Perez, Diandra Denisse N. Bsed/Filipino

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Field Study 2: Learning Episode 13: Utilizing Applications (Apps) for Teaching and

Participate and Assist

Apps that I already know/ have How can I utilize this in teaching-learning?
recently explored
Zoom This will be the venue for a class to happen. Zoom is an
application that can serve as a classroom between the
Teacher and the students.
Google Slides A similar feature that Microsoft Power Point has. This will
serve as a blackboard in the discussion. Pictures, videos, and
text can be put here throughout the discussion.
Google Classroom Compared to Zoom, Google Classroom can cater a lot more
participants. And also, there are no time limits when using
this application so online meetings and classes is not a
problem. Chatting while the video is on-going is also a good
feature is one of the students are experiencing technicality
problems on their end.
Google Forms This is where the exams and assessments can be put and will
serve as a test paper for the students. A time limit will be
given by the Teacher for the students to answer their exams
and assessments.
Canva Canva is an online/application editing tool that caters editing
of pictures, video making, and even reporting presentation.
This is free of charge and templates are already provided by
the app/website depending on the task that you wanted to do
(posters, slogans, Facebook post, etc.)
Level/ Grade of the Class: Grade 7

Lesson/Topic: Comparative Adjective

Apps you plan to utilize in What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected the
the lesson using the app…describe how app, based on the five criteria
the teacher will use each of developmental
appropriateness, motivation,
instructional design,
engagement and accessibility.
Google Classroom This is where the class will Engagement of the students
happen, online invitations and while doing the online class
passcodes are provided to the will be more proactive,
students in order to enter the turning on their cameras and
class meeting. mic will indicate whether the
students are listening actively
and is following the
discussion and lesson.
Google Slides This is where the discussion The progress of the student in
will happen, relevant videos, this application falls under
text and pictures that are the developmental
related to the lesson will be appropriateness. Not only
discussed and talked about. will the teacher discuss the
lessons verbally but by
showing his/her resources
through Google Slides,
students will be able to follow
the class discussion.
Canva Making of posters, and Adding appropriate posters,
editing slogans could be a slogans, and pictures in the
great help when it is done discussion will look more
from Canva. appealing and engaging from
the students. With the vibrant
colors, and its designs,
students will be more
interested and intrigued into

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?

Using the appropriate apps will help us explain the lessons and lectures to the students in
a more creative and interesting way. Students will not get bored and the possibility of them being
more focus and cooperative and active during the discussion is higher.

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.


1. How ready am I in organizing and using apps in the Teaching-Learning process?

I know that learning this apps is quite challenging but I’m somehow technology savvy that is
why exploring the purpose and features of the apps in Teaching-Learning process is an
interesting way of learning as a future educator as well.

2. What do I still need to learn in order to use apps in teaching effectively?

Knowing and being aware of the full functionality and features of the apps will be a huge
help in order for me to teach the students more, this will also help me build a rapport in my
students when they found my class exciting.

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of educational apps?

Studying and exploring more of its features will help me more on utilizing and navigating the
apps that I could use in the Teaching-Learning process. In that way, I will understand more of
what are its capacities and limitations.
Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed and
reflected on to come up with a possible topic for action research.


1. What problematic situation/ challenges/ area of improvement prevailed in using apps?

Application familiarity probably is the most problematic thing that one could encounter.
When the Teacher or a student is not familiar with these applications, they will not be able to
use it in one sitting, explaining its features and usage will be a challenging task to do.
Through this, it will take more time in explaining the apps to them.

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