://
techniques in the WBANs sector, the study will aid the academic community in understanding security problems and causes. The goal of this survey is to provide a comparative review of the
existing signcryption security solutions and to analyze the previously indicated solution given for
Academic Editors: Shah Nazir and
WBANs. A multi-criteria decision-making approach is used for a comparative examination of the
Iván García-Magariño
existing signcryption solutions. Furthermore, the survey also highlights some of the public research
Received: 20 November 2021 issues that researchers must face to develop the security features of WBANs.
Accepted: 22 December 2021
Published: 29 January 2022 Keywords: wireless body area networks; signcryption; healthcare
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
iations. 1. Introduction
Wireless communications, distributed processing, micro-electro-mechanical systems,
wireless sensor applications, and embedded systems have all contributed to a significant
revolution in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). A WSN is a collection of distributed
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
sensors that monitor and record the physical conditions of the environment, then organize
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
and transmit the data to a base station [1]. WSNs have been employed in a variety of
This article is an open access article
applications, including medical surveillance and monitoring. Medical monitoring has
distributed under the terms and
grown in importance as a control system that provides real-time data and communication.
conditions of the Creative Commons
The term “WBANs” refers to the use of WSN in medical applications. A WBAN is a special
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
type of sensor network that uses the internet to connect patients with medical service
providers to communicate vital health information [2]. WBANs is a critical wearable and
implant network for health diagnostics, monitoring, and regulating actuators by sensing
various important data from various wireless sensors (deployed in/over the body). It
has several advantages, including location-independent monitoring, no effect on patients’
mobility, early disease identification and prevention, and remote patient help, among
others. As a result, it’s ideal for continuous monitoring, providing for precise diagnosis
and real-time feedback to medical experts [3].
WBANs are an Internet of Things (IoT) application that aims to improve the quality
of patient services [4]. The IoT market is estimated to exceed 19 trillion USD in the next
several years [5]. By 2025, it is estimated that about 100 billion IoT devices will be in use
around the world, with an estimated economic worth of more than USD 11 trillion [6].
WBANs are one of the most capable wireless sensor technologies for health care, allowing
users of healthcare systems to communicate real-time data for essential applications such
as remote health monitoring, sports, home/patient care, emergency response, and early
intrusion detection [7–10]. However, the lack of adequate data sharing protection in such
a networking paradigm allows rogue users to execute illicit acts on sensitive medical
data. As a result, there is a significant loss of sensitive data and user privacy, which has
a significant impact on patients. For example, if a patient has a heart attack, a wearable
gadget, or wireless sensors (deployed over or in his/her body) can detect it. Thus, in a
public network, user and data protection is essential, allowing a doctor to begin therapy
immediately [11,12].
An effective security framework is necessary to secure the security of the WBANs
system. Authentication and confidentiality are two of the most important security concerns
in WBANs that must be addressed. Security and authentication are generally addressed
through the use of encryption and digital signatures [13]. It is common to use the sign-
then-encrypt method when both encryption and signing are required at the same time.
Complicated cryptographic procedures, on the other hand, are not possible due to the strict
limitations associated with low-end WBANs sensing devices, including limited onboard
energy and CPU capabilities. Due to the use of an amalgamated approach known as
‘signcryption’, it is possible to overcome such a stumbling block [14]. Moreover, because of
its lower cost, it is far more appropriate for resource-constrained scenarios such as WBANs
than the alternative of using signatures followed by encryption.
Figure 1.
1. Communication
Communication Layers
Layers in
in the
the WBANs.
rate, or other symptoms, will be communicated to the doctor via the internet for prompt
action [25]. An implantable sensor and a wearable sensor are the two types of WBANs
applications that have been classified [26]. A sensor that is implanted into the human body
with the use of surgery and is not meant to be removed from the patient’s body is known
as an implantable sensor. When patients need to be monitored, a wearable sensor is used,
which is worn by the patient and provides the necessary information. The Wearable Sensor
node, on the other hand, assists in the identification of patient movement and abnormal
positions. It is possible to remove wearable sensors from a patient’s body at any time. As
an example, a wearable personal digital assistant can assist in the monitoring of blood
glucose, body temperature, SpO2, the functioning of the heart, and blood pressure [27].
Sensors 2022, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 39
WBANs are being used to develop a wide range of applications, including remote
healthcare, ambient assisted living, and even user-centric applications like gaming and
smart homes, as illustrated in Figure 2. In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest
bethe field ofwhich
revealed, humancould
a threat to[28].
theirBut there
social is a rapid Even
well-being. expansion of the use
the slightest bit of
WBANs in healthcare
information applications,
or misinformation aboutwhere, amongfitness
a player’s other things,
has the remote medical
potential to harmsupervision
their rep-
could be Consequently,
utation. advantageous for eldercare,
WBANs early detection,
applications shouldand treatment
be made moreofsecure
conditions including
overtime to as-
sure thediseases.
precision The
and elderly
long-termmight feel more
durability independent
of the monitoringin their daily for
applications routines
are designed. It is becoming increasingly vital to set rigorous security requirementsthe
support of ambient assisted living applications. Similarly, WBANs is useful in as
more and moreindustry because involved
parties become it aids in the
withtransfer of data streaming operations.
such applications.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Application
Application of
of WBANs.
In addition,
1.3. Authors WBANs
Motivation and are used to monitor a player’s practice as well as his or her
physical fitness in sports such as
Recently, there has been a lot hammer throwing,
of interest swimming, water
in authentication volleyball,
research cricket,
in the WBAN’s
football, and other similar activities. By analyzing sensing data, it is possible
security field. To improve the security of WBANs, plenty of comprehensive survey and to develop
analysis of measures to improve
the existing their performance
state-of-the-art whileapproaches
authentication also maintaining theirproposed
has been health [29].
Wearable sensors respond to body movement during water sports like swimming
the literature. However, authentication, as well as confidentiality, are important aspects and water
of WBANsby switching
security. communication
Unfortunately, nonemedia
of thefrom air to
existing water cover
surveys or vicesigncryption
versa. For such
applications, a water-resistant sensor enclosure is required, as well as clever
thentication, confidentiality) solutions. Table 1 presents a summary of qualitative MAC protocols
parisons between previous surveys and the proposed survey. Following are some of the
major contributions.
• A quick overview of WBANs technology, applications security requirements, and
architecture that provides readers with a basic understanding of the research do-
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 5 of 37
that can switch communication media on demand. In addition, WBANs are extremely
important in the military since they allow medical personnel to monitor a soldier’s health
and locate him in the event of an emergency.
Disaster relief and emergency response scenarios such as fire and flood rescue are
expected to utilize WBANs in the future [30]. When body sensors are used in disaster relief,
distress signals are sent that can be picked up by rescue equipment or relayed or supplied
by neighbouring BANs [31]. As a result, WBANs applications now have an important new
dimension that requires not only intra-BAN but also inter-BAN communication capabilities
in a cross-medium environment. Different types of sensors, such as temperature sensors,
multimedia sensors, and so on, are used in conjunction with GPS in these applications.
As a result, the data size varies depending on the type of sensor used. The fact that flood
rescue sensors can transmit data across water and air necessitates the adoption of smart
MAC protocols.
Sensors are used in, on, or around the human body in all of these applications, and
they also collect information about the user’s behaviour. Therefore, humans are inextri-
cably linked to the system, raising concerns about its overall security and reliability. For
example, data integrity is a critical requirement for WBANs applications because incor-
rect information about a person’s body vitals could result in incorrect treatment and, as
a result, fatal consequences. It is also critical for these applications to protect user data
confidentiality because sensitive information about user behaviour and their daily lives
could be revealed, which could pose a threat to their social well-being. Even the slightest
bit of information or misinformation about a player’s fitness has the potential to harm their
reputation. Consequently, WBANs applications should be made more secure overtime to
assure the precision and long-term durability of the monitoring applications for which they
are designed. It is becoming increasingly vital to set rigorous security requirements as more
and more parties become involved with such applications.
Figure 3. Survey
Figure 3. SurveyOrganization.
Table 1. 1. Summaryofofthe
Summary the Related
Related Surveys.
Authors and Ref.
and Ref. No.No.Publication
YearYear Findings
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
80 74
44 45
40 40 41
40 31
1 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 4
0 0
Figure WBANsSecurity
Security Survey
Survey and
and Schemes
0 1 0
of WBANs.
Figure 5. Related Security Surveys in the Domain of WBANs.
In 2009, Saleem et al. [32] highlighted the main security requirements and Denial of
Service (DDoS) concerns in WBANs. In addition, the authors provide a broad overview
of security essentials and highlight existing WBANs threats at several layers. Finally, the
authors give a thorough assessment of existing security protocols for WBANs.
In 2011, Zhang et al. [33] attempted to investigate the probable resource-constrained
WBANs attacks and present a review of communication protocols, cryptographic algo-
rithms, and key management procedures pertinent to the security of WBANs. The authors
also examine existing solutions’ flaws and probable future research areas in WBANs secu-
In 2013, Aqeel et al. [34] attempted to offer a critical analysis of potential WBANs
authentication techniques. The IEEE 802.15.6 standard is used to guide the discussion and
reviews. In WBANs, Javadi, and Razzaque [35] examine major security and privacy issues
as well as potential threats. The authors also discuss an unsolved Quality of Service (QoS)
problem in WBANs that has the potential to cause major security difficulties. Finally, the
authors outline future directions that could be pursued.
In 2014, Saha and Anvekar [36] presented a state-of-the-art in existing WBANs security
aspects. Additionally, the authors also highlight several significant security challenges.
Pathania and Bilandi [37] give an outline of WBANs and related challenges, with a focus
on the security issue. The authors also discuss security attacks in WBANs and security
necessities in WBANs, as well as a vulnerability assessment.
In 2015, Kang and Adibi [38] investigated the security features of application and
communication protocols. The authors also discuss the architecture, vulnerabilities, and
attacks, as well as future opportunities. Mainanwal et al. [39] summarized the benefits
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 10 of 37
and drawbacks of different security and privacy solutions used in WBANs. The threats
and constraints that WBANs face is also discussed. Finally, a discussion on possible future
research directions is held. Usha and Priya [40] address various types of attacks, prevention
strategies, and simulation tools for WBANs.
In 2016, Masdari and Ahmadzadeh [41] conducted a comprehensive review and
analysis of the numerous authentication schemes offered in the literature to increase the
security of WBANs. Furthermore, the authors discuss the benefits and drawbacks of various
authentication techniques, as well as a full comparison of their features and capabilities.
Finally, the authors outline future directions that could be pursued. A broad overview of
WBANs and WSNs is presented by Naik and Samundiswary [42]. In addition, the authors
discuss WBAN security protocols, including their advantages and disadvantages.
In 2017, based on recent publications and standards, Al-Janabi et al. [43] examined
the communication architecture of WBANs, as well as the security and privacy needs,
security threats, and the major issues that these systems face. The survey also includes
information on the most up-to-date security measures and studies in WBANs. Finally,
potential topics for future research and development are investigated. A survey report by
Sawaneh et al. [44] focuses on building and implementing WBANs in healthcare systems. In
addition, the authors provide a brief overview of WBAN security and privacy requirements.
Zou et al. [45] examine the applicability of a variety of secure communication technologies
within WBANs and between external organizations and WBANs. Furthermore, their re-
search emphasizes the importance of primary security requirements for secure transmission
at both levels. Aman and Shah [46] conduct a thorough review of significant studies on
mobile, ubiquitous, and WBANs, focusing on routing and security challenges.
In 2018, Narwal and Mohapatra [47] attempted to provide a comprehensive analysis
of several authentication approaches. The authors also provide a complete analysis of
the schemes based on security attacks, security features, and a variety of other factors.
Usman et al. [48] provide a succinct overview of WBAN security. The authors suggest
a taxonomy that provides a simple manner of classifying entities involved in healthcare
systems. Security issues have been investigated at all WBANs layers. The authors have
done an excellent job of identifying outstanding topics and potential research directions.
Malik et al. [49] present a broad overview of major security requirements and potential
attacks in WBANs at various layers of the OSI model. After providing an overview
of WBANs for healthcare monitoring, the survey addresses cryptographic solutions for
addressing security and privacy issues. Kompara and Holbl [50] focus on the security
and key agreement of intra-BAN communication. It gives a thorough analysis of existing
key agreement methods and categorizes them into four groups: classic, physiological
value-based, secret key-based, and hybrid key-based schemes. In addition, each class is
described, and the security of WBANs against threats is assessed.
In 2019, Morales et al. [51] proposed several WBANs design solutions as well as a
detailed assessment of security services. Overall, the survey aims to provide a holistic
security picture of the entire WBANs system. Bharathi and Venkateswari [52] give a
general overview of WBANs, their applications, and security concerns. Based on the most
recent evaluations and publications, many security issues, and responses in WBANs are
discussed. A systematic literature evaluation on the security and privacy issues of electronic
healthcare record systems in WBANs is presented by Nidhya and Karthk [53]. WBANs
Authentication protocols have design issues, according to Joshi and Mahopatra [54]. In
addition, the authors suggest important prospects for research communities. Chaudhary
et al. [55] explore the security and privacy difficulties with WBANs, provide remedies, and
describe the type of authentication technique employed. Hussain et al. [56] provide an
overview of WBANs and their properties, as well as numerous authentication types and
schemes classification. It also compares and contrasts various authentication techniques,
highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, performance evaluation, and robustness
against various security attacks. Finally, the authors outline future directions that could
be pursued. Asam et al. [57] present a thorough assessment of the issues in WBANs from
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 11 of 37
the perspectives of communication and security. Regrettably, the authors provide only a
cursory review while ignoring major security concerns. In a WBANs study, Karchowdhury
and Sen [58] look at major security requirements and Denial of Service concerns.
In 2020, Roy et al. [59] presented a comprehensive analysis of WSNs and WBAN’s
security and privacy challenges. The authors examine the characteristics, architecture,
performance measures, and applications of both in-depth, and then conduct a comparative
analysis. Finally, researchers are offered open research challenges. Sharma and Kang [60]
examine and evaluate WBAN’s routing, security, energy, and cost-cutting problems.
In 2021, Hajar et al. [61] give a complete overview of WBANs technology with a
special focus on security and privacy concerns and countermeasures, as well as proposed
research directions and open issues. The authors, on the other hand, were only interested in
authenticating schemes. Vignesh and Sivakumar [62] cover numerous security procedures
and routing issues that WBANs face, as well as attacks that could occur through the network
and a review of some of the mechanisms that are in place to prevent them. The authors
also look into the security of various attack scenarios. Finally, the study summarizes
the primary challenges the users encounter while creating a network in WBANs, which
is a new branch of science in the face of the pandemic. A systematic literature review
of the different security approaches for WBANs is presented by Jabeen et al. [63]. The
authors identify research topics to investigate the feasibility of multiple attacks while
keeping memory restrictions in mind. To guarantee that the schemes are relevant to
the research subject, a quality assessment is undertaken. Furthermore, the schemes are
considering from 2016 to 2020 to focus on recent work. Several existing techniques are
investigated in the literature to see how the security of transmitting patients’ healthcare
data might be improved. Based on relevant qualities, data security techniques using AES,
ECC, SHA-1, and hybrid encryption are evaluated. Finally, the authors assess security in
the context of several attack scenarios. Narwal and Mahopatra [64] outline and discuss
various security and authentication schemes and solutions. Unlike earlier surveys that
have looked at security and authentication in WBANs in a piecemeal fashion to cover main
research topics, this study has taken a holistic approach to security and authentication in
WBANs. A detailed assessment of security essentials, security risks, attackers and their
attack techniques, and presently available countermeasures have been provided, as well as
a complete description of security mechanisms in WBANs. The authors also examine the
uses of WBANs, open research challenges, recommendations, and future developments.
Overall, the study delves into WBANs functionality, technology, building blocks, and a
much broader picture of WBAN’s security and authentication.
WBANs are a well-established research topic that has been around for a while. As a
result, numerous overview and survey papers have been published in the field, compiling
research on various aspects of the field. The surveys mentioned above are primarily aimed
at authentication, architecture, security, and challenges, among other things. Security
requirements, applications, signcryption schemes, the classification of existing signcryption
schemes based on the type of cryptography and algorithm, an overview of newly intro-
duced schemes, a compiled list of schemes’ security properties, and an overview of methods
for security and performance evaluations are all included in this paper’s contributions.
The fundamental purpose of this study is to create a clear and thorough classification,
analysis, and comparison of the WBAN signcryption schemes. As compared to the previ-
ously mentioned studies, this survey includes (i) an in-depth analysis of how well each
signcryption scheme fulfills the security requirements of a WBANs; (ii) detailed information
about which specific security requirements are addressed by signcryption schemes; and
(iii) an in-depth analysis of how well each signcryption scheme performs in terms of com-
putational time, communicational overheads, and security strength. Table 2 summarizes
the qualitative comparison of previous surveys with the proposed.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 12 of 37
Table 2. Summary of the qualitative comparison of the existing surveys with the proposed survey.
Authors and Ref. No. One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
√ √
Saleem et al. [32] × × × × × ×
√ √
Zhang et al. [33] × × × × × ×
√ √ √
Aqeel et al. [34] × × × × ×
√ √ √ √
Javadi and Razzaque [35] × × × ×
√ √ √
Saha and Anvekar [36] × × × × ×
√ √
Pathania and Bilandi [37] × × × × × ×
√ √
Kang and Adibi [38] × × × × × ×
√ √
Mainanwal et al. [39] × × × × × ×
√ √
Usha and Priya [40] × × × × × ×
√ √ √ √
Masdari and Ahmadzadeh [41] × × × ×
√ √ √
Naik and Samundiswary [42] × × × × ×
√ √ √
Al-Janabi et al. [43] × × × × ×
Sawaneh et al. [44] × × × × × × ×
√ √ √ √ √
Zou et al. [45] × × ×
√ √ √
Aman and Shah [46] × × × × ×
√ √ √
Narwal and Mohapatra [47] × × × × ×
√ √ √
Usman et al. [48] × × × × ×
√ √ √
Malik et al. [49] × × × × ×
√ √ √ √ √
Kompara and Holbl [50] × × ×
√ √ √
Morales et al. [51] × × × × ×
√ √
Bharathi and Venkateswari [52] × × × × × ×
√ √ √
Nidhya and Karthk [53] × × × × ×
√ √ √ √
Joshi and Mahopatra [54]. × × × ×
√ √ √
Chaudhary et al. [55] × × × × ×
√ √ √ √ √
Hussain et al. [56] × × ×
√ √ √
Asam et al. [57] × × × × ×
√ √
Karchowdhury and Sen [58] × × × × × ×
√ √ √ √
Roy et al. [59] × × × ×
√ √
Sharma and Kang [60] × × × × × ×
√ √ √ √ √ √
Hajar et al. [61] × ×
√ √
Vignesh and Sivakumar [62] × × × × × ×
√ √ √ √ √
Jabeen et al. [63] × × ×
√ √ √ √ √ √
Narwal and Mahopatra [64] × ×
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
One: WBANs Architecture, Two: Signcryption schemes consideration, Three: Limitation and strength of WBANs
security solutions, Four: Security Requirements, Five: Performance analysis, Six: Open Research Directions and
future suggestion, Seven: Comparison with existing’s Surveys, Eight: WBANs applications, demonstrate a
specific area covered, × demonstrate a survey lake a specific area.
3.1. Taxonomy
Signcryption is one of the most important aspects of security for establishing trust
between humans and medical experts. The implementation of correct signcryption schemes
ensures a WBAN’s security while also making it easier to identify non-legitimate users and
false messages. To overcome problems and provide secure communication in WBANs, many
researchers have suggested signcryption schemes. The majority of signcryption schemes
rely on various cryptographic techniques. Attribute-based signcryption [65] schemes, PKI-
based signcryption schemes, Certificateless signcryption [66] schemes, Certificate-based sign-
cryption schemes, Identity-based signcryption schemes, and Heterogeneous signcryption
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 13 of 37
schemes are the five types of schemes classified in this survey. The following methods are
linked by the fact that they all use cryptography, as seen in Figure 6. The existing schemes
have been evaluated in terms of their ability to meet security and performance require-
ments (computation time and communication overheads). The performance parameters
Sensors 2022, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW
tabulated in Section 5.1 which were used in this survey to define the computation 14 of 39
time and
communication overheads are based on the work.
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Taxonomy of WBANs
WBANs Signcryption
3.2. Security Requirements
Security Requirements
To maintain
maintain the security of
the security of aa patient's
times,the the WBANs
WBANs system
necessitates the implementation of certain security measures. Specific
implementation of certain security measures. Specific security measures security measures
must be implemented
implemented in in aasupporting
supportingWBANs WBANsarchitecture
architecturetoto ensure
ensure allall
of of these
these aspects.
Within each WBANs WBANssystem, system,the the security
security of patient
of patient information
information is veryis critical.
very critical. When
When data
data is sent,
is sent, collected,
collected, processed,
processed, and safely
and safely kept, kept,
it must it must be protected
be protected from unauthorized
from unauthorized us-
users. Figure
ers. Figure 7 depicts
7 depicts some
some ofof the
the critical
critical security
security criteria
criteria forfor WBANs.
WBANs. TheThe following
following areare
the primary
primary security considerationsfor
security considerations forensuring
ensuringthe thesafety
safetyofofa aWBANs
WBANs system
system and
and itsits
widespread acceptance by its users.
Confidentiality, authentication,
authentication, integrity,
non-repudiationare areat atleast
four security
qualities that should
rity qualities be met
that should be by
by communication between the user
between the anduser the
andcontroller. Except
the controller.
for the for
Except userthe andusertheandcontroller, confidentiality
the controller, keeps
confidentiality query
keeps messages
query messages secret.
the authorized useruserhashasaccess
accessto to
WBANs,thanksthanks to to authentication. Integrity
authentication. Integrity ensures
that aa user’s query message
user’s query message has hasnot notbeen
tamperedwith withby byunauthorized
unauthorized parties.
parties. Non-
repudiation preventsthe
repudiation prevents theuser’s
user’s pastpast inquiries
inquiries from from
beingbeing denied.
denied. That is,That
theis, the WBANs
WBANs can-
not deny deny the user’s
the user’s actionaction if thehas
if the user user has
sent sent amessage
a query query message
to it. We alsoto it.hope
We that
that this communication
communication meets the meets the requirements
requirements for public verifiability
for public verifiability and ciphertext andauthentic-
ity. A third party A third
can checkparty thecan check theofauthenticity
authenticity ciphertext without of ciphertext
knowingwithout knowing
the controller’s
the controller’s
private key, which private
is knownkey, which
as public is known as public
verifiability. verifiability.
The term “ciphertext Theauthenticity”
term “ciphertextre-
fers to the ability
authenticity” of atothird
refers the party
abilitytoofcheck the party
a third correctness of ciphertext
to check the correctnesswithoutofhaving to
decrypt having
without it. An attacker
to decryptcannot replay
it. An existing
attacker messages
cannot replayifexisting
the sender and receiver
messages use fresh
if the sender and
nonce and
receiver usetime
and time stamp commonly termedcommonly
techniques as an anti-replay
termedattack. Forward
as an anti-replay
secrecy Forward
attack. is a term usedsecrecy to describe
is a termthe used practice of keeping
to describe information
the practice hidden from
of keeping Even
if the intruder
hidden from Even has ifthe
theaccess to the
intruder hasprivate key of
the access sender’s,
to the private keyheof orthe
will not be he able
or she
to obtain the encryption/decryption keys. Forward secrecy occurs when an attacker is un-
able to access the user’s encryption/decryption key.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 14 of 37
Figure 7.7.Security
Figure SecurityRequirements
Requirementsfor WBANs.
for WBANs.
Figure 7. Security Requirements for WBANs.
4. Signcryption
Schemes Suggested
Suggested for Securing
for Securing WBANs
4. Signcryption Schemes Suggested for Securing WBANs
We investigated
WBANs encryption
encryption strategies in terms
strategies in termsof hardness
of hardness algo-algorithm,
rithm, We investigated
security features, existing
time, encryption
and strategies
security features, computing time, and communication overhead in this part.Ta-
communication in terms
overhead of
in hardness
this part. algo-
Tables 3–5
security features,
3–5 summarize computing time,
the contributions,
the contributions, advantages,
and communication
in this part.
ofof existing
existing sign- Ta-
bles 3–5
cryption summarize
techniques for the contributions,
WBANs. The advantages,
following is a and that
debate disadvantages
follows a of existing
critical sign-
techniques for WBANs. The following is a debate that follows a critical assessment of
mentcryption techniques
of existing schemes.forFurthermore,
WBANs. TheFigure
8 showsis athe
debate that follows
hardness a critical tax-
algorithm-based assess-
ment schemes.
of existing Furthermore,
schemes. Figure 8Figure
Furthermore, shows 8 the hardness
shows the algorithm-based
hardness algorithm-based taxonomy
tax- of
onomy of the WBANs signcryption schemes.
WBANs signcryption schemes.
of the WBANs signcryption schemes.
Table 3. Limitations of Bilinear Pairing based Signcryption Schemes presented for securing WBANs.
4.1.1. Bilinearity
For all P, S, R ∈ G1 , e( P + S, R) = e( P, R) e(S, R) & ( P, S + R) = e( P, S) e( P, R).
Likewise, with all a, b ∈ Zq∗ , e( aP, bP) = e( P, P) ab = e( P, abP) = e( abP, P).
4.1.2. Non-Degeneracy
Given two points P, S ∈ G1 such that e( P, S) 6= 1 or e(S, R) 6= e( P, P), where 1
denotes the G2 group’s identification item
4.1.3. Computability
A robustness approach for calculating (P, S) with all P, S ∈ G1 should be available.
In 2015, using an attribute-based cryptosystem, Wang and Liu [69] proposed a ring
signcryption approach for WBANs. The computational assumptions of bilinear pairing
were responsible for the scheme’s security and efficiency. According to the authors, the
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 16 of 37
due to the practice of bilinear pairing. It may also be affected as a result of a lack of public
verifiability, forward secrecy, and mutual authentications.
For the aim of access control in WBANs, Prameela and Ponmuthuramalingam [74]
suggested a better approach based on the concept of certificateless signcryption with
anonymous mutual authentication and cost-efficiency. Secure authentication is achieved
through the use of a Chaos baker map technique, which includes an XOR operation and a
one-way hash chain function. According to the findings of the solution testing, the provided
scheme beats earlier schemes in terms of, end-to-end delay, energy consumption, packet
delivery ratio, throughput, and coverage time. Due to the certificateless cryptography
notion, however, this technique may face partial private key distribution issues, as well as
snootier computational power consumption and a higher bandwidth nature due to bilinear
pairing. This technique can be harmed by a lack of forwarding secrecy, public verifiability,
and anti-replay assault.
In 2018, Anyembe et al. [75] presented a heterogeneous signcryption-based keyword
search technique for WBANs, in which the data owner employs certificateless cryptography
while the server and receiver use public key infrastructure features. The given scheme was
designed based on bilinear pairing mathematical structure. With this approach, the author
claims security services such as secrecy, unforgeability, non-repudiation, and authenticity.
Yet, due to bilinear pairing, the system may incur higher computational and communication
costs, while it may also be hampered by the necessity for a safe route for the data owner
distribution of partial keys and public key infrastructure certificate maintenance on the
receiver and server sides. In addition, lack of forward secrecy, mutual authentication, and
public verifiability can have an impact.
In 2019, Iqbal et al. [76] proposed a new BSN concept based on attribute-based cryp-
tography and blockchain. The design scheme’s security and efficiency are based on bilinear
pairing. Furthermore, the authors claim that the given scheme ensures security aspects such
as confidentiality, unforgeability, anti-replay attack, and resistance to a man-in-the-middle
attack by utilizing less energy, computational consumption, and communication overhead.
However, due to bilinear pairing, the technique may incur higher computational and
communication costs, while certificateless cryptography and public key infrastructure may
require the usage of the secure channel for the distribution of partial keys and certificate
administration, certificateless cryptography and public key infrastructure may not. Lack of
security criteria such as mutual authentication, public verifiability, and forward secrecy can
also be detrimental.
In 2021, Hu et al. [77] suggested a heterogeneous solution for WBAN that rely on
an equality test to migrate from identity-based to public key infrastructure. Before it
is uploaded to the cloud server, identifiable information is encrypted by the sensors in
the identity-based cryptography system, which is protected by the public key of the
management center in the public key infrastructure system. To make matters worse, the
proposed scheme makes use of bilinear pairing to increase security hardness, which is a
computationally intensive operation.
been demonstrated to be secure using ROM. Besides, in terms of security requirements, the
scheme presented by Wang and Liu [69] has been subjected to forward secrecy, mutual au-
thentication, public verifiability, and anti-replay attack. The Li and Hong [70] scheme suffer
from forwarding secrecy and anti-replay attack flaws. The lack of forward secrecy, public
verifiability, anti-replay attack and mutual authentication can all impair the Mutaz et al. [71]
method. The Lu et al. [72] technique has the flaw of forwarding secrecy, non-repudiation,
and anti-replay attack. The approach by Li et al. [73] does not provide forward secrecy,
public verification, or mutual authentication. Prameela and Ponmuthuramalingam’s [74]
method has been plagued by the lack of forwarding secrecy, anti-replay attack, and public
verifiability assault. Anyembe et al. [75] describe a technique that lacks security features
such as forward secrecy and mutual authentication. The technique used in [77] lacks both
public verification and forward secrecy, which can be troublesome. Similarly, forward
secrecy, public verifiability, anti-replay attack and mutual authentication are all missing
from the Iqbal et al. [76] approach. However, proposing a novel strategy that is secure
in the standard model using pairings remains an unresolved challenge. Additionally, the
compact scheme that can achieve all the security requirements is still open.
Table 4. Limitations of ECC based Signcryption Schemes presented for securing WBANs.
Table 5. Limitations of Hyperelliptic Curve based Signcryption Schemes presented for securing
Let Fp be the finite field with prime order p. A non-singular is defined by the ECC
y2 = x3 + ax + b mod p, where 4a3 + 27b2 6= 0 & a, b ∈ Fp . Consider O to be the infinite
point. With order q and generator P, all of the points form an additive group G.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 19 of 37
5. Comparative Analysis
Throughout this section, we will compare all of the proposed WBANs signcryption
schemes based on their computation time, communication overhead, security hardness,
security strength, and security properties, among other factors.
possible while transferring the least amount of data possible utilizing the smallest number
of messages to reduce overall energy usage. Performance analysis is typically included
in publications since the constraints are so tight. This helps authors illustrate the success
of their strategy to tackle the challenge. Often, the costs associated with computation,
communication, and energy are separated out and included in the analysis [50].
Signcryption Phase
For signcryption algorithm, the scheme of Amin et al. [80] requires three SP ME C
operations, Wang and Liu [69] scheme need one BP M, one P and one E X P operation,
Li and Hong [70] two E X P , Jawaid et al. [83] require four HCDM, Mutaz et al. [71]
requires one E X P and f ive BP M, Lu et al. [72] two BP M, eleven E X P , one P opera-
tions, Li et al. [73] needs f our BP M, and one E X P operations, Prameela & Ponmuthu-
ramalingam [74] requires two E X P , Omala et al. [75] requires three BP M, Omala et al. [81]
three SP ME C , Gao et al. [82] requires three SP ME C , Ullah et al. [84] requires f our HCDM
Jawaid et al. [76] require f ive BP M, and one E X P , Noor et al. [85] requires f our HCDM
whereas the scheme of Hu et al. [77] requires two E X P operations respectively. Further-
more, Table 7 and Figure 9 illustrate a comparison of main cryptographic operations utilized
in the signcryption phase of the proposed schemes suggested for WBANs while Table 8
shows the comparison of major operations in terms of milliseconds.
Omala et al. [75] √
Omala et al. [81] √
Gao et al. [82] √
Ullah et al. [84] √
Jawaid et al. [76] √
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 23 of 37
Noor et al. [85] √
Hu et al. [77] √
Computation time during Signcryption Phase Computation time during Un-Signcryption Phase Total Time in ms
Computation Time in ms
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Computation
Computation Time
Time of
of Signcryption
Signcryption and
and Un-signcryption
Un-signcryption Phase.
5.1.4. Communication
Un-Signcryption PhaseOverhead
For overhead
the Un-Signcryption measurement
algorithm, is critical
the scheme of Amin since
is the most energy-inten-
requires two SP ME C
sive of all operations. The amount of the sent data or the
operations, Wang and Liu [69] scheme needs one P and one E X P operations,number of messages sentLiisand
most typical approach of measuring the communication cost, as seen
Hong [70] require one E X P , one P , and one BP M Jawaid et al. [83] requires three HCDM, in [69–85]. The au-
thors, as
Mutaz etbefore,
al. [71] want to put
requires twotheir findings
P and one BP inMcontext
, Lu etbyal.comparing
[72] requires themonetoE other methods.
X P , and six P
In [69–85], the number of bits conveyed was compared, as indicated
operations, Li et al. [73] needs two BP M, one E X P , and two P operations, Prameela & in Table 13.
Furthermore, according
Ponmuthuramalingam to [87–90],
[74] requires bilinear
three E X P , pairing
Omala et (|G|), ECC
al. [75] (|q|), and
requires one hyperellip-
BP M and
three P operations, Omala et al. [74] f our SP ME C , Gao et al. [82] requires f our =SP
tic curve (|n|) use 1024 bits, 160 bits, and 80 bits key sizes, and message |m| 512ME bits,
respectively, for communication overhead. We may conclude that the
Ullah et al. [84] requires f our HCDM Jawaid et al. [76] require one BP M, and two P , Noor HCC will be the
et cost-effective
al. [85] alternative
requires three HCDMinwhereasterms ofthe communication
scheme of Hu et overhead for WBANs
al. [77] requires two Ewith low
X P and
bandwidth capacity of the type described above, as shown in Table
two P operations, respectively. Furthermore, Table 9 and Figure 9 illustrate a comparison14 and Figure 10.
of main cryptographic operations utilized in the un-signcryption phase of the proposed
schemes suggested for WBANs while Table 10 shows the comparison of major operations
in terms of milliseconds.
The number of expensive operations required for the signcryption and un-signcryption
processes is used to calculate the computational time. This cost represents the amount of
computing effort required by both the sender and the recipient of the signed communication.
Multiplication and exponentiation are common examples of these operations. In terms of
hardware implementation, the number of these operations determines the computational
time [86].
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 24 of 37
Table 11. Comparative Analysis of WBANs Signcryption Schemes based on Security Hardness.
Table 13. Communication Overhead in terms of major operations of the signcryption in presented for
Furthermore, according to [87–90], bilinear pairing (|G|), ECC (|q|), and hyperelliptic
curve (|n|) use 1024 bits, 160 bits, and 80 bits key sizes, and message |m| = 512 bits,
respectively, for communication overhead. We may conclude that the HCC will be the
most cost-effective alternative in terms of communication overhead for WBANs with low
bandwidth capacity of the type described above, as shown in Table 14 and Figure 10.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 26 of 37
Communication cost in bits
Figure 10.
10. Communication
Communication Overhead
Overhead of
of all the Signcryption
all the Signcryption Schemes
Schemes Presented
Presented for
for WBANs.
5.1.5. Lessen learned andDiscussion
The most
The most ideal
ideal method
method ofof evaluating
evaluating performance
performance is is to
to employ
employ methods
methods that that are
are not
reliant on
reliant on external
required forfor
thethe process
process and
and thethe number
number of
of operations required were the two most commonly used criteria
operations required were the two most commonly used criteria for calculating computa- for calculating com-
tional cost. cost. Unfortunately,
Unfortunately, neitherneither
of themof is
them is without
without flaws. flaws.
There isThere is a significant
a significant impact
impact on time measurements due to the performance of the device
on time measurements due to the performance of the device to which the method to which the method is
is ap-
applied. When comparing schemes, the number of operations
plied. When comparing schemes, the number of operations is the most advantageous is the most advantageous
choice because
choice because ititreduces
other elements
elements of of
thethe plan.
plan. When When comparing
comparing the
the implementation of individual schemes, however, it is necessary
implementation of individual schemes, however, it is necessary to use the same algo- to use the same algo-
rithms in
rithms in all
consideration. TheThe quantity
quantity of data
of data transferred,
transferred, andand
the number of messages sent and received are the two metrics that
number of messages sent and received are the two metrics that are most commonly used are most commonly
in in communication
communication cost analysis.
cost analysis. Both ofBoththeseofindicators
these indicators are significant,
are significant, but theybutarethey
tinct from one another in their significance. A useful indicator is undoubtedly the sizethe
are distinct from one another in their significance. A useful indicator is undoubtedly of
size of the transmitted data because sending more data consumes more energy. However,
the transmitted data because sending more data consumes more energy. However, send-
sending several smaller messages is significantly more expensive than sending a single
ing several smaller messages is significantly more expensive than sending a single large
large message because they incur significantly more overhead. Therefore, it is probably
message because they incur significantly more overhead. Therefore, it is probably best to
incorporate both measures into your plan as much as you can whenever possible. Authors
rarely do this, as evidenced by the survey results.
best to incorporate both measures into your plan as much as you can whenever possible.
Authors rarely do this, as evidenced by the survey results.
The following section outlines the phases involved in applying fuzzy-EDAS approach
to a decision making situation.
Table 15 above shows the equations used to derive the weights for the prior related
schemes, which are applied to the selected matrices.
According to Table 16, the following Equations and Table 15 are utilized to build a
fuzzy average decision matrix with regard to all of the relevant matrices:
( φ ) = [ ϑb ] 1 × β , (1)
∑i=1 Xab
= (2)
This phase of the fuzzy-EDAS approach uses these equations to compute the matrices
for fuzzy Positive Distance from Average (PDA) and fuzzy Negative Distance from Average
(NDA), as shown in Tables 17 and 18.
P av = [(P av ) ab ] β× β (3)
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 28 of 37
(N av ) = [(N av ) ab ] β× β (6)
During this step, the fuzzy-weighted positive and negative distance matrices are
generated, as illustrated by the examples in Tables 19 and 20. This is accomplished through
the use of the equations listed below.
W P av = ∑ λb (PD) ab (9)
b =1
W N av = ∑ λb (ND) ab (10)
b =1
The fuzzy evaluation score for various alternatives is determined in the penultimate
step by utilizing the following equations, which are given below. Among the selected
schemes, the alternative schemes with the greatest value of the assessment score are the
best, as shown in Table 21, and they are the ones that should be pursued.
W P av
N (W P av ) = (11)
max a (W P av )
W N av (12)
N (W N av ) = 1 − max a (W N av )
M= N W SP D avg − N W N av (13)
where 0 ≤ M ≥ 1.
In this section, the methodology described above is applied to the solution of a case
study on the selection of various efficient schemes such as Amin et al. [80], Wang and
Liu [69], Li and Hong [70], Jawaid et al. [83], Mutaz et al. [71], Lu et al. [72], Li et al. [73],
Prameela & Ponmuthuramalingam [74], Omala et al. [75], Omala et al. [81], Gao et al. [82],
Ullah et al. [84], Jawaid et al. [76], Noor et al. [85] and Hu et al. [77].
All other criteria, with the exception of communication overhead and computational
cost, are unfavorable. By combining Equations (1) and (2), we were able to calculate the
objective weights for all of the decision matrices that had been collected from the three
decision-makers. Finally, aggregate weights were generated by multiplying the sum of all
objective weights for each criterion by 100. Table 15 summarizes the individual objective
weights for each condition as well as the aggregated objective weights. After that, an aver-
age decision matrix was built, the results of which are displayed in Table 16. As indicated in
Table 15, the average result was derived by applying Equations (3)–(8) to the entire number
of solutions created, which includes the average solution;s crisp value. The positive and
negative distances from the average values were calculated using Equations (9) and (10),
The fuzzy evaluation score for various alternatives is determined in the penultimate
step by utilizing the following equations, which are given below. Among the selected
schemes, the alternative schemes with the greatest value of the assessment score are the
best, as shown in Table 21, and they are the ones that should be pursued.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 𝒲𝒫 31 of 37
𝒩(𝒲𝒫 ) = (11)
𝓂𝒶𝓍 (𝒲𝒫 )
and the results are displayed in Tables 18 and 19. Equations (11) and (12) are utilized to
𝒲𝒩 (12)
generate the fuzzy appraisal score ) = 1 − options based on their fuzzy assessment
for various
𝓂𝒶𝓍 (𝒲𝒩 )
scores in the penultimate stage. To finish up, Equation (12) was employed in order to rank
1 defuzzified appraisal score. Table 21 shows a visual
the alternatives in accordance with the
𝔐 = 𝒩𝒲𝒮𝒫𝒟𝒶𝓋ℊ − 𝒩𝒲𝒩 (13)
representation of all of these values.2The Noor et al. [85] scheme was found to be the most
where 0 alternative
≤ 𝔐 ≥ 1. solution for a WBANs system.
Table 21. Final
Table 21. Final Ranking
Ranking based
based on
on the
the chosen
chosen Parameters.
Authors & & Ref. No.
Ref. No. 𝓦𝓟𝒂𝒗 W P av 𝓦𝓝𝒂𝒗 W N av 𝓝(𝓦𝓟 N 𝒂𝒗
(W ) P av ) 𝓝(𝓦𝓝 𝒂𝒗 )N av )
N (W 𝕸 Rank
Aminetet al.
al. [80]
[80] 0.420856159
0.420856159 0.4 0.40.533015065
0.533015065 0.717732835
0.717732835 0.62537395
0.62537395 66
Wang and Liu [69]
and Liu [69] 0 0.667978588
0 0.667978588 0 0 0.528628944
0.528628944 0.264314472
0.264314472 1414
Li and Hong
Li and Hong [70][70] 0.047928088
0.047928088 0.6630136990.060701007
0.663013699 0.060701007 0.532132507
0.532132507 0.296416757
0.296416757 1313
Jawaid et al. [83] 0.783705639 0.4 0.992564569 0.717732835 0.855148702 3
Mutaz et al. [71] 0.26125588 0.500445224 0.330881031 0.646851863 0.488866447 9
Lu et al. [72] 0.249122807 1.417097166 0.315514473 1.866828710 0.157757237 15
Li et al. [73] 0.249122807 0.582526263 0.315514473 0.588929908 0.452222191 11
Prameela &
0.365919179 0.4 0.463437283 0.717732835 0.590585059 7
Ponmuthuramalingam [74]
Omala et al. [75] 0.26125588 0.507519171 0.330881031 0.641860006 0.486370518 10
Omala et al. [81] 0.662043218 0.2 0.8384789 0.858866417 0.848672659 4
Gao et al. [82] 0.618882421 0.2 0.783815675 0.858866417 0.821341046 5
Ullah et al. [84] 0.785608606 0.4 0.994974681 0.717732835 0.856353758 2
Jawaid et al. [76] 0.26125588 0.500445224 0.330881031 0.646851863 0.488866447 8
Noor et al. [85] 0.78957648 0.4 1 0.717732835 0.858866418 1
Hu et al. [77] 0.249122807 0.724524973 0.315514473 0.488725974 0.402120224 12
Lesson Learned
The EDAS technique was used to analyze the suggested WBANs domain signcryption
to discover the idlest solution among them. Signcryption and Un-Signcryption Time,
Communication Overhead, Security Hardness, Security Strength, and Security Requirement
are the performance metrics we use for this. According to the results, the solution proposed
by Noor et al. [85] outperforms the proposed methods in the area of WBANs.
The approach proposes by Noor et al. [85] outperforms the remaining WBANs domain
solutions. However, in terms of security requirements and security strength, this system
should be improved. The approach proposed by Noor et al. [85] is not supported by any
computational model, including the Standard Model/ROM. As a result, under the standard
computation paradigm, a secure HCC-based secure technique is required.
categories depending on the hardness algorithm utilized, and describes each hardness
methodology in depth. A full explanation is drawn at the end of the section, which illus-
trates various aspects of each scheme based on the hardness algorithm, security properties,
and strength of the schemes.
Finally, the survey completes with a conclusion and future directions section, which
not only draws a few findings but also identifies several important research areas that
should be investigated shortly. As WBANs are one of the most promising developing
technologies in the field of E-health, and shortly, they will fundamentally revolutionize
people’s healthcare systems by providing a plethora of services and freeing them from the
need to attend traditional hospitals. Apart from its importance in the realm of E-health,
WBANs face numerous security risks as a result of wireless communication. Signcryption
is an increasingly essential problem about secure communication in WBANs, thus it is
critical to have safe signcryption solutions; these help the network reduce unwanted users
and protect them from illegal activities.
Notably, the solutions offered in the literature for securing the WBANs environment
are not efficient in some aspects, they fall short of meeting the necessary requirements for
security. As the solutions based on certificateless cryptography that have been adopted
for WBANs are generally hampered by the distribution of partial keys. In contrast to the
solutions based on Identity-Based Cryptography, which can be affected from key escrow
while Certificate-Based Cryptography are not suitable for large numbers of users.
WBAN solutions are frequently utilised in data-intensive applications where patients
generate large volumes of data. The data is saved on a cloud server where machine learning
tools extract, prepare, and analyse it. The algorithm takes a few days to several months to
process. Important issues to consider when using this method include security issues.
The majority of the devices that are used in the WBANs domain are limited in terms of
resources. These devices are limited in terms of computational power and storage capacity.
As obvious from our survey, the signcryption solutions that have been implemented for
WBANs are time-consuming. The solutions that are currently available were constructed
using asymmetric algorithms such as bilinear pairing and ECC. According to Hussain
et al. [94], ECC and Bilinear Pairing are unsuitable for resource-limited technologies due
to their high energy consumption. An alternative cryptographic algorithm such as the
HCC or the Chebyshev chaotic map should be implemented to achieve a better balance
between energy consumption and security strength. Ideally, the signcryption solution
should be able to provide appropriate security while consuming minimum energy on the
resource-constrained devices of WBANs.
In this survey, we discussed analysed all the existing signcryption schemes proposed
for WBANs. However, there is no signcryption method or scheme that can guarantee perfect
communication security. Designing a secure WBANs signcryption system necessitates
an appropriate mapping of signcryption methods or schemes with various signcryption
parameters. We analyzed numerous signcryption methods in this survey study, divided
them based on the security hardness algorithm utilized, and highlighted their benefits,
drawbacks, limitations, and resilience against various security threats; these may be useful
for enhancing the signcryption process in WBANs. However, additional effort is required
to design a novel signcryption scheme that meets the stringent secure communication
requirements of WBANs applications. The multi-criteria decision-making approach is used
for a comparative examination of the existing signcryption schemes. Since WBANs are still
in their infancy, they face several challenges. As a result, it is critical to implement effective
solutions to address these difficulties. Secure signcryption has recently emerged as one of
the major issues in this sector, and more effort will be necessary in the future to address this
issue. As technology improves, it is becoming more challenging to construct lightweight
secure signcryption mechanisms for devices with constrained resources.
The challenges of security for WBANs are discussed in this study. Due to the sensi-
tivity of the sensor messages being transferred to and from the human body, the WBANs
technology places a premium on security. We identify many key security requirements for
Sensors 2022, 22, 1072 33 of 37
Signcryption, which are essential for assuring security in WBANs. It is important to analyse
the strengths and weaknesses of all signcryption schemes, as well as their compliance
with security standards, attack resistance, and overall performance. To aid researchers
and developers in identifying and distinguishing essential aspects of WBAN security, the
security and efficiency of existing WBANs Signcryption methods are reviewed. For those
working on unique security solutions for WBANs, we hope that this work will serve as a
guide and a reference in the future.
Future research will need to improve existing signcryption approaches, as well as
propose a new WBANs scheme based on maintaining a trade-off between efficiency and
security. There may be a need for increased adaptability and interoperability with sensing
equipment from different vendors when developing a secure WBAN signcryption solution.
Due to intensive pairing processes, most of the authors’ use pairing-based cryptogra-
phy, which is inefficient notably in the implementation of WBANs. Hence, developing an
effective WBAN signcryption technique is a task that remains unsolved.
It is necessary to investigate the security proofs of existing solutions in order to demon-
strate the security of WBANs not only in the ROM but also in the standard computational
model. Unfortunately, none of the existing’s solutions are proven under the standard
computational model.
To improve the approach taken by Noor et al. [85], which does not involve the use of
a secure channel for the distribution of partial keys among the entities, additional work
must be done. Even though the authors did not give any formal or informal evidence. The
solution of Noor et al. [85] needs to be further polished with the assumption of HCDLP
under the standard computational model. Because of its minimal key size and compact
security, the HCDLP should be properly considered when constructing secure WBANs-
based signcryption solutions using a standard computational model.
Lightweight secured schemes that are easy to manage will be required in the future for
intelligent environments like smart homes, particularly in the field of WBANs, to manage
security and provide quick responses to users. Another requirement is to develop sign-
cryption methods that provide a better trade-off between energy consumption and security
strength, which can be accomplished by reducing the complexity of the schemes used in
the signcryption process. To sum it up, there are still many challenges to overcome on the
road to developing an unobtrusive, user-friendly, and secure WBANs system. Additionally,
there are numerous new research directions in WBANs that must be investigated as soon
as possible.
Author Contributions: All the authors contribute equally. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan (No.
MOST 110-2218-E-305-001-MBK and MOST 110-2410-H-324-004-MY2).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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